NATIONAL LEAGUE CAPTAINS' GUIDE - Summer 2021 - Includes 8&U - Seniors Rules - LTA

Page created by Ellen Mitchell
NATIONAL LEAGUE CAPTAINS' GUIDE - Summer 2021 - Includes 8&U - Seniors Rules - LTA
Includes 8&U - Seniors Rules

                            Summer 2021

NATIONAL LEAGUE CAPTAINS' GUIDE - Summer 2021 - Includes 8&U - Seniors Rules - LTA
2 LTA National League Summer 2021                                                                                                                                                                                               Captains’ Guide 3

                                                                                                                                  PAUL HUTCHINS
                                                                                                                                  COMMITMENT AWARD
                                                                                                                                  in memory of Paul Hutchins MBE 1945-2019

TEAM CAPTAINS!                                           CONTENTS                                                                 Paul Hutchins was one of the most
                                                                                                                                  committed people to the game of tennis
Welcome to the National League Summer                    Match Day .......................................................... 4
                                                                                                                                  you could ever meet. Paul was a true hero
2021 Captains Guide. It is great to have                 8&U Age Group Rules ..................................... 8              of tennis in Britain, first as a player, then
you on board and we hope you and your                    9&U Age Group Rules .....................................10              as a coach, captain, commentator and
team are looking forward to an exciting                                                                                           administrator – dedicating over 50 years
                                                         10&U Age Group Rules ................................... 12
season ahead.                                                                                                                     of loyal service to the sport. He is also
                                                         11&U–18&U Age Group Rules ........................14                     Britain’s longest servicing Davis Cup
It goes without saying that it has been a difficult 12
month period for everyone. Along with a lot of other
                                                         Open (Adult) Age Group Rules .....................16                     Captain. Paul was clearly committed
competitions and events the 2020 summer season           Problem Solving Issues & Regulations ..........20                        to the game.
was canceled (due to COVID-19) and we are thrilled
to be bringing team competition back to venues,          Senior Age Group Rules ................................. 22              For anyone who didn’t know and for those who will
teams and players this summer. Either way it is still    Match Scorecards ........................................... 25          remember, Paul established the National League
going to be a very different looking season to what                                                                               competition that we all love (formerly National
we have been used to in the past.                                                                                                 Club League and Team Tennis), which has now
                                                                                                                                  become the biggest team competition in the country.
This Captains’ guide serves as a helpful resource
to ensure that the National League experience for                                                                                 In memory of Paul, each year we will be awarding
yourself, your players, and all those involved at your                                                                            the ‘Paul Hutchins Commitment Award’ for                 For the 2021 award, we welcome nominations,
tennis venue is a positive one.                                                                                                   someone who has shown real commitment to the             whether that is a player or team captain from
                                                                                                                                  National League Competition. This could be a             your venue or your local league organiser.
The opening pages to the guide offer you tools and                                                                                player, team captain or league organiser. Paul clearly   Please complete the online nomination form
information to successfully organise your team                                                                                    showed so much commitment and dedication to the          with details of who you think should be worthy
before, during and after a match. The second half                                                                                 sport, in many different capacities, inspiring so many   of this new award. Nominations close on
of the guide contains the Competition Rules which                                                                                 people – and we would like to recognise this each        12th July 2021, and can be completed via
need to be followed to ensure matches are played                                                                                  year, and award someone who has shown some of  
consistently and fairly.                                                                                                          the qualities Paul clearly showed so well throughout
Please share your team’s successes and stories on                                                                                 his life and career.
social media, any pictures and videos of your team                                                                                In 2019 the very first winner of this award was
playing and celebrating would be fantastic, by using                                                                              announced. Tony Lawson from Holcombe Brook
#LTANationalleague and @LTACompetitions.                                                                                          Sports Club was the inaugural award-winner.
We hope you find the contents of this guide useful                                                                                In the very first year of the competition, Tony led
and wish your team a successful 2021 season.                                                                                      his team to victory to win the Finals and he’s never
                                                                                                                                  looked back. Over the last 26 years, Tony’s entered
LTA Competitions                                                                                                                  teams of all ages and abilities, and has provided
                                                                                                                                  endless support to them all, regardless of the
                                                                                                                                  divisions they’ve played in.
NATIONAL LEAGUE CAPTAINS' GUIDE - Summer 2021 - Includes 8&U - Seniors Rules - LTA
4 LTA National League Summer 2021                                                                                                                                                                          Captains’ Guide 5

MATCH DAY                                               POINTS OF CONTACT
                                                        The following are the main points of contact
                                                                                                               TEAM CAPTAIN CHECKLIST
                                                                                                                 	File all emails from your League Organiser
                                                                                                                                                                    TIPS FOR SOLVING
                                                                                                                                                                    COURT ISSUES
All you need to know
                                                        for each team captain:                                     somewhere safe and easy for you to access        • Look to play the fixture on 2 or 3 courts instead of 4
                                                                                                                   throughout the season
                                                                                                                                                                    • Stagger the start times of all fixtures at
                                                        Internal                                                 	Look at the Fixture List from your League          your club to allow for adequate court space
SCORECARDS                                              • C
                                                           lub Coaches / Club Manager – important
                                                                                                                   Organiser and book the courts for your
                                                                                                                   home fixtures                                    • Look to play at another local venue or switch
Each team captain must complete a scorecard               for confirming players and court bookings for                                                               the home/away with your opposition.
on match day.                                             home matches                                           	G et in touch with your opposition (by email/
                                                                                                                   text/whatsapp) and confirm your fixtures –
• 8
   &U and 9&U – if you’re playing in an 8&U
                                                        • P
                                                           arents / Players – to confirm player
                                                          availability and selection
                                                                                                                   this must be done 14 days before the             TIPS FOR SOLVING PLAYER
  or 9&U league that is following a home and                                                                       fixture date!                                    AVAILABILITY ISSUES
  away fixture format (i.e. not at a central venue),
                                                                                                                 	Having problems getting in touch with your
  you will need to print scorecards from
                                                        External                                                   opposition? Contact your league organiser as
                                                                                                                                                                    • Consider selecting eligible players who
                                                                                                                                                                      were not originally part of your squad list
                                                        • O
                                                           pposing Team Captains – this person is your only       soon as you’re concerned who can help you
• 1 0&U to Open (adult) – scorecards for 4                                                                                                                         • Consider bringing in eligible players
                                                          point of contact before match day and on match day   Match Day - have you got your:
   singles, 2 doubles events and 2 singles, 1 doubles                                                                                                                 from younger age groups
   events are included in the Captains’ Guide.          • L
                                                           eague Organiser – your league organiser is             aptains’ Guide? This will have the match
                                                                                                                  C                                                 • Consider playing the match with fewer than
   If you require further scorecards, please visit        the person to contact with any query not                scorecard and rules in, which you need to bring     4 players. Teams can still win with 3 players                  answered in this guide
                                                                                                                  L TA Advantage Membership numbers and            Please contact your opposing captain before
                                                                                                                   current ratings/rankings of your players?        match day if you intend to do this.
                                                                                                                   You will need these to complete the
                                                                                                                   scorecard nominations 15 minutes before
                                                                                                                   the fixture start times                          HOW TO ENTER A RESULTS VIDEO
                                                                                                               Post-Match - have you completed the following?       • A ‘How to Enter Results Video’ is available for
                                                                                                                                                                      Team Captains to view in the Captain’s Area at:
                                                                                                                  Scorecard with final results             
                                                                                                                   nline results via LTA Tournament Software
                                                                                                                  O                                                 • We strongly recommend viewing this video if you
                                                                                                                  – Winning Team Captain must enter all               are entering results for the first time or experience
                                                                                                                  results online within 48 hours.                     any problems. This video includes tips such as how
                                                                                                                aving any issues during the Match that you’re
                                                                                                               H                                                      to add players who are not on your team list.
                                                                                                               not sure what to do about?
                                                                                                               Look at the Managing Situations page in this         UNKNOWN PLAYERS / ADDING
                                                                                                               guide. Please also email your league organiser       PLAYERS TO YOUR VENUE
                                                                                                               within 48 hours of the fixture if you experienced
                                                                                                               any problem on or after match day. They will then    • All players must be linked to the venue they are
                                                                                                               be able to handle any issue for you.                   competing for through the LTA database to be
                                                                                                                                                                      eligible. If a player is not linked they will not
                                                                                                                                                                      appear for online results entry
                                                                                                               MATCH DAY HOSPITALITY                                • To check or update this, players need to log in to
                                                                                                                                                                      their LTA Members’ area of the LTA website and
                                                                                                               Given the circumstances this year, we are
                                                                                                                                                                      update their ‘Venues’ within the ‘Membership’ tab.
                                                                                                               not expecting home teams to provide post
                                                                                                               match hospitality for the away team (due to          • If a player cannot be found, the team captain must
                                                                                                               COVID-19 guidelines in place), however,                use the ‘Add Comment’ function to note the name
                                                                                                               we still expect teams to be very welcoming!            and LTA number of the unknown player.
NATIONAL LEAGUE CAPTAINS' GUIDE - Summer 2021 - Includes 8&U - Seniors Rules - LTA
6 LTA National League Summer 2021                                                                                                                                   Captains’ Guide 7

