Bonnyrigg youth inspired - Newleaf Communities

Page created by Ernest Ross
Bonnyrigg youth inspired - Newleaf Communities
ISSUE 10 › SPRING 2017 | Bonnyrigg Community Newsletter

Inspire180 transformed the views of participants, helping them to make positive choices.

Bonnyrigg youth inspired
Since 2015, Bonnyrigg High School and Newleaf Communities have partnered to                                                              One student summed the program
deliver the Boys to Men program which provides early intervention for students                                                           up perfectly, saying:
who show potential and/or need support and guidance to succeed in life.                                                         “I want to thank the teachers, staff and Tony
                                                                                                                                (facilitator) for supporting us through this
Bonnyrigg High School and Newleaf Communities                        During term three, 14 young men took part in a range       program. Without your support and the
joined with inspirational speaker Tony Hoang to pilot                of workshops, activities, leadership and community         program, the boys and I wouldn’t be here
a new program also called Inspire180. This program                   projects run by government agencies and support
                                                                                                                                today. The program inspired us to change
engages male students in meaningful ways to build                    partners. Over nine weeks, the students gained
                                                                                                                                the way we think and the way we act. The
responsible, resilient and successful community                      insight into the personal struggles and achievements
contributors and future leaders. It develops                         of local public figures including an Australian Federal
                                                                                                                                boys and I are attending more classes and
communication, teamwork and leadership skills and                    Police Officer, reformed gang members and founders         focusing more on the future. All Tony’s
uses self-awareness strategies to help participants                  of Sydney West Riders (motor bike group) who               stories have transformed our views and given
manage life challenges and shift destructive mindsets                assisted the boys in strengthening their aspirations;      us knowledge of the real world making us
and behaviours.                                                      understanding success, failure and positive risk taking;   think twice about our actions and the choices
                                                                     building positive relationships and identifying future     we make.”
                                                                     pathways into meaningful lifestyle choices.

                                                                     Congratulations to all our participants! | 1300 137 265   Issue 10 Spring 2017 | 1
Bonnyrigg youth inspired - Newleaf Communities
Participants achieved some amazing results with:
                                                                                                                          • 100% now understanding the importance of
                                                                                                                            wearing correct footwear to prevent falls
                                                                                                                          • 90% starting to exercise more
                                                                                                                          • 80% knowing what to do if they have a fall
                                                                                                                          • 80% feeling confident to report hazards in the

                       CEO's                                                                                                community which may cause others to fall
                                                                                                                          • 78% making changes to ensure their home
                       Message                                                                                              environment is safe and reduce the risk of falls
                                                                                                                          • 60% improving their balance.
Welcome to the last edition of the                  Stepping on has improved Joan’s balance and stability and             “I had become quite inactive at most times. Due to
Bonnyrigg Community Newsletter                      reduced the risk of falls.                                            my inability to motivate myself to get more exercise,
for 2017.                                                                                                                 I became quite lazy and didn’t get myself involved in

This has been another big year for Bonnyrigg        Joan steps on to                                                      lots of physical movement. I have noticed that when
                                                                                                                          I do get sick, I get chronic fatigue which makes me
residents and our Newleaf team. We have
continued to act on your feedback and               prevent falls                                                         feel very tired and my muscles become very unused
                                                                                                                          and weak. The program helped me strengthen
implement a plan for Bonnyrigg that is focussed                                                                           my muscles again and work on my balance and
on safety, provides programs and activities for     Nineteen of our more senior residents                                 stability,” said local resident, Joan.
youth, offers health and wellbeing programs and     took part in our Stepping On program,
maintains and advocates for accessible and safe                                                                           “Since completing the program I’ve gotten rid of a
                                                    earlier this year. Through the program,
community facilities.                                                                                                     lot of clutter that I seemed to have around the house
                                                    they built their strength, confidence                                 to eliminate the risk of falls. I also understand how
Some of the highlights this year have been:         and knowledge of how to prevent falls                                 important it is to stay healthy and keep my muscles
• Neighbourhood Watch improving road                and stay active and independent.                                      moving, even if it’s the smallest bit of exercise”.
  safety around Bonnyrigg High School and
  Bonnyrigg Public School and helping to
  reduce crime by 24%
• Bonnyrigg Youth Council (BYC) running
  events and activities including Youth Week,
  Lil Lil Rigg Dance Group and the school
  holiday ice skating excursion
• BYC attending their leadership camp
• BYC and the Newleaf team securing $25,000
  in grants from local clubs and Fairfield City
  Council. This money will go back into the
  Bonnyrigg community
• tenant groups organising and/or participating
  in events including Neighbour Day, R U Ok?
  Day, Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea, Pink
  Ribbon Day and NAIDOC week
• residents having the opportunity to learn and
  improve their health and wellbeing through
  our Stepping On, computers, language, food
  safety and floristry courses
• local services partnering with us to provide
  programs for youth including after school
  footy skills workshops, boot camp and             View the spectacular fireworks across Fairfield City on New Year’s Eve with seven sights simultaneously launching their displays.
  volleyball, and the women’s and men’s
  programs at Bonnyrigg High School.

