College of New Caledonia - 2017-18 Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards catalogue

Page created by Jill Schmidt
College of New Caledonia - 2017-18 Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards catalogue
College of
         New Caledonia
          w w w.c n c .b c .c a

          2017-18 Scholarships,
Bursaries and Awards catalogue

                            Rev: 17.12.18
College of
                                                                                                                New Caledonia
                                                                                                                   www. cnc. bc. ca
bursaries and
awards catalogue
Rev: 17.12.18

                                             Scholarships, bursaries and awards for students attending CNC...........................................2

                                                    Who is eligible to apply?..................................................................................................2

                                                    Awards information..........................................................................................................2

                                                    Application process.........................................................................................................2

                                                    Online application instructions.........................................................................................2

                                                    Awards ceremony............................................................................................................3

                                                    Entrance awards for CNC students.................................................................................3

                                                    Entrance awards for high school students.......................................................................3

                                                    Studying abroad awards..................................................................................................4

                                             Awards for CNC scholars.........................................................................................................4

                                             Externally administered scholarships and bursaries................................................................4

                                             College of New Caledonia Awards Program............................................................................5

                                                    Establishment and Governance of Awards......................................................................5


                                             Regional campus awards.......................................................................................................58


Online version
The online version of this document is the
official version.

In the event of discrepancy, the latest
online version prevails.

E. & O.E.

                                                                                                                                                                   Revised 17.12.18
2   2017–18 Scholarships, bursaries and awards catalogue

Scholarships,                                      Selection Committee, departmental faculty,
                                                   or donors themselves. Any award may be
                                                                                                    If applications are missing required docu-
                                                                                                    mentation, they will not be considered for
bursaries and                                      withheld or withdrawn if there are no qual-
                                                   ified applicants, the terms and conditions

awards for                                         of the award are not met, the applicant          The majority of the awards have a closing/
                                                                                                    deadline date of December 31. However,
                                                   withdraws from their program of study
students attending                                 or courses, which reduces the minimum            other closing dates include: February 28,
                                                                                                    April 30, June 1, or any other date as
                                                   courseload requirements for that award, or
CNC                                                the award is withdrawn by the donor. If, for     stipulated under the terms of the award
                                                   any reason, the original recipient becomes-      criteria.
The College of New Caledonia offers an
                                                   becomes ineligible, the allocated funds
extensive awards program including a                                                                Due to the volume of awards and appli-
                                                   may be reassigned to other students.
variety of scholarships, bursaries and                                                              cations, only successful applicants will
awards to recognize student achievements           Award recipients must be in good financial       be notified by email.
and to help provide financial assistance.          standing at the College of New Caledonia
                                                                                                    Students are encouraged to review their
These scholarships, bursaries and awards           to be eligible to receive award funds.
                                                                                                    awards login application before the final
are made available from the generous
                                                       SCHOLARSHIPS: Scholarships are               closing/deadline dates. New awards
donations by alumni, faculty, staff, asso-
                                                       awarded based primarily on Academic          are continually being added. Keep
ciations, union organizations, community
                                                       Excellence (normally a minimum A-            checking! There may be new awards
members, corporations and in particular,
                                                       average, equivalent to or greater than       uploaded since you last logged into the
compassionate individuals.
                                                       a 3.67 GPA); or Academic Proficiency         system.
Scholarships and bursaries are non-repay-              (normally a minimum B- average,
able awards.                                           equivalent or greater than a 2.67 GPA);
                                                       or Satisfactory Academic Standing            Online application
                                                       (normally a minimum C average, equiv-
Who is eligible to apply?                              alent or greater than a 2.00 GPA);
                                                       or as outlined under the terms and           1. Go to CNC’s home page at: www.cnc.
For Full-Time Awards – Students must be                conditions of the particular award, plus On the left side, click the “CNC
registered and attending classes with a                specific criteria stipulated by the donor.      Scholarships & Bursaries” link and then
minimum 60% course load of a program,                                                                  the “Scholarships & Bursaries – APPLY
in both the Fall and Spring semesters.                 BURSARIES: Bursaries are awarded
                                                                                                       NOW” link highlighted in red. This will
                                                       primarily on the basis of demon-
                                                                                                       bring you to the online application Log
For Part-Time Awards – Students must                   strated financial need, combined
                                                                                                       In page.
be registered and attending classes with a             with Satisfactory Academic Standing
minimum 40% course load of a program,                  (normally a minimum C average, equiv-        2. Log in using your CNC login and pass-
in both the Fall and Spring semesters                  alent or greater than a 2.00 GPA),              word.
                                                       or equivalent and specific criteria as
Students with documented disability(ies)                                                            3. Read the Waiver, which must be
                                                       outlined under the terms and condi-
must be registered and attending classes                                                               accepted before the application
                                                       tions of the award as stipulated by the
with a minimum 20% course load of                                                                      process can proceed.
a program in both the Fall and Spring
semesters.                                                                                          4. Complete the Student Information
                                                                                                       fields, including Career and Education
For Trades Awards – Students must be               Application process                                 Goals statement. Check mark the
registered and attending classes full-time                                                             “Declaration/Authorization” box, and
for the Trades, Foundation-Level program           The online application process is the
                                                                                                       click “Submit” to proceed.
of study.                                          method to apply for all awards, unless
                                                   otherwise outlined in the award descrip-         5. The online system will then automat-
                                                   tion.                                               ically upload all the awards that you
Awards information                                 It is the student’s responsibility to apply
                                                                                                       may be eligible to apply for online.
                                                                                                       This is dependent on the program/
                                                   for the awards that upload into their online
The awards are competitive in nature                                                                   courses that you are registered in
                                                   login application.
and as such, not all qualified applicants                                                              for the current semester. Follow the
will receive an award. Award recipients are        When applying for an award that requires            instructional prompts. (Note: If applying
selected based on meeting the eligibility          specific information (e.g., demonstrat-             for a bursary, you will be prompted
requirements and on the criteria specified         ing that you are a son or daughter of a             to complete a simple Income and
for each award. Selections are made by             member of a particular company), it is your         Expense statement.) Check mark the
the College of New Caledonia Awards                responsibility to provide this information.