MATCH DAY                                               REPORTING ISSUES
                                                        If you wish to report an issue from your fixture,
                                                                                                                SCORE DISPUTES
                                                                                                                Scoring disputes are either a genuine mix up or a

                                                        please contact your league organiser within             deliberate act. In both situations, team captains
                                                        48 hours of the fixture explaining the situation.       from both teams should use the same procedure:
                                                                                                                1. 	Establish what each player thinks
There are occasions where issues arise
                                                        MATCHES PLAYED WITHOUT                                       the score is. If the dispute is:

on court regarding line calls, scoring or
                                                        A CHAIR UMPIRE                                              a. over the score in a game, work
                                                        National League matches will be played without a                through the game, point by point
player disagreements. We would like to
                                                        Chair Umpire. All players should be aware of the
remind all players, parents and captains                following basic principles when playing a match in
                                                                                                                    b. over the score in a set, go through
of the LTA Fair Play values.                                                                                            the set game by game
                                                        these circumstances:
The policy for all fixtures is for the issue to be                                                              2. 	Establish which point(s) or game(s)
                                                        • Each Player (or doubles team) is responsible
resolved directly between the players involved                                                                       the players cannot agree on. These
                                                          for all calls on his/her own side of the net
in the rubber. If the situation cannot be resolved                                                                   point(s) or game(s) should be
between the players, the team captains only             • All “out” and “fault” calls should be made                 disregarded and the score adjusted
can get involved to help resolve the issue. In no         promptly after the ball has bounced and loudly             to include the points or games
situation should a spectator (player/parent/coach/        enough for the opponent(s) to hear                         they agree on.
club member) who is not playing in the rubber           • If in doubt, the Player must give the                 3. 	Play resumes according to the
concerned be involved with any disagreement               benefit of the doubt to the opponent(s)                    new agreed score.
on court. Those individuals must communicate
through their team captain only.                        • If a Player incorrectly calls a ball “out” and then   4. 	Following all disputes remind the
                                                          realises that the ball was good, the point should          players that the server should
                                                                                                                     call the score clearly before
COACHING                                                  be replayed unless it was a point winning shot
                                                          or unless that Player made an incorrect “out”              every point
Only team captains are allowed to communicate             call earlier in the match. In these circumstances,
                                                                                                                5. 	For the purposes of the
with players during matches. This must only be to         the Player who called “out” loses the point
                                                                                                                     above, it is important both
communicate to players to resolve score disputes,
                                                        • The server should call the score before each first         team captains have a
line call disagreements or for general fixture
                                                          serve, loudly enough for the opponent(s) to hear           presence courtside
logistics. In no situation should coaching take place
                                                                                                                     during matches.
between the player(s) and anybody off court,            If a Player is unhappy with any actions or decisions,
including the team captain. Parents and captains’       the player should speak to their team captain, who
are permitted to encourage their players but must       can then watch the match or speak to the opposing
not provide any form of instruction.                    team captain.
                                                        In 8&U and 9&U fixtures scorers may be used.
                                                        The role of the scorer is to call the score and check
                                                        players are in the correct position to start points.
                                                        The scorer must not be the family member of any
                                                        player involved in the rubber.
NATIONAL LEAGUE CAPTAINS' GUIDE - Summer 2021 - Includes 8&U - Seniors Rules - LTA
8 LTA National League Summer 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                          8&U Age Group Rules 9

SUMMER 2021 COUNTY TIER RULES                                                                                                           Singles Playing Order
                                                                                                                                        	Players should play in order of merit as determined by           Equipment and court lay-out
8&U Age Group                                                                                                                             the team captain. Boys and girls may play against one
                                                                                                                                                                                                           For more information please visit
                                                                                                                                          another. Team Captains are encouraged, in the spirit
1. Eligibility                                                            on Saturday match dates can be played on the immediate          of providing an enjoyable and competitive experience,
                                                                          Sunday following (next day) if both team captains               to nominate in order of playing standard i.e. strongest          Ball: Red (sponge indoor, felt outdoor)
Venue Eligibility
                                                                          agree. There will also be flexibility for teams to play one     player should play as singles 1, second strongest player as      Court: 11m x 5.5m (okay to use badminton court lines)
1.1 	Entry to LTA National League (‘the Competition’)                    or more fixtures on the same day at the same venue              singles 2 and so on.
      is open only to LTA registered venues, defined as                                                                                                                                                    Net Height: 80cm
                                                                          with agreement of the opposing teams and the league           3.7	Order of play (based on 4 mini-red courts)
      Associates in Rule 28 of the LTA.                                   organiser. If opposing teams don’t agree the fixture is to                                                                       Recommended Racket Size: Up to 58cm (23”)
Team Eligibility                                                          be played on the fixed date specified.                                        Court 1     Court 2      Court 3      Court 4
1.2 Event: Mixed 8 & under (born in 2013 or later).                  	Matches are to start between 10am-2pm unless both                 Round 1           1v1       2v2           3v3          4v4              Base Line of         Service Line of
1.3 A venue may enter more than one team in the event.                 teams agree otherwise, or the league organiser instructs          Round 2           1v2        2v1          3v4          4v3            Traditional Court     Traditional Court
                                                                       differently. The home team must confirm start time with
1.4 	Where a venue has two or more teams in the event, the                                                                              Round 3           1v3       2v4           3v1          4v2
                                                                       the away team a minimum of 14 days before the match
      ‘A’ team should be the strongest team, and if applicable,        date. It is both team captains responsibility to contact          Round 4           1v4       2v3           3v2          4v1
      the ‘B’ team should be stronger than the ‘C’ team etc.           each other to confirm start times. By the Tuesday,
1.5 	Where a venue has two or more teams in the event,                the week prior to the fixture, the away team must also           Each round should take approximately 15 minutes. Matches
      a player may ‘play up’ on a maximum of one occasion              confirm their team’s attendance. 3 rubber points may             should follow one another immediately. Home players stay on
      without loss of eligibility in their lower team. Once a          be deducted from the match accumulated league                    same court.
      player has represented a higher team on more than one            total at the discretion of the league organiser for none         3.8	Rubber Scoring
      occasion, they are no longer eligible to represent the           compliance from either team. Each team must have
      lower team. In the case of a venue having two teams in           an adult captain (age 18+) present at each match. The                       Set 1
      the same division, players will only be able to play for the     home team captain shall be responsible for welcoming              8&U       Match Tie Break (to 10 points, with 2 clear)                                    Net of
      team they represent in their first match.                        the away team and organising refreshments (Covid-19
                                                                                                                                        3.9	Match Scoring 	                                                                 Traditional Court
Player Eligibility                                                     restrictions depending).
                                                                     	If a central venue format is being used, the league              	A team is awarded 2 points for each rubber won.
1.6 A player may only:
                                                                       organiser will be in touch directly with the relevant teams      3.10 Match Result
      I. 	Represent one venue in the National League                 with further information
            Summer competition.                                                                                                         	The team with the most rubber points shall win the
                                                                     3.2 Courts and Equipment                                             match. If teams are level on rubbers the match shall
      II. Play in a maximum of two age groups.
                                                                     	The home venue shall provide a minimum of 2 red courts             result in a draw.
1.7 All players must:                                                  (preferably 4); supply the court equipment and set-up            	A team will receive 2 match points on the league table for
      I. 	Have an LTA Advantage Membership number which               the court in line with the Competition Framework -                 a match win and 1 match point for a draw.
           links to the venue they are competing for.        
                                                                                                                                        	Both captains must complete and sign the National
      II.	Be a member of the LTA registered venue they are          3.3 Balls                                                            League scorecards, and retain their copy. The winning
           competing for as of 1 April 2021, and commit to           	The home team shall supply a minimum of 3 red balls                captain (or home captain if a draw) must then submit the
           representing that venue.                                    (sponge for indoor; felt for outdoor) for each rubber.             result online within 48 hours. The result may be added
      III. Be of the correct age (see rule 1.2).                                                                                          by the losing team captain if agreed on match day. Any
                                                                     3.4 Match Format
                                                                                                                                          teams found guilty of submitting false results shall be
2. Competition Structure                                             	A match shall consist of 16 singles rubbers. Each player           subject to rule 17.2.
2.1 County Tier                                                        shall play all opposing players. There will be no doubles
                                                                                                                                        3.11 Division Standings
	Teams shall be entered in a County Tier league based on              rubbers at 8&U.
                                                                                                                                        	The final standings in each division shall be determined
  their LTA venue registration code. Each league will be             	Counties using a central venue format are permitted to
                                                                                                                                          by the following:
  divided into divisions of 3-6 teams. Each team will play             adjust the match format at their discretion.
  each other team in their division at least once. Counties                                                                                  I.    The team with the greatest number of match points.
                                                                     3.5 Team Format
  may run a central venue event at 8&U.                                                                                                      II. 	If match points are equal, the team with the greatest
                                                                     	A team shall consist of 4 players of any gender. There
3. Match Arrangements                                                                                                                              number of rubber points.
                                                                       are no additional players or substitutions permitted
3.1 Time & Date                                                        at a match.                                                           III. 	If only two teams are level on match points and
                                                                                                                                                    rubber points; their head to head result.
	Fixtures shall be played on the fixed dates specified.             3.6 Singles Nominations
  It is both team captains responsibility to contact each                                                                                    IV. 	If more than 2 teams are level, the round robin rule
                                                                     	At least 15 minutes before the start time of each fixture,
  other before the fixture. There will be flexibility to play                                                                                      in the LTA Competition Regulations will determine
                                                                       team captains must nominate in writing (on a National
  before a fixed date if both teams agree and there is prior                                                                                       the league standings.
                                                                       League scorecard) their singles players which should be
  consent from the league organiser. Fixtures scheduled                in order of merit.
NATIONAL LEAGUE CAPTAINS' GUIDE - Summer 2021 - Includes 8&U - Seniors Rules - LTA
10 LTA National League Summer 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                 9&U Age Group Rules 11

