Page created by Vincent Stewart
MARCH 2022                                      ISSN 2052-9376




       Bringing the plastics industry together

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 Chuan Lih Fa (CLF) Machinery Works Co. Ltd was founded
 in 1966 and has evolved from a local factory offering
 small size plastic injection molding machines to become
 an international brand with diverse models delivering
 complete plant optimization and services globally. CLF is
 now focused on R&D, manufacture and sales of injection
 molding machines and is known for its super-large,
 high precision and superior performance models. CLF
 constantly upholds its pursuit of excellence for quality and
 sustainable injection molding technology.

                                                                                  PAGE 4

4     News
News from across the global injection moulding industry:
Celanese buys DuPont M&M business; KraussMaffei brings
together LSR partners; 100+ suppliers book booths at Detroit                                  PAGE 13
moulding expo; Machinery shipments in USA and Italy; Comar
buys medical moulder Automatic Plastics in Ireland; Meusburger
enjoys good sales growth; New Engel executives

13 Chair designers adopt recycled plastics
Recycled plastics are starting to be used in furniture, but
designers face technical challenges and need to work out how to
deal with them. David Eldridge explores the world of plastic
chair design    COVER IMAGE: VITRA
                                                                                                    PAGE 23

23 Going further with thin wall moulding
The Thin Wall Integra project brings together experts to push the
boundaries of moulding thin wall packaging. James Snodgrass
writes about innovations in packaging and electronics moulding

33 More control, less hot air in material dryers                                                    PAGE 33
Manufacturers are putting continuous innovation at the forefront
of material drying technology. Peter Mapleston takes a look at
new offerings from suppliers

46 Diary

� Caps   and Closures � Automation and Robotics � Recycled Compounds

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                                          EDITORIAL                                        ADVERTISING
                                          Editor-in-Chief: Chris Smith
                                                                                           Advertisement Manager: Claire Bishop
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    © Copyright Applied Market Information. No part may be reproduced without the prior written permission of the publisher.                                                                           March 2022 | INJECTION WORLD               3

                                                                                                                      Ensinger of Nufringen,
                                                                                                                      Germany, has acquired
                                                                                                                      Ineos Styrolution’s
                                                                                                                      StyLight thermoplastic
                  Above: The acquisition adds new engineering materials and production to Celanese’s position in      composite materials
                  automotive and other markets                                                                        business, which was origi-
                                                                                                                      nally launched at the K
                                                                                                                      show in 2016.

                  Celanese buys DuPont                                                                                The business has already
                                                                                                                      been rebranded under
                                                                                                                      Ensinger’s Tecatec

                  engineering plastics                                                                                composites range name.
                                                                                                                         Ensinger said that the
                                                                                                                      acquisition adds a
                  Celanese has reached an          wide portfolio of speciality     technology leadership of          SAN-based product
                  agreement to acquire a           materials including PA 66        M&M with the commercial           range to its portfolio,
                  majority of DuPont’s             and PA 6, speciality PAs         excellence and customer           bringing many new
                  Mobility & Materials (M&M)       such as HPPA, LCPA and           engagement model of EM            possibilities to the
                  business, including the          filaments, PET, PBT, TPC and     to accelerate our growth in       market. These include
                  Engineering Polymers             EAE. Celanese also gains a       high-value applications           carbon-, glass- and
                  business line and some of        global production network        including future mobility,        flax-based fibre products
                  the Performance Resins and       of 29 facilities, including      connectivity and medical”.        for aesthetic materials,
                  Advanced Solutions               compounding and poly-                DuPont also aims to divest    and for semi-structural
                  business lines, for $11.0bn.     merisation, employing            the Delrin acetal homopoly-       and overmoulding
                     This, said Celanese CEO       about 5,000, an IP portfolio     mer business, which was           applications.
                  Lori Ryerkerk, follows a         of some 850 patents, and         included in the strategic            Managing Director
                  decade of extending its own      customers and supplier           review process it announced       Ralph Pernissak said that
                  Engineered Materials (EM)        contracts.                       in November 2021, by the          this is “the next strategic
                  business and “establishes            These materials go           first quarter of 2023. This had   building block in Ens-
                  Celanese as the pre-emi-         mainly into automotive,          net sales of about $550m in       inger’s journey to
                  nent global specialty            electrical and electronic,       2021. DuPont is retaining         becoming one of the
                  materials company”. DuPont       consumer goods and               M&M’s Auto Adhesives,             only manufacturers able
                  has also agreed to retain        industrial applications. Tom     Multibase and Tedlar              to offer the complete
                  and indemnify Celanese for       Kelly, Senior VP of Engi-        product lines, which had          value chain of thermo-
                  certain liabilities, including   neered Materials said that       $950m in sales in 2021.           plastic composite
                  those relating to PFAS.          Celanese will seek to            �                products”.
                     Being acquired are a          “combine the product and         �                  �

                  Molded Dimensions buys GlobalTech Plastics
                  US-based Molded Dimensions, a               specialising in the aerospace, medical       West Coast.
                  manufacturer of custom rubber and           and transportation industries.                  The acquisition follows on from
                  urethane moulded parts to OEMs, has            The acquistion, said Molded               Molded Dimensions buying high-vol-
                  acquired GlobalTech Plastics of Fife,       Dimensions, will help it to broaden its      ume PUR parts maker PCO Urethane in
                  Washington, USA. Terms were not             manufacturing capabilities to include        December 2021.
                  disclosed and no jobs will be lost.         plastic moulded parts and components         �
                     GlobalTech is an injection moulder       and establish a location on the US           �

                  4    INJECTION WORLD | March 2022                                                           
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KM brings together LSR partners
The Würzburg-based Plastics

