Clint Capela Advice for First-Time Home Buyers Wedding Savings Tips Things to do This Summer Streaming Wars - Georgia's Own Credit Union

Clint Capela Advice for First-Time Home Buyers Wedding Savings Tips Things to do This Summer Streaming Wars - Georgia's Own Credit Union


Clint Capela
 Also Inside:
 Advice for First-Time
 Home Buyers
 Wedding Savings Tips
 Things to do This Summer
 Streaming Wars

                            GE O RGI ASO W N . O RG/ B LO G   SUMMER 2021   1
Clint Capela Advice for First-Time Home Buyers Wedding Savings Tips Things to do This Summer Streaming Wars - Georgia's Own Credit Union

                                    IN THIS ISSUE
                                     03 From the Editor
                                            Notes from our editor, Brianne Heape

We always want to hear from
you! Tell us what you like, what
you don’t like, or what topic you
                                     04 Believe
                                            Interview with Atlanta Hawk, Clint Capela

want to see us cover. Send your
comments and questions to
                                        Streaming Wars
and we’ll see what we can do!               A breakdown of services replacing cable

Want to know more about
                                     09 Wedding Savings Tips
                                            8 ways to save when planning your big day

                                     11 Things to do This Summer
what’s going on with
Georgia’s Own or Ne[x]t? Like
us on Facebook (               Summer activities in the Atlanta area
georgiasown) and follow us on

Twitter (@georgiasown) and
Instagram (@georgiasowncu)!             From the Cover
You can also visit the blog at              Connect with Clint Capela to find

                                     14 Advice for Home Buyers
money-related articles and tips.
We want you to be a part of the
conversation, so let us know
what you’re thinking!                       What we wish we had known
Clint Capela Advice for First-Time Home Buyers Wedding Savings Tips Things to do This Summer Streaming Wars - Georgia's Own Credit Union

Highlight of 2021 (so far!), interviewing     find adventure. There is so much to do this
Atlanta Hawk, Clint Capela for this issue     summer in the Atlanta and South Georgia
of the Ne{x}t Magazine. We conducted          area. I’ve personally added blueberry
the interview as the Hawks prepared for       picking to my summer bucket list. How
the Eastern Conference Finals, which only     about you? Plans to shoot the hooch? Add
added to my excitement. He’s the real deal    that to my must-do list too!
– and we believe the Hawks team will be
bringing the heat in the 2021-22 season.      Major life changes, like choosing a career
Flip the page to find out more about this     path, buying a home or planning a wedding,
all-star, where he enjoys spending his free   can be stressful and costly. We asked some
time around town, and the advice he has for   of Georgia’s Own to share what they wish
young athletes.                               they had known before purchasing a home.
                                              We took the answers and now have Advice
Are streaming services replacing cable?       for First-Time Home Buyers. It’s good!
It seems like Streaming Wars and with so      Planning a wedding soon? We’ve compiled
many options, choosing what's right for you   a list of tips to saving while planning your
can feel overwhelming. Fear not, we’ve        big day. You’ll want to visit
got the breakdown of the classic and new for more Wedding
streaming services.                           Savings Tips.

Instead of sitting around streaming, I'm
going to challenge you to get outdoors and

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                                                                                       R G /B LO G
                                                                                            BLO      SUMMER
                                                                                                     SUMMER 2021
                                                                                                            2021   3
Clint Capela Advice for First-Time Home Buyers Wedding Savings Tips Things to do This Summer Streaming Wars - Georgia's Own Credit Union
        with Atlanta Hawk,
        Clint Capela

4   NE[X ]T MAG A Z I N E   SUMMER 2021
Clint Capela Advice for First-Time Home Buyers Wedding Savings Tips Things to do This Summer Streaming Wars - Georgia's Own Credit Union
Our very own Atlanta Hawks went all the way to the Eastern Conference Finals. While the 2020-21 season
ends there, this A-team of athletes has Atlanta believing the best is yet to come. Atlanta's strong playoff
games have made Bogdan, Capela, Collins, Reddish and Young household names across Georgia. Which is
why I was so pumped to talk with Atlanta Hawk center, Clint Capela.

