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Volume 106                                                                                             Article 23
Issue 3 Fall 2018

October 2018

Class Notes
Colby College

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                  1930s, 1940-1943,                                   lived for 20 years. Three of her four children   friends from London. While in Boston              ‘Would three days KP cure that?!’ Ever hear
                  1945-46                                             also live in Bath so she’s “lucky enough to      waiting for their flight, they had a brief        a Chinese give a rebel yell?!” John said
                  Colby College                                       see them often.” She has a cat for company       but very pleasant visit with Nancy Cope-          they became best friends after that. I have
                  Colby Magazine                                      and is looking forward to her 90th birthday      land and Barbara Cheeseman Hooper.                another Lee story, which involves Water-
                  Waterville, Maine 04901                             party in November. Y Mary-Lou Roberts            Y Judy and Herb Nagle met Brenda and              ville. However, I will save it for next time.
                                                                      Friberg reports that she and her husband         Lum Lebherz for lunch in Middleboro,
                                        “are doing pretty well—both in our nineties      Mass. Herb and Lum have remained close
                                                                      and we both drive.” They keep in touch,          friends since 1948, and Herb says Lum             1954
                  1944                                                “though not often enough,” with Ozzie            is the same Lum that we all remember!             Art Eddy
                  Josephine Pitts McAlary                             and Virginia Young Ellis. Y Lloyd Guptil                                                 
                                     reports that his wife, Mary Ellen Bonsall                                                          Robert Anderson writes that he and Sally
                                                                      Guptil, suffers from loss of memory but          1953                                              had a nice visit with Jonathan Kent from
                                                                      remains cheerful at 90. Y Robert Bedig           Barbara Easterbrooks Mailey                       Colby, who brought them up to speed on
                  1947                                                sent me one joyous sentence. “I held my                           campus news. Recent health issues (Who
                  Gerry Boyle ’78                                     great-granddaughter, Leona June, in my           Eight hardy classmates made it to the 65th        said, “Growing older is not a job for the
                                     arms this summer!” Congratualtions,              reunion. They include Quintilio and Ruth          faint of heart?”) have curtailed their trav-
                                                                      Bob. Y Earlier this summer Hope Harvey           Sheehan Bersani and Carolyn English               el for a while. Y George and Diane Cham-
                                                                      Graf and I had a nice visit over lunch with      Caci, who all live at Brooksby Village in         berlin Starcher spent a month at their
                  1948                                                Jean Sheppard Silva in Camden. It has            Peabody, Mass. Also attending, Helen Koni-        older son’s home on Sebago Lake, where
                  David Marson                                        occurred to me that I never report on my         ares Cleaves, Electra Paskalides Coumou,          they enjoyed reunions with family and
                                     “doings” as I’m so caught up in reporting        Mimi Price Patten, Alden Sprague, and             with Diane’s sister, Susan Chamberlin
                  A highlight this summer for me was when             all yours. I have lived at The Highlands, a      Carolyn Doe Woznick. I imagine Colby              Trauger ’60. With help from a trainer, Di-
                  I called Howell Clement, my roommate                retirement community in Topsham, Maine,          showed them a good time. Thank you for            ane has recovered from a serious fall. Y
                  at Hedman Hall in the summer of 1944.               for 17 years. Hope also lives here. I have       representing our class this time. Carolyn         Lois McCarty Carlson is now living at Say-
                  As I may have mentioned before, Howell              my own house, which I share with my eighth       English Caci reports that they had a won-         brook Village in Haddam, Conn. Y From
                  lives in Kalispell, Mont. We have not had           beagle, Dougie, all but one of whom have         derful time as Golden Mules. “Each of us          the Calvin Coolidge of our class, Arthur
                  a conversation during the ensuing years             been rescues. I’m very active within the         was given a tiny golden mule to attach to         “Bob” Cummings, comes the following:
                  but have corresponded regularly. I looked           Highlands community as well as at the            our name tags! The weather was beauti-            “Things are quiet. Nice lobster boat cruise
                  up his telephone number on the Internet             Topsham Public Library, where I’ve been on       ful, and we all enjoyed meeting President         on Casco Bay. Reading Rocket Men. Take
                  and called. We had a long conversation,             the board of trustees for a number of years.     Greene, who was pleasant and affable and a        care.” Y Sue Johnson continues to be
                  bringing each other up to date on our               Not surprisingly, I read a great deal, both      terrific speaker,” she said. They missed Bob      happy with her life at Sunnyside Life Plan
                  families and careers and reminiscing about          physical books and on my iPad. I always          Grindle, Chase and Nan Murray Lasbury,            Community in Harrisonburg, Va., even
                  our summer semester in 1944 when we                 have a book with me wherever I go, even if       and everyone else. Y Back in early June           though the last few years have brought
                  were roommates. Y Betty Dyer Brewster               it’s only to the grocery store! I don’t travel   John Lee treated Art Eddy ’54 and one of          some health challenges. She still enjoys
                  wrote that she is still in Naples, Fla., from       much any more, but this summer I did fly         Art’s daughters (a D.C. resident) to lunch        being involved with the Sacred Dance
                  October to April or May and then back to            to Oregon with my daughter, Elisabeth            at his favorite Chinese restaurant, known         Guild. She had a thrilling trip to Tennes-
                  Memphis, where she lives in a continuing            ’81, for a wonderful visit with my cousin        for its roast Peking duck. This was Art’s         see to view the solar eclipse and visit her
                  care retirement community and is just a             and his family. And now having survived          once-a-year visit. John lost his feline friend,   granddaughter and first two great-grand-
                  few miles away from her oldest son and his          the hottest and most humid summer in             Whitey, missing the companionship meow            children (her third great-grandchild was
                  family. Y During late spring, summer, and           Maine since the early ’40s when records          greetings. John’s daughter returned this          born in January 2017). Y Dave and Betsy
                  fall I live in a community called Newbridge         were first kept, I’m looking forward to fall     summer after flying around in an embassy          Powley Wallingford thoroughly enjoy good
                  on the Charles in Dedham, Mass. Recently,           in Maine. Thanks for sending your news. I        plane, saying, “Some people have all the          health, family, and friends. They keep up
                  Bob Sage ’49 and his wife, Phyllis, became          appreciate all the help you can give me.         fun.” Y Priscilla Eaton Billington wrote          with Jane (Millett ’55) and Karl Dornish,
                  residents here and I see them occasionally. I                                                        that she had another family get-together          Ann Burnham Deering ’55, and Ellie Sho-
                  played golf a few weeks ago with my daugh-                                                           on the Outer Banks in North Carolina. Her         rey Harris ’57. They planned to see Mark
                  ters, Deborah (Marson ’75) and Marsha
                                                                      1950                                             son and daughter rented a house by the            Powley this summer. Both Wallingfords
                                                                      Gerry Boyle ’78                                  seaside so she could enjoy all the amenities      hope to attend our 65th reunion next June.
                  Moller (Lehigh ’78). They both hit the ball
                                                                                      offered with her three grandsons. Y Before        Y In June I had an enjoyable round of golf
                  a lot further than I did, but they were kind
                  to the “old man.” Nine holes were enough                                                             I close, I want to share a John Lee story.        (neither of us fell over) with Bob Thurston
                  for me. When I return to Admiral’s Cove in                                                           He always sends good ones from the past.          at the Bucksport, Maine, golf club, which
                  Jupiter, Fla., this fall, I’ll play nine holes at   1951                                             I quote: “Our Maine group of enlistees flew       bills itself as the longest nine-hole course
                  least once a week and additionally workout          Chet Harrington                                  from Camp Kilmer, N.J., to Camp Rucker,           in Maine. It’s such a treat hearing from
                  with a trainer twice a week. Y I had dinner                          Ala., for basic. The company of about 150         folks, so please keep the news coming.
                  with Carol Stoll Baker late this spring and it                                                       was from the Northeast: New England
                  was great to spend time with our classmate.                                                          Yankees, Boston Irish, New York Italians,
                                                                      1952                                             Philadelphia Poles, with a sprinkling of Jews,    1955
                                                                                                                                                                         Betty Harris Smith
COLBY Fall 2018

