Choose Waikato 2020 - The University of Waikato

Page created by Morris Chavez
Choose Waikato 2020 - The University of Waikato
Choose Waikato
Choose Waikato 2020 - The University of Waikato
Welcome to the University of Waikato
 We pride ourselves on our warm and welcoming culture.
 That’s why our campuses in Hamilton and       Student Advisers. They’ll show you around
 Tauranga are open, for you to come and        our campuses, and can give you some
 check them out.                               advice on your future studies.
 To get a taste of Waikato student life, set   Email or call
 up an appointment with one of our Future      0800 WAIKAT0.

02   The University of Waikato
Choose Waikato 2020 - The University of Waikato
What can the University of Waikato
offer you?
Our university stands proudly on the world stage as an education
provider that is a consistent climber in the most prestigious
international rankings. We’ve risen 127 places in the QS World
University Rankings in five years.

            Teaching excellence
            Our students learn from award-winning lecturers and world-leading
            researchers who are committed to delivering you a world-class

            Our flexible degree structures mean you can study a broad range of
            subjects to shape a qualification that matches your strengths and
            career interests and will keep your skills in demand.

            We believe in rewarding success, which is why we offer hundreds
            of scholarships every year to our students to help fund study and
            study-related expenses.

            We have a large number of support services available to our
            students, including study and learning support, career development
            services and health and wellbeing services.

            Work Integrated Learning
            The University of Waikato has close links with many organisations
            that are willing to host students during their studies, and we have
            staff dedicated to finding work placements for students.

            Orientation week is an exciting time to familiarise yourself with your
            campus, make new friends and set yourself up for the start of a busy year.
            With a week full of mini lectures, campus activities and free giveaways,
            you’ll have everything you need to start your university journey.

                                                                     Choose Waikato 2020   1
Choose Waikato 2020 - The University of Waikato
How is university different to school?
When you arrive at university you’ll notice some things are slightly
different than at high school.

                                   High school                   University
    Student body                   500 - 2000 students,          Waikato has over 12,000 students,
                                   aged 13 - 18, usually         aged 17 - 60+ from all over
                                   from the same area            New Zealand and around the world

    Class size                     Usually 15 - 30 people        Lectures can have up to 300
                                                                 students. Tutorials and labs have
                                                                 10 - 25 students

    Dress code                     Uniform                       Mufti

    Study periods                  Four terms which run for      Two main semesters which run for
                                   about 10 weeks each           12 weeks each, and two optional
                                                                 summer semesters which run for
                                                                 six weeks each

    Learning style                 Your teacher assigns          Lecturers explain important
                                   tasks for the class to talk   theories and concepts in large
                                   about and share ideas.        lecture theatres. In tutorials and labs
                                   They also check your          you apply these and can
                                   homework and monitor          discuss ideas. You monitor your
                                   your progress                 own progress

    Assessment                     You earn credits by           You earn points by passing papers
                                   passing assignments,          (which are like subjects) that count
                                   tests and exams for           towards your degree
                                   each subject

    Campus size                    One area of school            Can have one or multiple campuses

    Time spent in class            9am - 3.30pm Monday           12 - 15 hours of class per week
                                   to Friday with five           spread across Monday - Friday.
                                   different class periods       In your free time you’ll work on
                                                                 assignments and complete readings

2      The University of Waikato
Choose Waikato 2020 - The University of Waikato
Benefits to studying at Waikato

                    DEGREES ON OFFER
                                        TRAVEL WITH OUR
                                        STUDY ABROAD
                                        & EXCHANGE

                                       HALLS OF
SPORT AND            DIVERSE           RESIDENCE
STUDENT CULTURES                       IN HAMILTON
                     AND IDEAS
                     CREATE A          HEALTH         &
                                       & MENTAL HEALTH
                                       SUPPORT, DOCTORS
                                       AND DISABILITY
                                       SERVICES ARE
          LEARNING                     AVAILABLE
                                       TO ALL STUDENTS

                                           Choose Waikato 2020   33
Choose Waikato 2020 - The University of Waikato
University of Waikato Locations
We have campuses in both Hamilton
and Tauranga:
                                                                    • Population: 130,800
                                                                    • New Zealand’s fifth
                                                                      largest city
                                  Whangarei                         • Largest port in New
                                                     3 hr 30 min      Zealand for exports
                                                                    • Mount Maunganui beach
                                         Auckland                     is only a short drive away

 • Population: 160,000                                      1 hr 20 min
                                              1 hr 30 min
 • New Zealand’s fourth
   largest city                                                           5 hr 30 min
 • Has 145 parks and gardens
   and 63 sports areas                                                             Gisborne
 • Home to 25,800 person                          1 hr
   capacity Waikato Stadium                      20 min
                                                               1 hr 10 min


                                         1 hr
                                        45 min


                    2 hr 10 min


4   The University of Waikato
Choose Waikato 2020 - The University of Waikato
University entry requirements
It’s a great idea to start planning for university before you start NCEA*
so you know where you’re headed.
To be accepted into any New Zealand university you need to have University Entrance. The
chart below shows the pathway from NCEA Level 1 to Level 3 and how you can achieve
University Entrance.

