CLASSES CATALOGUE THE VILLAGE CLUB - Create meaningful relationships and enrich your life with social events and educational experiences

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CLASSES CATALOGUE THE VILLAGE CLUB - Create meaningful relationships and enrich your life with social events and educational experiences

                      THE VILLAGE CLUB
                      CLASSES CATALOGUE

     Create meaningful relationships and enrich your life
     with social events and educational experiences

                                              THEVILLAGECLUB.ORG | 248-644-3450
CLASSES CATALOGUE THE VILLAGE CLUB - Create meaningful relationships and enrich your life with social events and educational experiences

Welcome                 2

Books                   3-5

Bridge & MahJongg       5-7

History, Art & Music    7 - 10

Special Events          10 - 11

Skills & Creativity     11 - 12

Wellness                12

Instructor Highlights   13 - 14

Calendar                14 - 16

Registration Form       17 - 18

Why Join                19

                                  CLASSES CATALOGUE   -   PAGE 1
CLASSES CATALOGUE THE VILLAGE CLUB - Create meaningful relationships and enrich your life with social events and educational experiences
                                        We look forward to welcoming you to winter/spring
                                        classes at The Village Club.

                                        Topics range from the 1920’s Afterglow Society Magazine
                                        and Prohibition in Detroit, to Big Bands and ELVIS!, from
                                        General George S. Patton to Coast to Coast in My Model
                                        T. As a follow up to the Oktoberfest beer tasting, a
                                        bourbon tasting event is scheduled in March before the
                                        Kentucky Derby.

                                        A special Hudson’s menu luncheon will kick off
                                        Remembering the J.L. Hudson Company. Art historian
                                        Wendy Evans returns to The Village Club to discuss
CLASSES                                 Impressionism. Artist Julie Dawson will show us how to
CO-CHAIRS                               See the World Through Bells, as well as present a tour of
                                        her art studio and gardens.
Becky McLennan
Nancy Troyer                            Returning by popular demand are the MahJongg and
                                        flower arranging classes. Those who enjoy literature will
                                        be delighted with the books chosen for The Readers.
                                        Knitting, bridge workshops, yoga and mat Pilates fitness
COMMITTEE MEMBERS                       classes continue to be popular, catering to multiple skill
Cindy Cirar                             As a reminder, business casual attire is appropriate, as is
Kay Duncan                              tasteful denim.
Kathy Hutson
Susan Kehoe                             Winter/spring 2023 classes offer you opportunities to
                                        pause, learn, listen, and share with friends. We look
Carolyn Masserang                       forward to seeing you!
Patty Semrau
Linda Wilson
                                        MISSION STATEMENT
Stathy Madias, Board Liaison
                                        The Village Club provides a unique private club
                                        experience and gracious, friendly environment for its
                                        members while offering cultural, educational, social and
                                        philanthropic opportunities, as well as casual and
                                        fine dining.

                                        DRESS CODE
                                        The manner of dress shall be governed by good taste in
                                        keeping with the character of the Club. Business casual
                                        attire is appropriate, as is tasteful denim and country
                                        club attire. Informal clothing, such as jogging suits, cargo
                                        pants, shorts, and printed tee shirts, is not acceptable.
CLASSES CATALOGUE THE VILLAGE CLUB - Create meaningful relationships and enrich your life with social events and educational experiences
                              THE READERS

                              A Village Club tradition for more than 20 years, The Readers is a book study class that
                              meets monthly for group discussion facilitated by Cathleen Russ. The four books
                              selected by the group for winter/spring 2023, all recently published, include both fiction
                              and nonfiction. Register separately for each class.

                              The Magnificent Lives of Marjorie Post
                              Class 100
INSTRUCTOR                    The Magnificent Lives of Marjorie Post (2022, 400 pages; historical fiction), by Allison
Cathleen Russ                 Pataki
                              Growing up in the modest farmlands of Battle Creek, Michigan, Marjorie was inspired
                              by a few simple rules: always think for yourself, never take success for granted, and
                              work hard. From crawling through Moscow warehouses to rescue the Tsar’s treasures
CLASS DATES                   to outrunning the Nazis in London, from serving the homeless of the Great Depression
                              to entertaining Roosevelts, Kennedys, and Hollywood’s biggest stars, Marjorie
Tuesdays                      Merriweather Post lived an epic life few could imagine.
2/14; 3/14; 4/11; 5/9; 6/13
                              CLASS DATE: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14

10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.       The Extraordinary Life of an Ordinary Man: A Memoir
                              Class 101

FEE                           The Extraordinary Life of an Ordinary Man: A Memoir (2022, 320 pages; memoir), by
                              Paul Newman
$10 member                    In 1986, Paul Newman and his closest friend, screenwriter Stewart Stern, began an
$20 nonmember                 extraordinary project. Stuart was to compile an oral history, to have Newman’s family
                              and friends and those who worked closely with him, talk about the actor’s life. And then
                              Newman would work with Stewart and give his side of the story. The only stipulation
                              was that anyone who spoke on the record had to be completely honest. That same
                              stipulation applied to Newman himself. Newman’s voice is powerful, sometimes funny,
                              sometimes painful, always meeting that high standard of searing honesty. Newman
                              discusses his often traumatic childhood, his teenage insecurities, his early failures
                              with women, his rise to stardom, his early rivals (Marlon Brando and James Dean), his
                              first marriage, his drinking, his philanthropy, the death of his son Scott, and his long
                              relationship with Joanne Woodward.

