→   2    Custom-Made                 →   46   Hammam:

                                         46        Effe steam generators
                                         49        Touch&Steam
→   10   BodyLove collection:            51        Aquasteam
                                         53        Easysteam
    11        BodyLove                   55        Nuvola Smart Power
    13        BodyLove S                 57        Nuvola
    15        BodyLove H                 59        FeelGood: shower
                                         61        FitBox: steam shower box

→   16   Logica collection:
                                     →   62   Water:
    17        Logica
    19        Logica SH                  63        WaterDream: mini pool
    21        Mid                        65        WaterSuite: bath
    23        Logica S
    25        One S
    27        Logica H
    29        One H                  →   66   Accessories:
    31        H
                                         66        ESS Effe Sound System
                                         67        ECC Effe Comfort Control
                                         68        Doors and glass panels
→   32   Topkapi                         71        - Tuttovetro
                                         72        - Spazio
                                         72        - Spazioslide
                                         73        - Spaziofilo
→   34   Effe Saunas / Bio-saunas:       73        - Fit
                                         75        Seating and springs
    35        Yoku                       76        Furnishings and accessories
    37        Air                        78        Perfect Wellness Fragrances
    39        Sky Corner
    41        Sky
    43        Auki
    44        Bio-sauna

                                    Effe saunas, Hammams and        Saune, hammam e sistemi
                                    complete systems can be         Effe possono essere adattati
                                    adapted to fit any space.       a qualunque spazio: realizza
                                    Create your very own            il tuo personale centro
                                    personal spa, tailor-made to    benessere, progettato su
                                    make the very best use of any   misura per sfruttare al meglio
                                    available environment.          ogni ambiente disponibile.

Made-to-measure sauna.   2                                          3
La Casa del Porto
Lovere, Italy
4   Custom made spa with sauna, hammam, shower.     5
    Steam generator: Nuvola Smart Power.
    Door: Tuttovetro Inside, with built-in frame.
    Shower: FeelGood.
6   Made-to-measure hammam.   7
    Private House, Ancona
Made-to-measure sauna.   9
Golfo dei Poeti Relais
Ameglia, Italy
     Dimensioni                       Design:        > 1
     Dimensions                   Rodolfo Dordoni,   Sauna: natural Canadian
                                  Michele Angelini   hemlock. Hammam: Corian®
     BodyLove                                        and fluted glass.
     393 x 176 x h 220 cm                            > 2
                                                     Sauna: heat-treated solid
     BodyLove S                                      wood. Hammam: Corian® and
     200 x 176 x h 220 cm                            Champagne grès porcelain.

     BodyLove H
     200 x 176 x h 220 cm

     Su misura
     Custom size

                                                           < 1

                            2 >

10                                                   11
BodyLove S
Dimensioni                    Design:        1 >
Dimensions                Rodolfo Dordoni,   Finish: heat-treated solid
                          Michele Angelini   wood with exterior panelling.
BodyLove S                                   Ceramic tiles cover heater.
200 x 176 x h 220 cm

Su misura
Custom size

      1 >

BodyLove H
                                        Dimensioni                    Design:        > 1
                                        Dimensions                Rodolfo Dordoni,   Made-to-measure
                                                                  Michele Angelini   hammam.
                                        BodyLove H
                                        200 x 176 x h 220 cm                         > 2
                                        Su misura                                    aluminium Bronze.
                                        Custom size

                                                                                           < 1

                                                                  2 >

Finish: grès porcelain Champagne   14                                                15
                     Dimensioni                 Design:             > 1
                     Dimensions              Talocci Design         > 2
                                                                    Finish: Sand - Soft Sand.
                     373 x 250 x h 226 cm

                     Su misura
                     Custom size

                                   1 >

                                                              < 2

Finish: Stone   16                                                  17
Logica SH
     Dimensioni                    Design:             > 1
     Dimensions                 Talocci Design         Finish: Cloud - White Cloud.

     Logica SH                                         > 2
     373 x 171 x h 226 cm                              Finish: Sand - Soft Sand.

