Page created by Clifton Dominguez
Cheltenham Camera Club
        Annual Exhibi1on 2022
          A Celebra1on of Photography

               Winner: The Lloyd & Gregory Cup
                      Flamenco Dancers
           by Brian Swinyard MA(Photo) ARPS EFIAP/b DPAGB

              in conjunc1on with the
    Gloucestershire Young Photographer Awards

                   4th – 14th May
(10am – 4pm daily, Wednesday – Saturday each week)
Cheltenham Camera Club Exhibi1on 2022
 Welcome to Cheltenham Camera Club’s 2022 Exhibi1on in this wonderful art space. The club was formed 157
 years ago in the pioneering days of photography. Since that 1me, photography has ‘developed’, taking on
 new ideas and technology, to the amazing possibili1es that the present digital revolu1on has given us all.
 Today, the photographer can capture moments of 1me that our forebears could only dream of. We can even
 build an image to create our own reality – anything is possible. Indeed, images can challenge, inspire and
 evoke a rela1onship with the viewer. We very much hope, as you walk around this exhibi1on, that you will
 gain as much enjoyment from looking as we have gained from capturing.

 We would like to thank Dr Anne Sutcliffe FRPS EFIAP PPSA for travelling from Solihull to give 1me and
 considera1on in judging our work. Very special thanks go to Ian and all at Chapel Arts for hos1ng our
 exhibi1on and to the Cheltenham Mayor, Councillor Steve Harvey, for his presence at the opening award
 ceremony. We would also like to thank Linda and Terry Kirkhope who oversee the Gloucestershire Young
 Photographer compe11on; our exhibi1on co-ordinators James de Courcy, Janice Clark and Ros Howard; and
 Mar1n Fry for crea1ng the A-V sequences of the results. Finally, congratula1ons to the award winners, club
 members and Gloucestershire Young Photographers for their celebra1on of photography.

Best in Show: Lloyd & Gregory Brian Swinyard                    Flamenco Dancers

CCC Medal – Most Successful    Margaret MacEvoy
Entrant to Exhibi?on

1B Intermediate Believable Reality Monochrome Prints
George Dowty Cup              Margaret MacEvoy                  Cosmos in a Bodle
Runner-up                     Margaret MacEvoy                  A Bowl of Dandelions
Highly commended              David Haigh                       Castle Hill Huddersfield

1A Advanced Believable Reality Monochrome Prints
Eric Williams Cup             John Clare                        The Final Furlong
Runner-up                     Richard Cherry                    Behind You
Highly commended              Paul Jay                          Party Animals
Commended                     Andrew Buckley                    Hoar Frost
Commended                     Linda Kirkhope                    Breakfast and Bikes Hanoi Style

         2B Peter McGeachan                  2B Barry Roberts                               1A John Clare

2B Intermediate Believable Reality Projected Digital Images
J G Shenton Shield             Margaret MacEvoy                 Best in Show
Runner-up                      Barry Roberts                    Blue Bodle
Highly commended               Peter McGeachan                  Honestly I Didn't Eat the Cake
Commended                      Brian Bates                      Three Lidle Pigs Asleep
3A Pauline Rumsey                           3A Mar
4B Open Triptych Projected Digital Images
T.L.Thompson Cup                Brian Swinyard                           Flamenco Dancers
Runner Up                       Richard McCleery                         Aerial Maneuvers
Highly Commended                Des Ward                                 Ball Catcher
Commended                       Margaret Macevoy                         Legs Triptych
                                Brian Swinyard                           Rococo Gardens
                                Pauline Rumsey                           Metallic Contempla1on
                                Mar1n Fry                                Fading Light

              4B Richard McCleery                            2A Karin Wilson                               5B James de Courcy

5A Open Altered Reality Prints
McCleery Trophy                     Margaret MacEvoy                    Frozen Anemones
Runner Up                           Andrew Buckley                      Girl Feeding Chickens
Highly Commended                    Andrew Buckley                      Flamingos
Commended                           David Adamson                       Steam Fair Coal Delivery