                              CLASS DATE: TUESDAY, MARCH 14

                                                                      CLASSES CATALOGUE               -   PAGE 3
CLASSES CATALOGUE THE VILLAGE CLUB - Create meaningful relationships and enrich your life with social events and educational experiences
Exiles: A Novel
Class 102

Exiles: A Novel (2023, 368 pages; mystery), by Jane Harper
Federal Investigator Aaron Falk is on his way to a small town deep in Southern
Australian wine country for the christening of an old friend’s baby. But mystery follows
him, even on vacation. The weekend marks the one-year anniversary of Kim Gillespie’s
disappearance. One year ago, at a busy town festival on a warm spring night, Kim
safely tucked her sleeping baby into her stroller, then vanished into the crowd. No
one has seen her since. When Kim’s older daughter makes a plea for anyone with
information about her missing mom to come forward, Falk can’t leave the case alone.
Dark questions linger as long-ago truths begin to emerge. What would make a mother
abandon her child? What happened to Kim Gillespie?


Empire of the Summer Moon: Quanah Parker and the Rise and Fall of the
Comanches the Most Powerful Indian Tribe in American History
Class 103
Empire of the Summer Moon: Quanah Parker and the Rise and Fall of the Comanches, the Most Powerful Indian Tribe
in American History (2011, 319 pages; nonfiction), by S.C. Gwynne
This account of the 40-year battle between Comanche Indians and white settlers for control of the American West
spans two astonishing stories. The first traces the rise and fall of the Comanches, the most powerful tribe in American
history. The second entails the epic saga of the pioneer woman Cynthia Ann Parker and her mixed-blood son
Quanah, who became the last and greatest chief of the Comanches. The legendary fighting ability of the Comanches
determined how and when the American West opened up. They were so masterful at war that they stopped the
northern drive of colonial Spain from Mexico and halted the French expansion westward from Louisiana. White
settlers arriving in Texas from the eastern United States were surprised to find the frontier being rolled backward by
Comanches incensed by the invasion of their tribal lands. Against this backdrop is the story of Cynthia Ann Parker, a
lovely nine-year-old girl who was kidnapped by Comanches from the far Texas frontier in 1836. She grew to love her
captors and became infamous as the “White Squaw” who refused to return until her tragic capture by Texas Rangers
in 1860. More famous still was her son Quanah, a warrior who was never defeated and whose guerrilla wars in the
Texas Panhandle made him a legend.


The Personal Librarian
Class 104

The Personal Librarian (2022, 352 pages; historical fiction), by Marie Benedict and
Victoria Christopher Murray
Belle da Costa Greene is hired by J.P. Morgan to curate a collection of rare manuscripts,
books, and artwork for his newly built Pierpont Morgan Library. Belle becomes a fixture
in New York City society and one of the most powerful people in the art and book
world, known for her impeccable taste and shrewd negotiating for critical works. But
she was born not Belle da Costa Greene but Belle Marion Greener. She is the daughter
of Richard Greener, the first Black graduate of Harvard and a well-known advocate for
equality. Belle’s complexion isn’t dark because of her alleged Portuguese heritage that
lets her pass as white—her complexion is dark because she is African American. She
must protect this secret at all costs to maintain her privileged position.


CLASSES CATALOGUE              -   PAGE 4
CLASSES CATALOGUE THE VILLAGE CLUB - Create meaningful relationships and enrich your life with social events and educational experiences
        Speed Dating with Books
        Class 105

        Are you tired of the same old stories? Looking to recharge your reading?
        Get help from Cathleen Russ and a team of librarians from the Baldwin (Birmingham),
        Bloomfield Township, Troy and West Bloomfield libraries. Learn about 25 potential
        new reads, including audio- and e-books, and take home a list of all titles discussed,
        as well as giveaway copies of new books. This fun program is designed for all who
        love books and reading.

        INSTRUCTOR           CLASS DATE             CLASS TIME              FEE
        Cathleen Russ and Wednesday,                4:00 p.m. - 5:15 p.m.   $10 member
        team of librarians April 26                                         $20 nonmember


        Class 200

        MahJongg is an ancient Chinese game played with colorful tiles. Introduced in
        the west in the 1920’s, it is a popular table game of strategy, calculation and
        chance. It’s not as hard as it looks! This class is designed for beginners and
        those who want a refresher. Continue your learning by playing with the friendly
        MahJongg Club within The Village Club.