9&U Age Group
4. Eligibility                                                            consent from the league organiser. Matches scheduled          Singles Playing Order                                              6.10	Match Scoring
Venue Eligibility                                                         on Saturday’s can be played on the immediate day              	Players should play in order of merit as determined by                A team is awarded 2 points for each rubber won.
                                                                          after the match date (next day) if both team captains           the team captain. Boys and girls may play against one
4.1 	Entry to LTA National League (‘the Competition’)                    agree. There will also be flexibility for teams to play one                                                                      6.11 Match Result
      is open only to LTA registered venues, defined as                                                                                   another. Team Captains are encouraged, in the spirit
                                                                          or more matches on the same day at the same venue               of providing an enjoyable and competitive experience,            	The team with the most rubber points shall win the
      Associates in Rule 28 of the LTA.                                   with agreement of the opposing teams and the league                                                                                match. If teams are level on rubbers the match shall
                                                                                                                                          to nominate in order of playing standard i.e. strongest
Team Eligibility                                                          organiser. If opposing teams don’t agree the match is to        player should play as singles 1, second strongest player as        result in a draw.
4.2 	Event: Mixed 9 & Under (born in 2012 or 2013).                      be played on the fixed date specified.                          singles 2 and so on.                                             	A team will receive 2 match points on the league table for
      Passport players will be allowed to play up in line with the   	Matches are to start between 10am-2pm unless both                6.7	Doubles Pairings                                                a match win and 1 match point for a draw.
      Player Passport system.                                          teams agree otherwise, or the league organiser instructs                                                                            	Both captains must complete and sign the National
                                                                       differently. The home team must confirm start time               	Pair 1: Singles players 1&2.
4.3 A venue may enter more than one team in the event.                                                                                                                                                       League scorecards, and retain their copy. The winning
                                                                       with the away team a minimum of 14 days before the               	Pair 2: Singles players 3&4.                                       captain (or home captain if a draw) must then submit the
4.4 	Where a venue has two or more teams in the event, the            match date. It is both team captains responsibility
      ‘A’ team should be the strongest team, and if applicable,                                                                         6.8	Order of Play                                                   result online within 48 hours. The result may be added
                                                                       to contact each other to confirm start times. By the                                                                                  by the losing team captain if agreed on match day. Any
      the ‘B’ team should be stronger than the ‘C’ team etc.           Tuesday, the week prior to the fixture, the away team                                        Court 1                Court 2
                                                                                                                                                                                                             teams found guilty of submitting false results shall be
4.5 	Where a venue has two or more teams in the event,                must also confirm their team’s attendance. 3 rubber               Round 1                   Doubles 1              Doubles 2          subject to rule 17.2.
      a player may ‘play up’ on a maximum of one occasion              points may be deducted from the match accumulated                 Round 2                  Singles 4v4            Singles 3v3
      without loss of eligibility in their lower team. Once a          league total at the discretion of the league organiser                                                                              6.12 Division Standings
      player has represented a higher team on more than one            for none compliance from either team. Each team                   Round 3                  Singles 1v1            Singles 2v2       	The final standings in each division shall be determined
      occasion, they are no longer eligible to represent the           must have an adult captain present at each match. The             Round 4                  Singles 4v3            Singles 3v4         by the following:
      lower team. In the case of a venue having two teams in           home team captain shall be responsible for welcoming              Round 5                  Singles 2v1            Singles 1v2            I.   The team with the greatest number of match points.
      the same division, players will only be able to play for the     the away team and organising refreshments (Covid-19
      team they represent in their first match.                        restrictions depending).                                         Matches should follow one another immediately.                          II. 	If match points are equal, the team with the greatest
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      number of rubber points.
Player Eligibility                                                   	If a central venue format is being used, the league              6.9	Rubber Scoring
                                                                       organiser will be in touch directly with the relevant teams                                                                              III. 	If only two teams are level on match points and
4.6 A player may only:                                                                                                                  Singles & Doubles                                                              rubber points; their head to head result.
                                                                       with further information
     I. 	Represent one venue in the National League                                                                                               Sets 1 & 2                   Set 3 (if necessary)            IV. I f more than 2 teams are level, the round robin rule in
          Summer competition.                                        6.2 Courts and Equipment
                                                                                                                                         9&U       Tie-Break (to 7              Tie-break (to 7                     the LTA Competition Regulations will determine the
     II. Play in a maximum of two age groups.                        	The home venue shall provide 2 orange courts. Where                                                                                          league standings.
                                                                       more than one court surface is used, the away team                          points, 2 clear at 6-6)      points, 2 clear at 6-6)
4.7 All players must:                                                  shall have the choice of court allocation. The home team
     I. 	Have an LTA Advantage Membership number which                captain shall supply the court equipment and set up the
          links to the venue they are competing for.                   court in line with the National Competition Framework -
     II. 	Be a member of the LTA registered venue they are  
           competing for as of 1 April 2021, and commit to           6.3 Balls
           representing that venue.                                  	The home team shall supply a minimum of 3 orange balls
     III. Be of the correct age (see rule 4.2).                        for each rubber.                                                 Orange                                                            Base Line of                Net of                  Base Line of
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Traditional Court      Traditional Court       Traditional Court
5.   Competition Structure                                           6.4 Match Format                                                   Equipment and court lay-out
5.1 County Tier                                                      	A match shall consist of 8 singles and 2 doubles rubbers.       For more information please visit
                                                                        Counties using a central venue format are permitted to
	Teams shall be entered in a County Tier league based on
  their LTA venue registration code. Each league will be                adjust the match format at their discretion.                    Ball:
  divided into divisions of 3-6 teams. Each team will play           6.5 Team Format                                                    Orange
  each other team in their division at least once. Counties          	A team shall consist of 4 players of any gender. There a         Court:
  may run a central venue event at 9&U.                                re no additional players or substitutions permitted at           Singles court: 18m x 6.5m; Doubles court: 18m x 8.23m
6. Match Arrangements                                                  a match.                                                         Net Height:
6.1 Time & Date                                                      6.6 Singles Nominations                                            80cm (at middle of net)
	Fixtures shall be played on the fixed dates specified.             	At least 15 minutes before the start time of each match,         Recommended Racket Size:
  It is both team captains responsibility to contact each              team captains must nominate in writing (on a National            58cm - 63cm (23” - 25”)
  other before the match. There will be flexibility to play            League scorecard) their singles players, in order of merit.                                                                               Service Line of                   Service Line of
  before a fixed date if both teams agree and there is prior                                                                                                                                                    Traditional Court                 Traditional Court
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12 LTA National League Summer 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                      10&U Age Group Rules 13