                      10 credits from specified achievement standards available through a range of
                             subjects OR from a package of three numeracy unit standards
 Level 1 or higher:
                                       (26623, 26626, 26627 – all three required)

                              5 reading credits AND 5 writing credits from the specified list
                                     The credits can come from a range of subjects.
 Level 2 or higher:
                                For more information go to

                        14 credits in one         14 credits in a second        14 credits in a third
 Level 3:
                        approved subject            approved subject             approved subject

                                            Achieve NCEA Level 3 Certificate
                          (60 credits at Level 3 or above and 20 credits from Level 2 or above)

                                    University Entrance from NCEA

*or Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) or International Baccalaureate (IB) equivalent.

                                                                              Choose Waikato 2020       5
Choose Waikato 2020 - The University of Waikato
Approved NCEA subjects
It’s important to meet the Numeracy and Literacy requirements at NCEA
Levels 1 and 2 to get University Entrance (or Cambridge International
Examinations (CIE) or International Baccalaureate (IB) equivalent).
When you get to Level 3 you need to choose at least three subjects from the NCEA-approved*
list below to make sure you get University Entrance:

    Accounting                                       Latin
    Agriculture and Horticulture                     Mathematics/Pāngarau
    Biology                                          Media Studies
    Business Studies                                 Music Studies
    Calculus                                         Ngā Mahi a te Rēhia
    Chemistry                                        Ngā Toi
    Chinese                                          Ngā Toi Ataata
    Classical Studies                                Ngā Toi Puoro
    Construction and Mechanical Technologies         Painting (Practical Art)
    Cook Islands Māori                               Photography (Practical Art)
    Dance                                            Physical Education
    Design (Practical Art)                           Physics
    Design and Visual Communication                  Printmaking (Practical Art)
    Digital Technologies                             Processing Technologies
    Drama                                            Religious Studies
    Earth and Space Science                          Samoan
    Economics                                        Science/Pūtaiao
    Education for Sustainability                     Sculpture (Practical Art)
    English                                          Social Studies
    French                                           Spanish
    Geography                                        Statistics
    German                                           Technology/Hangarau
    Health Education/Hauora                          Te Reo Māori
    History                                          Te Reo Rangatira
    History of Art                                   Tikanga ā-Iwi
    Home Economics                                   Tongan

* This information is correct at the time of printing, but is subject to change

6     The University of Waikato
Choose Waikato 2020 - The University of Waikato
Waikato’s bachelors degrees
We offer a wide range of degrees with flexible degree structures so
you can shape a qualification to suit your interests and career plans.
            Bachelor of Arts (BA)

            Bachelor of Business (BBus)

            Bachelor of Communication Studies (BCS)

            Bachelor of Computing and Mathematical Sciences (with Honours)


            Bachelor of Design (BDes)

            Bachelor of Education (Technology) (BEd(Tech))

            Bachelor of Engineering (with Honours) (BE(Hons))

            Bachelor of Environmental Planning (BEP)

            Bachelor of Health, Sport and Human Performance (BHSHP)

            Bachelor of Laws (LLB)

            Bachelor of Management Studies (with Honours) (BMS(Hons))

            Bachelor of Music (BMus)

            Bachelor of Science (BSc)

            Bachelor of Science (Technology) (BSc(Tech))

            Bachelor of Social Sciences (BSocSc)

            Bachelor of Social Work (BSW)

            Bachelor of Teaching (BTchg)

                                                                Choose Waikato 2020   7
Choose Waikato 2020 - The University of Waikato
Waikato’s subjects
We offer an exciting range of subjects to help you build a degree that
will keep your skills in demand.
Accounting                       Computer Science               Environmental Engineering
Agribusiness                     Creative Writing               Environmental Planning
Animal Behaviour                 Dance                          Environmental Sciences
Anthropology                     Data Analytics                 Ethics
Applied Computing                Digital Business               Finance
Aquaculture                      Digital Learning               French
Biochemistry                     Early Childhood Teaching       Gender and Sexuality Studies
Chemical and Biological          Earth Sciences                 Geography
                                 Ecology and Biodiversity       Geology
                                 Economics                      History
                                 Education                      Human Development
Civil Engineering
                                 Education and Society          Human Performance Science
Coastal Processes
                                 Electronic Engineering         Human Resource
Communication Design                                             Management
Community Health                                                Hydrology
                                 English as a Second Language