Revised 17.12.18
2017–18 Scholarships, bursaries and awards catalogue   3

    “Declaration/Authorization” box and           Amount of awards: $500 for Dental                       Application requirements: Letter of
    click “Submit” to proceed.                    Hygiene; $500 for Dental Assisting                      application stating why the applicant
                                                                                                          would like to be considered and how he/
                                                  Application deadline: No application to
6. Before applying for an award, read                                                                     she meets the selection criteria. A letter of
                                                  the College of New Caledonia necessary
   the award criteria to determine if you                                                                 recommendation from a secondary school
   are qualified to apply. Some have very         Eligibility: All first-year, full-time students         counsellor or teacher, and a transcript from
   specific criteria. Ensure that all sections    accepted and attending the CNC Dental                   the student’s secondary school are also
   of the application are completed               Hygiene and Dental Assisting programs                   required. All documents are to be sent
   and uploaded with any supporting               will be considered. (CTC students are not               to: Financial Aid & Awards Department,
   documents, such as verification of             eligible.)                                              College of New Caledonia, 3330-22nd
   volunteer/community service, an essay,         Selection criteria: Based on meeting eligi-             Avenue, Prince George, BC V2N 1P8.
   etc., if required. It is your responsibility   bility requirements. Selection will be made             Eligibility: Open to all successfully gradu-
   to be aware of each of the application         on the basis of highest GPA in courses                  ating Grade 12 secondary school students
   requirements and eligibility criteria.         required for admission. In the event of                 in the geographic regions served by the
                                                  tied GPAs, the student with the earliest                College of New Caledonia, who register
7. If a mistake is made in the application,
                                                  program application date (date the applica-             as a full-time student at the College of
   or revisions to the uploaded document
                                                  tion was received by CNC) will be selected.             New Caledonia (at any CNC campus), in
   are required, go back to the award,
   review/change the application and              Selection process: Selection made by the                both the Fall and Spring semesters in the
   SAVE. The new information will over-           College of New Caledonia Dental faculty.                following programs: University Transfer/
   ride the previous.                                                                                     credit courses in Arts, Science or Business
                                                                                                          Administration programs.
8. Online applications will be accepted           Entrance awards for                                     Selection criteria: Based on meeting
   until 11:59 pm on the date of the listed
   award closing/deadline date.                   high school students                                    eligibility requirements. Based on students’
                                                                                                          successful Grade 12 graduation in June
                                                                                                          (current academic year) from a secondary
                                                  College of New Caledonia                                school in the geographic regions served by
Awards ceremony                                   Student/Community                                       the College of New Caledonia.
•   Awards with face values over $500             Leadership Awards                                       The award will be dispersed (tuition credit)
    (with a December 31 deadline) are             (Award #40)                                             in two $1,000 installments: in the Fall and
    presented at the annual CNC Awards                                                                    Spring semesters, upon confirmation of
                                                  Donor: College of New Caledonia –
    Ceremony, held in the Spring, at the                                                                  full-time registration in each semester
                                                  Executive Committee
    College of New Caledonia Gymnasium,                                                                   at the College of New Caledonia (at any
    Prince George campus.                         Description: The College of New                         CNC campus) in the following programs:
                                                  Caledonia awards a tuition credit of $2,000             University Transfer/credit courses in
•   Successful recipients will receive            to a graduating Grade 12 secondary                      Arts, Science or Business Administration
    instructions/information in their awards      school student in the geographic regions                programs.
    notification and ceremony invitation via      served by the College of New Caledonia
    email.                                                                                                Based on satisfactory academic achieve-
                                                  (School Districts #57, #28, and #91, as
                                                                                                          ment and students’ letter of application
                                                  well as independent schools within these
                                                  regions). The award will be dispersed
Entrance awards for                               (tuition credit) in two $1,000 installments:            1. Participation in community activities;
                                                  in the Fall and Spring semesters, upon
CNC students                                      confirmation of full-time registration in each
                                                                                                          2. Evidence of leadership abilities; and
                                                                                                          3. Career goals.
                                                  semester and program attendance at the
                                                  College of New Caledonia, any campus.                   Selection process: Selection made by
Dental Studies Anniversary                                                                                the College of New Caledonia Executive
Entrance Awards (Tuition                          Amount of award: Total $2,000 tuition
                                                  credit in two $1,000 installments: in
                                                  the Fall and Spring semesters, for full-
Donor: In 2012, CNC’s Dental Hygiene              time registration at the College of New
program celebrated its 25th anniversary,          Caledonia (at any CNC campus) in the                    Dr. Hu Stephen Memorial
and the Dental Assisting program cele-            following programs: University Transfer/                Endowment Bursaries
brated its 43rd anniversary. In honour of         credit courses in Arts, Science or Business
these milestones, a puzzle fundraiser was         Administration programs.                                In memory of Dr. Hu Stephen, who was
held for entrance awards for these two                                                                    actively involved in education through-
                                                  Application deadline: May 1
programs.                                                                                                 out the Central Interior of BC, the Dr.
Type of award: Tuition credit                                                                             Hu Stephen Memorial Endowment fund

                                                                                                                                      Revised 17.12.18
4   2017–18 Scholarships, bursaries and awards catalogue

annually awards two bursaries to students          Rod Eckland Memorial                            the student who achieves the highest
graduating from the Nechako Valley                 Endowment Bursary                               overall average upon graduation from a
Secondary School, who plan to attend                                                               diploma-level, post-secondary program
the College of New Caledonia (either the           This memorial award was established in          (minimum two-year, full-time duration) at
Nechako or Prince George campus) in                memory of a former student and Kelly            the College of New Caledonia.
the next consecutive Fall semester, in any         Road Secondary School graduate, Rod
full-time program of studies. Selections           Eckland.                                        Recipients are chosen by the College of
are made by the Principal of the Nechako                                                           New Caledonia.
Valley Secondary School, in conjunction            This award is open to all male students
with a member of the Stephen family.               graduating from Kelly Road Secondary
                                                   School and planning to attend full-time
                                                   at the College of New Caledonia, Prince         Lieutenant Governor of BC
                                                   George campus, in the immediate follow-         Silver Medal
Faculty Association of CNC                         ing Fall semester, in any post-secondary or
                                                   Trades program. Applicants must have a          Established in 1979 by the Ministry of
Recruitment Scholarships                                                                           Advanced Education, the Lieutenant
                                                   “C+” average. Selection made by the Kelly
Faculty Association of the College of New          Road Secondary School Committee.                Governor’s Medal is awarded to students
Caledonia annually awards thirteen $500                                                            in vocational or career programs less
scholarships to be distributed, as follows:                                                        than two years long who have excelled in
                                                   Studying Abroad awards                          their studies and who have contributed to
One (1) scholarship to School District #28                                                         the life of their post-secondary institution
(Quesnel Junior Secondary)                         Interested in studying abroad? Do you           or their community.
                                                   need financial assistance to make this
Four (4) scholarships to School District #91                                                       Recipients are chosen by the College of
                                                   possible? Consider attending a presenta-
(Fort St. James Secondary, Lakes District                                                          New Caledonia.
                                                   tion offered by the International Education
Secondary, Nechako Valley Secondary,
                                                   Project Planner on the Study Abroad
Fraser Lake Elementary-Secondary)
                                                   Bursary, One World Scholarship, and
Eight (8) scholarships to School District          Pacific Horizon Scholarship. The presenta-      Externally administered
#57 (College Heights Secondary,                    tion will include how to determine if you are   scholarships and
Kelly Road Secondary, Duchess Park                 eligible to apply for one of these awards
Secondary, McBride Secondary, D.P. Todd            and the application process, including any      bursaries
Secondary, Valemount Secondary, Prince             documentation required. For more infor-
                                                                                                   A number of external awards are available
George Secondary, Mackenzie Secondary)             mation please contact the International
                                                                                                   for students. These are not administered
                                                   Education Department:
                                                                                                   by the CNC Financial Aid and Awards
The awards are to be dispersed upon
                                                       Phone: (250) 561-5867                       department. Any enquiries should be
confirmation of full time registration in any
                                                       E-mail:                  made directly to the specific award site.
post-secondary program/courses, at the
                                                       Room 1-785                                  Visit for a listing
College of New Caledonia, any campus,
                                                                                                   of some of these awards. Students are
in the next Fall semester. (Extension of a
                                                                                                   responsible for meeting the eligibility crite-
maximum 1 year for registration may be
considered.)                                       Awards for CNC scholars                         ria when applying for these awards.