        INSTRUCTORS          CLASS DATE             CLASS TIME              FEE
        Jane Talia and       Thursdays,             10:00 a.m. -            $40 member
        Annie Ellis          4/13; 4/20             12:00 p.m.              $50 nonmember

K       Beginning Bridge: Introduction and Bidding Basics
        Class 201
        Are you new to bridge? Never played? Or long ago and need a restart? This class is
        for the student who is essentially new to bridge. In four weekly sessions, the class
        introduces the game of bridge and builds basic bridge concepts, with a focus on
        bidding and understanding opening bids and responses. Each session begins with a
        lecture and ends with hands to play that illustrate topics covered in the presentation.
        INSTRUCTOR           CLASS DATE             CLASS TIME              FEE
        Laura Burke          Tuesdays, April 18,    1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.   $60 member
                             25; May 2, 9                                   $80 nonmember

                                                   CLASSES CATALOGUE              -   PAGE 5
CLASSES CATALOGUE THE VILLAGE CLUB - Create meaningful relationships and enrich your life with social events and educational experiences
Bridge Workshops

Do you enjoy bridge and want to up your game? Laura Burke offers bridge
workshops in areas critical for your success. Designed for advanced beginner
and intermediate players who want to deepen their bridge knowledge, each                                                  K
workshop includes presentation and discussion as well as ample opportunity
to play practice hands illustrating the topics covered. Two back-to-back
workshops focus on methods to bid big hands including Strong 2 Club opening
bids, reverses, jump shifts, and Blackwood. These two classes cover different
topics and players are encouraged, but not required, to enroll in both. The
doubles workshop addresses take-out doubles, negative doubles, and support
doubles. The preemptive bidding workshop focuses on how to open a hand
with a long strong suit but weak in points and how to respond when your
partner preempts. Players with partners are encouraged to sign up as a pair
and play together. Register for each workshop separately.
                                                                                             Laura Burke

Focus: Bidding Big Hands                      Focus: More Bidding Big
Class 202                                     Hands                                          CLASS TIMES
                                              Class 203                                      1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Tuesday, February 7
                                              Tuesday, February 14

Focus: Doubles                                Focus: Preemptive                              FEE
Class 204                                     Bidding                                        $20 member
                                              Class 205                                      $30 nonmember
Tuesday, April 4
                                              Tuesday, May 16

Bridge: Supervised Play

Do you want to play more bridge – and better? Are you looking for a friendly, supportive setting to practice and
improve your game? Instructor Laura Burke designs teaching hands to address common challenges in bidding, declarer
play, and defense. She offers on-the-spot guidance and feedback to boost your skills and confidence, and she leads
discussion of key points after each hand. Appropriate for relatively new players and more experienced players seeking
a relaxed refresher. Players should have basic knowledge of bridge and some playing experience. Limited to 12 players.
Players with partners are strongly encouraged to sign up as a pair and play together. Registration is required at least
24 hours in advance via the Club website or mobile app (members) or by email to Jackie Mason at The Village Club
( (nonmembers). Each game requires a separate registration.


INSTRUCTOR            CLASS DATE          CLASS TIME              FEE
Laura Bruke           Tuesdays,           1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.   $15 member
                      April 11, May 23                            $20 nonmember
                                                                  Register for each class separately.

 CLASSES CATALOGUE               -   PAGE 6
CLASSES CATALOGUE THE VILLAGE CLUB - Create meaningful relationships and enrich your life with social events and educational experiences

                         Sanctioned Duplicate Bridge

INSTRUCTOR               Duplicate bridge games sanctioned by the American Contract Bridge League enable
                         players to compete and earn ACBL master points. Josie Doherty, game director and
Josie Doherty            a Silver Life Master, provides a mini lesson at 12:30 p.m. before play starts at 1:00
                         p.m. Looking for fun and a challenge at the bridge table? Games are open to players
                         with fewer than 300 master points who are eligible to earn points, but you don’t
                         need to join ACBL to play. Registration is required at least 24 hours in advance via
CLASS TIMES              the Club website or mobile app (members) or by email to Jackie Mason at The Village
                         Club ( (nonmembers). Each game requires a separate
12:30 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.   registration.
                                                                 Class 209
FEE                      March
                         Class 208                               Wednesday, April 12
$10 member
$10 nonmember            Wednesday, March 29                     Class 210

                                                                 Wednesday, April 26th

Henry Feinberg
                         Big Bands
CLASS DATES              Class 300
Friday, February 10
                         Don’t miss Henry Feinberg’s exciting presentation of “The Big Band” and its
CLASS TIMES              relationship to the American music loving public for over 100 years. Accompanied
5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
                         with vintage photos and classic recordings, you’ll journey from pre-Civil War
                         America up to the 21st century with recordings of Ella Fitzgerald, Frank Sinatra,
                         Rod Stewart and Michael Bublé to name just a few. Hear the unforgettable sounds
FEE                      of Duke Ellington, Count Basie, Glenn Miller, Tommy Dorsey, Chicago and Blood,
$20 member
                         Sweat and Tears. It’ll be a wonderful night with some of America’s greatest music!
$30 nonmember

                         The Afterglow – 1920’s Bloomfield Society Magazine
                         Class 301

                         From 1925 to 1927, The Afterglow – Bloomfield Society Magazine, was eagerly awaited
                         every month by the residents of Bloomfield Hills. Hear about the ‘country life’ and the
                         summer residences of the Detroit ‘movers & shakers’. Learn how the golf clubs and
                         Open Hunt Club played a large part in their lives. The magazine heralded weddings and
                         other social events and even listed homes and automobiles for sale!

