MEDIA INFORMATION 2021 - The magazine for historical Volkswagen - PRICE LIST No. 11 - Delius Klasing
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MEDIA INFORMATION 2021 The magazine for historical Volkswagen Foto: © Stephan Repke PRICE LIST No. 11
SUMMARY 2 VW CLASSIC PRINT VW CLASSIC DIGITAL The magazine 3 Gute Fahrt App 9 Dimensions / Rates Publication schedule 4 Editorial section 5 Special Rate Community 6 Ad Specials 7 DK-brand-combination 8 Click content for instant information SPECIFICATIONS Print: Digital: Standard Terms and Conditions: The current terms and conditions are available at: Any changes to the price list can be found at: MEDIA SALES DELIUS KLASING VERLAG EDITORIAL OFFICE Our contact persons can be found at Siekerwall 21 Editor in Chief Arne Olerth 33602 Bielefeld, Germany Am Sandfeld 15 a kontakt-automobil fon +49 521 559 0 76149 Karlsruhe, Germany
THE MAGAZINE 3 Von wegen Sekretärinnen-Sportwagen: Inspiriert von den VW-Dragsterklassen »Unlimited Street« und »ASA« hat Mike Cupurdija aus den USA einen 1963er-Karmann Ghia mithilfe von »Cooker‘s Restoration« zu einer echten Granate umgebaut! Text & Fotos Stephan Szantai W ir schreiben das Jahr 2003. Eine neue Dragster-Rennklasse namens Cabriolet, das dank eines 633 PS starken Tur- bomotors mit Lachgas-Einspritzung in 9,33 Der im Nahen Osten stationierte US-Sol- dat wolle unbedingt in die ASA-Klasse ein- »Unlimited Street« sorgt für Auf- Sekunden auf der Quartermile auf rund 240 steigen – mit rund 300 PS und heftigem Stance sehen in Amerikas Volkswagen-Community. km/h beschleunigte – der helle Wahnsinn! der breiten Hinterräder. Der absolute Ham- Die Mitglieder kommen fast alle von der VW-Fans aller Art wurden selbst über die mer! Gelten normalerweise große Doppel- Westküste der USA und fahren luftgekühlte Landesgrenzen hinaus auf diese ganz beson- vergaser im Weber-IDA-Stil bei Quartermile- VW oder Fahrzeuge mit VW-Technik, viele dere Rennklasse aufmerksam, denn die »Un- Rennern als Maß der Dinge, so sollte hier ein mit hochgezüchteten Motoren und verrück- limited Street East« (und später die »Aircooled anderer Weg gegangen werden: Der der Tur- ten Teilekombinationen. Die Regeln in die- Streetcar Association«, kurz »ASA«) brach- bo-Aufladung. ser Klasse wurden absichtlich einfach gehal- ten über die Jahre sehr viele und sehr schnel- »Als ich während der Highschool-Zeit in ten: minimales Gewicht, Schalldämpfer, zwei le Vee Dubs zusammen. An dieser Stelle einer Restaurationswerkstatt in Virginia ar- Vordersitze, funktionierende Scheinwerfer kommt der in Maryland beheimatete VW- beitete, verliebte ich mich in VW aller Art, sowie Rücklichter, aber keine Wheelie-Bars. Teilehändler namens »Cooker‘s Restoration während die meisten meiner Kumpel in Hon- Zudem mussten die Teilnehmer ihre »Street & Fabrication« ins Spiel. Denn genau jener das und Acuras unterwegs waren. Mit einem Credibility«, sprich Straßentauglichkeit, un- hat bei erstaunlich vielen der luftgekühlten Teil meines Abschlussgeldes kaufte ich mir ter Beweis stellen. So nahmen sie vor dem ei- Renn-Boliden seine Finger im Spiel. Das dann vor 15 Jahren einen reparaturbedürfti- gentlichen Rennen an einem über 20 Meilen Team von Cooker‘s ist seit jeher eine feste gen Karmann Ghia. Leider hatte ich auch noch dauernden Cruise auf dem Highway teil. Die Größe in der US-amerikanischen Volkswa- nicht so viele Erfahrungen mit der Restaura- Zuschauer liebten dieses Spektakel – vor al- gen-Szene. Und die haben gerade ein 63er- tion von alten Autos, zudem war der Ghia lem dank Teilnehmern wie Kris Lauffer. Noch Karmann Ghia Coupé für ihren Kunden mein erster und bisher einziger VW«, erzählt heute sprechen sie von seinem 66er-Käfer- Mike Cupurdija fertiggestellt. Mike. Zum Glück stand der Volkswagen-Fan Straße oder Dragstrip? Ein bisschen von beidem: auf der einen Seite die Autometer-Anzeigen für Drehzahl, Lade- und Öldruck sowie die Schaltpunkt- und Öl- Warnlampe, auf der anderen das modifi- zierte Dreispeichen-Lenkrad von Cooker‘s, der CSP-Schalthebel sowie der deutsche Tep- pichboden – handgeschnitten wohlgemerkt. Es war viel Arbeit erforderlich, die 245/55 R15-Hinterreifen unter die schlanke Karosserie des Karmann Ghia Coupé zu quetschen. Der 2,3-Liter-Typ-1-Motor ist eine absolute Wucht und leistet an den Hinterrädern um die 300 PS – vor allem dank der Turboaufladung. Übrigens: Was wie ein echter Volkswagen-Farbton aussieht, ist in Wahrheit eine Nuance aus dem Farbkarten-Buch von Sikkens. 