                                                                      Art White                                        Puerto Ricans, and African Americans, let
                  1949                                                                alone Chinese. The sergeant went through
                  Anne Hagar Eustis                                                                                    all the names with difficulty in pronunciation    For two weeks in August, my husband and
                                                                      Art White and Mary Cloutier were guests
                                                                                      until he got to LEE. He said, ‘now there is       I drove around northern Maine. We didn’t
                                                                      at the 60th reunion of the Hotchkiss
                  Time again for a little catch-up on the news        class of 1958—a very pleasant weekend.           a fine Southern name—Lee.’ He asked,              stop at Colby this year because we were
                  from us ’49ers. Y Evelyn Armstrong King             Y Betty Brown Holmes and her husband             ‘Where are you from, Lee?’ I answered,            there last year. Instead, on the way home
                  is still living in Bath, Maine, where she has       have for years been house swapping with          ‘Maine, and I am a Chinese Yankee!’               we stopped in Augusta and stayed over-

his stroke, he is often not in attendance.        eighth decade, Mac and his wife, Arlette,
                                                                                             Y For my own news, in August I took a             are in the travel-mode, living in a 36-foot
                                                                                             trip to Caraquet, N.B., with some cous-           fifth-wheel trailer for six months each
                          50s NEWSMAKERS                                                     ins to visit my mother’s ancestral home.          year, skiing during the winter in Utah; and

                                                                                                                                                                                                COLBY |
                                                                                             Not only did we find the house in which           as spring approaches, they enjoy visits to
                                  Art Goldschmidt ’59 received a Lifetime                    she was born (in 1905), but were invited          several national parks in U.S. Northwest.
                                  Achievement Award from the Centre County                   inside to have a look around. The current         Finally, they enjoy their home of several
                                  Democratic Committee in September.                         occupants were insistent that we see “the         years in Acton, Mass., about 25 miles west
                                  Goldschmidt, professor emeritus of Middle East             birthing room.” As we went upstairs, there        of Boston. In late 2018 they plan a trip to

                                  history at Penn State, has been a Democratic               were mementos on a wall that included a           Scotland, and in the fall a river cruise in
                                  party volunteer for more than 50 years, including          picture of my Uncle Ernest. I knew then,          Portugal and Spain. (In the next issue I hope
                                  serving as committeeman for State College 20th             for sure, that we were in the right house.        Mac tells us where all this energy comes
                                  precinct since 2002 and as political liaison               It was an emotional moment. I had last            from.) Y I and my wife, Linda, remain at
                                  for Foxdale Village Retirement Community                   been in this home when I was 14 and               home in Rockport, Maine, enjoying the

                                  since 2011. He also chaired the State College              spent a summer visiting my aunts, uncles,         amenities of coastal life. I finished selling

                                  Democratic Committee 1972-73.                              and cousins. The present owner will not           my third business, that of preparing taxes
                                                                                             sell the house as it will be moved to the         for the past 30 years, making me—final-
                                                                                             Acadian Village and restored to its for-          ly!—a retired person. The second business
   Art Goldschmidt ’59                                                                       mer state as a representation of a home           I sold back in 1985 was that of Seacoast
                                                                                             of its era. The people of Caraquet still          Security, which still displays the familiar
night. I found in my luggage the phone        apartment number. I would have been            speak French today and still earn their           red decals seen throughout Maine. We have
number for Bill ’53 and Ann Eilertson Mc-     surprised if anyone here ever even heard       living from the sea. My maternal grand-           six children; four are located nearby while
Donough, and we met them near Portland        of Colby, and here I find a former occu-       father had a schooner and fished for cod.         the other two visit and remain in touch with
for lunch the next day. I asked Ann about     pant of my apartment was an alumna!”                                                             texts, with photos, and with Skype. Linda
the freshmen dorm near the train tracks                                                                                                        and I, along with two other senior couples,
in Waterville and the buses they rode up
                                                                                             1957                                              rented a cottage on Popham Beach in early
the hill (since I didn’t live downtown).      1956                                           Don Tracy                                         September for a week of rest and sampling

                                              Charlene Roberts Riordan                                        Maine’s sand and surf. Y I’m hoping that
We thought the dorm in 1951 was an old

house by the trains, and that there were                        I never thought I would slide into the role       our Class of 1957 can soon muster up
two sophomores who were helpers and           Brian Stompe spent five days teaching          of our Class of ’57 correspondent, yet            more news about ourselves, showing
in charge. I seem to remember that the        fly-fishing at a Boy Scout camp. Luckily,      I’m very happy to try to write about 600          that those over 80 can still write about
train used coal and that its bell was quite   no forest fires to interfere. Coastal salm-    words per issue; however, remember, we,           some of the experiences and benefits of
loud. Ann couldn’t remember where she         on fishing continues to be excellent when      as a class, are a team—you supply the             being among the many older graduates of
had breakfast, but the other meals were       weather and schedule permit. He took           news and I piece it together and submit           Colby. Contact me anytime with your news.
on campus. We thought it was interesting      his neighbor, who had never been salm-         a regular newsworthy column for us, the
to talk about the dorm downtown that she      on fishing before, and introduced him to       Class of ’57. Your classmates want your
knew while Colby was just opening the         a nice 18-pound King and a smaller fish.       news about yourself, because it’s always          1958
                                                                                             good to hear from our classmates and              Mary Ellen Chase Bridge
new residence hall downtown. Y My pre-        Brian sent a picture of the fish—WOW! His
                                                                                             how we are doing as we tackle age 80 and
decessor, Kathie Flynn Carrigan, sent me      gardens are thriving, as are the weeds

a note from her new home in the Catskill      and the need for maintenance. To cele-         above. I remember, when I passed age 50,          Twenty-one members of our Class of 1958

Mountains of New York, where she moved        brate their 60th anniversary, Brian and        my dad warned me that my struggle with            returned to the Hill for our 60th reunion
to be near her family in her old age. She     his wife, Susan, embarked on a river           aging was yet far ahead of me. Very true, as      in June: Burt Angrist, Leigh Bangs, John
has a nice apartment in a senior housing      cruise from Budapest to Amsterdam. Y           most of us are now experiencing; however,         Baxter, Mary Ellen Chase Bridge, Marty
facility and many helpful staff to fill any   Janet Nordgren Meryweather wrote that          we members of the ’57 vintage remain an           Burger, Gordon Cunningham, Gail Crosby
needs, including meals. Her whole fami-       Kathy McConaughy Zambello, Chris Lay-          active group! Y Eleanor Roberts Little-           Davis, Carol Hathaway de Lemos, Al Dean,
ly was together there in July for a week,     er Larson, her daughter Claire, and she        field and her husband live in Vermont but         Pete Doran, Ernest Gauer, Jane Gibbons,
and they had a great Maine lobster feast      took an excursion to Prince Edward Island      spent some time this summer in western            Bob Hesse, Don Kennedy, Karen Breen
one night. Kathie said, “Of course I miss     in August. Janet is planning a visit to her    Maine living in their small camp on Ellis         Krasnigor, John Ludwig, Bob Saltz, Brad
Maine, but my many Maine friends keep         daughter’s in Issaquah, Wash., during          Pond near the Appalachian Trail. She was          Sherman, Barbara Newhall Stevens, Joan
me up to date on a regular basis. Colby       Salmon Days in October. Then she’ll meet       planning to meet up with a couple of our          Shaw Whitaker, and Marian Woodsome.
is growing very fast—it’s going to be so      up with a dear high school friend who re-      classmates. Y Don Dinwoodie says he’s             We had lunch together Friday in Foss Hall
different. We’ll hardly recognize it. I’m     cently returned to Seattle after her Aussie    winning the race with his third year battling     and dinner together Saturday (with mem-
so glad we were there in the beginning        husband’s death. Then onto Snohomish           Parkinson’s disease. Meanwhile, he’s active       bers of the Golden Mules) in Cotter Union.
of the new/old campus days—we have            to see a cousin and a grandson. The ad-        on boards encompassing AARP and the               The choices of activities Friday and Saturday
lots of stories to tell!” Y How fun to hear   juvant treatments for the breast cancer        Parkinson’s Foundation. Don and his wife,         included talks by Walter Iooss on his photo-
from Carol Smith Brown, who started           ended in September—a successful clini-         Elaine, still live in Colorado and are working,   graphic career with Sports Illustrated, Jody
with our class. She shared a story of a       cal trial at DFCI. A good friend of Janet’s,   along with family members, on building an         Spear ’63 on environmental challenges in
coincidence: “I have just moved into an       the Reverend Robert Raymond, former            “Earthship house” (Google this—an inter-          Maine, and historian and professor Raffael
apartment in a senior living facility. The    priest at Church of Our Father, Hulls Cove,    esting project). Their grandchildren often        Scheck about relationships between French
other day I got my mail and it included the   Maine, now resides in a retirement com-        return to visit from their homes in France        prisoners and German women in Nazi
Colby Magazine. I sat down to read it and     munity in Bar Harbor. Since his retirement,    and Spain. Y Mac Harring calls this news          Germany. The schedule also included tours
noticed the address—it was addressed to       he often sits up front playing his trumpet     item the “task of recording the trials and        of Miller Library (including a climb to the
a Mrs. John J. Martin at my address and       to accompany the hymns. However, since         travels of the geriatric set.” Although in his    clock), Special Collections, the Museum of