     Su misura
     Custom size

                       1 >

                                                 < 2

18                                                     19
     Dimensioni                      Design:             > 1
     Dimensions                   Talocci Design         > 2
                                                         Finish: Sand - Soft Sand.
     300 x 137 x h 220 cm

     Su misura
     Custom size

                            1 >

                                                   < 2

20                                                       21
Logica S
     Dimensioni                  Design:       1 >
     Dimensions               Talocci Design   Finishes: Sand - Soft Sand,
                                               Canadian hemlock.
     Logica S
     214 x 250 x h 226 cm

     Su misura
     Custom size

           1 >

22                                             23
One S
     Dimensioni                       Design:       > 1
     Dimensions                                     Canadian hemlock with
                                   Talocci Design
                                                    Cloud - White Cloud finishes.
     One S
     214 x 171 x h 226 cm                           > 2
                                                    Lighting system with Led
     Su misura                                      RGB colour therapy, 5 fixed
     Custom size                                    colours and 4 dynamic cycles
                                                    and white light.

                            1 >

                                                    < 2

24                                                  25
Logica H
     Dimensioni                  Design:       1 >
     Dimensions               Talocci Design   Finishes: Sand - Soft Sand.
                                               Shower complete with mixer
     Logica H                                  tap with flow regulator and
     214 x 250 x h 226 cm                      diverter, ceiling-mounted
                                               lime-scale-resistant shower
     Su misura                                 head, hand-held shower
     Custom size                               head.

              1 >

26                                             27
One H
                                     Dimensioni                   Design:       > 1
                                     Dimensions                Talocci Design   Finishes: Cloud - White Cloud.
                                                                                Platform: 3.5 mm laminated
                                     One H                                      grès porcelain fitted to 15 mm
                                     214 x 171 x h 226 cm                       toughened glass.

                                     Su misura                                  > 2
                                     Custom size                                One H + One S.
                                                                                Finishes: Cloud - White Cloud.

                                                                         < 1

                                                        2 >

Finishes: Cloud - White Cloud   28                                              29
     Dimensioni                 Design:       > 1
     Dimensions              Talocci Design   > 2
                                              Hammam and shower:
     H-Small                                  3.5 mm laminated grès
     131 x 92 x h 220 cm                      porcelain.
                                              Version: H-Medium
     H-Medium                                 Cloud - White Cloud.
     152 x 102 x h 220 cm

     173 x 102 x h 220 cm

     Su misura
     Custom size

                       1 >

                                                                  < 2

30                                            31
                                   Dimensioni                            Design:        1 >
                                   Dimensions                        Rodolfo Dordoni,   Finish: Marquina marble
                                                                     Michele Angelini   with rain-effect glass.
                                   Topkapi 190x130
                                   193,2 x 130 x h 219.5 cm

                                   Topkapi 190x90
                                   193,2 x 90 x h 219.5 cm

                                   Topkapi 150x130
                                   153,2 x 130 x h 219.5 cm

                                   Topkapi 150x90
                                   153,2 x 90 x h 219.5 cm

                                                              1 >

Finish: Carrara marble with   32                                                        33
rain-effect glass.
                                         Dimensioni                         Design:            > 1
                                         Dimensions                   Marco Williams Fagioli   Yoku G.
                                                                          (Zup Design)         Finish: dark heat-treated
                                         Yoku S / D / G 45                                     solid wood.
                                         174 x 130 x h 214 cm                                  > 2
                                                                                               Yoku D.
                                         Yoku S / D / G 60                                     Finish: heat-treated Aspen.
                                         174 x 170 x h 214 cm

                                         Yoku S / D / G 80
                                         202 x 180 x h 214 cm

                                         Yoku S / D / G 105
                                         230 x 200 x h 214 cm

                                         Su misura
                                         Custom size

                                                                1 >

                                                                                               < 2

Yoku S. Finish: canaletto walnut.   34                                                         35

                              Dimensioni                      Design:             > 1
                              Dimensions                   Talocci Design         Heat-treated Aspen wood
                                                                                  and 10mm toughened glass
                              Air 120                                             side.
                              283 x 252 x h 213 cm
                                                                                  > 2
                              Air 80                                              Air Corner in heat-treated
                              247 x 182 x h 213 cm                                Aspen wood and 10mm
                                                                                  toughened glass side.
                              Air 60
                              217 x 162 x h 213 cm

