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HARNESSING AI FOR ALL      The network
                           for doing
GOLDEN HANDSHAKES          business
2 UHY GLOBAL January 2019                                                                           WORD OF WELCOME

  IN THIS ISSUE                               WORD OF

                        EASTERN               I am delighted to welcome           Our regular Cogs & Wheels
  Mining in recovery    PROMISE               readers to issue 7 of UHY Global,   feature considers some of the
                                              our international business          ways UHY member firms work
                        Doing business with
                        Chinese companies     magazine for organisations with     together to build this client-
                                              a global outlook. As the new        focused culture across the
  CAN AI MAKE                                 incoming chairman of UHY, it is a   network; while our Perspectives
  US BETTER?                                  particularly exciting time for me   roundtable brings together
  Can it be harnessed                         to share with you some of our       some of our China experts who
  to benefit all?                             views and experiences through       discuss the cultural challenges

                                              these pages. I hope you find        and opportunities in working
                                              some food for thought and I wish    with Chinese companies
                                              you all the best for a prosperous   at home and abroad, an
                        GLOBAL NEWS
                                              and rewarding year ahead.           area of significant potential
                        Headlines for
                                                                                  growth for internationally

                        international         As the saying goes, ‘there is no    minded businesses.
                        business              place quite like home’, which
                                              for me is the United States.        Keeping it in the family

                                              And yes, mine is a country          showcases two UHY clients,
  Do ‘golden
                                              experiencing unprecedented          both multiple generation family
                        KEEPING IT            change, both domestically and       businesses, and both enjoying a
  visas’ work?
                        IN THE FAMILY         on the international stage. But     long-established relationship with
                        House of Gübelin/     as a network present in over 95     their UHY member firm advisors.
                        Hannay Reels          other countries, UHY member         Respect, trust, friendship and
                                              firms and their clients remind      success define these stories. My
                                              me every day that although          aim as international chairman
                                              business is never certain and       is to ensure these values are

  11                                          change is constant, the truth
                                              is that wherever in the world
                                                                                  embedded in the UHY brand for
                                                                                  every client, everywhere. Our

  COGS & WHEELS                               you operate there will always       feature on brand for business
  Winning cultures                            be challenge and opportunity.       also highlights the importance
                        LEARNING                                                  of consistency and customer
                                              This is a theme running through     experience, learning from the
                        FROM LUXURY
                                              much of UHY Global. From            example set by the resilient luxury
                        Brand lessons
                                              mining – an industry very much      goods and services sector.
                        for business
                                              in recovery – to technology-

                                              driven entrepreneurship which       If you enjoy UHY Global and
                                              looks set to make its mark          would like to read more on the
                                              on healthcare, professional         topics we have featured, or on
                                              services and many other sectors,    our UHY member firms, then
                                              opportunity is all around. I find   why not browse our expanded

  UHY’s new
                                              this inspiring and take enormous    digital edition, at
                                              pride in the attitude and energy    publications. Please feel free to
                        SERVING CLIENTS,      shown by our member firms,          contact me directly at rdavid@
                        SERVING               who work tirelessly to ensure if our network can
                        COMMUNITIES           our clients can safely and          be of further assistance to you.
                        Global stories from   successfully navigate change
                        our remarkable        and achieve their goals.            Richard David
                        people                                                    Chairman
                                                                                  UHY International
ALL AROUND THE WORLD                                                                                        UHY GLOBAL January 2019 3

W     hen commodities prices                  identified USD 2.2 billion in operating cash   technology – from drones and unmanned
      crashed in 2009, it sent                cost improvements across 2016 and 2017,        vehicles to blockchain and artificial
                                              while in 2017 Anglo American increased         intelligence – will have to be carefully
a shockwave through the                       its production by 9%, while at the same        and sensitively managed. Miners will also
minerals extraction industry,                 time reducing the cost per unit by 26%.        have to negotiate increasingly stringent
with many mining operations                                                                  environmental regulations, particularly
put on hold or even closed                    JUNIORS ON THE UP                              concerning water use and pollution. The
for good. So how is this most                 Exploration activity tends to lag behind
                                                                                             carbon footprints of extraction companies
                                                                                             will come under ever more intense scrutiny.
global of industries faring                   the general industry cycle, with companies
today, around the world?                      waiting to make sure any upturn is             The picture is more positive in some areas
                                              real and sustainable before committing         than others. Improved recycling methods
In 2015 Koko Yamamoto, partner at UHY         significant exploration funds. But that        will slow the demand for some metals,
McGovern Hurley LLP, UHY’s member firm        situation too has improved. In March           while others – battery metals like lithium
in Toronto, Canada, told UHY Global:          2018, S&P Global Market Intelligence           and cobalt are obvious examples – will
“A lot of companies here in Canada            estimated that the global budget for           forge ahead. In the next decade mining
are just funding minimum day to day           non-ferrous metals exploration would           may also explore the final frontier, with
operations... some of them have had           increase by 20% in the year. Canada,           asteroid space mining predicted to
to actually stop production and many          Australia and the US are leading the way.      become a viable long-term alternative
projects have been placed on care and
                                                                                             to depleting ore reserves on earth.
maintenance because they are just not         Mark Ferguson, associate research
economically feasible at this time.”          director for metals and mining at S&P,
                                              says: “We know that the juniors (early
As chair of UHY’s global mining special       stage exploration companies) have
interest group, Koko had seen industry        endured the worst of the downturn since
cycles before, but this was different.        2012, accounting for most of the 40%
Reverberations from the crash of 2009         drop in the number of active explorers
were still being felt six years later.        over the past five years. However,
Commodity prices were stubbornly              the surviving juniors made a strong
                                                                                                UHY: A DEEP SEAM
refusing to rise above the cost of            comeback in 2017 and have increased
                                                                                                OF KNOWLEDGE
extraction. Funding for exploration           their aggregate exploration budget by
activities – a prerequisite for a healthy     23% year over year, including a 41%               UHY member firms’ wide expertise
industry – was in seriously short supply.     increase in gold only allocations.”               in the mining sector is collected in
                                                                                                the network’s global mining special
A RISING TREND                                All of this means that, at the end of 2018,       interest group. Our specialists are
                                              the feeling in the global mining sector           well versed in the particular issues
Fast forward three years and the position
                                              might be described as cautiously optimistic.      of this most global of industries.
is considerably improved. In 2017,
                                              Experts predict that the current upswing          Member firms can advise on
commodity prices rose as the global
                                              has several more years to run. In addition,       accounting and taxation matters,
economy expanded. Revenues of the top
                                              the depths of the last industry recession         and assist with audit requirements.
40 mining companies grew by 23%. In
                                              forced major mining companies to become
2018, this upswing in the mining cycle                                                          Our global network means we
                                              leaner and fitter, putting them in a better
continued. Infrastructure-driven growth                                                         can provide services to clients
                                              position to weather any future downturn.
in Asia has resulted in spikes in demand                                                        with operations in multiple
for commodities like iron ore, copper and                                                       locations, an important advantage
coal. Gold prices have also been rising.      THE FINAL FRONTIER
                                                                                                in a sector where merger and
                                              That is important, because there are              acquisition activity is increasing.
This global upturn has been coupled with      certainly challenges ahead, beyond
a concerted effort on the part of many        the typical peaks and troughs of the              For more information,
mining companies to improve efficiency,       industry cycle. ‘Smart mining’ is likely          contact Koko Yamamoto
a useful by-product of years of austerity.    to reduce costs even further over the   
For example, mining multinational Rio Tinto   next decade, but the adoption of
4 UHY GLOBAL January 2019                 FEATURE – CAN AI MAKE US BETTER?