SUMMER 2021 COUNTY TIER RULES                                                                                                     9.8	Order of Play                                              9.11 Match Result
                                                                                                                                                                                                  	The team with the most rubber points shall win
10&U Age Group                                                                                                                     Round 1
                                                                                                                                                 On 2 Courts
                                                                                                                                                 Singles 1&2
                                                                                                                                                                 On 3 Courts
                                                                                                                                                                Singles 1&2,
                                                                                                                                                                                 On 4 Courts
                                                                                                                                                                                 Singles 1-4
                                                                                                                                                                                                    the match, in the event of a tie, the winner of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                    tie-break shoot-out will win the match.
7. Eligibility                                                        on Saturday’s may be played on the immediate                                              Doubles 2
                                                                                                                                                                                                  	A team will receive 2 match points on the league
                                                                      day after the match date (next day) if both team             Round 2       Singles 3&4    Singles 3&4,     Doubles 1&2        table for a match win.
Venue Eligibility
                                                                      captains’ agree.                                                                          Doubles 1
7.1 	Entry to LTA National League (‘the Competition’)                                                                                                                                            	Both captains must complete and sign the
                                                                  	Matches are to start between 10am-2pm unless both              Round 3       Doubles 1&2
      is open only to LTA registered venues, defined as                                                                                                                                             National League scorecards, and retain their
      Associates in Rule 28 of the LTA.                             teams agree otherwise, or the league organiser instructs                                                                        copy. The winning captain must then submit the
                                                                                                                                  There is to be a maximum of 30 minutes rest between rounds.
                                                                    differently. The home team must confirm start time                                                                              result online within 48 hours. The result may be
Team Eligibility                                                    with the away team a minimum of 14 days before the            9.9	Rubber Scoring
                                                                                                                                                                                                    added by the losing team captain if agreed on
7.2 	Event: Mixed 10 & Under (born in 2011 or 2012).               match date. It is both team captains responsibility                                                                             match day. Any teams found guilty of submitting
                                                                                                                                             Sets 1 & 2                    Set 3 (if necessary)
      Passport players will be allowed to play up in line with      to contact each other to confirm start times. By the                                                                            false results shall be subject to rule 17.2.
      the Player Passport system.                                   Tuesday, the week prior to the fixture, the away team          10&U      FAST4                         Match tie-break
                                                                    must also confirm their team’s attendance. 3 rubber                                                    (to 10 points,         9.12 Division Standings
7.3 A venue may enter more than one team in the event.                                                                                       •    First to 4 games
                                                                    points may be deducted from the match accumulated                                                      2 clear at 9-9)        	The final standings in each division shall be
7.4 	Where a venue has two or more teams in the event, the         league total at the discretion of the league organiser                   •	Tie-break at 3-3 (to 7                              determined by the following:
      ‘A’ team should be the strongest team, and if applicable,     for none compliance from either team. Each team                             points, 2 clear at 6-6)
      the ‘B’ team should be stronger than the ‘C’ team etc.                                                                                                                                           I. 	The team with the greatest number of
                                                                    must have an adult captain present at each match. The                    •	No advantage scoring                                        match points.
7.5 	Where a venue has two or more teams in the event,             home team captain shall be responsible for welcoming
      a player may ‘play up’ on a maximum of one occasion           the away team and organising refreshments (Covid-19           9.10	Match Scoring                                                  II. 	If match points are equal, the team with the
      without loss of eligibility in their lower team. Once a       restrictions depending).                                                                                                                 greatest number of rubber points.
                                                                                                                                  	A team is awarded 2 points for each rubber won.
      player has represented a higher team on more than one       9.2 Courts                                                                                                                           III. 	If only two teams are level on match points and
                                                                                                                                  	At 6 points each, a doubles tie-break shoot-out (to 10
      occasion, they are no longer eligible to represent the                                                                                                                                                  rubber points; their head to head result.
                                                                  	The home team shall provide 2, 3 or 4 courts of the             points, with 2 clear) shall be played. No bonus rubber
      lower team. In the case of a venue having two teams in                                                                                                                                           IV. 	If more than 2 teams are level, the round robin
                                                                    same surface. Where more than one court surface                 point will be awarded to the winning team in a tie-break
      the same division, players will only be able to play for                                                                                                                                               rule in the LTA Competition Regulations will
                                                                    is used, the away team shall have the choice of court           shoot-out.
      the team they represent in their first match.                                                                                                                                                          determine the league standings.
                                                                    allocation.                                                        Tie-Break Shootout (1 pair):
Player Eligibility
                                                                  9.3 Balls                                                       	Player 1: One of the players from the 1st/2nd
7.6 A player may only:
                                                                  	The home team shall supply a minimum of 3 green balls           singles rubbers.
     I. 	Represent one venue in the National League                for each rubber.                                              	Player 2: One of the players from the 3rd/4th
          Summer competition.
                                                                  9.4 Match Format                                                  singles rubbers.
     II. Play in a maximum of two age groups.
                                                                      A match shall consist of 4 singles and 2 doubles rubbers.
7.7 All players must:
                                                                  9.5 Team Format
     I. 	Have an LTA Advantage Membership number
          which links to the LTA registered venue they are        	A team shall consist of 4 players of any gender. There
          competing for.                                            are no additional players or substitutions permitted at
                                                                    a match.                                                      Green
     II. 	Be a member of the venue they are competing
           for as of 1 April 2021, and commit to representing     9.6 Singles Nominations                                         Equipment and court lay-out
           that venue.                                            	At least 15 minutes before the start time of each match,      For more information please visit
     III. Be of the correct age (see rule 7.2).                     team captains must nominate in writing (on a National
                                                                    League scorecard) their singles players in order of
8. Competition Structure                                                                                                          Ball:
8.1 County Tier                                                       Singles Playing Order
	Teams shall be entered in a County Tier league based on         	Players should play in order of merit as determined by        Singles & Doubles are both played on the singles court
  their LTA venue registration code. Each league will be            the team captain. Boys and girls may play against one
  divided into divisions of 3-6 teams. Each team will play                                                                        Net Height:
                                                                    another. Team Captains are encouraged, in the spirit of
  each other team in their division at least once.                                                                                91.4cm (3ft - as per regulation court)
                                                                    providing an enjoyable and competitive experience, to
9. Match Arrangements                                               nominate.                                                     Recommended Racket Size:
                                                                                                                                  63cm - 66cm (25” - 26”)
9.1 Time & Date                                                   9.7	Doubles Pairings
	Fixtures shall be played on the fixed dates specified.          	Pair 1: Singles players 1&2.
  It is both team captains responsibility to contact each         	Pair 2: Singles players 3&4.
  other before the fixture. There will be flexibility to play
  before a fixed date if both teams agree and there is prior
  consent from the league organiser. Fixtures scheduled
14 LTA National League Summer 2021                                                                                                       same team are involved in an ‘LTA Staged’ activity that          for the singles player number 2, then player number 5
                                                                                                                                         takes place on the same date. LTA staged activities              will play in the number 1 doubles pair). The nominated
                                                                                                                                         includes National Camps, International Representation            doubles substitutions must be on site at the agreed start
                                                                                                                                         or other National/International competitions taking              time of the fixture.
COUNTY TIER & PREMIER TIER                                                                                                               place in Great Britain (e.g. County Cup, Junior
                                                                                                                                         Internationals). This must be approved by the league
                                                                                                                                                                                                     12.8	Order of Play