It was also great to see NSW Land and Housing       Fairfield skyline illuminates
Corporation and UrbanGrowth NSW officially
open Bunker Park in August. The park is an          Celebrate the 2018 New Year at Fairfield City Council’s event, Illuminate! Returning
important milestone for the community and is a      for its third year, Illuminate will unite families across Fairfield City in the biggest
sign that work is once again moving forward on      fireworks celebration in south west Sydney at 9pm.
the Bonnyrigg Living Communities Project.
                                                    Bring along a picnic blanket and join the fun at                      The seven sites are:
Of course, these programs and events wouldn’t
                                                    Calmsley Hill City Farm from 4.30pm – 9.30pm.                         • Cabramatta Bowling Club
be a success if we didn’t have residents who were
                                                    The circus themed event has something for the                         • Cabra-Vale Diggers Club
willing to get involved. Thank you for working
                                                    whole family including free amusement rides, live                     • Club Marconi
with us to make Bonnyrigg a great place to live.
                                                    music and performances, food stalls and farm
                                                                                                                          • Fairfield RSL
I wish you all a happy and safe festive season      activities including animal exhibits and stock whip
                                                                                                                          • Mounties
and New Year. My team and I look forward to         demonstrations.
                                                                                                                          • Smithfield RSL
working with you in 2018!
                                                    Families who choose to celebrate at home won’t                        • Calmsley Hill City Farm.
Scott Langford                                      miss out. The spectacular fireworks can be seen
CEO, SGCH Group                                     from your backyards when seven sites across the                       Tickets for Illuminate go on sale on Monday 20
                                                    city simultaneously launch their displays at 9pm.                     November and will sell out fast. For more information,

2 | Issue 10 Spring 2017   1300 137 265 |
Bonnyrigg youth inspired - Newleaf Communities
     BYC has had an action packed few months since our last update.
     One of the major events we were involved in                  truly, started a dance battle among all the
     was the grand opening of Bunker Park, where                  other youth councils! We also learned the best
     Scott Langford, CEO of SGCH came down to                     way to engage the community is to listen to
     shoot some hoops on the new basketball court
     alongside the Mayor of Fairfield City, Frank
                                                                  what they have to say and encourage people to
                                                                  attend events.                                      Jesse’s logo design
     Carbone. On behalf of the Newleaf estate
     and BYC, we would like to thank the Land and
     Housing Corporation and UrbanGrowth NSW
                                                                  Thousands of visitors at the Cabramatta
                                                                  Moonfest were treated to rich delicacies in
                                                                                                                      a winner
     for updating our new park, which has been filled             130 restaurants specialising in south east          Congratulations to BYC member, Jesse who won the
     with kids since it opened.                                   Asian cuisine. The event also included food
                                                                                                                      competition for the design of the School Holiday Fun
                                                                  competitions, cooking demonstrations,
                                                                                                                      Day Extravaganza logo. Jesse received a brand new
     We have also recruited six new BYC members.                  traditional dances and performances by
     Thank you to everyone who applied and please                 Eurovision runner up, Dami Im and Dauntless         Surface Pro 4 (generously donated by Evolve Housing
     keep your eye out for our new members. In                    Movement Crew (acrobats). The event ended           and SR Constructions). Zuhair Khosho and David
     addition, we held elections for our committee                with the AirAsia firework finale. Thank you         Saad from SR Constructions presented Jesse with his
     members. The new position holders are:                       to Fairfield City Council for allowing BYC to       prize. The logo gave a brand new look and feel to the
                                                                  volunteer at this event.                            event hosted by Mission Australia, Evolve Housing
     •   Chairperson – Jasmina
                                                                                                                      and SGCH.
     •   Vice Chairperson – Mandy                                 We were also fortunate to be part of the grand
     •   Treasurer – James                                        opening of the new Bunnings at Bonnyrigg. BYC       Well done Jesse!
     •   Secretary – Adriana                                      members volunteered their time at this event
     •   Media and Communications                                 and it was a great experience.
         – Jesse and Rebecca
                                                                  Lastly, we are planning the end of year,
     We were fully booked on the weekend of                       Bonnyrigg Estate Christmas party and would
     22-24 September with the National Youth                      love to see everyone attend (see page 5). I heard
     Conference and Moonfest. The conference was                  Santa will be making a visit from the North Pole.
     an amazing experience and was hosted by the
     City of Ryde. Five members attended learning                 On top of all of this, many of our BYC members
     how to be the best youth council we can be                   have been sitting the HSC. We wish them all the
     (although we already are)! I can guarantee we                best as they await their results.
     are the most hyped up youth council as yours                 Jasmina – Chairperson

