Clarendon Recovery College - Course listings September - December 2021 Clarendon Road, Hornsey, London N8 0DJ 02084894860

Page created by Timothy Castro
Clarendon Recovery College
Course listings
September – December 2021

Clarendon Road, Hornsey, London N8 0DJ
Our courses
Understanding mental health issues and their treatment
Understanding Mental Health
Understanding Psychosis and schizophrenia
Understanding Depression
Understanding Voices
Understanding Bipolar disorder
Understanding Anxiety
Understanding Emotions

Rebuilding your life – road to recovery
Relaxation and Meditation
Developing Self Compassion
Learning to live with Psychosis and Schizophrenia
Introduction to mindfulness
Finding happiness
Introduction to Recovery
Learning to live with Depression
Learning to live with Anxiety
Learning to live with Bipolar

Learning to live with Voices

Men talk
Rebuilding your life – road to recovery
Gaining Confidence through effective communication


Train the Trainers

A Good Night’s Sleep

Tutored Art and Craft

Creative writing

Baking/Cooking for Beginners

Tutored Courses: computers
Contact us for more information

Tutored Courses: Music Technology

Contact us for more information

Tutored Courses: Studio 306 Collective : Recovery through Creativity
Skills in printmaking

Skills in jewellery making
Sewing skills

Peer/staff tutored courses:
DIY recycling project

Paranoid and Unusual Beliefs
Music appreciation
Hearing voices

                                                     September - December 2021
Here is our timetable of courses. Under the timetable you will find a description of some
of the courses. If you need further information, please:

 • come to Clarendon Recovery College during our enrolment week, from Monday 6
   to Friday 10 September, 10am - 4pm
 • email

     Co-Produced Courses
     Understanding mental
     health issues and their
                                    Start     Finish    Day         Course date
     Understanding Mental           1.30pm    3.30pm    Wednesday   15/09/2021
     Understanding Depression       1.30pm    3.30pm    Thursday    16/09/2021
     Understanding Voices           1.30pm    3.30pm    Wednesday   29/09/2021
     Understanding Psychosis &      1.30pm    3.30pm    Thursday    30/09/2021
     Understanding Bi-polar         1.30pm    3.30pm    Wednesday   13/10/2021
     Understanding Anxiety          1.30pm    3.30pm    Monday      14/10/2021
     Understanding Emotion          1.30pm    3.30pm    Tuesday     09/11/2021

     Learning to live with          1.30pm    3.30pm    Thursday    23/09/2021
     Learning to live with Voices   1.30pm    3.30pm    Wednesday   06/10/2021
     Learning to live with          1.30pm    3.30pm    Thursday    07/10/2021
     Psychosis & Schizophrenia
     Learning to live with Bi-      1.30pm    3.30pm    Wednesday   20/10/2021
     Learning to live with          1.30pm    3.30pm    Monday      21/10/2021

     Rebuilding your life- road
     to recovery
                                    Start     Finish    Day         Course start   Course end
                                                                    date           date
     Men Talk                       2.00pm    3.30pm    Tuesday     14/09/2021     19/10/2021
     Relaxation & meditation        11.00am   12.00pm   Tuesday     14/09/2021     19/10/2021
     Developing Self                11.00am   12.30pm   Wednesday   20/10/2021     24/11/2021
     Creative writing               2.00pm    4.00pm    Friday      22/10/2021     03/12/2021
     Introduction to                11.00am   12.00pm   Friday      01/10/2021     05/11/2021
     Train the trainer              1. 30pm   3.30pm    Tuesday     26/10/2021     16/11/2021
     Finding happiness              12.00pm   1.00pm    Monday      22/10/2021     19/11/2021
     Gaining Confidence             11.00am   12.00pm   Wednesday   15/09/2021     06/10/2021
     through effective
Rebuilding your life- road
to recovery
                             Start     Finish    Day         Course start   Course end
                                                             date           date

Budgeting                    11.00am   12.00pm   Tuesday     26/10/2021     16/11/2021
Beading                      11.00am   1.00pm    Monday      27/09/2021     18/10/2021
Baking/Cookery for           11.00am   2.00pm    Thursday    11/11/2021     02/12/2021
introduction to recovery     2.00pm    4.00pm    Monday      29/11/2021     29/11/2021
A good night's sleep         1.00pm    3.00pm    Friday      17/09/2021     17/09/2021

Peer /staff tutored
                             Start     Finish    Day         Course start   Course end
                                                             date           date
Open Art                     2.00pm    4.00pm    Tuesday     14/09/2021     Ongoing
Music Appreciation- PM       2..00pm   3.30pm    Thursday    16/09/2021     Ongoing
Knitting                     1.30pm    3.30pm    Tuesday     14/09/2021     Ongoing
D.I.Y Recycling              12.00pm   2.00pm    Wednesday   22/09/2021     13/11/2021
Paranoia & Unusual beliefs   12.00pm   1.15pm    Tuesday     28/09/2021     30/11/2021
Walking                      1.00pm    2.30pm    Wednesday   15/09/2021     Ongoing
Music Tech                   10.00am   3.00pm    Friday      17/09/2021     03/12/2021
I.T                          10.30am   4.00pm    Friday      17/09/2021     03/12/2021
Hearing Voices               2.00pm    3.00pm    Monday      Ongoing
Studio 306 – No new
bookings until 2022
Course Descriptions September– December 2021

