Commonwealth Games Activity Pack - Canal & River Trust

Page created by Kent Carlson
Commonwealth Games Activity Pack - Canal & River Trust

                                                                    Commonwealth Games
                                                                          Activity Pack

    At the Canal & River Trust we’re getting excited about
    the Commonwealth Games coming to the West
    Midlands. We’re looking forward to welcoming 4 million
    visitors to our wonderful region over the summer, but we
    also want to make sure that the waterways and wildlife
    are treated with care.
    We’ve created this activity pack to help you join in with
    the celebrations in a fun and sustainable way.

     The Queen’s Baton Relay – Page 2
     Commonwealth Calendar – Page 3
     Design a Medal – Page 5
     Make a Celebration Flag – Page 6
    Teachers: Please see the Commonwealth Games Activity Plan for
    guidance and support in the delivery of these activities.

Commonwealth Games Activity Pack - Canal & River Trust

                                             The Queen’s Baton Relay
                                 Before every Commonwealth Games the ‘Queen’s Baton’ travels in a rela
                                 It visits the 72 nations and territories that will take part.          r
      The design of the

                                 Check out this year’s relay route online.

     2022 Queen’s Baton

                                                                                                                 the world.
      was a team effort.     1   In teams, choose one of the 72 nations (Try to pick one
                                 that you are not yet familiar with). A few ideas are given
     It has been made with
    the help of Birmingham
    based craftspeople and       Sierra Leone       Fiji                  Grenada
         local materials.
                                 Kiribati           Solomon Islands       Cameroon
                                 New Zealand        Botswana              Cayman Islands
                                 Namibia            Bermuda               New Zealand
                                 Ber              Namibia
                             2   In your team:
                                 • Locate the chosen nation/territory on a world map.
                                 • Work out how far away it is.
                                 • Find some interesting facts about it – At least one per team member.
                                 • Share what you have found with the whole group.

                             3   Create your own version of the Queen’s Baton using scrap material. You could
                                 use things like kitchen roll or crisp tubes, rolled up newspaper, tin foil, shiny
                                 paper etc. Try to re-use materials that you would normally throw away.
                             4   Now hold your own Queen’s Baton Relay with your group!

Commonwealth Games Activity Pack - Canal & River Trust

                                                                                     Commonwealth Calendar
        Monday                 Tuesday                  Wednesday                   Thursday                     Friday                     Saturday                        Sunday

                                                                                    28th July 2022           29th July 2022                30th July 2022                31st July 2022
                                                                                    Opening Ceremony        Look out for swimming,         Look out for basketball,    Look out for the triathlon &
       Ready to get excitied for the Commonwealth                                                             badminton & rugby.          volleyball & the marathon.      artistic gymnastics.

       This activity calendar runs from the ‘Opening
       Cermony’ (28th July) to the last day of the Games
       (4th August). How many tasks will you complete?

    1st August 2022           2nd August 2022           3rd August 2022            4th August 2022         5th August 2022                6th August 2022                7th August 2022
     Look out for cycling,     Look out for judo &     Look out for swimming &     Look out for hockey &   Look out for diving, netball   Look out for wrestling &     Look out for athletics & the
       boxing & cricket.      wheelchair basketball.    cycling (mountain bike).     para powerlifting.          & lawn bowls.             rhythmic gymnastics.            cycling road race.

    4th August 2022
     Look out for squash,
     diving & table tennis.

                              This calendar was created by:

Commonwealth Games Activity Pack - Canal & River Trust

                                                                                        Calendar Activity Ideas
    Pick 12 of your favourite activites and add them to your ‘Commonwealth Games Calendar’

     Go on a walk by        Go outside & spot        Roll up a pair         Pick up a at            Imagine you’re        Take a trip           Play ‘Follow the
     the canal - Count      wildflowers in the       of socks               least 1 piece           about to              outside &             leader’ during
     up the number          colours of the           & see how              of litter               compete in an         go cloud              a walk – make
     of boats that you      Commonwealth             many times             today.                  event.                spotting. What        a pattern of
     pass by.               Games logo.              you can throw them     Little things like      Get ready by          interesting           jumps, hops and
                                                     into a target like a   this can make a         stretching out your   shapes can you        skips.
                                                     bucket or basket.      big difference.         muscles for 5 mins.   see?

     Plan a healthy         Create                   Find the               Create a                Sit quietly           Do some               Practice
     meal that will         a poster                 locations              map of the              outside for           bird watching         some balls
     fill you with          welcoming                of 4 of the            journey from            5 minutes,            today - how           skills in the
     energy for             visitors to your city.   Commonwealth           your home               concentrate           many birds can        park or the
     exercise. Make your    Think about what’s       nations on a map.      to the nearest          on taking long,       you spot in 10        garden. Why
     meal as colourful as   the best thing about                            canal.                  deep breaths.         minutes?              not try bowls or
     possible.              where you live.                                                                                                     basketball?

     Draw or paint          Take a walk              Write a poem           Have a picinic          Get some              Go out along          Take a
     a picture of a         and look                 or a song              outside                 fresh air             the waterways         photo of
     waterway animal        out for                  about how              today.                  today. How            & listen.             something
     that is fast and       evidence                 important              Don’t forget            many trees can        Can you               that makes
     athletic.              of wildlife like         the waterways          to put your rubbish     you recognise by      recognise 5           you smile along
                            tracks in the soil       are to wildlife.       in the bin or take it   looking at their      different sounds?     a waterway near
                            or nibbled nuts.                                home.                   leaves?                                     you.

Commonwealth Games Activity Pack - Canal & River Trust

                                                    Design a Medal
                                   Complete your own Commonwealth Games medal design.
                                   Decide what you would award your medal for.

      What will      Who would     This medal is designed by:
    your medal be   deserve your
     made from?       medal?

                                   It is made using:

                                   This medal will be awarded to someone who:

Commonwealth Games Activity Pack - Canal & River Trust

                                                                                               Make a Celebration Flag
                                                                                               A great way to join in the celebrations is to make a flag or banner.
                                                                                               Get inspired by scrap materials you have to hand.

    Things you will need...

    1                                           2                                               3                                              4

    Take a look at the scrap materials you’ve   Make a template from newspaper to work         Draw around your template onto the paper       Cut out your flag. Now you are ready to
    gathered – what ideas do they give you?     out the shape and size of your flag.           or fabric that you are using for the body of   start the design!
    Think about sports, wildlife and water!     Make it a few centimetres longer so you        your flag.
                                                have enough to wrap around the stick.

    5                                           6                                               7                                              8

    Cut out shapes from different coloured      Glue down all the pieces carefully and allow   Fold one edge of your flag around the stick.   Then all that’s left to do is give your flag a
    scrap materials to decorate your flag.      to dry.                                        Use some tape or glue to stick it down well.   wave and get ready for the celebrations!

Commonwealth Games Activity Pack - Canal & River Trust
                        Canal & River Trust - Explorers
                                        Charity no. 1146792

Commonwealth Games Flag Template
Commonwealth Games Activity Pack - Canal & River Trust
                        Canal & River Trust - Explorers
                                        Charity no. 1146792

Commonwealth Games Bunting Template
Commonwealth Games Activity Pack - Canal & River Trust Commonwealth Games Activity Pack - Canal & River Trust
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