August 2021 - August 2022 - UKG

Page created by Bill Beck
August 2021 - August 2022 - UKG
August 2021 - August 2022
August 2021 - August 2022 - UKG

 1 Foreword

 2 Our Business

 3 Our RAP

 4 Our Partnerships & Current Activities

 5 Relationships

 6 Respect

 7 Opportunities

 8 Governance

 9 Contact
August 2021 - August 2022 - UKG
 It is my honour and privilege to introduce the UKG (Ultimate Kronos Group)
 Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). This plan formally and firmly puts our
 thoughts, actions, and deeds, into our part of Australia’s reconciliation with
 our First Nations Peoples.

 At UKG, our stated mission is “Our Purpose is People.” Simply stated this is
 without exception, and with deep commitment to diversity, and inclusion. As
 the Australian subsidiary of a global company, this belief is ingrained deeply
 in our culture in every manner, in every country around the world. In Australia
 we have a particular focus on Reconciliation.

 UKG (formerly Kronos), has been in Australia for over twenty years, we have
 offices in Wallumatta (Macquarie Park, NSW), in the land originally inhabited
 by the Wurundjeri (East Kew, VIC), and Woolloongabba (Eight Mile Plains,
 QLD), we would like to acknowledge the people, the land, and water where we
 live and work. As a company with over 800 customers in Australia, we would
 also like to acknowledge all, regardless of location, inclusive of our customers,
 partners, and all associates. More than 3,500,000 Australians interact with our
 solution on a daily basis, with this broad reach we have into each community
 and Nation, we realise the influence and responsibility we have.

 With the depth and breadth of our reach in Australia, we will utilise this RAP
 as a springboard for a sustainable, and meaningful allyship with First Nations
 Peoples. We have taken the necessary steps to educate and facilitate the
 process of gaining a deeper and more empathetic understanding of First
 Nations’ heritage, history, and culture. UKG will leverage this Reconciliation
 Action Plan to create opportunities and experiences across all communities.

 I would like to provide gratitude to all UKG team members for their
 participation in this RAP submission, and I am excited to witness the
 realisation of the results to come.

                                                     Neil Solomon - Vice President, APAC
August 2021 - August 2022 - UKG
Artwork Credit
This artwork was created through The Torch, a not-for-profit organisation, that provides
art, cultural, and arts industry support to Indigenous offenders and ex- offenders in

                                                                    Yorta Yorta
                                                                    Family, 2020
                                                                    cat #: 0252-21
                                                                    Acrylic on canvas

    “This painting speaks to my heart about how families should love and
   respect each other, through good times and bad. No matter what we go
 through in life, love will always conquer, blood is thicker than water.” - Willie
August 2021 - August 2022 - UKG
Our Business
At UKG™ (Ultimate Kronos Group), our purpose is people™. Built
from a merger that created one of the largest cloud companies in
the world, UKG believes organisations succeed when they focus on
their people.

A leading global provider of Human Capital Management, Payroll, and Workforce
Management solutions, UKG delivers award-winning Pro, Dimensions, and Ready
solutions. These solutions help tens of thousands of organisations across geographies
and in every industry drive better business outcomes, improve HR effectiveness,
streamline the payroll process, and help make work a better, more connected experience
for everyone.

UKG has more than 13,000 employees around the globe and is known for an inclusive
workplace culture. The company has earned numerous awards for culture, products, and
services, including consecutive years on Fortune’s 100 Best Companies to Work For list.
In Australia UKG employs 240 people across almost every state and territory with offices
in Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne & Adelaide. It is currently unknown the number of
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees we have at UKG. However, we will work
within this RAP to determine culturally appropriate ways to understand this.

UKG is developing its first Reconciliation Action Plan as part of its Diversity, Inclusion
& Belonging Strategy to ensure the workplace is reflective of the community we live
in. The purpose of this Reflect RAP is to raise awareness and educate employees on
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, histories, knowledge, and to lay the
foundations for UKG to be more ambitious in the future in providing appropriate
opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

UKG seeks to contribute to the journey of reconciliation and further develop our culture
as an organisation that acknowledges and fosters awareness and respect of Aboriginal
and Torres Strait Islander peoples, their histories and their cultures through both our
work practices and our organisational environments.

