Cllr David Greenhalgh 1967 - 2021 Issue 8 August 2021 - Bolton Council

Page created by Julian Hunter
Cllr David Greenhalgh 1967 - 2021 Issue 8 August 2021 - Bolton Council
Issue 8 August 2021

    In memory of
    Cllr David
    1967 - 2021

                       / AUGUST 2021   1

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Cllr David Greenhalgh 1967 - 2021 Issue 8 August 2021 - Bolton Council
in brief...

                                                                           Bolton’s Big
       Pandemic Poems, Mayoralty
       - The Perfect Recipe

                                                                           Wellbeing Conversation
       Leonard Thomas, husband and
       Consort to the Mayor of Bolton,
       Cllr Linda Thomas, has authored a
       book of poems, a heartfelt journey                                  The people of Bolton are being asked to take part in
       through the last 12 months.                                         Bolton’s Big Wellbeing Conversation and the chance
          Then local celebrity chef Mike                                   to win a £25 gift card!
       Harrison pulled together a
          fantastic collection of recipes                                  The survey will help us understand mental health in Bolton,
       from local chefs and restaurants.                                   so that we can target and plan services.
       The result is a glorious collection                                   Anyone with low mental wellbeing over a long period of
       of warm words and yummy food!                                       time may need help.
          The mayor’s book ‘Pandemic Poems,                                  It’s normal that mental wellbeing can fluctuate. But it has
       Mayoralty - The Perfect Recipe’ can be purchased on                 been especially true during the COVID pandemic.
       Amazon. All proceeds will go to the mayor’s Charity                   People do not need to give their personal details to
       Fund.                                                               complete the survey and all the responses will be
                                                                           anonymous. Please fill in the short survey on our website.
                                                                           For paper surveys email: or call
                                                                           0117 405 5863.

       Bolton in the spotlight
       LIGHTS, camera action!                both as a period and          Hall, and the borough            challenging year for
       The cameras have                      modern day backdrops,         has a wealth of parks and        filming and TV production,
       continued to roll in                  and for the town’s TV         green space, especially          Bolton continues to be
       Bolton in 2021, despite               and film industry-friendly    Queens Park, which is            a destination of choice
       the pandemic.                         facilities.                   often used by production         for the UK’s programme
                                                The locations range        crews.                           makers.
       Bolton’s impressive range             from the iconic Le Mans          This year has seen               “This is a direct result
       of locations have been                Crescent, an 1930s street     a wealth of series and           of the hard work that
       as much in demand as                  in the heart of the town      one-off features filming         has gone into supporting
       ever, with no less than               centre, with its stunning     in Bolton, from Sky TV’s         filming in the borough, and
       12 productions using the              central archway doubling      Wolfe, to BBC Online’s           delivers a significant boost
       town so far this year.                for London’s Whitehall,       Meet the Khans. The              to the local economy.
         Film and TV productions             to the former BHS Retail      popular period drama                “Bolton is becoming
       have managed to find                  unit off Victoria Square      Peaky Blinders filmed in         a regular fixture on
       ingenious ways to                     in which large sets can       March, while ITV has also        primetime TV, helping
       produce dramas by using               be built for hundreds of      been to Bolton for some          promote the area to a
       social distancing, daily              actors, extras, costumes,     filming away from the            national and international
       testing and other health              make up and production        famous Coronation Street         audience.”
       and safety measures.                  staff.                        set.
         The industry continues                 Another popular location      Councillor Martyn
       to be attracted to Bolton,            is the historic Smithills     Cox said: “Despite a
                                                                                                               READ MORE AT...