                        PHOTO GALLERY

    1                                                                  2                                                  3

   4                                                                   5                                                  6
Photos 1, 2, 4 and 5 from the Bunker Park are courtesy of UrbanGrowth NSW. | 1300 137 265   Issue 10 Spring 2017 | 3
Bonnyrigg youth inspired - Newleaf Communities
How long have you worked for SGCH?                       What do you enjoy most about your work?

                                                        I have been with SGCH for two years, however I           I enjoy interacting with my team members and also
                                                        have worked in the Community Housing Sector for          achieving positive outcomes for our customers.
                                                        11 years.                                                I love working in Bonnyrigg as it has a real sense of
                                                                                                                 community spirit.
                                                        What work are you involved in at
                                                        Newleaf Bonnyrigg?                                       What do you like to do in your spare time
           BREE                                         All aspects of tenancy management. I also enjoy
                                                                                                                 (away from work)?

                                                        working with the community and place team with           Away from work, I enjoy spending time with my
Meet our staff                                          events for our customers. Over the last few months,
                                                        I have had the opportunity to be involved with the
                                                                                                                 fiancé and our puppies, as well as my family and
This quarter, we would like you to meet                 Bonnyrigg Redevelopment (stages 6 and 7), which I
Bree who is one of our tenancy managers.                have found interesting.

Newleaf a hub                                           flowers, make beautiful floral arrangements for
                                                        special occasions and where to buy floristry supplies.
                                                                                                                 physie performances, competitions and prizes and
                                                                                                                 visits by the Sydney Storm mascots and NSW Swifts

of activity                                             Most participants surprised themselves by doing
                                                        something they didn’t think they could do and felt
                                                                                                                 netballer, Abbey McCulloch.

                                                                                                                 “This is the first time SGCH has been involved in the
                                                        the program helped them connect to others in
                                                                                                                 School Holiday Fun Day Extravaganza. We know that
The Newleaf Communities team has                        their community.
                                                                                                                 school holiday activities can be a big expense for
been busy running a range of activities for                                                                      families, so we were pleased to partner with Mission
Bonnyrigg residents and getting out and                                                                          Australia Housing and Evolve Housing to provide
about in the community. We have loved                                                                            a free community event. It was a great day for
seeing so many residents get involved!                                                                           everyone,” said CEO of SGCH Group, Scott Langford.

                                                                                                                 BONNYRIGG KIDS GET THEIR GROOVE ON!
                                                                                                                 Two members of our Bonnyrigg Youth Council,
R U Ok? Day reminded people to ask family,                                                                       Jasmina and Mandy have started a dance group
friends and colleagues the question, “R U Ok?”, in                                                               for primary school aged children. Thirteen children
a meaningful way. This year, residents enjoyed the                                                               have been attending the Lil Lil Rigg Dance Group
                                                        COMPUTER BASICS
great outdoors with a picnic lunch and leisurely walk                                                            in the Newleaf Communities community room
through the beautiful waterfall and Chinese gardens     Congratulations to all who completed our 10 week         each Wednesday and have been hard at work
in the Nurragingy National Park.                        basic computer skills course. All participants were      learning a range of different dance styles. The group
                                                        enthusiastic and determined to learn the basics          will make their debut performance at our tenant
One resident said: “We really had a great time at
                                                        of operating a computer and using Microsoft              Christmas party.
the R U OK? Day picnic. It was great that everyone
                                                        Office. “The course not only taught me how to
could travel together and we enjoyed ourselves
                                                        use a computer, but it got me out of the house to
                                                        interact face to face with others of the Bonnyrigg
                                                        community,” said one participant. For another, it was
                                                        “a confidence boost to know that I am able to learn
                                                        new things that I didn’t know I could and makes me
                                                        want to learn so much more”.