FEATURE – CAN AI MAKE US BETTER?                                                                               UHY GLOBAL January 2019 5

A    t the 2018 Google I/O                     Beth continues: “Many of the large
     conference Sundar Pichai,                 corporations have an innovation arm,
                                               but they might also look to acquire
CEO of Google Inc., stated:                    small entities or start-ups and build
“We are at an important                        on their technology. For this reason,
                                                                                               Whether it relates to
inflection point in computing,”                whenever I start working with an                business, healthcare,
adding that while it was an                    entrepreneur in the tech space, I always
exciting time to be driving                    ask what their exit strategy is.”               weather or famine,
new technology, “it has                        DeepMind is a prime example of an AI            data can be applied.
made us more reflective                        start-up that has flourished under a tech
about our responsibilities.”                   giant. Founded in London, UK, in 2010,
                                                                                               But we have to be

He went on to reflect on a trend that
                                               it was acquired by Google in 2014 and           responsible and
                                               is now a world-leader in AI research
is shaping how hi-tech’s big players are       and its positive application. DeepMind          savvy about what
approaching the development of new             Health was launched in 2016 and has
technologies, where innovation for the         worked in partnership with two London
                                                                                               we do with it.
benefit of society is key. Just as Google is   hospitals: Moorfields Eye Hospital,
keen to stress how artificial intelligence     where AI is being used to help clinicians
(AI) has the potential to positively           improve the diagnosis and treatment of
impact healthcare, so its competitors          sight-threatening eye conditions; and the
are also showing a benevolent face:            Royal Free Hospital, where the AI-based
IBM launched its Science for Social                                                            insights into client data at speed. “The
                                               Streams mobile app is being used to detect
Good programme in 2017, while                                                                  power of data is incredible and we have
                                               patients’ risk of acute kidney injury. Both
Microsoft’s ‘AI for good’ declares its                                                         access to more of it than ever before,”
                                               applications have yielded positive results,
commitment to positively impact the                                                            he says. “Whether it relates to business,
                                               enabling quicker diagnoses and treatment,
environment, education and healthcare.                                                         healthcare, weather events or famine,
                                               and saving time for clinicians and nurses.
                                                                                               that data can be analysed and applied.
Whether or not the tech giants’ motives        POWER AND RESPONSIBILITY                        But we have to be responsible; we have
are truly benevolent, many believe that AI                                                     to be savvy about what we do with it.”
                                               DeepMind’s healthcare solutions show
can be harnessed for the common good.
                                               that AI undoubtedly has the potential to
The first AI for Global Good Summit was
                                               transform patient care and treatment.
held in 2017, bringing together United
                                               However, early testing of the Streams app
Nations (UN) agencies, government
                                               and Google’s recent announcement that
officials, industry leaders and AI experts
                                               its DeepMind subsidiary is being moved
to discuss how AI solutions could
                                               into the main arm of the organisation,
address global challenges; at the 2018
                                               have raised concerns about the sharing
Summit AI and digital technologies were
                                               and use of patient data. AI can process vast
identified as vital in achieving the UN’s
                                               quantities of data quickly and accurately,
Strategic Development Goals (SDGs).
                                               but it also needs vast quantities of data
Can AI really help to make the world           in order to ‘learn’. Particularly in light of
a better place? And if so, how?                the Cambridge Analytica scandal, where
                                               personally identifiable data was harvested
FROM SMALL SEEDS                               from Facebook and sold for political
Beth Schulte, principal at UHY Advisors        gain, there is heightened concern about
MO in St Louis, United States, has worked      how personal data is held and used.
extensively in the technology space, as
                                               “With great power comes great
well as being a mentor for one of the most
                                               responsibility,” says Stuart Hurst, cloud
highly ranked accelerator programmes in
                                               accounting specialist at UHY Hacker
the US. “While big players like Google have
                                               Young in Manchester, UK, and chair of
a lot of money to invest, the ideas and
                                               UHY Hacker Young’s cloud accounting
innovation driving tech often come from
                                               group. Stuart is an advocate of AI
young innovators,” she says. “Building on
                                               and machine learning, describing its
grassroots ideas with a strong team, they
                                               application in professional services as
go on to be acquired by an organisation
                                               game-changing due its capacity to provide
with the resources to expand it.”
6 UHY GLOBAL January 2019                                                                               FEATURE – CAN AI MAKE US BETTER?

