Combining Context-Free and Contextualized Representations for Arabic Sarcasm Detection and Sentiment Identification
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Combining Context-Free and Contextualized Representations for Arabic Sarcasm Detection and Sentiment Identification Amey Hengle1 , Atharva Kshirsagar1 , Shaily Desai1 , and Manisha Marathe2 1,2 Department of Computer Engineering, PVG’s College of Engineering and Technology, affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University, India. 1 {ameyhengle22, atharvakshirsagar145, shailysd02} 2 mvm Abstract Kiritchenko et al., 2016) to the contrivance of neu- ral network-based classification models (Alayba Since their inception, transformer-based lan- et al., 2018; Heikal et al., 2018; Kaibi et al., 2020). guage models have led to impressive perfor- In comparison, the literature in Arabic sarcasm de- mance gains across multiple natural language tection is still in its nascent stage, limited to a few processing tasks. For Arabic, the current state- of-the-art results on most datasets are achieved notable works (Karoui et al., 2017; Ghanem et al., by the AraBERT language model. Notwith- 2019; Abbes et al., 2020). standing these recent advancements, sarcasm Recently, transformer-based language models and sentiment detection persist to be challeng- have proved highly efficient at language under- ing tasks in Arabic, given the language’s rich standing, achieving promising results across mul- morphology, linguistic disparity and dialectal tiple NLP tasks and benchmark datasets. The lan- variations. This paper proffers team SPPU- guage modeling capability of these models is aiding AASM’s submission for the WANLP ArSar- casm shared-task 2021, which centers around in capturing the literal meaning of context-heavy the sarcasm and sentiment polarity detection texts. For Arabic NLP in particular, the best results of Arabic tweets. The study proposes a hy- for sentiment analysis are currently achieved by brid model, combining sentence representa- AraBERT, a language model proposed by Antoun tions from AraBERT with static word vectors et al. (2020). trained on Arabic social media corpora. The Despite this recent progress, sarcasm detection proposed system achieves a F1-sarcastic score remains a challenging task, primarily due to the of 0.62 and a F-PN score of 0.715 for the use of implicit, indirect phrasing and the figurative sarcasm and sentiment detection tasks, respec- tively. Simulation results show that the pro- nature of language (Abu Farha et al., 2021). The posed system outperforms multiple existing task becomes even more challenging when working approaches for both the tasks, suggesting that with Twitter data, as the social media posts tend to the amalgamation of context-free and context- be short and often contain sources of noise, code- dependent text representations can help cap- switching, and the use of nonstandard dialectal ture complementary facets of word meaning in variations (Baly et al., 2017). Furthermore, BERT- Arabic. The system ranked second and tenth in based models are found to struggle with rare words the respective sub-tasks of sarcasm detection and sentiment identification. (Schick and Schütze, 2019), which can be encoun- tered more in social media texts due to their infor- 1 Introduction mal nature and the prevalent use of slang words. For language models like AraBERT, this can pose With the advent of social media platforms as a a challenge, primarily since it has been trained on valuable source of opinion-rich information, work structured corpora from Wikipedia. on subjectivity language analysis has continued to Building on the capabilities of language models, receive increasing interest from the Arabic NLP some recent studies have shown that incorporat- community. Sentiment Analysis (SA) has been the ing entity vectors can benefit the BERT-based lan- dominant theme in this area, with notable works guage models, especially for domain-specific tasks ranging from the creation of lexical resources and or datasets (Poerner et al., 2020; Lin et al., 2019; sentiment datasets (El-Beltagy, 2016; Badaro et al., Peinelt et al., 2020). An interesting approach fol- 2014; AbdelRahim Elmadany and Magdy, 2018; lowed by Alghanmi et al. (2020) suggests that the 357 Proceedings of the Sixth Arabic Natural Language Processing Workshop, pages 357–363 Kyiv, Ukraine (Virtual), April 19, 2021.