8    The University of Waikato
Industrial Relations           Mechanical Engineering     Social Work
  and Human Resource
  Management                   Media Design               Sociology

Interface Design               Molecular and Cellular     Software Engineering
International Languages                                   Soil Science
  and Cultures                 Music
International Management       Pacific and Indigenous
                                Studies                   Sport Development and
International Relations and                                Coaching
  Security Studies             Philosophy
Japanese                       Political Science
                                                          Strategic Management
Law - Legal Studies            Population Studies
                                                          Supply Chain Management
Leadership Communication       Primary Teaching
                                                          Te Reo Māori/Māori
Linguistics                    Psychology                  Langauge

Māori and Indigenous Studies   Public Policy              Te Tohu Paetahi

Marketing                      Public Relations           Theatre Studies

Materials and Process          Relational and Inclusive   Tourism and Hospitality
 Engineering                    Practices                  Management

Materials Science              Screen and Media Studies   Work Employment and
Mathematics                    Secondary Teaching
                                                          Writing Studies
                               Social Policy

                                                                 Choose Waikato 2020   9
What subjects should I take?
Even if you don’t know exactly what degree you want to study it’s
good to know where your school subjects could lead you.
Below are some examples of how school subjects can lead to university degrees
and some of the possible careers you could have after you graduate.

 Career                           Degree                  Entry                  Recommended
                                                          requirements           subjects
 Composer, Historian,             Bachelor of Arts        University Entrance    English, Te Reo Māori,
 Screenwriter, Television                                                        History, Classical
 Director or Producer,                                                           Studies, Languages,
 Journalist, Politician                                                          Geography, Drama,
                                                                                 Media Studies

 Accountant, Business             Bachelor of Business    University Entrance,   Accounting, Digital
 Analyst, Entrepreneur,                                   may also require       Technologies,
 Financial Advisor, Tourism                               Mathematics or         Economics, Business
 Operator                                                 Calculus               Studies, Mathematics
                                                                                 Statistics, English

 Communications Advisor,          Bachelor of             University Entrance    English, Design and
 Events Manager, Marketing        Communication                                  Visual Communication,
 Specialist, Publicist            Studies                                        History, Classical
                                                                                 Studies, Drama, Business
                                                                                 Studies, Media Studies

 Programmer, Software             Bachelor of Computing   University Entrance,   Statistics, Calculus,
 Engineer, Systems                and Mathematical        may also require       Computing, English
 Designer                         Sciences with Honours   Mathematics,
                                                          Statistics, Calculus

 Civil Engineer, Electronic       Bachelor of             University Entrance,   Calculus, Chemistry,
 Engineer, Mechanical             Engineering with        Calculus, Physics      English, Physics
 Engineer                         Honours

 City Planner, Community          Bachelor of             University Entrance,   Geography, English,
 Development Coordinator,         Environmental           may also require       Social Studies
 Environment Consultant           Planning                Mathematics,
                                                          Statistics, Calculus

 Applied Sports Scientist,        Bachelor of Health,     University Entrance    Health Education,
 Health and Physical              Sport and Human                                Physical Education,
 Education Teacher,               Performance                                    English, Statistics
 Personal Trainer

10    The University of Waikato
Career                         Degree                 Entry                    Recommended
                                                      requirements             subjects
Policy Analyst &               Bachelor of Laws       University Entrance,     English, History, Classical
Advisor, Barrister, Board                             NCEA Level 3             Studies, Te Reo Māori,
Member for Iwi or other                               achieved with            Social Studies, Statistics
organisations, Judge, Legal                           at least Merit or
Researcher, Polititian,                               equivalent, credits
Solicitor                                             in three literacy-rich

Economist, Human               Bachelor of            University Entrance,     Accounting, Digital
Resource Manager,              Management Studies     may also require         Technologies,
International Trade Advisor,   with Honours           Mathematics,             Economics, Business
Operations Manager,                                   Calculus                 Studies, Mathematics,
Management Consultant                                                          Statistics, English

Composer, Film Music           Bachelor of Music      University Entrance,     Music Studies, English
Producer, Recording Artist,                           Level 3 Music or
Teacher                                               equivalent, may
                                                      require an audition