                              Air 105 Corner
                              247 x 182 x h 213 cm

                              Air 80 Corner
                              217 x 162 x h 213 cm

                              Su misura
                              Custom size

                                                     1 >

                                                                            < 2

Finish: natural Aspen wood.                                                       37
Sky Corner
     Dimensioni                           Design:       1 >
     Dimensions                        Talocci Design   2 >
                                                        Finish: natural Canadian
     Sky Corner 80                                      Hemlock wood.
     200 x 180 x h 201 cm

     Sky Corner 60
     200 x 150 x h 201 cm

     Sky Corner 45
     170 x 130 x h 201 cm

     Su misura
     Custom size

                            1 >

                                     2 >

38                                                      39

           Dimensioni                 Design:       1 >
           Dimensions              Talocci Design   Finish: natural Canadian
                                                    Hemlock wood.
           Sky 80
           200 x 180 x h 201 cm

           Sky 60
           200 x 150 x h 201 cm

           Sky 40
           170 x 130 x h 201 cm

           Sky 30
           130 x 130 x h 201 cm

           Su misura
           Custom size

                             1 >

      40                                            41
                            Dimensioni                      Design:       > 1
                            Dimensions                   Talocci Design   Finish: Swedish pine.

                            Auki 60                                       > 2
                            228 x 170 x h 201 cm                          Finish: Canadian hemlock
                                                                          Optional: side glass panel.
                            Auki 45
                            202 x 152 x h 201 cm

                            Auki 40
                            189 x 126 x h 201 cm

                            Auki 30
                            128 x 126 x h 201 cm

                            Su misura
                            Custom size            1 >

                                                                          < 2

Finish: Swedish pine   42                                                 43

La Biosauna è una sauna con livelli
di temperatura contenuti tra i 50
e i 60°C e un’umidità di circa 60-70%.
Grazie al vaporizzatore integrato,                         60% > 70%
impostando la temperatura preferita,
la stufa Bio creerà l’equilibrio perfetto
fra calore ed umidità.
Il sistema combinato Effe consente
la scelta tra Biosauna, un percorso
a metà strada fra la sauna finlandese
e la natura mediterranea del bagno
di vapore, o sauna tradizionale,
caratterizzata da temperature fino
a 100°C con bassa umidità. Il sistema                                  Bio-sauna
combinato può essere applicato a
tutte le saune Effe.

The Bio-sauna is a sauna whose
temperature ranges from 50 to 60°C
                                            50°C > 60°C
with humidity between 60-70%.                TEMPERATURE

The built-in vaporiser allows you to
set your preferred temperature and
the Bio heater creates the perfect
balance between heat and humidity.
The combined Effe system allows
you to choose between a Bio-sauna,
a halfway house between the
Finnish sauna and the Mediterranean
nature of the steam bath, or a
traditional sauna with low humidity
and a temperature of up to 100°C.
This combined system can be
installed in all Effe saunas.
                                                                                   Traditional sauna

                                                               44                                      45
                                                          DI GENERATORI                                               KNOW-HOW
                                                          DI VAPORE                                                   & TECHNOLOGY

                                                          YOUR CHOICE
                                                          OF EFFE
                          m3                                                                     SEC          SBC                                             SWF                               ECC
                                                                                                 Smart Energy Smart Boiler                                    Smart Water                       Effe Comfort
               AND MORE
                                                          GENERATORS                             Control      Cleaning                                        Filling                           Control
                                                                                                 Evenly spaced on/off         Dilution and intermediate       Optimised management              This system is built into
                                                                                                 periods for the heating      rinsing processes not time      of boiler filling, intermediate   the Effe steam generator,
                                                                                                 elements to obtain           controlled but based            rinsing and emptying              enabling remote control of the
                                                                                                 even steam distribution      on real need to reduce          process. Heating elements         Turkish bath from a tablet or
                                                                                                 throughout the session.      limescale deposits and avoid    programmed for optimum            smartphone using the Effegibi
                                                                                                                              frequent boiler maintenance.    operation.                        Experience app.
                                                                                                 Distribuzione uniforme
                                                                                                 nel tempo dei cicli di       Diluizioni e risciacqui         Gestione ottimizzata di           Il sistema è integrato nel
                                                                                                 accensione e spegnimento     intermedi calcolati sul reale   riempimento caldaia,              generatore di vapore Effe e
                                                                                                 delle termoresistenze        fabbisogno per ridurre          risciacqui intermedi e            consente di gestire a distanza
                                                                                                 in modo da ottenere          l’accumulo di calcare e         svuotamento. Le resistenze       il bagno turco tramite l’App
                                                                                                 una diffusione di vapore     aumentare la durata della        lavorano sempre in maniera      Effegibi Experience su tablet o
                                                                                                 costante.                    caldaia senza manutenzione.      ottimale.                        smartphone.

