Citizen Centric Cities - The Sustainable Cities Index 2018 - Arcadis
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Foreword T he 2018 edition of Arcadis’ Sustainable Cities Index (SCI) explores city sustainability from the perspective of the citizen. We seek to understand in more depth how different cities enable different citizen groups to meet their particular needs. In many cities, citizens face huge This points to a series of core challenges to meet their basic challenges for all cities that needs of survival, including shelter, influence not only how they seek access to food, water and warmth. to improve their performance, Once these are met, the human but also how they prepare for a need for community, managing digitally-driven transformation. It society and moving from “A to B” is important to look at how cities take on far greater importance. maintain services at current levels Cities are powerful engines that of performance as they evolve, bring people together and allow specifically if they use innovation for resource sharing to meet to ensure that currently collective needs. Our study recognized needs and wants are highlights that emerging needs, met. Second, how they allocate such as digital connectivity, are new resources to meet changing being addressed in cities at all citizen requirements – prioritizing levels of sustainability. initiatives to ensure that the greatest benefits are delivered. A critical point is that human Finally, how do cities ensure needs are fundamentally that they are fit for the future – hierarchical in nature. And if preserving resources so that the certain needs are not met, needs of tomorrow’s citizens can for example if housing is too be met as well as responding to expensive, then dissatisfaction changes in business models and will follow. The SCI and other economic circumstances. studies show that even highly developed cities can struggle In the 2018 edition of the SCI, to meet the basic needs of their we continue our exploration of citizens. As a result, the level of the People, Profit and Planet peoples’ satisfaction associated dimensions of city sustainability, with their purpose or well-being building a greater understanding are undermined. Viewed from a of the underlying characteristics citizen’s perspective, a city that is of cities that enable some to highly ranked as sustainable but outperform their peers. Our with elevated levels of congestion intention is that by initiating not meeting accessibility needs, is further debate on the nature not truly sustainable. of long-term success, cities will continue to challenge themselves to meet the needs of their people for both today and tomorrow. John Batten, Global Cities Director 3
Executive summary T he Sustainable Cities Index ranks 100 global cities on three pillars of sustainability: People (social), Planet (environmental) and Profit (economic). The SCI overall findings highlight York, San Francisco and Seattle the following: are the only U.S. cities in the top • The importance of the Profit 20. Two additional cities, Tokyo pillar as a driver for long-term and Sydney, are lower – ranking sustainability high for People, but need to • The need for mid-ranking improve in both Profit and Planet. cities to improve their performance across all Major cities across Africa and Asia pillars as a differentiator are represented in the bottom • The growing potential 10 of the rankings. Importantly, for cities to use the digital it is the Profit performance of evolution of their service these cities, particularly related provision to promote to ease of doing business and engagement with citizens output that contributes to their and as a key means of weak relative performance. improving the citizen Growing a robust local economy the top 50 cities. Edinburgh tops experience of city life. is a critical aspect of long-term the sub-index, and the other sustainability, particularly given cities have scores within +/- 10%. London is ranked the world’s the close association of economic Affordability of city life, access most sustainable city in 2018 performance with improved to public transport and income with particularly high scores in quality of life. inequality are the big swing the People and Profit pillars. The results highlight that strengths variables. A cluster of cities at the Although coastal cities including bottom of the rankings highlights reflected in London’s status can New York and Seattle feature the challenge of meeting offset challenges associated with in the top 20, most U.S. cities citizen needs in many emerging affordability and congestion. fall in the bottom half of the economies. The affordability, London’s Planet ranking is lower, ranking. U.S. cities tend to score health, education and digital but still in the upper quartile, evenly across the three pillars, infrastructure indicators all reflecting air quality and waste highlighting that these cities face point to deep-seated challenges management issues seen in other broad challenges across all pillars associated with improving life large cities. to improve their sustainability. experiences in emerging cities. In Latin America, Santiago, São Stockholm, Edinburgh, Singapore Paulo, Mexico City and Buenos A group of smaller European and Vienna complete the top five Aires are all tightly clustered at cities led by Stockholm, sit at in the Index. Whereas Stockholm the top of the bottom quartile, the top of the Planet sub-index. and Vienna score highly against typically scoring better in People Determinants of a high ranking Planet criteria, Edinburgh is and Planet than in the Profit pillar. include low carbon energy aligned more closely to the People agenda. Singapore is highest infrastructure and significant Kuala Lumpur benefits from green spaces. The expanded 2018 ranked in the Profit sub-index consistent scores across all pillars Index also tracks investment by a considerable margin. and outranks all the cities in China in low carbon transport except for Shenzhen as well as infrastructure, including bike The top 20 sustainable cities are a number of U.S. and European sharing and electric vehicle mostly established European cities. incentives – highlighting the rapid metropolises. Additionally, representing Asia are Singapore, adoption of these solutions in Performance across the People Hong Kong and Seoul - both well- many cities. pillar is relatively consistent across established trading cities. New 4
