Cloud and Datacenter Networking

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Cloud and Datacenter Networking
Cloud and Datacenter Networking
                                              Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
                            Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica e delle Tecnologie dell’Informazione DIETI
                                             Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Informatica

                                                    Prof. Roberto Canonico

                                      Datacenter networking infrastructure
                                                    Part II

V3.0 – January 2021 – © Roberto Canonico
Cloud and Datacenter Networking
Lesson outline

 Loops management in Ethernet networks: STP
                                 I° Quadrimestre
 Limitations of traditional datacenter network topologies
 Leaf-spine topologies
 Datacenter network topology with commodity switches: Fat-Tree
     Paper: Mohammad Al-Fares, Alexander Loukissas, and Amin Vahdat.
      A scalable, commodity data center network architecture.
      SIGCOMM Computer Communications Review, vol. 38, issue 4, pp. 63-74, August 2008

    Cloud and Datacenter Networking Course – Prof. Roberto Canonico – Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II   2
Cloud and Datacenter Networking
Traditional DC network architecture
 In a datacenter computers are organized in racks to ease management and cabling and for
  a more efficient utilization of space
 Datacenter networks are typically organized in hierarchical structure
 Server NICs (2/4 per server) connected to an access layer infrastructure
 Access layer switches, in turn, are connected to an aggregation layer infrastructure
 The whole datacenter is connected to the outside world (e.g. the Internet, or a private WAN)
  through a core layer infrastructure operating at layer 3 (IP routing)

      Cloud and Datacenter Networking Course – Prof. Roberto Canonico – Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II   3
Cloud and Datacenter Networking
Requirements for a DC network architecture
 Since building a datacenter is an expensive investment, its design needs to
  satisfy a number of requirements that protect the investment in the long run
 With regard to the networking infrastructure, it should be:
     Cost-effective
     Scalable
     Reliable
     Fault-tolerant
     Energy efficient
     Upgradable
     Able to accommodate workloads varying over time
     Able to isolate traffic from different customers/tenants
     Easy to manage
     Easy to protect against attacks / malicious traffic, …

                       Corso di Cloud e Datacenter Networking – Prof. Roberto Canonico   4
Cloud and Datacenter Networking
Datacenter networking and virtualization
 In modern datacenters, servers’ computational resources may be efficiently utilized thanks
  to a pervasive use of host virtualization technologies
      KVM, Xen, Vmware, …
 A single server may host tens of Virtual Machines (VM) each configured with one or more
  virtual network interface cards (vNICs) with MAC and IP addresses of their own
 Modern virtualization technologies allow to migrate a VM from one server to another with a
  negligible downtime (live migration)
 Condition for live migration transparency to running applications:
      a migrating VM must keep its own IP address in the new position
 If the datacenter network partitions the whole network infrastructure into clusters assigned
  to different IP subnets, a VM cannot migrate outside of its original cluster

                    Migration is possible                            Migration is NOT possible

                    Server         Server                             Server             Server

                      VM               VM                               VM                 VM

                           IP Subnet                               IP Subnet A        IP Subnet B

      Cloud and Datacenter Networking Course – Prof. Roberto Canonico – Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II   5
Cloud and Datacenter Networking
Datacenter traffic analysis
 Observation: in large scale datacenters, traffic between hosts located in the DC (East-West
  traffic or Machine-to-Machine traffic, m2m) exceeds traffic exchanged with the outside world
  (North-South traffic)
      Facebook: m2m traffic doubles in less than a year
 Reasons: modern cloud applications a single client-generated interaction produces multiple
  server-side queries and computation
      Eg. Hints in a research textbox, customized ads, service mashups relying on multiple database
       queries, etc.
      Only a fraction of server-side produced data is returned to the client
      An example observed in FB network (*):
       a single HTTP request produced
       88 cache lookups (648 KB),
       35 database lookups (25.6 KB), and
       392 remote procedure calls (257 KB)                                                              North-South traffic

 Conclusion: the DC aggregation layer MUST NOT BE a bottleneck
  for communications
                     (*) N. Farrington and A. Andreyev. Facebook’s data center network architecture.
                                         In Proc. IEEE Optical Interconnects, May 2013

                       Arjun Roy, Hongyi Zeng, Jasmeet Bagga, George Porter, and Alex C. Snoeren.
                                 Inside the Social Network's (Datacenter) Network.
                      SIGCOMM Computer Communications Review, 45, 4 (August 2015), pp. 123-137
                                                                                                       East-West traffic

