Clementon School District 2022-23 Remote/Virtual Learning Plan Mrs. Kathleen Haines

Page created by Tracy Wheeler
Clementon School District

                  2022-23 Remote/Virtual Learning Plan
                          Mrs. Kathleen Haines

                            Submitted to the Board of Education for approval on Monday September 26, 2022

Clementon School District Board of Education Members:
Katie Anderson, President
Randall Freiling, Vice President
Danielle Aubry
Jordan Busch
Tiara Farmer
Gilbert Geary
Rebecca Holloway
Micheal Nichols
Christy Weaver
Guiding Consideration for the District Remote/Virtual Learning Plan
    •    Pivot to remote/virtual mode will be implemented during a district closure lasting more than three consecutive school days due to a
         declared state of emergency, declared public health emergency, or a directive by the appropriate health agency or officer to institute a
         public health-related closure. As a requirement of P.L.2020, c.27, this law and the plan provides for the continuity of instruction in
         the event of a public-health related district closure, in addition to COVID.
     • Remote/virtual learning will only be used when the district is unable to
             o Provide for the health and safety of students and staff to the greatest extent possible
             o Retain in-person instruction to the greatest extent possible in accordance with social distancing guidelines and requirements of
                 governing bodies such as NJ Dept. of Health, Camden County Dept. of Health, NJ Dept. of Education, NJ Statute, Executive
                 orders by the Governor of NJ
It should be noted that the guidance provided may be at odds with each other and other agency requirements (ex. NJMVC, Fire Safety, Office
of School Preparedness) and that the full plan is reviewed as needed based on the current situation and guidance. Due to the COVID-19
virus, the Pandemic situation is ever changing and highly fluid due to the constant flow of information and changing guidelines. Alterations in
the plan and information contained in this document are subject to change upon receipt of updated guidelines. The intent is to provide the
Clementon School District Board of Education and community with a current overview of the remote/virtual instructional plan in order to
assist all parties in planning appropriately for a smooth transition to this learning platform during the 2022-2023 school year.

This plan is based on based upon the current guidance and guidelines of the entities listed below and subject to change at their direction:
                       • Executive Orders of the Governor of New Jersey
                       • New Jersey Department of Education (DOE)
                       • Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
                       • American Academy of Pediatricians (AAP)
                       • New Jersey and Camden County Departments of Health
Additional guidance has been provided by:
        •   Parker McCay, for Legal Guidance
        •   New Jersey School Boards Association
        •   New Jersey Association of School Administrators

 District Administrators:

Kathleen Haines , Superintendent
 Jared Fudurich, Principal
 Meghan Gifford, Director of Special Services
 Donna Phillips, Business Administrator

District Administrators and the Learning Acceleration/ScIP Committee discussed the best practices previously used and improved upon for
the creation of this plan.

Learning Acceleration/ ScIP:
Kathleen Haines, Superintendent
Jared Fudurich, Principal
Meghan Gifford, Director of Special Services
Komlan Zitsou, Technology Director
Nancy McAlpin
Donna Barker
Kim Schultz
Kim English
Alexa Wright

       Relevant Board Policies

The Road Forward

             ●   P 1648.13
             ●   P1648.14
             ●   P2425
             ●   P1648.11

Virtual/Remote Instructional Model 2022-2023
                                   (this will only be used in extreme circumstances)

Weekly Teacher Contact - Full day schedules will be used for each Clementon Elementary School for student
virtual days. (Student Day is 8:50-3:00) Teaching staff will be a full 7 hour and 15 minute day at each school
allowing for teachers to reach out to learners, as needed, each day.

Teachers will be required to work from their classrooms in the building which they are assigned so that all
resources are available to them.

    ● Parents will be reminded to check their child’s Google Classrooms for schedules and daily assignments.
    ● Students will be reminded to check their Google Classrooms for schedules and daily assignments.
    ● How to videos and guidance documents will be posted on the district website to assist using various
      technology tools and platforms.
    ● Teachers will provide an email address for contact info for parents and students.
    ● All Clementon Elementary School employees are considered essential employees.

                                          Instructional Expectations

                                 Remote/ Virtual School Schedule- 2022-2023

The educational day must equal 4 hours not including lunch and recess. School hours will be those used
for full day hours, as per the Board adopted school calendar for 2022-2023.
Special classes may be in addition to these.

