Does Age Matter 0 3 - Larry Hodges

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Does Age Matter 0 3 - Larry Hodges

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                                                               MARCH/APRIL 2005 1 $3.95

                                              Does Age Matter
                                                  AT 46, CHENG YINGHUA WINS HIS
                                                 4TH NATIONAL MEN'S SINGLES TITLE
                                                    EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW INSIDE!

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Does Age Matter 0 3 - Larry Hodges

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Does Age Matter 0 3 - Larry Hodges

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Does Age Matter 0 3 - Larry Hodges
Table of Contents                                                                     .MM,                                                t.]SA Table Tennis Magazine

                                                                                                                                                  VOLUME 76, NUMBER 2

FEATURES                                                                                                                                                    PUBLISHER

                                                                                                                                                         USA Table Tennis
FExTURE INTER,111 TT..................................................,....,..,,.,................... 56                      Mal Anderson. Gerry Chita. Kingston Gee, Joe Holman.
USATT Tournament Schedule                                                                                                 63
                                                                                                                                  Dean Kaus, Sungill Kim, Sean O'Neill, Diego Schaaf

                                                                                                                                  *f PRINTER
                                                                                                                                               Publication Printers, Denver, CO
Cover Photo ofCheng Yinghua hy Aingston Gee ©2004
Cover Design by Tom Nguyen                                                                                                          PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID at Colorado Springs, Colorado,
                                                                                                                               and other locations. USA Table Tennis Magazine (ISSN 1089-1870) is
                                                                                                                               published bimonthly at Colorado Springs, Colorado, and is the official
 Official                                 Ctables                       Ijaa#,                                                 magazine of USA Table Tennis (USATT), a Class W member of the
                                                                                                                               U.S. Olympic Committee.
 Sponsors                          %,Butterfly Natal
Does Age Matter 0 3 - Larry Hodges
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Does Age Matter 0 3 - Larry Hodges



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Does Age Matter 0 3 - Larry Hodges
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                                                             luENSION ,NSION 'ENs                   6
Does Age Matter 0 3 - Larry Hodges
The Table TennihiPioneers introduces its new...
                                                                                                             40DNE> .- 9.EE ttin2 €814*40 -€-

  FREOUUTWUY/-TRO*AM                  *€4                -IVE                                                                              ·2 -'0«4·'0,·; /* .refe«U r, 113 :1%
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Does Age Matter 0 3 - Larry Hodges
They Said It... 1
By Larry Hodges
                                             1%24'j y                               Ad %74 92446
"...the success we had with the thaw with the                Support the People Who Support USA Table Tennis!
People's Republic of China had a lot to do with                                                                              Pages
                                                           Pioneers ...                                                      2-3,5,8,39,47,78-79
the exchange of ping-pong teams, ofal] things."
                                                           Paddle Palace                                                     36-37,43,44-45,56-63
-Sen. Lincoln Chafte, at the Condoleezza Rice
Confirmation Hearings.
                                                           Butterfly                                                         6-7,80
                                                           North American TT                                                 12-13

"It's like sitting iii your back yard and being able       Spintech ...                                                      15,66
to see the ball in a ping-pong gameonthe Moon," Newgy                                                                        40-41

-Leonid Gurvitz, Dutch astronomer, describing              DHS                 America                                 11
the incredible sensitivity of radio astronomy tele-        Bumpernets                                                        20

scopes tracking NASA 's surface probe ofSaturn's           Ramapo & FIT Opens ... 21
moon, Titan, 750 million miles away./tom earth.            Cary Open                                                         22

Submitted by Dick Evans.                                   Buckeye Open....                                                  23

                                                           Garden State Open                                                 25
"It's difficult to say but approximately between           St. Joseph Valley Open............................ 27
$150,000 and $350,000 iii U.S. dollars. Most of            Meiklejohn Seniors                                                29
the money still comes from league salaries and             Jefferson City Teams 31
equipment endorsement but prize motley in-                 MDTTC Camps                                                       49
creases from year to year which is positive. Some          Alpha TT                                                          77
players have individual agreements with spon-
                                                           Would you like to advertise in USA Table Tennis Magazine?
sors not related to table tennis and those are
                                                             See, email, or ca11240-686-0127
very difficult to estimate." -1991
                                 World                                                         Chain-                                                            ,
pion Jorgen Pei·sson of Sweden, when asked br
USAs Carl Banner how much moner a top ten               Celebrity Ping-Pong Event

world ranked player can make in a vear.                 Raises $35,000 for Charity
                                                        By Larry Hodges
"The secret of how our players achieved such
steady worldwide success is that the coaches
and athletes all followed the leadership of Chair-
                                                        r-lhe Jason taylor Foundation ran a Celeb
                                                                rity Ping-Pong event Dec. 6,2004, at the
                                                                Seminole Hard Rod, Unt.1 2.       .

man Mao in pursuing the teaching of Marx- Florida, pre- .
Lenin-Mao as foundamental in training and strat- sented by the 2.2.1
egy." -From "The Chinese Book of Table Ten- Athlete's Foot -15
nis,"page 6, published in 1981. Contributed by of*eston.The
Bruce Liu.
                                                        event raised r--           L.

                                                        935,000 for tile ,(/t®J
"Connie Wang (495) defeated Anosack Sihavang J
                                                        I ason Taylor '
(511) who defeated Steve Zhang (540) who de- i :oundation,            a
feated Nina Zhen (653) who defeated Nancy c 'hildren's             char-                                       ,-'; 17-year-old paddler Chandi Hansa, of Sri
Huang (652) who defeated Lisa Collymore i ty. Participat-                                                   4 Lanka, avoided the tsunami. She was in-
(1076) who defeated Chitra Venkatraman (1182) i ng in the event were many players and che er-                       land at a national training camp. She later
who defeated Chuck Cohen (1613) who defeated 1 eaders from the Miami Dolphins football tei im,                      posed on the pile of rubble, which used to be
                                                                                                                    her home.
Carelyn Cordero (1646) who defeated Rodney :ts well as Florida's #1 rated hip-hop mom...¤                   111[y