                                                                                                                                    IMAGE: SKZ
Centre (SKZ), Toolcraft, of
Georgensgmünd near
Nürnberg, and their German
compatriot, the injection
moulding machinery giant
KraussMaffei, have all come
together to work on the
processing of liquid silicone
rubber (LSR).                   Above: SKZ has its headquarters in Würzburg, Germany
   SKZ, which has been
hitherto mainly known for       ing, expert advice and         SKZ and Toolcraft will work             companies. Despite the
thermoplastic processing,       vocational training. Krauss-   on a new mould for LSR to               material’s strong growth, it
recently appointed Krauss-      Maffei is providing the        address the challenges                  had been viewed as being
Maffei as its technology        all-electric machines (a PX    arising from low viscosity              difficult to work with. This is
partner for LSR. As Toolcraft   50 at SKZ and a PX 121 at      and temperature control.                currently changing, as more
also wanted to start working    Toolcraft), plus expertise     The first product has already           and more plastics process-
with the technology at the      and consulting related to      been defined: a medical                 ing companies are becom-
same time, KraussMaffei         processing. They anticipate    application with a part                 ing interested in this
brought all three together.     being able to apply for        weight of 0.5 g.                        versatile material.”
   SKZ and Toolcraft will       public subsidies to help          KraussMaffei said: “For              �
build up the expertise          them develop technologies.     many years, processing LSR              �
necessary for manufactur-           In the coming months,      was limited to specialist               �

New US                          Comar buys medical moulder
training                        Automatic Plastics in Ireland
partnership                     New Jersey, US-based           products mainly for medical             machines ranging from 25
LS Mtron Injection Molding      Comar, a supplier of custom    devices and rigid pharma-               to 485 tonnes. The company
Machines USA has formed         medical devices and            ceutical packaging.                     has particular expertise in
a partnership with Orbital      assemblies and speciality         APL operates out of an               design and development,
Plastics Consulting to          packaging systems, has         ISO 13485-certified produc-             overmoulding, two-shot
provide scientific injection    acquired Automatic Plastics    tion facility in Wicklow,               moulding, automation,
moulding training. LS           (APL), a contract manufac-     south of Dublin, Ireland. This          handling and packaging of
Mtron produces injection        turer of injection moulded     has 30 injection moulding               desiccants, and custom
moulding machines in                                                                                   printing.
South Korea.                                                                                               Comar said that this
   Courses being offered                                                                               combination will enhance its
include both injection                                                                                 own expertise in the same
moulding training at LS                                                                                fields and represents the first
Mtron’s technical centre in                                                                            step in its global expansion,
Wood Dale, near Chicago,                                                                               not least because Ireland is
and onsite injection                                                                                   one of the world’s major
moulding training at LS                                                                                medtech and pharmaceuti-
Mtron customer locations.                                                                              cal industry hubs. Comar will
   The courses will be                                                                                 now have 11 manufacturing
                                                                                          IMAGE: APL

taught by Orbital presi-                                                                               facilities and over 1,200
dent Umberto Catignani.                                                                                employees worldwide.
�                                                                                  �

6   INJECTION WORLD | March 2022                                                                 
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DuPont™, the DuPont Oval Logo, and all trademarks and service marks denoted with ™, SM or ™ are owned by affiliates of DuPont de Nemours, Inc. unless otherwise noted. © 2021 DuPont.

100+ suppliers book booths
at Detroit moulding expo
More than 100 suppliers          HUNTINGTON PLACE
                                                                                                       exhibitors including
have already booked                                                                                    Sigmasoft, Moldex3D, EPS
booths at the Injection                                                                                FloTek, CAE Services, TST
Molding and Design Expo,                                                                               and Simcon.
which is taking place in                                                                                  On the materials front,
Detroit, Michigan, USA on                                                                              companies that have
May 25-26, 2022. The new                                                                               already booked booths
free-to-attend exhibition                                                                              include M Holland, Ampa-
and conference is being                                                                                cet, Chroma Color, Chase
organised by AMI – the                                                                                 Plastics, Domo, General
publisher of Injection                                                                                 Polymers, Amco Polymers,
World – together with Crain                                                                            Star Plastics, Polykemi,
Global Polymer Group –                                                                                 Opticolor, Purgex, Polymax,
the publisher of Plastics News.                   They will be joined by a wide range     Entec, Bamberger Polymers, Purgex,
   “We have seen a rapid increase in           of suppliers of auxiliary equipment,       Slide Products, Rainbow Colors, Saco
exhibitor bookings in the past two             machine components and control             AEI Polymers, and iD Additives.
months and the floorplan is filling up         systems, including Conair, ACS Group,         Several leading suppliers of
quickly,” said Kelly DeFino, Exhibition        Advanced Blending Solutions, Frigel,       training services for moulders will also
Sales Manager at AMI. “More than two           Matsui, Zeiger Industries, ASS End Of      be exhibiting at Detroit, including
thirds of booths are now taken, and            Arm Tooling, Frigosystem, Kongskilde,      Beaumont, RJG, Routsis and Paulson.
inquiries plus new reservations are            Bauer Compressors, Benpac, Cincinnati      Visitors to the expo will be able to
coming in every day.”                          Process Technologies, Intouch Monitor-     attend practical seminars delivered by
   The event is taking place at                ing, 2R Automation, Alpha Laser,           these companies in the free Training
Huntington Place (formerly known as            Alkegen, Promess, Zerma and Filtroil.      Theater.
the Cobo and TCF Center) in down-                 Mould makers and suppliers of              “The industry response to this new
town Detroit. Visitors will be able to         mould materials, components and            expo has been overwhelmingly
meet with a wide range of interna-             accessories also feature prominently       positive,” said John Hickey, Sales
tional suppliers from throughout the           among the companies that have              Director at Plastics News. “Suppliers
injection moulding supply chain at             already confirmed their spaces at the      have welcomed the focus of the
one focused event. It will provide a           show. They include Cavalier Tool,          event, plus its location and timing.
timely opportunity to catch up on              StackTeck, Accede, DME, Mastip,            They are also excited about the fact
recent developments and compare                Progressive Components, Spark              there will be three free-to-attend
options for future projects.                   Industries, PCS, EAS Change Systems,       conference theatres on the show floor,
   Leading suppliers of injection              VEM Tooling, Osco, Mold World, and         with programs put together by the
moulding machines that will be                 Action Mold & Machining. There will        Crain and AMI teams.”
exhibiting in Detroit this May include         also be a group of Portuguese mould           For more information about exhibit-
Milacron, KraussMaffei, Wittmann               makers exhibiting along with their         ing at the Injection Molding and
Battenfeld, Absolute Haitian, Tederic,         trade association Cefamol. In addition,    Design Expo 2022, or to register for
Shibaura, Yizumi-HPM, Wilmington               tooling design software and services       your free ticket, please visit:
Machinery and CH America.                      will be on offer from a variety of         �

Record revenue for Protolabs in 2021
US fast parts manufacturer       the company said that it          tive year for Protolabs. With    strategy to accelerate
Protolabs had record annual      served 55,330 unique              the acquisition of Hubs and      revenue growth and expand
revenue of $488.1m in            product developers during         the launch of Protolabs 2.0,     profitability,” said CEO Rob
2021, 12.4% up on 2020.          the year.                         we are well positioned to        Bodor.
Net income was $33.4m and           “2021 was a transforma-        execute on our long-term         �

8    INJECTION WORLD | March 2022                                                             
Your One-Stop-Shop

US machine shipments up in Q3
Shipments of primary
plastics processing machin-
ery in North America were
up by near 9% year-on-year                                                                               machinery
in Q3 2021, according to
data from the Committee on                                                                               picks up
Equipment Statistics (CES)                                                                               Italy’s plastics and rubber
at the US Plastics Industry                                                                              machinery manufacturers
Association.                                                                                             saw a 14% increase in sales
    Preliminary CES estimates                                                                            for the first nine months of
put shipments at $334m for                                                                               last year, fuelled largely by
the quarter, up by 4.0% on                                                                               healthy domestic demand,
Q2 and 8.8% on Q3 2020.                                                                                  according to industry
Shipments of twin-screw         economy, said Plastics          confirm our prior projec-                association Amaplast.
extruders saw the biggest       Industry Association Chief      tions that the outlook for               Incoming orders rose by
gains — up by 44.4% and         Economist Dr Perc Pineda.       plastics machinery in the                41% over the period.
61.2% respectively. Single-        According to CES, 76% of     second half of 2021 is                       Amaplast said sales
screw extruders saw growth      machinery executive             positive albeit shipments                grew 17% in Q3 compared
of 7.2% and 15.9%, while        respondents to its latest       [would] continue to fluctu-              to the same period in
injection moulding machin-      quarterly sentiment survey      ate. The likelihood that                 2020, and orders were up
ery shipments grew by 1.6%      expected market conditions      supply chain issues will                 by 30%. Expectations for
and 5.7%.                       to either improve or hold       continue to be a headwind                Q4 are positive, with
    The performance was in      steady in Q4, while 75%         in 2022 remains high. The                revenues expected to
line with higher plastics       expected a similar outlook      globe is still emerging from             come in some 60% up on
production and the contin-      for the following 12 months.    the pandemic,” said Pineda.              Q4 2020.
ued recovery in the US             “Data we’re seeing           �            �

Barnes                          Executive changes at Engel
reports                         in Austria and North America
2021 sales                      The Engel Group has named                                                large family foundation.
                                                                                          IMAGE: ENGEL

US-based diversified            Gerhard Dimmler, previously                                                  Separately, Engel has
engineering company             VP of R&D, in the role of CTO                                            created a new management
Barnes Group has                which gives him a place on                                               board in its North America
reported net sales of           the board. As part of this                                               business. This comprises
$1.259bn in 2021, up 12%        role, he is taking over the                                              COO Vanessa Malena
from $1.124bn in 2020. Of       Development division from                                                (leading after-sales service,
this, all bar 1% was            CEO Stefan Engleder and                                                  automation and engineer-
organic growth.                 will also be responsible for                                             ing); CSO Benjamin Lettner
   Sales in its Industrial      digitalisation generally.                                                (sales, marketing and
division were up 16% to            In addition, Simon                                                    application engineering);
$896m – the division            Zeilberger will arrive as       Above: Gerhard Dimmler, the              and CFO Johann Dastl
includes mouldmaking            Commercial Director on 1        new CTO at Engel Group                   (finance, HR and IT). Mark
and moulding technology         April. He is replacing CFO                                               Sankovitch remains as CEO.
brands Synventive,              Markus Richter, who will        management experience,                   Paul Caprio left Engel North
Foboha, Thermoplay,             leave the company after five    mainly in the metals                     America as of 31 January,
Maenner, Gammaflux and          years at his own request at     industry, and was most                   after two years with the
Priamus.                        the end of the fiscal year.     recently responsible for the             company.
�       Zeilberger has extensive        commercial division of a                 �

10   INJECTION WORLD | March 2022                                                                 
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Recycled plastics are starting to be used in
furniture, but designers face technical
challenges and need to work out how to
deal with them. David Eldridge explores
the world of plastic chair design

Chair designers
learn all about
recycled plastics
The humble chair fascinates designers.                             material belongs to the

                                                                                                                       STUDIO / VITRA
                                                                                                                       IMAGE: JASPER
At some point in their career, furniture                           family of polybutylene
designers, product designers and even                               terephthalate (PBT). Its high
architects want to create their personal                            flowability, coupled with the
variation on the seat-plus-legs template.                           strength of this plastic,
With its simple form and functionality, a                             allows an elegant transition
chair presents the challenge of how to                                  from thick to thin cross sections.”
design something different, desirable                                      MYTO was presented for the first       Main images:
and destined for classic status.                                        time on BASF’s stand at K 2007. It        Vitra’s Evo-C
   In the 1950s, chair designers seized                                 rapidly became a classic, and in May      chairs,
the opportunity given by a new, highly                                  2008 was selected into the permanent      designed by
adaptable material to create chairs with                               collection of the Museum of Modern         Jasper
a more moulded shape than was                                          Art in New York.                           Morrison, are
possible with wood and other materials.                                    But since plastics have been caught    manufactured
Plastics enabled Charles and Ray                                       in the glare of negative publicity about   using gas
Eames in 1950 to make the DAR armchair with a          ocean waste, designers have turned their attention         injection
fibreglass shell seat and metal supporting frame-      to the sustainability of the materials they use. From      moulding
work. Then plastics materials became a major focus     this, furniture companies and their designers have         technology
in new chairs from designers: Robin Day even called    decided to relaunch some plastics chairs to include
his 1963 combination of plastic seat and metal legs    recycled material. Outdoor furniture company Loll
the Polyprop chair. The PP seat in Day’s chair was     Designs has updated the wooden Rapid Rocker
injection moulded, enabling mass production and        designed in 1939 by architect Ralph Rapson to use
widespread utilisation in British schools.             HDPE recycled from milk bottles. Norway-based
   Furniture designers have come to know a lot         Flokk has issued a limited edition of the HÅG
about plastics, their properties and their potential   Capisco Puls office chair, designed in 1984 by Peter
for achieving an aesthetic vision. They have often     Opsvik, using PP recycled from snow plough
worked closely with materials companies and            markers. Some designers are also specifying
manufacturers in the development of a new chair.       recycled plastics when developing new chairs,
A good example is Konstantin Grcic who collabo-        such as the N02 Recycle, designed by Oki Sato of
rated with BASF on the MYTO cantilever chair,          Nendo for Danish furntiure company Fritz Hansen,
injection moulded in Ultradur High Speed.              which uses post-consumer plastics.
   “The design was significantly influenced by the        The trend to include recycled content in injection
material,” says Grcic. “Chemically speaking, this      moulded chair components was shown last year in                                                                     March 2022 | INJECTION WORLD                13