HYPERCONNECTED HEALTH                             collect, digitise and analyse medical data      and the adoption of both fixed and
In an increasingly connected world, issues        from specimens including blood samples          mobile broadband is on the rise even
around personal data have arguably                and x-rays, with the aim of deploying it in     in the least developed countries, the
become more problematic. However, this            areas where a lack of resources and trained     UN’s International Telecommunications
hyperconnectivity is also helping to drive,       individuals raise barriers to accessing care.   Union (ITU) iterates that “higher growth
develop and deliver AI-based solutions                                                            will be needed to bridge the divide.”
                                                  So far, so promising – but challenges
aimed at improving access to healthcare.
                                                  remain. Dhwani Gala is a partner at UHY         INVESTING IN THE FUTURE
Despite its healthcare system being               member firm Chandabhoy & Jassoobhoy             Hyperconnectivity has also enabled new
universal, India has one of the largest           in Mumbai, India, which offers ‘one-            ways of working that have allowed start-
subnational disparities in access                 stop-shop’ support to start-ups and             ups to flourish and has, together with
to quality healthcare in the world.               small enterprises seeking business and          technology, democratised innovation to
Bangalore hosts one of the largest tech           financial advisory and services. “As a          some extent. But investment and support
clusters in the world, with numerous              country, we definitely have the ability to      is key if the young entrepreneurs looking
homegrown start-ups innovating to                 improve healthcare – our tech experts           to innovate for social good are to succeed.
find ways to make healthcare more                 and scientists are among the best in the        Whether backed by governments, industry
readily available in areas with a high            world,” she says. “The great challenge          or academia, investment in specialised
patient to doctor ratio, or where medical         in India is going to be ensuring that the       hubs and accelerators is growing globally.
facilities are not easily accessible.             improvements offered by AI really can
                                                  reach remote towns and villages and             In Singapore, supporting tech start-ups
Mfine, for example, has developed an              the poorer sections of our society.”            is a key part of government strategy,
AI-powered platform to connect patients                                                           aimed in part at improving healthcare
with medical professionals via a ‘Cloud           Connectivity and technologies that use          management in an ageing population
Clinic’. Partnering with 30 local hospitals, it   it have the potential to help address           with the fourth highest medical inflation
facilitated over 25,000 consultations in six      healthcare inequalities in India and            costs in the world. Innovations being
months. Meanwhile, SigTuple is developing         elsewhere. But while mobile coverage now        developed by the deep tech start-ups
a platform which uses machine learning to         reaches 95% of the global population            funded by government-owned company
FEATURE – CAN AI MAKE US BETTER?                                                                                 UHY GLOBAL January 2019 7

                                                says Crispin. “And we will certainly do our      Stuart Hurst at UHY Hacker Young in
                                                best to support those start-ups working          Manchester, UK, sees that the flexibility
                                                towards solutions that benefit society.”         that enables start-ups to lead AI innovation
While technology                                                                                 is also reflected in their approach to the
                                                SUPPORTING SUCCESS                               services they use. “Start-ups are looking for
means you can                                   Of course, the start-ups that are driving        a different kind of service,” he says. “They
access information                              innovation need support beyond seed              tend to be flexible and can be quick to
                                                investment and early-stage mentoring if          change, and cloud technology suits them
at your fingertips,                             they are to succeed. In the light of potential   well – the client can use cloud solutions to
clients still want                              interest from ‘big players’ such as Google,      gain greater insights into their business.”
                                                support from a trusted advisor is key.
face-to-face                                                                                     However, the need for a personal,
                                                Rob Starr, corporate finance director at UHY     human relationship remains. “While the
meetings. The personal
                                                Hacker Young in London, UK, helps support        technology means you can access the
relationship is still                           start-ups to raise finance. “Less experienced    information at your fingertips, clients
                                                management teams may have the technical          still want face-to-face meetings,” says
incredibly important.
                                                skills for their business, but may need much     Stuart. “That personal relationship
                                                more support. Alongside things like proof of     is still incredibly important.”
                                                concept, the ability to demonstrate market
                                                potential, and a sustainable and adaptable
                                                                                                 WORKING IN PARTNERSHIP
                                                business model, would-be investors need
SGInnovate include a stethoscope that will                                                       Used in healthcare or professional services,
                                                to know how big the potential exit is
allow doctors to ‘see’ into a body and use                                                       AI offers many advantages, but the
                                                likely to be and next steps following the
data to look for and analyse problems, and                                                       human element remains fundamental.
                                                current investment round,” he says.
a handheld device capable of capturing                                                           In the words of Fei-Fei Li, director of
ultrasound images from patients in more         “I would always recommend using an               Stanford University’s Artificial Intelligence
remote areas, which can then be used to         advisor,” Rob continues. “We can help            Lab and chief scientist for AI research
make treatment recommendations. Crispin         bring a level of credibility, even where         at Google, “Despite its name, there is
Lee, director of business development at        experienced entrepreneurs are involved.          nothing ‘artificial’ about this technology
UHY Lee Seng Chan & Co, Singapore,              As well as utilising our market knowledge        – it is made by humans […] it must
has noticed an increase in the number of        and international network, we can help           be guided by human concerns.”
start-ups seeking business support from         facilitate conversations and negotiations.”
the firm. “Singapore has a very pro-                                                             While AI may not be a panacea to
business climate, backed by government          Beth Schulte agrees: “Professional services      global challenges, its application is
incentives and support,” he says. “As well      firms like UHY can help start-ups in many        playing a valuable role designed to
as promoting Singapore as one of the best       ways, from setting up their entity correctly     benefit humanity. It is perhaps not a
start-up hubs in the world, they are actively   and ensuring access to tax credits for           question of whether AI can make us
focusing on the tech space, including AI.”      research and development, to guiding             better, but rather how we use it.
                                                them on their business journey. We can
“As a firm, we support the ideal of using       help them tell their story, act as a chief       For more information about UHY’s
AI for the benefit of all. Apart from being     financial officer if they don’t have one, and    capabilities, email the executive office,
a professional services firm, we also have      even help try to increase the value of their, or visit
a social responsibility and want to ensure      company. Alongside financial consulting,
that technology is used in the right way,”      we can offer tailored, strategic support.”