SMART POWER                                                                                                                                                                                                       NUVOLA SMART POWER

                                                                                                 RWF                          ODS                             PSF
                                                                                                 Regulating                   Open Door                       Power Steam


                                                                                                 Water Flow                   Sensor                          Function                          SWF
                                                                                                 The generator can work       The sophisticated               The innovative ventilation
                                                                                                 on a wide range of water     electronics allow the           management system
                                                                                                 systems with different       generator to sense when         minimises temperature
                               NUVOLA                TOUCH&STEAM   AQUASTEAM         EASYSTEAM   pressures, from 0.2 bar      the door is open and            layering inside the
                                                                                                 to 10 bar.                   automatically block steam       cubicle.                          ODS
                                                                                                 Il generatore può lavorare                                   L’innovativo sistema              PSF
                                                                                                 dentro un ampio range        Grazie alla sofisticata         di gestione della
                                                                                                 di pressione dell’impianto   elettronica il generatore       ventilazione minimizza            TOUCH CONTROLS

                                                                                                 idrico del locale: da 0,2    comprende quando                la stratificazione delle
                                                                                      m3         bar a 10 bar.                la porta è aperta e blocca      temperature all’interno           AROMATHERAPY

                                               MAX                                                                            in automatico la                della cabina.
                                                     m3                                                                       produzione del vapore.



                                         HAMMAM                                                                                                                                                                                   47
                                            Dimensioni                    Steam generator         > 1
                                            Dimensions                                            Touch-screen control panel
                                                                                                  with backlit icons
                                            Touch&Steam                                           and temperature indicator.
                                            23 x 3,7 x h 165 cm
                                                                                                  > 2
                                            Controcassa                                           Touch&Steam with
                                            Counterbox                                            Spazioslide 160 door.
                                            40 x 10 x h 173 cm

                                            Volume cabina
                                            Cubicle volume
                                            max 9,2 m3

                                                                                            < 1

                                                                    2 >

Touch&Steam with Spaziofilo 160 door   48                                                         49
                                     Dimensioni                        Steam generator   > 1
                                     Dimensions                                          > 2
                                                                                         Touch-screen control panel
                                     Aquasteam                                           with backlift icons and
                                     25 x 3,7 x h 57 cm                                  temperature indicator.
                                                                                         Waterfall spring with
                                     Controcassa                                         controlled backlit water flow.
                                     37 x 10 x h 54 cm

                                     Volume cabina
                                     Cubicle volume
                                     max 4,5 m3

                                                                 1 >

                                                          2 >

Aquasteam with Spazio 80 door   50                                                       51
     Dimensioni                 Steam generator   > 1
     Dimensions                                   Control interface with backlit
                                                  icons on curved glass panel.
     25 x 3,7 x h 57 cm                           > 2
                                                  Touch-screen control
     Controcassa                                  panels with backlit icons
     Counterbox                                   and temperature indicator
     37 x 10 x h 54 cm                            (optional).

     Volume cabina
     Cubicle volume
     max 4,5 m3

                                                  < 1

                          2 >

52                                                53
Nuvola Smart Power
     Dimensioni                                   Steam generator         > 1
     Dimensions                                                           Hammam with Nuvola
                                                                          Smart Power and Tuttovetro
     Generatore di vapore                                                 Inside door with built-in
     Steam generator                                                      frame.
     52 x 26 x h 27 cm
     52 x 26 x h 45 cm (Mod. 110-140-180)                                 > 2
     52 x 26 x h 95 cm (Mod. 250-360)                                     High-tech steam diffuser.