11&U – 18&U Age Group                                                                                                                    organiser (in writing) a minimum of 14 days in advance of                  On 2 Courts         On 3 Courts     On 4 Courts
                                                                                                                                         the original match date.                                     Round 1      Singles 1&2          Singles 1&2,   Singles 1-4
10. Eligibility                                                    11.2 Premier 12&U-18&U                                           12.2 Courts                                                                                         Doubles 2
Venue Eligibility                                                  	The Premier 12&U-18&U is open to 12&U, 14&U                    	The home team shall provide 2, 3 or 4 courts of the same        Round 2      Singles 3&4          Singles 3&4,   Doubles 1&2
10.1 	Entry to LTA National League (‘the Competition’)              and 18&U age groups only. The top 6 teams in 4 set               surface. Where more than one court surface is used, the                                           Doubles 1
       is open only to LTA registered venues, defined as             regions (determined by LTA venue registration codes              away team shall have the choice of court allocation.            Round 3      Doubles 1&2
       Associates in Rule 28 of the LTA.                             and the competition structure) may be accepted in              12.3 Balls
                                                                     each age group event. Acceptance will be based on the                                                                           There is to be a maximum of 30 minutes rest between rounds.
Team Eligibility                                                                                                                    	The home team shall supply a minimum of 3 new ITF
                                                                     combined rankings of 6 players, as at the closing date                                                                          12.9	Rubber Scoring
10.2 Events:                                                         (21st February 2021). Teams are required to nominate             approved balls for each singles rubber.
	Girls/Boys 11 & Under (born in 2010 or 2011)                       6 players at the time of entry in line with rule 10.6 and      12.4 Match Format                                                                      Sets 1 & 2             Set 3 (if necessary)
  Girls/Boys 12 & Under (born in 2009 - 2010)                        10.7. Further players can represent the team during the        	A match shall consist of 4 singles & 2 doubles rubbers.         11&U      FAST4                             Match tie-break
  Girls/Boys 14 & Under (born in 2007 - 2010)                        season in line with rule 10.5, 10.6 and 10.7. A team who         County Tier Division 2 onwards may apply a 2 singles & 1                  •  First to 4 games               (to 10 points,
  Girls/Boys 16 & Under (born in 2005 - 2010)                        withdraws from the league stage, may be penalised for            doubles rubber format.                                                    •	Tie-break at 3-3 (to 7         2 clear at 9-9)
  Girls/Boys 18 & Under (born in 2003 - 2010)                        the following years acceptance into the competition.                                                                                          points, 2 clear at 6-6)
                                                                                                                                    12.5 Team Format
	10 & Under players can play in the 11 & Under                    11.3 Premier 12&U-18&U Finals                                                                                                                •  No advantage scoring
                                                                                                                                    	A team shall consist of four to six players. Four players
  competition if born in 2011. Player passports may be             	The winning team from each regions Tier 1 division will          shall play one singles rubber each and the 5th and/or 6th       12&U– Tiebreak at 6-6                       Match tiebreak
  issued at the discretion of the LTA Performance Team,              qualify to the finals. The Referee shall seed 2 teams in         player(s) may be selected for one doubles rubber only.          18&U                                        (to 10 points,
  which will supersede these regulations.                            the draw. Players must have played in one league stage           Where the format is 2 singles, 1 doubles rubber, a team                                                     2 clear at 9-9)
10.3 A venue may enter more than one team in each event.             fixture for the qualifying team to be eligible to compete        shall consist of two or three players. Two players will
                                                                     in the Finals and may only play in one age group at the                                                                         12.10 Match Scoring 	
10.4 	Where a venue has two or more teams in an event, the ‘A’                                                                       play one singles rubber each and the 3rd player may be
     team should be the strongest team based on ratings, and         Finals. Teams may nominate one player who has not                selected for the doubles rubber only.                               A team is awarded 2 points for each rubber won.
     if applicable, the ‘B’ team should be stronger than the ‘C’     played a league stage fixture, provided she or he is ranked                                                                     	At 6 points each, a doubles tie-break shoot-out (to 10
                                                                                                                                    12.6 Singles Nominations
     team based on ratings etc.                                      no better than the lowest ranked nominated player who                                                                             points, with 2 clear) shall be played. No bonus rubber
                                                                     has played in at least one league stage fixture. Qualifying         I.   County Tier
10.5 	Where the venue has two or more teams in an event,                                                                                                                                              point will be awarded to the winning team in a tie-break
                                                                     teams who have played two or less fixtures in the league       		At least 15 minutes before the start time of each               shoot-out.
      a player may ‘play up’ on a maximum of one occasion                                                                              fixture, team captains must nominate in writing (on
                                                                     season may nominate one player of any standard who
      without loss of eligibility in their lower team. Once a                                                                                                                                             Tie-Break Shootout (1 pair):
                                                                     has not played in the league stage. Team captains will be         a National League scorecard) their singles players
      player has represented a higher team (e.g. ‘A’ team in                                                                           in order of merit in accordance with current LTA              	Player 1: One of the original players from either the
                                                                     allowed on court during the Finals and will be subject to
      Premier 14&U) on more than one occasion, they are no                                                                             ratings. In the County Tier 11&U event, 10&U players            1st/2nd singles rubbers or number 1 doubles pair.
                                                                     the LTA Code of Conduct.
      longer eligible to represent the lower team (e.g. ‘B’ team                                                                       will be able to play above 9.2 rated players but may
                                                                   12. Match Arrangements                                                                                                            	Player 2: One of the original players from either the
      in County Tier 14&U).                                                                                                            also be able to play below them. Team Captains are              3rd/4th singles rubbers or number 2 doubles pair.
	In the case of a venue having two teams in the same              12.1 Time & Date
                                                                                                                                       encouraged, in the spirit of providing an enjoyable           12.11 Match Result
  division, players will only be able to play for the team         	Fixtures shall be played on the fixed dates specified. It is      and competitive experience, to nominate in order of
  they represent in their first match.                               both team captains responsibility to contact each other                                                                         	The team with the most rubber points shall win the
                                                                                                                                       playing standard i.e. strongest player should play as
                                                                     before the match. There will be flexibility to play before                                                                        match, in the event of a tie, the winner of the tie-break
Player Eligibility                                                                                                                     singles 1, second strongest player as singles 2 and so
                                                                     a fixed date if both teams agree. Fixtures scheduled on                                                                           shoot-out will win the match.
10.6 A player may only:                                                                                                                on. If players have the same rating, the captain can
                                                                     Saturday’s may be played on the immediate day after the           decide the team order which may change from fixture           	A team will receive 2 match points on the league table for
     I. 	Represent one venue in the 8&U-18&U age groups             match date (next day) if both team captains agree.                to fixture. Any player(s) playing doubles only must be          a match win.
          in the National League Summer competition                                                                                    nominated at the same time. The nomination order is
                                                                   	Fixtures are to start between 10am-4pm unless both                                                                              	Both captains must complete and sign the National
     II. 	Play in a maximum of two age groups, including            teams agree otherwise. Where one way travel distance              subject to change dependant on the finalised launch             League scorecards, and retain their copy. The winning
           Open (adult).                                             exceeds 120 miles from club to club (based on Google              date of the ITF World Tennis Number.                            captain must then submit the result online within 48
10.7 All players must:                                               Maps), start time must be between 11am and 2pm                      II. Premier 12&U-18&U                                         hours. The result may be added by the losing team
     I. 	Have an LTA Advantage Membership number which              unless both teams agree otherwise. The home team                                                                                  captain if agreed on match day. Any teams found guilty
                                                                                                                                    		At least 15 minutes before the start time of each
          links to the venue they are competing for.                 must confirm start time with the away team a minimum                                                                              of submitting false results shall be subject to rule 17.2.
                                                                                                                                       fixture, team captains must nominate in writing (on
                                                                     of 14 days before the match date. Away teams must                                                                               12.12 Division Standings
     II. Have an LTA Rating.                                                                                                           a National League scorecard) their singles players
                                                                     still be active in obtaining the time. By the Tuesday,
     III. 	Be a member of the LTA registered venue they are                                                                           in order of merit in accordance with current LTA              	The final standings in each division shall be determined
                                                                     the week prior to the fixture, the away team must
            competing for as of 1 April 2021, and commit to                                                                            rankings. If players have the same ranking, the                 by the following:
                                                                     also confirm their team’s attendance. 3 rubber points
            representing that venue.                                                                                                   captain can decide the team order which may change                 I.    The team with the greatest number of match points.
                                                                     may be deducted from the match accumulated league
                                                                                                                                       from fixture to fixture. Any player(s) playing doubles
     IV. Be of the correct age (see rule 10.2)                       total at the discretion of the league organiser for none                                                                             II. 	If match points are equal, the team with the greatest
                                                                                                                                       only must be nominated at the same time.
11. Competition Structure                                            compliance from either team. Each team must have                                                                                           number of rubber points.
                                                                     an adult captain (age 18+) present at each fixture. The        12.7 Doubles Pairings
11.1 County Tier                                                                                                                                                                                          III. 	If only two teams are level on match points and
                                                                     home team captain shall be responsible for welcoming                Pair 1: Singles players 1&2.                                            rubber points; their head to head result.
	Teams shall be entered in a County Tier league based on            the away team and organising refreshments (Covid-19                 Pair 2: Singles players 3&4.
  their venue registration code. Each league will be divided                                                                                                                                              IV. 	If more than 2 teams are level, the round robin rule
                                                                     restrictions depending).
  into divisions of 3-6 teams. Each team will play each                                                                             	A 5th/6th player can substitute directly for any of the                   in the LTA Competition Regulations will determine
                                                                   	In exceptional cases, fixtures may be rescheduled at             four singles players (e.g. if player number 5 substitutes                 the league standings.
  other team in their division once.
                                                                     a later date where 2 or more nominated players in the
16 LTA National League Summer 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                     Open Adult Age Group Rules 17