                       Right: The         the contribution of polyamide producer Domo
                       plastic parts in   Chemicals to the Kirn chair from Wales-based office
                       the Kirn chair     furniture company OrangeBox. Domo’s Econamid
                       from furniture     PA materials, which are used in the plastic parts of
                       company            the chair, are produced from post-industrial recycled
                       OrangeBox are      textile fibres. The Kirn chair was developed by
                       made from          Orangebox with support from Linear Plastics, an
                       Domo’s             injection moulder regularly used by Orangebox, and
                       Econamid           Domo’s European distributor, Ultrapolymers.
                       recycled PA           Orangebox says that the use of the Econamid
                       materials          material means Kirn’s manufacture produces 97%
                                          fewer CO2 emissions than that of a task chair made
                                                                                                    IMAGE: ORANGEBOX
                                          from virgin plastic. In addition, the chair is designed
                                          to use as few materials and resources as possible,
                                          and uses recycled materials wherever feasible.            cast a wide net for opportunities to incorporate
                                             In the world of office furniture, Herman Miller is     ocean-bound plastic across our global operations.
                                          a company with a long and respected design                We’re proud of the progress we’ve already made
                                          pedigree. In September last year, it said it has          with packaging and textiles and are eager to
                                          started using recycled plastics in its Aeron chair        continue doing our part in preventing harmful
                                          range, as part of the company’s commitment to use         plastic from reaching our oceans by adding it
                                          50% recycled content in all materials by 2030.            to the iconic Aeron Chair.”
                                          Aeron, Herman Miller’s top selling chair, was                The company says that, depending on configu-
                                          designed by Bill Stumpf and Don Chadwick in               ration, the ocean-bound plastics in Aeron can be
                                          1994 (with a new version in 2016). Its highly             found in the frame and tilt covers of the chair
                                          engineered design, ergonomic excellence and               amounting to between 0.5 and 2.5 lbs (226.8 g and
                                          material innovation (eradicating the foam and             1.13 kg) of the material per chair. The Onyx Ultra
                                          leather found in most office chairs at the time) led      Matte colorway contains the highest amount of
                                          to many awards and many imitators. It was also the        ocean-bound plastics at almost 2.5 lbs (1.13 kg)
                                          company’s first product to receive the Cradle to          per chair. All chairs within the Aeron Portfolio are
                                          Cradle V3 Silver Level certification, assessed on         up to 90% recyclable and composed of over 50%
                                          environmental and social performance.                     recycled content, it says.
                                             Herman Miller is being supplied with recycled             While Herman Miller produces high-end
                                          material through its involvement with NextWave            furniture, another company of global stature – IKEA
                                          Plastics, a collaboration of technology companies         – dominates the affordable end of the market. It too
                       Below: Herman      and consumer brands to develop a global network           has a sustainability focus in its product design and
                       Miller says it     of ocean-bound plastics supply chains. The                has the ambition to use only renewable and
                       has started        ocean-bound plastics used in Aeron is currently           recycled materials by 2030. This focus was high-
                       using recycled     sourced from India and Indonesia.                         lighted five years ago in the Odger chair. This
                       plastics in its       Gabe Wing, Herman Miller’s Director of Sustain-        injection moulded chair is made of wood-plastic
                       classic Aeron      ability, says: “We joined NextWave to play an active      composite comprising 30% wood chip from
                       chair range        role in taking on the ocean plastic problem and           reclaimed wood and 70% PP with recycled content.
                                                                                                    Odger was designed for IKEA by Stockholm-based
                                                                                                    Form Us With Love.
                                                                                                       “Renewable and recycled materials are prerequi-
                                                                                                    sites for a circular society,” says Lena Pripp-Kovac,
                                                                                                    Head of Sustainability at the Inter IKEA Group, in
                                                                                                    the group’s 2021 sustainability report. “In a world
                                                                                                    of limited resources, we want to move away from
                                                                                                    the linear model of ‘take, make, waste’, to a circular
                                                                                                    system where nothing is wasted and where old

                                                                                                    products become new resources. Our ambition is
                                                                                                    to inspire and enable our customers to live better
                                                                                                    everyday lives, within the limits of the planet, so the
                                                                                                    materials we use are a key aspect of this.”
                                                                                                       She says the group has “made some good