Peffer (1856) who defeated Frank Riddick, Jr. I ).Is, The Baka Boys. Dolphins tight end Joe                         Tsunami Relief
(1921) who defeated Jeffrey Wong (1915) who Ilose won the event. The Jason Taylor Founda-
                                                                                                                               any iii the table tennis family around
defeated Jia Jian Lee (2120) who defeated Usama t ion supports and creates programs that facili-
Nausrudeen (2167) who defeated Simon Boutet t ate the personal growth and empowerment of                            M          the world have expressed their heart-
                                                                                                                               felt desire to help tile countries
(2271) who defeated Kfir Silberman (2332) who 5gouth Florida's children in need by focusing on
                                                                                                                    stricken by the tsunami tloods. [f you want
defeated Guillenno Munoz (2543) who defeated i mproved health care, education and quality of
                                                                                                                    your contribution to help fellow table tennis
Han Xiao (2545) who defeated David Zhuang 1 ife. More info, and a 4-minute video ofthe event's
                                                                                                                    players and their associations, please make your
(2720)." -Larrv Bavh, showing hon· Connie 1 iighlights (including Rose'sand others playing
                                                                                                                    donation, by electronic transfer. ofany amount,
Wang "defeated" the highly-rated David Zhuane :ind         trash-talking), is at
                                                                                                                    to the 1TTF's tsunami relief account:
at the North American Teams.                   .                            Bank:               UBS

                                                                                                                    Address:            Pl. Saint Fratigois,
                                                                                                                                        Lausanne. Switzerland.
   UNATT League Watch                                                                   1.Ca
                                                                                                                    Account number: 243 467622.1 OV
   Sponsored by Paddle Palace and Stiga •,rww.                                                     IBAN number:        CH060024324346762210V

   By USATT League Director Larry Hodges                                                                            SWIFT:              UBSWCHZH80A

   Below are the current stats on the USATT Leag ue, which now has leagues                                          Account name:       ITTF - TSUNAMI

   in 46 states and DC. Take a trip to www. us att. org/league, explore the                                              Donations will be distributed directly to
   pages, and join - or start! - a league!                                                                          the national associations affected by the tsu-
                                                                                        Poddle 1,7 Poloce
                                     2003        2004                 2005
                                                                                        /TIGA                       naini (Indonesia, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand,
                                     Sept. 1 Jan. 1       July 1      Jan.1
                                                                                                                    Maldives, Malaysia, Burma, Bangladesh, Kenya,
   Active Leagues 1 67                                    102         127
                                                                                                                    Seychelles, Somalia and Tanzania) for the ex-
   League Participants 36 1233                            2471        3429
                                                                                                                    press purpose of providing their table tennis
   League Matches                    436         8363     25,202      40,073                                        associations with special assistance not other-
                                                                                                                    wise available.

                                                                                        USA TABLE TENNIS MAGAZINE * March/April 2005 61'9
Does Age Matter 0 3 - Larry Hodges
2004 USOC Coaches of the Vear for Table Tennis                                                                                            By Larry Hodges

                                                                                     National Coach of the Year:                         Lily Yip

SATT has announced the 2004 USOC Coaches of the Year for ,
        Table Tennis, Selection of the four coaches was based on criteria ·
        published in the Coach of the Year Applications. Congratulations ·
                                                                                     Developmental Coach of the Year: Dennis Davis
                                                                                     DOC Counsilman Science Award:                       Richard McAfee

to      these                  four            coaches!                          ·   Volunteer Coach cf the Year:                        Greg Miller

Coach of the Year:

Lily Yip
                                                                                     2004 UMTT Athletes of the Vear
Lily was the USA Cadet Girls' Team Coach,                                            By Larry Hodges
and traveled extensively around the world                                                 USATT has antiounced the 2004 USATT Athletes of the Year.
with the team iii 2004. In ITTF Junior Cir-
                                                                                     Congratulations to these athletes! They are:
cuit tournaments, the team had gold medal-                                           · Male Athlete of the Year:                    Ilija Lupulesku
ists in doubles and semifinalists iii singles,                                       · Female Athlete of the year:                  Gao Jun
and finished 4th at the World Cadet Chal-

lenge in Portugal in October. She is a full-                                         Gao       Jun. 0 t
time coach in New Jersey, and also runs                                              Gaithersburg. ME
many USATT tournaments. She is certified as a national coach, the high-              played iii four US/
est level. Among her students are her son and daughter. Adam (17) & Judy             tournaments iii 2004L
Hugh (15), both the best of their age in the country, as well as Da Tang, the        and went undefeatecL
top ranked 10-year-old iii the U.S. Judy finished sixth at the World Cadet           At the recent USA Na
Junior Challenge. Adam was a member of the 2003 U.S. National Team.                  tionals, she swep't
Lily was inducted as a player into the USATT Hall ofFame in December.                women's singles d
2004. and was elected USATT vice president iii November. She was                     doubles (with Tawn V
selected as the USA Junior Girls Coach for 2005.                                                                                                                 N

                                                                                     Banh) and mixe d
                                                                                     doubles (with Chen g
Developmental Coach of the Year:                                                     Yinghua). It was heH.       1 -
Dennis Davis                                                                         eighth USA National:6,      --
Dennis has been the head coach at the Palo                                           and she has yet to los
Alto TTC for the past 14 years. He was the                                           a match, sweepin g
2003 USA Junior Boys' Team Coach. and is - 1                                         women 's singles d
certified as anational coach. the highest level.                                     doubles all eight time,
Players he coaches include Jackie Lee (2004                                          and mixed double,

USA women's national team, under 22                                                  seven times (not playing one year). She won W'omen's Singles at the
women's champion and women's semifinal-                                              2004 North American Championship. At the 2004 North American
ist), Auria Malek (2004 Junior National                                              Olympic Trials, she finished lst with a 10-0 record. Internationally,
Team), Trevor Runyan (2004 Junior Na-                                                she made the quarterfinals olwomen's singles at both the Singapore
tional Team), Colleen Lee (#10 in Under 16                                           and Korean ITTF Pro Touri, and was runner-up in women's doubles
girls). Ariel Hsing (#1 in under 10 girls), Lily Zhang (#3 in Under 10 girls),       at the Korean ITTF Pro Tour. At the Women's World Cup, she
and Felicia Wang (#5 in under 10 girls). He chairs the USATT NCAA                    finished 9- 12th. upsetting world #2 Wang Nan along the way. She is
Committee, which is focused on making table tennis an "emerging sport"               the highest rated USA woman at 2648, and the highest ranked at #15
lor women in the NCAA.
                                                                                     in the world, She spent most of the past three years as a student/
                                                                                     athlete at the Eastern China University of Science and Technology,
DOC Counsilman Science Award:                                                        studying Economics Trade, where she has one more year to go
Richard McAfee                                     imiu
                                                                                     before she graduates.