Art, and the downtown area. I recognized          saw many of her friends and roommates,          Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Orlan-     so happy. Y Jane and Peter Henderson
                  nothing in the library until I saw the familiar   who lately have been meeting yearly at her      do in December. Pat and her sister, Su-       took a much-needed vacation from the
                  grandfather clock and entered the reading         Chamberlain place. They do a great job          san, went to Vietnam and Cambodia last        Southland heat and spent a week on the
                  room, which was recently renovated, with          of keeping up. Again the star of the show       February. The best thing about the very       Maine coast. They stayed in Ellsworth
                  the original long tables where some of us         was David Greene, a terrifically talented       long flight was flying over the Bering Sea    and pivoted from there to Schoodic Point,
                  often studied. A highlight of the weekend         and kindly person, clearly well along in        and flying Russian and Chinese air. Pat       Bar Harbor, Acadia, Southwest Harbor,
                  was the traditional Parade of Classes, with       a dedicated stint at a revitalized Colby,       also visited Santa Fe, where she went to      Bass Harbor, Deer Isle, Stonington, Tho-
                  balloons and banners, ending in a session         Waterville, and Maine. “He really makes us      the Indian market and started Christmas       maston, Port Clyde, Lincolnville Beach
                  with President Greene updating us on cur-         all very proud.” Bill was boating to Digby      shopping. Like many in our class, she         (great fried clams), plus some fun time
                  rent College topics and projects, including       the next week and says all is well at 81!       can’t believe she’s 80, but fortunately       on a lobster boat. They visited their fa-
                  a partnership with the City of Waterville to      Y Gay Fawcett was fascinated reading            she’s enjoying relatively good health. Y      vorite lighthouses and, of course, the
                  build a new dorm downtown to house 200            the article about the picture of Elsie the      Peg Jack Johnson took a fabulous four-        Holy Donut shop in Portland on the way
                  students and revitalize the area with a new       Cow and is wondering who the lucky one          week trip to Vietnam and Cambodia with        back. While in Boston they spent half a
                  hotel, retail spaces, offices, and housing.       is in our class who received the cow. Gay       Overseas Adventure Travel in February.        day browsing a very unusual collection
                  At this event our own Leigh Bangs was             is trying to clean up the family home of all    She spent a week in Toronto in June for       of old but very interesting books in the
                  honored as a distinguished alumnus “for his       her parents’ things. She is dealing with two    a Rotary International convention, and        Brattle Bookshop. Y Mike Silverberg
                  visionary work in the chemistry lab and his       years of reconstruction to get the home         she recently returned from two weeks in       continues to work four days a week and
                  business prowess,” which included being           back to its original state of 100 years ago     Scotland with her three sons and their        enjoys being active. He’s in contact with
                  awarded eight U.S. patents in six different       as the result of a water leak several years     families to celebrate her 80th and share      Steve Curley, Dick Fields ’61, Hank Silver-
                  scientific fields. Congrats again, Leigh!         ago, which destroyed much of the interior.      the heritage of both her parents. Hav-        man ’61, and Ron Weber. Mike and Gale
                  Jane Gibbons also deserves recognition            Restoration of furniture was a nightmare        ing traveled to 48 countries, Pat hopes       flew to Rome, where they met up with a
                  for taking part in—and finishing!—the             and also the insurance problems. She was        to explore more of the U.S. She doesn’t       large group of business associates on a
                  25-mile bike ride on Friday morning. Jane         leaving soon for the South of France and        see many Colby grads but enjoys reading       cruise ship and toured Italy and Montene-
                  reported that she has climbed the highest         then Paris, and then on her annual cruise       about what everyone is doing. Y Donald        gro. Gale and Mike and their family are all
                  mountain in every state except Alaska. The        with the Maine Historical Society, this         Freedman hasn’t seen any classmates for       well. Y Jane Holden Huerta is celebrating
                  doctor says her knee won’t hold up for that       year to Vietnam and Cambodia. It’s a first      many years and would love to renew some       her 80th all year as the big day isn’t until
                  one, but we’re impressed nonetheless. The         for her going to that part of the world. Y      old friendships. Don and his wife, Susan,     December. She and Juan will celebrate
                  weather during reunion was sunny and warm         Gladys Frank Bernyk, quite by accident,         are active in their small community in        Christmas and New Year’s on the Queen
                  every day, and we had the usual good times        found Carlene Price White mentioned             the Berkshires. Don is retired from the       Victoria, cruising the Canary Islands.
                  updating each other and reminiscing about         online and was interested to read about         business world and teaching. They went
                  our years on Mayflower Hill—1955 panty            her Kuranda Project for Dogs for vets and       to Kenya and Tanzania in August to follow
                  raid and campus revolt, car mysteriously          the handicapped. Gladys was sick in the         the wildebeest migration. Y Ken Nigro is      1961
                  appearing on steps of the library, etc. We        spring and is not very healthy yet. Y Cath-     still reasonably healthy and doing some       Diane Scrafton Cohen Ferreira
                  missed the traditional appearance of the          ryn Marcho Cootner celebrated her 80th          work for the Red Sox. He just returned
                  “old” Colby Eight to serenade us, as they         birthday with a party at her house, where       from his annual trip to the Dominican Re-     A nice surprise to hear from Richard “Dick”
                  did for almost 60 years, and especially           attendees enjoyed her tribal artworks. Y        public, where the Red Sox hold a 10-day       York ’64, who started with our class, took
                  the rest of our class. Wish more of you           The 12th edition of A Concise History of the    kids camp with kids from the U.S. and the     a break, and then returned to Colby and
                  could have joined us! Y Remember to               Middle East, written by Art Goldschmidt         Dominican Republic. Ken also visits Balti-    graduated with Lee Scrafton Bujold ’64,
                  send me news at any time of the year.             and Ibrahim Al Marashi, was published           more frequently to see Orioles games. Y       your correspondent’s sister. “Haven’t been
                  Without your input we won’t have a column         by Taylor and Francis, based in England,        Bob Marier has written two mystery nov-       in touch for 60 or so years, but who’s
                  that we all enjoy so much. Thank you!             Aug. 31, 2018. Art is professor emeritus of     els, which are Kindle books. The first is     counting? I’ve had four or five strokes but
                                                                    Middle East history at Penn State, where        Tidal Pools, set in Maine in a small coast-   am still here and pretty much confined to a
                                                                    he still gives an occasional lecture and        al village, and features a chapter about      wheelchair, making long travelling a tough
                  1959                                              advises some students. He and Louise            Colby. It takes the reader to L.L.Bean,       proposition, so I won’t be attending any
                  Joanne K. Woods                                   (Robb ’60) live in Foxdale Village Retirement   Kennebunk, and Alfred, where two excit-       60th reunion, in Hawai`i or Waterville. I
                                   community. Art will be recognized in Sep-       ing trials take place. The second, Perfect    moved from Rhode Island to Seattle, sailed
                  Fran and Boyd Sands continue to enjoy             tember at the Centre County Democratic          Fairways and Stolen Lives, involves a         down to Aruba, got married, had two kids,
                  retirement in Cape Canaveral, Fla. Boyd           Committee dinner for lifetime achievement.      string of strange murders of young women      and ran my own sailboat business for 25
                  visited with Bill Chapin this past winter,        He continues to knock on doors and to           that take place at random locations where     years and then transitioned to retail mar-
                  emails weekly with Charlie McInnnis               invite local candidates to speak to Foxdale     PGA Tour golf events take place. More at      keting, travelling from here to California,
                  and Felix Suchecki, and was looking               residents. * Next spring is our 60th reunion,   Bob’s website bobmarierbooksandsongs.         Texas, Florida, and back to New England,
                  forward to seeing Phil Shea ’60 in the            so when you next hear from me let’s have        com. Y Molly Otis Lynn Watt reminisces        then up to Maine and my 25th Colby reunion
                  fall. Y Darwin and Jacqueline Bendelius           plenty of news in advance of that event.        that 62 years ago she was getting a ward-     and, eventually, Maui and Honolulu. I now
                  Davidson became great-grandparents in                                                             robe trunk and heading off to Colby. She      live in Everett, 30 miles north of Seattle.
                  May! Annalise “Annie” Day Steele was                                                              is grateful for the sense of purpose and      Reading the Colby Magazine class news I
                  born in the hospital in Ellsworth, Maine,         1960                                            the ability to take control of her learning   enjoy hearing about all the trips people
                                                                    Jane Holden Huerta
COLBY Fall 2018