The award is open to all Grade 12                  The following awards are presented to
                                                   students who have excelled in a particular
students, graduating in June, from a high
school located within School Districts             area of a program of studies at the College     College of
28, 91 and 57. Students must have a
minimum “B” average in their Grade 11
                                                   of New Caledonia. In some cases, appli-
                                                   cations are not necessary; the awards are
                                                                                                   New Caledonia
final grades.                                      made on recommendation of the Awards
                                                   Committee members, faculty and/or
                                                                                                   Awards Program
Application deadline is determined annually        donors.
by School Districts (historically, June each
year) in conjunction with the School District
                                                                                                   Establishment and
awards.                                                                                            Governance of Awards
                                                   Governor General’s Academic
Selection made by the School Districts.                                                            I General
                                                                                                   The College of New Caledonia will adminis-
                                                   The Governor General’s Academic
                                                                                                   ter awards that are made available without
                                                   Collegiate Bronze Medal is awarded to

Revised 17.12.18
2017–18 Scholarships, bursaries and awards catalogue   5

restrictions deemed to be discriminatory.         Named Endowment Funds require larger                     of New Caledonia Board, provided that
It will administer awards that define, in         initial amounts as the awards given are                  a year’s notice shall be given by the
terms acceptable to the College of New            dependent on accrued interest. A $10,000                 Board of any proposed change and
Caledonia Board, the eligibility of students      minimum is recommended to provide a                      that the donor or his/her representa-
to receive the award. The College of New          suitable investment base although smaller                tive, if known, shall be consulted about
Caledonia Board may decline awards                amounts will be accepted if large enough                 the proposed change.
containing criteria that it deems not to be       to support a suitable award from accrued
in the best interests of the College.             interest. The principal is held in perpetuity
                                                  by the College of New Caledonia. Donors
All scholarship/bursary donations to the          can specify both the criteria and the name
College of New Caledonia are fully tax            of the award, subject to College Board
deductible.                                       approval.

II Annual Awards                                  b) College of New Caledonia General
                                                     Endowment Fund
Annual awards are those which are
donated to the College on a yearly basis.         Donations to the College of New Caledonia
The total amount of the donation is               General Endowment Fund can be made
awarded.                                          in any amount by any number of people.
                                                  Donations become part of the original
1. Annual donations can be made in any            fund and are anonymous unless otherwise
   amount, however, a $500 minimum                requested by the donor.
   is recommended as being a suitable
   award. Donors can specify both the
                                                  IV Governance
   criteria and name of the award subject
   to College Board approval. Donations           1. All new Awards, including the criteria
   of less than $500 are very welcome                to be used for the selection of award
   contributions to the College of New               winners must be approved by the
   Caledonia General Endowment Fund.                 College of New Caledonia Board.

2. The recommended level for an annual            2. In the case of Annual Awards, the
   award is for the purposes of guidance             College reserves the right to withhold
   only.                                             awards donated by individuals or
                                                     organizations where the funds required
III Endowment Funds                                  have not actually been received.

Contributions to the College of New               3. In the case of Endowment Funds, if
Caledonia Endowments are added to the                the invested funds do not provide the
principal of the endowment in question.              necessary income for an endowed
Awards are made on the basis of accrued              award: a top-up to achieve the face
interest resulting from the investment of the        value would be requested; or, the
principal. The College operates under very           face value or the number of awards
strict regulations as to where funds may be          would be reduced; or, the award may
invested.                                            be withheld pending interest accrual.
                                                     Given that endowed awards rely solely
                                                     on investment income, the College
                                                     cannot guarantee the payment of any
For the purpose of this Fund, an “endow-             awards except those from the funds
ment” is defined as “a cash donation or              held by the College.
group of cash donations made to an insti-
tution for scholarship or bursary purposes        4. The College of New Caledonia Board
where the donation or group of donations             reserves the right to change the terms
will be held in trust by the institution for at      governing an award, so that they may
least 25 years and where only the income             better meet new conditions, may fully
generated will be used for that purpose”.            carry out the intentions of the donor, or
                                                     maintain the applicability of the award.
a) Named Endowment Funds                             The rights so reserved shall be exer-
                                                     cised only by resolution of the College

                                                                                                                                   Revised 17.12.18
6   2017–18 Scholarships, bursaries and awards catalogue

Awards                                             Application requirement: CNC online
                                                   bursary application
                                                                                                   Andrew Sheret Limited Annual
                                                   Eligibility: Open to students enrolled full     (Award #156)
                                                   Eligibility: Open to students enrolled full
                                                   time in the Health Care Assistant program,      Donor: Andrew Sheret Limited — Prince
Aizlewood Endowment Bursary
                                                   at the College of New Caledonia, Prince         George
– Health Care Assistant
(Award #2)                                         George campus.                                  Description: Andrew Sheret Limited,
                                                   Selection criteria: Based on meeting            Prince George annually offers a schol-
Donor: Wilfred Aizlewood                           eligibility requirements. Based on demon-       arship to any full-time student in the
Description: Mr. Aizlewood established             strated financial need and satisfactory         foundation-level Piping program attending
an endowment to fund a bursary annually.           academic standing with a minimum GPA            the Prince George campus of the College
Mr. and Mrs. Aizlewood were residents of           of 2.0, as set out in the guidelines govern-    of New Caledonia.
this area for over 40 years and wished to          ing College of New Caledonia bursaries.         Type of award: Scholarship
recognize the service they received from           Preference will be given to students
                                                                                                   Amount of award: $400
College of New Caledonia graduates of the          showing promise in the field and a strong
Health Care Assistant program.                     likelihood of succeeding in the program.        Application deadline: June 1