                         INSTRUCTOR           CLASS DATE           CLASS TIME               FEE
                         John Marshall        Thursday,            1:00 p.m.                $20 member
                                              February 23                                   $30 nonmember

                                                                 CLASSES CATALOGUE                -   PAGE 7
CLASSES CATALOGUE THE VILLAGE CLUB - Create meaningful relationships and enrich your life with social events and educational experiences

Cows at the Opera House and Other
Museum Mysteries
Class 302

A mystery is defined as something unexplained or inexplicable,
or as a person or thing having qualities that arouse curiosity or
speculation. The many mysteries of the Detroit Institute of Art
include stories and images, newly discovered meanings and issues
of authenticity.

INSTRUCTOR           CLASS DATE             CLASS TIME               FEE
Carlene              Friday,                10:30 a.m. -             $20 member
VanVoorhies          March 17               12:00 p.m.               $30 nonmember

Remembering the J.L. Hudson Company
Class 303

The J.L. Hudson Company, commonly known as Hudson’s, was an upscale retail department store chain based in
Detroit from 1881 to 1969. Originally located in the Detroit Opera Building, the flagship store was ultimately located
on Woodward Avenue and, at 25 stories, was the tallest department store in the world at that time. It was known for
customer satisfaction and in 1924, two years prior to Macy’s first parade, Hudson’s staged their first Thanksgiving
Parade in downtown Detroit. It was also home to the largest American Flag, magical animated windows, the REAL
Santa, and host to the Freedom Festival fireworks.

Plan to make luncheon reservations before the class. Chef Nick is preparing a special Hudson’s menu – Cheese Soup,
Maurice Salad and Hot Fudge Sundae.
The luncheon is by subscription.

INSTRUCTOR           CLASS DATE             CLASS TIME               FEE
Michael Hauser       Wednesday,             1:00 p.m.                $20 member
                     March 22                                        $30 nonmember

 Prohibition in Detroit
 Class 304

 During the long years of Prohibition in the United States, from 1920 until 1933, Detroiters retained the ability to
 procure alcohol via a Canadian route. Only the Detroit River separated the two countries. Also, Canada never
 had a country-wide ban and its distillers were very happy to supply bootleggers. Hear the thrilling stories of the
 various routes and tunnels used and of the speakeasies that thrived during this era.

 INSTRUCTOR           CLASS DATE            CLASS TIME               FEE
 Armando Delicato
                      Wednesday,            7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.    $20 member
                      April 19                                       $30 nonmember

 CLASSES CATALOGUE              -    PAGE 8
CLASSES CATALOGUE THE VILLAGE CLUB - Create meaningful relationships and enrich your life with social events and educational experiences

General George S. Patton
Class 305

Relive the ‘Old Blood & Guts’ campaign! Our instructor, Frank Cardimen, has
stories and mementoes that he acquired from a close relative who was under the
command of General George S. Patton during the exciting and dangerous battles
during World War II. Follow Patton from North Africa, through Italy, France, and
ending in the occupation of Germany.

INSTRUCTOR          CLASS DATE            CLASS TIME              FEE
Frank Cardimen      Friday,               5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.   $20 member
                    April 28                                      $30 nonmember

Class 306

The Impressionist paintings so loved today began in the rebellion of Claude
Monet and a few of his young fellow art students against French academic art.
This presentation looks at works by artists who are most closely identified as
Impressionist, and explores why and how they transformed art.

INSTRUCTOR          CLASS DATE            CLASS TIME              FEE
Wendy Evans         Wednesday,            10:00 a.m. -            $20 member
                    May 3                 11:30 a.m.              $30 nonmember

Coast to Coast in My Model T
Class 307

As you walk in the front entrance of The Village Club, you will not be able to miss
“Goose Bumps”, the Model T that was owned by his grandfather and lovingly
restored by Steve Shotwell. Relive the remarkable cross country journey of this car
and the details of the Model T inception, manufacturing, features and capabilities.
Steve’s Model T was not handed down in the family but was found in Turtlepoint,
Pennsylvania, by his mother. She spent a considerable amount of time tracking it
down and was able, after much cajoling, to acquire the car for Steve.

INSTRUCTOR          CLASS DATE            CLASS TIME              FEE
Steve Shotwell      Friday,               5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.   $20 member
                    May 12                                        $30 nonmember

                                       CLASSES CATALOGUE                -   PAGE 9
Seeing the World through the Hearts of Its Bells
 Class 308

 Bells are truly unique creations! Throughout history, every culture in every
 country has used bells for so many purposes and reasons. Julie Dawson will give a
 presentation of her coffee table art book, of 500 photographs and stories of bells
 that she has taken in 57 countries. She will show her photos and tell stories of how
 the bells were used and her adventures in finding them.