                                                             GE O RGI ASO W N . O RG/ B LO G   SUMMER 2021    5
Clint Capela Advice for First-Time Home Buyers Wedding Savings Tips Things to do This Summer Streaming Wars - Georgia's Own Credit Union
    LIFE OF CLINT CAPELA?                                 THIS HAWKS TEAM TO YOUR
    I like to get up, go get tested and practice starts   TEAM IN HOUSTON?
    in the morning. Shoot around, watch films, get
    some body treatments before noon. Afternoon I         In Houston, it was always championship year -
    go back home, take a nap and get ready for the        all-go every year. The fans expected it. The team
    game. I get back to the arena around 5 pm. I get      expected it. That is the difference. I feel like here
    warmed up in the arena about an hour and half         we still have room to grow.
    before the game. Then I go back to the lockers,
    where I get some more body treatments. And
    then it’s game time!
                                                          HOW DID YOU FEEL WHENEVER
                                                          YOU ACHIEVED YOUR FIRST
    AT WHAT POINT DID YOU KNOW                            CAREER TRIPLE-DOUBLE?
    YOU WANTED TO PLAY BALL                               I was really excited. I knew that it was pretty rare
                                                          and I knew that I had a chance to do it. Yea, I was
    PROFESSIONALLY?                                       just excited and all of my teammates were excited
                                                          for me. And from the bench, whenever I had my
    After high school. I graduated high school in
                                                          10th block – it was a really special night. I kept
    France. I signed a pro contract right after high
                                                          the ball at my house. It’s something dear I will
    school. I went to a first division team in France,
                                                          always keep with me and hopefully I will be able
    so I was 18 years old. Pretty late, I would say 13.
                                                          to recreate it. Even if it’s not easy to do.
    That’s when I started basketball and saw I may
    have a chance to make it to the pros.
                                                          BEST PART OF THE 2020-21
    WHO INSPIRED YOU TO PURSUE                            SEASON?
    YOUR DREAMS?                                          I think that we’re getting wins in a row. And just
                                                          that people weren’t expecting us to go that far
    Always my mom. Because of the way she raised
                                                          or to be that good. That’s really the exciting part
    me and my brothers. She’s always been the adult
                                                          about this season.
    I’ve looked up to since I was a kid.

    WHO WAS YOUR ATHLETIC ROLE                            WHERE DO YOU CALL HOME?
    MODEL OR ENCOURAGED YOU?                              I call home Switzerland. That’s where I grew
                                                          up. That’s where my family is – my brothers, my
                                                          nephews, my mom, all the people I grew up with
    My brother. We were always playing on the
                                                          my first 15 years. Geneva, Switzerland is home. I
    weekends. His games were on the weekends and
                                                          was born in Europe but my parents are African,
    I was always going with him to watch his games.
                                                          from Congo, Africa.
    Since I started, he’s always been the one behind
    me playing basketball.

6      NE[X ]T MAG A Z I N E   SUMMER 2021
Clint Capela Advice for First-Time Home Buyers Wedding Savings Tips Things to do This Summer Streaming Wars - Georgia's Own Credit Union
I really like the Piedmont Park. I go there a lot and
ride scooters. And I really like to go walk there, I
do that a lot. I like this place called Park Tavern.
It’s pretty cool and I like the people there.

Every summer I go back. I miss my mom and my
 family back home. Having my mom with me, the
  dishes and food that she makes, my nephews
   and the fun I have with them.

 My mama, she makes this African meal – it’s
 rice with beans. She makes this sauce with
  the beans that’s just a little bit spicy. It’s called
   madesu in Congo. She has her way of doing it
    and I miss that meal a lot.

      I like to try new stuff and new restaurants.
       I like to try new sushi a lot and French
        restaurants. Whenever I go to a new
         restaurant, I like to order the best food
          they have so I always ask for the chef’s
           recommendation. I feel like this is how
            you get the best at every restaurant.