Type of award: Bursary                             Selection process: Selection made by            Type of application: CNC online scholar-
                                                   the faculty of the Health Care Assistant        ship application
Amount of award: Three awards of $200
                                                   program, College of New Caledonia.              Eligibility: Open to full-time students
                                                                                                   attending the Prince George campus
Application deadline: December 31
                                                                                                   of College of New Caledonia in the
Application requirement: CNC online                                                                Foundation-level Piping program.
bursary application
                                                   Andrew Sheret Limited Annual
                                                                                                   Selection criteria: Based on meeting
Eligibility: Open to all registered full-time                                                      eligibility requirements. Based primarily
students in the Health Care Assistant
                                                   (Award #155)
                                                                                                   on demonstrated satisfactory academic
program, at the College of New Caledonia,          Donor: Andrew Sheret Limited — Prince           achievement.
Prince George campus.                              George                                          Selection process: Selection made by the
Selection criteria: Based on meeting eligi-        Description: Andrew Sheret Limited,             College of New Caledonia Prince George
bility requirements. Based on demonstrated         Prince George annually offers a bursary to      Trades faculty.
financial need and satisfactory academic           any full-time student in the foundation-level
standing with a minimum 2.0 GPA, as                Piping program attending the Prince
outlined in the guidelines governing               George campus of the College of New
College of New Caledonia bursaries.                                                                Angus McLeod/CNC Research
                                                                                                   Forest Society Scholarship
Selection process: Selection made by the           Type of award: Bursary
Faculty of Health Care Assistant program,                                                          (Award #132)
College of New Caledonia.                          Amount of award: $400
                                                                                                   Donor: CNC Research Forest Society
                                                   Application deadline: June 1
                                                                                                   Description: This scholarship is offered in
                                                   Type of application: CNC online bursary
                                                                                                   the name of Angus McLeod who retired
Alzheimer’s Society of BC                          application
                                                                                                   from the CNC Forestry/Natural Resources
(Prince George) Endowment                          Eligibility: Open to full-time students         program in 2013. This award is provided
Bursary                                            attending the Prince George campus              in recognition of the commitment and
                                                   of College of New Caledonia in the              dedication that Angus made towards
(Award #3)
                                                   Foundation-Level Piping program.                securing the CNC Research Forest tenure
Donor: Alzheimer’s Society of BC                   Selection criteria: Based on meeting            for the benefit of students and an applied
                                                   eligibility requirements. Based primarily on    forest research program at CNC. One
Description: Alzheimer’s Society of BC
                                                   demonstrated financial need and satisfac-       scholarship is available to a student who
annually awards a bursary to a student
                                                   tory achievement.                               is enrolled full time in the first year of the
enrolled in the Health Care Assistant
                                                                                                   Natural Resources and Forest Technology
program, at the Prince George campus.              Selection process: Selection made by the
                                                                                                   Diploma program at the College of New
Type of award: Bursary                             College of New Caledonia Prince George
                                                   Trades faculty.
Amount of award: $200                                                                              Type of award: Scholarship
Application deadline: December 31                                                                  Amount of award: $1,000
                                                                                                   Application deadline: December 31

Revised 17.12.18
2017–18 Scholarships, bursaries and awards catalogue   7

Application requirement: CNC online            2. 300 to 500-word essay (typed), outlin-             achievement with a minimum 2.67 GPA,
scholarship application                           ing how you meet the description                   as outlined in the guidelines governing
                                                  and eligibility guidelines established             College of New Caledonia scholarships.
Eligibility: Open to all first-year students
                                                  for the scholarship. A commitment to               Selection process: Selection made by the
who are enrolled full-time in the CNC
                                                  post-secondary education should be                 College of New Caledonia and based first
Natural Resources and Forest Technology
                                                  stated in the essay.                               on highest GPA.
program that have completed all first
semester course requirements.                  Eligibility: Open to all full-time, first year
                                               and second year female students regis-
Selection criteria: Based on meeting
                                               tered in the Associate of Arts Degree,
eligibility requirements. Selection is based                                                         Arthur and Cora Buchi
                                               Associate of Science Degree, Criminology
primarily on academic proficiency achieve-                                                           Memorial Endowment Bursary
                                               Diploma, Kinesiology Diploma, or Women’s
ment with a minimum 2.67 GPA in the first
                                               Studies and Gender Relations Diploma                  (Award #10)
semester; and combined highest average
                                               programs at the College of New Caledonia.
grade achieved in:                                                                                   Donor: Anonymous
                                               Preference will be given to students who
1. NRES 150 – Silvics and Dendrology,          have completed Academic Upgrading                     Description: The Arthur and Cora Buchi
   and                                         (formerly College and Career Preparation)             Memorial Endowment Bursary annually
2. NRES 155 – Indigenous Plants:               course(s).                                            donates a bursary to a registered, full-time
   Identification, Autoecology and Cultural                                                          student attending the College of New
                                               Selection criteria: Based on meeting
   Uses and                                                                                          Caledonia (Prince George campus) in the
                                               eligibility requirements. Based on academic
                                                                                                     Applied Business Technology program.
3. NRES 157 – Introduction to Forest           achievement with a minimum 3.0 GPA, as
   Soils.                                      set out in the guidelines governing College           Type of award: Bursary
                                               of New Caledonia scholarships.                        Amount of award: $500
Selection process: Selection made by the
College of New Caledonia.                      Selection process: Selection made by the              Application deadline: December 31
                                               College of New Caledonia.
                                                                                                     Eligibility: Open to students in the Applied
                                                                                                     Business Technology program at the
Ann McQuaid Memorial                                                                                 College of New Caledonia (Prince George
Endowment Scholarship                          Anthony Karpicius Memorial                            campus). The student must have an overall
                                               Endowment Forestry                                    good standing in all areas of the course,
(Award #7)
                                                                                                     personal skills and achievement.
Donor: Ann McQuaid Endowment Fund                                                                    Selection criteria: Based on meeting eligi-
                                               (Award #8)
Description: This scholarship was estab-                                                             bility requirements. Based on demonstrated
lished in memory of Ann McQuaid, a             Donor: British Columbia Forest Service                financial need, satisfactory academic
faculty member in the College and Career       Description: In memory of Anthony                     standing, as well as personal skills and/or
Preparation program at the College of New      Karpicius, the BC Forest Service has                  achievements.
Caledonia. Ann believed in the value of        established these scholarships from a                 Selection process: Selection will be made
education and that post-secondary educa-       bequest made by Anthony Karpicius to                  by the faculty of the Applied Business
tion should be available to all. She had       the BC Forest Service. Anthony Karpicius              Technology program, College of New
a strong commitment to those students,         was originally from Lithuania and worked              Caledonia.
particularly women, who returned as adults     for Northwood Inc., in the Prince George
to finish high school completion courses       region.
and continue to post-secondary education.
                                               Type of award: Scholarship                            Association of BC Forest
Ann felt that post-secondary educa-
tion was the key to independence. This         Amount of award: Two awards of $400                   Professionals Endowment –
scholarship was established by friends,        each
                                                                                                     Natural Resources and Forest
colleagues, former students, and her family    Application deadline: December 31                     Technology Program Bursary
to ensure that Ann’s dedication to students
                                               Application requirement: CNC online                   (Award #128)
lives on in her name.
                                               scholarship application
Type of award: Scholarship                                                                           Donor: The participants and sponsors in
                                               Eligibility: Open to all full-time, first- or
                                                                                                     the Association’s 52nd Annual General
Amount of award: $1,500                        second-year students in either the
                                                                                                     Meeting held in Prince George in 2000.
Application deadline: December 31              University Transfer Forestry Option or the
                                               Natural Resources and Forest Technology               Description: The Association of BC
Application requirements:                                                                            Forest Professionals offers a bursary each
1. CNC online scholarship application                                                                year to registered, full-time second year
                                               Selection criteria: Based on meeting
                                                                                                     Natural Resources and Forest Technology
                                               eligibility requirements. Based on academic