      Cloud and Datacenter Networking Course – Prof. Roberto Canonico – Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II          6
Aggregation layer: simplest architecture
 To achieve the maximum communications throughput within the datacenter, ideally the
  aggregation layer could be made a single big non-blocking switch connecting all the access
  layer switches
      This is an impractical non-scalable solution: the switch crossbar should guarantee a throughput
       too high to be achievable
      This is the reason why DC network architectures are hierarchical
 If the aggregation layer is not able to guarantee the required throughput,
  applications performance is affected

 Example: a cluster of 1280 servers organized in 32 racks with 40 servers each, with an
  uplink from ToR switches formed by 4 x 10 Gb/s links and a single aggregation switch with
  128 x 10 Gb/s ports (cost ≈ USD 700,000 in 2008)
      If servers are equipped with 1 Gb/s NICs, total oversubscription is 1:1 → non-blocking network

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Multi-layer tree topologies
 The picture shows a tree topology
    Each switch connected to only one upper layer switch
    Switches at the top of the hierarchy must have many ports and a very high aggregate bandwidth

                                                                       Image by Konstantin S. Solnushkin (

 To avoid congestion probability, oversubscription must be kept as small as possible
 A solution consists in connecting the various layers by means of multiple parallel links
      To effectively use parallel links bandwidth → link aggregation solutions (eg. IEEE 802.3ad)

       Cloud and Datacenter Networking Course – Prof. Roberto Canonico – Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II              8
Critics of tree-based topologies

                                                                      Image by Konstantin S. Solnushkin (

 In practice, links between layers are subject to oversubscription N:1 (N>1)
      For particular traffic matrices, congestion probability is not negligible
 Poor elasticity: constraints in applications deployment
      Servers that communicate more intensely must be located “more closely”
 Greater latency with the increasing number of layers → Negative impact on TCP throughput

       Cloud and Datacenter Networking Course – Prof. Roberto Canonico – Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II             9
Fat-tree: a scalable commodity DC network architecture
 Topology derived from multistage Clos networks                                 3-layers fat-tree network   k=4

      Network of small cheap switches
 3-layers hierarchy
 k3/4 hosts grouped in
      k pods with (k/2)2 hosts each
 Peculiar characteristics:
      The number of links (k/2) from each switch
       to an upper layer switch equates the number
       of links (k/2) towards lower-layer switches
       → No oversubscription (1:1)
      k-port switches at all layers
 Each edge switch connects k/2 hosts to k/2 aggregation switches
 Each aggregation switch connects k/2 edge switches to k/2 core switches
 (k/2) 2 core switches
 Resulting property: each layer of the hierarchy has the same aggregate bandwidth
                               Mohammad Al-Fares, Alexander Loukissas, and Amin Vahdat.
                              A scalable, commodity data center network architecture.
                        SIGCOMM Computer Communications Review, 38, 4 (August 2008), pp. 63-74

     Cloud and Datacenter Networking Course – Prof. Roberto Canonico – Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II   10
Datacenter network topology: fat-tree
 k3/4 host raggruppati in
                                                                                     Rete fat-tree a tre livelli    k=4
       k pod da (k/2)2 host ciascuno
 Ciascuno switch edge collega
  k/2 server a k/2 switch aggregation
 Ciascuno switch aggregation collega
  k/2 switch edge a k/2 switch core
 (5/4) k2 switch, di cui (k/2)2 switch core
 La maggiore capacità dello strato core
  si ottiene aggregando un elevato numero di link

                                    k        # host     # switch core       # switch
                                             (k3/4)        (k/2)2           (5/4) k2
                                    4          16              4               20
                                   12         432             36              180
                                   16        1.024            64              320
                                   24        3.456           144              720
                                   32        8.192           256             1.280
                                   48       27.648           576             2.880                                  3-level fat-tree
                                                                                                            432 servers, 180 switches, k=12
                                   96      221.184          2.304           11.520

        Cloud and Datacenter Networking Course – Prof. Roberto Canonico – Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II                        11
Fat-tree (continues)
 Fat-tree network: redundancy
                                                                                    3-layers fat-tree network   k=4
   k different paths exist between any pair of hosts
   Only one path exists between a given core switch
                                                                           1    2          3       4
    and any possible host
   Question:
    how is it possible to exploit the alternate paths ?
 The network topology in the picture has:
      16 access links (server-switch)
      16 edge-aggregation link
      16 aggregation-core links
 No bottlenecks in the upper layers
 A limited amount of oversubscription
  may be introduced
  (for instance, by using only 2 core switches)