                                                        All twelve students are eager to continue onto the
                                                        Advanced Computer Skills course, which will begin
                                                        next term!
                                                                                                                 SUPPORTING THE LOCAL COMMUNITY
                                                        SCHOOL HOLIDAY FUN
RAISING AWARENESS OF BREAST CANCER                      DAY EXTRAVAGANZA                                         The Newleaf team supported a network of local
                                                                                                                 child and family services to host celebrations for
Bonnyrigg residents and staff joined together on        Over 600 people attended the free School                 National Children’s Week in October. The event
25 October to raise awareness of breast cancer by       Holiday Fun Day Extravaganza at Blacktown                included art and craft workshops, live children’s
hosting a Pink Ribbon Morning Tea. Thank you to         International Sports Park on 4 October. The event        shows, face painting and a range of information and
everyone who wore pink, brought a plate of food to      aimed to strengthen the community by engaging            activity stalls.
share and donated a gold coin. We raised $433.75!       and connecting families living in local social
The morning was filled with friendly conversation,      housing properties.                                      We also attended the Police and Community
activities and great giveaways. Congratulations to                                                               Open Day which is held each year to showcase
Amal who received the best dressed prize with her       To encourage children and young people to                the different units from within the NSW Police
bright pink top and gorgeous pink floral head scarf!    participate in active and healthy lifestyle choices      Force including: Police Helicopter, Mounted Police,
                                                        and sporting activities, the day included a range        Dog Squad, Riot Police, High Way Patrol, Tactical
BUDDING FLORISTS                                        of free activities including rock climbing, soft ball,   Operations Unit and more. The event was a great
                                                        mini golf, ‘Obstacool’ courses, jumping castles,         opportunity for local residents to interact with police
Seventeen residents took part in our six week           cheerleading workshops, hip hop demonstrations,          and see the work they do each day.
floristry course where they learnt how to identify
different flowers, use floristry tools safely, store

4 | Issue 10 Spring 2017   1300 137 265 |
Bonnyrigg youth inspired - Newleaf Communities
To RSVP or express an interest in any of the programs, events or activities below, or to ask a question, please contact Jessica
Fakhoury on 1300 137 265 or For more information about dates, times and locations, please also
see the calendar on page 6.

                                                      JOIN US FOR THE BONNYRIGG ESTATE
                                                      CHRISTMAS PARTY
                                                      Bonnyrigg Youth Council is again working with local
                                                      service providers to host this year’s annual Estate
                                                      Christmas Party on Saturday 16 December 2017 from
                                                      10 am – 1pm in Bunker Park. This is a free event for
                                                      everyone in the local community to come together
                                                      and is proudly sponsored by Fairfield City Council.
                                                      There will be sporting activities, jumping castles and a
                                                      special guest appearance by Santa.
                                                                                                                  ATTENTION KIDS
  LIGHT UP BONNYRIGG                                                                                              DO YOU WANT TO HAVE
                                                      AFTER SCHOOL VOLLEYBALL
  Newleaf Communities invites all residents           AND BASKETBALL                                              BREAKFAST WITH SANTA?
  to again get involved in the Light Up                                                                           We are running an art competition for all
                                                      If you are a high school student looking for
  Bonnyrigg competition.                                                                                          Bonnyrigg residents aged from 4 to 10 years old.
                                                      something to do after school and want to stay
  Hang up some tinsel, put a Christmas tree in        active, then join us for a friendly game of volleyball      The winner of the competition will get to have
  your front window, play Christmas carols or         on Tuesday afternoons (during school terms) from            breakfast with Santa!
  hang lights.                                        3pm in the Bonnyrigg High School gym. PCYC is               To enter, create a picture of yourself and what
                                                      also running basketball every Wednesday (during             you would like to get for Christmas. You can
  The 2017 judging categories are:
                                                      school terms) at 4pm in Bunker Park.                        make the picture any way you like – with