                                                                                                                                 Revised 17.12.18
8   2017–18 Scholarships, bursaries and awards catalogue

students at the College of New Caledonia.          deserving student going on to univer-          Amount of award: Two awards of $1,000
The intent is to provide this award to one         sity-level studies in a Natural Resource       each
deserving student going on to univer-              Management curriculum accredited by the
                                                                                                  Application deadline: December 31
sity-level studies in a Natural Resource           ABCFP. The expectation is that the award
Management curriculum accredited by the            recipient will use his or her knowledge and    Application requirement: CNC online
ABCFP. The expectation is that the award           skills to management of BC forest lands.       bursary application
recipient will use his or her knowledge and        Type of award: Scholarship                     Eligibility: Open to second-year, full-time
skills to management of BC forest lands.                                                          students attending the Prince George
                                                   Amount of award: $1,000
Type of award: Bursary                                                                            campus in a health-related field in which
                                                   Application deadline: April 30                 their program work takes them into a
Amount of award: $500                                                                             hospital setting. Eligible programs include
                                                   Application requirements:
Application deadline: April 30                                                                    Medical Radiography Technology, Medical
                                                   1. CNC online scholarship application.         Laboratory Technology, and Northern
Application requirements:
                                                   2. 300 to 600-word essay (typed), outlin-      Collaborative Baccalaureate Nursing.
1. CNC online bursary application.
                                                      ing educational goals and strategies on     Selection criteria: Based on meeting
2. 300 to 600-word essay (typed), outlin-             pursuing university level studies with      eligibility requirements. Based on demon-
   ing educational goals and strategies on            name of intended institution; career        strated financial need and academic
   pursuing university level studies with             aspirations in Natural Resources with       proficiency with a minimum 2.67 GPA, as
   name of intended institution; career               a Forestry Management focus and             set out in the guidelines governing College
   aspirations in Natural Resources with              becoming a member of the ABCFP.             of New Caledonia bursaries.
   a Forestry Management focus and
                                                   Eligibility: Open to registered full-time      Selection process: Selection made by the
   becoming a member of the ABCFP.
                                                   College of New Caledonia students that         College of New Caledonia.
Eligibility: Open to registered full-time          have successfully completed 100% of the
College of New Caledonia students who              second year of the Natural Resources and
have successfully completed 100% of the            Forest Technology Program.
second year of the Natural Resources and
                                                   Selection criteria: Based on meeting
                                                                                                  BC Hydro Endowment
Forest Technology program.                                                                        Scholarship
                                                   eligibility requirements. Based primarily on
Selection criteria: Based on meeting               highest GPA with a preference to attaining     (Award #12)
eligibility requirements. Based primarily on       academic excellence performance with
demonstrated financial need, academic              a minimum 3.67 GPA and demonstrated            Donor: BC Hydro
proficiency achievement with a minimum             career aspirations in Natural Resources        Description: BC Hydro annually
2.67 GPA and demonstrated interest in              with a Forestry Management focus and           awards a scholarship to a student in the
pursuing a career in Natural Resource              becoming a member of the ABCFP.                Computer/Network Electronics Technician,
Management.                                                                                       Engineering (Applied Science), Information
                                                   Selection process: Selection made by
Selection process: Selection made by the           the NRFT faculty of the College of New         and Communication Technology, or
Natural Resources and Forest Technology            Caledonia, Prince George campus.               Associate Degree in Science program at
program faculty, College of New Caledonia.                                                        the College of New Caledonia.
                                                                                                  Type of award: Scholarship

                                                   Auxiliary to University Hospital               Amount of award: $375
Association of BC Forest                           of Northern British Columbia                   Application deadline: December 31
Professionals Endowment                            Endowment Bursary                              Application requirements: CNC online
– Natural Resources and                            (Award #11)                                    scholarship application
Forest Technology Program                                                                         Eligibility: Open to all part-time or full-time
Scholarship                                        Donor: The Auxiliary to University Hospital
                                                                                                  students enrolled in the Computer/Network
                                                   of Northern British Columbia Endowment
(Award #175)                                                                                      Electronics Technician, Engineering
                                                                                                  (Applied Science), Information and
Donor: The participants and sponsors               Description: The Auxiliary to University       Communication Technology, or Associate
in the Association’s 47th Annual General           Hospital of Northern British Columbia          Degree in Science program at the College
Meeting held in Prince George in 1995.             Endowment Bursary is open to second-           of New Caledonia.
Description: The Association of BC Forest          year, full-time students in a health-related
                                                                                                  Selection criteria: Based on meeting
Professionals offers a scholarship each            field in which their program work takes
                                                                                                  eligibility requirements. Based primarily
year to registered, full-time second year          them into a hospital setting.
                                                                                                  on academic proficiency standing (with
Natural Resources and Forest Technology            Type of award: Bursary                         a minimum 2.67 GPA) as outlined in the
students at the College of New Caledonia.
The intent is to provide this award to one

Revised 17.12.18
2017–18 Scholarships, bursaries and awards catalogue   9

guidelines governing College of New             her name will live on in the CNC Memorial             Selection process: Selection made by the
Caledonia scholarships.                         bursary.                                              Faculty of Health Sciences, College of New
Selection process: Selection made by the        Type of award: Bursary                                Caledonia, Prince George.
College of New Caledonia.                       Amount of award: $2,000 per academic
                                                year, for two consecutive academic years
                                                Application deadline: December 31                     Bob Martin Memorial
BC Lung Association Bursary                     (Non-Active for 2017-2018)                            Endowment Trades
(Award #13)                                     Application requirement: CNC online                   Scholarship
                                                bursary application                                   (Award #15)
Donor: BC Lung Association
                                                Eligibility: Open to all full-time, first year        Donor: Bob Martin Endowment
Description: The BC Lung Association
                                                Nursing students, who will be continu-
— the Christmas Seal People — annually                                                                Description: Bob and his family moved
                                                ing their second consecutive year of the
donates a substantial bursary to a College                                                            to Prince George in 1964, where Bob
                                                Northern Collaborative Baccalaureate
of New Caledonia student registered in                                                                took up a position as a welding instructor
                                                Nursing Program (NCBNP), at the College
the Northern Collaborative Baccalaureate                                                              at the College of New Caledonia before
                                                of New Caledonia.
Nursing program.                                                                                      retiring in 1993 as Dean of Trades. Bob
                                                Selection criteria: Based on meeting                  was passionate about his work at CNC
Type of award: Bursary
                                                eligibility requirements. Based on demon-             and wanted to give back to the students,
Amount of award: $1,000                         strated financial need and academic                   so he created an endowment fund which
Application deadline: April 30                  achievement with a minimum 3.0 GPA, as                annually awards one top all-around trades
                                                set out in the guidelines governing College           student, combining academic and prac-
Application requirement: CNC online
                                                of New Caledonia bursaries.                           tical excellence. Sadly, Bob passed away
bursary application
                                                Selection process: Selection made by the              in 2012, but because of his generosity,
Eligibility: Open to all full-time first-year
                                                College of New Caledonia. Final award                 his legacy will live on. At the time of his
(NCBNP) Nursing students at the College
                                                selection will not be made until the end of           passing, the family asked that the award
of New Caledonia, any campus.
                                                the second (Spring) semester.                         name be appropriately changed to read:
Selection criteria: Based on meeting                                                                  “Bob Martin Memorial Endowment Trades
eligibility requirements. Based primarily                                                             Scholarship”. This award will be given on a
on demonstrated financial need, and                                                                   rotational basis as listed under “Eligibility”
academic achievement with a minimum             Bernice MacFadden Memorial                            below.
2.67 GPA (minimum B- average), as set           Bursary
                                                                                                      Type of award: Scholarship
out in the guidelines governing College of      (Award #257)
New Caledonia bursaries.                                                                              Amount of award: $400
                                                Donor: Aleta MacFadden                                Application deadline: April 30
Selection process: Selection made by
the College of New Caledonia — Nursing          Description: Bernice MacFadden enjoyed                Application requirement: CNC online
faculty.                                        a 41-year career as a Registered Nurse.               Scholarship application
                                                Bernice was an efficient and caring nurse
                                                who always maintained a positive attitude.            Eligibility: Open to students who have
                                                                                                      completed a minimum of three months
                                                Type of award: Bursary
Bea Dezell Memorial                                                                                   of full-time studies in the following
Endowment Bursary                               Amount of award: $500                                 Foundation-Level trades programs, at the
                                                                                                      College of New Caledonia, Prince George
(Award #14)                                     Application deadline: December 31
                                                Application requirement: CNC online
Donor:                                                                                                    2017–2018: Welding
                                                bursary application
Description: Beatrice Dezell, 1908–2014.                                                                  2018–2019: Automotive Service
                                                Eligibility: Open to all registered first year,
Bea Dezell was a long-time Prince George                                                                  Technician
                                                full-time Licensed Licensed Practical Nurse
resident. She moved to Prince George
                                                students at the College of New Caledonia,                 2019-2020: Carpentry
with her husband, Garvin, and children,
                                                Prince George campus.                                     2020-2021: Electrical
Cliff and Noreen, in 1946. She was always
a community supporter and spent count-          Selection criteria: Based on meeting                      2021-2022: Power Engineering
less hours in volunteer activities. Bea had     eligibility requirements. Based on demon-
                                                strated financial need. Students must also                2022-2023: Industrial Mechanic
a generous, optimistic and independent
                                                have overall good standing in all areas of                (Millwright)/Machinist
spirit. She died in 2014 at the age of 105
after a long and productive life. She was       the program and maintain a minimum 2.67                   2023-2024: Heavy Mechanical
a role model for her family and everyone        GPA, as set out in the guidelines govern-                 Trades
who knew her. The family is pleased that        ing College of New Caledonia bursaries.