Biotechnologist, Chemical      Bachelor of Science    University Entrance,     Biology, Chemistry,
Analyst, Environmental                                may also require         Physics, Mathematics,
Scientist, Web Architect                              Mathematics,             Statistics, Calculus,
                                                      Statistics, Calculus,    English

Chemistry Technician,          Bachelor of Science    University Entrance,     Biology, Chemistry,
Materials Scientist,           (Technology)           may also require         Physics, Mathematics,
Software Developer                                    Mathematics,             Statistics, Calculus,
                                                      Statistics, Calculus,    English

Advocacy, Local                Bachelor of Social     University Entrance      English, Te Reo Māori,
Government, Planning &         Sciences                                        History, Classical
Policy Analyst, Researcher,                                                    Studies, Geography,
Urban & Regional Planning                                                      Languages, Media

Case Manager, Community        Bachelor of Social     University Entrance      English, Te Reo Māori,
Development Worker,            Work                   and may be required      History, Classical
Social Worker, Social                                 to attend an             Studies, Geography
Researcher, Youth Worker                              interview

Corporate Trainer, Primary,    Bachelor of Teaching   University Entrance      English, Te Reo Māori,
Intermediate or Secondary                             and may be required      Mathematics, History,
School Teacher                                        to attend an             Geography

                                                                               Choose Waikato 2020      11
General scholarships
Our scholarships reward academic ability, leadership potential,
sporting skills, and creative & performing arts talent.
We appreciate the diversity of our student group and provide funding for students from all
backgrounds. Scholarships may offer support for fees, accommodation and/or cash.

Te Paewai o te Rangi: The University                                   Otumoetai Trust Undergraduate
of Waikato Scholarship for                                             Scholarship
Outstanding Academic Achievement                                       Up to $9,000 over three years
Up to $25,000 over three years
                                                                       Edna Money Future Pacific
Sir Edmund Hillary Scholarship                                         Leaders’ Scholarship
Programme                                                              $6,000 a year for up to three years (cash)
Up to $10,000 a year during undergraduate study
                                                                       The ‘Ko Te Tangata’ Scholarship
Te Ara Whanui Scholarship                                              (Waikato Schools)
Up to $10,000                                                          Up to $5,000
Pacific Excellence Scholarship                                         The ‘Ko Te Tangata’ Scholarship
Up to $10,000                                                          (Bay of Plenty Schools)
D.V. Bryant Trust Residential                                          Up to $5,000
Scholarship                                                            The Manu Kaewa Scholarship
Up to $10,000                                                          Up to $5,000

We have plenty of other scholarships on offer to support your study, including postgraduate and
faculty specific scholarships. Visit for more information and the full list.

     Get in touch
     Our Scholarships Team is here to help with any questions you have regarding eligibility,
     how to apply, closing dates and more.
     Location: School of Graduate Research, W Block, University of Waikato Hamilton campus.

               Website                                                                Email

     All scholarship information is correct at the time of printing, but is subject to change.

12      The University of Waikato
Accommodation in Hamilton
Choosing the right accommodation will help you transition smoothly
to university life, get stuck into your studies and start building
lifelong memories and friendships. At Waikato, there are a wide range
of on-campus and off-campus accommodation options available
for students.

  Our four Halls of Residence are all situated   your own fully furnished room. Living in
  on our Hamilton campus. Bryant Hall,           the halls is always full of excitement and
  College Hall and Student Village are           creates the ultimate student experience.
  fully catered and Orchard Hall is self-
                                                 Residential Assistants (RA) are senior
  catered. Being located on campus means
                                                 students who live at the halls, and are
  you’ll never be late for class! The library,
                                                 there to provide guidance for all residents.
  computer labs, lecture theatres, UniRec
  and sports fields are only a short walk        RAs are rostered on duty every day,
  away too.                                      including evenings and weekends, so
                                                 there’s always someone around to help if
  As a resident in one of our halls you’ll get
                                                 you have any queries or concerns.