 INSTRUCTOR            CLASS DATE             CLASS TIME               FEE
 Julie Dawson          Thursday,              1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.    $20 member
                       May 25                                          $30 nonmember

 Class 309

 Elvis Aaron Presley was a larger than life American icon. His meteoric rise to fame is
 well known, as is his tragic death. We will learn about the barriers he had to hurdle
 on his road to becoming known as the ‘King’ of rock and roll. Join us to learn about
 his gospel roots to his gyrations on the Ed Sullivan Show to his creating the very
 first artists residency in Las Vegas which lasted for 636 sold out performances.

 INSTRUCTOR            CLASS DATE             CLASS TIME               FEE
 Henry Feinberg        Friday,                5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.    $20 member
                       June 9                                          $30 nonmember


 Bourbon Tasting
 Class 400

 Save the date and mark your calendar for our bourbon tasting. This is your chance
 to taste a flight of 4-5 of specially selected bourbons. The tasting will include light
 appetizers and the opportunity to order bottles of bourbon after the class.

 Separate dinner reservations will complete your evening. Call the Club to reserve
 your table.

 This is also a splendid opportunity to bring friends and prospective members.

  CLASS DATE             CLASS TIME                FEE
  Thursday, March 30 5:30 p.m.                     $30 member
                                                   $40 nonmember

CLASSES CATALOGUE                -   PAGE 10

Julie Dawson Garden Walk & Art Studio Tour
Class 401

Artist Julie Dawson will give a tour of her art studios and lead a walk in her woods
to the Rouge River. She has two new inviting gazebos, for one she created a
kaleidoscope for the roof. Her art studios are working studios where she creates
watercolors, digital art, designs, products, and books. Julie will show some of her
recent work.

There are steps with railings. Wear walking shoes. Since there is no parking on
Gordon Lane, please park on a side street east of Southfield Road just north of
Lincoln (Wallace, Frank, or Hanna). Then carefully cross Southfield Road and walk
down Gordon Lane. This is a private event for Village Club members only.

 CLASS DATE                  CLASS TIME                  FEE
 Thursday,                   1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.       $20 member
 June 8                                                  $30 nonmember



Knitting continues for those who have taken lessons from Naomi.
She welcomes beginners and experienced knitters who want to enhance their
skills. You will build upon previous learned lessons, continuing to create a
beautiful garment; or, if you are a beginner you will knit a scarf.
$15 material fee paid to the instructor if this is your first class.

INSTRUCTOR                   CLASS TIME                   FEE
Naomi Frenkel                1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.        $40 member
                                                          $50 nonmember

February                            March                              April
Class 500                           Class 501                          Class 502

Fridays, February 3, 10, 17, 24     Fridays, March 3, 10, 17, 24, 31   Fridays, April 7, 14, 21, 28

May                                 June
Class 503                           Class 504

Fridays, May 5, 12, 19, 26          Fridays, June 2, 9, 16, 23, 30

                                               CLASSES CATALOGUE                  -     PAGE 11

Flower Arranging
Class 505

As we anxiously await the spring season, our very own Nancy Spence will
demonstrate how to create beautiful floral arrangements. Emphasis will be on
the upcoming Valentine’s Day and Easter holidays.

INSTRUCTOR           CLASS DATE           CLASS TIME                FEE
Nancy Spence         Thursday,            1:00 p.m.                 $20 member
                     February 9                                     $25 nonmember

Staying Safe & Independent in Your Own Home
Class 600

Discover easy and safe modifications for the home. As we and our loved ones age,
there are many ideas and items offered to entice the consumer. This class will help
you to become an ‘informed’ consumer and assist you in finding the resources for
the highest possible quality of life for you and your loved ones while remaining in
your own home.

INSTRUCTOR           CLASS DATE            CLASS TIME                 FEE
Cheryl Otto          Wednesday,            1:00 p.m.                  $20 member
                     March 1                                          $30 nonmember

Combination Yoga and Mat Pilates
Class 601

This is a hybrid class that blends Pilates with yoga stretching, strength training,
balance work, breath work, and relaxation to tone and strengthen the entire body,
but especially upper arms, abdomen, hips, and legs. The class is offered with
many modifications so that each participant, regardless of experience or current
fitness level, can comfortably challenge herself. A certified yoga therapist and
highly experienced Pilates instructor, Kathy Forgave, welcomes all and is adept at
providing group instruction that meets individual needs.
Classes will be offered via Zoom only.

INSTRUCTOR           CLASS DATE           CLASS TIME                  FEE
Kathy Forgrave       Mondays and          10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.     $12 member
                     Wednesdays                                       $18 nonmember