Richard is a strong advocate of table tennis                                         Ilija         Lupulesku,                                          -
robots, and regularly writes online articles
                                                                                     ofChicago, IL,went un-

on robot usage. He uses a "spin wheel" to I
teach spin theory and help students develop                                          defeated at the lj.S.

                                                                                     Olympic Simdes Trials
spin strokes. He is a full-time coach who --                211 ill
                                                                                     with an 11 -0 record. At
recently relocated from Atlanta to Aurora,                            26It-

Colorado. He was the 1999 Developmental 1 7--] 12                                    the North American

                                                                                     Trials. he finished sec-
Coach of the Year. is an ITTF/IOC Olym-               .i--
pie Solidarity Coach, and is certified as a                                          ond to Canoda's Johnny
national coach. the highest level. He has a                                          Huang, and qualified for
coaching article in this issue, "Basic Strategies for the Developing Player."        the U.S. Olympic
                                                                                     Team. He won three

                                                                                     other tournaments ill
Volunteer Coach of the Year:
                                                                                     2004 - the 4-star High-
Greg Miller

Greg has been president of the Minnesota                                             land Open. the Roekford L
                                                                                     Holiday Open Teams,
TT Federation since 1999, and was head
                                                                                     and the Glenview
coach of the Minnesota Junior Olympic                                                                           irl-lt©464**/ ./P

                                                                                     March Open. At the r
Teamin 2001,2003 and 2004. In 2004, Min-
                                                                                     USA Nationals, he won •--a=--·--•--
tiesotajunior players won 23 medals at the
                                                                                     mens doubles for the second straight year, this year winning with
Junior Olympics, including nine golds. He
                                                                                     Mark Hazinski. He was rumier-up in mixed doubles (with Jasna Reed).
is involved in all aspects of the Minnesota
                                                                                     and after winning men's singles two straight years, was upset in the
junior program, as well as many other areas
of Minnesota table tennis.
                                                   ......CU.....=                    semifinals by David Zhuang.

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                                            /TIGA   D ping-pong.c
T [AA*r of €he Mont}v
                    Bv Dan Seemmer

As aorelt lof hisexlkmt lpiI n'theteani tMalscand 1-irinetip
       tional Junior team in Las Vegas. Joe, who is only I 5 years
       old, made the squad in his first year of eligibility as a junior.

  in the Under 2100 event he now has a 2199 rating. Joe made the
  U.S, Cadet team two years ago and used that experience to make                                              T
  this year's junior team.
       Joe began playing eight years ago at the South Bend Table
  Tennis Club and joined the junior team shortly thereafter. 1 have            The Cochran family has been a big part of the South Bend Junior
  been coaching him for eight years now and he has also worked                 program and they regularly compete in USATT major tourna-
  with Coach Mark Nordby. Joe is a forehand looping style player               ments.

  who is now incorporating a backhand loop into his game. He is                     Joe is the kind of student ever> coach would love - he's
  very strong physically and works very hard in practice 4-5 days              hardworking, listens to instruction and is willing to try new tech-
  pei- week. He is an excellent student who loves to try new tech-             niques. His dedication to the sport has earned for him a great
  niqiies.                                                                     honor in making the U.S. junior team. Joe has been sponsored by
        Joe comes from a table tennis family. His older brothers.              the Table Tennis Pioneers for the past five years. Joe's other
  Andy and Gordy. are both avid players with ratings of 2200 and               interests include football (he played for a local team last year),
  2000 respectively. Joe's father, Dan. also plays regularly and               hiking, camping, Boy Scouts and of course video games. Table
  mother, Mary, supports the family efforts to excel in table tennis.          tennis is a sport for the whole family - just ask the Cochrans. I

                                                                                                               After a stint iii the military. Jim Fulks re-
                USATT Club of the Month:                                                                 turned home in 1948 and soon assumed the lead-

                                                                                                         ership of the club and its leagues. It was a post
                              Charleston TTC                                                             he was to hold for the next half century. making
                                                                                                         him tlie unchal lenged -Mr. Table Tennis of West
              West Vir ; 1./ 0                                                                           Virginia."
                                                                                                               In recent years. the club has been headed.
                                                                                                         amd invigorated. by the dedicated leadership ot
                                                                                                         Harry Sands. a retired director of fundraising for
                                                                                                         the University oiC.harleston. This year, for the
                                                                                                         first time in over a decade Sands organized a
                                                                                                         USATT sanctioned WV Open Championships.
                                                                                                         generously sponsored by the Martin-Kilpatrick
                                                                                                         Table Tennis Co. ( at the
                                                                                                         clubs home venue. Twenty-four players from
                                                                                                         KY, OH, VA, & WV competed iii three large
                                                                                                         round-robin groups in singles & doubles. Dr.
                                                                                                         David Albright of Richmond. VA, won both the
                                                                                                         singles and doubles titles. beating Charleston's
                                                                                                         aging. but perennial league champion. Tom Car-
                                                                                                         penter for the singles crown, and teamed with
                                                                                                         Mike Butts of White Sulphur Springs (WV) to
                                                                                                         win the doubles over former state doubles chain-

                                                                                                         pions. Carpenter and Dick Evans of Hillsboro
Members of the Charlaton Club. Jim Full :s           is holding the club sign. President Harry           (WV) in the finals. Ms. Chika (Nishimura)
Sands is 3rd from the right, front row.                                                                  Callison, also of White Sulphur Springs, the only
                                                                                                         woman participating iii the field of 23 men. com-
       he Charleston (WV) Table Tennis Club          local legends included Herman "Whitey" Lykins       piled an impressive 5-2 record in advancing to

T      has been meeting on Monday nights con-
       tinuously at the same venue since the end
                                                     (many times state champion), the brothers. Jim
                                                     & Ed Pierson. Bill Wamerand Noble Wyatt. An
                                                                                                         the quarterfinals before losing to Carpenter.
                                                                                                               The Charleston club meets for league and
of the Secoiid World War. and existed even prior     8-10 team league, composed ofteams from sev-        open play Monday nights from 6:30 to 9:00 pin
to the war in the basement ofthe club and league's   eral ofthe chemical/industrial plants which lined   and invites new and visiting players to visit the
founder, Bill Warner, a chemical engineer work-      the banks of the Kanawlia River making this         club whose stated objective is to promote fel-
ing for the DuPont Chemical Co. This small but       area one of the country's largest chemical cen-     lowship and sportsmanship through conipeti-
enthusiastic club may be the oldest continuous       ters, played weekly at the North Charleston         live play. For more information, contact Harry
club in the United States.                           Community Center. a faciliLy of the Charleston      Sands. 34 Hambrick Dr., Nitro. WV 25143,304-

      In its early years. following the war. the     Parks & Recreation Department.                      776-6378,

 14 to         USA TABLE TENNIS MAGAZINE • March/April 2005
8689199 COLL) :XVI - 9tll-ZN (POP) :131 - VSn 9000£ ¥9 '0113]DIOIV '90£-OIL 01!nS 'PDOW Solono[I ll811 - 3NI SINN31 318¥1 H3311&IS

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lion. Everyone in the world trains every day.
                   INTERVIEW WITH CHENG YINCHUA                                                                                 but Americans train an average of less than three
                                                                                                                                hours a day. If the USATT can somehow create
                   By Wei Xiao
                                                                                                                                a program where junior players practice three
                                                                                                                                hours after school regularly, then the U.S. can

                                                                                                                                begin to compete.