FEATURE – SUN, SEA AND CITIZENSHIP                                                                              UHY GLOBAL January 2019 9

T   he sandy beaches                            “I am not a believer in the theory that the     Maarten says: “The Netherlands is known
                                                Maltese economy is buzzing at full steam        for its tax facilities for foreign investors.
    and sunny climates of
                                                ahead because of the IIP scheme,” says          There are several tax incentives for
Mediterranean Europe are well                   Pierre. “But there is obviously an indirect     innovative start-ups and for R&D activities.
known for attracting foreign                    side effect as high-net-worth individuals       Also, geographically there is access to
investment, often in the form                   who come here and purchase high-end             Europe, and in terms of infrastructure the
of tourist dollars spent in                     property, dine at the best restaurants,         Netherlands is an attractive option.”
shady tavernas. But now the                     berth luxury yachts here, all act as a
                                                                                                Like the US, the EU is a huge draw for
hotspots of Spain, Portugal,                    catalyst to the economy, accelerating
                                                its velocity. So yes, IIP is a contributor to   individuals who can afford to pay between
Greece, Cyprus and Malta are                    economic wellbeing, albeit indirectly.”         EUR 250,000 (around USD 294,000)
becoming renowned for luring                                                                    and EUR 5 million (USD 5.9 million) for a
a more upmarket clientele.                      Malta is clearly an attractive option for       passport. Tax breaks and lifestyle play a
                                                those who need a parking spot for the           part, and Western education is especially
In May this year, Greece announced an           yacht; indeed, the very concept of golden       coveted. Mobility is also important:
expansion of its hugely popular golden          visas started in 1984 on the poor but           a US or EU passport allows visa-free
visa programme, widening the types              similarly sun-dappled Caribbean island          travel to upwards of 160 countries.
of investments available to applicants.         of St Kitts and Nevis. But sunshine is
Golden visa schemes allow wealthy foreign       not the only reason a wealthy individual        A CHINA SYNDROME?
nationals to fast-track residency – and         might covet a second or even third              Applicants for golden visa schemes tend
often citizenship – in return for investment.   passport. While the Maltese climate,            to come from Russia, India, the Middle
In Greece, residency can be bought for          culture and history are important, Pierre       East and – most of all – China. Chinese
an investment of EUR 250,000 (around            agrees that “some come because of               nationals are the biggest applicant group
USD 295,000) in real estate. The new            the European Union (EU) – a Maltese             in all major CIP schemes, and have spent
rules will allow would-be residents to          passport as an EU member is very attractive     a combined USD 24 billion on golden
invest their money in more diverse ways.        to people from other continents.”               visas across the globe. Unlike applicants
                                                                                                from other countries, who tend to be
The Greek scheme is now the biggest in          FREEDOM TO ROAM                                 very wealthy, Chinese investors also
Europe, and – perhaps not coincidentally        At least 24 countries around the world          come from the middle classes, with
– also among the cheapest. Between the          now run CIP schemes, including some             individuals regularly selling property
scheme’s inception in 2013 and August           – like the UK, New Zealand, Canada              or businesses to buy a golden visa.
2018 Greece issued 8,367 golden visas to        and the Netherlands – not blessed with
main applicants, bringing a much needed         a Mediterranean climate. The US CIP             And yet China has enjoyed decades
investment of EUR 1.5 billion (over USD         scheme, called EB-5, is the most popular in     of economic growth, lifting millions of
1.76 billion) to a stagnating economy.          the world, and is estimated to deliver USD      Chinese out of poverty. Cities are booming.
                                                1 billion to the economy every quarter.         So why do some members of the Chinese
PAYING FOR A PASSPORT                                                                           middle class want to move away?
A boat ride across the Mediterranean sea,       In the Netherlands, individuals must invest
Malta’s inviting climate and relaxed way        EUR 1.25 million (USD 1.47 million) in a        Of course, only a tiny minority of the
of life also attract individuals looking for    Dutch-based company or qualifying fund          huge Chinese middle class want to buy
citizenship-by-investment, or CIP. Pierre       to receive a temporary, though extendable,      overseas residency or citizenship, and
Galea Musù, partner at Maltese member           residence permit. After five years, the         among those that do the reasons are
firm UHY Pace, Galea Musù & Co in Ta’           investor can apply for permanent residence      complex. An Associated Press analysis in
Xbiex, is unequivocal about the scheme’s        or Dutch citizenship through naturalisation.    2017 found that some beneficiaries of
success: “Is it working? It certainly is!”                                                      China’s economic boom still feel insecure
                                                The Dutch scheme is aimed squarely at           about the future, with one applicant for
Pierre explains that Malta actually runs        economic regeneration, and a points             the US EB-5 scheme commenting that
two popular schemes, one of which is            system applies that promotes investments        “someone in the middle class can become
a residency scheme in which individuals         in innovation and job creation, favouring       poor in one second.” Other Chinese
guarantee their own health cover and            individuals who can bring specific              applicants may want to escape China’s
access to housing and agree to pay a            knowledge, networks, clients and active         rigid and competitive school system,
minimum tax rate of EUR 15,000 (USD             involvement to the Dutch economy.               rocketing property prices and urban smog.
17,650). The other – the Individual
Investor Programme (IIP) – is about             So with 23 other schemes to choose from,
citizenship. It requires a EUR 675,000          why choose the Netherlands? Maarten
(USD 794,300) donation to the national          van der Steen, tax advisor at UHY member
development fund and a EUR 350,000              firm Govers Accountants/Consultants
(over USD 411,800) property purchase.           in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, believes
                                                the country’s appeal is multifaceted.
10 UHY GLOBAL January 2019                                                                      FEATURE – SUN, SEA AND CITIZENSHIP