                  where her mother, the Davidsons’ grand-                                                           she found at Colby. Molly is very active—     are taking, but am also saddened by the
                  daughter-in-law Stormi, is a delivery room                         co-leads their annual seven-day ukulele       passing of so many friends I made there.”
                  nurse. Their grandson Garrett is a full-time      Pat Sturges Aufdenberg moved to Pana-           festival, plans for her courses, reads her    Y Terry Lee spent another winter in
                  year-round lobsterman. By the age of six          ma City, Fla., last September during Hur-       poems at a Highlander Center, and had a       Nokomis, Fla., next to Venice on the Gulf
                  weeks, Annie had been on three boat trips!        ricane Irma. She loves the weather but          reading with her husband in Woods Hole.       Coast. Going again in 2018! “We’re lucky
                  Y Bill Chapin went with Bonnie Brown              misses her daughter and granddaughter.          Molly wonders how she can be so old, so       to have made lots of friends while renting
                  Potter ’63 to her 55th Colby reunion and          Pat, her sister, and brother visited the        lucky in love after 48 married years, and     a family home the last two years. Saw Red

and Steve Thompson, Lillian Waugh and          this summer. Dick ’62 and Joan Dignam
                                                                                                                     David Yelton, Bob Whitehouse, Bev and          Schmaltz are building an addition to their
                                                                                                                     Pen Williamson, and Nancy (Godley ’65)         camp on East Pond in Oakland. They sold
                                                                                                                     and John Wilson, and Yours Truly were          their house in Connecticut and look for-
                           60s NEWSMAKERS

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   COLBY |
                                                                                                                     there in the flesh, and I know so many         ward to spending summers here. They
                                                          Doris Kearns Goodwin ’64 has been in the                   of you were there in spirit! Bonnie did        love living near Colby and hope to see
                                                          news discussing presidential leadership and                a fabulous job as our class president in       some of us next summer when the house
                                                          what history can teach us. From an essay                   preparing, organizing, and covering every      is completed. Pen Williamson continues
                                                          in Vanity Fair to a book review (her latest is             detail so that the reunion came off flaw-      to have a fabulous life—skiing in the win-

                                                          Leadership in Turbulent Times) in the Dallas               lessly from beginning to end. On Friday        ter, mainly in Montana, where his daugh-
                                                          News to interviews on WBUR and in the                      and Saturday there were tours of Miller Li-    ter and her family live; rowing his shell
                                                          IndyStar, Goodwin warns, “There is a terrible              brary, the Museum of Art, the campus and       daily during the summer; and traveling
                                                          danger in growing accustomed to the erosion                downtown Waterville, plus faculty lec-         at every opportunity. He said, “the only
                                                                                                                     tures, and Jody Spear led a discussion,        person at our reunion who was exactly
                                 Photo: Annie Leibovitz

                                                          of meaning in our political discourse. Serious,

                                                          perhaps lasting, damage is being done to our               “Channeling Rachel Carson: Environ-            the same size as he was as a senior was

                                                          identity as Americans and to our democracy.”               mental Challenges in Maine Sixty Years.”       Bob Whitehouse!” See you at our 60th!
                                                                                                                     Friday was capped off with a Maine beer
                                                                                                                     and wine fest, a huge barbecue buffet
  Doris Kearns Goodwin ’64                                                                                           on the Colby Green, and a dance party          1964
                                                                                                                     at (Jess) Marchese’s Blue Light Pub. On        Marcia Phillips Sheldon
                                                                                                                     Saturday, we walked the traditional Pa-
                                                                                                                     rade of Classes from the Eustis Build-         Steve Schoeman and his wife, Joy, are
Sox games and Celtic Woman concert in                                Lane bringing 40 inches of rain in five days
                                                                                                                     ing to the Colby Green, where awards           planning a visit to Rome for the famous
Sarasota. Missed Dick Poland ’62 and his                             to my area. I live in Hilo, and the flooded
                                                                                                                     were given and President David Greene          sights and for the spiritual values in the
Dixie Spirits. Maybe next year… Everybody                            Bay Front and raging Rainbow Falls made
                                                                                                                     spoke, followed by the “Vacationland           magnificent churches. Y John and Judy
is healthy and I’m into grandkids’ sports.                           national news. Many classmates, along
                                                                                                                     Luncheon”—lobster rolls, mussels, lots         Milner Coche spend time during the sum-
Love southern New Hampshire (18 years                                with Colby administrative offices, wrote
                                                                                                                     of salads, and Maine desserts, includ-         mer at the New Jersey shore. Judy has

now)! I agreed to sing again with a choral                           or called and asked about my location
                                                                                                                     ing whoopie pies. Saturday evening we          practiced for 40 years in clinical psychol-
group this fall. Still taking guitar lessons.                        and welfare. Wishing all classmates the

                                                                                                                     had a reception in Foss, where President       ogy at her Coche Center in Philadelphia
Daughter Katy and husband Matt moved                                 very best in this time of extreme weather
                                                                                                                     Greene joined us. After our class photo        and Cape May County, N.J. She teaches
to Boulder, Colo., for work, where we’ll                             unpredictability! Our column is a bit shorter
                                                                                                                     and dinner, we shared stories from our         psychiatric residents at the Perelman
visit soon.” Y Henry “Hank” Sheldon                                  this time due to only a few responses to
                                                                                                                     days on campus, including statistics that      School of Medicine at the University of
recently moved from the western suburbs                              the email request for news. Please share,
                                                                                                                     made us happy we went to Colby when            Pennsylvania and writes about psycho-
of Chicago to “beautiful Prescott, Ariz.,” and                       because your classmates care! Aloha!
                                                                                                                     we did! In 1959 tuition was $1,100/year        therapy. Judy spends time with her fam-
celebrates “loving it so far!” Y Penny Dietz
                                                                                                                     and now it’s $66,780; 1,181 students,          ily, including daughters, step-daughters,
Sullivan loves living in Fairfield Harbour,
New Bern, N.C. She reports “a very caring                            1962                                            now 2,000; endowment was $7.2 mil-             their husbands, and her four grandchil-
                                                                     Nancy MacKenzie Keating                         lion, now $775 million; 104 faculty, now       dren. Y Lee Scrafton Bujold, our class
community” where “everyone takes care of
                                                                     Pat Farnham Russell                             220; 26 buildings then, now 45. News           president, encourages all classmates to
each other.” Penny keeps busy with bridge,
                                                                                    shared from some participants: Bonnie          plan on returning to the Colby campus

dominoes, golf, volunteering at the library,
                                                                                                                     Brown Potter and Bill Chapin ’59 cruised       for our 55th class reunion in June 2019.
running social programs, and serving on a