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Cllr David Greenhalgh 1967 - 2021 Issue 8 August 2021 - Bolton Council
Cllr David Greenhalgh
       We recently shared the                    words alive and keep the whole room       specialising in ground coffee and
                                                 enthralled.                               teas of every flavour imaginable. He
       sad news that Bolton                        School life for David started at        also restarted his political career,
       Council Leader, Cllr David                Cleveland’s where he made many            soon rising through the ranks and
       Greenhalgh, passed away                   happy memories and then on                becoming the Chairman of the local
       aged 53.                                  to Manchester Grammar, before             party.
                                                 completing his degree at Bretton             In 2006, he became Councillor
                                                 Hall. There he attained a degree with     for Bromley Cross and the shadow
                                                 honours in theatre and the arts. At       spokesman for adults’ services.
                                                 Bretton David made lifelong friends       This was despite having to have
                                                 many of whom are now living all over      another kidney transplant, a heart
                                                 the world, but thanks to social media     valve replacement, and surgery to
                                                 he kept in regular contact remaining a    repair a broken spine. David was
                                                 huge part of their lives.                 undaunted and he quickly moved
                                                   After finishing his degree he moved     up the ranks to become Deputy
                                                 to the bright lights of London working    Leader in 2011, and finally Leader
                                                 in the Theatre, he even did some          of the Conservative group in 2013.
                                                 advert voiceovers which he said           Then in 2019 he became Leader
                                                 certainly kept the wolf from the door.    of Bolton Council, and was the
                                                 He toured the country performing          first Conservative Leader of Bolton
                                                 reviews, comedy sketches, plays and       Council for over 40 years, which
       A Christmas day baby born to              musicals. He worked with the Actors       was one of his proudest moments.
       delighted and loving parents Margaret     Company at Wigan Pier, and toured            David was extremely talented, and
       and Roy, David lived his entire life at   in ‘Oh What a Lovely War’, ‘A Funny       highly intelligent he strove every day
       the family farm in Bradshaw, owned        Thing Happened on the way to the          to make Bolton a better place. He
       for four generations of Isherwoods.       Forum’ and many more. Finally he          reached out to all communities and
         David’s parents were both teachers      got a part in London’s West End in        treated everyone as equals, quickly
       of music and founders of Bolton           Les Miserable, life was good and full     gaining their trust that he was a
       School of Music, so it was inevitable     of promise, but sadly tragedy struck      man of his word.
       that David would follow in their          and David was diagnosed with kidney          He will be remembered for is
       footsteps and eventually take up a        failure so unfortunately he had to        his kindness, his openness, and
       career in music and theatre. He often     retire from the stage career he had       his fairness by the people of this
       recalled his early life of the whole      planned. He then came home to             borough.
       family, with aunties and cousins all      Bolton for six years of dialysis before      By his hundreds of friends there
       singing round the piano. In particular,   receiving his first kidney transplant.    will be many special memories, no
       on Christmas day when David would           During that time David reinvented       one ever felt left out with David, he
       read poems to the family, he was a        himself and built up a new business       made everyone feel special and he
       born mimic who could bring those          selling Kitchenalia at Botany Bay,        will remain in our hearts forever.

                                                        David was extremely talented, and highly intelligent he strove
                                                            every day to make Bolton a better place. He reached out
                                                          to all communities and treated everyone as equals, quickly
                                                                    gaining their trust that he was a man of his word.

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Cllr David Greenhalgh 1967 - 2021 Issue 8 August 2021 - Bolton Council
         The way to get back doing the things we love.
         Life is gradually returning to normal with the easing of Covid restrictions.

         However, COVID-19 has               who is eligible to get their   possible so we can beat       free and quick and results
         not gone away and we                vaccination as soon as         this together!”               are shown within 30
         still need do everything we         possible.                        Boltonians are also being   minutes. They can be
         can to reduce the rate of             She adds: “There are still   urged to take twice weekly    accessed at a test site,
         infection.                          thousands in Bolton who        rapid lateral flow device     collected at a pharmacy
             We are using a dual             haven’t had their first dose   (LFD) tests at home. If we    or Community Collect
         strategy.                           yet and sadly, we have         want to go on holiday,        site or ordered for home
             It is vital that adults who     seen more unvaccinated         go to a football match        delivery.
         have not been vaccinated            young people being             or host a birthday party,        Bolton Wanderers
         take up the offer of a jab.         admitted to hospital.          then regular testing must     Football Club are backing
         People need two doses                 “We have a range             become part of our lives.     the call for self-testing
         of the vaccine for the best         of vaccination clinics           One in three people with    at home. The club said:
         protection against serious          operating across the           COVID-19 do not show          “Bolton Wanderers are
         illness.                            borough, including walk-       any symptoms but could        right behind the COVID
             Dr Helen Wall, senior           in clinics, appointments       be spreading the virus        testing drive for our town.
         responsible officer for             via your GP and sites          without knowing. Positive     As in every team we all
         Bolton’s vaccination                you can arrange through        tests mean people can         have our part to play. Do
         programme, said: “I                 the national booking           self-isolate to protect       the right thing and get
         can’t stress enough how             service. Please, get fully     others.                       tested.”
         important it is for everyone        vaccinated as soon as            The LFD tests are simple,