       Cloud and Datacenter Networking Course – Prof. Roberto Canonico – Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II   12
DC network architectures evolution
 The approach of creating an aggregation layer formed by a few “big” switches with a huge
  number of ports is not scalable
   If oversubscription becomes too high, congestions may occur
 Evolution: from tree-like topologies to multi-rooted topologies with multiple alternate paths
  between end-system, where each switch is connected
   to another upper-layer switch through multiple parallel uplinks
   to multiple upper-layer switches
 In such a way:
   1. traffic   may be split across multiple uplinks (i.e. oversubscription is kept as small as possible)
   2. the   whole system is more robust to switch/link failures thanks to the existence of multiple paths

      Cloud and Datacenter Networking Course – Prof. Roberto Canonico – Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II   13
Multi-rooted Leaf-Spine topologies
 Derived from Clos networks (folded Clos)
 Two levels hierarchy, each leaf switch is connected to all spine switches
 Advantage: elasticity
      If the number of racks increases, the number of leaf switches increases
      If network capacity is to be increased, the number of spine switches is to be increased

      Cloud and Datacenter Networking Course – Prof. Roberto Canonico – Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II   14
A spine switch (2017)

 Cisco Nexus 9364C
 64 ports at 100 Gb/s → 6.4 Tb/s
 2U size

                Corso di Cloud e Datacenter Networking – Prof. Roberto Canonico   15
A Leaf-Spine network with 40GbE links


  Cloud and Datacenter Networking Course – Prof. Roberto Canonico – Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II   16
Leaf-spine network with Port Extenders

   Cloud and Datacenter Networking Course – Prof. Roberto Canonico – Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II   17
Google DC architecture in 2004
 ToR switches connected by 1 Gb/s links to an upper aggregation layer made of 4 routers, in
  turn connected to form a ring by means of couples of 10 Gb/s links
 Each rack included 40 servers, equipped with 1 Gb/s NICs
 A whole cluster included 512 ∙ 40 ≈ 20000 servers
 Aggregate bandwidth of a cluster: 4 ∙ 512 ∙ 1 Gb/s = 2 Tb/s
 Each rack could produce up to 40 Gb/s of aggregate traffic but racks were connected to
  the upper layer router with a link capacity of 4 ∙ 1 Gb/s = 4 Gb/s
      Congestions were possible if all the servers of a rack needed to communicate with the rest of DC
      Traffic needed to be kept as local as possible within a rack

     Arjun Singh, Joon Ong, Amit Agarwal, Glen Anderson, Ashby Armistead, Roy Bannon, Seb Boving, Gaurav Desai, Bob Felderman, Paulie Germano,
                 Anand Kanagala, Jeff Provost, Jason Simmons, Eiichi Tanda, Jim Wanderer, Urs Hölzle, Stephen Stuart, and Amin Vahdat.
                      Jupiter Rising: A Decade of Clos Topologies and Centralized Control in Google's Datacenter Network.
                                    SIGCOMM Computer Communications Review, 45, 4 (August 2015), pp. 183-197

       Cloud and Datacenter Networking Course – Prof. Roberto Canonico – Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II                            18
Facebook DC architecture in 2013
 Servers connected by 10 Gb/s links to a ToR switch(RSW) in each rack
 RSW switches connected by 4 x 10 Gb/s uplinks to an aggregation layer formed by
  4 cluster switches (CSW) connected to form a ring
      Oversubscription: 40 servers ∙ 10 Gb/s : 4 uplinks ∙ 10 Gb/s = 10 : 1
 A single ring of 4 CSWs identifies a cluster (e.g. including 16 racks)
      The 4 CSW switches are connected in a ring topology by means of 8 x 10 Gb/s links
 CSW switches connected by 4 x 10 Gb/s uplinks to a core layer formed by
  4 Fat Cat (FC) switches connected to form a ring by means of 16 x 10 Gb/s links
      Oversubscription: 16 rack ∙ 10 Gb/s : 4 uplink ∙ 10 Gb/s = 4 : 1

           N. Farrington and A. Andreyev. Facebook’s data center network architecture. In Proc. IEEE Optical Interconnects, May 2013

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