5B Open Altered Reality Projected Digital Images
PhotoComp Cup                  Margaret MacEvoy                         Periwinkle in Water Drops
Runner Up                      James de Courcy                          Evening Impression
Highly Commended               Mar1n Fry                                Winter on the Hill
Commended                      Andrew Buckley                           Armoured Medieval Knights
Commended                      Janice Clark                             Rookop Impressions

6A Open Nature Prints
150th Anniversary Cup               Linda Kirkhope                      Inquisi1ve Sealion
Runner-up                           David Elder                         Eagle Chases Fox
Highly commended                    Janice Clark                        Scolsh Wild Cats
Commended                           David Adamson                       Female Orange Tip on Milkmaid
Commended                           John Clare                          The Great Predator

      6A Linda Kirkhope                               6A Janice Clark                                      6B Mark Stone

6B Open Bri?sh Wildlife PDIs
The Bint Cup                        Karin Wilson                        A Tangle of Knots
Runner-up                           Jim Sharrock                        Gannets 1
Highly commended                    Mark Stone                          Greylag Coming in to Land
Highly commended                    Mar1n Fry                           Azure Damselflies Ma1ng
Highly commended                    Peter McGeachan                     Figh1ng Coots
Commended                           Janice Clark                        Golden Scalycap Pholiota Adiposa
Commended                           Jim Sharrock                        Red Deer Swimming
Commended                           Peter McGeachan                     Large Blue
7 Open Scapes Projected Digital Images
The 2015 Cup                    Linda Kirkhope                       Lidle Boxes on the Hillside
Runner-up                       Mar1n Fry                            Golden Fleece
Highly commended                James de Courcy                      Bagan Evening
Highly commended                Mar1n Fry                            Morning Glow
Commended                       David Hyed                           Lone Tree on Limestone Pavement
Commended                       Brian Swinyard                       The Bund Shanghai
Commended                       Richard McCleery                     Torres Del Paine

8 Open Architecture PDIs
Civic Award                      Andy Roberts                        Badersea Power Sta1on
Runner-up                        Mar1n Fry                           Canary Wharf
Highly commended                 Linda Kirkhope                      Balconies and Foyer
Commended                        James de Courcy                     Arches, Alcazar
Commended                        John Clare                          Reach for the Sky

9 Open People Prints
Jay Cup                          Paul Jay                            Fascina1ng Arthur, Fascina1ng
Runner-up                        Richard McCleery                    Frank's Last Stand
Highly commended                 Richard Cherry                      Watching the World Go by
Commended                        David Adamson                       No Fish Today

10 Open Cotswold Rural Scene Prints
Bernard Baker Cup             Mar1n Fry                              First Snow, Cranham
Runner-up                     Richard McCleery                       Curiosity (Chedworth)
Highly commended              James de Courcy                        Hartley Farm, Snow
Commended                     Margaret Macevoy                       Snowdrop Time at Colesbourne

          9 Paul Jay                                  10 Richard McCleery                            8 Andy Roberts

 About the Judge: Dr Anne Sutcliffe FRPS EFIAP PPSA
 Anne Sutcliffe has been a keen amateur photographer for over thirty years. She is currently a member of Solihull and
 Smethwick Photographic Socie1es. She enjoys all genres of photography but is oken remembered for her images of ladies
 restrooms. She enjoys judging at all levels and the pandemic has allowed her to judge all over the UK and abroad via
 Zoom. In the past she served as an assessor on the RPS Licen1ate and then the Visual Art Associate and Fellowship panels.
 Currently she is a member of the Photographic Society of America Poroolio programme ac1ng as an assessor, trainer for
 new assessors and mentor for failed applicants offered the opportunity to resubmit. Anne is proud to be a member and
 past chairman of the London Salon of Photography.