                                                                                                                                How did Zhuang's upset of Lupulesku in the
                                                                                                                                other semifinal affect you?
                                                                                                                                1 really didn't think about it. 1 never thought about
                                                                                                                                winning theentiretournament, and there fore didn't
                                                                                                                                specifically prepare. I only felt that David would
                                                                                                                                change tactics if he played me. and 1 had an idea
                                                                                                                                that Lupulesku was not in great physical shape.

                                                                                                                                In the final against Zhuang, what were your
                                                                                                                                main tactics? What was he doing that gave
                                                                                                                                you trouble? And how did his injury affect
                                                                                                                                the match and the way you played?
                                                                                                                                I have a very clear idea of how to play against
                                                                                                                                short pips. Pips cannot play against deep shots
                                                                                                                                because loops with pips have no spin. About
                                                                                                                                90% of my serves were long. mostly to the
                                                                                                                                middle or forehand. David's main weapons
                                                                                                                                against me are his explosiveness, especially when
                                                                                                                                lie turns the corner. so most of the time 1 play to
                                                                                                                                his forehand. As to David's injury, this has ham
                   Al the age of 46, you became the oldest                 This leads to not being able to implement the        pened a number of times before, but ] still felt
                   player ever to win the USA Nationals. How               correct tactics. The young players also lack match   uncomfortable which slowed me down a little.

                   are you able to compete al this age? Did                experience when they play the veterans. The

                   You do anything special to prepare for this             USATT needs to put more money and empha-             Any comments on your other major matches
                   fournamen#?                                             sis on training young players. It was clear during   - agains# Adam Hugh, Barney J. Reed, Eric
                   1 did not really do very much to prepare for the        the Nationals that the older players were not        Owens, Khoa Nguyen, or your other match
                   tournament, except for maybe 40 push-ups each           improving, but the younger players had not put       with Zhuang?
                   night before bed. This is because I am always           enough training time and effort into the funda-      Among them. there wasn't much that stood out.
                                                                           mentals                                              Eric Owens surprised me because after he lost
                   concerned about getting injured the way I did
                   during the 2000 Olympic trials. after which 1                                                                to me, he was very disappointed and gave up. 1
                   had to receive treatinent eight times. Also, I dichit   What does the U.S. need to do to compele             also was surprised that Adam was so nervous
                   have any pressure mentally, which allowed me            with the best in Ihe world?                          and passive when he played me. Barney had a
                   to perform well.                                        As I said before. you need a team with a conceii-    lack of power so 1 really didn't fear any of his
                                                                           trated training regimen in terms of time and loca-   shots. Against Khoa. 1 needed to control his serve
                   Was there extra motivation to win this year
                   and make the national team since the world

                   championships wiN be in China?
                   Of course 1 tried harder than usual to make the

                   team since the worlds are in China. However. 1

                   wasn't really certain before the tournament
                   whether I still had the ability to compete and
                   make the team. so another motivating factor for          mo
                   me was seeing whether I was still competitive.             RANCH


                   Will you continue to compete in future Na-
                   tionals or other tournaments?
                   I will continue to play the Nationals as long as I                ,0
                   am able to. but I don't really play in any other

                   The four semifinalists at this year's nation-
                   als were over 40 years old on average. Whit
                   do USA's up-and-coming players need t• do                                                            a

                   to win against these veterans - yourself,
                   Zhuang, Lupulesku and Nguyen?
                   Most importantly, the younger players need to
                   work more on the fundamentals. This is lacking
                   right now due to a lack of organized training.
                                                                                          I'm MAD... the tables were greener on the other side of the fence..

                   ( 16 >0         USA TABLE TENNIS MAGAZINE ' March/April 2005
because against everyone else Khoa's attack was very effective, Once 1
was able to use my drop and tlip to control his serve and take away his             Cheng Yinghua ... the                     Stats!
attack. 1 was able to use my own attack and play very successfully.                 Rating:                       2711

                                                                                    Age & Date of Birth:          46,11-28-58
Why did you come to the U.S. in 1988, and emigrate here perma-                      Club:
                                                                                                                  MDTTC in Gaithersburg, MD
nently in 1989?                                                                     Occupation:                   Full-time table tennis coach

When I came from China to play iii tournaments, the country made a big              Sponsor:                      Butterily
impression on me. and I felt that my family would have a better future here.        Equipment:                    Butterfly Keyshot ST blade,
I also felt that [ could make a positive influence on table tennis in the U.S,                                    Butterfly Bryce 2.1 on both sides.
                                                                                    • 4-time and current U.S. Men's Singles Champion
Tell us about the Maryland Table Tennis Center.                                     • 5-time and current U.S. Mixed Doubles Champion
iii tlie years that our club has been open. our members have made many              • 3-time U.S. Men's Doubles Champion
contributions in starting and maintaining the center. Differences among             • U.S. Over 40 Men's Singles Champion, 2002-2004
members' playing levels have been a result of differences iii practice time,        • U.S. #1 ranked player almost continuously, 1988-2000
but I feel that most of our members are satisfied with their progress. We           · U.S. Open Men's Singles Champion, 1985 & 1993
can't always monitor evel-yone's trinning blit we encourage young play-             • U.S. Open Men's Doubles & Team Champion, 1985
ers to train together in order to become top juniors and perhaps top                • U.S. Open Men's Doubles Champion, 1998
players in the U.S. It's very difficult to find clubs with an average level         • World Corporate Gaines Singles & Doubles Champion, 1988
higher than that of our club simply due to the time commitment Jack and             • Finland Open Men's Singles Champion, 1983
I have put into coaching.                                                           • Chinese Men's Doubles Champion, 1987
                                                                                    • Chinese Men's Elite Singles Fitialist, 1982
Tell us about how you started and developed as a player. Is it true                 • Member, 2000 U.S. Olympic Team, and many-tine U.S. Team
you were in a special school for athletes from age 5 or so on,                        Member

specializing in table tennis and badminlon? Tell us about your bad-                 • Member, Chinese National Team, 1977-1987
minton background as well.                                                          • Former head coach for the Szechuan Province ofChina

Our specialized school was actually split in two. with one wing being
table tennis and one wing being badminton. Players from each sport could
see players from the othei- sport training, so we could pick up the funda-       Any interests outside table tennis?
mentals. The coaches encouraged this because of the same emphasis on             1 have many interests. but when I played table tennis in China. we mostly
enduronce, speed. power, etc. However. badminton was just another hobby.         played Go.