Understanding mental health
This course will introduce and explore mental health at both an educational
level and from an experienced perspective. The course aims to educate
students, carers, family and friends about the symptoms, causes and treatment
options associated with mental health. Reflection and self-awareness are key
aspects taught on this course.
Understanding depression
This is an introductory co-produced course for service users, carers and staff
who would like to know more about depression. By the end of the course, we
aim for you to leave with a good understanding of depression. Explore how
periods of low mood can be maintained and the links between our thoughts,
feelings, and behaviours. Meet people who have similar difficulties and learn
how they might have overcome them. An opportunity to discuss personal
experiences and receive support and encouragement.

Learning to live with depression
When you are depressed, or your mood is low it can affect every part of life. It
may be tough to get yourself going – even things you used to take in your
stride can seem difficult. And perhaps you get little pleasure from the things
you used to enjoy. Treatment may be important, and many people have
discovered lots of things they can do for themselves to feel better. This course
will provide you with effective tools for managing your own day- day mood and
experience for rediscovering who you are beyond the diagnosis.
Understanding voices
This is an introductory 2-hour course. Hearing voices (and other hallucinations)
is a more common place experience than many people realise, and it is not
necessarily a sign of mental ill health. People have different experiences of
hearing voices with widely varying impacts on their health. This course is for
anyone who wants to understand more. It will include:
   •   Different theories and ideas
   •   Coping strategies
   •   Sources of support advice and information
   •   An introduction to the Hearing Voices Network

Learning to live with hearing voices
       This course is for people who are hearing voices, the course offers support
       and an opportunity to exchange information and learn from each other.
       The course is open to those who have experience of hearing voices,
       whether past or present.

Understanding psychosis and schizophrenia
This co- produced course could be for you if you are interested in gaining an
awareness of what the experience of psychosis and schizophrenia may mean to
you or someone you care about. We will explore issues relating to the process
of diagnosis possible treatment options and what has been reported as
effective. We will also explore personal treatment options and what has been
reported as effective. We will also explore personal experiences of psychosis and
some of the useful ways people have found to manage their own experiences.

Learning to live with psychosis and schizophrenia
Psychosis and schizophrenia need not to be a barrier to having a fulfilling and
meaningful life. This two-hour course follows on the themes recovery self-
management and wellbeing introduced in the understanding psychosis and
schizophrenia course.
Understanding bipolar disorder
This introductory awareness course aims to educate students, carers, family
and friends about the symptoms, causes and treatment options associated
with bipolar disorder. We will explore:
   •   The common features of bipolar
   •   What can trigger a bipolar episode
   •   Treatments and medication
   •   How bipolar disorder can be self-managed
   •   How to recover from bipolar

Learning to live with bipolar
This course is a follow -up from the understanding bipolar course aimed at
people who wish to learn more about the condition and improve their coping
strategies. Family and friends of people affected by bipolar are also welcome.
This is a short course that deals with the principle issues of bipolar. We will
explore topics such as:
   •   Understanding diagnosis
   •   Tiggers
   •   Stress and mood monitoring
   •   Treatment options
   •   Relationships and stigma
   •   Staying well

Understanding anxiety
Everyone experiences periods of anxiety at some stage in their lives. We can
feel tense, uncertain, fearful, or nervous. This introductory course will provide
you with a safe environment to discuss your concerns, whilst you find out
about support, treatments, and self-help groups available in your community
to help you or somebody.
Learning to live with anxiety
This course will:
   • Teach general education about anxiety using a Cognitive Behavioural
     Therapy (CBT) approach.
   • Explore recovery strategies that can help you deal with worry and help
     you manage setbacks
   • Reflect on the learning from the course and actively consider how you
     can apply this for the future.

Understanding emotions
We all have strong feelings and emotions. This session will explore the causes
of these emotions and discuss strategies to manage and communicate our
emotions effectively. The emotions that will be discussed are anger, fear
sadness and happiness. This is an amazing course on the nature of emotions.
You will see that emotions are everywhere. They are the true meaning of our
lives and guide us all throughout our daily actions. There is a lot to discuss,
think about and discover.

Men Talk (Men Only)
This course will explore what it means to be a man and will help you work on:
Dealing with change
Communication skills
Relationship development skills
Conflict Resolutions
How to overcome the past
Brotherhood and camaraderie
How to create and maintain strong groups
How to manage your emotions.
The course will also enable men to talk about their lives and the challenges
faced around relationships, work, children, their sense of purpose, direction,
and fulfilment.