The Profit sub-index highlights The city clusters are: the extreme disparities in income. • Balanced Innovators: Thirty- The top of the sub-index is five cities in the SCI fall into this dominated by global financial cluster and have an average centers. Singapore, London and ranking of 21st. Particularly Hong Kong head up the list and strong in People and Profit hold a sizeable lead over New York sub-indices. in 4th place. Sixty cities, ranging • Post-industrial Opportunists: from Oslo in 15th place to Lyon Thirty-three cities in the SCI fall in 74th place, have scores within into this cluster and have an a range of +/-20% highlighting average ranking of 49th. Typical complementary strengths in strengths are aligned to the employment, tourism or ease People and Planet sub-indices. of doing business. Ten cities, all Cities in this cluster are mostly U.S. with some in Europe and in developing countries have a Australia. lower ranking due to challenges in output, ease of doing business and • Evolutionary Cities: Nineteen cities in the SCI fall into this innovation infrastructure. cluster and have an average ranking of 84th. Cities are The research features new particularly weak in the Profit work on city archetypes and pillar. The cluster includes highly clusters aimed at explaining the disrupted Western cities such as implications of a citizen experience Athens as well as a number of showing a close correlation to large, emerging market cities. the SCI rankings. The four city • Fast-growing Megacities: clusters used are based on an Thirteen cities in the SCI fall into analysis of the citizen experiences this cluster and have an average of city living combined with the ranking of 85th. The Profit pillar Index data. is also weaker for this cluster. Cities in this cluster include very large cities from China and India. 5
Citizen centric cities Building a sustainable partnership O ur latest update of the SCI highlights the rapid impact that digital technologies are having on the citizens’ experience of the city and on the relationship between city and its people. As the adoption of automated city services expands and as cities become more reliant on citizen- sourced data to support basic functions, this relationship will become even more complex. The rapid development of urban be managed more effectively on Reflecting on the findings of mobility solutions, whether behalf of all stakeholders. On the the SCI and growing evidence delivered by mass transit, negative side, greater awareness of the importance of the citizen ridesharing or ultimately by of the pace and scale of change perspective, we highlight three connected and autonomous may detract from city living and aspects of citizen centric cities vehicles (CAV) is perhaps the some stakeholders - whether that will be critical in underpinning most extreme example of this businesses, politicians or an long-term city sustainability. rapidly evolving trend. Changes elite may wield disproportionate • Short-term vs. long-term: in mobility are already irreversibly influence over future investment Compared to the long-term shifting the way in which cities and management priorities. challenges of city sustainability, operate – only 15% of private-hire many aspects of digital car journeys are now undertaken "The additional dynamism disruption are inconsequential by licensed taxi cab in San “noise”. Cities must keep their Francisco – the harbinger of much lent to cities through focus on long-term resilience, greater change that could occur digital disruption is both a even as they navigate their way if Mobility as a Service (MaaS) through short-term change. threat and an opportunity • Firm foundations: The SCI data develops at the pace predicted by forecasters. for city leaders." consistently highlights that the foundations of city sustainability The citizen centric analysis However, the real negative is are an educated and healthy presented in the SCI highlights that new technologies are not, workforce, effective low-carbon on current trajectories, going infrastructure and ease of the dramatic impact of change anywhere far enough or fast doing business. Irrespective of affecting most city dwellers’ where a city is positioned in the experience of their city. There enough to mitigate many of the SCI rankings, these attributes is little evidence of stability and negative impacts of city living. should never be put at risk by balance in many citizens’ lives, The cities at the top of the Index city planning. even in the highly sustainable have succeeded in achieving a • Share the journey: City cities at the top of the rankings. degree of sustainable balance not sustainability is a long- only due to an historic economic term project and cities are The additional dynamism lent to legacy but also due to far-sighted increasingly connected. cities through digital disruption is decisions taken to manage the Maintaining a city’s long-term both a threat and an opportunity impacts of growth. London’s competitiveness and resilience for city leaders. On the positive sewers, New York’s grid-based will need to be a shared side, emerging opportunities for planning and Copenhagen’s green mission. User perspectives, greater understanding of how infrastructure are all examples data and digital platforms cities operate through data as of far-sighted thinking that has enable unprecedented levels of well as means to communicate to helped to mitigate some of the collaboration and cities have a key role in leading the way. citizens through a range of digital problems of today and of the platforms should enable cities to future. 7
What enables a city to meet present and future needs? S ustainable cities can be thought of as places that are planned and managed with consideration for social, economic, environmental impact, providing a resilient habitat for existing populations, without compromising the ability of future generations to experience the same. Accordingly, measures of sustainability need to be able to measure current city performance, ability to mitigate future impacts as well as investment in future capability – ideally measured from the perspective of the citizen. 8
The three pillars The Sustainable Cities Index is a broad measure of sustainability, encompassing measures of the social, environmental and economic health of cities as shown in Figure 1. Figure 1: The three pillars of sustainability Reflects social mobility Describes management of Assesses business and quality of energy use, pollution and environment and economic opportunity and life emissions performance Social Environmental Economic People Planet Profit The Sustainable The UN SDGs emphasize the cross-cutting nature of • Investment in low carbon infrastructure (renewable Cities Index ranks sustainability initiatives and the energy, bicycle infrastructure and electric vehicle incentives) necessity for all cities to take a 100 global cities balanced approach in developing • City resilience (natural an agenda. In this release of the catastrophe exposure and risk on three pillars of SCI, we bring an additional focus monitoring). sustainability: People, on how the characteristics of cities contribute to, or hold back, Metrics underpinning the Profit sub-index include: Planet and Profit. the development of sustainability • Effectiveness of transport initiatives. Understanding citizen The three pillars are needs and how cities function is infrastructure (rail, air and traffic key to identifying how initiatives congestion) closely aligned to to improve sustainability • Economic performance (GDP per capita, employment rates, the UN Sustainable performance can be effectively implemented. ease of doing business, tourism, position in global economic Development Goals networks) Metrics used to build the People (SDGs) and track sub-index indicators measure city • Business infrastructure (Mobile and broadband connectivity, performance in terms of: progress against UN • Personal well-being (health, employment rates and university technology research). SDG commitments education, crime), In 2018 we have revised the • Working life (income inequality, covering: working hours, the dependency indicators of the indices to give ratio) greater emphasis to the digital • Health and well-being • Urban living (transport capabilities of cities. We use the • Water and sanitation adoption of digital solutions as accessibility, digital services and • Industry, innovation and other amenities). a proxy measure for the pace infrastructure at which cities are equipping • Inclusive, safe, resilient and Data included in the Planet sub- themselves to meet future sustainable cities index ranks cities according to needs. Connectivity, mobility, • Climate change impacts environmental impacts covering: citizen engagement and disaster • Life on land • Immediate needs of citizens management are all areas where • Partnership. (water supplies, sanitation and the adoption of new digital air pollution) solutions will enable cities • Long-term impacts (energy to accelerate their sustainable consumption, recycling rates, development. greenhouse gas emissions) 9
Overall results L ondon tops the Index, ranking second in both People and Profit as well as ranking 11th against the Planet sub-index. London is one of few high performing balanced cities in the Index with similar scores across the three pillars. • Most highly ranked cities score well in one or two well in the Profit Pillar, while cities more to the pillars. This is exemplified by Singapore and Hong east such as Prague, Warsaw and Moscow Kong, both of which are in the top 10 driven by very face greater challenges associated with their high Profit rankings and middle of the road People sustainability agenda. and Planet rankings. Most of the top 10 cities do • Many of the European cities are increasingly have very high Planet scores - these are Northern reliant on automated systems and data to European cities, exemplified by Stockholm and support their effective operation. They are also Frankfurt which have been highly successful in sensitive to corporate priorities for what makes a combining economic prosperity and environmental successful and sustainable city. We term the citizen stewardship. experience in these cities Balanced Innovators. • The U.S. has four cities in the upper quartile. The • In Asia, we find a clear distinction between the Profit pillar is typically strong for these cities, well-established Seoul and Tokyo and a large New York ranked 14th overall and 4th in Profit. group of cities in China and emerging markets. Interestingly, Seattle, ranked 19th, is the epitome of Of 23 cities in the sample, 14 are in the bottom a balanced city, ranking around the upper quartile quartile, facing significant challenges across all in all three pillars. We include a large sample pillars. The performance gap affecting cities in of U.S. cities in the Index and 15 of them rank the bottom quarter of the ranking is particularly between 50th and 75th, an exceptionally consistent daunting - figure 2 highlights that scores are pattern. These cities are mid to low ranking across disproportionately low. Delivering sustainable all pillars, highlighting the complex challenge that growth from such a baseline will require huge post-industrial cities face. Most of the U.S. cities progress against the agenda set out by the UN are in the process of a post-industrial transition, SDGs. These cities are characterized by higher where cities are having to balance immediate levels of informality. We have developed two investment in response to change with long-term models to describe these cities - Evolutionary Cities sustainability. Sometimes this investment comes and Fast-growing Megacities, reflecting the scale at the expense of legacy employment and with of cities in these clusters and the balance between a greater sense of competition between city organized and informal activities in the cities. peers for available investment. We describe the • All cities in Latin America can be found in the citizen experience in these cities as Post-industrial lowest quartile. All seven cities in the sample are Opportunists. clustered within a range of 10 cities at the top end • Sixteen European cities are in the upper quartile. of quartile rankings. Latin American cities score Many of these, Amsterdam and Vienna, for relatively well in People and Planet but do less well example, are balanced cities where our measures in the Profit rankings. This is a common pattern suggest that the needs of citizens, business and the for lower ranking cities. Citizen experience in Latin environment are all served well. Cities in Southern American cities most closely fits the Evolutionary Europe such as Spain, Italy, and Greece, score less Cities cluster. • Overall, the results of the Index highlight that a cluster of relatively small European cities are “Our neighborhood is very good. People particularly successful in balancing well-being and economic performance and are taking steps are so caring, and we can spend a lot of to mitigate some aspects of environmental impact. However, further down the scale, cities time with our neighbors.” which represent the fastest growing economies, in Asia, South America and Africa all face huge challenges to deliver citizen-centric growth while Pooja, 44, New Delhi, India mitigating wider environmental impacts. Analysis of the three pillars provides further insight into these challenges. 10
Figure 2: Overall Index Rankings 1 London 51 Houston 2 Stockholm 52 Philadelphia 3 Edinburgh 53 Denver 4 Singapore 54 Warsaw 5 Vienna 55 Honolulu 6 Zurich 56 Melbourne 7 Munich 57 Budapest 8 Oslo 58 Moscow 9 Hong Kong 59 Dallas 10 Frankfurt 60 Pittsburgh 11 Copenhagen 61 New Orleans 12 Amsterdam 62 Lisbon 13 Seoul 63 Miami 14 New York 64 Indianapolis 15 Paris 65 Jacksonville 16 San Francisco 66 Shenzhen 17 Hamburg 67 Kuala Lumpur 18 Berlin 68 Baltimore 19 Seattle 69 Phoenix 20 Dublin 70 Atlanta 21 Madrid 71 Detroit 22 Boston 72 Tampa 23 Prague 73 Beijing 24 Taipei 74 Guangzhou 25 Ottawa 75 Athens 26 Vancouver 76 Shanghai 27 Rotterdam 77 Santiago 28 Barcelona 78 Sao Paulo 29 Manchester 79 Mexico City 30 Toronto 80 Bangkok 31 Montreal 81 Buenos Aires 32 Glasgow 82 Istanbul 33 Tokyo 83 Tianjin 34 Sydney 84 Rio de Janeiro 35 Canberra 85 Lima 36 Geneva 86 Salvador 37 Calgary 87 Wuhan 38 Birmingham 88 Chennai 39 Washington 89 New Delhi 40 Rome 90 Chengdu 41 Macau 91 Bengaluru 42 Milan 92 Johannesburg 43 Antwerp 93 Mumbai 44 Brisbane 94 Jakarta 45 Los Angeles 95 Manila 46 Lyon 96 Nairobi 47 Brussels 97 Cape Town 48 Chicago 98 Hanoi 49 Wellington 99 Cairo 50 Leeds 100 Kolkata 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% People Planet Profit