                                                                                                                     to Canada for the fourth time with eight       She feels “blessed beyond belief” as
board called Craven Concerts that brings
live performers to New Bern. “Just got back                          1963                                            other boats from Camden. Buck ’62 and          she follows the activities and achieve-
                                                                     Paule French                                    Nat Gates Lawton moved into a Seabury          ments of her granddaughters. At home
from Nashville, where we looked at acts
                                                                                    retirement community outside Hartford,         there are Lee’s beloved dogs, Fanny Faux
available for the 2019-20 season.” Y Diane
                                                                                                                     Conn., in January. Yours truly also moved      Paw and Whoopie Pie, and a new kitten
Scrafton Ferreira, your correspondent,                               Dear classmates—instead of the usual
                                                                                                                     to a retirement community, OceanView           named Hello Dolly. Y Richard Larschan
the grateful recipient of an airline travel                          format for our class notes, I’d like to tell,
                                                                                                                     in Falmouth, Maine, in September. Jane         cruised along the Maine coast, ending
pass for the past 18 months, experienced                             especially those who couldn’t make it,
                                                                                                                     Melanson Dahmen paints every day and           up in Montreal, where he had lunch with
wonderful memories snorkeling in Belize                              about the wonderful 55th Colby reunion
                                                                                                                     had a show at the Maine Art Gallery in         ’60s English professor Bill Wees. Bill went
and the Galapagos, relaxing on a spa trip to                         we had in early June and share news
                                                                                                                     Wiscasset, where she saw Peter Ketchum,        on to a long career at McGill University
Mexico, hiking with an Overseas Adventure                            from some who were there. Twenty-two
                                                                                                                     who is also still painting. Jane will be cu-   and is now in his 80s and as sharp as
Tour to Ecuador and Peru, along with visits to                       of us, plus some spouses, gathered for
                                                                                                                     rating another series of “Talking Art in       ever. Richard continues to travel and to
California, D.C., Maine, Maryland, Nevada,                           three days of spectacular Maine summer
                                                                                                                     Maine, Intimate Conversations” at the          teach at the 92nd Street Y in New York
and New York. Currently I’m training for a                           weather and fun. Noel and Judy Allen
                                                                                                                     Lincoln Theater in Damariscotta during         City. He spends happy times with his new
high-altitude “Essence of Bhutan” trip in the                        Austin, Ed Buyniski, Pam (Plumb ’65)
                                                                                                                     the 2018-19 season. Her work is shown          granddaughter, Samantha. Y Jack Ross
Himalayas with Road Scholars in November.                            and Charlie Carey, Linda and Al Carville,
                                                                                                                     at the Portland Art Gallery and the Powers     and his wife, Jean, are taking a road trip
Instead of GNP, citizens embrace their GNH,                          Sue Comeau, Jane Melanson Dahmen,
                                                                                                                     Gallery, Acton, Mass. Charlie Cary was         to Maine and renting a cottage in St.
or “Gross National Happiness.” I’m ready                             Buck ’62 and Nat Gates Lawton, Jana and
                                                                                                                     overheard complimenting Sue Comeau,            George. They looked forward to Maine
to explore the concept: my Hawai`i Island                            Doug MacMillan, Ruth Pratley Madell,
                                                                                                                     saying, “I learned more about economics        lobster and steamers. Back home in Ari-
home has been besieged with unexpected                               Skeeter ’59 and Karen Beganny Megath-
                                                                                                                     from you than from any classes I took!”        zona, Jack plays golf often and Jean does
weather events! In the past six months, I’ve                         lin, Bonnie Brown Potter and Bill Chapin
                                                                                                                     Sue, on Colby’s Board of Trustees for 18       yoga. They volunteer at a children’s clin-
sustained damage from an earthquake, wit-                            ’59, Marty and Paul Rogers, Dick ’62 and
                                                                                                                     years, caught up with Linda Greenlaw ’83       ic in Nogales. Jack says, “Life is good…
nessed ash and vog from the volcanic flow                            Joan Dignam Schmaltz, Jody Spear, Carl
                                                                                                                     to go on a lobstering expedition with her      knock on wood.” Y Dennis Hardy met up
only 14 miles away, and survived Hurricane                           “Skip” Stinson, George Swasey, Brenda

with Senator Susan Collins (R-Maine) at       Those who couldn’t make it met us at my         for aortic valve replacement and cataracts.       Y Bob Davis has moved from a 25-acre
                  a fundraiser for a longtime mutual friend     house on Pemaquid Pond in Nobleboro,            He and wife Dale Rottner Haas ride their          chicken/turkey/maple syrup farm in Ohio to
                  in Wells. Y Martha Farrington Mayo was        where we hung out for the rest of the day.      bicycles five or ten miles a day and “follow      a new suburban home in Indianapolis. After
                  visited at her home on Squirrel Island by     Donna Brown Salisbury, Diane Mattison           Boston sports religiously.” They have dinner      eight years of retirement from an internal
                  two dogs, two cats, two boys, and their       Anderson, and Judy Turner Jones spent the       with Ann and Bud Marvin when they’re in           medicine/gastroenterology practice, he’s
                  two parents. Her own two cats, Dandy          night; Marcia Harding Anderson stayed at        Florida. Y Ruth and Harold Kowal spent            working his way through a knee replacement
                  Lyon and Nemo, were glad when the dogs        a B&B in Round Pond; Jay Gronlund came          about two months touring southwestern             while hoping to get more involved in the
                  left. Y John Pomeranz keeps the “old-         from Connecticut and spent two nights in        France. Y Pam Plumb Carey sent word               art-sculpture world. Isn’t Bob the perfect
                  time pleasures” going in his life: He’s had   Gorham with John Tewhey; Rick and Nancy         that the title of her new book has changed        example of what a liberal arts education
                  a nice, quiet summer with family, boats,      Winslow Harwood tied up their sailboat on       to How to Survive Your Dream Vacation: 75         can do? Y Jackie and Dean “Dag” Wil-
                  and work. Y BJ Campbell and her hus-          John Cornell’s mooring in Brooklin, Maine,      Ways to Keep Your Companion Talking to You        liamson stay fit chasing two grandsons
                  band, Frank LeRose, live in Sun City near     and spent two nights with him, igniting a       on the Road. Y Your correspondent was             around their Milton, Mass., home, riding
                  Hilton Head, S.C. “We’re especially grate-    new friendship after all these years. John      also on the road visiting Taiwan, Hainan,         new bikes along a 12-mile rail trail, and
                  ful for the winters without deep cold, ice,   was kind enough to drive them the two hours     Hong Kong, and Macao last May, spending           swinging tennis racquets and golf clubs.
                  and snow. Although we did have snow last      to the lobster pound and then my house.         some summer weekends in the Berkshires,           As a reward, they took a river cruise from
                  January (first time in many years) and it     We had a wonderful time, reconnecting,          and then off to Argentina, Paraguay, and          Switzerland to the Netherlands. Y The
                  lasted three days.” BJ and Frank will trav-   catching up, laughing, eating, etc. I will      Uruguay in August. Hail, Colby, Hail!             forever-young Anne Ruggles Gere loves
                  el to Budapest for a Viking River Cruise      definitely do this again, maybe even next                                                         work too much to retire. How do I know she’s
                  through Vienna, ending in Nuremburg,          year. Quite a few people expressed regret                                                         young? Her youngest just graduated from
                  Germany. After that, four days in Paris.      they couldn’t make it, so I plan to get in      1966                                              HIGH SCHOOL! Y Steve Rand fights mental
                  Having lived in Paris for 10 years, BJ re-    gear earlier next time and, of course, not      George Cain                                       stenosis by serving in the NH legislature.
                  turns from time to time since there is “so    take off for two weeks in Colorado prior                           He campaigns on a “progressive platform”
                  much to experience, both the old familiar     to the get-together.” Others attending          Greetings! It was encouraging to learn that       with a “Bernie” flavor. Y Beth Adams Keene
                  and the totally new.” They will visit Tours   included Jan Wood Parsons, Sunny Coady,         19 of you are still alive and well. Hopefully,    happily reports that she’s not dead yet. To
                  to see several chateaux, including BJ’s       Louise Melanson Belknap, Pat Campbell,          for this column the “alive and well” total will   prove it, she traveled to Alaska, ate salmon
                  favorite at Chenonceaux. Next will be a       Tom and Nancy Ryen Morrione, Andy ’64           exceed the “obits.” Y I just returned from a      on 10 different occasions, and then headed
                  drive to Brittany for five days of unsched-   and Nancy Greer Weiland, Don ’62 and            week in Italy, and I learned the most amazing     to a gathering at Pat Berg Currier’s place
                  uled time. They visit her two sons and        Becky Lowd Legro, and Adora Clark Hill.         fact. In Italy, you can eat all the pasta you     in Harpswell with 10 other Colby ’66 gals.
                  three grandchildren in Massachusetts;         (I’ve omitted non-Colby spouses) Y Also         want and not get fat. All that really happens     Y Barbara “Barbie” Wise Lynch is a busy
                  Frank’s daughter and three grandsons in       reconnecting at the annual Artisan Bread        is that you’re easier for other people to see.    realtor with busy grandkids, many living
                  Florida; and his son and granddaughter        Fair in Skowhegan July 28 were Judy Guptill     Y This fact is not true for Ireland, where        within five minutes of her home. Her top
                  in Raleigh, N.C. BJ feels “totally blessed    Simmons and Fran Holmes Varney. They            John ’65 and Gretchen Wollam O’Connor             Colby memories: The Supremes concert,
                  to have the health and means to travel to     roomed together in ’61, ’62, and ’64. Y         revisited after a 50-plus year hiatus. No         skiing on the Colby slopes, and being on
                  see people and places that we love and        Lanky Lew Krinsky and Ellen spent several       pasta in Ireland, but the plentiful pubs made     a geology field trip and learning that the
                  are very special to us.” Y As a member        days on Prince Edward Island with “pristine     the roads look very narrow. Now, living in        small hill she was standing on was an
                  of the Pacific Northwest Writers Associa-     and magnificent scenery and seafood to          a Groton bungalow, they’re enjoying their         esker left by a retreating glacier. Y Paula
                  tion, Jim Harris “maintains an interest in    your heart’s content.” They also hosted their   retirement, and Gretchen notes the preser-        McNamara works hard marketing her
                  the printed word.” Books, he writes, are      fifth annual Colby sendoff in Houston for       vation of the Carol Lordi contingent of Ellie     husband’s photography to corporations,
                  his primary focus: reading and review-        the incoming Class of ’22. There were 36,       Caito Thompson, Linda Kaiser Wantman,             ad agencies, and fine art collectors from
                  ing. He volunteers at the organization’s      including family members and those admit-       and Marty Walker Marchut, who meet at             their studio in Wetherfield, Conn. She also
                  writer conference and helps “new writers      ted under the Posse Foundation program          least once a year in celebration of a very        writes poetry and short stories. Y Laurance
                  massage their unpublished books into          for high-potential multicultural students.      special person. Y Doug Meyer is avoiding          Angelo lives in city center Philadelphia,
                  a format that publishers might want to        Lew and Ellen also spent time with Laura        the “obits” by biking at least 10 miles           became a vegetarian five years ago (but
                  read.” Jim was mentored in the publish-       and Michael Gilman during a New England         daily, six days a week. He’s also a sailor,       admits to missing a slice of bacon now
                  ing business by Alan Mirken ’51 and the       trip. Y Dave Fearon still works as senior       and he recently sailed from Connecticut           and then), walks everywhere he needs to
                  Colby Museum of Art. He posts reviews on      consultant with the Barton Russell Group.       to Rockland, Maine. Y Gary McKinstry is           go, and continues to be interested in this
                  Amazon, GoodReads, and the newsletters        They work with small towns to help them         a different kind of sailor. He sailed on an       world and in the life we live. Y Mary Mastin
                  of the Pacific Northwest Writers Associ-      market themselves as lifestyle-appropriate      18-day Crystal Cruise from Ft. Lauderdale         Gourley writes from her roadhouse room in
                  ation and the Pacific Northwest Book-         locations for small companies and global        through the Panama Canal and liked it so          Talkeetna, Alaska, a home built before the
                  sellers Association. While Jim writes on      citizens. Creative use of technology helps      much that he booked another cruise next           Gold Rush, where the views of Denali are
                  a tablet, he reads books from his library.    connect people and allows commerce from         year to Alaska. Y Debbie Chase is also a          plentiful. Y Fran Finizio attended Colby’s
                                                                a distance. “Think Waterville, Maine,” writes   traveler, five trips in eight months. On her      Alumni College in July, met Jay Fell there,
                                                                Dave. Y Linda Cotton Wells shares two of        last trip to Scottsdale, she had lunch with       and will head to his condo in Naples, Fla.,
                  1965                                          your correspondent’s passions. Her travel                                                         as soon as the weather changes. Y Michael
                  Dick Bankart                                                                                  roommate Mary Gourley Mastin. Y Terry
                                                                included a week on the Olympic Peninsula in     Saunders Lane, now one of my favorite             Clivner, AKA the ‘Wanderer,’ continues
                               Washington followed by a two-week cruise                                                          his trekking around the country with wife
                                                                                                                female classmates (inside joke for readers
COLBY Fall 2018