  • best overall residential display
                                                                                                                  pencils, paint, craft materials, a computer or
  • best window display                               CHRISTMAS FOOD DRIVE                                        anything else.
  Only properties in the Bonnyrigg area are           St Vincent de Paul Mount Pritchard provides food            Please submit your entries to Jessica, by Monday
  eligible to enter and entry is free. Please         and social health and wellbeing services to those           27 November 2017. You can scan and email your
  contact us for a registration form. We must         who need it most. Please support this charity               entry or drop it into our office.
  receive your completed form by 5pm on               by donating food to those who are homeless or
  Tuesday 19 December.                                struggling financially.
                                                                                                                 HAVE YOU GOT A GOLDEN TICKET?
  Our special guest judges will visit on Tuesday      Types of food products we request are:
  19 December 2017, so turn on your lights            • products with a long shelf life                          We have randomly hidden a golden ticket in three
  from 7pm to 11pm and help make Bonnyrigg                                                                       copies of this edition of the Bonnyrigg Community
                                                      • rice or pasta
  shine. We will contact the winners and                                                                         Newsletter. If you are lucky enough to find a
                                                      • food that is filling and nutritious – cans of stew,
  present them with a $100 gift card.                                                                            golden ticket, then congratulations, you have won
                                                        tuna, salmon, soup, baked beans, spaghetti
                                                                                                                 a maximum of four cinema tickets (2 x adults and
                                                        (please ensure food is in ring pull cans so they
                                                                                                                 2 x children) for use at Event Cinemas within the
                                                        are easy for someone who is homeless to open).
TENANT CHRISTMAS PARTY                                                                                           next 12 months.
                                                      Please drop off your food donations to the
SGCH invites all our tenants to your yearly                                                                      To receive your cinema tickets, please
                                                      Newleaf Communities office on or before Friday
Christmas Party on Wednesday 6 December 2017                                                                     contact Sally Anderson on 9001 4434 or
                                                      22 December 2017.                                 with the number
from 11am to 2pm at Revesby Worker’s Club,
2B Brett Street Revesby.                                                                                         of your golden ticket and how many tickets you
                                                                                                                 would like. You can choose whether you would like
There will be entertainment, music and plenty of                                                                 to collect your tickets or have them posted to you.
                                                         PET PHOTO
fun activities. Come dressed in your best Christmas
                                                         COMPETITION                                             If you share a photo of yourself with your golden
outfit to enter our ‘Best Dressed’ competition.
                                                         WINNER                                                  ticket on any of our social media channels
Please bring a ‘Secret Santa’ present to the value
of $10 suitable for a man or woman.                      Congratulations to                                      (Facebook, Twitter or Instagram), you will also win
                                                         Jodie who won our                                       a small popcorn and drink combo pack to enjoy
This is a free event and we will provide lunch and                                                               during your cinema trip.
                                                         pet photo competition with a
refreshments. Please RSVP by 29 November
                                                         photo of her dog Hennessy.                              Please note: we've included a sample picture
2017 to Jessica.
                                                         Jodie received a $50 gift card!                         of the Golden Ticket below so you know what
                                                                                                                 you're looking for – the winning tickets will be
MOVIE UNDER THE STARS                                    “Hennessy is a great family dog who we love
                                                                                                                 large loose leaflets hidden between the pages.
                                                         so much, and the kids too! He has a great
Bonnyrigg Youth Council and Newleaf
                                                         personality and we always have a good laugh at