     Pannello di controllo
     Control panel
     18 x h 6 cm

     Controcassa pannello
     Panel mounting box
     19 x 8 x h 4,3 cm

     Diffusore di vapore
     Steam diffuser
     18,2 x 4,5 x h 12,3 cm

     Controcassa diffusore di vapore
     Steam diffuser mounting box
     18 x 10 x h 15,2 cm

     Volume cabina
     Cubicle volume
     50 m3 and above

                                            1 >

                                                                    < 2

54                                                                        55
Dimensioni                   Steam generator   > 1
Dimensions                                     Touch-screen control panel
                                               with backlit icons and
Generatore di vapore                           temperature indicator.
Steam generator
52 x 26 x h 27 cm

Pannello di controllo
Control panel
16,5 x h 5 cm

Controcassa pannello
Panel mounting box
16 x 7 x h 4,5 cm

Diffusore di vapore
Steam diffuser
Ø 7 cm - h 3,5 cm

Volume cabina
Cubicle volume
max 9,2 m3

                      1 >

     Dimensioni                           Shower         > 1
     Dimensions                                          Touch-screen control panel
                                                         with backlit icons operates all
     Soffione                                            the functions.
     Shower head
     47 x 67 cm                                          > 2
                                                         Shower with three different
     Pannello di controllo                               flows of water: rain, waterfall
     Control panel                                       and mist.
     30 x h 6 cm

     Controcassa pannello
     Control panel mounting box
     31 x 9,8 x h 6,6 cm

                                    1 >

                                                   < 2

58                                                       59
                                          Dimensioni                   Steam shower box            > 1
                                          Dimensions                        Design:                Fitbox A with brushed
                                                                Giovanna Talocci, Marco Pallocca   aluminium finish.
                                          Fitbox A 120x80
                                          Fitbox B 120x80
                                          119 x 79 x h 220 cm

                                          Fitbox A 140x90
                                          Fitbox B 140x90
                                          139 x 89 x h 220 cm

                                          Su misura
                                          Custom size

                                                    1 >

Fitbox B with matte black anodised   60                                                            61
aluminium finish.
     Dimensioni                           Mini pool               > 1
     Dimensions                            Design:                WaterDream can be installed
                               Giovanna Talocci, Marco Pallocca   in any bathroom, thanks
     Mini piscina                                                 to the customisable panel
     Mini pool                                                    on the side of the bath
     208 x 208 x h 80,5 cm                                        which conceals the controls

               1 >

62                                                                63
     Dimensioni                             Bath                  > 1
     Dimensions                            Design:                Air Milk function: the gently
                               Giovanna Talocci, Marco Pallocca   flowing water is oxygenated,
     Vasca                                                        making it milky white and soft
     Bath                                                         to the touch.
     160 x 180 x h 63,5cm

                        1 >

64                                                                65
È possibile ascoltare la propria musica                   Sistema che consente di gestire a distanza il
preferita all’interno della sauna o                       bagno turco o la sauna, scaricando l’apposita
dell’hammam utilizzando la connessione                    App Effegibi Experience (disponibile
Bluetooth del proprio Tablet o Smartphone.                su ambiente iOS) sul proprio Tablet o
Dotata di due casse stereo, Effe Sound                    Smartphone. È possibile personalizzare la
System si collega automaticamente                         propria esperienza comodamente da altri
agli altoparlanti interni senza dover   ESS               ambienti della casa ed eseguire funzioni quali
installare software o predisporre       EFFE SOUND        impostazione dell’ora di accensione, della
collegamenti specifici.                 SYSTEM            temperatura e selezione della luce preferita.
                                                          La copertura Wi-Fi nell’ambiente in cui sono
                                                          inseriti il bagno turco o la sauna permette
You can listen to your favourite music                    una programmazione remota da qualsiasi
inside the sauna or hammam using a                        luogo (ufficio, auto, ecc.). Infine l’App Effegibi
Bluetooth connection and your own                         Experience permette di avere informazioni
device. The Effe Sound System, which                      utili sull’utilizzo del prodotto: da come
has two stereo speakers, connects                         utilizzarli al meglio a quali sono i suoi benefici.
automatically to the internal speaker
with no need to install any software or make              This system can control
special connections.                                      remotely the sauna or the
                                                          Turkish bath. To enable it,
                                                          just download the Effegibi
                                                          Experience App (available
                                                          on iOS) to your Tablet or
                                                          Smartphone. This makes it            EFFE COMFORT
                                                          possible to personalise your         CONTROL
                                                          own experience conveniently
                                                          from other places in your home
                                                          and pre-set such functions as
                                                          switch-on time, temperature
                                                          and your preferred light selection.
                                                          The Wi-Fi cover in the sauna or hammam
                                                          area enables you to program it remotely
                                                          from almost any other location, such as your
                                                          office or car. Last but not least, the Effegibi
                                                          Experience App provides you with useful
                                                          information about the product, such as how
                                                          to get the best out of your sauna or your
                                                          hammam and its health benefits.