                  MINI REUNION. Nineteen of our classmates      to Alaska. She is also very involved in gene-   of these columns), recently sang the Verdi        Sherleen. He pulled off the highways and
                  and two Colby spouses gathered July 15 for    alogy, working mostly as a “search angel”       Requiem at the Hatch Shell on the Boston          byways long enough to spend Christmas
                  an unofficial 53rd reunion organized and      helping adoptees find their birth parents.      Esplanade. She’s a member of One City             with newest granddaughter, Victoria
                  hosted by Betsy Stevens Palmer. Here is       She had three long-term searches end suc-       Choir, which performs with the Landmark           Rose. Y That’s all, folks. Most grateful to
                  her recap. “A bunch of us met at Muscongus    cessfully in the past few months. Her sixth     Orchestra. Y Gayle Jobson Poinsette and           everyone who wrote to avoid the obits!
                  Bay Lobster in Round Pond, Maine, where       great-grandchild was born on Mother’s Day.      partner since our 25th reunion Gary Barnes
                  we enjoyed traditional lobster-pound fare.    Y Dave Hatch reports successful surgery         enjoy their 80-acre retreat in Plainfield, Vt.

1967                                            1968                                              other prepares to return to Africa for another   the pace!” He’s looking forward to seeing
Bob Gracia                                      Lynne Oakes Camp                                  four-year term. This is when they plan their     classmates at reunion. Y Sandy Hoe,                                          total family reunion with his four children,     senior of counsel at Covington & Burling,
                                                                                                  spouses, and 16 grandchildren—25 of them         continues representing clients in govern-
The call for news suggested that you brag       Our 50th Reunion is now history. It was a

                                                                                                                                                                                                      COLBY |
                                                                                                  in all. They always miss having his wife, Mary   ment contracts. His senior status allows
a bit. Paul Cronin has some well-earned         wonderful experience, though, and it was
                                                                                                  (Weller ’69), who went to be with the Lord in    him to undertake related activities such as
bragging to do. His daughter Erin was mar-      great to reconnect with people we may not
                                                                                                  2006. It’s always a precious time. Perhaps       traveling to China last June on a program
ried July 7 in Jackson, N.H., at the foot of    have seen in 50 years. For me, I have to say
                                                                                                  there will be some great-grandchildren five      sponsored by Yale Law School to speak to
Black Mountain. If your memory serves you,      the part that stood out was the mini Alumni
                                                                                                  years from now! Y Our class officers for         and meet with Chinese government officials,

it will be no surprise that the Cronin clan     College. It made me remember why I went
                                                                                                  the next five years are Jolan Force Ippolito     academics, and law students about U.S.
knows how to celebrate—and that they did.       to Colby in the first place. It was outstand-
                                                                                                  and John Leopold as co-presidents, and I         government procurement contracting and
The bride was also recently named science,      ing, and kudos to Art Brennan for putting
                                                                                                  (Lynne Oakes Camp) will continue as class        public-private partnerships. In August he
technology, engineering, and math teacher       it together. Our reunion committee did a
                                                                                                  correspondent. Keep your news coming!            visited Kyrgyzstan to engage in a similar
of the year in Massachusetts. After the wed-    fantastic job, and Colby went above and
                                                                                                                                                   exchange with a program sponsored by

ding festivities, Paul and Susan headed to      beyond to make us feel special. Y Steve
                                                                                                                                                   the U.S. Depar tment of Commerce’s