Just like I was [given]. Believe in yourself, work
hard and get ready for the next opportunity.
                                         best streaming services to replace cable
    By Ashley Byrd, Marketing Specialist                            NEW STREAMING SERVICES
                                                                    PARAMOUNT+, formerly CBS All Access, offers streaming
    The rush of new streaming services has many of us               of more than 10,000 episodes of your favorite CBS shows,
    wandering around in a state of confusion. They’re trying        classic hits, and exclusive original series. Viewers can also
    to win viewership, and we’re stuck in the middle. Don’t         watch live sports, shows, and news at home or on the go
    worry–we’ve got your back. Here’s a breakdown of the best       via their local CBS station, CBSN, CBS Sports HQ, and
    streaming services to replace cable:                            ET Live. Streaming devices include Roku, Apple TV, Fire
                                                                    TV, Chromecast, Android TV, PlayStation 4, Xbox One,
                                                                    and Samsung Smart TV. Paramount+ offers a Limited
    NETFLIX offers a wide variety of commercial-free, award-
                                                                    Commercials Plan for $5.99 per month and a Commercial-
    winning TV shows, movies, and documentaries you can
                                                                    free plan for $9.99 per month. Opt for the annual plan, and
    watch whenever, wherever you want. They offer three
                                                                    you can save more than 15%, but take advantage of the free
    plans based on the number of devices that can stream
                                                                    7-day trial first.
    the service simultaneously. It’s available on smart TVs,
    PlayStation, Xbox, Chromecast, Apple TV, Blu-ray players,
                                                                    APPLE TV+ features Apple’s original ad-free and on-
    and more. You can even download your favorite shows and
                                                                    demand series and movies. Viewers will also find hit
    watch them on the go. The monthly cost is $12.99, but take
                                                                    movies and shows available for rent or purchase and access
    advantage of the 30-day free trial first.
                                                                    to other video subscriptions like Showtime, Starz, and
                                                                    HBO. Watch it on your favorite Apple devices, smart TVs,
    With HULU, you can view thousands of shows, movies,
                                                                    and AirPlay‑enabled TVs. You can also access it on the
    and Hulu originals with plans that start at $5.99 per month
                                                                    web at Most Apple TV+ series release three
    after a free 7-day trial. If you’re looking for more, you can
                                                                    episodes and then one new episode per week, so binge-
    bundle Hulu, Disney+, and ESPN+ for $12.99 per month.
                                                                    watchers take note. Apple TV+ doesn’t have a library of
    Hulu’s newest feature is live television sports, news, and
                                                                    licensed shows or movies and won’t release entire seasons
    entertainment. With access to their entire streaming
                                                                    of your favorite shows at once. After a 7-day free trial, the
    library, the package is $44.99 per month—nearly $175
                                                                    service costs $4.99 per month, and subscribers can divvy
    cheaper than the average cable package. You can stream
                                                                    up viewing privileges among six family members. Apple
    Hulu online and on iOS, Android, Roku, Fire TV & Fire
                                                                    also bundles Apple TV+ with its Apple Music student-
    Stick, Apple TV, Chromecast, Xbox, Samsung, LG, and
                                                                    discount plan at no extra cost. Viewers who purchase a
    Nintendo Switch.
                                                                    new Apple device qualify for a free 1-year subscription.
    AMAZON PRIME VIDEO is included in the Amazon Prime
                                                                    DISNEY+ launched its highly anticipated streaming service
    membership, which is $119 per year or $59 per year for
                                                                    in November 2019. Viewers can get the best of Disney,
    students. It allows viewers to stream thousands of movies
                                                                    Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars, and National Geographic all in
    and TV shows, including exclusive Amazon Originals.
                                                                    one place—and it’s always ad-free. The entire family can
    Without a Prime membership, Prime Video can be
                                                                    watch new releases, classics, and exclusive originals on
    accessed with a standalone membership at a monthly rate
                                                                    the go or at home on up to four different devices at one
    of $8.99. Viewers also have the option to rent or buy select
                                                                    time. After a 7-day free trial, you can stream for $6.99 per
    movies and TV episodes. They can even bundle more than
                                                                    month. Want more? You can bundle Disney+ with Hulu
    100 premium channels like HBO, SHOWTIME, MLB.
                                                                    and ESPN+ for just $12.99 per month.
    TV and STARZ for an additional cost of $4.99-$14.99
    per month. Some Prime Video subscriptions include the
                                                                    HBO MAX is a newer streaming platform that bundles
    Watch Live feature, which allows viewers to live-stream
                                                                    HBO with classic shows, documentaries, specials, and
    programming. You can stream on the Prime Video app,
                                                                    blockbuster movies, acquired series and movies, like
    a compatible Fire TV, smart TV, streaming media player,
                                                                    Friends, plus an exclusive collection of new programming
    game console, mobile phone, or tablet.
                                                                    under Max Originals. HBO Max is $14.99 per month.
                                                                    Viewers who currently subscribe to HBO NOW through
                                                           and are billed through HBO or subscribe
                                                                    to AT&T TV or U-Verse TV have access to HBO Max at no
                                                                    additional cost.

8      NE[X ]T MAG A Z I N E   SUMMER 2021
Wedding Savings Tips
  Wedding season is here, and for those couples on a budget, you may be wondering how to have a big
  day without spending in a big way. We have some tips on how you can create the perfect moment of
  matrimonial bliss without going over your budget (and maybe even while staying under it).

                         Consult the experts

                          Talk to your friends

                                        Look ahead

           Choose a less popular date

                            Location, location

   Don't use so many fresh flowers


                             Skip the limo ride

There are so many ways to make a wedding great without
breaking the bank, so put on your thinking hat and look for
creative ways to stay within your financial needs. Make a budget,
decide which priorities are the highest for your big day, and
plan to have an amazing, finances-friendly wedding that you
will remember for years to come. Visit for
more savings tips when planning your big day.