66 VW CLASSIC 20 VW CLASSIC 20 67 Published since Classics cars from Volkswagen have careful printing on high-quality paper are 2010 always led the popularity statistics of course maintained. Renowned car Circulation* among lovers of historic vehicles - be it journalists, who have been deeply rooted 56,500 copies the Beetle, the Bus or the Golf. in the Volkswagen scene for decades, Frequency of publication VW CLASSIC has always offered competently tell the stories behind the 1 × per year them and all their brothers a common pictures, captivatingly written. Carefully Magazine size platform, looks behind the barn doors researched reports as well as detailed 230 mm × 280 mm and under the covers in the garages of reports and tips on maintenance, repair Processing the Republic and takes the valuables and tuning tell of the timeless love to old Perfect binding to the streets. Issue 20 makes the Volkswagen and round off the standard Copy price leading magazine for historic Volkswagen work for every VW fan. 7.90 € even more valuable: From now on, VW * According to the publisher CLASSIC stands for outstanding com- petence and diversity more than ever This is what fascinates the readers of - thanks to the merger with the scene VW CLASSIC, who are predominantly magazine KÄFER REVUE. Two maga- male and between 20 and 59 years zines, two approaches, one target group young. Their levels of education and net - this has long required a meaningful household income are far above those of merger, which we will now complete. VW the average, “normal” motorist. CLASSIC will thus become even more They are particularly brand-conscious, informative, providing a plus in depth and quality-oriented and have a lot of technical background knowledge. Oily purchasing power. As a result, they are a fingers are welcome! The whole thing will desirable target group of car enthusiasts be garnished with a generous surcharge with clear ideals that VW CLASSIC is in a in terms of format and number of perfect position to reach. pages - for even more reading pleasure. Estimated standards such as fantastic photographs, loving layouts and
PUBLICATION SCHEDULE 4 ISSUE FIRST SELLING DAY BOOKING DEADLINE PRINT DATA DEADLINE 01/2021 29.04.2021 16.03.2021 25.03.2021 “VW CLASSIC UNITED WITH KÄFER REVUE IS FOR THE LOVERS HISTORICAL VOLKSWAGEN MORE VALUABLE THAN EVER.” VW CLASSIC • stands for outstanding competence and diversity • will be even more informative • conveys a plus in depth and technical background knowledge • gets a larger magazine format • offers 32 pages more content
DIMENSIONS/RATES 5 EDITORIAL SECTION „ADVERTISING IN APPROPRIATE JOURNALISTIC ENVIRONMENTS INCREASES PUBLIC AWARENESS.“ source: VDZ, Editorial Media Factbook 2/1 page Trim size* 460 × 280 SIZE 4C Including App 1/1 5,990.00 € + Link activation 1/2 3,097.00 € + Picture gallery + Video integration 1/3 2,132.00 € 1/4 1,574.00 € 2/1 11,980.00 € 1/1 page Trim size* 230 × 280 SPECIAL POSITIONS 4C Back cover 7,787.00 € Inside front cover 7,188.00 € Inside back cover 6,904.00 € All prices include digital / app and quoted are exclusive VAT. 1/2 page vertical 1/2 page horizontal Type area 101 × 254 Type area 202 × 127 Trim size* 115 × 280 Trim size* 230 × 140 DISCOUNTS Classic-Combination* 10 % *not valid with the DK-Brand-Combination AGENCY COMMISSION 15 % 1/3 page vertical 1/3 page horizontal Reprints and PDFs of editorial content on request. Type area 67 × 254 Type area 202 × 85 Trim size* 78 × 280 Trim size* 230 × 93 Please ask for our price list. 1/4 page 1-column 1/4 page 2-columns Type area 50 × 254 Type area 101 × 127 Trim size* 57 × 280 1/4 page 4-columns * Trim on all sides + 3 mm. Text and image-critical parts 10 mm to the inside. Type area 202 × 63 All format specifications in mm (width x height). Trim size* 230 × 70 Any trimming marks must be set at a distance of at least 3 mm from the net format.