Prouts Neck to visit daughter Amy ’06 and       Ford reported that our class had 76-percent
                                                                                                                                                   Commercial Law Development Program.
son Brian ’96 and their children. Sources       participation in the class gift and that we       Ray Gerbi                                        Previously, he engaged in similar efforts
report that there was a wide smile on Paul’s    broke all prior dollar giving records. Thanks                          with the governments of Liberia, Iraq,
face. Y Charlie and Sally Ray Bennett           also to Steve for serving as our 50th
                                                                                                  Happy fall everyone! Anne York Samson,           and Afghanistan. He continues as adjunct
returned to Rhode Island this summer for        Reunion chair and for his many years as our
                                                                                                  in Portland, Ore., enjoys spending time with     professor of government procurement
an extended visit. This was their first trip    class president. Y Steve Campbell had a
                                                                                                  her four grandkids, who live nearby. Anne        law at George Washington University Law
back to New England in five years, and they     wonderful time at reunion and especially
                                                                                                  volunteers as an usher at local theaters         School and remains chair of the board of
visited Cape Cod for a family reunion that      enjoyed the evening chat with President
                                                                                                  and oversees her condo’s preparation             a government contracts training company
included more than 60 people. Y Elaine          Greene. He found him very compelling
                                                                                                  efforts for the big earthquake, which she        called the Public Contracting Institute.
and Kurt Swenson looked for many years          but wasn’t as enthused as he might have
                                                                                                  says is long overdue. She loves to travel        Sandy also serves as outside general
for a warm-weather place in Florida without     been about his thoughts on expanding the
                                                                                                  and welcomes any visitors who would like         counsel to a congressionally chartered
any success. They finally ended up visiting     reach of Colby. He feels that diminishing
                                                                                                  to come to Portland. Y Laurie Killoch            commission examining Department of

Vero Beach, and with a recommendation           the impact of Colby in the Northeast is to
                                                                                                  Wiggins shares that we have many class-          Defense procurement rules and regulations
from CA and JJ Mueller Sinton, they bought      reduce the value of the alumni base, and

                                                                                                  mates who’ve worked for the past couple          with the goal of simplifying the system to
a place there. Kurt plans to play some golf     he’s concerned that perhaps there will be
                                                                                                  years on our 50th Reunion, and many              “speed lethality to the warfighter.” He is also
and visit with friends. I wonder how long it    less support in the future because of this
                                                                                                  more who have recently volunteered to            president of the National Council for Public
will be before Kurt will become nostalgic       emphasis. Y Other than reunion news,
                                                                                                  help. You’ll be hearing more very soon! Y        Private Partnerships, providing education
for a good old New Hampshire snowstorm?         Thom Rippon remains fully entrepreneurial,
                                                                                                  Rand Surgi contacted me from Burns, Ore.,        on P3s for both public and private sectors.
Y Ken Ingram, as you might recall, is a         working existing enterprises and starting
                                                                                                  while on a road trip he and Kathryn had          Sandy isn’t sure when all this might end, but
fine and polished tennis player. But in his     new ones, both for-profit and not-for-profit.
                                                                                                  been planning for 10 years. Their itinerary      says as long as he can continue to share
dotage, Ken decided to engage in another        He’s been a farm owner-operator since
                                                                                                  includes seven national parks—Theodore           his experience in the areas of procurement
love: motorcycle riding. While riding in        1975 and a licensed attorney-at-law since
                                                                                                  Roosevelt, Glacier, Olympic, Crater Lake,        and public-private partnerships to “clients”
Mexico, he found himself, due to a blown        1973. He’s a cofounder and board chair
                                                                                                  Craters of the Moon, Yellowstone, and            like foreign countries and congressional
tire, forced to choose between an oncoming      emeritus of the Ronald McDonald House
                                                                                                  Grand Teton—as well as Newberry National         panels, he likely will continue for a while.

car and a ditch. He chose the ditch. So,        located on the campus of Geisinger Medical
                                                                                                  Volcanic Monument, Yakima wine country,          On the humorous side, Sandy reported that
Ken celebrated his 74th birthday recovering     Center. He’s the only person on earth with

                                                                                                  Columbia River valley, and Washington/           while watching the college championships
from his injuries and being thankful for        an Ivy League law degree and a degree
                                                                                                  Oregon coast 101. They hope to store their       on Jeopardy! recently, one answer in the
some concerned passersby and competent          from Hamburger University [McDonald’s
                                                                                                  trailer in Utah and pick it up again to do the   category of “Cheeses” was “An educational
surgeons. He plans to come to the USA soon      franchisee]. He’s also a United States
                                                                                                  Southwest next year. Rand plans to attend        institution in Maine with 2,000 students.”
to be checked out at the VA before he takes     Army veteran of the Vietnam era, with
                                                                                                  our reunion. Y Don Clark, still working with     The contestants were from Columbia,
up his tennis racket again. He did not say      service in the 3rd Armored Division as an
                                                                                                  USAID, checked in from Angola, where his         Brown, and Oklahoma. Unfortunately,
what he’ll do with the motorcycle. Ken lives    enlisted man (mortar squad, then NATO
                                                                                                  work supports programs addressing malaria        the only answer any of them tried was
in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. Y Eric        affairs specialist). His personal activities
                                                                                                  and HIV/AIDS. Although planning to retire,       Bowdoin (Bowdoin cheese?). None got
Rosen, to the best of my knowledge, has         include engaging the arts and humanities,
                                                                                                  he continues to get requests to help fill in     the correct answer. Sandy says, “We have
not been riding around greater Boston on        playing adult league ice hockey year round,
                                                                                                  during staffing shortages at posts around        some work to do!” Y Have a great fall and
a motorcycle, but he does shop at Whole         watching birds, weight lifting, hiking, biking,
                                                                                                  the world. Finding himself again overseas,       winter everyone. See you in June 2019!
Foods on occasion. While on one of his          paddling, tent camping, reading, gourmet
                                                                                                  he says, “Okay, this is the last one.” Don
trips, Eric saw a young fellow, mid-thirties,   cooking, and rose gardening. He recently
                                                                                                  feels fortunate that his wife of 40 years is
wearing a Colby shirt. Eric is of a friendly    became a certified Pennsylvania Master
                                                                                                  very understanding (as long as the job isn’t     1970
persuasion, so he inquired as to the fellow’s   Naturalist. He personally planted 10,000                                                           Libby Brown Strough
                                                                                                  during the winter). This year they celebrated
Colby pedigree. Turns out the young man is      tree seedlings on his farm in 1976 to honor                                              
                                                                                                  the arrival of their first grandchild, thus
the son of Bill Tsiaras ’68. Bill, as some of   the nation as part of her bicentennial and to
                                                                                                  causing a big change in priorities, so he        Jeff Parness reports that he’s still teach-
you might recall, was a fraternity brother of   create diverse wildlife habitats. Y George
                                                                                                  plans to work only two months—and maybe          ing and writing at Northern Illinois Uni-
Eric’s. You never know what life has waiting    Rideout was sorry to miss the 50th, but
                                                                                                  hang up working for good next year. Last year    versity College of Law. Grandchild #5,
for you around the corner at the market.        he had a grandson’s graduation to attend.
                                                                                                  Don joined two softball leagues—one for          Adriana Grace, was born in June in L.A.
                                                Every five years his two missionary pilot
                                                                                                  over-70 and one for over-60. In the over-70s     Y In June Anne Pomroy shared a week
                                                sons and their families serving in Africa,
                                                                                                  he feels young and fast again, but “some of      out of her beloved Maine summer to
                                                Ian and Kevin, overlap time in the U.S. for
                                                                                                  those 60-year-old whippersnappers push           visit Debbie Anderson. They had terrific
                                                two weeks as one arrives for a year and the