         “As in every team we all have our part to play.
         Do the right thing and get tested.”
         - Bolton Wanderers Football Club                                                         Find out how to get tests at

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Cllr David Greenhalgh 1967 - 2021 Issue 8 August 2021 - Bolton Council
Health chief praises Bolton’s
       response to COVID variant
       In May this year, Bolton was at the centre of national attention as we battled rising
       cases of the Delta variant of COVID-19.

       Thanks to an enormous effort from         challenge of the Delta variant.                  “Crucially, local communities have
       everyone in the community; cases             Speaking after her visit, Dr Harries       responded incredibly well by coming
       eventually began to fall.                 said:                                         forward in their thousands to be
          This success prompted a visit from        “It was a real privilege to visit Bolton   tested and vaccinated. It has been a
       Jenny Harries, the Chief Executive of     and see first-hand the excellent              hugely successful community effort.
       the newly founded UK Health Security      work they have been doing to drive               “It’s really important that people
       Agency, who visited Bolton to learn       down rates of the Delta variant and           continue with this mammoth effort by
       more about our response.                  understand how Bolton’s experience            getting into the habit of taking tests
          She heard how Bolton Council,          may assist other areas across the             twice a week.
       Bolton Clinical Commissioning             country.                                         “By continuing to be careful and by
       Group, Bolton NHS Foundation                 “I have been particularly impressed        getting the vaccine when called we
       Trust, the Army, the national Surge       with how the town has come together           can help to keep our loved ones safe.
       Rapid Response Team, schools,             – including Bolton Council, public               “Let’s not give up on our good
       charities, community groups and local     health teams, schools, voluntary              work now – and remember to keep
       volunteers all pulled together to bring   and NHS services and colleagues               following hands, face, space, fresh
       down local infection rates.               from the Army - to respond to the             air.”
          Community engagement, door-to-         challenge.
       door visiting, increased vaccination,
       enhanced testing, contact tracing
       and supporting self-isolation were all
                                                               “It was a real privilege to visit Bolton and see first-hand
       vital elements of this joint response.
                                                         the excellent work they have been doing to drive down rates
          Bolton was held up as an example
                                                         of the Delta variant and understand how Bolton’s experience
       for other areas of how communities
                                                                              may assist other areas across the country.
       could pull together to overcome the
                                                                 - Dr. Jenny Harries, Chief Executive, UK Health Security Agency

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Cllr David Greenhalgh 1967 - 2021 Issue 8 August 2021 - Bolton Council
Stay cool and
                         safe this summer

                    Most of us
                   welcome the
                  warmer days of
                 summer, but high
              temperatures can bring
              a range of problems we
               should all be aware of

       Bolton Council is asking           Anyone heading to           or jumping into open water.        This summer is the
       residents to consider           parks or public spaces            Even strong swimmers          third anniversary of the
       their own health and the        to cool off is asked to be     can suffer from Cold             2018 Winter Hill fire,
       safety of others during hot     considerate of others and      Water Shock, which can           which spread across
       summer weather.                 follow sensible COVID-19       kill in just 60 seconds.         seven square miles and
         Keeping cool is vital         precautions such as social     You also never know how          put homes and vital
       when the thermometer            distancing and hand            unpredictable under-water        infrastructure at risk.
       starts to rise. Public Health   hygiene.                       currents can be, or what is        Fires can easily
       England stresses that              Bolton residents are also   lurking beneath the surface      spread in hot weather
       older people, children          urged to keep an eye on        – people have drowned            and the smallest action
       and those with underlying       vulnerable neighbours at       after getting tangled up in      can have devastating
       health conditions are at        risk.                          undergrowth in the water.        consequences.
       most risk.                         But cooling off in the         We also all have a              So, stay cool this
         Tips on how to beat           wrong places can also be       responsibility to keep our       summer – but please
       the heat include drinking       risky. Greater Manchester      moorlands safe. Residents        don’t forget the risks
       plenty of water and             Fire and Rescue Service        are reminded to never light      and dangers to yourself
       avoiding excess alcohol,        (GMFRS) is urging people to    barbecues or campfires           and others while you are
       caffeine or hot drinks.         stay safe by not swimming      when visiting moorland.          having fun.