Open Adult Age Group
13. Eligibility                                                           Regional Tier, up to a further 9 players rated 3.2 or       14.2 Regional Tier                                                   to teams prior to the draw taking place. The top 4 players
Venue Eligibility                                                         better may be nominated by the venue. This rule is          	Comprises of 8 groups each consisting of up to 8 teams             who are playing on Friday must be nominated by 6.00pm
                                                                          regardless of any changes to the nominations order based      based on specific Counties which will remain fixed year            on the Thursday before the Finals to determine seeding
13.1	Entry to LTA National League (‘the Competition’)
                                                                          on the implementation of the ITF World Tennis Number.         on year. Each team will play each other team in their              for the event. Any team not adhering to this rule will be
     is open only to LTA registered venues, defined as
                                                                     	Of the nominated players a venue may include up to 2             group once. The winning team in each group shall be                subject to a fine decided by the Competition Team which
     Associates in Rule 28 of the LTA.
                                                                       players that have an ATP/WTA singles world ranking of            promoted to its respective National Tier group.                    is likely to be the removal of all prize money for that team.
Team Eligibility                                                                                                                                                                                           Team captains and/or nominated players will be allowed on
                                                                       750 or better as of 1 March 2021 who have not played           14.3	National Tier
13.2 Events: Men’s, Women’s & Mixed Open.                              in at least 2 National League (formerly Team Tennis)                                                                                court and will be subject to the Code of Conduct.
                                                                                                                                      	Comprises of 4 groups each consisting of up to 8 teams        14.4	Open Promotion/Relegation
13.3 	A venue may enter as many teams as it wishes in the             fixtures for the venue in the 2018 or 2019 seasons.
                                                                                                                                        based on specific regions (and therefore Counties) which
      competition but may have no more than 2 teams in any             This rule applies to men and women separately.                                                                                 	Refer to the online document ‘Open (adult) Promotion/
                                                                                                                                        will remain fixed year on year. Each team will play each
      division of the National, Regional or County Tier. This        	Any player not on the final published nomination list                                                                            Relegation 2021’ at
                                                                                                                                        other team in their group once. The winner of National
      rule applies to men and women separately.                        (that should be, based on the criteria above), for that                                                                          summer for full details.
                                                                                                                                        Tier South East, South West, Midlands and North
13.4 	Where a venue has two or more teams in the National             venue, will not be eligible to represent the venue for the       divisions will automatically qualify to the Finals.           15. Match Arrangements
      and/or Regional Tier the top 4 rated players, may only           2021 season. It is the team captain’s responsibility to
                                                                                                                                      	Teams earning prize money in the National Tier                15.1	Time & Date
      play for team ‘A’. Any other nominated players in the            check their final nomination list once published on the
                                                                                                                                        must submit a prize money form to nationalleague@             	Fixtures are to be played on the fixed dates specified.
      venue may play up or down in line with rule 13.5.                LTA website. Any players nominated for a team, that
                                                                                                                               no later than 30 September 2021.                     It is both team captains responsibility to contact each
13.5 	Where a venue has two or more teams in the                      subsequently withdrawals, will not be eligible to represent
                                                                       another team.                                                       National Tier Play-offs                                      other before the match. In the County Tier, there will be
      Competition (County, Regional or National Tiers) a
                                                                                                                                      	Teams finishing in the following positions will compete in      flexibility to play before a fixed date if both teams agree
      player may ‘play up’ on a maximum of one occasion              13.9 County Tier Play-offs
                                                                                                                                        the National Open Playoffs.                                     and there is prior consent from the league organiser. On
      without loss of eligibility for their lower team. Once a       	Players must have represented their venue in at least 1                                                                          match day the home team captain shall be responsible for
      player has represented a higher team on more than one            division match prior to the Playoffs or have a rating of 4.1              Women’s National Open Playoffs 2021                    welcoming the away team and organising refreshments
      occasion, they are no longer eligible to represent the           or worse as of 1 March 2021.
                                                                                                                                           2nd Place Midlands           3rd Place South West            (Covid-19 restrictions depending).
      lower team. In the case of a venue having two teams in
      the same division, players will only be able to play for the   	Where two teams compete in a division match and a                     2nd Place North             2nd Place South East         	County Tier fixtures are to start between 10am-4pm
      team they represent in their first match.                        player is given a walkover, the rubber will count towards a                                                                      unless both teams agree otherwise. National/Regional
                                                                       player’s eligibility.                                                1st Place Scotland           3rd Place South East
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Tier fixtures to start at 12pm unless both team agree
Player Eligibility                                                                                                                          or 3rd place North
                                                                          National Tier Play-offs & Finals                                                                                              otherwise. The home team must confirm start time with
13.6 A player may only:                                                                                                                   2nd Place South West           4th Place South East           the away team a minimum of 14 days before the match
                                                                     	Players must have represented their venue in at least 2                                                                          date. By the Tuesday, the week prior to the fixture, the
     I. 	Represent one venue in the Open (adult) age group            group matches prior to the Play-offs/Finals or have an
          in the National League Summer competition.                                                                                              Men’s National Open Playoffs 2021                     away team must also confirm their team’s attendance.
                                                                       LTA rating of 4.1 or worse as of 1 March 2021. Each team                                                                         3 rubber points may be deducted from the home teams
     II. 	Play in a maximum of two age groups                                                                                             2nd Place Midlands           2nd Place South West
                                                                       is permitted to have 1 player who has only competed in                                                                           accumulated league total at the discretion of the league
           (including Open).                                           one group match, who will be eligible for the play-offs             3rd Place Midlands            2nd Place South East
                                                                                                                                                                                                        organiser for none compliance from either team. Venues
13.7 All players must:                                                 and finals. Where less than 7 fixtures are played, for each           2nd Place North             3rd Place South East           with two or more National/Regional Tier teams at home
                                                                       fixture not played, teams are permitted to nominate 1                1st Place Scotland           4th Place South East           are permitted to stagger start times (e.g. 11am and 1pm).
     I. 	Have an LTA Advantage Membership number which
                                                                       additional player who has represented the team in only               or 3rd place North
          links to the venue they are competing for.                                                                                                                                                  15.2 Court Surfaces
                                                                       one group match.
     II. Have an LTA Rating.                                                                                                          	A pre-playoff fixture will take place on Saturday 3 July      	The home team shall provide 2, 3 or 4 courts of the same
                                                                     	An entire team walkover does not count for player
     III. 	Be a member of the venue they are competing for as of                                                                       where the 1st placed Scotland team will play at home to         surface. Where more than one court surface is used, the
                                                                       eligibility. All completed rubbers against a team which
            1 April 2021 and commit to representing that venue.                                                                         3rd place in the North group. The winner of this fixture        away team shall have the choice of court allocation for
                                                                       is subsequently withdrawn will stand for the purposes of
                                                                                                                                        will compete in the National Open Playoffs. The draw for        singles and doubles matches.
     IV. Be born on or before 31 December 2007                         player qualification to the Playoffs and/or Finals.
                                                                                                                                        the National Open playoffs will take place on or before       15.3 Balls
13.8 	A venue with a team(s) in the County Tier, does not need      14. Competition Structure                                          Tuesday 6 July 2021. Four teams will be seeded based
      to nominate players and can play players of any standard.                                                                         on the top 4 eligible players. Details of this process will   	The home team shall supply a minimum of 3 new ITF
                                                                     14.1 County Tier
                                                                                                                                        be sent to the relevant teams at the time of the draw.          approved balls for each singles rubber. In the National
	A venue with a team in the National or Regional Tier may           	Teams shall be entered in a County Tier league based                                                                             and Regional Tier, new balls shall be supplied for each
  nominate up to 12 players rated 3.2 or better no later                                                                                Home/Away scheduling will be drawn by lot. Matches will
                                                                       on their venue registration code. Each league will be            take place at 12pm on Saturday 17 July 2021.                    doubles rubber.
  than 23.59 on 1 March 2021. No player nominations will               divided into divisions of 3-6 teams. County exceptions
  be accepted after 23.59 on 1 March 2021. Any venue                                                                                                                                                  15.4 Match Format
                                                                       may apply. Each team will play each other team in their             National Tier Finals
  failing to nominate by this deadline will not be allowed             division once.                                                                                                                 	A match shall consist of 4 singles and 2 doubles rubbers.
  to field in their team(s) any player rated 3.2 or better.                                                                           	The top men’s and women’s teams in each of the 4                In the mixed event, a match shall consist of 4 singles
  Venues with no players rated 3.2 or better do not need                  County Tier Play-off (Men & Women’s Only)                     National Tier divisions are joined by the 4 winning play-       (comprising of 2 men’s singles and 2 women’s singles)
  to nominate. Players rated 4.1 or worse as of 1 March              	The winning team from each County Division 1 shall               off teams. Prior to the Finals, teams shall nominate 4 to       and 2 mixed doubles.
  2021 may play in any fixture and do not need to be                   qualify to the County Play-offs for promotion to the             8 players. The Referee shall seed 4 teams in the draw,
  nominated. For each additional team in the National/                 Regional Tier.                                                   further information on this process will be communicated
18 LTA National League Summer 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                               Adult Age Group Rules 19

