COLEGIO BILINGUE CLERMONT - Criterios de éxito 2018 - 2019 Primer periodo SIXTH GRADE - Colegio Clermont

Page created by Sidney Lawrence
COLEGIO BILINGUE CLERMONT - Criterios de éxito 2018 - 2019 Primer periodo SIXTH GRADE - Colegio Clermont
                Criterios de éxito 2018 – 2019
                        Primer periodo
                         SIXTH GRADE

Estimados padres de familia e alumno;
A continuación encuentran los criterios de éxito que fueron construidos
entre los alumnos y los profesores.
Los Criterios de éxito les dice a los estudiantes lo que deben saber,
entender y poder hacer. Los verbos son muy importantes.


  ● - I can a give an informed personal response to a text.
  ● - I can summarize a text with the most relevant ideas.
  ● - I can understand the writer’s point of view.
  ● - I can understand the features of a narrative/non-narrative text.
  ● - I can understand the theme/topic of a text.

  ● - I am able to write clear and organised ideas.
  ● - I am able to create a story using the main narrative writing features.
  ● I am able to describe a character or someone
  ● I can express daily routines and activities.
  ● - I am capable of writing an article using a basic formal writing structure.

   ● - I can speak in public about myself.
   ● - I can use simple vocabulary to talk about events.
   ● - I can narrate a story highlighting the most important facts.
   ● - I can make contributions to groups discussions.
   ● - I can work effectively in individual, peer, and group speaking


Strand Literatura:

   ● Reconozco las características en virtud del contenido y de la forma que
     tienen los textos según el género al que pertenecen.
   ● Juzgo las expresiones literarias utilizadas por el autor que me permiten
     determinar el subgénero en que se enmarca el texto literario (Aventura)

Strand Producción Textual:¡
   ● Utilizo un variado grupo de sustantivos y sus categorías para construir
      oraciones con sentido completo.
   ● Analizo el significado de las palabras a partir de la forma en que se
      encuentran escritas (lexemas y morfemas)
   ● Aplico estrategias de planeación de modo eficiente que me permitan
      estructurar textos coherentes enmarcados en el subgénero de aventura.

Strand Comprensión e interpretación textual: Lectura Crítica
   ● Analizo textos a partir de la función y de la intención del autor y del
      género literario al que pertenecen.
   ● Utilizo un vocabulario especializado en mis intervenciones y en mis
      producciones escritas.
   ● Infiero hechos o condiciones implícitas en los textos a través de la
      selección de la idea más apropiada.

Strand Comunicación:
   ● Encuentro relaciones entre los contextos culturales y la forma de
      expresarse de los individuos.
   ● Construyó nuevos recursos comunicativos enmarcados en los diversos
      tipos de lenguaje.

Numeracy, Variation and problem Solving
  ● - I can identify the factors of a number by looking at its prime
  ● I can differentiate between a prime and a composite number based on
     their prime factorization.
  ● I can add or subtract fractions (proper and improper) having in mind that
     they must have the same denominator.
  ● I can convert a mixed number into an improper fraction and vice versa
     by using division or mental math.
  ● I can multiply and divide fractions. Multiplication is done straight and
     division is done using: cross multiplication, reciprocal of the divisor
     fraction and complex fractions.
  ● I can translate spoken language into a mathematical equation by
     identifying key words.
  ● I can use integers to represent real-life applications such as
     temperature, money use, altitude above or below the sea level.

Geometry, Measurement and Problem solving
  ● - I can translate shapes in the coordinate plane and the size, shape and
    orientation do not change, but the position changes.
  ● I can reflect an object over the x or the y axis I the coordinate plane
    keeping the same distance to the mirror line.
  ● I can use the 360º protractor in the clock or anti clockwise direction
    using the right scale.
  ● I can identify symmetry lines and the rotational order of symmetry.
  ● I can inscribe regular polygons in circles when the radius is given.
  ● I can identify polyhedra their faces, vertices and edges and their nets.

      Handling Data and Problem Solving
       - I can identify statistical questions from other questions that are not
       - I can collect data using a stem-and-leaf plot and then organize it from
       least to greatest.
       - I can find the mean, median, mode and range from a stem-and-leaf
       plot when it is ordered.
       - I can identify the 5 elements of a box-and-whisker plot and draw it as
       part of the analysis of a data set.
       - I can construct a histogram of grouped data and draw some
       conclusions based on it.


STRAND 1: Understanding of the World
  ● I can recognise that a switch opens and closes a circuit and associate
    this with whether or not a lamp lights in a simple series circuit.

STRAND 2: ICT tools and coding
  ● I am able to build a sequence of events to activate multiple devices

STRAND 3: Design and creativity developing thinking skills
  ● I am able to design purposeful, functional, appealing products for
    themselves and other users based on design criteria.

                                     STRAND 1
                             SCIENTIFIC ENQUIRY
   ●   • I can present results in the form of tables, bar charts and line graphs
       and make conclusions of these.
   ●   • I can use and present information from secondary sources.
   ●   • I can suggest ideas that may be tested.
   ●   • I can make careful observations including measurements.
       • I can choose appropriate apparatus and use it correctly (microscope).


                            BIOLOGICAL PROCESSES
   ●   • I can identify the seven characteristics of living things in a wide range
       of organisms.
   ●   • I can compare the structure of plant and animal cells and identify their
       structures as seen with a simple light microscope and/or a computer
   ●   • I can relate the structure of some common cells to their functions.
   ●   • I can explain how cells group together to form organisms.
   ●   • I can compare and contrast the structural organization of viruses,
       bacteria, protists and fungi as well as their role in ecosystems.