                                                                                                                                   Revised 17.12.18
10   2017–18 Scholarships, bursaries and awards catalogue

Selection criteria: Based on meeting eligi-        student enrolled in any full-time course of   governing College of New Caledonia
   bility requirements. Based on academic          study at the College of New Caledonia.        scholarships.
   and practical achievement.                      Janet returned to university as a mature      Selection process: Selection made by
                                                   student, earned a Master’s degree, and        the Trades faculty of the College of New
Selection process: Selection made by the
                                                   worked as a lab instructor at CNC. She is     Caledonia.
Trades faculty, College of New Caledonia.
                                                   remembered by her friends for her warmth,
                                                   her energy, and her self-reliance.
                                                   Type of award: Bursary
Canadian Association of                                                                          Canadian Home Builders’
                                                   Amount of award: $500
Equipment Distributors, BC                                                                       Association of Northern BC
                                                   Application deadline: December 31
Chapter Heavy Mechanical                                                                         Endowment Scholarships
Trades Endowment                                   Application requirement: CNC online           (Award #181)
                                                   bursary application
                                                   Eligibility: Open to all full-time, female    Donor: Canadian Home Builders’
(Award #17)                                                                                      Association of Northern BC
                                                   students in any program of study at the
Donor: Canadian Association of                     College of New Caledonia.                     Description: Revenue was generated
Equipment Distributors, BC Chapter                 Selection criteria: Based on meeting          by CNC students involved in previous
                                                   eligibility requirements. Based on demon-     house-building projects that were spon-
Description: This scholarship has been
                                                   strated financial need and satisfactory       sored by the Canadian Home Builders’
established to recognize the efforts of a
                                                   academic performance as outlined in           Association of Northern BC in collabora-
student in the CNC Heavy Mechanical
                                                   the guidelines governing College of New       tion with the College of New Caledonia.
Trades program, and will be awarded to
                                                   Caledonia bursaries.                          Endowment scholarships were established
the top student in this program.
                                                                                                 to recognize outstanding students in both
Type of award: Scholarship                         Selection process: Selection made by the      the Carpentry and Electrical Foundation
                                                   College of New Caledonia.                     training programs. Award recipients will
Amount of award: $750
                                                                                                 be acknowledged at a Canadian Home
Application deadline: June 1                                                                     Builders’ Association of Northern BC
Application requirement: CNC online                Canadian Healthcare                           meeting.
scholarship application
                                                   Engineering Society                           Type of award: Scholarship
Eligibility: Open to all full-time students        Endowment Scholarship                         Amount of award: Two awards of $500
registered in the Heavy Mechanical Trades,                                                       each
                                                   (Award #19)
Foundation-Level program, at the College
of New Caledonia.                                                                                Application deadline: December 31
                                                   Donor: Canadian Healthcare Engineering
Selection criteria: Based on meeting               Society                                       Application requirement: CNC online
eligibility requirements. Based primarily on                                                     scholarship application
                                                   Description: This scholarship has been
demonstrated excellent academic achieve-           established to recognize a student            Eligibility: Open to all registered Fall intake
ment, and will be awarded to the top               for scholastic excellence in a Power          students only, in the Carpentry or Electrical
student in this program                            Engineering program leading to a career in    Foundation program at the College of New
Selection process: Selection made by the           a hospital or industrial environment.         Caledonia, Prince George campus.
Trades faculty, College of New Caledonia.          Type of award: Scholarship                        • One award will be disbursed to a
                                                                                                       Carpentry foundation student
                                                   Amount of award: $325
                                                                                                     • One award will be disbursed to an
                                                   Application deadline: June 1
Canadian Federation of                                                                                 Electrical foundation student
                                                   Application requirement: CNC online
University Women’s Club —                          scholarship application
                                                                                                 Selection criteria: Based on meeting
Prince George (Janet E. King                                                                     eligibility requirements. Based on both
                                                   Eligibility: Open to all full-time students   satisfactory practical and theoretical
Memorial) Endowment Bursary                        registered in the Power Engineering 4th       achievement throughout the course.
(Award #18)                                        Class program at the College of New
                                                                                                 Selection process: Selection made by the
                                                   Caledonia, leading to employment as a
Donor: Canadian Federation of University                                                         Carpentry and Electrical program Faculty,
                                                   Power Engineer in a hospital or industrial
Women’s Club — Prince George                                                                     Trades department, College of New
                                                                                                 Caledonia, Prince George campus.
Description: In memory of Janet E. King,
                                                   Selection criteria: Based on meeting
the Canadian Federation of University
                                                   eligibility requirements. Based primar-
Women’s Club of Prince George annually
                                                   ily on highest academic and practical
offers a $500 bursary to a mature female
                                                   achievement, as set out in the guidelines

Revised 17.12.18
2017–18 Scholarships, bursaries and awards catalogue   11

Canadian Institute of Mining                  Donor: Canadian Institute of Mining (CIM),         parent, step-parent or adopted parent),
– NCBC Branch Endowment                       NCBC Branch                                        who is a member of CUPE Local 4951.