performance of language models can be boosted by based AraVec (Soliman et al., 2017), followed incorporating static word embeddings trained on by fast-Text (Bojanowski et al., 2016). Recently, specific social media corpora. Abu Farha and Magdy (2019) proposed the Maza- In this study, we posit a solution for subtask-1 jak embeddings, trained exclusively on a large Ara- and subtask-2 of the WANLP ArSarcasm shared bic twitter corpus for handling the varied Arabic di- task 2021 (Abu Farha et al., 2021). While subtask- alects. Multiple studies leveraged this advancement 1 focuses on identifying sarcasm, subtask-2 deals in word representations for both the sarcasm and with classifying the sentiment polarity in Arabic sentiment detection tasks. For instance, Heikal et al. tweets. Inspired by the works of Peinelt et al. (2018) developed a CNN and LSTM ensemble (2020) and Alghanmi et al. (2020), we propose model for Arabic SA. The authors employed pre- a hybrid model, combining the sentence represen- trained AraVec word embeddings for the text rep- tations learned from AraBERT with pre-trained resentation. Kaibi et al. (2020) proposed a hybrid Arabic word vectors proposed by Abu Farha and model for Arabic SA, concatenating pre-trained Ar- Magdy (2019). Results attest that the proposed aVec and fast-Text vectors. Abu Farha and Magdy methodology can provide a competent way of sub- (2019) used the pre-trained Mazajak vectors on a suming the advantages of both the contextualized CNN-BiLSTM ensemble model, achieving state- and context-free word representations, outperform- of-the-art results on three benchmark datasets. For ing all the baseline models for both tasks. sarcasm detection, a similar approach was followed The rest of the paper is organized as follows: In by Abu Farha et al. (2021), where the authors used Section 2, we provide a concise literature review the Mazajak vectors in combination with a BiL- of previous works in Arabic sentiment and sarcasm STM model. detection. Section 3 provides a descriptive analysis The best results for multiple datasets is currently of the dataset at hand. In Section 4, we present the achieved by fine-tuning the AraBERT model (An- proposed system, and in Section 5, we describe toun et al., 2020), eliminating the need to use the the experimental setup details. Section 6 interprets static word vectors in standard settings. Despite the results. Finally, Section 7 concludes the study this fact, we believe that AraBERT and Mazajak and points to possible directions for future work. have complementary strengths and can lead to im- proved results if used in coalescence. In this study, 2 Related Work we investigate the effectiveness of combining the word representations obtained from these two mod- Early works in Arabic subjectivity analysis focused els on the sarcasm detection and sentiment identifi- on using conventional machine learning approaches cation tasks. and lexical methods (Al-Ayyoub et al., 2019). With the emergence of deep learning techniques, re- 3 Dataset search in Arabic NLP has shifted from the tradi- tional statistical standpoint to designing complex The WANLP ArSarcasm shared-task 2021 follows neural network models and learning word repre- the ArSarcasm v2 dataset (Abu Farha et al., 2021). sentations. Al Sallab et al. (2015) experimented The dataset contains sarcasm, sentiment and dialect with various deep learning models such as a re- labels of 12,549 Arabic tweets. The tweets span cursive autoencoder (RAE), deep belief networks across five Arabic dialects including MSA, Gulf, (DBN), and a deep auto-encoder (DAE). Alayba Egyptian, Levantine, and Maghrebi, with MSA and et al. (2018) built an Arabic SA system based on a Egyptian dialects having the highest percentage of combination of CNNs and LSTMs. In (Al-Smadi tweets. For development, we follow a standard et al., 2018), the authors proposed an aspect-based 80-20 stratified split on the ArSarcasm v2 dataset. sentiment analysis system based on a hybrid archi- This leaves us with a validation set of 2510 tweets, tecture of BiLSTM and conditional random field which are used for the primary evaluation of the (CRF). proposed system along with the baseline models. The success of the English word2vec (Mikolov The organizers provide a separate dataset for test- et al., 2013) and fast-Text (Bojanowski et al., 2016) ing, consisting of 3,000 tweets. Table 1 and Table motivated other works to achieve the same feat by 2 provide a descriptive analysis of the final training, creating language-specific word embeddings. For validation and test sets for the tasks of sentiment Arabic NLP, some early attempts include word2vec- identification and sarcasm detection respectively. 358