                                                     66                                                         67
PORTE E                                          DOORS
      VETRATE                                          AND GLASS
                                                                                                         SPAZIO 80                 SPAZIO 120                SPAZIO   160                SPAZIO 40          SPAZIO 80
                                                                                                         L 800                     L 1200                    L 1600                      GLASS PANEL        GLASS PANEL
                                                                                                         H 2000                    H 2000                    H 2000                      L 430              L 830
                                                                                                                                                                                         H 2000             H 2000

Le speciali porte Effe per hammam              The special doors created by Effe
sono progettate per ottenere una               for Hammams are designed to
tenuta perfetta alla fuoriuscita del           ensure a perfect seal against the
vapore, garantendo il giusto ricircolo         escape of steam thus ensuring
d’aria. L’acciaio inox, l’alluminio e il       proper air circulation. Stainless
vetro temperato di 8 mm di spessore            steel and 8mm-thick toughened
rendono ogni modello molto                     glass make each model tough and
durevole e facilmente abbinabile               long-lasting and easily adaptable to
allo stile di ogni arredamento.                any furnishing style. Effe’s special
Grazie alle porte Effe, anche la               doors also enable any ordinary
semplice doccia di casa può essere             home shower to be transformed                             SPAZIOFILO
                                                                                                         80 LH
                                                                                                                      80 RH
                                                                                                                                   120 LH
                                                                                                                                                120 RH
                                                                                                                                                             160 LH
                                                                                                                                                                            160 RH
                                                                                                                                                                                         SPAZIOFILO 40
                                                                                                                                                                                         GLASS PANEL
                                                                                                                                                                                                            SPAZIOFILO 80
                                                                                                                                                                                                            GLASS PANEL

trasformata in un perfetto bagno               into the perfect Turkish bath.                            L 800
                                                                                                         H 1983
                                                                                                                      L 800
                                                                                                                      H 1983
                                                                                                                                   L 1200
                                                                                                                                   H 1983
                                                                                                                                                L 1200
                                                                                                                                                H 1983
                                                                                                                                                             L 1600
                                                                                                                                                             H 1983
                                                                                                                                                                            L 1600
                                                                                                                                                                            H 1983
                                                                                                                                                                                         L 430
                                                                                                                                                                                         H 1983
                                                                                                                                                                                                            L 830
                                                                                                                                                                                                            H 1983


SPAZIOSLIDE       SPAZIOSLIDE   SPAZIOSLIDE   SPAZIOSLIDE         SPAZIOLARGE LH   SPAZIOLARGE RH                                                            FIT 50
130 LH            130 RH        160 LH        160 RH              L 1000           L 1000                FIT 65                    FIT 80                    GLASS PANEL
L 1300            L 1300        L 1600        L 1600              H 2000           H 2000                L 650                     L 800                     L 500
H 2000            H 2000        H 2000        H 2000                                                     H 1900                    H 2100                    H 2100

TUTTOVETRO                                                  TUTTOVETRO                                   FIT A 120                 FIT B 120                 FIT A                       FIT B
INSIDE                                                      CONTOUR                                      L 1200                    L 1200                    CUSTOM SIZE                 CUSTOM SIZE
MADE-TO-MEASURE                                             MADE-TO-MEASURE                              H 2100                    H 2100

                                                                                                    68                                                                                                 69

                              Porta con apertura classica.
                              A filo pavimento.
                              Installata su controtelaio.
                              Profili in acciaio.