                              STRAND 3

  ● · I can outline how the particle theory of matter can be used to explain
     the properties of solids, liquids and gases, including changes of state.
  ● · I can compare former atomic models with the current model accepted.
  ● · I can distinguish between metals and non-metals.
  ● · I can recognize the difference between chemical and physical
     properties in order to understand how chemical and physical changes

Relaciones Espaciales y Ambientales
   ● Yo puedo reconocer las características y elementos que conforman el
   ● Yo puedo identificar las teorías que explican el origen del Universo y los
      estudios que se hacen en la actualidad sobre el mismo.
   ● Yo puedo describir las condiciones físicas de nuestro planeta que
      hacen posible la vida.

Relaciones con la Historia y las Culturas
   ● Yo puedo identificar las primeras civilizaciones de la humanidad
   ● Yo puedo analizar las condiciones geográficas que permitieron el
      desarrollo de las primeras civilizaciones y establece relaciones entre

Competencias Ciudadanas
  ● Yo reconozco que las primeras civilizaciones armaron sus propias
  ● Yo puedo participar en la construcción de normas en los grupos
    sociales a los cuales pertenece.

Research, analysis and evaluation
   ●    Learners evidence a clear understanding on the concepts seen in class.
   ●    Learners evaluate successfully the pros and the cons of each labour
       situation seen in class.
   ● Learners are able to draw a line of reasoning in terms of causes and
     consequences regarding the issue.

Collaboration and Communication
   ● Learners are able to work together in order to achieve the objective.
   ● Learners communicate effectively their understandings regarding the


STRAND 1. Appreciation
Understands basic visual appreciation based in scenography design for
the cultural show.

    ● I can realize analysis with exercises of visual interpretation searching for
       meaning and function of different images in cultural show script.
Understands the composition elements and environments applied to the
cultural show scenography.
    ● I can identify the basic elements of scenography

STRAND 2. Skills
Explore different bidimensional techniques and develop basic skills in plastic
arts according to significant, pleasure and emotional statements for the cultural
    ● I can use my abilities of bidimensional representation with drawing and
       painting skill for he cultural show scenes.

STRAND 3. Expression
Explore the artistic sense as a way of thinking their personal or social context
   ● I can use my critical thinking to express my perception about the
      problematics in my country based on my skills that i learned.

STRAND 1. Appreciation
  ● I am able to perform and Identify on an instrument or a paper a
    sequence (melodic)

STRAND 2. Skills
  ● I am able to use appropriate articulations to create balanced dynamics
    and Identify and perform major, minor chords and chromatic scale

STRAND 3. Expression
  ● I am able to apply good singing or ensemble skills to their classwork.


STRAND 1: Appreciation
I can evaluate solo performances from video or live production.
I can identify different vocal techniques when listening to a specific song.
STRAND 2: Skills
I can sing correctly using appropriate breath support and control at a basic
STRAND 3: Expression
I can sing with expression and technical accuracy at a basic level.


STRAND 1. Appreciation
  ● Reconozco el ritmo escénico y las tres velocidades básicas en los
    juegos teatrales.

STRAND 2. Skills
  ● Encuentro diferentes matices e inflexiones producidos por mi aparato
    fonatorio y provóco conscientemente tres emociones básicas al servicio
    de la escena. (tristeza, alegría e ira)

STRAND 3. Expression
  ● Fortalezco y mantengo la concentración durante tiempos determinados
    manejando control en la palabra y la intención en los textos.


STRAND 1. Appreciation
● I can give my opinion critical of any dance work
STRAND 2. Skills
● I can coordinate my body and dance following the assembly indications.
● I can transmit the intention of dancing and coordinating movements.
STRAND 3. Expression
● I can dance following movements from different techniques and styles
● I can appreciate the artistic work of others and give an objective opinion


Strand 1: Desarrollo físico motriz y ubicación temporo-espacial.
   ● Soy capaz de realizar ejercicios de habilidad y agilidad individuales y en
   ● Puedo utilizar adecuadamente, elementos que me ayudan a realizar
      saltos y giros.

Strand 2: Formación y realización de la técnica.
   ● Participo en juegos que me ayudan a mejorar registros y marcas.
   ● Logro realizar ejercicios de fuerza, potencia y agilidad por medio de
      trabajo grupal.

Strand 3: Fundamentación teórica y disciplinar.
   ● Siempre uso el uniforme de manera adecuada.
   ● Soy capaz de jugar y respetar las reglas.
   ● Participo activamente en las actividades de Intercasas.

   ● Soy capaz de llevar el caballo a diferentes lugares del picadero.
   ● Controlo mi caballo con las riendas.
   ● Conduzco el caballo a la derecha y luego a la izquierda.
   ● Soy capaz de montar el caballo por la pista.

   ● Puedo controlar la pelota con mi compañero desde el fondo de la pista.
   ● Puedo impactar la pelota por delante del cuerpo en los golpes de
      derecha y revés.
   ● Realizo la fase de, pendulación, impacto y terminación en el servicio.
   ● Realizo el giro de hombros en la preparación de los golpes de derecha
      y revés.

   ● Uso la creatividad como herramienta de crecimiento personal.
   ● Logró trabajar en grupo comunicándome efectivamente y aceptando la
      opinión de los demás.
   ● Comprendo cómo la creatividad se relaciona con el emprendimiento a
      través de ejemplos sociales.

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