STABILITY IN AN INSECURE WORLD              “A well-managed programme offers large         Limited, says: “Applicants are mainly
For super-wealthy and middle-class          revenue potential to the government            from China, India, Russia and the Middle
applicants alike, golden visas can be a     and private sector,” he says. “During          East, and what draws them to Cyprus is
safety net, a way of replacing insecurity   the period from 2001 through 2016,             the very favourable tax regime, the fact
with stability. Looking from the outside,   for example, the Quebec IIP program            that Cyprus is in the EU and the excellent
Canada appears one of the most stable       generated more than CAD 700 million            lifestyle. The Cyprus government is
bets around, and until recently operated    (over USD 542 million) from immigrant          well aware of EU concerns and aims to
one of the most popular investor            investors, and this sum was allocated to       have a scheme that is both attractive to
immigrant programmes of all. The federal    nearly 5,000 Quebec businesses. That           investors and acceptable to the EU.”
scheme closed in 2014 – a victim of its     has to have helped the economy.”
                                                                                           To that end, Cypriot authorities
own success – but the province of Quebec
                                            A POTENTIAL BACKLASH?                          recently introduced more stringent
runs a regional scheme which will accept
                                            Still, the Canadian federal government         controls on the programme and
up to 1,900 applicants in 2018/19.
                                            is not the only authority having second        capped it at 700 passports per year.
                                            thoughts about golden visa schemes.
                                                                                           Across the Mediterranean, Pierre believes
                                            In the US, axing the EB-5 scheme has
                                                                                           Malta’s CIP has been singled out for unfair
                                            been discussed in Washington, with
                                                                                           criticism. “The criticism of the system,
                                            senator Dianne Feinstein saying: “It
                                                                                           pushed at EU Commission level, was aimed
                                            is wrong to have a special pathway
For super-wealthy                           to citizenship for the wealthy while
                                                                                           at demonising it. In reality, the process
                                                                                           of verification and due diligence is very
and middle-class                            millions wait in line for visas.”
                                                                                           rigorous and highly professional. Getting a
applicants, golden                          In Europe, fears have centred on who           residency permit or a passport is no mean
                                            might be exploiting these back doors to        feat. It is a lengthy process, it is rigorous
visas can be a                              EU citizenship, and where their money          and the authorities are unflinching.
                                            might originate. Questions have been           The rate of refusal is not negligible.”
safety net,                                 asked in the European Parliament about
                                                                                           The countries that operate golden
replacing insecurity                        whether member states can always
                                                                                           visa schemes insist they are secure
                                            accurately identify the origins of these
with stability.                             substantial investments. In October 2018,
                                                                                           and tightly controlled. What is not
                                                                                           in doubt is their success, especially
                                            Malta and Cyprus were named on an
                                                                                           for small nations with more limited
                                            Organisation for Economic Co-operation
                                                                                           economic options. In Cyprus, Antonis
                                            and Development (OECD) blacklist of
                                                                                           is convinced of the scheme’s worth:
                                            nations whose golden visa schemes are
                                            deemed to pose a high risk of tax evasion.     “It brings capital into the economy.
The scheme targets wealthier individuals,                                                  It brings employment. It helps many
who are required to invest CAD 1.2          Cyprus is, like Malta, a popular destination
                                                                                           sectors of the economy, including the
million (around USD 929,400) with           for wealthy individuals looking for an
                                                                                           construction and land development sector,
a Quebec crown corporation for a            EU passport, not least because of its
                                                                                           the services sector, tourism and banking.”
period of five years at no interest, and    extremely favourable tax regime for both
be worth at least CAD 2 million (USD        companies and individuals. Its golden          For an increasing number of countries
1.55 million). Interestingly, applicants    visa scheme has not only come under            around the world, benefits like these are
are favoured if they have experience of     fire from the OECD, but also from some         the most important considerations of all.
running a business and, unlike some         members of the European Parliament.
other golden visa programmes, they                                                         For more information about UHY’s
                                            Antonis Kassapis, director of Cyprus           capabilities, email the executive office,
must intend to settle in the province.
                                            member firm UHY Antonis Kassapis     , or visit
Ken Shemie, partner at UHY Victor,
Montreal, Canada, says: “The benefits
of the programme are not only to attract
educated and affluent immigrants
to reside in the province, but also
to put their money to work helping
small businesses in Quebec.”