 Judge’s comments
 I am honoured to have been invited to judge this year’s exhibi1on and I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Many thanks
 to the organisers and their team of helpers not only for their efficient management of the day but also for their
 hospitality. It was a pleasure to see so many wonderful images; both prints and projected. I was par1cularly pleased to
 see a large print entry. Print exhibi1ons were casual1es of the pandemic and their return is yet another hopeful sign that
 we a returning to normality. There were numerous sec1ons and the standard of all of them was high. There were so
 many memorable images. Consequently, I was regularly challenged when choosing the winners! My congratula1ons to all
 of the award winners. You should be proud. I hope the exhibi1on is a huge success.
Members with Images and Prints in the Exhibi?on

David Adamson EFIAP/silver BPE3*                           Richard McCleery AFIAP
Brian Bates                                                Peter McGeachan
Andrew Buckley                                             Andy Roberts
Richard Cherry ARPS DPAGB EFIAP BPE5*                      Barry Roberts
John Clare LRPS CPAGB PPSA                                 Pauline Rumsey AFIAP
Janice Clark ARPS DPAGB AFIAP BPE3*                        Jim Sharrock LRPS
James de Courcy LRPS                                       Mark Stone LRPS
David Elder LRPS CPAGB                                     Brian Swinyard MA(Photo) ARPS EFIAP/b DPAGB
Norman Evans                                               Des Ward EFIAP
Mar1n Fry FRPS FBPE EFIAP/d2 APAGB                         John White
Jayesh Gandhi                                              Karin Wilson ARPS EFIAP DPAGB BPE5*
Richard Giles
David Haigh                                                  Dis?nc?on Key
Mark James                                                   RPS: Royal Photographic Society
Paul Jay ARPS DPAGB BPE5*                                    FIAP: Interna1onal Federa1on of Photographic Art
Linda Kirkhope AFIAP                                         PAGB: Photographic Alliance of Great Britain
                                                             BPE: Bri1sh Photo Exhibi1ons
Margaret MacEvoy
                                                             PSA: Photographic Society of America

 About Cheltenham Camera Club
 Cheltenham Camera Club is the 6th oldest photographic club in the UK. It was started on 4th January, 1865
 by Dr Edward Thomas Wilson, father of EA Wilson the explorer, and Dr Abercrombie, a colleague at the
 Cheltenham General Hospital. Edward learnt his photography as a boy from his uncle, Francis Frith,
 whose nineteenth century photographs are s1ll widely published today. With Abercrombie, he was one
 of the early pioneers of photomicrography, and the photographing of landscapes and portraits using the
 early dry plate process.

 By the 1890s the club had over 60 members. Members enthusias1cally shared photographic techniques,
 went on photographic ou1ngs and held exhibi1ons of their work. Eminent photographers over the years
 have included Hugo van Wadenoyen FRPS, a very prolific na1onal exhibitor and author of many books on
 photographic techniques, and Eric Franks ARPS who recorded the town during the post war period.

 At the Club’s first exhibi1on in 1896 there was a staggering total of 900 images displayed. That
 enthusiasm and ethos is s1ll very much in evidence at the club. Today, CCC has over a hundred members
 and organises not only this exhibi1on, but the interna1onally acclaimed ‘Cheltenham Interna1onal Salon
 of Photography’ which annually receives over 8000 images from around the world.

 Gloucestershire Young Photographer of the Year 2022

 Aker a gap of two years the Club is again pleased to organise this exci1ng
 compe11on and display in conjunc1on with our Annual Exhibi1on. The
 18th Gloucestershire Young Photographer showcases photographs taken by
 pupils from Primary and Secondary Schools across the County.
 Approximately 800 digital entries, one per pupil, were received from 32
 schools: these were whidled down to about 200 and printed for this
 display. Our special thanks go to Cheltenham Arts Council and the
 University of Gloucestershire, for their sponsorship.

 If you are interested in photography then why not join CCC?
 We have talks, compe??ons and special interest groups covering all aspects of photography.
 Cheltenham Camera Club meets weekly on Thursday evenings, September to May
 Holy Apostles Church Hall, London Road, Charlton Kings, Cheltenham GL52 6HW

 For further informa1on and programme visit or use QR Code:
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