CLASSES CATALOGUE              -   PAGE 12
BRIDGE                                                             FEINBERG, HENRY
Laura Burke began playing bridge a decade ago and became           HISTORY, ART & MUSIC
a Bronze Life Master in 2020. She has discovered bridge            Henry Feinberg is a musician, composer, and music instructor.
to be enriching, not only socially but also mentally and           He has taught music classes at Oakland Community College
competitively. She enjoys teaching new and experienced             since 2002, coached numerous piano and harmonica students,
students to appreciate and benefit from the great game of          and for 30 years performed throughout the metro area. Most
bridge.                                                            recently, Henry has been entertaining audiences with his popular
                                                                   presentations on musical history.
HISTORY, ART & MUSIC                                               FORGRAVE, KATHY
Frank Cardimen is an active speaker on WWII topics.                WELLNESS
He has been a Business Professor at Oakland University for 42      Kathy Forgrave is an E- Registered Yoga Teacher (E-RYT) through
years, an historian of WWII for nearly 60 years and is active in   the Yoga Alliance and lead instructor at the Beaumont School
the community of Rochester Hills.                                  of Yoga Therapy Teacher Level 1 RYT 200 Training Program.
                                                                   She currently provides yoga therapy to the Beaumont patient
DAWSON, JULIE                                                      population, and teaches private and group yoga classes. She is also
                                                                   certified in Reiki, an alternative therapy known as energy healing.
A career artist, author, photographer, designer and speaker,
Julie Dawson’s work includes watercolors, reproductions, 60        FRENKEL, NAOMI
products with her art, computer graphics, and surface design       SKILLS AND CREATIVITY
for home and fashion. She has also written six children’s          Naomi Frenkel began knitting at the age of 8 years old. She has a
books and a coffee table book about bells from her world           teaching degree from Michigan State University and taught in the
travels.                                     Ferndale Schools.
                                                                   She was a yarn representative for many of the leading yarn
DELICATO, ARMANDO                                                  companies including Trendsetter, Classic Elite Yarns, Swedish
                                                                   Yarn Imports and Anny Blatt. She was program director for
                                                                   Woolgatherers Knitting Guild where she taught many classes
Armando Delicato is a native of Detroit. He majored in history
                                                                   including stranding of two colors and how to finish a knitted project
at the University of Detroit and Wayne State University, and
                                                                   with crocheted edges.
taught in Detroit, Westland, and Farmington public schools,
and at Macomb and Oakland community colleges. Since
retiring in 2002, he has written three books for Arcadia           HAUSER, MICHAEL
publishing: Italians in Detroit (2005), Detroit’s Corktown         HISTORY, ART & MUSIC
(2007), and Detroit’s Cass Corridor (2012).                        Michael Hauser grew up in Detroit and has shown his passion for
                                                                   his hometown with a series of books he has written, including
DOHERTY, JOSIE                                                     Downtown Detroit’s Movie Palaces, The Detroit Opera House and
                                                                   Hudson’s – Detroit’s Legendary Department Store. He was a sales
                                                                   associate at multiple Hudson’s locations and worked their famous
Josie Doherty comes from a bridge playing family. She earned
                                                                   warehouse sales. Currently, he is the marketing manager for the
the rank of Silver Life Master in July 2021 and has directed the
                                                                   Detroit Opera Company.
Mackinaw Bridge Game in Petoskey.
Josie agrees with the experts: most important in bridge is
making sure your partner has a good time!                          MARSHALL, JOHN F.
                                                                   HISTORY, ART & MUSIC
ELLIS, ANNIE                                                       John F. Marshall has been a passionate devotee of local history
                                                                   for the past twenty-five years. He was a founding member of the
                                                                   Bloomfield Historial Society (BHS) in 2004. He has also made
A Village Club member, Annie Ellis has been playing MahJongg
                                                                   several presentations in the Local History/Local Resources (LH/LR)
for many years and is in charge of the Club’s MahJongg group.
                                                                   Series and serves as the program chairman.
It is one of her favorite games to play and she particularly
                                                                   John has also written several short articles on the area history
values the social time spent with the other players.
                                                                   of Legacy, the newsletter of the BHS. More recently, he has
                                                                   presented about 50 short History Next Door articles on the history
EVANS, WENDY                                                       of Bloomfield Area Historic Houses for the Bloomfield Township
HISTORY, ART & MUSIC                                               e-Newsletter. John is also active with Preservation Bloomfield and
Art historian Wendy Evans has advanced degrees from Oxford         has served as secretary to its Board for 12 years.
University, England and Wayne State University, Detroit. She
taught art history at Wayne and loves to share her passion
for art. She’s well known at The Village Club having given
presentations here every year from 2004 to 2019. More
information may be found at
                                                                                  CLASSES CATALOGUE                  -   PAGE 13
                                                                   OTTO, CHERYL
                                                                            SPENCE, NANCY
WELLNESS                                                                    SKILLS AND CREATIVITY
Cheryl Otto earned her undergraduate degree from Eastern                    Nancy Spence, a longtime Village Club member, has been
Michigan University and a Masters Degree from Central                       arranging flowers for the Club since 1993. She also created
Michigan University. She has been an occupational therapist                 large floral arrangements at the Detroit Institute of Arts for
for over 40 years and worked in hospital clinics, outpatient                over 25 years.
settings and in clients’ homes. Cheryl is honored to bring her
experiences to the public.
                                                                            VAN VOORHIES, CARLENE
RUSS, CATHLEEN                                                              HISTORY, ART & MUSIC
                                                                            Carlene VanVoorhies has been an Interpretive Program
BOOKS                                                                       Volunteer with the Detroit Institute of Arts for over ten years.
Cathleen Russ, Director of the West Bloomfield Township                     She conducts both public and private tours of the museum.
Public Library, has spent a distinguished career in public library          She has a passion for the arts as a traveler, collector and
administration. In 2019 she was honored as Michigan Librarian               educator.
of the Year. She has led The Readers for more than 20 years.