Open Adult Age Group (continued)
15.5	Team Format                                                   	In the mixed event, the men’s singles matches will be           15.11 Match Result                                                 15.12 Division Standings
	A match shall consist of 4 singles and 2 doubles rubbers.           matches 1&2 and the women’s singles matches will be             	The team with the most rubber points shall win the match,        	The final standings in each division shall be determined by
  In the mixed event, a match shall consist of 4 singles              3&4. This will be followed by two mixed doubles matches.          in the event of a tie, the winner of the tie-break shoot-out       the following:
  (comprising of 2 men’s singles and 2 women’s singles) and           Doubles pair 1 and doubles pair 2 will be decided using the       will win the match
                                                                      nomination process above.                                                                                                               I.   The team with the greatest number of match points.
  2 mixed doubles.                                                                                                                         A team will receive 2 match points on the league table for
                                                                    15.8	Order of Play                                                                                                                       II. 	If match points are equal, the team with the greatest
15.5 Team Format                                                                                                                            a match win.                                                            number of rubber points.
	A team shall consist of four to six players. Four players                          On 2 Courts On 3 Courts On 4 Courts              	Both captains must complete and sign the National League              III. 	If only two teams are level on match points and rubber
  shall play one singles rubber each and the 5th and/or                                                                                 scorecards, and retain their copy. The winning captain
                                                                     Round 1         Singles 3&4      Singles 1-3    Singles 1-4                                                                                     points; their head to head result.
  6th player(s) may be selected for one doubles rubber                                                                                  must then submit the result online within 48 hours. The
  only. In the mixed event, teams will consist of two men            Round 2         Singles 1&2      Singles 4     Doubles 1&2         result may be added by the losing team captain if agreed              IV.	If more than 2 teams are level, the round robin rule in
  and two women.                                                     Round 3         Doubles 1&2 Doubles 1&2                            on match day. Any teams found guilty of submitting false                  the LTA Competition Regulations will determine the
                                                                                                                                        results shall be subject to rule 17.2.                                    league standings.
15.6 Singles Nominations                                            15.9	Rubber Scoring
	At least 15 minutes before the start time of each match           County Tier
  the team captains shall nominate in writing (on a National
  League scorecard) their singles players in order of their                            Sets 1 & 2                  Set 3
  current LTA Rating. An ATP/WTA singles world ranking,                                                       (if necessary)
  followed by an ITF World Tennis Ranking of 1500 or                 Singles &      Tiebreak at 6-6      Match Tiebreak (to 10
  better on match day must take precedence over a players            Doubles                             points, 2 clear at 9-9)
  LTA Rating. At the same time, captains shall provide the
  name of any other player(s) who may be selected for the           Regional/National Tier
  doubles only. If players have the same rating, the captain
  can decide the team order which may change from match                                Sets 1 & 2                  Set 3
  to match. The nomination order is subject to change                                                         (if necessary)
  dependant on the finalised launch date of the ITF World            Singles        Tiebreak at 6-6          Tiebreak at 6-6
  Tennis Number.                                                     Doubles        Tiebreak at 6-6      Match Tiebreak (to 10
15.7 Doubles Nominations                                                                                 points, 2 clear at 9-9)
	The team captains shall nominate their doubles pairings 15        15.10	Match Scoring
  minutes after the singles rubbers have been completed. All
                                                                    	A team is awarded 2 points for each rubber won.
  players nominated for doubles must be on site at the time
  of nomination. The doubles pairings shall be nominated            	At 6 points each a tie-break shoot-out shall be played.
  in accordance with the sum of the singles positions of the          No bonus rubber point will be awarded to the winning
  players in each pairing (see below). Where players are              team in a tie-break shoot-out. A tie-break shoot-out
  nominated for the doubles rubber(s) only then his/her               shall consist of two singles tie breaks (to 10 points, with 2
  singles position shall be regarded as:                              clear) followed by a doubles tie-break (to 10 points, with
	Number 5 in the case of the ‘doubles only player’ with the         2 clear) if necessary. In the event that a team is reduced
   higher rating (or current ATP/WTA ranking or ITF World             to 3 players, that team must concede the doubles
   Tennis Ranking of 1500 or better)                                  tie-break. In the event that both teams are reduced to 3
                                                                      players and the singles tie-breaks are shared, a deciding
	Number 6 in the case of the ‘doubles only player’ with the          doubles tie-break (to 10 points, with 2 clear) shall be
  lower rating.                                                       played between the remaining player and one of the
	If singles player number 1 plays with 5 and singles player          singles shoot-out players. No substitutions or changes
  2 plays with 3 then 2 and 3 shall be the first pair. Where          are permitted to the players who originally competed
  the total is the same, the pairing which includes the player        in the match. No player may play in more than one tie-
  who played in the highest order singles match shall be              break. Players are to be nominated as follows:
  nominated as the first pair (e.g. if the pairings are 1 + 4 and   	Tie-break 1 (Singles): One of the original players from
  2 + 3, then 1 + 4 must be nominated as the first pair). If
                                                                      the 1st/2nd singles rubbers.
  one player from a team of 4 is unable to play doubles, the
  nominated pair must play number 1.                                	Tie-break 2 (Singles): One of the original players from
                                                                      the 3rd/4th singles rubbers.
                                                                    	Tie-break 3 (Doubles): A pairing comprising any two of
                                                                      the other players who have played in the match.
                                                                    	Both singles tie-breaks must take place at the same time.
20 LTA National League Summer 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                Captains’ Guide 21

