Commencement of Meadville Theological School of Lombard College - Sunday, the 16th of May, 2021 at 3:00 p.m - Meadville ...

 Meadville Theological School
    of Lombard College

Sunday, the 16th of May, 2021 at 3:00 p.m.

        Meadville Lombard Website
              What Is Possible: Musical Meditation
                          by Francisco Ruiz

                          I Know I Can
      by Jeanne Gagné and Dennis Hamilton, arr. by Mark Freund
Performed by LeLaina Romero and Francisco Ruiz; Carl Kennedy, pianist

                 Though days be dark with storms
                 And burdens weigh my heart;
                 Though troubles wait at ev’ry turn,
                 I know I can go on.

                 When sorrow heals my soul
                 And burdens make me strong,
                 Though troubles wait at ev’ry turn,
                 I know I can go on.

                 My family in my heart,
                 My friends in my song,
                 Though troubles wait at every turn,
                 I know I can go on.

                 And though the journey is long,
                 The destination is clear,
                 Though troubles wait at every turn,
                 I know I can go on.

                 So friends take my hand,
                 And family sing my song,
                 When hope awaits at every turn,
                 I know we will go on.

Lighting the Chalice
              The Reverend Teresa Schwartz
            and The Reverend David Schwartz

                     Opening Words
                    Doctor Elías Ortega

The Reverends Anya Sammler-Michael and Parisa Parsa

                   Choral Invocation
                  Meditation on Breathing
by Sarah Dan Jones, arr. and Spanish translation by Francisco Ruiz
                 Performed by Francisco Ruiz

                     When I breathe in,
                     I’ll breathe in peace.
                     When I breathe out,
                     I’ll breathe out love.

                     Breathe in, Breathe out,
                     Breathe in, Breathe out

               Commencement Sermon
             Ministry in a Tranforming Faith
               The Reverend David Pyle

                The Reverend Jeanne Pupke

                              Scan this code with your
                              smartphone camera to make a gift
                              on our website, or call Evy Lipecka
                              at (773) 322-7213

The Conferral of Honorary Degrees
                       Doctor of Humane Letters
                      Doctor Anthea D. Butler
            Presented by The Reverend Doctor Nicole Kirk

                            Doctor of Divinity
                  The Reverend Roger B. Bertschausen
                   Presented by Doctor Mark A. Hicks

                            Doctor of Divinity
                             Ivanka Fišerová
                   Presented by Doctor Michael Hogue

                                   La Maza
                               By Silvio Rodriguez
Performed by Francisco Ruiz (vocals and percussion), LeLaina Romero (vocals), Carl
                   Kennedy (piano), and Brian Seeger (guitar)

                                            ENGLISH TRANSLATION:
Si no creyera en la locura                  If I didn't believe in madness
De la garganta del sinsonte                 of the mockingbird’s throat
Si no creyera que en el monte               If I didn’t believe that in the mountains
Se esconde el trino y la pavura             It hides the trill and the dread

Si no creyera en la balanza                 If I didn't believe in the scale
En la razón del equilibrio                  In the reason of balance
Si no creyera en el delirio                 If I didn't believe in delirium
Si no creyera en la esperanza               If I didn't believe in hope

Si no creyera en lo que agencio             If I didn't believe in what I wanted
Si no creyera en mi camino                  If I didn't believe in my path
Si no creyera en mi sonido                  If I didn't believe in my sound
Si no creyera en mi silencio                If I didn't believe in my silence

Qué cosa fuera                              What would be
Qué cosa fuera, la maza sin cantera         What would be the mallet without a quarry
Un amasijo hecho de cuerdas y tendons       A mess made of ropes and tendons
Un revoltijo de carne con madera            A jumble of flesh with wood

Un instrumento sin mejores resplandores         An instrument without better gleams
Que lucecitas montadas para escena              What little lights mounted for the scene
Qué cosa fuera, corazón, qué cosa fuera         What would be, sweetheart, what would be
Qué cosa fuera la maza sin cantera              What would the mallet be without quarry

Un testaferro del traidor de los aplausos       A figurehead of the traitor of applause
Un servidor de pasado en copa nueva             A server of the past in a new cup
Un eternizador de dioses del ocaso              An perpetuator of declining goddesses
Júbilo hervido con trapo y lentejuela           an exaltation boiled with cloth and sequin

Qué cosa fuera, corazón, que cosa fuera         What would be, sweetheart, what would be
Qué cosa fuera la maza sin cantera              What would the mallet be without quarry
Qué cosa fuera, corazón, que cosa fuera         What would be, sweetheart, what would be
Qué cosa fuera la maza sin cantera              What would the mallet be without quarry

Si no creyera en lo más duro                    If I didn’t believe in the hardest
Si no creyera en el deseo                       If I didn't believe in desire
Si no creyera en lo que creo                    If I didn't believe in what I believe
Si no creyera en algo puro                      If I didn't believe in something pure