                       14    INJECTION WORLD | March 2022                                                             
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                     Injection Moulders Scandinavia
                     Published February 2022

progress. Currently, 60% of the materials IKEA uses

                                                                                                                                           IMAGE: MUUTO
are renewable and 10% are recycled... We already
use a lot of renewable wood-based materials, and
we’re increasing the amount of recycled materials
such as recycled plastic in our products.”
    No matter what the sustainability vision is of a
designer or design-led company, recycled plastics
are not a simple drop-in solution to replace virgin
plastics. Contamination is a major issue for recy-
cled plastics in consumer products, as Pripp-Kovac
indicated when talking about the Trollbo children’s
lamp, which has a lampshade and other elements
made from recycled PET bottles. “It’s a challenge to
make recycled plastic translucent. Our product
development team had to play around with                 be seen in Vitra’s Evo-C chair designed by Jasper             Above: The seat
different grades of PET bottles to achieve this, but     Morrison in 2020. Evo-C is a cantilevered chair               shell of Muuto’s
they succeeded in the end and the result is great,”      manufactured entirely from PP that is made possible           Fiber range of
she said. It’s also difficult to source clean recycled   through gas injection moulding technology. “There             chairs uses
materials in enough quantity, she said.                  were many complexities,” says Morrison, discussing            wood-plastic
    Performance questions around recycled plastics       the chair on his website. “The main struggles were            composite and
informed furniture group Muuto in its reworking of       the thickness of the legs, the length of the foot (to         in its new
the Fiber range of chairs originally launched in 2014.   avoid tipping) and the detailing of how and where to          version the
The shell seat is a wood-plastic composite and in its    end the gas-moulded tubular parts.”                           plastic material
new iteration the plastic material includes recyclate.      He continues: “There were many more struggles              includes 80%
    “It might sound like a modest challenge, yet         on the engineering side, and stress simulations               recyclate
reproducing the same strength and durability as the      which had the computers running for weeks to
forerunner was a result of diving into the wildly        estimate whether the design was strong enough
complex world of mechanics and material proper-          and if not then where it needed strengthening.
ties,” says Trine Mulvad Steffensen, CSR Manager at      Then there were test moulds of the legs to check
Muuto, on the company’s website. “After                  them in reality, with snaking lengths of tube to simu-
two years of intense research and devel-                 late the flow of the gas through a certain length
opment here we are – we have proved our                  without building an expensive larger mould.
initial hypothesis to be possible.”                      Eventually when everything seemed to be working
    The Fiber armchair and side chair use a              well enough they started cutting the mould which is
minimum of 80% recycled plastic. Muuto                   a monster of moving parts and channels for the gas
says it opted not to go for 100% recycled                                   to get in. The achievement is nine
content because of concerns about lower                                       parts engineering to one part            Left: The Vitra
strength. “To us it is a reasonable trade-off —                                design. I think the final result        Evo-C chair
creating a highly durable chair that will last for                             has a Zelig-like ability to fit in to   during
                                                               STUDIO / VITRA
                                                               IMAGE: JASPER

years to come, still using at least 80%                                        different kinds of spaces.”             development
recycled plastic. We believe that this will                                        In order to design a suc-
impact the environment less than creating a                                     cessful cantilevered chair
more frail chair with a shorter lifespan                                        Morrison decided to avoid
made in 100% recycled plastic,” it says.                                        recycled plastics. He says on
    Leading furniture design group Vitra                                        the Vitra website: “For the
diverges from other companies and has                                           moment the chair would not
not set itself recycled material targets.                                      be strong enough to be made
Instead, its approach to sustainability is to develop    with post-consumer plastic, but no doubt the time
products that last as long as possible and it backs      will come when it could be. For now it’s important
this up with long product warranties. Nora Fehlbaum,     to keep in mind that a well made and designed
Vitra CEO, says: “Vitra’s greatest contribution to       plastic chair has a useful life of 20-30 years and can
sustainability is the creation of products that omit     be recycled after that.”
non-essential elements and last a long time. Our            Evo-C is a significant chair in design, engineering
roots in modern design would allow nothing else.”        and manufacturing terms. Vitra’s iconic cantilevered
    This approach to quality design and longevity can    Panton chair from 1965 was the point of departure                                                                         March 2022 | INJECTION WORLD          17

Exploring trends and technical
developments in the international              Industry-leading speakers include:
fire retardant industry
                                                                  Maurizio Longhi
                                                                  Materials Technology
                                                                  Regulatory GSME,
                                                                  WHIRLPOOL CORPORATION

                                                                  Laurent Tribut
The event brings together industry                                Plastic Materials, Distinguished
                                                                  Technical Expert,
professionals to evaluate and discuss                             SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC
the latest trends, legislative/regulatory
developments, new applications,
                                                                  Benjamin Gann
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                                                                  AMERICAN CHEMISTRY COUNCIL
technology in the fire retardant industry.

                                                                  Jakub Lison
                                                                  Technical Manager Americas,
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for Morrison. The monolith Panton chair                                            material add depth and give it a story,    Left: Tip Ton Re
was a landmark combination of bril-                                        GE
                                                                             :        similar to how the structure of a       is Vitra’s
liant design and engineering                                                             piece of wood tells you about the    update of the

with plastic materials (which                                                              tree’s growth cycles.”             Tip Ton chair
has been injection moulded                                                                      Grosen says product           designed by
in PP since 1999) and                                                                         designers are facing a huge     Edward Barber
Morrison says he wanted                                                                       challenge in the way they       and Jay
Evo-C to also be a single                                                                     approach materials and          Osgerby, using
plastic moulding, but this                                                                    manufacturing. “You need a      recycled PP
time with two front legs.                                                                    different mindset, but we are
    Vitra’s focus may be on                                                                adapting to it, because it’s the
durability, but that does not                                                            way we need to think and act
mean it is ignoring recycled                                                           now. It’s part of the designer’s and
materials. Tip Ton Re, an update of the                                            company’s responsibility. In this
Tip Ton chair designed by Edward Barber                                   dialogue we push each other towards a more
and Jay Osgerby in 2011, is Vitra’s first recycled                 circular way of thinking.”
plastic chair. It is injection moulded using 3.6 kg of                 He says: “Testing new materials and processes
recycled PP sourced from Germany’s Yellow Bag                      can give you unknown results; it always leads to
household recycling scheme.                                        some kind of learning and adds to the knowledge
    “Working on an existing product is a good way                  base on the circular economy. This is different from
to gain experience with a new material,” says Vitra’s              finding only a new aesthetic or a new function. We
Chief Design Officer, Christian Grosen. “Though                    view this as a very relevant challenge. The rules are
recycled polypropylene is still a type of plastic, it’s            not yet written, and we are writing ours as we go.”
different to work with.”                                               Grosen describes plastic as “a fantastic material
    He says the materials challenge was to make the                and will be with us for a long time, but there are
chair strong enough, as recycled materials do not                  right and wrong ways of using it. The critical thing
have the same performance as virgin. Glass was                     is to understand when to use recycled plastic,
added to the PP for reinforcement, which then led to               when to use new material, and when to combine
work on improving the surface quality. The company                 them to achieve products that people will keep
followed an iterative process to determine the                     and utilise for as long as possible.”
minimum amount of glass fibre needed for strength
while meeting the desired surface standards.                       CLICK ON THE LINKS FOR MORE INFORMATION:
    Another consideration for designers using                      �
recyclate is what to do about its grey colour.                     �
Grosen says: “We wanted to keep the material as                    �
clean as possible, so what you see is what you get.                �
There are tiny specks of other colours in the grey,                �
which vary slightly from chair to chair. But for me                �
that adds interest and pushes our perception of                    �
plastics. The slight variations in the recycled                    �

 The chair that picks itself up off the floor
                                                        Recycled materials suppliers hope to        with cellulose fibre and has a steel
                                                        show designers and specifiers what          base plate. The carbon footprint of
                                                        it’s possible to do with recyclate. In      Fortum Circo recycled plastic is about
                                                        order to showcase its Circo recycled        half that of virgin plastics, says the
                                                        plastics, Fortum Recycling in Finland       company.
                                                        has designed a self-righting chair.            The chair was inspired by Finnish
                                                            The Viren chair prototype has a         athlete Lasse Viren’s recovery in the
                                        IMAGE: FORTUM

                                                        clever design which allows it to roll       10,000 metres final in the 1972
                                                        and “stand” again after being               Olympics in Munich. After stumbling,
                                                        knocked over. It is made using Circo        Viren picked himself up and went on
                                                        recycled PP compound reinforced             to win the race in record time.                                                                                 March 2022 | INJECTION WORLD          19
M AY 2 5 - 2 6 , 2 0 2 2
                                                          OUT NOW

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           Katie Roco                                     Gene Altonen
           Customer Engineering                           Chief Technology Officer,
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           Mark Gomulka
                                                          Engineering Consultant,
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                                                          Diane Marret
           Troy Nix
                                                          Sustainability Manager,
           Executive Director,
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           Jeff Stout                                     Carla Bailo
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                Patricia Miller                          Director of Business
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                                                         John Budreau
                Vice President,
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                                                         Alper Kiziltas
                Camille Sackett
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                Accede Mold & Tool

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   Identifying new business strategies, innovative additives and
         process optimisation for thermoplastics compounders

                               Confirmed speakers include:

   Nicolas Schlutig          Luis Roca Blay                      Alicia Rul                                 Dr. Leo Wu
     Technical Manager     Leader of Compounding          Technical Sales Manager                         General Manager
      Sumika Polymer              AIMPLAS                         Nanocyl                                     Kingfa

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                                                   *This discount cannot be used in conjunction with other offers. Offer ends 8 April 2022.


The Thin Wall Integra

                                                                                                                                        IMAGE: ARBURG
project brings
together experts to
push the boundaries
of moulding thin
wall packaging.
James Snodgrass
writes about
innovations in
packaging and
electronics moulding

Going further with
thin wall moulding
As the trend towards lighter, stronger, higher            between Collomb, a mould maker specialising in           Main image:
volume packaging continues apace, thin-wall               thin-walled containers; Pagès Group, a specialist in     In the Thin Wall
injection moulding continues to be a growth               packaging robotics; Verstraete, an IML label             Integra project,
sector: with compounders making stronger and              manufacturer; Koch-Technik, a material flow              a fully auto-
more sustainable PP and PP copolymer grades and           specialist; Borealis, a raw materials supplier and the   mated injection
processors finding ways to make walls ever thinner,       French subsidiary of German machine maker                moulding cell
and cycle times ever shorter.                             Arburg. Thin Wall Integra is intended to be a            has been
   Mordor Intelligence research indicates that the        one-stop shop concept for the production of              designed
thin-wall packaging market was valued at $38.58bn         thin-walled five-litre buckets.                          around a
(€34.62bn) in 2020 and is expected to reach                   The concept is a fully automated injection           hybrid Arburg
$55.92bn (€50.18bn) by 2026, at a CAGR of 6% over         moulding cell built around a hybrid Arburg               Allrounder 720
the forecast period of 2021-2026. Research from           Allrounder 720 H machine, in packaging variant,          H in packaging
Emergen is even more encouraging. The Canadian            with a one-cavity mould. The complete cycle takes        version
market intelligence company believes the market           around 5s. Both the injection moulding machine
could reach $66.75bn (€59.82) by 2027. Novel              and the sequentially operating robotic system are
thin-wall moulding applications have also emerged         optimised for fast cycles. The handling system with
within engineering thermoplastics for personal            telescopic arm that engages from the rear side of
transportation and consumer electronics applica-          the machine first loads the mould with the IML
tions, where a combination of light weight and            labels. The robotic system then removes the
strength is as vital as it is for the packaging sector.   finished labelled buckets and stacks them on a
   Co-operation between mould makers, robotics            deposit mat. The stacks are then automatically
experts, IML label manufacturers, raw materials           picked up by a robot for palletising. The two robot
suppliers and an injection moulding machine               technologies used make the system particularly
manufacturer has resulted in the Thin Wall Integra        compact. The granule (Borealis’s UJ599MO-90, a
project – a new approach to the production of             compounded polyolefin solution containing 55%
thin-walled packaging. The novel production cell in       mechanically recovered post consumer recyclate)
Aulnay-sous-Bois, France, is a collaboration              is continuously fed in through an automatic                                                                      March 2022 | INJECTION WORLD          23