The People sub-index T he People sub-index measures social sustainability - quality of life in the present and prospects for improvement for future generations. Our working hypothesis is that factors like good health and education hold the key to current social sustainability, and that a city’s digital infrastructure will set the foundation for future quality of life. The People sub-index addresses UN SDGs dealing with poverty, health and well-being, education and reduced inequalities. • Edinburgh ranks first here based on the • Santiago and Buenos Aires score relatively highly combination of a highly educated and healthy in the People sub-index based on reasonably workforce, a reasonably equal distribution of strong scores in health and education, making income and low crime rate. them peers of many cities in the U.S. However, • The rest of the top 10 includes smaller cities cities in Brazil, Mexico and Peru rank much lower from Europe, developed cities in Asia and San as a result of poorer educational attainment and Francisco representing the U.S. All these cities have digital provision. strengths and weaknesses, but a recurring feature • The bottom three cities are all found in Africa but of these cities is their relatively high education cities from all continents other than Europe and scores, reflecting university rankings as well as Oceania can be found in the lower quartile. Scores participation rates. There are also some indications are particularly low for health and education of a better digital experience. All cities in the top 10 outcomes, affordability and digital capability. form part of the Balanced Innovator cluster. Crime, income inequality and work-life balance • Typically, cities in Europe, developed Asia and are worse than for other cities but in reality, the Oceania score well in the People sub-index. Cities performance of most cities in the lower half of the in the U.S. are lacking, with only two in the upper sub-index is significantly worse than the top half quartile. The citizen experience of U.S. cities is of the sub-index, highlighting common challenges affected by higher than average income inequality, for many cities in Africa, Asia, Southern Europe crime and limited access to public transport. Many and the U.S. This finding highlights challenges U.S. Post-industrial Opportunist cities are ranked for the citizen experience across most city types, below 50th in the sub-index. particularly in Evolutionary Cities such as Jakarta or Cape Town. • As part of our increased focus on the forward- looking capability of the city, we have also looked “There's a real shortage of housing. That's at how cities are using technology to improve quality of life for their citizens. Our ranking takes why house prices and trending prices are into account digital services associated with transport and property taxes as well as measures sky high. You pay a lot of money for not a of connectivity including the affordability of broadband and the availability of Wi-Fi. lot of space.” • The top 10 cities score well across these metrics, with cities such as San Francisco clearly having Kirsten, 27, Amsterdam, Netherlands many digital advantages. However, aspects of digital services including Wi-Fi and digitally- accessed transport are widely available in a large share of the cities sampled, only in the bottom quartile does a real digital gap emerge. Digital is a strong point for U.S. cities, with only three cities having low levels of digital integration in the transport system. 12
Figure 3: People sub-index 1 Edinburgh 51 Beijing 2 London 52 Washington 3 Paris 53 Guangzhou 4 Taipei 54 Toronto 5 Stockholm 55 Shenzhen 6 Prague 56 Lisbon 7 Seoul 57 Budapest 8 Amsterdam 58 Honolulu 9 San Francisco 59 Kuala Lumpur 10 Madrid 60 Santiago 11 Tokyo 61 Houston 12 Manchester 62 Dallas 13 Rotterdam 63 Pittsburgh 14 Moscow 64 Jacksonville 15 Canberra 65 Buenos Aires 16 Macau 66 Philadelphia 17 Lyon 67 Shanghai 18 Dublin 68 Denver 19 Vienna 69 Geneva 20 Seattle 70 Chicago 21 Hong Kong 71 Phoenix 22 Wellington 72 Atlanta 23 Glasgow 73 Miami 24 Barcelona 74 Tampa 25 Sydney 75 Istanbul 26 Brussels 76 Tianjin 27 Milan 77 Indianapolis 28 Frankfurt 78 Mexico City 29 Ottawa 79 Baltimore 30 New York 80 Sao Paulo 31 Singapore 81 New Orleans 32 Oslo 82 Chengdu 33 Birmingham 83 Wuhan 34 Montreal 84 Detroit 35 Munich 85 Bangkok 36 Berlin 86 Chennai 37 Rome 87 New Delhi 38 Melbourne 88 Lima 39 Calgary 89 Cairo 40 Copenhagen 90 Rio de Janeiro 41 Warsaw 91 Bengaluru 42 Hamburg 92 Hanoi 43 Zurich 93 Manila 44 Boston 94 Mumbai 45 Brisbane 95 Salvador 46 Vancouver 96 Kolkata 47 Leeds 97 Jakarta 48 Athens 98 Cape Town 49 Antwerp 99 Johannesburg 50 Los Angeles 100 Nairobi 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% Affordability Education Health Public transport Digital Income inequality Work-life balance Crime Demographics Cultural offerings
The Planet sub-index T he Planet sub-index measures the sustainable attributes of a city such as green space and pollution in addition to leading indicators of environmental mitigation such as support for low carbon transport. The Planet sub-index addresses UN SDGs for clean water and sanitation, clean energy and climate action. • Our data highlights that all cities in the upper • The natural attributes of Latin American cities quartile of the Planet sub-index are European or including São Paulo and Salvador mean that North American cities including four from Canada. these cities score highly across most of the Planet Asian cities including Hong Kong and Singapore sub-index rankings and appear in the top half of which score well overall do less well in the Planet the rankings. Waste management tends to be sub-index – partly due to resilience risks associated challenging in these cities, leading to lower scores with their exposure to natural catastrophe. This is a for some cities including Buenos Aires. problem also faced by many cities in the U.S. • Cities in the lowest quartile come mostly from • Stockholm leads the Sustainable Cities Index Asia and Africa. Hanoi comes at the bottom of on the Planet pillar, thanks to investment in the rankings, facing legacy challenges associated sustainable infrastructure, low emissions and good limited green space, high levels of air pollution and air quality. For the top 10 cities, distinguishing poor waste management provision. Low levels features tend to be the legacy of lots of green of access to resources means that greenhouse space, below average air pollution and effective gas emissions in the bottom 10 cities including waste management. As a leading indicator of Kolkata and Cairo are as low as those in the top 10. investment in low-carbon infrastructure, all However, investment in low carbon technologies of these cities have made significantly larger will inevitably be a lower priority when basic citizen investments in bicycle infrastructure than many of needs like water and waste management still their peers. need to be fixed. There are an equal number of • The remainder of cities in the top half of the sub- Evolutionary Cities and Fast-growing Megacities in index are located in Europe, Oceania, Brazil and the bottom quartile. (mostly) coastal cities in the U.S. These all fit the • The presence of developed world cities including Balanced Innovators. Accordingly, this means that Athens, Atlanta, Istanbul, Melbourne and Moscow 14 cities in the U.S., including