General Education and Special Education Teachers (preschool-8th grade):
Teacher schedule/agenda Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday:
   ● Mornings- follow the school schedule for in-person lessons
   ● Afternoons or Evenings (time is flexible as long as it adds to 1 hr and 20 minutes and is convenient for
      your students)- choose remote learning tasks listed below to complete
   ● Attend team, RTI, department or other district required meetings- as scheduled by administrators

Daily remote learning tasks to choose from:
   ● Check in with students via Google Meet, Google Classroom, or email daily
   ● Create new lessons- update Google Classroom at least weekly
   ● Create videos or Screencasts- update Google Classroom accordingly
   ● Google Meet with small groups for intervention, reteach, or enrichment
   ● Be available for “office hours” for parents and students to get emails in real time
   ● Pre and post assessments to ensure student understand of the standards

Teacher Weekly To Do Checklist:
   ● Did I “see” (in Google Meet) all of my students at least 3 times this week?
   ● Did I answer all student questions via email or Google Meet?
   ● Did I provide written feedback in Google Classroom or OnCourse?
   ● Did I reply to parent questions via email or phone call?
Instructional Assistants
IA schedule/agenda Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday:
   ● Mornings- follow the school schedule for in-person lessons
   ● Afternoons or Evenings (time is flexible as long as it adds to 1 hour and is convenient for your
       students)- assist your assigned students with completing their remote tasks via Google Meet or Google
       Classroom as assigned by the teacher you are working with
   ● Assist your assigned students with completing their remote tasks via Google Meet or Google Classroom
       or email
   ● Attend team, RTI, department or other district required meetings- as scheduled by administrators

Instructional Assistant Weekly To Do Checklist:
    ● Did I assist my colleagues as needed?
    ● Did I assist my students by communicating with them about teachers’ expectations?
    ● Did I check in with Case managers for those students I have concerns about?
    ● Wellness calls to check in on absent students

Specialist teacher schedule/agenda Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday:
   ● Mornings- follow the school schedule for in-person lessons
   ● Afternoons or Evenings (time is flexible as long as it adds to 1 hr and 20 minutes and is convenient for
       your students)- choose remote learning tasks listed below to complete
   ● Meeting time is flexible as long as it works within the parameters of the building administrator, core
       subjects and is convenient for your students
   ● Complete remote learning tasks listed below
   ● Attend team, RTI, department or other district required meetings- as scheduled by administrators

Daily remote learning tasks to choose from:
   ● Post links, assignments and schedules on your Google Classroom
   ● Check in with students individually on an as needed via Google Meet, Google Classroom, or email
   ● Create new lessons- update Google Classroom at least weekly based on lesson plans
   ● Create videos or Screencasts- update Google Classroom
   ● Google Meet meetings with small groups for intervention, reteach, or enrichment
   ● Be available for “office hours” for parents and students to get emails in real time

Specialist Weekly To Do Checklist:
   ● Did I answer all student questions via email or Google Meet?
   ● Did I provide written feedback in Google Classroom or OnCourse?
   ● Did I reply to parent questions via email or phone call?
Counselor schedule/agenda Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday:
   ● Mornings- meet with students or classes - large groups, online, provide lessons
   ● Afternoons or Evenings (time is flexible as long as it adds to 1 hr and 20 minutes and is convenient for
       your students)- check in with families and students via email, phone or Google Meet
   ● Attend team, RTI, department or other district required meetings- as scheduled by building

Counselor Weekly To Do Checklist:
   ● Did I provide support for all students that reached out to me?
   ● Did I reach out to families and students of concern?
   ● Did I touch base with my administrators and colleagues about the Social Emotional health of our
●   Check the communication logs of students you typically work with.
    ●   Do I need to make any wellness visits to homes? If so, reach out to SROs to schedule these visits in a
        timely manner.