DIMENSIONS/RATES 6 SPECIAL RATE COMMUNITY FORMAT 4C 1/1 2,995.00 € Including 1/2 1,695.00 € App + Link activation 1/3 1,200.00 € 2/1 page 1/4 975.00 € Trim size* 460 × 280 1/8 495.00 € 2/1 5,650.00 € All prices include digital / app and quoted are exclusive VAT. DISCOUNTS Classic-Combination* 10 % *Not valid with the DK-Brand-Combination 1/1 page Trim size* 230 × 280 AGENCY COMMISSION 15 % Reprints and PDFs of editorial content on request. Please ask for our price list. 1/2 page vertical 1/2 page horizontal Type area 101 × 254 Type area 202 × 127 Trim size* 115 × 280 Trim size* 230 × 140 1/3 page vertical 1/3 page horizontal Type area 67 × 254 Type area 202 × 85 Trim size* 78 × 280 Trim size* 230 × 93 1/4 page 1-column 1/4 page 2-columns Type area 50 × 254 Type area 101 × 127 Trim size* 57 × 280 1/4 page 4-columns 1/8 page 2-columns * Trim on all sides + 3 mm. Text and image-critical parts 10 mm to the inside. Type area 202 × 63 Type area 101 × 63 All format specifications in mm (width x height). Trim size* 230 × 70 Any trimming marks must be set at a distance of at least 3 mm from the net format.
AD SPECIALS 7 LOOSE INSERTS SUBSCRIPTION WEIGHT PRICE MAXIMUM SIZE CIRCULATION up to 25 g 90.00 € per mil 200 x 270 mm (width x height) up to 50 g 120.00 € per mil 3 samples Total circulation when placing up to 75 g 145.00 € per mil the order *Other bound inserts available upon request. Plus expenses for booking a subscription circulation. TIP-ONS SIZE PRICE Postcard 47.00 € per mil + costs for the 1/1 page carrier advertisement + additional costs when booking the subscription circulation Booklet 68.00 € per mil Please send stand samples and 10 adhesive inserts for Test sample 77.00 € per mil a test run before the closing date. BOUND INSERTS SIZE PRICE 4-pages 110.00 € per mil Paper quality: 70-150g/m2 6-pages 130.00 € per mil Format: Please contact the media sales department for specifications 8-pages 150.00 € per mil Insertion: only overall. 12-pages 170.00 € per mil Position: In the middle of the magazine „artificial middle“ 16-pages 190.00 € per mil (additional costs on request) The prices quoted are exclusive VAT. AGENCY COMMISSION 15 % Ad Specials are not valid for discount! Weitere Informationen zu den Ad Specials finden Sie unter: IMPORTANT DETAILS A closed edge is required for the machine processing of inserts. For inserts that exceed the width of the magazine, this must be the long side. Inserts by hand and other formats on request. For inserts that exceed the specified format, there are additional technical costs. Loose inserts and bound inserts with third-party advertisements only after agreement with the publishing house. Delivery must be made 3 weeks before the first day of sale (duty paid and free to the printing company). Shipping documents are obligatory! Please provide the following information on the delivery papers: Intended use, magazine, number of issue, total weight, total quantity and packing size.
DK-BRAND-COMBINATION 8 combined with THE DK-BRAND-COMBINATION Under the brand of DK, 13 other special interest magazines are being published. Many of them are market leader within their field COMBINATION DISCOUNTS apply for a customer’s advertisments and offer an enormous po- tential for saving up to 20%. With an identical volume of advertising placements you may vary and change the advertising motive and the date of publishing. NUMBER DK-BRAND- OF MAGAZINES COMBINATION-DISCOUNT 2 issues 5% 3 issues 10 % 4 issues 15 % 5 issues 20 %
GUTE FAHRT APP 9 „MAGAZINES ARE BEING INCREASINGLY READ DIGITALLY. HIGH-QUALITY CONTENT IS VALUED BY USERS REGARDLESS OF THE OUTPUT MEDIUM.“ source: VDZ, Editorial Media Factbook In our kiosk app, we offer you an integration of your insert as a Free Special for an exposed customer approach. Your product information will be integrated as a multi-page leaflet and will be available for publication on the same level as the digital editions of the media brand. In this way you reach the reader of the digital issue directly and communicate your information in the environment familiar to the readers. FREE SPECIAL RUNTIME PACKAGE ADVERTISING PRICE Print/App 600 € insert plus 1 issue Combination Link activation, + 6 weeks + Video integration + Picture gallery App Only 900 € The prices quoted are exclusive VAT. Sales per issue 555 Readers per issue 2,343 according to the publisher Ø 2020 AGENCY COMMISSION 15 % See booking deadline and delivery schedule for data on page 4. Additional multimedia features (audio files, videos, galleries and links) on request.
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