At whal age did you become essentially a full-time table tennis                  Any#hing you'd like to add?
player? What was your training like as a full-time player?                       1 hope that my students and Jack's students can perforin well and maxi-
Every day's training included distance running, serves, fundamental ti-ain-      mize the time that they spend on table tennis. I can also try to answer any
ing, and multiball training. We also ran sprints and did various plyometric      questions anybody has about table tennis. I'm very willing to try to
exercises. Certain particularly promising players would get picked out for       contribute to the U.S.' future success even despite the lack of training.
special multiball training from the coaches, who would create special            Again, 1 would like to emphasize that even three hours aday K il] allow the
multibal] drills for them.                                                       U.S. to begin to be competitive iii international play.

 2005 USmT Junior & Cadet Team Coaches Named                                                                                             By Larry Hodges

          SA Table Tennis has named the 2005 Junior & Cadet National             Cochran (2004 U.S. Junior Team). He has worked for a number ofyears

 U        Team Coaches. The coaches were selected by USATT's Elite
          Athlete Committee, with recommendations from the Coaching
                                                                                 with U.S. Men's Coach Dan Seemiller at the South Bend program in
                                                                                 Indiana. He formerly chaired the USATT Coaching Committee. and is
 Committee. The coaches are:                                                     certified by USATT as a National Coach.
 Junior Girls - Lily Yip                Cadet Girls - Emilia Gheorghe                 U.S. Cadet Girls' Coach Emilia Gheorghe had a
 Junior Boys - Mark Nordby Cadet Boys - Masaaki Tajima                           long a successful career iii Roinania both as a player and coach. As a
       These coaches will coach the USA Junior & Cadet teams at various          player. she has many titles, including the 1993 European Top 1 2 Women's
 camps and tournaments. both in the U.S. and internationally. (Juniors           Singles Champion, 1990 & 1992 World University Women's Singles
 must be 18 & under, cadets 15& under. as of Jan. 1 ofthe current year,          Champion, and fourth place in women's singles at the 1992 Olympics
 sojuniors must be born on or after Jan. 1,1987. and cadets Jan. 1,1990.)        (the only European woman in the final eight). She was on the Romania
 Congratulations to these coaches!                                               teamthatwontlie 1992 European Championships and the bronze medal
     U.S. Junior Girls' Coach Lily Yip w as                 the USA Cadet
                                                                                 at the 1995 World Championships (where she defeated China's Qiao
 Girls' coach last year, and now is -moving up" with some ofthem to the          Hong. the only loss by a Chinese player iii the event). Before emigrating
 junior team. Lily is the coach of U.S. #1 junior boyandgirl-her son and         to the U.S., she was an assistant coach at the Roinanian Olympic Training
 daughter, Adam and Judy Hugh. She coaches full-time in New Jersey.              Ceiiter. She has a bachelor's degree in physical education and sport, chairs
 She was a member of the 1992 and 1996 U.S. Olympic Team, and a 2-               the USATT Women's Development Committee. and is a member of the
 time gold medalist for doubles and 2-time silver medalist for doubles at        Elite Athlete Committee. She is certified by USATT as a national coach.
 the Pan Am Games. This past year she was elected both to the USATT                   U.S. Cadet Boys' Coach Masaaki Tajima was the
 Olympic Hall of Fame and the USATT Board of Directors while inaking             USA Junior Girls' coach in 2004, and now takes over as the Cadet Boys'
 the U.S. National Team for the 13th time, and was named USATT's                 coach. He is the coach of U,S. Olympian Whitney Ping and U.S. #2 Junior
 Coach of the Year. She is certified by USATT as a national coach.               Misha Kazentsev, and former coach of U.S. Women's Team Member
       U.S. Junior Boys' Coach Mark Nordby returns as                            Jackie Lee. He has been coaching for 30 years. and is the head coach at the
 the USA .[unior Boys' Coach. Players he coaches iticlude Mark Hazinski          Sunset Club in California. Herecruited and/or trained many of the success-
 (U.S. #1 Under 22). A.J. Brewer (U.S. Under 10 Boys' Champion in                ful coaches in California. He was USATT's Developmental Coach of the
 2003). Shelby Lane (U.S. Under 13 Boys' Champion in 2003), and Joe              Year in 2000, and is certified by USATT as a national coach.

                                                                                      USA TABLE TENNIS MAGAZINE ' March/April 2005                    (4 17 ,
of SGB said: '-BumperNets has created

T,tes/bent s liepott                                                                                                  an exciting retail environment that draws
                                                                                                                      people into their store, and more im-
                                                                                                                      portantly. into their activities. They have
By Sheri Soderberg Pittman
                                                                                                                      created an innovative concept and
        s in past years. life gets extremely busy for the                                                             proven to be good marketers, as well.