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Cllr David Greenhalgh 1967 - 2021 Issue 8 August 2021 - Bolton Council


                 We’re back with an extra special August
                 bank holiday for the whole family!
                 There’s something for                             Family friendly entertainment
                 everyone at our 16th annual
                 festival with our award                           Festival Market with speciality
                                                                   stalls and artisan traders
                 winning markets, live music,
                 entertainment and much                            Street performers
                 more each day
                                                                   An all new
                                                                   Picnic zone in Queens park
                                                                   Foraging and food experiences
                                                                   Food, drink and crafts from
                                                                   around the world
                                                                   Outdoor bars with live music
                                                                   Free cookery demonstrations

                                             Keeping us all safe and secure
                                             The festival has been planned with additional COVID measures
                                             in place so everyone can safely enjoy themselves. There’s more
                                             space to help social distancing and there’s extra seating as the
                                             festival spreads out of town into the park.

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Cllr David Greenhalgh 1967 - 2021 Issue 8 August 2021 - Bolton Council
Fab food; regional and local chef cookery
       demos from celebrated chef Jean-Christophe
       Novelli and local heroes Simon Wood, Andrew
       Nutter and Rob Owen Brown (free to attend).

       Award-winning markets; our traders
       offer food from all four corners of the globe, from
       Indian street food to fish ‘n’ chips, plus fantastic
       arts and crafts.

       Kids’ fun; children’s entertainment with a
       seaside-themed family zone – complete with
       sandy beach in our marquee, a traditional
       Victorian Strongman Show as well as Punch and
       Judy, arts and crafts and face painting. Plus the
       Octagon Theatre’s family festival is running from
       Fri 27 – Sun 29 August.

                                                              Live music; the return of the Main Music
                                                              stage on Le Mans Crescent, and Victoria Square
                                                              acoustic stage, both featuring daily headliners and
                                                              brilliant local musical talent.

                                                              Special events; Beer and Cheese tasting, a
                                                              Microgreens Masterclass and daily foraging with
                                                              Bolton’s own expert Forager, Colin Unsworth.
                                                              (Booking required).

                                                              Great outdoors; a celebration of Bolton’s
                                                              parks and green spaces with a Foodie Haven and
                                                              Picnic Zone in the town centre’s Queens Park,
                                                              including world foods and an obstacle course
                                                              and climbing wall!

      Lots more; With the welcome return of Bolton’s best restaurant
      competition and more activities being added so everyone to come together
      safely across the borough follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Insta
      @boltonfoodfest or visit us online at
      and sign up to the newsletter for all the latest news.

                                                                                               Main Sponsors

    For full line up and special event details visit the website

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Cllr David Greenhalgh 1967 - 2021 Issue 8 August 2021 - Bolton Council
Meet your councillors...
         ASTLEY BRIDGE                             FARNWORTH                                HORWICH & BLACKROD                         RUMWORTH
             Hilary Fairclough                           Maureen Flitcroft                        Susan Baines                              Shamim Abdullah

                                                  F KF
             01204 336343 or 07814378406                 07387 250962                             07388857902                               07392108236


             John Walsh 01204 332216,                    Lisa Weatherby                           David Grant                               Dr Ebrahim Adia

                                                  F KF
             840118, 07836 363635                        07824 529185

                                                                                                  07850 184230

                                                                                                                                            01204 332371

             Samuel Rimmer                               Paul Sanders                             Peter Wright
             07983 496666
                                                  F KF   07731 881885                                                                       Ismail Ibrahim