Chicago, Houston in the bottom quartile highlights that there is no and Los Angeles are in the bottom half of the sub- room for complacency. There are few common index. All U.S. cities have a below-average energy themes linking these cities other than isolated, use profile, and these three cities also have limited very low scores in single indicators such as GHG green space provision as well as sub-par waste emissions (Melbourne), waste management management. In paradox, in car-loving U.S. cities, (Moscow) or green space (Atlanta and Athens). air quality is typically good, although greenhouse However, given low levels of investment in gas (GHG) emissions tend to be on the high side. mitigation technologies such as Electric Vehicles and bicycle infrastructure, there is inconclusive evidence as to whether these cities are actively addressing their challenges. “Since arriving six months ago, I have • Across the Index, many cities are at risk to natural catastrophes. Even top 10 cities like Munich have begun to feel healthier and more relaxed. a high exposure to flood risk. We have added a natural disaster monitoring indicator to assess how While the city feels so equal and fair, I wish early warning technology is being used to mitigate these risks. The indicator highlights that the 10 it was easier to really connect with people cities with the greatest risk exposure have below par early warning systems. Interestingly, some and make new friends.” cities with the lowest risk profile including Calgary and Ottawa, have highly developed warning Erik, 26, Stockholm, Sweden systems, demonstrating the extent to which some cities are prepared to invest in their citizen’s long- term quality of life. 14
Figure 4: Planet sub-index 1 Stockholm 51 Calgary 2 Frankfurt 52 Chicago 3 Zurich 53 Brisbane 4 Vienna 54 Denver 5 Copenhagen 55 Jacksonville 6 Oslo 56 Detroit 7 Hamburg 57 Miami 8 Berlin 58 Phoenix 9 Munich 59 Houston 10 Montreal 60 Los Angeles 11 London 61 Nairobi 12 Geneva 62 Budapest 13 Ottawa 63 Tokyo 14 Toronto 64 Shenzhen 15 Madrid 65 Tampa 16 Amsterdam 66 Baltimore 17 Vancouver 67 Dallas 18 Edinburgh 68 Prague 19 Glasgow 69 Pittsburgh 20 New York 70 Mexico City 21 Manchester 71 Guangzhou 22 Barcelona 72 Taipei 23 New Orleans 73 Macau 24 Rome 74 Warsaw 25 Paris 75 Johannesburg 26 Seattle 76 Shanghai 27 Birmingham 77 Santiago 28 Leeds 78 Atlanta 29 Boston 79 Athens 30 Seoul 80 Tianjin 31 Dublin 81 Melbourne 32 Salvador 82 Buenos Aires 33 Sao Paulo 83 Kuala Lumpur 34 Antwerp 84 Bengaluru 35 Lyon 85 Beijing 36 Philadelphia 86 New Delhi 37 Honolulu 87 Moscow 38 Rotterdam 88 Istanbul 39 Lisbon 89 Mumbai 40 Milan 90 Wuhan 41 Singapore 91 Manila 42 Wellington 92 Chennai 43 San Francisco 93 Chengdu 44 Canberra 94 Bangkok 45 Washington 95 Cape Town 46 Brussels 96 Jakarta 47 Rio de Janeiro 97 Lima 48 Indianapolis 98 Cairo 49 Sydney 99 Kolkata 50 Hong Kong 100 Hanoi 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% Energy Air pollution Greenhouse gas emissions Waste management Water & sanitation Green spaces Bicycle infrastructure Electric vehicle incentives Environmental exposure Negative emmission Natural disaster technologies monitoring
The Profit sub-index T he Profit pillar • Looking at regional groupings of cities across the sample, U.S. cities perform better against measures the the Profit sub-index than other elements of the Index. Interestingly, highly ranked cities including economic health of Chicago, Houston and Denver do not perform anywhere near as well under either the People a city, incorporating or Planet metrics. The long-term prioritization of economic performance over other aspects of indicators that reflect the sustainability has given many U.S. cities a legacy that is particularly challenging to overturn. productive capacity of cities • By contrast in Europe, while the top 12 economic performers do well across all metrics, there is a today, as well as the presence further block of 15 cities including cities in the UK, of infrastructure and regulatory France and Italy that do not score so highly. In the UK this may reflect the consequences of economic enablers that support growth over-centralization, whereas elsewhere in Europe the data points to issues faced by many European and prosperity in the present and cities in reinventing themselves for the new economy – particularly with respect to tourism, the future. UN SDGs addressed transport infrastructure and connectivity. This mixed pattern of performance means that by the Profit pillar include the innovator/opportunist model is less effective in explaining city performance at the lower end economic growth, innovation of the spectrum. • Latin American cities are all in the bottom quartile and infrastructure. and score lowest across the Profit sub-index. This result reflects below-par scores across most metrics including output, tourism and connectivity. • The Profit sub-index has the greatest dispersion • A key feature of the Profit sub-index are the across the three pillars. The top ten cities including particularly low scores for the lowest ranked New York, Hong Kong and Zurich score much cities in the Index—highlighting huge barriers to higher than in the other sub-indices, while the economic, social and environmental progress. lower quartile does much worse. These results Low scores for ease of doing business and highlight that inequality of economic performance relative output are the main drivers but scores is central to the challenge of city sustainability. are low across the board. These challenges are • Singapore, London and Hong Kong come out also evidenced across the bottom 25 cities. comfortably on top in this pillar breaking away There is a close relationship between poor Profit from other top-performing cities on transportation, rankings, low People rankings and a low overall ease of doing business and connectivity. Index ranking. Sixteen of the bottom cities are Singapore is the stand-out city with high levels of Evolutionary Cities where informal patterns of employment delivering correspondingly high levels working are common in commerce and the service of output. The remaining top 10, comprising U.S. industry. The impact of these practices on ease coastal cities, as well as Seoul and three European of doing business may help to explain why the cities including Zurich all score well on ease of differential in performance on the Profit pillar is doing business and output, but the performance of so marked. the transport system is much more mixed. • In the Profit pillar, we have included digital connectivity and university technology research and development as forward indicators for sustainable growth. Singapore, London and Hong “The air pollution used to be really bad... Kong have outstanding scores in these areas, and the top 10. New York, San Francisco and you couldn’t even see the sky on some Boston also do well. These results highlight that economically strong cities will often continue to days. Things are getting better now as have an advantage in reinventing themselves as well as sustaining current performance. they start to clean things up, but it’s a bit incredible how bad things got.” Zhang, 43, Shenzhen, China 16