Communities are pleased to present Movie

                                                         him when he is at Puppy Play. He always puts a
Under the Stars. The night will take place in the
                                                         smile on our faces every time we see him”.
                                                                                                                          LE T IC
new Bunker Park on Friday 2 February at 7pm
and is sponsored by Fairfield City Council and           Thank you to everyone else who entered
                                                                                                                     SAM P
UrbanGrowth NSW. Bring your picnic chairs and            the competition.
blankets and come along. | 1300 137 265   Issue 10 Spring 2017 | 5
Bonnyrigg youth inspired - Newleaf Communities
What's on this season                                                                                                Cut this page and put it on your fridge

 ONGOING                                                                        DECEMBER
   S     M    T    W      T     F    S     Every Wednesday*                       S      M    T       W    T    F       S   9	Christmas at the Museum
                          1     2    3     Zumba at Bonnyrigg Community                                         1       2       -Fairfield City Museum and
   4     5    6     7     8     9    10    Centre, 28 Bonnyrigg Ave               3      4    5       6    7    8       9       Gallery, 634 The Horsley Drive
  11     12   13   14    15     16   17    10am – 11am                           10      11   12      13   14   15     16       Smithfield 6pm – 8pm
  18     19   20   21    22     23   24
                                           Every Wednesday*                      17     18    19      20   21   22     23   15	Term 4 ends
  25     26   27   28    29     30                                               24     25    26      27   28   29     30
                                           Basketball run by PCYC in                                                        16	Bonnyrigg Estate
 Every Monday and                          Bunker Park 4pm – 5.30pm              31
                                                                                                                                Christmas Party at Bunker
 Wednesday*                                Every Thursday*                      6	Tenant Christmas Party at                    Park 10am – 1pm
 Bonnyrigg Men’s Shed at                                                              Revesby Worker’s Club
                                           Breakfast Club at Bonnyrigg Public                                               21	Newleaf office closes at 12pm
 22 Hebblewhite Place Bonnyrigg                                                       11am – 2pm
                                           School 8.30am – 9am
 8am – 1pm
                                                                                9	Christmas cookie decorating              22	Newleaf office closes at 3pm
                                           Every Thursday
 Every Tuesday*                                                                       workshop at Fairfield City            25	Christmas Day – Newleaf
                                           Zumba at Bonnyrigg Community
 Volleyball in the Bonnyrigg High                                                     Museum and Gallery – 634                  office closed
                                           Centre, 28 Bonnyrigg Ave
 School gym 3pm – 4pm                                                                 The Horsley Drive Smithfield
                                           7.15 pm – 8.15pm                                                                 26	Boxing Day – Newleaf
                                                                                      (for ages 14 and up)
 Every Tuesday*                            Every Thursday                                                                       office closed
                                                                                      11.30am – 3.30pm
 Homework Centre at Bonnyrigg
                                           Free guitar lessons at Bonnyrigg
 Library, Bonnyrigg Avenue,
                                           Library for children aged 12 and
 Bonnyrigg 4pm – 7pm
                                           over 4pm – 5pm
 Every Tuesday                                                                  JANUARY
                                           Every Thursday
 Youth Off the Streets Outreach
                                           Learn the art of oil painting at
                                                                                  S      M    T       W    T    F      S    8-19 Free January School
 at Bonnyrigg Skate Park, corner of                                                      1    2       3    4    5      6    	Holiday Entertainment
                                           Bonnyrigg Library 11am – 1pm
 Smithfield Road and Elizabeth Drive                                              7      8    9       10   11   12     13      at Bonnyrigg Plaza
 4pm – 8pm                                 First Thursday of                     14     15    16      17   18   19     20      For full details, check
                                           the month
 Every Tuesday*                                                                  21     22    23      24   25   26     27      Facebook or visit
                                           Coffee and colouring at Bonnyrigg     28     29    30      31             
 Newleaf Walking Group, meet
                                           Library. Colouring materials and
 at Tarlington Reserve. All ages
                                           morning tea provided 10am – 11am     1	
                                                                                  New Year’s Day – Newleaf                  26	Australia Day – Newleaf
 welcome 9.30am – 10.30am                                                             office closed                             office closed
                                           Every Friday*
 Every Tuesday                                                                  1	Illuminate at Calmsley Hill              28	Bonnyrigg Youth Council
                                           Yoga at Bonnyrigg Community
 Free guitar lessons at Bonnyrigg                                                     City Farm 4.30pm – 9.30pm.                meeting at the Newleaf office
                                           Centre, Bonnyrigg Ave
 Library for children aged 12 and                                                     Firework displays across                  4pm – 6pm
                                           9.30am – 10.30am
 over 6pm – 7pm                                                                       Fairfield City at 9pm
                                           *During school terms                                                             29	School goes back this week
 Every Wednesday                                                                                                                – term 1
 FoodCare at Bonnyrigg Youth
 Centre 10am – 12pm

 NOVEMBER                                                                         S      M    T       W    T    F      S    2	
                                                                                                                              Movie Under the Stars Event at
                                                                                                           1    2      3        Bunker Park­  7pm
   S     M    T    W      T     F    S     23 Nov – 24 Dec                        4      5    6       7    8    9      10
                    1     2     3    4     	 Santa Photography at               11      12   13      14   15   16     17
   5     6     7    8     9     10   11         Bonnyrigg Plaza                  18      19   20      21   22   23     24
  12     13   14   15    16     17   18         Check facebook or visit          25     26    27      28
  19     20   21   22    23     24   25
  26     27   28   29    30                24	Khmer Tenant Group at the
 20	Tickets to Fairfield City Council’s        Newleaf office 10am – 1pm
       Illuminate! New Year’s Eve          24	Bonnyrigg Youth Council
       event go on sale                         meeting at the Newleaf
       For more information visit               office 4pm – 6pm
       au/illuminate                       25	Launch of Fairfield on Film
                                                Exhibition at Fairfield City
 22	Vietnamese Tenant Group at the             Museum and Gallery,
       Newleaf office 10am – 1pm                634 The Horsley Drive
 23	Santa arrives at Bonnyrigg                 Smithfield 2pm
       Plaza during the grand
       parade 4pm – 7pm

6 | Issue 10 Spring 2017   1300 137 265 |
Bonnyrigg youth inspired - Newleaf Communities
Meet one of us
 FAIRFIELD CITY MUSEUM AND GALLERY                      Fairfield City Museum and Gallery is at
                                                        634 The Horsley Drive Smithfield and is open
 FAIRFIELD ON FILM – EXHIBITION                         from 10am to 4pm, Tuesday to Saturday.
                                                        Entry is free. For more information visit
 Nostalgic for the old films of yesteryear
 or keen to see what the latest talents are
                                                        or call 9725 0190.
 live-streaming? Fairfield on Film has something
 for everyone!