 College Hall, Hamilton

                                                                         Choose Waikato 2020    13
Study in Tauranga – new city campus
The new Tauranga campus, which the University of Waikato developed
on behalf of the Bay of Plenty Tertiary Education Partnership, means
that students now have even greater study options in the Bay of
Plenty region.
Our new campus is a multi-purpose space          Programmes on offer
where students, researchers, the community       The University is offering the following
and industry all work together in the heart of   undergraduate programmes in Tauranga in
the fastest growing region in New Zealand.       2020:
The main campus building is designed to            •   Bachelor of Arts
promote collaboration and social learning. It      •   Bachelor of Business
includes communal study and social spaces, a       •   Bachelor of Science
24-hour computer lab and a café. The campus        •   Bachelor of Social Sciences
also includes a noho centre which is available     •   Bachelor of Social Work
for use by students, staff and the wider           •   Bachelor of Teaching
community.                                         •   Diploma in Law
                                                   •   Te Tohu Paetahi Diploma
Most classes are taught in person by
Tauranga-based lecturers and tutors, and         The following qualifications can be started in
some of our Hamilton based teaching staff        Tauranga:
also travel to Tauranga. Students have the         • Bachelor of Engineering
same access to lectures, course materials and      • Bachelor of Health, Sport and Human
teaching staff as Hamilton based students.           Performance
A newly introduced Kaimai Shuttle service          • Bachelor of Laws
provides daily transport between our two

14   The University of Waikato
Accommodation in Tauranga
The University of Waikato manages two       For more details about accommodation
accommodation complexes in Tauranga:        options available in Tauranga or to apply
Durham Mews Apartments and Mayfair          please email or call
Court Apartments. These are both            0800 WAIKATO.
conveniently located a short distance
                                            Further information is also available at
from the campus.

                                                         Mayfair Apartments, Tauranga

               Alternative accommodation options include flatting, homestay or living
               with family. For more details about accommodation options available in
               Hamilton or Tauranga, visit

                                                                     Choose Waikato 2020   15
Student Services
Student Health Centre
Our Student Health Centre team are dedicated to supporting the health and wellbeing of all
students. We provide a comprehensive, student-focused health service, including doctors,
nurses, mental health support, as well as a free and confidential counselling service.

Counselling and Mental Health
Counselling and mental health support services are available to help with situations or issues
that students may face such as loneliness, stress, anxiety, depression, relationships and
sexuality. A mental health nurse is also accessible to support students with a range of mental
health needs, or for those whom are experiencing a crisis.

Accessibility Services
The University of Waikato is committed to providing equity in education and works to ensure
that students with impairments have access to all areas of campus life. Our Accessibility Service
strives to make our University more inclusive and accessible as well as working to increase the
success of students with impairments.
All students with an impairment are encouraged to register with Accessibility Services before
coming to University or very early in their studies. This will ensure the right access to support.

                                      Tayla Afoa
                                      Bachelor of Laws, Bachelor of Arts

                                      When I came down for orientation, the campus caught
                                      my eye instantly – the lakes are beautiful, everything is
                                      close together, the uni itself is away from the bustling
                                      city, and the campus has its own student vibe. Once I
                                      got a feel of what the classes and the people were like,
                                      I could see myself developing in this area.
                                      I like studying at Waikato as there is a sense of
                                      competitiveness, but it is healthy competition
                                      because it’s wrapped in values of tautoko (support)
                                      and whanaungatanga (a relationship through shared
                                      experiences). We are all on the same waka while being
                                      at University – and the destination is to get off the
                                      waka with that little paper and graduation cap.

16   The University of Waikato
Journey to university
Use the below checklist to make sure you’re on track with choosing
the right subjects, achieving University Entrance and planning your
future at Waikato.

    Year 10                                            Year 13
    Think about the school subjects you                Complete NCEA Level 3
    enjoy and how that might lead to a
                                                       Achieve 14 credits each in three different
    university degree
                                                       approved subjects for University
    Get advice from your school careers                Entrance (see the list on page 7)
    adviser on the types of NCEA subjects
    to take                                            Get advice from your careers adviser
                                                       or a Future Student Adviser at Waikato
    Year 11                                            about what you could study
    Complete NCEA Level 1                              Apply for the Halls of Residence
    Achieve 10 credits in Level 1 Numeracy   
    for University Entrance                            Apply to enrol in university
    Year 12                                  

    Complete NCEA Level 2                              Check out our school leaver scholarships
    Achieve 10 credits in Level 2 Literacy
    for University Entrance                            Check out for
                                                       information on student loans
    Visit Open Day on Friday 17 May to
    learn more about what you can study                Read about about the fees-free policy
    at Waikato                                         and check eligibility at
                                                       go/fees-free or

 Get in touch
 If you have any questions about studying at the University of Waikato or would like to book
 a campus tour, contact one of our Future Student Advisers:

     0800 WAIKATO          

     WelcometoWaikato            WaikatoUniversity          WaikatoUni

                                                                        Choose Waikato 2020    17
The University of Waikato Toll Free:         0800 WAIKATO
Private Bag 3105 		                          0800 924 528
Hamilton 3240             Email:   
New Zealand               Website: 

                 ©The University of Waikato, January 2019.
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