Right: Arburg     conveyor system. The melt flow rate (MFR) is 70 in

                                                                                                                                   IMAGE: ARBURG
says a geomet-    this specific application, according to an Arburg
ric structure     spokesperson.
moulded on the        The containers have a wall thickness of just
bucket’s inside   0.63mm, leading to material savings of up to 35%
helps lessen      compared with similar 5-l containers. As is apparent
vacuum effect     from the photograph (right) – looking where the sun
when stacked      shines through the bucket from behind – the
and contributes   containers have a geometric pattern moulded on
towards           the inside. This is to contribute towards compres-
compression       sion resistance and also to limit the vacuum effect
resistance        when pails are nested in each other, by allowing
                  increased air flow. Labels are produced with digital
                  watermarking from the Holy Grail 2.0 project,
                  making the pails recyclable anywhere that PP can
                  be recycled.
                      Counterfeiting in the luxury food and drinks
                  industry is a multi-million dollar industry. The        adulteration, substitution, theft, misrepresentation,
                  pandemic added to the problem: there was a high         illegal processing, waste diversion and document
                  demand for premium products but, at the same            fraud costs £11.97bn (€14.33bn) per annum.
                  time, there were interrupted supply chains,                 Seizures of counterfeit products provide a good
                  receiving fewer physical audits. This created a         indication of the scale of the problem. In 2020,
                  situation ripe for opportunists and bootleggers,        Operation Opson IX seized 12,000 tonnes of illegal
                  who took advantage of the disruptions.                  and potentially harmful products, including 1.2m
                      Sumitomo (SHI) Demag has been looking at            litres of alcohol.
                  how specialist closure and thin wall moulders are           In a concerted effort to crack down on groups
                  applying the latest injection moulding precision        profiting from illicit versions of branded spirits and
                  and IML techniques to step up their fight against       premium foods, manufacturers are making labels
                  the creative food and drink fakers to mitigate risks    more difficult to copy and bottles harder to refill.
                  and safeguard brand integrity.                          “One way to counteract counterfeiting and product
                      In a recent survey of senior food and drink         tampering is through the innovative design of
                  executives conducted by assurance specialists           packaging that cannot be easily copied,” says
                  Lloyd’s Register, only one-third admitted to vetting    Gough.
                  suppliers against a recognised GFSI standard. One           “Until recently, this may have involved putting
                  in five declared that no checks were made as part       shrink or foil sleeve around a luxury drink brand, for
                  of sourcing decisions. Yet, despite these prevalent     example. Closure moulders especially are stepping
                  risks, 97% stated that they had been affected by        up their efforts and investing in dedicated cells to
                  food fraud in the last 12 months. Few in the            produce high quality and anti-refill closures made
                  industry regard authenticating products as their        up of a number of complex parts.” Due to the
                  highest priority.                                       intricacy of these closures, moulding precision is
                      Looking at the UK food and drink market,            paramount.
                  Sumitomo (SHI) Demag UK packaging specialist,               Significant investment in high quality tooling,
                  Ashlee Gough, notes that it remains one of the          automation, machinery and expertise can be anoth-
                  worst markets for counterfeiting – when food and        er major deterrent, says Gough. “Realistically, few
                  drink products are deliberately packaged to             counterfeit operators would make the level of
                  deceive consumers. The UK Food Standard                 investment required to replicate this level of
                               Agency’s National Food Crime Unit          technical precision.”
                                      estimates that the combination of       Other covert packaging methods to deter
                                                                          counterfeits include concealing unique identifiers,
                                          Tamper evident closures is      such as a QR code, holograms or tags within the
                                           one method deployed by         IML. While these can assist with track and tracing,
                                           packaging manufacturers        Gough claims that they only really help to validate
                                           to counteract fraud in the     the origin of a container and tend to be more
                                          premium drinks, wellbeing       widely deployed by luxury food, cosmetics,
BERT_PHANTANA                           and pharmaceutical markets        pharmaceutical and wellbeing brands.

24   INJECTION WORLD | March 2022                                                          
Discover the latest technology trends, market
 developments and challenges with industry experts

                     Confirmed speakers include:

Andrew Reynolds      Andrea Ubbiali           Lisa Filindassi                Andrew White
       Director       Regulatory Affairs   Product Manager – Senior         Business Unit Director
    Advance Bidco          Manager          Food Contact Specialist             FP Pigments
   (Owners of AMI)   Rifra Masterbatches      TÜV Rheinland Italia

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                                                                      18 March

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for high performance polyamides

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                     from industry experts
                   • Explore the latest technologies
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                   • Discover innovative processing
                     developments that increase
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                   • Prepare for the future: keep informed
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                   *This discount cannot be used in conjunction with other offers.


                                 He says: “To outsmart quick-witted counterfeit-

                                                                                                                                                                   IMAGE: SOCAR
                              ers, manufacturers may need to deploy several
                              tactics simultaneously to prevent brand value
                              being diluted, including tamper evident bands,
                              secure closures, snap buttons, barcoded labels and
                              batch codes, and even chemical markers.”
                                 For packaging moulders producing thin-walled
                              containers, or caps and closures, by the million,
                              cost effectiveness remains vital. Gough highlights
                              Sumitomo (SHI) Demag’s El-Exis SP range which,
                              the company claims, typically achieves between 3%
                              and 5% greater productivity compared with other
                              packaging machines on the market. The fourth
                              generation EL-Exis SP series is designed to with-
                              stand the higher stresses and injection pressures     exhibit low shrinkage, improved thermal resistance,       Above:
                              that are necessary for achieving repeatability in     superior rigidity, dimensional stability, and a           Socar’s new
                              closures and thin-walled packaging products, while    balance between stiffness and impact resistance.          compounds
                              maintaining comparable mechanical properties.             Socar Polymer worked collaboratively with             for thin wall
                                 At the time of writing, access to two new grades   Milliken for a year to provide customers with these       packaging
                              of PP impact copolymer, from Azerbaijan-based         reactor grades of heterophasic copolymers, which          contain
                              Socar Polymer, may be influenced by geopolitical      use no organic peroxides, and are consistent with         Milliken
                              events. However, they are currently marketed to       the company’s “zero-phthalate philosophy”. No             Chemical’s
                              customers in Russia, Turkey and CIS (Russia plus      catalysts or chemicals containing phthalate               Hyperform
                              eight former Soviet republics of Armenia, Azerbai-    compounds are used at any stage of production.            HPN additive
                              jan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova,        This latest collaboration built upon previous
                              Tajikstan and Uzbekistan).                            cooperation between the companies that led to the
                                 Socar Polymer’s CB4848 MO and CB 6448              introduction of Socar’s first two random copolymer
                              grades are designed for rigid, thin-wall packaging    PP grades – RB 4545 MO and RB 6545 MO. Those
                              such as caps, closures, and opaque containers, as     grades use Milliken’s Millad NX 8000 family of
                              well as for various housewares, sporting goods,       clarifiers to boost clarity in thin wall injection
                              and toys. Containing Milliken Chemical’s Hyper-       moulded packaging products while maintaining a
                              form HPN additive, the CB 4848 MO (with MFR of        balance of overall properties.
                              48) and CB 6448 MO (with MFR of 64) grades                Milliken additives were also involved in the
                              deliver moulded parts that the company claims         development of a new PP impact copolymer from
                                                                                    US-based producer Flint Hills Resources. The
                                                                                    American PP manufacturer’s new impact copoly-             Left: IML labels
                                                                                    mer, AP5195-LV PP, is designed to deliver better          with unique
                                                                                    impact strength, high melt flow and good stiffness.       identifiers,
                                                                                    This is achieved using DeltaMax performance               such as a QR
                                                                                    modifier from Milliken.                                   code, holo-
                                                                                        “The balanced performance of Milliken’s additive      grams or tags,
                                                                                    technology enhances the resin architecture of our         are other
                                                                                    new AP5195-LV PP impact copolymer,” says Pierre           methods that
                                                                                    Donaldson, Director of PP R&D for Flint Hills             can deter
                                                                                    Resources. “By excelling in impact, melt flow and         counterfeiting,
                                                                                    stiffness, our novel PP material can make it easier for   says Sumitomo
                                                                                    converters to produce strong yet lightweight              (SHI) Demag
                                                                                    packaging, boost productivity, and reduce energy