 Exploring early picture palaces and theatres:
 a popular pastime for entertainment, and                                                                            EMMA
 contrasting with the modern film sector,
 Fairfield on Film spotlights Fairfield’s broad                                                           This quarter, we would like you to meet
 ranging talents and shines a light on the other                                                          Emma Catt who is the Centre Director of
 side of the industry. Featuring short films                                                              Bonnyrigg Early Learning Centre (ELC).
 by artists such as Maria Tran, Roxie Vuong,
 Thuy Nguyen and Ali Mousawi, the exhibition                                                              How long have you worked in the Bonnyrigg area
 launches on Saturday 25 November at 2pm and                                                              and what changes have you seen in Bonnyrigg?
 runs until 31 March 2018.
                                                                                                          I have worked in Bonnyrigg for over 12 months
                                                                                                          at two completely different services. One being
                                                                                                          a mobile preschool and the other, Bonnyrigg ELC
                                                                                                          which has been an amazing experience. I have seen
                                                                                                          the cultural groups in the local area grow within the
                                                        BONNYRIGG PLAZA                                   last 12 months as well as structural changes to the
                                                                                                          area. It has been a complete transformation and I am
                                                        SANTA’S ARRIVAL                                   so proud to work in such a beautiful area filled with
                                                                                                          incredible people.
                                                        Santa arrives at Bonnyrigg Plaza on Thursday
                                                        23 November in a grand parade. Peppa Pig will     What is your favourite place in Bonnyrigg
                                                        be there to meet and greet customers, along       and why?
                                                        with Rudolph, the Gingerbread Man, Christmas      Bonnyrigg ELC! We have a beautiful team of
                                                        elves and many more Christmas characters!         educators, all fully qualified with a love for education
                                                        Following the parade, customers will be           and care. We offer children a chance to delve into
 Join us on Saturday 9 December from                    entertained by a special live Christmas show      their imagination and come and play at our Centre,
 6pm to 8pm for our annual evening of                   and children can enjoy free face painting. Join   creating magical play spaces that are individual
 holiday festivities!                                   the fun from 4pm – 7pm.                           to their interests and needs. The bonds we create
                                                                                                          with our families are very strong and we are all one
 Bring your picnic rugs, snacks and festive outfits
                                                                                                          big family.
 and relax at our annual family event.
                                                                                                          What would you like the community to know
 Sing-along to your favourite Christmas carols,                                                           about your service?
 get creative with Christmas-inspired craft,
                                                                                                          Bonnyrigg ELC is a multipurpose service built to
 enjoy face-painting and a very special visitor all
                                                                                                          house 42 children a day. We have a preschool room
 the way from the North Pole!
                                                                                                          that operates from 9.00am – 3.30pm and a long
                                                                                                          day care room that operates from 7.30am – 5.30pm,
                                                                                                          Monday to Friday, 48 weeks of the year.
                                                                                                          If you hold a concession card from Centrelink and
 Join cookie-connoisseur, Kathie Raco to learn                                                            your child is aged between 3-5 years, you may be
 how to decorate cookies with royal icing using                                                           eligible for the $10 a day preschool fee. This is an
 different techniques, patterns and designs. By                                                           incentive that council has put forward for those
 the end of the class you will create a delicious                                                         families who are interested in putting their children
 and creative ‘stand-up’ Christmas tree cookie          CHARITY GIFT WRAP                                 into a preschool program.
 design to act as a centre piece for gatherings,        Have your Christmas gifts beautifully wrapped     We are taking enrolments for 2018 now and would
 give away as a festive treat or keep all               for a gold coin donation per gift. All proceeds   love for all families within the community to take
 for yourself!                                          will be donated to Just Care, helping the         a look. We are always free to talk so come down
 The workshop will run on Saturday 9 December           disadvantaged people of our community.            any time.
 from 11.30am to 3.30pm. The cost is $40 and            Open from Wednesday 20 December to                What achievements are you most proud of?
 includes a light lunch, all materials, plus a recipe   Christmas Eve.                                    I am a mother to a beautiful two year old girl and am
 for vanilla base cookies and royal icing to take
                                                                                                          pregnant with a little boy due in January 2018. I have
 home. Please note this workshop is for ages                                                              just finished building my first home with my partner
 14 and up.                                                                                               all while working full time, and attending university
                                                                                                          full time to complete a double degree in education
                                                                                                          and teaching. It has been a crazy two years but I am
                                                                                                          proud of every moment! | 1300 137 265   Issue 10 Spring 2017 | 7
Bonnyrigg youth inspired - Newleaf Communities