weather during a week of camping around       obituary for Ronald DiOrio, who passed          was a lot of fun doing something different     statehood, David has the pleasure and
                  Puget Sound in Washington, the Cascade        away Jan. 19, 2018, in Burgettstown, Pa.        from normal daily activities and meet-         honor of serving as vice chairman of Maine’s
                  Mountains, and the inland desert of the       Ron served in the Peace Corp, traveling         ing new people. He’s looking forward to        Bicentennial Commission as they prepare
                  Missouri flood lands. As Debbie says,         to Afghanistan. He was a teacher, substi-       seeing everyone in three short years. Y        to commemorate 200 years of Maine
                  they had a great time telling old Colby       tuting mostly for the Burgettstown School       Lyme disease has been afflicting lots of       becoming Maine. Y Bill Alfond enjoyed
                  stories from each other’s warped point        District. Interested in family history, ge-     us, and Leslie Anderson writes about her       a terrific time on the golf links in Ireland
                  of view! Y Bill ’69 and Karen Knapp           nealogy, he was a World War II historian        own bout, which caused her to lose most        in early June. Not only was the weather
                  Lyons have been back in Maine for over        and a numismatist (coin collector). Y           of July and August to recuperation. She        superb, but also the golf course! (His
                  two years now, and after 35 years in the      Nothing new to report from the Strough          suffered from second-degree burns as a         favorite was Waterville links). His decade-
                  Midwest they’re very happy to be home.        family. We have been spending a quiet           result of the medication treating Lyme,        long commitment to Educare in Waterville,
                  They had the pleasure of hearing Col-         summer at our house on Lake Winnipe-            and now can’t go out in the sun without        a holistic preschool for Head Start kids, has
                  by Magazine editor Gerry Boyle ’78 talk       saukee, N.H., interspersed with visits from     hats and gloves. She did get a hybrid          deepened both as a financial commitment
                  about his mystery writing a couple of         friends. Hope all is well with everyone.        bike and loves it. She’s visited with Deb-     and in his understanding of the power of
                  years ago, and this summer heard Doug-                                                        bie Messer Zlatin, Mary Jukes Howard,          public money and the frustration of deci-
                  las Rooks ’76 speak on the Maine Dem-                                                         Pat Trow Parent, Jan Blatchford Gordon,        sion-making when government bureaucracy
                  ocratic party. One of the most rewarding      1971                                            and Karen Hoerner Neel. Leslie is still        is involved. His wife, Joni, and he continue
                  experiences for Karen is knowing that a       Ann E. Miller                                   doing a lot of painting and is fascinated      to enjoy their children and grandkids,
                  former student of hers from the University                         that painting is becoming such a fulfilling    with much summer fun at their camp on
                  of Nebraska-Lincoln is teaching at Colby      Dog days of summer? Heat wave? Swel-            avocation this late in life. Y As for me,      Belgrade Lakes. Y Catherine Joslyn was
                  as a visiting assistant professor. After      tering humidity. Ugh. WHAT? We will all be      I’ve just returned from a wonderful trip to    showing in an invitational group art exhibit
                  being an educator for 30 years, Karen is      chilling later, but this is ridiculous at the   the UK to meet the children of my young        in Tampa (Aug.-Oct.) and had a solo show
                  delighted to know that she contributed to     time of my writing! So many of you are          friend, who was my mother’s adopted            in Cleveland in September. Meanwhile, she
                  Colby today by playing a small part in his    spending the summer gallivanting around         grandson. Confused? Well, there is a cir-      was plugging away at her great downsizing
                  career path. Other than that, their chil-     visiting Colby classmates and others.           cle of good friends going back to 1971.        project, in which she will eventually finish
                  dren and grandchildren are well and their     How cool is that? Y Jon Stone writes that       This young man’s parents are among my          emptying out her Pennsylvania home/
                  oldest grandchild is looking at colleges      he visited Larry Boris and his wife in Den-     best friends in the whole world, and their     studio/storage of more than 20 years.
                  already. And they’ve been putting the cu-     ver, then met Steve Orlov and his wife in       children have been a huge part of my life      (“As an artist/collector who’s a little bit of
                  riosity instilled by Colby faculty to work    Prince Edward Island. (Quite a trek across      (and my mother’s) ever since. My mother        a hoarder, that’s quite a job!”) She already
                  by traveling quite a bit, which has been      the continent!) He claims the spouses           and this young man had an extraordinary        has the place in which she’ll eventually
                  fascinating. Y Karen Brandt Byers has         shake their heads when the boys begin           relationship and she was so proud to           reside, in Cleveland’s Shoreway-Gordon
                  been the Dana Farber Cancer Institute’s       to reminisce and laugh about their ear-         introduce him as her adopted grandson          Square Arts District, near Edgewater Park
                  biosafety officer since 1989. Dana Farber     ly life experiences. * Y Crater Lake and        (since I’ve never had children). It was al-    on Lake Erie and the happening West Side.
                  is an ideal environment for sharing bio-      Glacier National Park were on Bill Hlad-        ways confusing to those who didn’t know        Still in the same geographic region she’s
                  safety with investigators and professional    ky’s agenda this summer, traveling with         the story. I hadn’t had a chance to meet       been in for most of her career. But she still
                  development. Pursuing her biosafety in-       his son. His photos are breathtaking and        his two young children until this summer.      enjoys special things that she loves about
                  terests through the American Biological       awe inspiring. Everything is so BIG! And        We had an amazing time, and among the          Cleveland—affordable place for arts lovers
                  Safety Association International has led      we humans are so small. He’d hoped to           happy events was a lunch at which other        and sailors. She’s keeping her little pad
                  to speaking engagements in Accra, Gha-        cross paths with Susan Doten Greenberg          good friends were present. Paul Machlin        in the Sunshine State. Cathy has taken
                  na; Seoul, South Korea; New Delhi, India;     ’70 but missed her in Seattle. Y Happy to       and his wife happened to be in the UK,         some big trips in recent years: Thailand
                  Taipei, Taiwan; and Cancun, Mexico. Her       have moved to Portland, Rich Abramson           too. Paul was the Colby Music Depart-          and Rajasthan last year and Istanbul/
                  interest in laboratory-acquired infections    tells of walking every day with John Bubar      ment chair for many years after Peter          Uzbekistan/Kyrgyzstan this year. Think Silk
                  led to co-authorship of a chapter on the      ’68 while continuing to consult with sev-       Ré’s tenure. I’ve known Paul since 1971,       Road. Fascinating. If that weren’t enough,
                  subject in the 3rd, 4th, and 5th edition of   eral school districts and substance abuse       too, and it was pure coincidence that he       in November 2017 she again assisted with
                  Biological Safety, Principles and Practic-    educational programs in Maine. They’re          served Colby for so many years, now re-        a weavers’ conference in Cusco, Peru, my
                  es (ASM Press). She was pleased to be         trying to initiate a program that seeks         tired himself. Six degrees of separation.      research home of many years where she
                  co-editor of the 5th editions and is also     to provide secondary, post-secondary,                                                          did her Fulbright project in 2001. She also
                  co-editor of Applied Biosafety, the journal   and life-changing experiences for at-risk                                                      continues with the group Weave a Real
                  of the American Biological Association        youth. Rich loves his time with his twin        1972                                           Peace (WARP), giving support to families
                  International. As of this writing, she was    granddaughters. Y Ken Didsbury was              Nancy Round Haley                              producing textile products to better their
                  in the airport waiting for a flight to Bei-   busy this summer visiting Bill and Car-                        lives all over the world. And a lot of the U.S.A.
                  jing to give another talk on her literature   olyn Additon Anthony at their summer            David Cheever wrote that he and John           still remains on her bucket list! Y Russell
                  survey of lab-acquired infections. This       home in Damariscotta; having lunch with         Koons recently shared a wide-ranging           Cleary was gratified that the family of Curtis
                  last summer, Karen had the joy of sharing     John and Susan Farwell Philson in Port-         conversation about Colby, especially its       Sears ’73 afforded him the opportunity to
                  time with her children, sons-in-law, and      land; and enjoying a visit with Anne Pom-       impact upon Waterville and upon the region,    call Curtis the day before he passed away
                  four wonderful grandchildren. She joined      roy ’70 at her summer home in Sullivan.         with respect to the ambitious plans with       of acute myeloid leukemia July 4, 2018.
                  the daughters swimming with the grand-        Y Living now in Rockport, Maine, Steve          which they have some familiarity. They         “Although he was not able to speak, the
                                                                                                                shared some of the importance of Colby in
COLBY Fall 2018

                  children on the beaches of Rhode Island,      Magyar has moved his financial plan-                                                           family assured me that, as they held the
                  and she went to Israel to see her son, who    ning practice to South Portland and was         the attainment of Maine’s statehood. John      telephone up to Curtis’s ear, he did indicate
                  does research on social-work supervi-         joined by his daughter, Elizabeth Magyar        later contacted his friends at the Water-      that he understood me as I spoke,” Russell
                  sion in the West Bank. (And to swim in        Stockwell ’98. He enjoys spending time          ville Historical Society, who decided that     wrote. “After Colby, I enjoyed the company
                  the Mediterranean, and to visit some of       every week with his two grandsons in            having a 200-year-old perspective might be     of Curtis and his family over the many
                  the amazing archeological sites in Jeru-      Scarborough. Steve returned to Colby for        interesting. (“I’m hardly qualified, but how   years in Concord, Dalton, Gloucester, and
                  salem.) Y Andy Hayashi sent along the         Alumni College this summer and says it          could I turn down such an opportunity? I’m     Boston, Mass.; back again in Waterville; in
                                                                                                                speaking there Sept. 13.”) Also, regarding

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