As a culturally sensitive organisation with employees from various cultural
backgrounds, we strive to create workplaces and customer interactions
that are culturally safe and inviting for both employees and stake-
holders. We are dedicated to taking the next step to increase our
understanding of the importance of being an active participant in
the journey of reconciliation to achieve these outcomes.
August 2021 - August 2022 - UKG
Our Partnerships & Current
The Gulanga Group is a locally owned, Supply Nation Certified Indigenous Business
that works closely with the Federal Government at all levels to advocate the effective
use of new and emerging Information and Communications Technology (ICT) to deliver
better business outcomes. UKG is pleased to have Gulanga Group as a key contract and
procurement partner for government agencies in Australia. Gulanga is contracted with
UKG under our Partner Program. Over our first year of successful relationship, UKG and
Gulanga have worked together and have been successful signing up clients such as
The Commonwealth Department of Parliamentary Services, ACT Government Shared
Services, ACT Government Justice and Community Services, and Service NSW.

Gulanga is a local Ngunnawal name meaning “to partner” and they continually put their
name into action by working with quality partners and contractors. In relation to the
Gulanga and UKG partnership, aside from signing up clients, UKG and Gulanga work to
provide support to communities through different projects. On a contract by contract
basis, UKG & Gulunga agree a percentage of the profits to be donated to projects such as
the Soundfield Project.

The Soundfield project supports the well-being of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
kids by providing technology to improve their hearing in schools. Gulanga’s first
Soundfield project was delivered to a primary school in West Queanbeyan State School
on the basis that the use of Soundfield systems results in 41% increase in attainment of
educational indicators. Queanbeyan West Public School received the donation of eight
Soundfield sound amplification systems. The technology was installed in eight infants
classrooms which were assessed as having the greatest need. The system projects
sound that is input by a wearable microphone and delivers it around the classroom. It
allows children even with no hearing loss to hear the teacher clearly no matter where
they sit. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children experience a higher incidence of
hearing loss and this was a key incentive for Gulanga to get involved.

UKG will continue to support these type of initiatives and welcomes the opportunity
to create further impact into the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities by
closely working with our partner Gulanga.
August 2021 - August 2022 - UKG
  UKG believes in supporting reconciliation and listening to the voices of Aboriginal
  and Torres Strait Islander peoples. UKG understands this is a key step towards
  building and maintaining mutually beneficial relationships that will drive positive
  outcomes. Successful partnerships are built upon cross cultural understanding,
  mutual trust, respect, and accountability.

 Action                   Deliverable                     Timeline           Responsibility

1. Establish and      • Identify Aboriginal and Torres       December 2021    RAP Working
strengthen            Strait Islander stakeholders and                        Group Chair
                      organisations within our local area or
                      sphere of influence.
relationships         • Research best practice and         March 2022         RAP Working
with Aboriginal       principles that support partnerships                    Group Chair
and Torres            with Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander       Strait Islander stakeholders and
stakeholders and
organisations.        • Continue our relationship with    July 2022           VP Sales
                      Gulunga and explore further options
                      for community support partnerships.

2. Build              • Circulate Reconciliation Australia’s May 2022        RAP Working
relationships         NRW resources and reconciliation                       Group Chair
through               materials to our staff.
celebrating           • RAP Working Group members           27 May - 3 June RAP Working
National              to participate in an external NRW     2022            Group Chair
Reconciliation        event.
Week (NRW).
                      • Encourage and support staff         27 May - 3 June RAP Working
                      and senior leaders to participate     2022            Group Chair
                      in at least one external event to
                      recognise and celebrate NRW.
August 2021 - August 2022 - UKG
Action               Deliverable                         Timeline          Responsibility

3. Promote       • Communicate our commitment to           September 2021 VP & GM ANZ
reconciliation   reconciliation to all staff.                             SEA
through our
                 • Identify external stakeholders that     July 2022       RAP Working
sphere of        our organisation can engage with                          Group Chair
influence.       on our reconciliation journey.

                 • Identify RAP and other like-            July 2022       RAP Working
                 minded organisations that we                              Group Chair
                 could approach to collaborate with
                 on our reconciliation journey.

4. Promote       • Research best practices and             December 2021   Head of HR
positive race    policies in areas of race relations
                 and anti-discrimination.
through anti-    • Conduct a review of HR policies                         Head of HR
                                                           December 2021
discrimination   and procedures to identify existing
strategies.      anti-discrimination provisions, and
                 future needs.
August 2021 - August 2022 - UKG
   By building a respectful workplace UKG aims to build an inclusive and diverse work
   culture that brings value to our people and our customers, as well as to the Aboriginal
   & Torres Strait Islander peoples, organisations, and communities with which we work.
   UKG believes that by deepening knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal and Torres
   Strait Islander peoples, their cultures, histories, and contributions, employees will
   respectfully work towards better connections and inclusive communities.

  Action                   Deliverable                      Timeline          Responsibility

5. Increase               • Develop a business case for         December 2021 Head of HR
understanding, value,     increasing understanding, value
                          and recognition of Aboriginal, and
and recognition
                          Torres Strait Islander cultures,
of Aboriginal and         histories, knowledge and rights
Torres Strait Islander    within our organisation.
cultures, histories,
knowledge, and            • Conduct a review of cultural        December 2021 Head of HR
rights through            learning needs within our
cultural learning.