Figure 5: Profit sub-index 1 Singapore 51 Budapest 2 London 52 Miami 3 Hong Kong 53 Moscow 4 New York 54 Detroit 5 Munich 55 Ottawa 6 Edinburgh 56 Indianapolis 7 San Francisco 57 Manchester 8 Boston 58 Glasgow 9 Zurich 59 Birmingham 10 Seoul 60 Milan 11 Stockholm 61 Montreal 12 Prague 62 Rome 13 Taipei 63 New Orleans 14 Oslo 64 Bangkok 15 Copenhagen 65 Leeds 16 Vienna 66 Brussels 17 Amsterdam 67 Beijing 18 Paris 68 Phoenix 19 Dublin 69 Jacksonville 20 Seattle 70 Shenzhen 21 Chicago 71 Tampa 22 Houston 72 Wellington 23 Denver 73 Lisbon 24 Hamburg 74 Lyon 25 Los Angeles 75 Shanghai 26 Washington 76 Athens 27 Warsaw 77 Guangzhou 28 Tokyo 78 Lima 29 Geneva 79 Santiago 30 Vancouver 80 Istanbul 31 Sydney 81 Mexico City 32 Berlin 82 Jakarta 33 Calgary 83 Tianjin 34 Frankfurt 84 Johannesburg 35 Macau 85 Buenos Aires 36 Toronto 86 Sao Paulo 37 Kuala Lumpur 87 Chennai 38 Rotterdam 88 Cape Town 39 Brisbane 89 Wuhan 40 Pittsburgh 90 Mumbai 41 Dallas 91 Hanoi 42 Philadelphia 92 Bengaluru 43 Melbourne 93 Rio de Janeiro 44 Antwerp 94 New Delhi 45 Atlanta 95 Salvador 46 Baltimore 96 Chengdu 47 Barcelona 97 Nairobi 48 Honolulu 98 Manila 49 Madrid 99 Cairo 50 Canberra 100 Kolkata 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% Employment Economic Development Ease of Doing Business Transportation Infrastructure Tourism Connectivity University Technology Research
Explaining patterns of city sustainability City Clusters W hy is one city more sustainable than another? Is it because of physical attributes such as a safe, resilient location or as a result of far-sighted investment in green space? Is it the result of long periods of investment in health, education and transport infrastructure, or the impact of more recent actions taken to mitigate the impacts of unfettered growth? Most importantly, how do these drivers relate to citizen needs, both now and in the future? When comparing cities at opposite ends of the spectrum, these differences appear easy to spot, often in the levels of health and education infrastructure and the levels of meaningful employment, but as one compares peer cities, the differences are harder to discern. 18
To provide greater insight into the factors that influence city development and performance, we have developed a deeper understanding of how citizens and cities relate. Figure 6: Creating city clusters This insight is derived from city archetypes based on urban ethnographic research into how cities are evolving and the experience of the citizens living within them. The results of this research is a set of four city clusters. ple Pla Our starting point for developing the clusters is Peo net that all cities are composites of different citizen experiences. Elements of a fast-growing city where Sustainable citizen needs are met in part through an informal Cities Index economy can be found alongside aspects of the most advanced, smart city technologies, where services and infrastructure are integrated using data and digital platforms. These experiences of a city, whether Informal or Sensing for example, help to connect the citizen to the city. Profit Our research has focused on eight archetypes that highlight how cities are experienced by citizens. A single archetype is not intended to describe a city. ng Acce In each city, the archetypes combine to define the nsi ssi character of a city clusters. More detail about the Se ble archetypes can be found in the Appendix. Au t ien tom Resil ated Citizen Centric City Archetypes ce d Info la n rm Ba al En ter p u pted ris e D is r s Post ator Ind nov us In t d ria ce lO an City ppo Bal Clusters rtunists Formed by assigning relevance to Ev o lu t each of the indicators in the sub-indices for each archetype io n es ar iti Ci ac y tie s eg M Fast- grow ing 20
Figure 7: City archetypes detail Using integrated Using accessible sensors to manage city infrastructure to services enable all people to go about their daily lives g Acce ensin ssib S le At risk from Run to an disruption and heavily increasing extent invested in mitigation automated Au nt measures processes and AI tom ilie Res ated Info ce d la n rm Ba al Unplanned cities Prosperous, where citizens create healthy and with a their own services good work-life and structures balance En d ter p r u pte ris e D is Aligned to the needs Facing economic of businesses and decline and their employees needing to re-invent 21
Fast-growing Figure 8: City clusters and archetype relationship Megacities, Post-industrial Balanced Opportunists, Innovators Evolutionary Cities, Balanced Innovators Post-industrial When looking at the clusters, our first hypothesis Opportunists is that a highly developed, world city will be experienced in a radically different way to a rapidly developing, emerging economy city. Our second hypothesis is that the detailed difference between peer cities described by a cluster will explain in part their differing sustainability performance All city clusters feature a different balance of archetypes that lead to different citizen experiences. Furthermore, not all people will be familiar with the experiences associated with each archetype. As a result, differences in cities reflect how widely Evolutionary available an experience is as well as its character. Cities For example, in a rapidly developing city, experiences associated with resilience, sensing and automation may only be available to an elite, whereas the experience of a large share of the population will be much more precarious and informal. By contrast, in highly developed city like Hong Kong, the experience of a highly Automated and Accessible city infrastructure is almost ubiquitous. Fast-growing Megacities Disrupted Informal Balanced Resilient Automated Sensing Accesible Enterprise 22
Cluster one. Figure 9 Cluster 1: Balanced Innovators Balanced Innovators. Thirty-five cities fit this profile, all of which are in Balanced the top half of the Index. All but one of the top Innovators 25 cities in the Index are classified as Balanced Innovators. This suggests a close association between the attributes of a sustainable city. The key citizen experiences associated with this profile are convenience and security associated with Automation and Sensing and high quality of life associated with an absence of Disruption as well as the infrastructure necessary for a Connected city. Cities that match the Balanced Innovator Disrupted Informal Balanced Resilient profile need to be prosperous and as a result, many of the service industry dominated cities of Automated Sensing Accesible Enterprise Northern Europe, Coastal U.S. and Asia fit within this profile. Looking forward, the role of technology in enabling seamless infrastructure and in supporting high expectations for service quality Cities will grow exponentially. Amsterdam / Antwerp / Barcelona / Berlin The challenges that these cities face include / Boston / Brisbane / Brussels / Canberra / addressing an aging population – which requires Copenhagen / Dublin / Edinburgh / Frankfurt affordable housing and a diverse range of services. / Geneva / Hamburg / Hong Kong / London / As they prosper, and their