                                                                                                  07824 528502

                                                                                                                                            01204 337636


         BRADSHAW                                  GREAT LEVER                              HORWICH NORTH EAST                         SMITHILLS
             Mudasir Dean                                Mohammed Ayub                            Kevin McKeon                              Douglas Bagnall
             01204 336493                                07838 119522                             01204 692115                              07810834658




             Stuart Haslam                               Mohammed Iqbal                           Marie Brady                               Roger Hayes

             01204 385096                                07931 387234                             07824 526479                              01204 841008



             Jackie Radcliffe                            Madeline Murray                          Richard Silvester                         Garry Veevers
             07935 835771                                01204 694092                             01204 467914                              07824 528876




         BREIGHTMET                                HALLIWELL                                HULTON                                     TONGE WITH THE HAULGH
             Beverley Fletcher                           Kate Challender                          Derek Bullock                             Martin Donaghy
             07824 526333                                  07824 527267                              01204 336239




             Stuart Hartigan                             Linda Thomas                             Diane Parkinson                           Nicholas Peel
             07392108252                                 01204 332090 / 07879 891129              07799592604                               01204 459949




                                                         Akhtar Zaman                             Toby Hewitt                               Elaine Sherrington
             Adele Warren
                                                         07980 962826                             07857 649806                              01204 391092




         BROMLEY CROSS                             HARPER GREEN                             KEARSLEY                                   WESTHOUGHTON NORTH & CHEW MOOR
             Samantha Connor                             Susan Haworth                            Tracey Wilkinson                          Martyn Cox
                                                                                           F KF

             07824 526356                                07415509103                              07858 539393                              01204 331190



             Nadim Muslim                                Hamid Khurram                            Paul Heslop                               Bernadette Eckersley-Fallon
             07557114319                                 07388857888                              07824 527960

                                                                                                                                            07824 527240


                                                         Champak Mistry 01204 397522              Julie Pattison
                                                                                           F KF

                                                         / 331320 / 07710027499                   07388857903

                                                                                                                                            Andrea Finney


         CROMPTON                                  HEATON & LOSTOCK                         LITTLE LEVER & DARCY LEVER                 WESTHOUGHTON SOUTH
             Rabiya Jiva                                 Robert Allen                             David Evans                               Deidrie McGeown
             07772 489862                                01204 335096                             07969356164                               07824 526686




             Martin McMulkin                             Anne Galloway                            Andrea Taylor-Burke                       David Wilkinson
             07824 527566                                07388857892                              07964 834836


                                                                                                                                            01942 819456 or 07733300554



             Bilkis Ismail                               Andrew Morgan                            Sean Hornby                               Christopher Hill

             07766 443052

                                                         01204 331019                                                                       07850 599488

                                                                                                  07583 725578


                                                                                                                Information correct at time of publication
       10     AUGUST 2021 /

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Bolton to act
       on Climate Change
       Bolton Council is committed to fighting climate change and has set
       out a plan to cut emissions and protect our environment.

       Bolton Council declared           The survey of residents’
       a Climate Emergency in         opinions on Climate            The most popular ideas were:
       August 2019, recognising       Change and the council’s       • Package free shopping from local providers (67%)
       the serious impact of          aspiration to become           • Increased options for upcycling (63%)
       climate change both at         carbon neutral by 2030,        • Information on energy efficient homes (54%)
       home and across the            took place from Nov 2020       • Greener community transport (52%)
       world.                         to Jan 2021.
          COVID-19 has put many          Just under 1,180
       of these challenges under      responses were received, a
                                                                                    Bolton Council hopes to
       a spotlight, prompting         quarter from young people.
       many to call for a “green         Unsurprisingly, given its
                                                                              announce later in 2021 a Joint
       recovery” from the             high profile of this issue,                Framework for everyone in
       pandemic.                      84% of respondents think                    Bolton to work together in
          Earlier this year Bolton    climate change is important             partnership to make the town
       Council completed the Big      and 64% are more worried                      carbon neutral by 2030.
       Climate Conversation with      now than last year.
       residents.                        Bolton residents gave
          We asked the people of      their thoughts in the survey
       Bolton what their priorities   on some possible local
       are, and your responses        contributions to this global
       have helped inform our         problem.
       strategy for a greener