     UrbanGrowth NSW have now                                 In August, UrbanGrowth NSW in partnership with           the park for the first time. UrbanGrowth NSW
     completed infrastructure works                           the Land and Housing Corporation and SGCH,               handed out over 300 handballs and basketballs
                                                              held two great events to open the new Bunker             and have seen the new sports courts in use ever
     on stages 4 and 5 with house
                                                              Park. On Friday 25 August, Mayor of Fairfield City,      since. Thank you to everyone who helped or came
     construction underway.                                   Frank Carbone, officially opened the park with           along to the events to make them so successful.
                                                              the help of Bonnyrigg Youth Council. Children            Please continue to enjoy the park.
     They have submitted a Development Application            from Bonnyrigg High School, shot the first hoops
     for stages 6a and 7 to Fairfield City Council for the                                                             To maximise opportunities for play, UrbanGrowth
                                                              on the new basketball court. In a more formal
     construction of 161 homes. Further details can be                                                                 NSW has also repaired the existing basketball
                                                              ceremony, Abbey-Jane Bergan from Bonnyrigg
     found at For                                                                          court off Tarlington Parade with new line
                                                              High School provided an Acknowledgment of
     your safety and convenience, please continue to                                                                   markings, nets and backboards. We hope that
                                                              Country with entertainment then provided by the
     take note of the signs and safety fencing around                                                                  many young people will enjoy using the courts as
                                                              Bonnyrigg Public School dance group. On Sunday
     the construction areas. Access to the new roads is                                                                the weather warms up.
                                                              27 August, more than 800 residents got to enjoy
     restricted to construction traffic only.

SHARE THE DIGNITY                                            GREEN WASTE VOUCHERS                                        If you are having problems paying your rent, or if
                                                                                                                         you find yourself in debt, please contact our Income
In Australia, many homeless women face                       Fairfield City Council has kindly offered all residents
                                                                                                                         Management Team who is committed to helping
unthinkable indignities during their monthly period.         one free voucher to dispose of green waste, which
                                                                                                                         you if you feel overwhelmed with rent and arrears
For these vulnerable and at-risk women, each                 is now available for you to collect from the Newleaf
                                                                                                                         or any other issues. The team can also help put
month brings a shameful and traumatic experience,            Communities Office and can be used anytime
                                                                                                                         you in touch with our Support Coordination team
having to conduct self-hygiene practices in public           throughout the year.
                                                                                                                         or external support services if you need additional
toilets and use paper towels or newspaper to create
                                                             This is an opportunity for you to clean up your yard        support. To contact either our Income Management
makeshift sanitary pads.
                                                             by trimming your tree branches and tidying up your          Team or our Support Coordination team, please call
With the knowledge that many Australian women are            garden beds.                                                the SGCH office on 1300 137 265.
deprived of basic hygiene during menstruation, SGCH
staff and tenants worked together to help ‘share the         SUPPORT FOR THE FESTIVE SEASON                              CHRISTMAS OPENING HOURS
dignity’ that many of us take for granted. Our aim was
                                                             The festive season is almost here, and although             Over the festive season, our Bonnyrigg office
to gather as many pads, tampons, wet wipes and other
                                                             for many it’s a time of joy, for others it can be           will remain open between Christmas and New
sanitary items as possible so all Australian women can
                                                             a distressing or challenging time of year. SGCH             Year, excluding public holidays. On Thursday 21
manage their period with dignity.
                                                             understands that Christmas can be a particularly            December, the office will close at 12pm and on
We collected 58 packets of sanitary items for the            difficult period for many of our tenants in terms of        Friday 22 December, the office will close at 3pm.
‘Share the dignity’ drive. A big thank you to all who        managing their finances. However, it is vital that
donated to this very worthwhile cause.                       all residents continue to pay rent on time during
                                                             this period.

   At SGCH, our aim is to ensure that you receive excellent customer service and genuine care from us. We have a Customer Feedback Coordinator, Sonia Wilkinson who can
   be contacted on 9001 4360 if you have any feedback or concerns about our service delivery. Our Repairs and Maintenance Team Leader, Natalie Allen can also work with
   tenants to resolve specific maintenance issues. You can contact Natalie on 9001 4478. If you would like to suggest an improvement or feel we have not met the service
   standards outlined in our Customer Service Charter, please let us know. You can also email

8 | Issue 10 Spring 2017   1300 137 265 |
Bonnyrigg youth inspired - Newleaf Communities Bonnyrigg youth inspired - Newleaf Communities
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