                              Classic pull-open door.
                              Flush with the flooring.
                              Fitted to the counterframe.
                              Steel edges.

                              < 1
                              Tuttovetro Inside

                              < 2
                              Tuttovetro Contour

Tuttovetro Inside        70   71
doors and glass panels
SPAZIO                           SPAZIOFILO

Caratteristiche                  Caratteristiche
Reversibile.                     Porta con apertura classica.
Installata su controtelaio.      A filo pavimento.
Profili in acciaio.              Installata su controtelaio.
                                 Profili in acciaio.
Reversible.                      Features
Fitted to the counterframe.      Classic pull-open door.
Steel edges.                     Flush with the flooring.
                                 Fitted to the counterframe.
                                 Steel edges.

SPAZIOSLIDE                      FIT

Caratteristiche                  Caratteristiche
Apertura scorrevole.             Porta con apertura classica.
Disponibile in versione destra   Disponibile in versione destra
o sinistra.                      o sinistra.
Installata su controtelaio.      Profili in alluminio spazzolato.
Profili in acciaio.
Features                         Classic pull-open door.
Sliding version.                 Right or left-opening options.
Right or left-opening options.   Brushed aluminium frames.
Fitted to the counterframe.
Steel edges.

        72                       73
SEATING                                                          SEDUTE E
                                                              RECTANGULAR SECTION
                                                              CORNER 75X75 CM
                                                                                                                                                                                                           AND                                                              FONTI
                                                                                                RECTANGULAR SECTION
                                                                                                CORNER 75X75 CM                                                                                                           Serie di arredi progettati                                    A range of fittings specially
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          in maniera specifica per l’interno                            designed for the inside
                      RECTANGULAR SECTION
                      END COVER
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          dell’hammam e della doccia,                                   of the Hammam and shower,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          con materiali facili da pulire                                made of easy-to-clean
END COVER                                                                                                                       ROUND SECTION
                                                                                                                                CORNER 75X75 CM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          e resistenti all’azione dell’acqua.                           and water-resistant materials.
                                                                                                                                75X75X42H                                                     LOGICA BENCH 69
                                                          RECTANGULAR SECTION                                                                                                                 STONE
                                                          1 M                                                                                                                                 69X41X45H

THE COVERING                        END COVER                                                                                                                       LOGICA BENCH 69
OF CHOICE                           50X25X42H                                                                                                                       SAND
                                                                                        ROUND SECTION                                                               69X41X45H
                                                                                        1 M                                                                                                                                       LOGICA BENCH 79
                                                                                        50X100X42H                                                                                                                                STONE

                                                                  ROUND SECTION                                                                   LOGICA BENCH 69
                                                                  END COVER                                                                       CLOUD
                                                                  50X25X42H                                                                       69X41X45H
                                                                                                                                                                                                       LOGICA BENCH 79

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                LOGICA BENCH 114
                                                                                                                                                                            LOGICA BENCH 79

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     LOGICA BENCH 114
                                                                                                 ALU BENCH                                                                                                                                           SAND
                                                                                                 TECK                                                                                                                                                114X41X45H
                                                                                                 3 MODULE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         LOGICA BENCH 114
                                                                        ALU BENCH                                                                                                                                        CLOUD                                                       MINI SPRING
                                                                        TECK                                                                                                                                             114X41X45H                                                  CRISTALPLANT WHITE
                                                                        2 MODULE                                                   ALU BENCH                                      ALU BENCH                                                                                          48X20
                                                                        54X48X45H                                                  AMBER                                          CRISTALPLANT WHITE
                                                                                                                                   3 MODULE                                       3 MODULE
                                                                                                                                   81X48X45H                                      81X48X45H
                                                  ALU BENCH                                                                                                                                                                                                      MINI SPRING
                                                  TECK                                                                                                                                                                                                           COLOURED RESIN AMBER
                                                  1 MODULE                                                                                                                                                                                                       48X20
                                                                                                         ALU BENCH
                                                                                                         AMBER                                                                                                                                                                                                  MINI SEAT
                                                                                                         2 MODULE                                                                                                                                                                                               CRISTALPLANT WHITE
                                                                                                         54X48X45H                                                                                                                                                                                              48X36
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            MINI SPRING
                                                                                    ALU BENCH
                                                                                    AMBER                                                                                                                                                                                                  MINI SEAT
                        ALU BENCH                                                   1 MODULE                                                                                                                                                                                               COLOURED RESIN AMBER
                        TECK                                                        27X48X45H                                                                                                                                                                                              48X36
                        CORNER                                                                                                            ALU BENCH
                        76X76X45H                                                                                                         CRISTALPLANT WHITE
                                                                                                                                          2 MODULE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    MINI SEAT
                                                                                                                     ALU BENCH                                                                                   TOPKAPI BENCH 115
                                                                                                                     CRISTALPLANT WHITE                                                                          115X35X44H
                                                           ALU BENCH
                                                                                                                     1 MODULE