(All age groups, all tiers)
16. Problem Solving Issues                                     	If a match cannot be started due to rain or rain stops              Premier & National/Regional Tier -                                  grants and assigns to the LTA the right to make, use and
16.1	Late Arrival                                               play before any rubbers have been completed then the           	A team giving a walkover shall take no further part in                 show from time to time and at its discretion, motion
                                                                 match may be rearranged on or before the rain date at            the competition. All results against this team will be                 pictures, still pictures and live taped or filmed television
	If any nominated player is not ready to play within 15         the original venue as set by the League Organiser. At the                                                                               and other reproduction of him/her during the event
  minutes of a rubber due on court then the opposing                                                                              declared null and void for the purposes of determining
                                                                 discretion of the league organiser, the home venue of a          the final placing in its group. However, the League                    and in connection with the promotion of the event
  team shall be awarded a walkover for this rubber (by a         fixture may be reversed in the case of inclement weather                                                                                without compensation for him/herself. Such promotional
                                                                                                                                  Organiser shall have the power to consider a team’s
  score of 6-0, 6-0). No substitutions or alteration to the      and/or courts being unfit for play.                                                                                                     activities by the LTA shall not be identified as or
                                                                                                                                  position regarding a team walkover with extenuating
  nominations or playing order may be made. The player                                                                                                                                                   represented to be an endorsement by the player of any
                                                               	If a team has two matches rained off and schedules               circumstances, in which case the team receiving the
  concerned shall be permitted to play a doubles rubber                                                                                                                                                  product/company.
                                                                 the first rained off match for the official rain date and        walkover will win all rubbers 6-0, 6-0, and will receive
  (and tie-break shoot-out) provided he/she is ready to
                                                                 cannot play the second rained off match prior to the rain        12 rubber points and a match win.                                 17.2 	The day to day organisation of the Competition shall be
  play when the doubles rubber is due on court. If he/she
                                                                 date, then this second rained off match will be halved         	In the National Tier (Open age group) a team                             carried out by the League Organiser under the auspices
  is not ready when the doubles rubber is due on court the
                                                                 with both teams receiving 6 rubber points and 1 match            withdrawing at the Finals may forfeit prize money                        of the LTA Competitions Team (CT). The Competition
  team will be deemed ‘incomplete’ and Rules 16.2 and
                                                                 point each. Where promotion/relegation is not affected,          and be relegated.                                                        is sanctioned by the LTA under the management of the
  16.6 will apply.
                                                                 matches that are rained off on the agreed rain date will                                                                                  CT. The CT shall have the power to decide on matters of
	In the event that the entire away team is going to be late     be halved with both teams receiving 6 rubber points and 1      16.6 Playing out of order / Ineligible Player(s)                           interpretation of these regulations, to impose penalties
  for extenuating circumstances (e.g. motorway closure           match point each.                                              	If players play out of order then the singles rubbers                    including, but not limited to, the deduction of points and
  etc) and has contacted the home team in good time, a         	Where one or more rubbers have been completed, then             involving those players shall be forfeited by a score of                 suspension for breaches of these Regulations; to suspend
  reasonable degree of flexibility on start time should be        the winner of the match shall be the team winning the           0-6, 0-6.                                                                or modify any of these Regulations in appropriate
  shown by the home team.                                         most number of completed rubbers. 2 points shall be           	If an ineligible player competes then the singles rubber                 circumstances. The CT decision on all matters is final.
16.2 Incomplete Teams                                             awarded for each completed rubber with any remaining            involving the player concerned, and all singles rubbers           17.3 	Any complaint/dispute shall be made in writing on email
	If a venue is unable to field a complete team for the           points shared. For the purposes of final league placing         lower in the team order shall be forfeited by a score of                 to the League Organiser (copying in nationalleague@
                                                                  calculations, the incomplete and unplayed rubbers shall         0-6, 0-6. In addition, that team shall have 3 rubber            by the team captain within 48 hours of the
  whole fixture then they shall first forfeit the lowest
                                                                  be deemed shared by a score of 6-4, 4-6. Should each            points deducted from their match score for each                          complaint/dispute arising. Nevertheless, the League
  singles rubber and the second doubles rubber, followed
                                                                  team have won an equal number of rubbers then each              ineligible player.                                                       Organiser/CT shall have the power to consider any
  by the next lowest rubber and so on. Incomplete teams
                                                                  team shall receive 6 rubber points and 1 match point.         	If both teams field a player out of order or an ineligible               matter coming to their attention subsequently.
  will begin the fixture with 3 rubber points deducted
  where one player is missing and 6 rubber points from         	In any National Tier match, where fixtures are                   player then each team shall be deemed to have lost the            17.4 	All players are subject to the Rules and Regulations
  their match score where two or more players are missing.       suspended, due to inclement weather, and after play has          singles rubber in a similar manner. Likewise if a team                   of the LTA (including, without limitation, the LTA’s
  For example, an incomplete team consisting of 3 players        started the ‘on call’ referee must be contacted by both          fields an ineligible player as a doubles only player they                Anti-Doping Programme, the Disciplinary and Dispute
  will begin on -3 rubber points and will play 3 singles and     team captains, in advance of any players/teams leaving           shall forfeit that rubber. Where doubles pairings are not                Resolution Procedures and the Regulations Concerning
  1 doubles rubber only. If the incomplete team win 3            site and before the match has been postponed                     in line with Rule 6.7/9.7/12.7/15.7 that team shall forfeit              Match Fixing, Financial Speculation and Betting) and
  rubbers (+6 rubber points) and lose 1 rubber the overall     16.5 Team Withdrawal                                               both doubles rubbers.                                                    fully and unconditionally submit to the jurisdiction and
  match score will be 6-3 to the complete team. As such                                                                         	In the event of a match result being overturned by the                   authority of the LTA by competing in the Competition.
                                                                    County Tier -
  no tie-break shootout is to be played.                                                                                          League Organiser after the match has been completed               17.5 	Where a LTA registered venue is suspended, the LTA
                                                               	In the event of a team being unable to fulfil a fixture,         which then results in a score of 6 points each then both                 Competitions Team shall determine if the venue shall
	The complete team shall be deemed to have won the              on the first occurrence, their opponents shall record
  forfeited rubbers by a score of 6-0 6-0. Where one                                                                              teams will be awarded a half win (1 match point each).                   play any further part in the current or further stages of
                                                                 12 rubbers and 2 match points, at the discretion of              For 8&U/9&U/10&U/11&U age groups any forfeited/                          the Competition.
  team is incomplete, the complete team may play any             the league organiser. Should the team not fulfil a
  two of the nominated players as the No 1 doubles pair.                                                                          incomplete scores (as highlighted in rules 16.1-16.6) will
                                                                 second fixture, they shall take no further part in the           be subject to the appropriate scoring format for that
  When it is known before the match that one team is             competition. Once a team has been withdrawn they                 age group.
  going to be incomplete, the lowest nominated singles           shall take no further part in the competition. All results
  player(s) of the opposing team does not have to be             against this team will be declared null and void for the       16.7 	For those teams in the National and Regional tiers, if any
  present for the fixture.                                       purposes of determining the final placing in its group.              disputes occur on the day during the fixture that can’t be
                                                                 However, the League Organiser shall have the power                   resolved using the above regulations, the ‘on call’ referee
16.3 Player Retirement
                                                                 to consider a team’s position regarding a team walkover              must be contacted to help resolve any disputes.
	If a player retires during a rubber, the opponent shall be
                                                                 with extenuating circumstances, in which case the team         17. Regulations
  deemed to have won all the remaining games and sets
                                                                 receiving the walkover will win all rubbers 6-0, 6-0, and      17.1 	All matches in the Competition shall be conducted
  necessary to win the rubber. The player retiring from
                                                                 will receive 12 rubber points and a match win.                        in accordance with the ITF Rules of Tennis, the Rules
  the rubber shall be eligible to compete in any remaining
  rubbers/tie-break shoot-out.                                 	League organisers may at their discretion allow a team                and Regulations of the LTA, the LTA Competition
                                                                 to fulfil their remaining fixtures following a walkover.              Regulations, the LTA Code of Conduct and the National
16.4 Completion of Matches (due to inclement weather)            However, the team will be retired at the end of the                   League Competition Regulations (in the event of any
	If play is suspended after a match has started then the        league season and as such all results will not be counted in          inconsistency, the National League Regulations shall
  match shall resume at the point of suspension.                 the final league standings calculation.                               prevail). Each player participating in the competition
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