  ● Check in on the students with medical issues
  ● Check in with families with known concerns
  ● Check in with staff who may be medically compromised
  ● Check on the other students as part of the Guidance, social worker, school psychologist tiered list of
      concerns-see student contact log
  ● Create videos, look for various resources on COVID, mental health issues and wellness resources

Child Study Team Members
          ● Mental health support
                o The school guidance counselor, district social workers and school psychologist along
                   with the school nurse and teachers will work together to provide emotional and academic
                   support to students and families as needed. (Remote/Virtual learners)
                       ▪ Resources for students and families (virtual portal, hard copies)
                       ▪ Checking in with students and parents - create a priority list for weekly checks
                       ▪ Create parent tutorials and resource library of “ How to’s” for remote learning
                           materials, etc. so parents can better support students at home learning needs
                       ▪ Social stories
                       ▪ Positive reinforcement & clear expectations
                       ▪ School guidance counselor, district social workers and school psychologist along
                           with the school nurse and teachers will work together to provide emotional and
                           academic support to students and families as needed. (In person and remote
                o Ways to best meet staff needs in this area are also being developed
                       ▪ Support Groups (virtual and hard copies)
                       ▪ Staff resource page for varied services
          ● IEP Implementation and support
                o Additional remote supports are being discussed based on need
                o Remote tools, increased “Google Meet meetings”, provide physical items to use for
                   practice as needed
                o IEPs will be implemented and supported to the greatest extent possible. Related services
                   will be provided according to the instructional model available and the availability of
                   service providers within that chosen model.
                o Work with teachers to devise alternative means of instructional support
                o Related services offered during “remote” times based on student need, social distancing
                   concerns, group sessions
                o Check the google doc communication log of students to see what teachers may need
                   assistance in working with a child and or family.

English as a Second Language

    ●   Implementation and support
           ○ Additional remote supports are being discussed based on need
           ○ Remote tools, increased “Google Meet meetings”, provide physical items to use for practice as needed

○  English as a Second Language state and federal requirements will be implemented and supported
                including but not limited to daily instruction for students in the ESL program.
           ○ Work with teachers to devise alternative means of instructional support
           ○ Check the google doc communication log of students to see what teachers may need assistance in working
                with a child and or family.
Daily remote learning tasks to choose from:
    ● Check in with students via Google Meet, Google Classroom, or email daily
    ● Create new lessons- update Google Classroom at least weekly
    ● Create videos or Screencasts- update Google Classroom accordingly
    ● Google Meet with small groups for intervention, reteach, or enrichment
    ● Be available for “office hours” for parents and students to get emails in real time
    ● Pre and post assessments to ensure student understand of the standards

Teacher Weekly To Do Checklist:
   ● Did I “see” (in Google Meet) all of my students daily?
   ● Did I answer all student questions via email or Google Meet?
   ● Did I provide written feedback in Google Classroom or OnCourse?
   ● Did I reply to parent questions via email or phone call?

Teacher and staff Training and resources for ELL:
   ● Inspired Instruction coaching sessions focusing on strategies related to culturally responsive teaching and
      learning, socio-emotional learning, and trauma-informed teaching for students affected by forced migration from
      their home country
   ● Book Studies- Classroom Instruction that works with ELLs, ELL Teacher’s Tool Box and Planning Effective
      Instruction for ELLs
   ● First Children Services training/professional development on trauma- informed teaching and social-emotional
      learning for students affected by forced migration from their home country

Lunch/Breakfast pickup

    ●   Parents will be able to pick up bagged lunch and breakfast on a weekly basis.
    ●   Lunch and breakfast will be available each Wednesday in the side lot between 1:00-2:30.

Digital Divide

    ●   Clementon School District has a one to one ratio where each student has access to a Chromebook.
    ●   Chromebook cases have been purchased to allow for easy transport between home and school, if needed.
    ●   Kajeets have also been purchased and will be assigned based on individual household’s internet access.


    ●   Students are required to sign on for live instruction each day.
    ●   Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each class and reported to attendance captains.
    ●   Phone calls to parent/guardian will happen in the event of an absence to ensure well being of the student and to
        assist with any technology issues that may be occurring

Building Maintenance

    ●   Custodial staff will report daily to the building to ensure continued maintenance and cleanliness throughout the

Accelerated Learning Opportunities

●   Teachers and specialists will be available during each afternoon for accelerated learning in either whole group,
        small group, or individual.

Social Emotional Health

    ●   Clementon School District partners with Care Solace and First Children Services for counseling and therapy both
        during school hours and after school.

Title I Extended Programs, Other extended programs and Extracurricular programs

    ●   These programs will run virtually after school hours Monday-Wednesday and be taught by certified teachers.

Community Programming

    ●   These programs will continue on a virtual platform

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