Fund – Bursary                                Description: CIM is the leading techni-            Type of award: Bursary
                                              cal society of professionals associated
(Award #234)                                                                                     Amount of award: $500
                                              with the Canadian mineral and materials
                                              industry, and has 11,000 members from              Application deadline: December 31
Donor: Canadian Institute of Mining (CIM),
NCBC Branch                                   industry, government and academia who              Application requirements:
Description: CIM is the leading techni-       are dedicated to the discovery, production,
                                                                                                 1. CNC online bursary application
cal society of professionals associated       utilization and economics of minerals,
                                              metals and petroleum. The Canadian                 2. A letter signed by the current CUPE,
with the Canadian mineral and materials
                                              Institute of Mining – NCBC Branch                     Local 4951 member confirming that
industry, and has 11,000 members from
                                              Endowment Fund provides annual awards                 the student applicant is a dependent,
industry, government and academia who
                                              to qualified CNC students giving the                  spouse, or partner. This letter must
are dedicated to the discovery, production,
                                              student the means to attend college and               also state the member’s full name,
utilization and economics of minerals,
                                              further their educational goals related to            employment status (i.e., full-time, part-
metals and petroleum. The Canadian
                                              the mining industry.                                  time, etc.), and the campus where they
Institute of Mining – NCBC Branch
                                                                                                    are employed.
Endowment Fund provides annual awards         Type of award: Scholarship
to qualified CNC students giving the                                                             Eligibility: Open to all full-time, first- or
                                              Amount of award: $500
student the means to attend college and                                                          second-year students in any program of
                                              Application deadline: April 30                     study at the College of New Caledonia,
further their educational goals related to
the mining industry.                          Application requirement: CNC online                who are current members, or have
                                              scholarship application                            an immediate relative (i.e., a spouse,
Type of award: Bursary                                                                           common-law* partner, parent, step-par-
                                              Eligibility: Open to all students enrolled         ent or adopted parent), who is a current
Amount of award: $500
                                              in the Mining Certificate program, Mining          member of CUPE Local 4951. (Note:
Application deadline: April 30                Technology Diploma program, or a                   The CUPE member may not be a casual
Application requirement: CNC online           mining-relevant trades program as deter-           employee.)
bursary application                           mined by the awards selection committee.
                                                                                                 *Definition of “common-law” for the
                                              Preference will be given to students who
Eligibility: Open to all students enrolled                                                       purpose of this award: If you are not
                                              reside in Northern BC (North of 100 Mile           married, but are living in a marriage-like
in the Mining Certificate program, Mining
                                              House, BC) as recorded in the student’s            relationship for at least 12 consecutive
Technology Diploma program, or a
                                              current registration records. Students of          months, as of the time of application, you
mining-relevant trades program as deter-                                                         are considered common-law.
                                              Aboriginal ancestry should declare such on
mined by the awards selection committee.
                                              the application.                                   Selection criteria: Based on meeting eligi-
Preference will be given to students who
                                              Selection criteria: Based on meeting eligi-        bility requirements. Based on demonstrated
reside in Northern BC (North of 100 Mile
House, BC) as recorded in the student’s       bility requirements, and based on highest          financial need and satisfactory academic
current registration records. Students of     academic standing (GPA or equivalent               standing (with a minimum 2.0 GPA),
Aboriginal ancestry should declare such on    grading standards).                                as outlined in the guidelines governing
the application.                                                                                 College of New Caledonia bursaries.
                                              Selection process: Selection made by the
Selection criteria: Based on meeting          CNC selection committee on behalf of the           Selection process: Selection made by
eligibility requirements, and based on        CIM-NCBC Branch.                                   CUPE, Local 4951 executive.
satisfactory academic standing and
demonstrated financial need by the
student. Student must also be in good                                                            Canfor — Natural Resources
standing with CNC.
                                              Canadian Union of Public
                                              Employees (CUPE), Local 4951                       and Forest Technology
Selection process: Selection made by the                                                         Endowment Scholarship
CNC selection committee on behalf of the
                                              Endowment Bursary
                                              (Award #112)                                       (Award #20)
CIM-NCBC Branch.

                                              Donor: Canadian Union Public Employees,            Donor: Canfor
                                              Local 4951                                         Description: Canfor Corporation is
Canadian Institute of Mining                  Description: CUPE, Local 4951 offers a             a leading integrated forest products
– NCBC Branch Endowment                       bursary, available to all students enrolled        company with strong roots in Northern
                                                                                                 British Columbia. Each year, Canfor
Fund – Scholarship                            in a full-time program, who are current
                                              members, or who have an immediate rela-            supports a wide range of scholarships
(Award #233)                                                                                     and bursaries that encourage students to
                                              tive (i.e., a spouse, common-law partner,
                                                                                                 pursue educational opportunities that will

                                                                                                                               Revised 17.12.18
12   2017–18 Scholarships, bursaries and awards catalogue

benefit the regions Canfor calls “home”. It        Description: This award was established          Selection criteria: Based on meeting
is our hope that these students will pursue        by the Cariboo Woodlot Education Society         eligibility requirements. Based on demon-
careers that will continue to enrich the           to support forest education in the Cariboo       strated financial need and academic
northern economy.                                  region. The award is available to first- and     achievement with a minimum 3.0 GPA, as
                                                   second-year Natural Resources and Forest         set out in the guidelines governing College
Type of award: Scholarship
                                                   Technology students at the College of New        of New Caledonia bursaries.
Amount of award: $500                              Caledonia.                                       Selection process: Selection made by
Application deadline: April 30                     Type of award: Bursary                           the College of New Caledonia. Final award
Application requirement: CNC online                                                                 selection will not be made until the end of
                                                   Amount of award: $275
scholarship application                                                                             the second (Spring) semester.
                                                   Application deadline: December 31
Eligibility: Open to all registered full-time
                                                   Application requirement: CNC online
students who:
                                                   bursary application
1. Have successfully completed 100%                                                                 Carole Caldwell Memorial
                                                   Eligibility: Open to all full-time first- and
   of their studies in the second year
                                                   second-year Natural Resources and Forest
                                                                                                    Trades Endowment Bursary
   of the Natural Resources and Forest                                                              (Award #131)
                                                   Technology students with preference given
   Technology Program at the College
                                                   to students from 100 Mile House, Williams        Donor: Canadian Federation of University
   of New Caledonia – Prince George
                                                   Lake, Quesnel and surrounding areas.             Women–Prince George
   campus; or
                                                   Selection criteria: Based on meeting             Description: The Prince George Club/
2. Are a University Transfer student
                                                   eligibility requirements. Based on demon-        Chapter of Canadian Federation of
   taking Forestry option courses with the
                                                   strated financial need and satisfactory          University Women has established this
   intent of enrolling in a post-secondary
                                                   academic achievement with a minimum              bursary in memory of Carole Caldwell
   institution in a Forestry related field.
                                                   2.0 GPA as outlined in the guidelines            because of her lifelong interest in educa-
   Applicants must have successfully
                                                   governing the College of New Caledonia           tion and her special interest in education,
   completed 100% of the 2nd full year
                                                   bursaries. Preference will be given to           particularly for women.
   of the NRFT program at the College
                                                   students from the Cariboo region (not to
   of New Caledonia, Prince George                                                                  Type of award: Bursary
                                                   include the Prince George area).
   campus;, and
                                                   Selection process: Selection made by the         Amount of award: $500
3. Have achieved academic proficiency
                                                   College of New Caledonia.                        Application deadline: June 1
   with a minimum 2.67 GPA in the
   second year of the NRFT studies                                                                  Application requirements: CNC online
   (combined semesters).                                                                            bursary application