A        USATT president every December. This year
         a number of activities also occurred in January.
                                                                                                                      We applaud their innovation and are
                                                                                                                      proud to recognize them with this
In this 'association primer series," I will update you                                                                award." Congratulations to you. Homer.
about where Vve been and what's new with USA Table                                                                    and to all of the BumperNets staftl
Tennis. Dor u's report on the next page provides you
with additional inforination.                                                                                         NYC2012's Olympic Bid
                                                                                                                            Believe it or not, the lOC will

ITTF Board Meeting in Beijing                                         E--4.                                           choose a host city for the 2012 Summer
                                                                                                                      Olympic Games this coming July. A
     This year I will finish my term as Continental                   t HORIZON
Vice President for North America. so the recent ITTF                 11 Al*AB_                                        couple of years ago. the USOC Board
meeting I attended in Beijing basically concluded my                   a   -   -                                      of Directors selected New York City as
service as an ITTF Vice President. At our meeting held                                                                the proposed American host of the 2012
in conjunction with the Olympics last August. I had --- -                                                             Games. Last August I traveled to· New
                                                                                                                      York when an ITTF staff member vis-
made a proposal that the ITTF commit to drafting
written strategic plans. The ITTF leadership in De-                                                                   ited with the bid city organizers. Just
cember confirmed that the proposal was well-received           Homer Brown          shows off his award               recently I also panicipated iii atelephone
and approved a timeframe for completing a number ot           with USATT P resident Sheri Pittman.                    conference along with the leaders of many
the plans. In addition, ITTF President Adham Sharara                                                                  otlier national governing bodies.
expressed appreciation for the feedback that I provided as a female regard-        NYC2012 officials said that their proposal was picking up a lot of momen-
ing the ITTF's effort to increase the number of women involved in ITTF             tum. 1 suggested that some representatives attend the World Champion-
matters. All in all. besides being a time-consuming position, it was a good        ships iii Shanghai as a means of further promoting their bid. USATT Vice
experience and gave me many opportunities to learn more about what                 Presidetits George Brathwaite and Lily Yip, along with several local athletes.
steps it will take to professionalize our sport in the U.S. I will be grateful,    have enthusiastically represented our sport at various functions held iii or
however, to be able to focus more exclusively on USATT-specific matters            near New York City.
throughout the rest of my term as USATT president.
                                                                                   2005 World Championships
U.S. Nationals                                                                          USATT has posted information about the World Championships on
     After a two-day rest. 1 headed to Las Vegas where the tournament              our website, I hope that inany of our members will be
was already underway. Years ago it didn't seem possible that one day we            able to attend. In Deceinber. I learned that the City of Shanghai declared
could all take for granted that everything would run like clockwork. Yet           that of all of the events the city will be hosting iii 2005, it regards these
tliat's the case! USATT's decision to hire NATT for operations continues           World Championships as the one of foremost importance. Chiiwis ability
to work in everyone's best interest. Thanks to all who contributed to the          to showcase the sport like no other country continually helps other asso-
success of the event. I especially thank Martin-Kilpatrick/Butterfly               ciations throughout the world to consider new marketing tactics. presen-
Their table sponsorship contract with us expired at the end of 2004. I             tation strategies and development methods.
look forward to working with the company to fashion a new USATT                         Like other continental associations, the North American Table Ten-

sponsorship opportunity for them.                                                  nis Union will have the opportunity to conduct a forinal meeting there and
                                                                                   to take the next steps toward expanding our structural development. ITTF
Tsunami Relief                                                                     President Adham Sharita has suggested that North America could take the
     At the end of 2004, the world was shocked by the devastating tsu-             lead in piloting a continental plan based on his P4 goals of Popularity.
nami. The ITTF quickly mobilized to create a special fund to help the              Participation. Profit and Planning.
affected countries' national associations. Specific information about how
you can contribute to that fund is on page 9.                                      On the Horizon

                                                                                        As this issue goes to press. USATT and Killerspin are still in arbitra-
Potential Nationwide School Template                                               tion over issues related to sponsorship of the U.S. Open. USATT has
     In mid-January I received a phone call informing me that an organiza-         determined that the U.S. Open will return to Fort Lauderdale this year. Iii
tion had received a large federal grant. Included in the organization's            comparison to the venue and labor expenses that were incurred in Chicago.
proposal was a school-age table tennis program. USATI' sent Ben Grigore            those costs will significantly decrease in Fort Lauderdale. Although USATT
to conduct an in-service workshop of physical education teachers at the            and Killerspin are still far apart in our positions. Robert Blackwell, the
end of January. If the teachers embrace our sport, we can look forward to          president of Killerspin, and I remain hopeful that we can leach a settle-
USATT being involved with its second Community Olympic Develop-                    ment soon. which would bring this matter to a close and allow all of us to
ment Program within the next year.                                                 focus our energies where they should be: on promoting and developing table
                                                                                   tennis in the U.S.. especially on the new priorities that the USATT Board
BumperNets Wins Most Innovative Sports Retailer Award                              set for this Olympic quadrennium (explained in the last President's Report).
     Patrick Griffin of Escalade Sports had encouraged me to attend the                 USATT will soon be releasing its year-end financials. Based on the
Super Show. which was held in Orlando in January. I appreciate that                present information. it looks as though for 2004 USATT will report a
Escalade was able to get me a pass to the event. The timing was especially         third consecutive year of significant net profits. Our reserves are very
great because just days before the Super Show Homer Brown inforined me             healthy. For that reason. the Board has reprioritized our financial goals.
that the Sporting Goods Business Magazine woiild be presenting                     Beginning this year, we are shifting away from emphasizing high year-end
BumperNets with the 2004 Horizon Award, which is given to the most                 profits and toward re-investing revenues in our association's growth.
innovative sports retailer. Only companies with sales below $10 millian            Thanks to staff and USATT Treasurer Tong Lee for all of your contribu-
are eligible to receive the award. Otlier award recipients were brands             tions towards securing USATT's best-ever financial position.
familiar to any American. so it was great to hear every award recipient                 Once again. I thank all of USATT's other hard-working staff aiid
after Hoiner start their speech with, "Homer, we'11 be calling you. We             volunteers. Doru and I really appreciate all of the calls we receive. We
think it's time to get into the table tennis industry!"                            especially thank those of you who are offering your time and energy to
     Homer. a long-time equipment dealer. sponsor and promoter of the              proinote USATT. As many of your efforts bring success. I look funvard
sport. started BumperNets in Alabama almost six years ago. Mark Sullivan           to recognizing and highlighting the fruits of your labor.