When Canada closed its federal
programme, it did so because it believed
the scheme undervalued Canadian
citizenship and created little economic
benefit, but Ken believes the Quebec
scheme is having the opposite effect.
COGS AND WHEELS                                                                                                UHY GLOBAL January 2019 11

O     ur Cogs and Wheels section highlights what defines a                                     improvement in both technical and soft
      successful international network and in this issue, we                                   skills supports the UHY network’s mission
                                                                                               to deliver the very best professional service
examine the difference that a strong ‘can-do’ corporate culture                                levels there are. Regionally, training mirrors
with a visionary international focus makes to UHY’s success.                                   local needs; for example, the ASEAN
It is a way of working that gives the network its extraordinary                                group provides personal development
global reach and allows it to compete favourably on its excellent                              training in a region where succession
customer service delivery against larger competitors.                                          planning is a legal requirement.

                                                                                               PROFESSIONAL RECOGNITION
Since its beginnings 32 years ago, the         meeting (AGM), a meeting of the major
network has encouraged member firms            firms group and sub-regional meetings.          The quality expectations UHY has of its
to work together as one global family                                                          member firms provide added security to
to build business relationships rooted in      Every UHY network meeting is a focal point      clients. Aligned to recognised international
strong interpersonal cooperation with a        for the level of relationship-building that     professional standards, in particular
long-term approach. Clients and member         is at the heart of the network’s success        those of the International Federation of
firms alike believe that these fundamental     and gives UHY an enviable strength.             Accountants (IFAC), Forum of Firms, each
principles explain why the UHY network                                                         member firm signs a quality charter which
                                               SHARING EXPERTISE
is now a dynamic global force with 8,100                                                       is part of the network’s culture of ‘being
professionals working in over 320 business     Special interest groups (SIGs) in tax, audit,   the best’. Through this commitment
centres in more than 95 countries.             corporate finance, mining and automotive        member firms have to meet exacting
                                               bring together UHY experts from across          standards which are reviewed every year.
As a client of UHY Fay & Co, Spain,            the network to share their experiences
entrepreneur and renowned film                 and expertise so they can add value for         THE FINAL PROMISE
producer José Luis Moreno, joint partner       their clients and help them make informed       A network that is still 32 years young
at Dreamlight International Productions        commercial decisions in their sectors.          has plenty of time to grow – UHY’s
SL says, “We like the fact that there is                                                       strong principles of working together,
a UHY community working together               DEVELOPING TOMORROW’S LEADERS
                                                                                               serving clients and having fun are
across the world and feel reassured            With an eye on the future and a                 as robust as they ever were, and
that our plans are in good hands.”             determination to make sure that member          they will continue to flourish.
                                               firms are as well informed as possible, the
FACE-TO-FACE VALUE                             network is committed to developing the          “I am so looking forward to reinforcing
A focus on being accessible, friendly          next generation of leaders. For the last 17     UHY’s incredible culture. There are very few
and informed is important to the UHY           years the business has run an international     networks of our size that have maintained
culture. Great believers in the power          management and leadership development           such a high level of the very best customer
of bringing people together to share           forum in Spain for top performers from          service combined with friendship and
ideas, build relationships and transfer        across the network. Supported by an active      trust,” says Rick David, UHY chairman and
knowledge, UHY invites all member              alumni programme for past graduates             chief operating officer of UHY Advisors,
firms to an annual meeting every year as       the forum helps delegates to develop            Inc., US, “Strong and positive inter-firm
well as three regional meetings covering       non-technical skills like negotiation,          relationships are invaluable to the UHY
EMEA, Asia-Pacific and the Americas.           strategy, culture and leadership.               network. Global cooperation will always be
                                                                                               encouraged and recognised as a driver in
Delegate response is always unanimously        A thriving UHY secondment programme             delivering exceptional customer service.”
positive – business referrals are initiated,   encourages movement between countries
friendships made, ideas exchanged,             and disciplines, giving ambitious young         For more information about UHY’s
technical knowhow is expanded on and           people the opportunity to learn new             capabilities, email the executive office,
expertise is shared both formally and          skills in new cultures across the world., or visit
informally. The business agenda includes
expert speakers, dedicated drop-in and         A ‘one great business’ dynamic programme
breakout sessions, the annual general          of development, innovation and continuous

THE MOTOR CITY                                                                                            L to R, The David family – Rick, son Alex, wife
                                                                                                          Denise, daughter Danielle and her fiancé Ben