Set Positive Negative Neutral Total Training 1744 3697 4598 10039 Validation 436 925 1149 2510 Testing 575 1677 748 3000 Total 2755 6298 6495 15548 Table 1: Label wise distribution for sentiment analysis. Set True False Total Training 1734 8305 10039 Validation 434 2076 2510 Testing 821 2179 3000 Total 2989 12559 15548 Table 2: Label wise distribution for sarcasm detection. 4 Proposed System Unlike the static word models such as word2vec or fast-Text, language models like AraBERT follow a different tokenization strategy; wherein each word is split into one or more wordpiece tokens (Antoun et al., 2020). Thus, we cannot simply concatenate Figure 1: Architecture diagram of the proposed model. the pre-trained Mazajak embeddings with the con- textualized representations predicted by AraBERT at the word level. We instead combine these word tweet to its corresponding embedding, converting representations at the sentence level, following an the tweet into a real valued dense vector. approach similar to the one used by Peinelt et al. 4.1.2 CNN Layer (2020). The final sentence representation is passed to the dropout layer, followed by a dense layer with The word vectors generated by the embedding layer Softmax activation for classification. Fig 1 gives are fed to a CNN layer. The discrete convolutions an overview of the proposed system’s architecture. performed by the CNN layer help to extract the The following section describes each system com- most influential n-grams in the tweet. This is fol- ponent in detail. lowed by a max-pooling layer. 4.1 CNN-BiLSTM emsemble 4.1.3 BiLSTM Layer In order to get a sentence representation from The bidirectional short term memory (BiLSTM) the static word embeddings, we employ a CNN- layer is just a combination of two LSTMs running BiLSTM ensemble model. The model learns a 128- in opposite direction (Graves and Schmidhuber, dimensional feature vector from the pre-trained 2005), allowing the network to simultaneously en- Mazajak embeddings. While CNN excels at ex- code the forward and backward information of a tracting features from the input data, BiLSTM sup- sequence at each time step. The intermediate sen- ports better modeling of sequential dependencies. tence representation generated by the CNN layer is Thus, using an ensemble helps us subsume the ad- passed to the BiLSTM layer, which encodes it into vantages of both these techniques. a 128-dimensional feature vector D ∈ Rd1 . 4.1.1 Static Embedding Input 4.2 AraBERT The proposed system makes use of the Skip-Gram The contextualized tweet representations are ob- model variant of the Mazajak word embeddings, tained using the pre-trained AraBERT model (An- pre-trained on 250 million Arabic tweets 1 . During toun et al., 2020). In particular, each tweet t is training, the embedding layer maps each word in a encoded using the C vector from AraBERT’s fi- 1 nal hidden state layer corresponding to the special 359
classification token [CLS]: pre-trained AraBERT model, we follow the Ten- sorflow implementation of Hugging Face 5 . We C = AraBERT (t) ∈ Rd2 (1) make use of the AraBERT v0.2 version, which where d2 denotes the internal hidden size of is officially available under the name bert-base- AraBERT (768 for AraBERT v0.2). arabertv02. The same model is used for text tok- Computed using self-attention, the [CLS] token enization. After predicting the [CLS] token vector vector is designed to collect information from the from the AraBERT model, we freeze the model rest of the hidden states and be used as a unique weights. We then jointly train the CNN-BiLSTM representation of the entire sequence (Devlin et al., ensemble with the combined classification layer. 2019). We find that this method is more robust than The model is trained using the Adam optimizer averaging the hidden states, mainly since it avoids (Kingma and Ba, 2017), a learning rate of 5e-5, ep- every state to be averaged with the same weight, silon value of 1e-08, clipnorm equal to 1.0, a batch including stopwords and tokens not relevant to the size of 16, and sparse categorical crossentropy loss, classification task. with the usage of early stopping for a callback. 4.3 Combined Classification Layer 5.3 Baseline Models The final sentence representation F is obtained by As a baseline, we compare the performance of simply concatenating the C vector predicted by the the proposed system against the results of the pre- AraBERT model with the feature vector D obtained trained AraBERT model (Antoun et al., 2020), for from the CNN-BiLSTM ensemble. both the sarcasm and sentiment detection tasks. Furthermore, we show the performance of the pre- F = [D; C] ∈ Rd1+d2 (2) vious systems proposed by Abu Farha and Magdy (2020) and Abu Farha and Magdy (2019) for the After applying a dropout, the resultant concate- tasks of sarcasm detection and sentiment identifica- nated vector is passed to a dense layer with Softmax tion respectively. activation for classification. 