development accelerates, Macau / Madrid / Milan / Munich / New York / the ties that bind these cities socially and politically Oslo / Paris / Prague / Rome / San Francisco / to their hinterlands may become strained, Seattle / Seoul / Singapore / Stockholm / Sydney particularly given these cities continuing need for / Taipei / Tokyo / Vienna / Zurich. investment. This is reflected in the pace of change associated with the Balanced Innovator city, both Defining city archetypes: in terms of citizen expectation and the need for investment and innovation. Enterprise - Aligned to the needs of businesses and their employees. Automated - Run to an increasing extent automated processes and AI. Sensing - Using integrated sensors to manage city services. “People take a lot of pride in where they live here and care for each other.” Jane, 30, Melbourne, Australia Accessible – using accessible infrastructure to enable all people to go about thei Automated – run to an increasing extent automated processes and AI Disrupted – facing economic decline and needing to re-invent 23 Balanced – prosperous, healthy and with a good work-life balance
Figure 10 Cluster 2: Post-industrial Opportunists Cluster two. Post-industrial Opportunists. Post-industrial Opportunists Thirty-three cities fit this profile, all of which are place in the middle two quartiles of the SCI. Accordingly, these are cities that in most cases deliver a good quality of life, but which have room to improve. The cluster consists mainly of American cities together with some European and Australian cities. Citizen experiences supported by a growing role of technology are mostly positive Disrupted Informal Balanced Resilient but might potentially be undermined by the impact of automation on legacy employment. Cities that Automated Sensing Accesible Enterprise match this profile have a more balanced economy so are less likely to be faced with the economic dislocation that has been seen in some recession- hit cities such as Detroit. However, even though Cities these cities tend to be relatively well-managed, there may well be underlying tensions associated Atlanta / Baltimore / Birmingham / Budapest / with the need to assure city resilience and to assure Calgary / Chicago / Dallas / Denver / Glasgow / long-term sustainability of the city’s economic Honolulu / Houston / Indianapolis / Jacksonville / model in response to change. Looking forward, Leeds / Lisbon / Los Angeles /Lyon / Manchester these cities will likely be competing against one- / Melbourne / Miami / Montreal / Moscow / New another to attract new investment and new Orleans / Ottawa / Philadelphia / Phoenix / city dwellers. Pittsburgh /Rotterdam / Toronto / Vancouver / Warsaw / Washington / Wellington. The challenges that these cities face are often associated with the need to compete by driving Defining city archetypes. change. The adaptation of city infrastructure to accommodate digital innovation is a good example Accessible - Using accessible infrastructure to of these challenges, with citizens increasingly enable all people to go about their daily lives. concerned about how data is used and how Automated - Run to an increasing extent accountable organizations delivering city services automated processes and AI. will be in the future. Another challenge is associated with the increasing dynamism of these cities. Resilient - At risk from disruption and heavily As a result, the work-life balance and integrated invested in mitigation measures. communities associated with the Balanced archetype Sensing - Using integrated sensors to manage is less present. This can be seen in the war for talent city services. between cities, manifested as a competition for employers and the people that they bring. The competition run by Amazon for their second U.S. HQ has vividly brought this reality to life over the past year. Given the potential pace of change and sense of dislocation in these cities, it is also essential that they retain a sense of coherent identity around which a diverse but increasingly connected group of citizens can rally around. Manchester’s resilience following terrorist attack in 2017 was built on just such a strong shared sense of city identity. Accessible – using accessible infrastructure to enable all people to go about their Automated – run to an increasing extent automated processes and AI 24 Disrupted – facing economic decline and needing to re-invent
Figure 11 Cluster 3: Evolutionary Cities Cluster three. Evolutionary Cities. Evolutionary Cities Nineteen cities fit this profile. All of these cities in the bottom third of the SCI. This is a very diverse group that includes rapidly growing cities in emerging markets as well as cities in developed economies that are changing rapidly in response to new circumstances. Core citizen experiences in these cities are focused on aspects of informal Disrupted Informal Balanced Resilient entrepreneurialism - articulated possibly as micro- Automated Sensing Accesible Enterprise enterprise or alternatively as community self-help. One driver of the informal economy is the role of citizen enterprise in delivering services where city authorities are absent. Another driver is the core Cities role of community – often at a really local level. On this basis, communities within the city are likely Athens / Bangkok / Buenos Aires / Cape to be far more sustainable than the aggregate Town / Detroit, Hanoi / Istanbul / Jakarta / city itself. Enterprise also has a key role – shaping Johannesburg / Kuala Lumpur / Lima / Manila / service delivery according to market logic than a Mexico City / Nairobi / Rio de Janeiro / Salvador, public service agenda. Santiago / Sao Paulo / Tampa. A key challenge that Evolutionary Cities face is the Defining city archetypes. level of disruption affecting cities that are at a turning point in their trajectory. This disruption might affect Enterprise - Aligned to the needs of businesses jobs, crime levels and even mobility choices. As a and their employees. result, the citizen experience can be focused much more on the downside associated with the change. Informal - Unplanned cities where citizens create This is why the drive obtained from Enterprise and their own services and structures. Informal aspects of citizen experience is so important Disrupted - Facing economic decline and in building momentum around initiatives that will needing to re-invent. improve the quality of life. From the perspective of citizen experience, where people have less overall control over city development and service delivery, there is a much greater likelihood of dissatisfaction – either due to the variable provision of services or due to the disruption of tight-knit networks and communities when development finally occurs. These factors are significant barriers to consistent sustainable development in cities. “Don’t move here if you’re tired because you’ll need a lot of energy to do everything that the city has to offer.” Accessible – using accessible infrastructure to enable all people to go about thei Automated – run to an increasing extent automated processes and AI Jennifer, 48 São Paulo, Brazil Disrupted – facing economic decline and needing to re-invent 25 Balanced – prosperous, healthy and with a good work-life balance