Steve Shotwell is a resident of Rochester Hills and past
President of the Ford Piquette Avenue Plant, birthplace of the
Model T. He taught in the Troy School District for 35 years and
is a staff member at Greenfield Village, specializing in Model T
maintenance and restoration.

  SUNDAY              MONDAY                 TUESDAY             WEDNESDAY                 THURSDAY           FRIDAY             SATURDAY

                                                                   1                       2                  3                   4
                                                                     Combination Yoga                         Knitting 1-3        CLUB OPENING
                                                                     & Mat Pilates 10-11

  5                    6                     7                   8                         9                  10                  11
                       Combination Yoga Bridge Workshop          Combination Yoga          Flower Arranging   Knitting 1-3
                       & Mat Pilates 10-11 Bidding Big Hands 1-3 & Mat Pilates 10-11       1                  Big Bands 5:30-7

  12                   13                    14                  15                        16                 17                  18
                       Combination Yoga      The Readers 10-11:30 Combination Yoga                            Knitting 1-3
                       & Mat Pilates 10-11   Bridge Workshop      & Mat Pilates 10-11
                                             More Bidding Big
                                             Hands 1 -3
  19                   20                    21                  22                        23                 24                  25
                       Combination Yoga                              Combination Yoga The Afterglow -         Knitting 1-3
                       & Mat Pilates 10-11                           & Mat Pilates 10-11 Bloomfield Area
                                                                                         Monthly Society
                                                                                         Magazine 1
  26                   27                    28
                       Combination Yoga
                       & Mat Pilates 10-11

CLASSES CATALOGUE                   -    PAGE 14
SUNDAY      MONDAY                TUESDAY                 WEDNESDAY              THURSDAY         FRIDAY                   SATURDAY

                                                          1Combination Yoga 2                     3                        4
                                                              & Mat Pilates 10-11                 Knitting 1-3
                                                              Staying Safe &
                                                              Indepedent in Your
                                                              Own Home 1
5           6                     7                       8                         9             10                       11
            Combination Yoga                              Combination Yoga                        Knitting 1-3
            & Mat Pilates 10-11                           & Mat Pilates 10-11

12          13                    14                      15                        16            17                       18
            Combination Yoga      The Readers              Combination Yoga                       Cows at the Opera
            & Mat Pilates 10-11   Extraordinary Life of    & Mat Pilates 10-11                    House/ Museum
                                  an Ordinary Man:                                                Mysteries 10:30-12
                                  A Memoir 10-11:30                                               Knitting 1-3
19          20                    21                      22                        23            24                       25
            Combination Yoga                              Combination Yoga                        Knitting 1-3
                                                          & Mat Pilates 10-11
            & Mat Pilates 10-11                           Remembering
                                                          Hudson’s 1, Lunch 11:30

26          27                    28                      29                        30            31
            Combination Yoga                              Combination Yoga Bourbon Tasting        Knitting 1-3
            & Mat Pilates 10-11                           & Mat Pilates 10-11 5:30
                                                          Sanctioned Duplicate
                                                          Bridge 12:30-4:15

SUNDAY      MONDAY                TUESDAY                 WEDNESDAY              THURSDAY         FRIDAY                   SATURDAY


2           3                     4                       5   Combination           6             7                        8
                                  Bridge Workshop         Yoga & Mat Pilates                      Knitting 1-3
            Combination Yoga
                                  Doubles 1 -3            10-11
            & Mat Pilates 10-11

9           10                    11                      12                        13            14                       15
            Combination Yoga      The Readers             Combination Yoga MahJongg 10-12         Knitting 1-3
            & Mat Pilates 10-11   Exiles10-11:30          & Mat Pilates 10-11
                                  Bridge Supervised       Sanctioned Duplicate
                                  Play 1-3                Bridge 12:30-4:15
16          17                    18                      19                        20            21                       22
            Combination Yoga       Beginning Bridge:       Combination Yoga MahJongg 10-12        Knitting 1-3
            & Mat Pilates 10-11    Intro & Bidding         & Mat Pilates 10-11
                                   Basics 1-3              Prohibition in Detroit
23          24                    25                      26      Combination       27           28                        29
            Combination Yoga      Beginning Bridge:       Yoga & Mat Pilates
                                                          10-11 Sanctioned                       Knitting 1-3
            & Mat Pilates 10-11   Intro & Bidding         Duplicate Bridge                       General Patton 5:30-7
                                  Basics 1-3              12:30-4:15, Speed Dating
                                                          with Books 4-5:15

                                                                                         CLASSES CATALOGUE             -       PAGE 15
SUNDAY     MONDAY                TUESDAY              WEDNESDAY                  THURSDAY            FRIDAY              SATURDAY

           1                     2                     3                         4                   5                       6
           Combination Yoga      Beginning Bridge:     Combination Yoga                              Knitting 1-3
           & Mat Pilates 10-11   Intro & Bidding       & Mat Pilates 10-11
                                 Basics 1-3            Impressionism 10-11:30