                USA TABLE TENNIS MAGAZINE · March/April 2005

ixecatioe 9bitectot s I
College Table Tennis Midseason Report                                            final tiebreaker should teams /,
By Tzu-Wei Lin, NCTTA Public Relations Director
                                                                                 go 2-2 in their match-up.           NATION
                                                                                      These and other divi-
Willy Leparulo, NCTTA President & ACUI Table Tennis Director                                                       «---ITABLEAiimIR
                                                                                 sion results are located on
       very year, new schools come into the NCTTA and ruin the balance

E.power aci-oss the league, making the Nationals picture hard to                 our website,                   ASSOCIATION

                                                                                 and all division winners will be looking forward to the

       guess. Although some National regulars like Texas Wesleyan.
                                                                                 2005 NOTTA College Championships sponsored by
Florida, and Illinois are still sitting comfortably on their division thrones,
                                                                                 Table Tennis Pioneers and Newgy at Texas Wesleyan
ripples are being made all over the nation.
                                                                                 University in Ft. Worth Texas, on April 1-3,2005. The v -rl 7r
     USA National Team member Han Xiao (2564) trampled his way into
the college scene as a freshmen at University of Maryland, with his teain        championships will feature the first ever all Women's 1 1:
sitting on top of the Mid-Atlantic Division above last years National
                                                                                 Intercollegiate Team Table Tennis event as well as the _L/: 1 1
                                                                                 2005 ACUI Collegiate Table Tennis Championships sponsored by Newgy.
third place team U. Penn. Although Princeton University lost to Mary-
                                                                                      This year 2005 ACUI Regional qualifications are taking place in
land, they were the only teain to threaten Maryland. with Princeton #1
Pan Lin suffering a tough loss at the hands of Han Xiao through a long five-     February in schools recreation centers and unions all over the country.
                                                                                 Last yeark Men's and Women's singles champions reigned from Texas
setter (6, - 11,- 12,13,11) and Princeton's # 4 player Michael Hsu claim-
                                                                                 Wesleyan University so we will see this year if others will look to knock
ing the sole win over a Maryland player. (6,10,8) over Michael Terao.
                                                                                 them offearly iii Regional Competition!
Bari·ing any weird incidents, look for these three teams to fight out the two
spots for the Nationals. One might wonder how Adam Hugh will play a
role when he goes to college.                                                    New ITTF Blue Badge Umpires from USA
     What's more interesting for this league is that, not only is the table      By Wendell Dillon, Chair of USATT Officials Committee
tennis crazy Maryland state heating up competition, areas known for
college basketball has sprouted new table tennis competition. In the newly
formed Kansas division, University of Nebraska at Lincoln (UNL) looks
                                                                                 TTI: has announced three new Blue Badge Umpires from USA. They
                                                                                     are Ray Caviechio, Larry Keder and Bill Walk. Congratulations to
                                                                                     these three umpires! USA now has 5 of the 26 ITTF Blue Badge
to become its inaugural division champion. UNL boasts strong players             umpires. The other two from USA are Tom iMiller and Azmy Ibrahim.
like Yee Shem Chan and Hai Feng Zhang (rated 1889 and 1685 in NCTTA                   In 2002, ITTF developed an Advanced Empire Training (AUT)
rating). Similarly, in Ohio State University and University ofNorth Caro-        program. with the objective to develop a small number of the most quali-
lina at Charlotte, their table tennis teams also look to claim divisional        fied umpires for world title events. The expectation is that approximately
championships under the shadows of college basketball. It will be inter-         5-10% of the 4000+ international umpires would become "Blue Badge"
esting to see how these two divisions develop in future years.                   umpires. These umpires would be selected to unipire the late rounds of
     The most dramatic and heated competition this year is located in            world title events. To qualify, the umpire needs to attend a one-day semi-
New York City, with a three-way tie for one single ticket to the NCTTA           nar, followed by an advanced (and very difficult) IU exam. Following that,
National Championships. Last years champion Columbia University finds            umpires are observed in action and evaluated by ITTF officials: to qualify,
itself struggling with Rutgers and Polytechnic, with each of the three           they must receive four consecutive -meets expectations" ratings from at
teams having a l-1 record between each other. Whoever goes to the Nationals      least two different events. Finally. they must pass an oral [exain] interview.
in the end will probably have a strong doubles team ready, as doubles is the          Congratulations to these umpires!

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Ramapo Open                                                                               China Press Cup & FIT Open
                     Table Tennis Championships                                       Tonnof Ramapo, NY                     Table Tennis Championships
                          2-star USATT Sanctioned                                                                                 3 Star U SATT Sanctioned
                                                                                      Salvation Army TTC
                                   March 20.2005                                      China Press                                           April 9-1(). 2005
                             Suffern Middle School                                                                              Fashion Institute of Teclmologi
                                                                                      Kong Kee Food%. Inc.
                                   80 Hemion Rd.
                                                                                      Law Offices of Zhiyu Hu              Building A - 76 Avenue at 27 Street
                                 Suffern. NY 10901                                                                           New York. New York 1 0001-5992
                                                                                      Lily Yip Sports Inc.

     Event                rype         Fee       Start Time 1 2"" 3-4                                            Event            Type           Fee       Start Time lit 2"d 3-4
1 Opell                  1ers must lie US ATI' me inber# ormemben of an ITI'F                                l'SATI magal.ine. 'llie tournament committee resen·es the right ofacceptance or
affiliated association. Bring your membership card or receipt. Player ratings will                      refusal ofall touniament entries.

come from the Januan· Febmary 2005 l:SATT magazine. The tournament                                      FORMAT: 'Ihe 200() Team Events (Event 11 ) „ill consist of 3 players. Each
committee resen·es the right ofacceptance or refusal of all tournament entries,                         '11·am tic \dll be the test offive matches. The lormal oi plan will be two singles
FORMAT: All event marked RR uill play in around robin group of three or
                                                                                                        than doubles and than l\,0 more singles. Event 10 plavers must he rated under
four players. The player with the best record in the group will advance to the                          2000. Eachplaver ona team willonh·be allowed toplaya maximum of 2
single elimitiation drau'. All matches are 3 out of 5.11 point games except for the                     inatches per team lie. All events marked RR u ill pla>inaround robin group of
semis and finals of the Open which are best 4 out of 7 games.
                                                                                                        three or l'our pla>ers. Tlie plaver or team uith the best record in the group u ill
'111: tournament conimittee reserve< the right to niodif> the 17)1·mat or cancel
                                                                                                        adi·ance to the 4ingle eliniination dram·. All matches are 3 out of' 5. 11 point
events due to insullicient entries.
                                                                                                        gaines except for the semis and finals ofthe Open „hich are best 4 out of 7
DIRECTIONN: Merge onto New York State Thruwav, Take the Airmom Rd                                       gaines. '111: toziniament committe: reserves the right to modify· the format or
Exit 14B. to„ard .\innont Montebello. (0.2 Miles). Turn left onto N Airmont Rd.                         cancel events due to iiisuilictent entries.
(0.2 Miles), Turn left onto Montet):110 Rd. (1.0 miles). Turn left onto Heinion Rd.
                                                                                                        INFORMATION: Contact: lily Yip 732-748-9712.
(0.1 Miles). End at 80 Hemion Rd. Suffern. NY 10901-4108 US.                                            or
INFO:> Yip 732-748-9712. or www.doziblelish-us„com
                                                                                                        Pi\) MENT: Make checks pa>able to Lit>· Yip Sport%. Inc. and send to: 14 Dock
P.N XIENT: Make checks payable to Lily Yip Sports. Inc. and send to: 14 Deck                            Watch Hollow Road. Warren. NJ 07059
Watch Hollou· Road. Warren. NJ 07059