Si no creyera en cada herida                    If I didn't believe in every wound
Si no creyera en la que ronde                   If I didn't believe in what comes around
Si no creyera en lo que esconde                 If I didn't believe in what hides behind
Hacerse hermano de la vida                      Becoming a brother of life

Si no creyera en quien me escucha               If I didn't believe in whoever listens to me
Si no creyera en lo que duele                   If I didn't believe in what hurts
Si no creyera en lo que quede                   If I didn't believe in what stays
Si no creyera en lo que lucha                   If I didn't believe in what we fight

Qué cosa fuera...                               What would be…

                               Presentation of Prizes
                                Doctor Mark A. Hicks

Presentation of Candidates and Conferral of Degrees
                        Doctor Elías Ortega
              and The Reverend Doctor Pamela Lightsey

                        Master of Arts in Religion
                             Jeffery Allen Carmichael
                          B.A., University of Maine at Presque Isle

              Master of Arts in Leadership Studies
                    Adetokunbo Ayoade Ayinde Adeshile
                                      B.A., Earlham College

                               Master of Divinity
 Ali Kujichagulia Bell                                  Charles Wayne Loflin
 M.S.W., University of Central Florida                  B.A., Mississippi College
                                                        M.F.A., University of Louisville
 Beyssa Buil
                                                        Jennifer Marie McCready
 Dr. Omega Sunshine Burckhardt
 B.A., Washington University in St. Louis               Juniper E. Meadows
 M.A., University of Kansas                             A.S., Pellissippi State
 Ph.D., University of Kansas                            B.S., East Tennessee State University

 Dayna Marie Edwards                                    Jennifer Raffensperger

 Monica Katheryne Kling-Garcia                          Elliot Snider
 B.A., Cardinal Stritch University                      B.A., Willamette University
 M.A., University of Bristol                            M.B.A., University of California San Diego

 Miranda Fey Lennox                                     Dr. Laura E. Solomon
                                                        B.A., Goucher College
                                                        Psy.D., Wright State University

                                     Spoken Prayer
                           The Reverend Julie Taylor

Choral Prayer
                      Yo Vengo a Ofrecer mi Corazon
                                by Fito Páez
                         Performed by Francisco Ruiz

                                           ENGLISH TRANSLATION:
¿Quién dijo que todo está perdido?         Who said everything is lost?
Yo vengo a ofrecer mi corazón              I come to offer my heart
Tanta sangre que se llevó el río           So much blood that the river took
Yo vengo a ofrecer mi corazón              I come to offer my heart

No será tan fácil, ya sé que pasa          It won't be that easy, I know what happens
No será tan simple como pensaba            It won't be as simple as I thought
Como abrir el pecho y sacar el alma        How to open the chest and take out the soul
Una cuchillada del amor                    A stab of love

Luna de los pobres siempre abierta         Moon of the poor always open
Yo vengo a ofrecer mi corazón              I come to offer my heart
Como un documento inalterable              Like an unalterable document
Yo vengo a ofrecer mi corazón              I come to offer my heart

Y uniré las puntas de un mismo lazo        And I will join the ends of the same loop
Y me iré tranquilo, me iré despacio        And I'll go easy, I'll go slowly
Y te daré todo y me darás algo             And I'll give you everything and you'll give
Algo que me alivie un poco más             me something
                                           Something to ease me a little more
Cuando no haya nadie cerca o lejos
Yo vengo a ofrecer mi corazón              When no one is near or far
Cuando los satélites no alcancen           I come to offer my heart
Yo vengo a ofrecer mi corazón              When the satellites don't reach
                                           I come to offer my heart
Y hablo de países y de esperanzas
Hablo por la vida, hablo por la nada       And I speak of countries and hopes
Hablo de cambiar esta, nuestra casa        I speak for life, I speak for nothing
De cambiarla, por cambiar nomás            I'm talking about changing this, our house
                                           To change it, to change it just
¿Quién dijo que todo está perdido?
Yo vengo a ofrecer mi corazón              Who said everything is lost?
                                           I come to offer my heart

Charge to the Graduates
       Monica Kling-Garcia and Elliot Snider
                  Class of 2021

                Turn the World Around
by Harry Belafonte and Robert Freedman, arr. by Jason Shelton
    Performed by LeLaina Romero; Carl Kennedy, pianist

   We come from the fire, living in the fire,
   go back to the fire, turn the world around.

   We come from the water, living in the water,
   go back to the water, turn the world around.

   We come from the mountain, living on the mountain,
   go back to the mountain, turn the world around.

   Whoa, so is life! Ah, so is life!
   Whoa, so is life! Ah, so is life!

   Whoa, so is life! Abateewah, so is life!
   Whoa, so is life! Abateewah, so is life!