7          8                     9                     10                        11                  12                      13
           Combination Yoga      The Readers 10-11:30 Combination Yoga                                Knitting 1-3
           & Mat Pilates 10-11   Beginning Bridge:      & Mat Pilates 10-11                           Coast to Coast in My
                                 Intro & Bidding Basics                                               Model T 5:30-7
14         15                    16                    17                        18                  19                      20
           Combination Yoga      Bridge Workshop       Combination Yoga                              Knitting 1-3
           & Mat Pilates 10-11   Preemptive Bidding    & Mat Pilates 10-11

21         22                    23                    24                        25                  26                      27
           Combination Yoga      Bridge: Supervised     Combination Yoga Seeing the World            Knitting 1-3
           & Mat Pilates 10-11   Play 1-3               & Mat Pilates 10-11 Through Bells 1-3

28         29                    30                    31
           Combination Yoga                             Combination Yoga
           & Mat Pilates 10-11                          & Mat Pilates 10-11

SUNDAY     MONDAY                TUESDAY               WEDNESDAY                 THURSDAY             FRIDAY                 SATURDAY

                                                                                 1                    2                      3
                                                                                                      Knitting 1-3

4          5                      6                     7                        8                    9                      10
           Combination Yoga                             Combination Yoga          Julie Dawson’s Home Knitting 1-3
                                                        & Mat Pilates 10-11
           & Mat Pilates 10-11                                                    & Garden Tour 1-3   ELVIS! 5:30-7

11         12                     13                  14 Combination             15                   16                     17
           Combination Yoga       The Readers Personal Yoga & Mat Pilates                             Knitting 1-3
           & Mat Pilates 10-11    Librarian 10-11:30   10-11

18         19                     20                    21                       22                   23                     24
           Combination Yoga                                Combination Yoga                           Knitting 1-3
           & Mat Pilates 10-11                             & Mat Pilates 10-11

25         26                     27                    28                       29                   30
           Combination Yoga                                Combination Yoga                           Knitting 1-3
           & Mat Pilates 10-11                             & Mat Pilates 10-11

CLASSES CATALOGUE          -     PAGE 16

Registration is easy

1. Fill out the registration form and mail it to:
         The Village Club
         190 East Long Lake Road
         Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304
         (See below for payment options.)
2. Register in person at the Club.
3. Register online (members only)
         a. Login
         b. Click on Club Calendar in the Quick Links
            box on the left
         c. Locate your class on the calendar
         d. Click on the class to activate registration
4. All classes may have wait lists. Should you see a
class is full please call Jackie Mason.

For questions or assistance, contact
Jackie Mason, Accounts Payable & Classes,
or 248-644-3450.

Members, their spouses, and reciprocal club
members will be billed on their monthly statements
after the class has begun.
Full payment is due at the time of
registration, by check payable to The Village Club or by
major credit card. Please note that there is an additional
3% processing fee for credit card payment.
If a materials fee is charged, it is to be
paid directly to the instructor in cash at the first session.
A full refund will be issued for
any class cancelled by The Village Club. Registrants will
be notified by phone and/or email if a class is cancelled.
A request to withdraw from a class
must be received in the office at least two days prior to
the first class meeting in order to receive a full refund.

                                                                CLASSES CATALOGUE   -   PAGE 17

Please return this registration form to:
The Village Club - Accounts Payable & Classes                                                           QR
190 East Long Lake Road                                                                                 Code
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304                                             Scan the QR code to fill
                                                                       out the form online

Last Name						 First Name

Street Address				City				State			Zip Code

Home Telephone Number		                         Cell Phone Number (Optional)

Email Address								Member Number

   Please indicate below the class numbers and classes that you are interested registering for.

Class # ____________ Class Name ______________________________________________________________

Class # ____________ Class Name ______________________________________________________________

Class # ____________ Class Name ______________________________________________________________

Class # ____________ Class Name ______________________________________________________________

Class # ____________ Class Name ______________________________________________________________

Class # ____________ Class Name ______________________________________________________________

Class # ____________ Class Name ______________________________________________________________

Barrier Free Environment: The Village Club is dedicated to providing a positive experience for all members
and guests. If you need special assistance entering, exiting, or moving throughout the Club, please visit
or call the Reception Desk (248-644-3450).

CLASSES CATALOGUE             -   PAGE 18
The Village Club
                                                                                                  NON-PROFIT ORG
190 East Long Lake Road                                                                           U.S. Postage
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304                                                                            PAID
                                                                                                               MI MI
                                                                                                     Permit   201

                                        The Village Club
                  Join our private women’s social club to form meaningful relationships
                                          and enrich your life

                                         MAKE AN IMPACT
                   Form friendships in a vibrant, accomplished, supportive community

                   Enjoy a full calendar of social events, classes, wellness offerings, travel,
                                     adventure opportunities and more

               Treat your palette to delectable indoor and outdoor culinary experiences from
                                           our world-traveled chef

                Make a difference in our community through The Village Club Foundation

               Personal growth, professional connections, and lasting friendships await you

                                           You belong here.
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