Figure 12 Cluster 4: Fast-growing Megacities Cluster four. Fast-growing megacities. Fast-growing Megacities Thirteen cities fit this profile. All but three of these cities are in the bottom quartile of the Index. All are located in rapidly growing economies including China and India, subject to high levels of inward-migration, investment in infrastructure and change. Cities like Mumbai, Shanghai and Disrupted Informal Balanced Resilient Shenzhen exhibit significant inequality in terms of income and access to resources and opportunity. Automated Sensing Accesible Enterprise Citizen experiences include high levels of informal economic activity as well as the powerful influence of enterprise – often directed by the state to deliver development and services. Citizens have Cities little control over the way in which the city evolves but paradoxically the models suggest that many Beijing / Bengaluru / Cairo / Chengdu / Chennai citizens retain a sense of stability through kinship / Guangzhou / Kolkata / Mumbai / New Delhi / and community links highlighted by the Balanced Shanghai / Shenzhen / Tianjin / Wuhan. city archetype. Supporting these social networks Defining city archetypes. through periods of rapid growth will demonstrate the extent to which these cities can thrive in line Enterprise - Aligned to the needs of businesses with the people agenda. and their employees. A key challenge for the city is engagement with the Informal - Unplanned cities where citizens create citizen. A good example of this is citizen experience their own services and structures. of technology in comparison to other city clusters. Resilient - At risk from disruption and heavily This is not necessarily a reflection on the level of invested in mitigation measures. technological advancement as some of these cities, particularly in China, have a very sophisticated technology infrastructure. This is more a reflection on other citizen priorities. Another key problem is the accommodation of informal development – providing the basic infrastructure necessary to accommodate fast population growth. This challenge is reflected in the problems that many of these cities face with air quality as well as provision of food and clean water. Long-term resilience for these cities, some of which are exposed to a relatively high disaster risk, will be an important aspect of citizen’s experience as these cities continue to absorb growth. “As a woman I don't feel secure especially at night. It is very unsafe for a woman to travel alone at night and even staying alone at home is also unsafe.” Accessible – using accessible infrastructure to enable all people to go about thei Sangeeta, New Delhi, India Automated – run to an increasing extent automated processes and AI Disrupted – facing economic decline and needing to re-invent 26 Balanced – prosperous, healthy and with a good work-life balance
Appendix Disclaimer, authorship and acknowledgements This report was commissioned by Arcadis and credible sources (e.g. the World Health Organization, informed by research produced by the Centre for CDP, Siemens etc.) Most sources are publicly Economics and Business Research Ltd (Cebr), an available. With Arcadis wanting to include 100 cities independent economics and business research in a global report, we had to use a data set that consultancy established in 1992. The expert could be comparable. There are a lot of varied data commentary was compiled by a cross section of sources around the world. Finding like-for-like data Arcadis’ city and sustainability experts. The views for all 100 selected cities limited our selection of expressed herein are those of the authors only and sources. Some geographies or cities that did not have are based upon their independent research. While sufficient, comparable data were excluded. We focus every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy on data and sources that are credible, comparable of the material in this document, neither the Cebr and valid. City-level data was used wherever possible, nor Arcadis will be liable for any loss or damages though in some cases only national-level data exists. incurred through the use of this report. Where there is no comparable city-level data across countries, the national value is taken, and a national Data is constantly changing. Both Cebr and Arcadis database is used to scale the cities so that they were have made every effort to ensure the quality and given a spread around the national average. accuracy of the data. Cebr used its vast databases and connections to compile the data from globally Methodology The Sustainable Cities Index is constructed by Several of the indicators have outlying values – these a three-stage averaging process. Some of the are defined as observations two standard deviations indicators are composites, meaning these take an away from the mean. These are given the maximum average of their component sub-indicators. In most or minimum score, as appropriate, and the next- cases this is the simple average, however given the highest/lowest value is defined as the boundary importance of housing costs to household spending observation which is used to calculate the scores of the affordability index was weighted 70:30 in favor the other (non-outlier) values. of housing. The three sub-indices are calculated by taking weighted averages of their component City-level data are used wherever possible, though indicators and the overall score is calculated by in some cases only national-level data exist. Where taking the simple average of the three sub-indices. there is no comparable city-level data across countries, the national value is taken, and a national Even where there is no weighting system applied, database is used to scale the cities so that they are since the number of indicators differs across sub- given a spread around the national average. indices, the weights in the overall index do implicitly differ. The same applies for the sub-indicators: two In 2018 we have revised the calculation of the components which go into one indicator will naturally indices to give greater emphasis to the digital have half the weight of another indicator within the capabilities of cities. We use the adoption of digital same pillar which has only one component. solutions as a proxy measure for the pace at which cities are equipping themselves to meet future The averaging process demands that the scores needs. Connectivity, mobility, citizen engagement be converted into common units, for which we use and disaster management are all areas where the percentages. Each is scaled such that the worst- adoption of new digital solutions will enable cities to performing city receives 0% and the best performer accelerate their sustainable development. receives 100%. Since the sub-indices and the overall index are simply averages of the indicators, they are 1 The Weighting used for each indicator are shown in also measured in percentage terms. the table. 27
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