                                                                           GE O RGI ASO W N . O RG/ B LO G   SUMMER 2021   9
Invest in
      Yourself with
      Free Financial
      It’s your money, but do you really know what it can do—how to
      manage and grow it? One of the many benefits of being a member of
      Georgia’s Own Credit Union is that we have a variety of free resources
      to help you understand the ins and outs of personal finances. Topics
      include everything from money management to planning for the future.

      To view our complete selection of free, interactive learning
      videos, visit

10   NE[X ]T MAG A Z I N E   SUMMER 2021
                                                              in Atlanta and South Georgia
                                                                                                               By Ashley Byrd, Marketing Specialist

                                                                                        Six Flags White Water
                                                                                          Another popular summer activity, this water park is filled
                                                                                          with thrilling water slides, a massive wave pool, and
                                                                                          various kid-friendly attractions.

                                                                                       Alive in Roswell
                                                                                        A popular festival held on the third Thursday of every
                                                                                        month from 5-9pm includes live music, food trucks, and

Shoot the hooch
A quintessential summer activity for Atlantans - shoot
the hooch is a great way to keep cool during the hot,
southern summers, plus it’s cheap.

Art Stroll
Castleberry Hill hosts an art stroll every second Friday
of the month. You can partake in a free, self-guided tour
of art galleries and murals, plus have a bite at one of the
many local eateries.

Painted Pin                                                          Take a hike
The Painted Pin is an upscale, boutique bowling alley in
                                                                     The state of Georgia has plenty of hiking locations for all
a warehouse space that offers bites, bowling, and more
                                                                     levels with watering holes to cool off afterward. You can
from bocce and ping-pong to Skee-Ball and shuffleboard.
                                                                     hike, have an afternoon picnic, take a swim, rent kayaks,
                                                                     and more.

Visit a Farmer's Market                                             Blueberry Picking
Summertime means the opening of neighborhood                         Summer is blueberry season, and there are dozens of
farmers markets, and Atlanta and South Georgia have                  places throughout Atlanta and South Georgia that offer
plenty to choose from.                                               pick-your-own blueberries.

                                                                               GE O RGI ASO W N . O RG/ B LO G               SUMMER 2021               11
From the cover

     To young athletes,

                                 Twitter @capelaclint
                               Instagram @ccapela15

12   NE[X ]T MAG A Z I N E   SUMMER 2021
GE O RGI ASO W N . O RG/ B LO G   SUMMER 2021   13
    what we wish we had known before buying a house
                                                      for first-time
                                                      home buyers

You actually need more money than the cost of         Be available at all times to do whatever's
the house (earnest money, closing costs, etc.).       asked of you, and quickly! The process can be
I didn't think they were actually going to cash       stressful, so be prepared.
                                                                                                 - Eve Y.
the earnest money check.
                                          - Will M.

The most important thing about a home is not          I wish I had known I could add funds to our
how it looks. If the size, space and location will    loan for renovations. It would have been helpful
be right for you five or ten years down the road,     to know beforehand.
                                                                                               - Kaye E.
the rest can be fixed.
                                         - Laura S.

                                                      Look in all of the cabinets and closets. Not to
                                                      snoop out what they have, but to get a better
                                                      idea of the condition of the home.
                                                                                             - Rebecca M.

                                                      Purchase at a lower price than your budget
                                                      so you can get the repairs done your way.
                                                      Don't trust the sellers to get the repairs done
                                                      completely or the way you'd have them done.
                                                                                              - Cassie W.

                                                      Set up bi-weekly payments from the very
                                                      beginning! It'll help so much in the long run
                                                      and is not something anyone told us.
                                                                                              - Kristen H.

                                                      I wish someone had let us know how property
                                                      taxes can vary greatly by county!
                                                                                                - Abby C.
Be sure to look beyond just your mortgage
payment when considering whether you can
afford it. Houses will need repairs.
                                            - Kaitlyn R.

Have an emergency fund! Our septic tank
flooded not long after moving in. I wasn't
prepared for the headache or cost involved with
fixing it.
                                              - Andy C.

With a house comes maintenance and upkeep.
Budget for those extra expenses and stay on top
of routine upkeep to prevent major issues down
the road.
                                              - Becky B.

Get a home inspection during the due diligence
time frame and request the sellers fix anything
beforehand, especially anything major.
                                              - Alex Q.

There are lots of costs leading up to the
purchase. Be prepared for those extra costs and
                                             - Grace H.

       GE O RGI ASO W N . O RG/ B LO G   SPRING 2021       15
Connect with Georgia’s Own!

                | @georgiasown | | @georgiasowncu

16   NE[X ]T MAG A Z I N E   SUMMER 2021
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