                                                                                                                                                                                        TOPKAPI BENCH 75
                                                                                    ALU BENCH
                                                                                    CRISTALPLANT WHITE
                                                                                    CORNER                                                                                                                                                                                                                 75
                   E ACCESSORI
                                                       Effe ha studiato complementi
FURNISHINGS                                            d’arredo come poltrone,
                                                       lettini, tavoli e chaise longue,
AND                                                    che si abbinano a saune e
                                                       hammam per completare con
ACCESSORIES                                            stile la vostra area benessere.

                                                       Effe has designed a complete
                                                       range of fittings for saunas and
                                                       Hammams with armchairs,
                                                       loungers, tables and chaise
                                                       longues to complete your spa
                                                       area in style.

                        BUCKET SHOWER

                                                                                                                          Auki relax lounger
                                                                                                                          in Canadian hemlock
                                                               AUKI RELAX LOUNGER
                                                               IN CANADIAN HEMLOCK
                                                               HEAD-REST: EVA PADDING AND
                                                               ECRU ACRYLIC FABRIC COVER
                                                               CM 187 X 65 X 80 H
          SHOWER HOSE

                                                                                                  FORMA RELAX LOUNGER
                                                                                                  IN TREATED BEECH-WOOD
                                                                                                  CM 185 X 65 X 73 H

                                        BODYLOVE RELAX LOUNGER
                                        IN CANADIAN HEMLOCK
                                        OR HEAT TREATED SOLID WOOD
                                        WITH PAINTED METAL LEGS
                                        CM 184 X 65 X 38 H

                                                                        BODYLOVE RELAX LOUNGER
                                                                        IN CANADIAN HEMLOCK
                                                                        OR HEAT TREATED SOLID WOOD
 OTIUM RELAX LOUNGER                                                    CM 184 X 65 X 38 H
 CM 170 X 64 X 83 H

                                                                                                                                                BodyLove Relax lounger

                                                                                             76                                                                          77
Effe presenta in collaborazione con
Remedia, azienda che utilizza prodotti
naturali e biologici coltivati
e lavorati secondo antiche
tradizioni di erboristeria
alchemica, una linea di
fragranze per sauna e
hammam che ampliano
i benefici di questi antichi
rituali con una dimensione       WELLNESS
olfattiva e onirica.             FRAGRANCES

Effe has come together with
Remedia, which uses natural
organic products that are grown
and processed according to ancient
traditions of alchemical herbalism,
to create a range of fragrances for saunas
and Hammams which heighten the benefits
of these ancient rituals thanks to their
olfactory and almost dreamlike effect.

                                              78   79
Effegibi              The images and data contained in          Thanks to:               Special thanks to:
Via Gallo 769         this catalogue are merely a guide         Lea Ceramiche            Golfo dei Poeti Relais, Ameglia
47522 Cesena (FC)     and may be changed at any time            Ceramiche Mutina         La Casa del Porto, Lovere
Italy                 without notice.                           Ceramica Sant'Agostino   Tenuta Le Cave, Tregnago
tel +39 0547 372881                                             Fratelli Fantini       Effegibi: all rights reserved             Falper                   Art direction & graphic design:
                      Total or partial reproduction of the                               Zup Design
                      text or illustrations in this catalogue
                      is prohibited and subject to legal                                 Photo:
                      sanctions.                                                         Simone Casetta
                                                                                         Massimo Spada
                                                                                         Archivio Effegibi
  Via Gallo 769
47522 Cesena (FC)
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