                                                                                    and plastic use to support environmental efforts.
                                                                                    This new grade is an important addition to our
                                                                                    portfolio and represents another major milestone in
                                                                                    our successful collaboration with Milliken.”
                                                                                        Brian Burton, Regional Director of Sales for
                                                                                    Milliken, says: “As one of the first resin suppliers to
                                                                                    utilise our newest performance modifier, Flint Hills

                                                                                       March 2022 | INJECTION WORLD          27
Developing technologies and applications for
 electrically and thermally conductive plastics

                                                                       Save €300*
Grow your business network                                                  if you
                                                                         book before
• Discover the challenges and opportunities in                            18 March
  formulation and processing                                                2022

• Gain insight into market trends and future forecasts
• Network with key players in the conductive plastics arena
• Learn about the latest conductive additive technologies
• Explore new and emerging markets

                                           *This discount cannot be used in conjunction with other offers.


Resources is again applying its trademark creativity

                                                                                                                                      IMAGE: AMI
and formulation capabilities to advance the state of
the art, this time with a PP impact copolymer
offering a unique combination of desirable proper-
ties. During our decade of collaboration, we’ve
witnessed first-hand the company’s leadership in
resin development. With the introduction of this
new AP5195-LV PP impact copolymer, the packag-
ing industry stands to benefit in multiple ways.”

Composite materials
To demonstrate thin-wall applications for its Tepex
Dynalite continuous-fibre-reinforced thermoplastic
composites, Lanxess has looked to an electric
skateboard that uses Tepex Dynalite overmoulded
with polyamide. Electric skateboards are, Lanxess          one operation, the section is then formed and the       Above: The
contends, extremely challenging to design.                 entire structure overmoulded with a short-glass-        Okmos electric
    The electric components of a skateboard, such          fibre-reinforced PA6 compound.                          skateboard is
as the battery and the motors that drive the wheels,           “The process is very efficient and highly inte-     manufactured
need to be housed in very confined spaces to keep          grated, meaning that not only can the base plate        by EMI in
the board light, compact and easy for the rider to         be fixed in place, but fastening elements, wire         France
handle. EMI is a family business based in France           ducting and the battery holder can also be
that manufactures the Okmos SL-01 electric                 mounted in the same operation. That means that
skateboards.                                               unlike many conventional electric skateboards, the
    Conventional skateboards usually consist of a          latter does not have to be screwed in separately,”
relatively flat wooden board where the rider stands,       says Jules Staedelin, R&D Manager at EMI.
also known as the deck. Under the deck of electric             The composite section is made from PA6-based
skateboards is a plastic box containing equipment          Tepex Dynalite 102-RG600(6), which is reinforced
including the battery. The EMI design, however, has        with six layers of continuous-glass-fibre rovings.
a trough-shaped deck. With the exception of the            The deck cover is also made from this material.
motors – which are mounted on the back of the              Lanxess PA6 grade Durethan BKV30H2.0EF is used
skateboard – the trough houses all the electric and        for overmoulding. This compound, which contains
electronic functions, including the battery. The              30% short glass fibres by weight, is optimised for
trough is enclosed by a cover. Because                                    this purpose. Its melt flows easily,
of the strength of the Tepex reinforced                                    which ensures that even long flow
composite, the trough can be manufac-                                      paths can be implemented without        Left: The trough
tured with a wall thickness of just 3mm.                                  problems when the injection mould-       containing the
    “Tepex is extremely resilient thanks to                            ing tool is being filled.                   battery and
its high torsional and bending strength,                                   EMI has developed its new electric      electronics for
and very lightweight into the bargain.                                  skateboards entirely in France, and it     the Okmos
The deck weighs just 2.5 kg,” says                                      manufactures them there as well, under     skateboard has
Jean-Marie Olivé, Technical Manager                                     the Okmos brand. The injection             a wall thickness
Application Development at the High                                     moulding tool for the hybrid moulding      of just 3mm
Performance Materials (HPM) business                                    process is also based on in-house
unit at Lanxess. “Despite the thin walls,                               expertise.
the electric and electronic components
in the deck are safely protected against                              CLICK ON THE LINKS FOR
impact as well as moisture.”                                          MORE INFORMATION:
                                          IMAGE: LANXESS

    The trough-shaped composite part is                              �
manufactured in a single hybrid mould-                               �
ing process step. First, a robot inserts the                         �
metal base plate used to attach the                                     �
truck axles into an injection moulding                                  �
tool. It then places a heated and                                       �
plasticised Tepex section in the tool. In                              �                                                                       March 2022 | INJECTION WORLD       29
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