6. Demonstrate           • Develop an understanding of          September 2021 RAP Working
                         the local Traditional Owners                          Group Chair
respect to
                         or Custodians of the lands and
Aboriginal and
                         waters within our organisation’s
Torres Strait            operational area.
Islander peoples                                                December 2021 RAP Working
by observing             • Increase staff’s understanding                     Group Chair
cultural                 of the purpose and significance
protocols.               behind cultural protocols, including
                         Acknowledgement of Country and
                         Welcome to Country protocols.

7. Build respect          • Raise awareness and share           July 2022       RAP Working
for Aboriginal            information amongst our staff                         Group Chair
                          about the meaning of NAIDOC
and Torres Strait
Islander cultures
and histories by          • Introduce our staff to NAIDOC   July 2022           RAP Working
celebrating NAIDOC        Week by promoting external events                     Group Chair
Week.                     in our local area.

                          • RAP Working Group to participate    1st week in     RAP Working
                          in an external NAIDOC Week event.     July 2022       Group Chair
UKG believes in creating diversity within the organisation and is committed to using our
core business to connect people across Australia, and to influence training and employment
opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals, organisations, and

    Action                   Deliverable                      Timeline        Responsibility

  8. Improve            • Develop a business case for             July 2022   Head of HR
  employment            Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
                        employment within our organisation,
  outcomes by
                        including support structures for
  increasing            Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
  Aboriginal            employees.
  and Torres                                                      July 2022   Head of HR
  Strait Islander       • Build understanding of current
  recruitment,          Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
                        staffing to inform future employment
  retention, and
                        and professional development
  professional          opportunities.
  development.                                                    July 2022   Head of HR
                        • Develop a business case to engage
                        with Juwun in our organisation. We
                        will look to provide secondment
                        options that provide business
                        expertise to Aboriginal & Torres Strait
                        Islander businesses.

  9. Increase           • Develop a business case for             July 2022    RAP Working
  Aboriginal and        procurement from Aboriginal                            Group Chair
                        and Torres Strait Islander owned
  Torres Strait         businesses.
  Islander supplier
  diversity to          • Investigate Supply Nation               July 2022    RAP Working
  support improved      membership.                                            Group Chair
  economic and
  social outcomes.
UKG recognises that for our RAP to be successful it needs to be culturally appropriate and
relevant, with clear objectives, measures and accountability, and be responsive to the needs of
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees. Our governance structure ensures we develop
and implement RAP actions that are relevant, achievable, and contribute towards equality
and meaningful reconciliation. UKG will determine progress by monitoring engagement in the
deliverables, including our response to challenges and celebration of achievements.

   Action                    Deliverable                         Timeline       Responsibility

10. Establish             • Form a RWG to govern RAP                July 2022      Head of HR
and maintain              implementation.
an effective RAP
                          • Draft a Terms of Reference for the      July 2022      Head of HR
Working Group             RWG.
(RWG) to drive
governance of the         • Establish Aboriginal and Torres     July 2022          Head of HR
RAP.                      Strait Islander representation on the

                          • Define resource needs for RAP          July 2022       Head of HR
support for               • Engage senior leaders in the           July 2022       Head of HR
effective                 delivery of RAP commitments.
implementation of
RAP commitments.          • Define appropriate systems and         July 2022       Head of HR
                          capability to track, measure and
                          report on RAP commitments.
12. Build                 • Complete and submit the                September       RAP Working
accountability            annual RAP Impact Measurement            2022            Group Chair
and transparency          Questionnaire to Reconciliation
through reporting
RAP achievements,
challenges, and
learnings both
internally and
13. Continue our            • Register via Reconciliation          March 2022    RAP Working
reconciliation              Australia’s website to begin                         Group Chair
journey by                  developing our next RAP.
developing our next
At UKG (Ultimate Kronos Group), our purpose is
    people™. Built from a merger that created
one of the largest cloud companies in the world,
   UKG believes organisations succeed when
 they focus on their people. As a leading global
     provider of HCM, payroll, and workforce
  management solutions, UKG delivers award-
  winning Dimensions and Ready solutions to
 help tens of thousands of organisations across
 geographies and in every industry drive better
 business outcomes, improve HR effectiveness,
 streamline the payroll process, and help make
  work a better, more connected experience for
everyone. UKG has more than 13,000 employees
 around the globe and is known for an inclusive
                workplace culture.
      To learn more, visit

        Name: Rebecca Moulynox
      Position: Head of HR ANZ SEA
         Phone: +61 426 954 253
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