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Bolton A4 PRESS.pdf   1   04/08/2021   10:31

                                                                 Working in partnership with

               Recycle Right
               so we can empty your
               beige paper and card bin







               For more information, visit

         12    AUGUST 2021 /

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                                            Free holiday activ
                                            and food sessions

                          26th July to 28th August 2021

                                 Join #TeamBolton for a variety
                                 of activities this Summer!
                                     Children will have access    of Urban Outreach’s BL         Member for Children’s
       School holidays               to both nutritious meals     Lunches pick up points         Services, Cllr Anne
       can be a                      and a wide range of          whether or not they            Galloway, said: “After
       challenging time              rewarding activities         choose to take part.           a very challenging 18
                                     this summer, as Bolton         Sessions are open to         months for all children,
       for families who              Council continues to         everyone with priority         we are delighted to offer
       may struggle with             support families during      given to those children        the opportunity for them
       the extra cost of             the school holidays.         on free school meals,          to make new friends,
       food and childcare.             This summer, most          with some additional           get active and learn new
                                     sessions will run for four   extras offered to just         skills this summer.
                                     hours a day, four days a     children receiving free          “We want every child
                                     week for four weeks from     school meals, including        in Bolton to get the best
                                     July 26 to August 28.        a free four-week leisure       possible start in life and
                                       The council has worked     pass in August for 11 to       giving families access
                                     closely with the charity     16-year-olds.                  to healthy food and
                                     and volunteer sector           The sessions are             nutritional information is
                                     and offers a network         funded by £1,487,820           a vital part of that.
                                     of free holiday clubs        from the government’s            “I want to thank our
                                     across all parts of the      Holiday Activities and         many partners in the
                                     borough offering physical    Food Programme, for use        community and volunteer
                                     activities, new skills and   over the Easter, Summer        sector who continue
                                     learning about nutrition.    and Christmas breaks.          to support our Holiday
                                       Activities are entirely      Bolton Council’s             Activity and Food
                                     optional, and all eligible   Executive Cabinet              programme.”
                                     families can still receive
                                     free lunches from one
                                                                                    Find out what’s
                                                                                    on and book at...

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Single Kieran is loving
              being a foster dad
                                                          Being a foster carer is something that
                                                          Kieran had wanted to do for a long time.

                                                          Now at the age of 42, he       it was quite therapeutic
                                                          has become an approved         talking to someone about
                                                          foster carer and has his       everything.
                                                          first child placed with him.      “I found myself thinking
                                                             He knew that he could       about all the things in my
                                                          provide a loving, caring       life that were important not
                                                          home - a safe place for a      just for fostering but for life
                                                          child or young person.         in general.
                                                             As a single person             “I’m now three months
                                                          working full time, Kieran      into my first placement
                                                          wasn’t sure it would be        and it’s going swimmingly
                                                          possible, and he wanted        - we’re having a great
                                                          to make sure that the          time.
                                                          fostering team would              “I’m really surprised at
                                                          welcome him.                   how well I’ve taken to it. I
                                                             And as operations           get a lot from it and I know
                                                          manager of Dad Matters         the young person living
                                                          - a perinatal mental health    with me would say the
                                                          charity supporting new         same.
                                                          dads - he also wanted             “We have a great
                                                          to ensure that he could        relationship and I’m just
                                                          continue working full time     sad that it took me to the
                                                          if he fostered.                age of 42 to take that first
              “We have a great relationship and I’m          Kieran said: “I knew I      step.
              just sad that it took me to the age of 42   had something to offer a          “If you’re thinking about
              to take that first step.                    child or a young person.       fostering, then get in
                                                             “It was a thorough          touch with the fostering
                                                          process. We discussed          team about what it entails
                                                          everything that has            and hopefully you’ll find it
                                                          happened in my life, from      as rewarding as I do.”
                                                          birth right up to today, and

              “If you’re thinking about fostering, then
              get in touch with the fostering team
                                                           For more information about becoming a foster carer visit
              about what it entails and hopefully
              you’ll find it as rewarding as I do.”            