                                                                                                        China Preis Cup & FIT Open Table Tennis Championships
Ramapo Open Table Tennis Championships (3/20/2005)

Name                                     phone                  USA'rr#
                                                                                                        Name                                       Phone                  USATTN

Street                          City                        State_Zip
                                                                                                                                         Cit)                         State_Zip

Exp.Date           Rating- Club                           Email
                                                                                                        Exp.Date Rating Club                                        Email

                                                                                                        Birtlidate               Team Members

Circle Desired Fient #'s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
                                                                                                        C 'ircle Desil·ed bent #4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011

'Total Event Fees
                                                                                                        Total Event Fees
Ruting Fee                      4.00          I agiee to comply idth all tournament
                                              regulations. I accept full responsibility for my
                                                                                                        Rating Fee                       4.0()      I agree to comply with all tournament
                                                                                                                                                    regulatiom. I accept full responsibility for my
                                              participation and relieve all sponsors. l'S'11'A
Late Fees
                                                                                                                                                   participation and relieve ati spon:ors. t-STTA
                                              and all tournament officials of any liabilities for       Late Fees
                                                                                                                                                    and all tournament officials of any liabilities for
                                              iIi.jun to mvsell'01· my propern. I agrce to abide
Membership Fees                                                                                                                                     injury to myself or my propertv. I agree to abide
                                              by all decisionh Ilf 111: 1(,Imatnent officials.
                                                                                                        Membership Fees                             M all decisions ofthe tournament officials.
                                              SIGNATI TRE (Parent or guardian ifjunior):
                                                                                                                                                    SIGNATURE (Parent or guardian if junior)
Total Fees
                                                                                                        Total Fees

                                                                                                            USA TABLE TENNIS MAGAZINE ' March/April 2005                                        21/21
2004 USATT                                            Ruben Kairy Wins Scott Award                                 USATT Board Email Votes

Hall of Fame Inductions                               BY Dick Evans                                                December, 2004

                                                             Liben Kairy won the Dr. Michael J. Scott. Jr.         2004 Coach of the i ear Voting

By Earn Hodges
       he 221ld Annual USATT                                  Award for excellence in umpiring at the 2004         (Board members voted from among those

Hall of Fame Awards .1|ALL OF)
       Batiquet was held at the Ilklg
                                                              Las Vegas Nationals. Kairy, of San Diego. is an
                                                      ITTF certified International Uinpire who lias been otlici-
                                                                                                                   who applied or were nominated)
                                                                                                                   • Coach of the Vear: LilY )'il,

Stratosphere Hotel, Las Vegas, |It¥¥€)                atiiig table tennis for over 50 years. This prestigious.       o Yip nxeived 7 votes. Sea,10'Neill I vote

Thursday evening. It-oin 7:00- 1611 1 3               monetary award was established over a decade ago by a        • Developmental Coach of the Year:
                                                      generous contribution from Seattle physician, Dr. Michael      Dennis Davis
11 :30. This year's inductees were: Norbert Van
                                                      J. Scott. Jr. Previous winners of the award include:           o Davis receked 7 votes. Zhang Pine
de Walk former U.S. Open Boys. Junior. and                                                                                                              U   &

                                                      US Opens                        US Nationals I                   2 votes
Men's Doubles Champion, und U.S. Open
Melis Siligies finalist. 1.ilb Yip, 2-time U.S.
                                                      1996- Y.C. Lee                   1996 - Bob Partridge        • Volunteer Coach of the Year:

                                                      1997 - Chris Williams            1997 - Terry Canup            Greg Miller
Olympian and 3-time Pan Am inedallist: and
David Sakai, many-time U.S. Open/('losed over
                                                      1998 - Bill Walk                 1999 - Teri-y Callup          o Miller was unopposed

40 and over 50 Champion. The Mai k Matthews           1999 - Cindy Marcum             2000 - Roman Tinys/in        • DOC Counsilman: Richard Merit'ee

                                                      2000 - Tom Miller               2001 - Larry Kesler
Lifetime Achievement Award was presented to                                                                          o McAfee received 7 votes, Sean
                                                      2001 - Joe Helfand              2002 - A/my Ibrahini              O'Neill 2 votes
Ruff'ord Harrison. former USATT President
                                                      2003 - Yelena Kai*shtedt        2003 - Allen Barth
and longtime ITTF Equipment Chair.                                                                                 2004 Athlete of the ¥ear Voting

     Tim Boggan und Steve [saacion were the                                           2004 - Ruben Kairy           • Male Athlete of the Year: Iliia

colorful Masters of Ceremonies. and led us *                                                                         Lupulesku

through thehighlights of thehonoree's table ten- M                                                                   o Lupuleskii received 7 votes
nis lives. Their presentations were so colorful m                                                                       (Pittman.     Brithw.zite,      Hanh.

and often downright funny that most were able f                                                                         Lepari,10. Sweeris. Boggan. Yip). No
to ignore the helicopters flying about outside W                                                                        other candidates received votes. lie

the building with flushing searchlights and men E                                                                       was nominated by Robert
leaning out shooting machine guns - all part of d                                                                       Blackwell. (Blackwell withdrew his
the filming of a movie. A                                                                                               vote for Lupuleskii due to conflict
     Profiles of the honorees will be posted ©                                                                          of interest und Libstained.)

online after the inductions, and published in an 3                                                                   Female Athlete of the Year: Gao Jun

upcoming USATT Magazine. (Profile of David C                                                                         o Gao receiv·ed 8 votes (Pittman,
Sakai is in this issue. ) The USATT 1-lal l of Fame                                                                     Blackwell, Brathwaile, Batili,
listing and the roster of USATT Hallof Fame                                                                             Leparulo. Sweeris, Boggan. Yip). No
members and Mark Matthews Lifetime Achieve-                                                                             other candidates received votes. She

ment Award uitiners are linked at tile USATT                                                                            was nominated by Robei-t
home page at                           Ruben Kairy (R) receives award from Dick Evans (L)                Blackwell.

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