6 Results and Discussion 5 Experimental Setup 5.1 Data Preparation The official evaluation metric for the sarcasm de- tection subtask is the F-score of the sarcastic class, For each tweet in the corpus, we apply standard text while that for the sentiment identification subtask cleaning steps including the removal of hashtags, is the F-PN score (macro average of the F-score of mentions, urls, punctuations and arabic diacritics the positive and negative classes). For each model, (Said et al., 2009). For stopword removal, we used the validation set results are averaged over five runs a publicly available resource 2 . To replace emo- to ensure a fair comparison. jis and emoticons with their corresponding Arabic Table 3 shows the results for the sarcasm translations, we created a custom dictionary map- detection subtask. The proposed model shows a ping. Arabic text normalization and lemmatization 10-percent improvement in the F1-sarcasm score is done using the AraBERT preprocessor 3 . Each over the baseline AraBERT model in identifying tweet is padded to a maximum length of 100 for sarcastic tweets. This indicates that the proposed both the AraBERT and the CNN-BiLSTM model. system offers a more nuanced ability to capture the Longer tweets are truncated. figurative meaning of tweets and identify implicit 5.2 Parameters and Training Environment negative sentiments. Table 4 lists the baseline models’ performances and the proposed system For the CNN-BiLSTM ensemble part of the pro- for sentiment identification subtask. It is observed posed system, we employ a CNN layer with 256 that both the proposed and AraBERT baseline filters and relu activation. For the BiLSTM layer, model perform well on the neutral class. However, we use 128 dimensional units (64 for each LSTM), a better F-PN score indicates that the proposed and apply a recurrent dropout rate of 0.2. All lay- model can more efficiently distinguish the positive ers are implemented using Keras 4 . For using the and negative sentiment polarities from the neutral 2 class. Furthermore, the proposed system seems to 3 4 5 360
Model Accuracy Precision Recall F1- F1- Macro Sarcastic (Abu Farha and Magdy, 2020) - 0.62 0.38 0.46 0.44 AraBERT 0.85 0.75 0.70 0.72 0.52 AraBERT + CNN-BiLSTM 0.86 0.76 0.78 0.77 0.62 AraBERT + CNN-BiLSTM (Official results on test set) 0.7410 0.7031 0.7447 0.7096 0.6140 Table 3: Performance comparison of models for subtask-1 : sarcasm detection. All metrics correspond to the results on the sarcastic class. Model Accuracy Precision Recall F1-Macro F-PN (Abu Farha and Magdy, 2019) 0.67 0.64 0.66 0.64 0.60 AraBERT 0.73 0.71 0.68 0.70 0.67 AraBERT + CNN-BiLSTM 0.75 0.72 0.73 0.72 0.71 AraBERT + CNN-BiLSTM (Official results on test set) 0.6840 0.6421 0.6388 0.6232 0.7073 Table 4: Performance comparison of models for subtask-2: sentiment identification. better handle the data-imbalance for both the tasks obtained from AraBERT with pre-trained Mazajak and is more robust to overfitting on the minority word vectors. We show that the proposed model classes, showing a significant lead in the recall outperforms the standalone AraBERT model for scores. both the sarcasm and sentiment detection tasks. Our findings suggest that incorporating static word Overall, the proposed method shows improved vectors might help language models like AraBERT results across all the metrics for both the sarcasm to deal with rare words and the constantly updating and sentiment detection tasks. The performance language of social media. An alternative strategy improvements can be attributed to the fact that would be to pre-train AraBERT on specific social unlike the Mazajak word embeddings, which media corpora like Twitter. However this can prove are exclusively trained on a Twitter corpus, the to be extremely expensive and is not feasible in AraBERT model is trained on the Arabic Wikipedia practice. It is also important to note that, while the and news corpora, preventing it from witnessing proposed model leads in performance, it is more the varied dialects in which social media posts complex, and has a greater number of trainable pa- are written. It is reasonable to postulate that rameters. Hence, it would be essential to test its while language models like AraBERT capture rich feasibility on datasets larger than the ArSarcasm contextual information, the Mazajak word vectors v2 dataset. can provide valuable complementary information for rare words, which can be found abundantly in social media texts. Hence, using them in References combination can only help a system capture Ines Abbes, Wajdi Zaghouani, Omaima El-Hardlo, and complementary facets of word meaning, thereby Faten Ashour. 2020. Daict: A dialectal arabic irony enhancing its performance on the downstream corpus extracted from twitter. In Proceedings of The 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Con- sentiment and sarcasm detection tasks. ference, pages 6265–6271. 7 Conclusion Hamdy Mubarak AbdelRahim Elmadany and Walid Magdy. 2018. Arsas: An arabic speech-act and In this study, we proposed a hybrid model to com- sentiment corpus of tweets. In Proceedings of bine the contextualized sentence representations the Eleventh International Conference on Language 361
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