Selection criteria: Based on meeting               Carl and Carrie Rustad                           Eligibility: Open to all female students
eligibility requirements. Based primarily          Endowment Bursary                                enrolled in the Power Engineering 4th
on highest GPA with minimum academic               (Award #23)                                      Class Certificate Program at the College of
proficiency achievement (minimum 2.67                                                               New Caledonia, Prince George or Quesnel
GPA), as set out in the guidelines governing       Donor: Private                                   campus.
College of New Caledonia scholarships.             Description: The fund was established in         Selection criteria: Based on meeting eligi-
Preference will be given to a University           honour of Carl and Carrie Rustad, long-          bility requirements. Selection will be made
Transfer student taking Forestry option            time residents of Prince George.                 primarily on the basis of demonstrated
courses as set out above. Preference will                                                           financial need.
                                                   Type of award: Bursary
also be given to a student who graduated
                                                                                                    Selection process: Selection made by the
from a Northern BC high school (100 Mile           Amount of award: $2,000 per academic
                                                                                                    Trades Faculty, College of New Caledonia,
House north to Mackenzie, west to Prince           year, for two consecutive academic years
                                                                                                    Prince George and/or Quesnel campus.
Rupert, east to the Alberta border).               Application deadline: December 31
Selection process: Selection made by the           (Non-Active for 2017-2018)
College of New Caledonia.                          Application requirement: CNC online
                                                   bursary application
                                                                                                    Central Interior Catering &
                                                                                                    Consulting Ltd. Scholarship
                                                   Eligibility: Open to all full-time, first year
                                                                                                    (Award #252)
Cariboo Woodlot Education                          Nursing students, who will be continuing
Society Endowment Bursary                          their second consecutive year of The             Donor: Central Interior Catering &
                                                   Northern Collaborative Baccalaureate             Consulting Ltd.
(Award #22)
                                                   Nursing Program (NCBNP), at the College
                                                                                                    Description: Central Interior Catering &
Donor: Cariboo Woodlot Education                   of New Caledonia.
                                                                                                    Consulting Ltd. is a family owned and
                                                                                                    operated company founded in 1978 by the

Revised 17.12.18
2017–18 Scholarships, bursaries and awards catalogue   13

Theessen family. CICC has been providing        Application requirement: CNC online                     Baccalaureate Nursing program at the
high quality catering services for over 30      bursary application                                     College of New Caledonia.
years. One of the pillars of the foundation     Eligibility: Open to all full-time students in          Selection criteria: Based on meeting eligi-
is an unquestioning devotion to meet            Level 2 of the Professional Cook Program,               bility requirements. Based on demonstrated
their client’s needs. The Theessen family       at the College of New Caledonia, Prince                 financial need, academic achievement with
is pleased to offer $500 scholarships to        George campus. Applicants must also                     a minimum 3.0 GPA, and demonstrated
two deserving students who demonstrate          demonstrate passion and dedication to the               health care/community involvement.
that same passion and dedication to their       food services industry.
trade.                                                                                                  Selection process: Selection made by the
                                                Selection criteria: Based on meeting                    donor.
Type of award: Scholarship                      eligibility requirements. Based on achiev-
Amount of award: Two awards of $500             ing academic proficiency standing with
each                                            a minimum 2.67 GPA (equivalent to a
                                                minimum B- average) in Level 2 of the
                                                                                                        Chuck O’Grady Trades
Application deadline: June 1
                                                Professional Cook Program, as set out in                Scholarship
Application requirements: CNC online
                                                the guidelines governing College of New                 (Award #287)
scholarship application
                                                Caledonia scholarships.
                                                                                                        Donor: Community Members and Loving
Eligibility: : Open to all full-time students   Selection process: Selection made by the
                                                                                                        Family of Chuck O’Grady
in Level 2 of the Professional Cook             Professional Cook Faculty at the College of
Program, at the College of New Caledonia,       New Caledonia.                                          Description: The Chuck O’Grady Trades
Prince George campus. Applicants must                                                                   Scholarship is in honour of a hardworking,
also demonstrate passion and dedication                                                                 generous man. Chuck O’Grady was a
to the food services industry.                                                                          Red Seal Heavy Duty Mechanic for over
                                                Christine Andrew Memorial                               40 years. This award is to help Heavy
Selection criteria: Based on meeting
eligibility requirements. Based on achiev-      Endowment Bursary                                       Mechanical Trades students achieve their
                                                (Award #25)                                             educational and career goal.
ing academic proficiency standing with
a minimum 2.67 GPA (equivalent to a                                                                     Type of award: Scholarship
                                                Donor: Christine Andrew Endowment
minimum B- average) in Level 2 of the                                                                   Amount of award: $500
Professional Cook Program, as set out in
                                                Description: This fund was established in               Application deadline: June 1
the guidelines governing College of New
Caledonia scholarships.                         memory of Christine Andrew by her family,               Application requirement: CNC online
                                                friends, and colleagues. Chris was a faculty            scholarship application
Selection process: Selection made by the
                                                member for 25 years and worked in both
Professional Cook Faculty at the College of                                                             Eligibility: Open to all full-time students
                                                the Nursing faculty and in the Counselling
New Caledonia.                                                                                          registered in the Heavy Mechanical Trades,
                                                department. Chris’s sense of humour and
                                                                                                        Foundation-Level program, at the College
                                                her compassionate and generous spirit is
                                                                                                        of New Caledonia, Prince George campus.
                                                woven into the fabric of the lives of all who
Chef Mike Wilson Memorial                       knew her. Chris’s contribution to nursing               Selection criteria: Based on meeting
                                                education in British Columbia and her                   eligibility requirements. Based on academic
Endowment Bursary
                                                passion for life, golf, and laughter remain             and practical achievement.
(Award #24)
                                                her living legacy. This bursary will assist             Selection process: Selection made by the
Donor: Chef Michael J. Wilson                   students to pursue a career in Nursing and              Trades Faculty, College of New Caledonia.
Endowment Fund                                  ensure Chris’s continued contribution to
                                                nursing education in British Columbia.
Description: In memory of Mike Wilson,
in true community spirit, the legacy he         Type of award: Bursary
                                                                                                        City of Prince George
left the College of New Caledonia lives on      Amount of award: $1,000                                 Endowment Bursary
through the Professional Cook program
and Kodiaks Restaurant. This bursary was
                                                Application deadline: April 30                          (Award #26)
established to recognize personal and           Application requirements:
                                                                                                        Donor: City of Prince George
academic achievement of a student in            1. CNC online bursary application
pursuit of furthering his/her career in the                                                             Description: The City of Prince George
                                                2. 500-word essay (typed), describing                   annually awards a bursary open to all
professional cook field.
                                                   participation in health care/community               full-time students who are permanent resi-
Type of award: Bursary                             activities                                           dents of the City of Prince George.
Amount of award: $150                           Eligibility: Open to all first year, full-time          Type of award: Bursary
Application deadline: June 1                    students in the Northern Collaborative
                                                                                                        Amount of award: $500

                                                                                                                                    Revised 17.12.18
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