                                                                                     or call 0800 1071564

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Bolton’s Fund
       new grants available for charities
       and voluntary groups
       Bolton is a town with a big heart and caring people. We have over 58,000 volunteers
       giving over 211,000 hours each and every week – an incredible contribution to the life
       of the borough.

       Volunteering has changed significantly over the course of         Enterprise and Skills to Children and Young People to
       the last 15 months. We have seen a huge response from             Standing Together/Hate Crime. There is also a Festive
       local people, volunteering their time (some for the first time)   Fund which can be applied for in the autumn.
       to help people in their local communities.                          More information will be available for groups and
         The council has a longstanding record of working with           organisations which want to apply for funding, so check
       the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise sector             for updates on the Bolton CVS website.
       (VCSE) in Bolton.                                                   Watch out too for stories we will be sharing of local
         In 2019 it brought together funding from Bolton Council,        groups about how Bolton’s Fund is supporting our
       NHS Bolton CCG, Bolton at Home and Bolton CVS to                  communities.
       form Bolton’s Fund.                                                 Bolton Council’s Executive Cabinet Member for Stronger
         The fund supports an eco-system of 1,600 groups and             Communities, Cllr Nadim Muslim, said:
       organisations that reach deep into Bolton’s communities,            “We are looking forward to seeing the great ideas around
       across all areas of life. Over 70% of these groups are            our funding themes that groups have to help achieve their
       micro and small – completely volunteer-led and managed.           aims.
         Over the course of the Covid-19 pandemic, Bolton’s                “In addition to the support on offer through Bolton’s
       VCSE sector has been instrumental in supporting                   Fund, Bolton CVS is always on hand to offer advice and
       collective efforts across Bolton’s communities.                   guidance.”
         Throughout 2020/21, Bolton’s Fund has successfully
       administered 281 investments with a total value of
         This year new funding rounds are available. These can
       be applied for under various themes, ranging from Social

                                                                                           / AUGUST 2021   15

Our Bolton summer 2021.indd 15                                                                                                   18/08/2021 16:37
Kenny’s triumph brings
       joy after difficult year
       Bolton’s own Jason Kenny officially                             centre was renamed in honour of his double gold winning
                                                                       efforts at London 2012.
       became Britain’s most successful ever                             Bolton Council’s Councillor Martyn Cox said:
       Olympian on Sunday by clinching gold in                           “Congratulations to Bolton’s Jason Kenny, Britain’s most
       the men’s keirin at Tokyo 2020.                                 decorated Olympian.
                                                                         “After such a difficult year it’s wonderful to celebrate
       The win took him clear of fellow cyclist Bradley Wiggins in     such an achievement.”
       the all-time Team GB medal table.                                 “I’m sure a well-deserved knighthood will not be far
         His unprecedented nine medals, including seven golds          behind.”
       and two silvers, see him ranked above sporting icons like
       Sir Steve Redgrave and Sir Chris Hoy.                                   “Congratulations to Bolton’s Jason Kenny,
         Jason retains a strong connection with his hometown                        Britain’s most decorated Olympian.”
       and continues to be a great ambassador for Bolton.                                     - Cllr Martyn Cox, Bolton Council
         Next year will mark a decade since the Jason Kenny

       Free family fun at the Octagon
       The weekend of Friday 27th to Sunday 29th August will see variety of activities
       for kids at the Octagon.
         All family activities are free, but 2.5 hour time slots must be booked in advance on
       01204 520661 or
       There will be hushed voices as kids listen to interactive storytelling in the main
       auditorium with Crocodile Tales, stories with bite from a professional actor.
         There will be funky beats at the glamorous air-conditioned studio where a professional
       dance artist will lead families a merry dance.
         Pop on your dancing shoes! Dad dancing is positively encouraged, as mums, dads
       and grandparents can strut their stuff along with their little ones. Limited capacity
       means timeslots must be booked.

       16    AUGUST 2021 /
                                                                                                            Correct at time of going to press

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