W     hen Rick David, chief operating officer, UHY Advisors, Inc.,                              On a personal level, Rick calls himself
      US, took to the stage at the global UHY Annual Meeting in                                 a lucky man. Married to Denise for 35
                                                                                                years, he describes his wife as, “my rock,
Detroit last October it was immediately evident that the network’s                              my coach, and my biggest fan. I look
newly elected chairman was charismatic and passionate about UHY.                                forward to the next 35 years together.”
His personal motto is to maintain a ‘relentless positive attitude’
and colleagues across the business confirm that his capacity to stay                            His children, Danielle and Alex, are both
                                                                                                graduates of Northwestern University. His
focused and enthusiastic about everything he does is impressive.
                                                                                                daughter lives and works in New York City
                                                                                                and is soon to get married. His son recently
This was an enthusiasm that could have           is to excel by giving the ‘Next Level          left his first post-college job to work for an
been tested when the City of Detroit             of Service’ and Rick takes enormous            exciting start-up enterprise based in Chicago.
declared bankruptcy in July 2013, but            pleasure in supporting the organisation,       “I am immensely proud of them both,” says
instead of turning his back on the city he       its people and their culture and values.
was born in, Rick was determined to play his
part in supporting his beloved hometown.         “This commitment to great service extends
Amongst other charitable work he threw           to the way I work with my talented
himself into voluntary roles, giving advice      colleagues. It’s important for me to nurture
about economic development, working with         exceptional young colleagues and I have
civic-minded entities focused on recreating      to admit that the bright stars of the future
a new Detroit and helping to support area-       keep me on my toes,” he says. “I had a
based arts and other quality of life projects.   wonderful mentor in my early days with
                                                 a different accountancy network – he
“Today we have a vibrant city again that         taught me to always do and be my best,
is testament to the spirit of Detroit and        even when nobody is looking. I try to pass
its people,” says Rick. “I am incredibly         on a similar ethos to the young people I
proud of the progress our community has          am privileged to support and advise.”
made and I am excited about its future.”
                                                 Determined that accountancy is first a
Pride and spirit are also at the root of         people business and secondly a numbers
everything that Rick and the rest of             profession, Rick believes it is the human
the team at UHY Advisors in the US               side of his work that drives excellence.       Rick and his daughter, joined multiple UHY
                                                                                                staff members at the UHY-sponsored America’s
achieve. At work their everyday mantra                                                          Thanksgiving Day Parade 2018 dressed as clowns.
                                                                                                His wife, Denise, is pictured in the middle.
PERSONAL PROFILE                                                                                                UHY GLOBAL January 2019 13

Rick. “They are wonderful people, hard
workers and family oriented. I am so proud
of the young adults they have become. We
have a lot of fun together and Denise and
I are excited that our family is growing and
our future son-in-law is a fantastic man.”

Growing up in Detroit, Rick’s father ran a
grocery and butcher store and one of Rick’s
happiest childhood memories is of standing
on overturned milk crates to reach the till
buttons – “that was my greatest happiness
as a little boy,” he says. “Perhaps that
was the start of me wanting to deal with
dollars while interacting with people!”
                                                                                                            Rick’s identical twin brother, Rob, joins
                                                                                                            him to celebrate Thanksgiving Day
At home, Rick relaxes by sinking into his
favourite chair with thrillers by authors such
as Brad Meltzer, Vince Flynn or Brad Thor        Contemplating what other careers he             bank of worldwide expertise so they can
or a historical biography. “We can always        might have embarked on, Rick says that law      grow confidently on the global stage. I am
learn from past leaders and often their          was an attractive alternative because, like     thrilled and honoured to be part of the
experiences are humbling and motivational        accountancy, its success rests on outstanding   team who will help to steer this agenda.”
at the same time. I think I will always prefer   client service and tailor-made solutions.
the experience of a ‘real’ book rather than
                                                 While in college Rick spent time working
reading off a tablet,” he says. “So much of
our life is acted out on screen these days.”     as a production assistant for televised            RICK’S
                                                 sporting events. Sometimes he was in the
He also loves spending time with his             announcers’ booth as a stage manager,
identical twin brother and best friend.          other times he was on the field or in
“We have a great time together, typically        the production trucks. “With live sports           Auditor and partner at KPMG
attending local sporting events. I enjoy         broadcasts you never know what to                  1978-2008
rooting for my University of Michigan            expect and you have to keep your wits
                                                                                                    Chief financial officer
Wolverines but my brother Rob is a               about you at all times – I suppose that was
                                                                                                    at Butzel Long law firm
Michigan State University Spartans fan.          great early training for what I do now!”
We obviously have different standards
when it comes to college sports!”                Hoping to harness his ability to respond           Chief operating officer
                                                 positively and with real impact to any new         at UHY Advisors
                                                 situation Rick looks forward eagerly to            2010-present
                                                 his time as chairman of UHY. “Our Board
                                                 is comprised of outstanding business               Board of Directors at UHY
                                                 executives, each of them proven leaders            International
                                                 in their own areas. It is humbling to sit          2012-present
We have a vibrant                                at the head of the table to chair our              Chairman at UHY International
city again that is                               meetings, helping to guide our discussions         2018-present
                                                 towards continued network success.”
testament to the                                                                                    As well as being a well
                                                 “Our network gives member firms the                respected auditor and business
spirit of Detroit                                opportunity to share knowledge of new              adviser, Rick has also been
                                                 developments and provide referrals with            an accountancy profession
and its people. I                                offices across the world. Utilising these          regulator and standard setter.
am incredibly proud                              links also allows us to develop the next
                                                                                                    With more than 40 years
                                                 generation of leaders in accountancy.”
of the progress our                                                                                 experience in the industry, Rick
                                                 “As business becomes more globalised,              has worked with clients from
community has made.                              our industry has to ‘think local, go global.’      multinational corporations to smaller
                                                 Even though we may be focused on serving           entrepreneurial enterprises. He also
                                                 clients in the dynamic middle market, they         sat on the Michigan State Board of
                                                 too must maintain a global focus. Being            Accountancy and the Professional
                                                 part of a dynamic international network will       Ethics Executive Committee of
                                                 help us to build relationships with clients        the American Institute of Certified
                                                 and serve them by tapping into a wider             Public Accountants (AICPA).
14 UHY GLOBAL January 2019                                                                                              PERSPECTIVES