Relaxation and meditation
This course will teach students a range of relaxation and meditation methods
which they can employ to manage and reduce stress. The course content
   •   Introduction and breathing
   •   The mindfulness of breathing meditation
   •   A range of relaxation techniques
   •   The cultivation of loving kindness meditation
   •   The benefits of meditation

Developing self- compassion
This course will explore what compassion is and how this is the cornerstone for
understanding and developing self- compassion. Through discussion,
meditation, and experimental exercises, you will gain practical skills to help
bring self-compassion into your daily life. You will learn how to stop being so
hard on yourself, handle difficult emotions with greater ease; and motivate
yourself with kindness rather than criticism.

Creative writing
This course is for improving creative writing skills. Students will learn how to
use their experiences and imaginations to develop poems and stories.

Introduction to mindfulness
Mindfulness is a mind- body approach that involves paying attention to
thoughts, feelings and bodily sensations in a way that can increase our
awareness and compassion and help us to manage difficult experiences and
make wise choices. Rooted in ancient traditions of meditation, mindfulness has
become the subject of increasing scientific attention. Students will learn the
basic techniques.

Training the trainer
If you think people are impossible to understand, you may change your mind
on completion of this course. To have a good relationship or to improve an
existing one requires us to use tools and skills that enable us to understand
communication styles and perspectives.

Finding happiness
Everyone’s path to happiness is different but we all want the same end results
to be happy and healthy. This course takes a look at our connection between
spiritual and physical wellbeing, it explores various subjects including the
meaning of happiness, forgiveness, gratitude, relationships, and success. It also
addresses what makes us happy and what we can do to improve and sustain
that feeling.

Gaining your confidence with effective communication
Communicating effectively is both a skill that is often difficult if you are not
well and can also be challenging to regain. Yet it is so necessary for interaction
with not just family and friends, but services and for finding out and taking part
in clubs and interest group.

This course offers support and practical skills to managing your money better.
The sessions will look at your attitudes towards money and develop strategies
to deal with and manage it.
Creative crafts (beading)
Develop your skills and knowledge in our creative crafts course. The
importance of creativity and wellbeing should not be underestimated. Through
engagement in creative activities, skills can be developed, and confidence
enhanced. This workshop will afford opportunities of friendship, affirmation,
and support. The focus of these classes is to learn the many techniques needed
to make an array of stunning bead work.

Baking/cookery for beginners
The course suitable for students wishing to start baking or upskilling their
current skills. The course aims to provide students with basic understanding of
the introductory skills involved in baking. Students will learn about the
techniques and equipment used in baking, health, safety, and hygiene in the
kitchen, how to weigh and measure, and how to follow a recipe.

Introduction to recovery
Recovery is possible for everyone. This is an introductory co-produced course
for students’ carers and staff who want to take a fresh look at recovery. This
course aims to explore the lived experience of recovery raise your level of hope
and encourage active working toward wellness. By the end of session, you will
be able to identify and implement healthy habits, rituals, and routines to
support wellness lifestyle.

A good night’s sleep
For those who have difficulty getting off to sleep at night. Do you wake up
early in the morning? Spend the night tossing and turning?
The aim of this workshop is to help you improve your understanding of sleep
and ways of dealing with sleep problems:
Myths and realities of sleep
How much sleep we need?
Different types of sleep
Common causes of sleep problems
Ways of overcoming sleep problems

Art group
Focus on drawing and painting at this weekly class

Music appreciation
Bring along your favourite music and share it with the group. This is a relaxed
well attended social group.

A social group where you learn useful crafting skills while enjoying good

DIY Recycling
Learners will know how to recycle old jeans or clothes to make a useful item.
Learners will make one of the following from recycled fabric: a passport cover,
phone wallet or purse.

Paranoia & unusual beliefs support group
A supportive and safe environment to listen and speak. Students will to others
who have beliefs and experiences that are sometimes labelled unusual or

Walking group
Being active is the secret of staying healthy, and walking is one of the easiest
and least expensive. How about joining our walking group, it’s a great way to
get exercise into your day and build strong relationships with other students.
Hearing voices
This is a weekly support group.
Do you hear voices? Do your voices scare you?
Do your voices stop you from doing what you want to do?
Come and join our group.

Music technology
Learn to make music using logic pro X (industry standard software). See how
simple it is to make music on any computer and create your own beats.

Information technology
Internet for beginners
Digital Inclusion Programme
This 6-week programme is very flexible, we will cover: -
   ✓ How To Use the Internet - Web Browsing Software, Search Engines,
     Bookmarks, Profiles, Downloading and Creating Folders.
   ✓ Social Media – Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp etc.
   ✓ Using Email – Setting Up Email Accounts, Sending/Receiving, Creating
     Folders, Sending Attachments, Setting Up and Using an Address book.
   ✓ Learning how to use various Microsoft Office Packages i.e., Word, Excel,
     and PowerPoint (you will have the opportunity to develop very useful
     skills in all 3 packages).
   ✓ Opportunity to learn how to use ZOOM/Microsoft Teams, this has
     become the main remote communication software due to Covid.

This is an excellent programme which will help you develop your digital
skills. This will be useful today as we are in a world where many things are
done digitally.
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