   Whoa, so is life! Abateewah, (ha!) so is life!
   Whoa, so is life! Abateewah, (ha!) so is life!

   Do you know who I am? Do I know who you are?
   See we one another clearly? Do we know who we are?

   Water make the river, river wash the mountain,
   Fire make the sunlight, turn the world around.

   Heart is of the river, body is the mountain,
   Spirit is the sunlight, turn the world around.

   We are of the spirit, truly of the spirit,
   Only can the spirit turn the world around!

Thank you to all participants
           from the Meadville Lombard Board of Trustees

                             Online Ceremony Production
                              Mainstream Media, LLC, Chicago

                                             Martha Swisher

     Meadville Lombard Commencement Planning Committee
                    Barbara Baldwin, Faysha Crosbie, Tomo Hillbo,
                    Elena Maria Jimenez, Evy Lipecka, Kay Watson

Barbara Baldwin                                             Ivanka Fišerová
Commencement Planning Committee                             Minister, International Unitarian Church of Prague,
Development and Finance Assistant                           Czech Republic
Meadville Lombard Theological School
                                                            Doctor Mark A. Hicks
Lesley Barnett                                              Angus MacLean Professor of Religious Education
Producer                                                    Director of the Fahs Collaborative
Mainstream Media, LLC, Chicago                              Meadville Lombard Theological School

Angela Bour                                                 Tomo Hillbo
Technical Director                                          Commencement Planning Committee
Mainstream Media, LLC, Chicago                              Director of Communications
                                                            Meadville Lombard Theological School
Isaiah Briscoe
Associate Technical Director                                Doctor Michael Hogue
Mainstream Media, LLC, Chicago                              Professor of Theology, Ethics, and Philosophy of Religion
                                                            Meadville Lombard Theological School
The Reverend Roger B. Bertschausen
Executive Director, Unitarian Universalist                  Elena Maria Jimenez
Partner Church Council                                      Commencement Planning Committee
Interim Minister, First Unitarian Society                   Registrar
of Madison, Wisconsin                                       Meadville Lombard Theological School

Doctor Anthea D. Butler                                     Carl Kennedy
Associate Professor of Religious Studies and Africana       Keyboardist
Studies, University of Pennsylvania
                                                            The Reverend Doctor Nicole Kirk
Faysha Crosbie                                              Frank J. and Alice Schulman Professor of
Commencement Planning Committee                             Unitarian Universalist History
Academic Services Assistant                                 Meadville Lombard Theological School
Meadville Lombard Theological School

Monica Katheryne Kling-Garcia                               LeLaina Romero, Ph.D.
Class of 2021                                               Counseling Psychologist, Educator, Singer/Songwriter
Meadville Lombard Theological School
                                                            Francisco Ruiz
The Reverend Doctor Pamela Lightsey                         Director of Music, Unitarian Universalist Church
Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs             of Long Beach, California
Associate Professor of Constructive Theology
Meadville Lombard Theological School                        The Reverend Anya Sammler-Michael
                                                            Co-Chair, Board of Trustees
Evy Lipecka                                                 Meadville Lombard Theological School
Commencement Planning Committee
Director of Development                                     The Reverend David Schwartz
Meadville Lombard Theological School                        Senior Co-Minister, First Unitarian Church of Chicago

Saylor Martin                                               The Reverend Teresa Schwartz
Preproduction Associate                                     Senior Co-Minister, First Unitarian Church of Chicago
Mainstream Media, LLC, Chicago                              Brian Seeger
Beth Norber                                                 Guitarist
Associate Producer                                          Elliot Snider
Mainstream Media, LLC, Chicago                              Class of 2021
Doctor Elías Ortega                                         Meadville Lombard Theological School
President                                                   Martha Swisher
Professor of Religion, Ethics, and Leadership               Music Director, Unity Temple
Meadville Lombard Theological School                        Unitarian Universalist Congregation
The Reverend Parisa Parsa                                   The Reverend Julie Taylor
Co-Chair, Board of Trustees                                 Senior Director of Contextual Ministry
Meadville Lombard Theological School                        Meadville Lombard Theological School
The Reverend Jeanne Pupke                                   Kay Watson
Senior Minister, First Unitarian Universalist Church        Commencement Planning Committee
of Richmond, Virginia                                       Executive Assistant to the President
The Reverend David Pyle                                     Meadville Lombard Theological School
Regional Lead, UUA MidAmerica Region
United States Army Reserve Hospital Chaplain

               610 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60605 |

Social justice work requires deep roots of compassion for it to
blossom as sustained societal change. That is why our work —
nurturing and cultivating the transformation of those who have
been called to serve as socially engaged, spiritually grounded
leaders of communities — is essential in our world.

Your gift to Meadville Lombard is a direct action of social justice.

Let us grow roots of
compassion, together!

                                 Give online at
        or call Evy Lipecka at (773) 322-7213
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