W      hen the Shenzhen Stock Exchange (SZSE) investment                                   UHY ECA’s involvement with SZSE has been
       roadshow recently rolled into Warsaw, Poland, it did not                            no accident, with the initial introduction
                                                                                           made by China experts at UHY Hacker
make the same media splash as a visit from the Rolling Stones,                             Young in London, UK. The UHY network
but it was a significant moment nonetheless.                                               boasts an abundance of experience in
                                                                                           Chinese business, and includes a China
The increasingly global outlook of Chinese    The firm is now working to promote
                                                                                           top-25 member firm, Zhonghua CPAs,
business over the last 15 years is well       V-Next, SSI’s online platform for matching
                                                                                           in its ranks. Around the world, China
documented, but SZSE’s proactive attitude     investors and appropriate businesses.
                                                                                           desks and experts in UHY member firms
to linking Chinese finance and European
                                              Roman explains: “V-Next applies a non-       help foreign businesses overcome the
innovation still felt like a watershed
                                              public information disclosure procedure      cultural and commercial challenges of
moment. Here was a very public statement
                                              and deal matching mechanism to help          doing business in China, and Chinese
of intent by a major Chinese equity market.
                                              buyers, sellers and intermediaries find      firms hoping to take the opposite path.
Roman Seredyński, managing partner           potential counterparts or clients. But
                                                                                           SZSE’s outreach is good news for
at Polish member firm UHY ECA Group,          the main idea is to connect innovative
                                                                                           innovative Polish businesses, who can not
has been working with Shenzhen                enterprises with Chinese capital markets,
                                                                                           only gain access to Chinese capital but
Securities Information Co (SSI), a wholly-    offering funding and investment matching
                                                                                           also, potentially, the vast Chinese consumer
owned subsidiary of SZSE, to help             services and in particular helping
                                                                                           market. It is testament also to the
build relationships in the country.           enterprises find investors from China.
                                                                                           increasing confidence of Chinese investors.
He says that the firm was approached          “We have been asked to help innovative       With that in mind, we asked China experts
because of close connections between          Polish enterprises build a connection        from around the UHY network for an
the wider UHY network and SSI, as well        with suitable investors, and we are in       up-to-date view on the opportunities
as UHY ECA’s own respected and well           the middle of creating an appropriate        and challenges of doing business with
connected position in the Polish market.      strategy to make that happen.”               the world’s second largest economy.
PERSPECTIVES                                                                                                   UHY GLOBAL January 2019 15

INSIDE OUT                                                                                     If that can be a shock to foreign executives,
While the SZSE initiative looks to connect                                                     the opposite is also true. Chinese businesses
Chinese investors with European                                                                looking to Europe, America or Australasia
companies, more Chinese firms are                                                              can be shocked to find a culture of fixed
looking outward than ever before.                                                              prices (charging fees based on actual
Kelvin Lee, partner at UHY Lee Seng                                                            charges incurred) and ringfenced working
Chan & Co in Singapore, says the city                                                          hours. Compromise and understanding
state is a popular stepping stone for                                                          may be required on both sides.
Chinese firms taking their first steps
                                                                                               And that is, most likely, what will happen.
into Southeast Asia and beyond.
                                                                                               Ella Zhu, a partner at Chinese member
“Around 75% of the Singapore                                                                   firm Zhonghua CPAs, Shanghai, suggests
population is of Chinese origin and                                                            that, while cultural challenges remain,
mainland Chinese firms feel comfortable                                                        their significance is declining in a modern,
                                                 Melanie Chen
doing businesses here,” he says.                                                               globalised world. “Nowadays, the world is
                                                                                               one world, and therefore cultural challenges
There is much talk of the cultural and                                                         are not such a big issue,” she says.
business challenges Chinese firms face          “The Chinese style of organising and
when moving outside home borders,               of managing operations is based on             CHANGING OPPORTUNITIES
but Kelvin adds that many have learnt           traditional hierarchical models, as well as    Certainly, statistics suggest that cultural
to neatly side step these issues.               a command-and-control based approach           differences are not being allowed to get
                                                to management. In Europe a more                in the way of business. Foreign direct
“Interestingly, these days they are not         autonomous work culture is prevalent.”         investment (FDI) in China continues
so concerned about differing protocols                                                         to surge ahead, growing by 5.5% in
and corporate culture per se, because           This could cause difficulties for unprepared   the first seven months of the year.
what Chinese companies normally do is           companies going in either direction
employ key functional managers with local       (foreign companies looking to China or         High-tech companies are leading the
exposure – for example, HR and admin            Chinese investment, or Chinese firms           charge, says Elissa Shen, senior partner at
managers, finance managers and so on.”          expanding into the West), and there are        Zhonghua CPAs. “There is a preferential
                                                also clear differences in business culture     tax rate of 15% – compared to the normal
Chinese firms looking to expand abroad          and etiquette that companies – and             corporate rate of 25% – for companies
can draw on the huge Chinese diaspora           their advisors – need to be aware of.          investing in certain industries, like
to fill key positions in target markets. With                                                  high and new technology, software,
50 million ethnic Chinese people living         For instance, Melanie Chen, managing           integrated circuits, public infrastructure,
outside China, and many others having           director and head of the China desk            environmental protection and energy
spent time studying at foreign universities,    for UHY Advisors, Inc., New York,              conservation, and also investing in certain
finding Chinese speakers with specific local    says: “Chinese business people might           underdeveloped areas of the country.”
knowledge is not necessarily difficult.         typically expect immediate responses to
                                                questions, and also weekend and late           China’s tax policy is geared towards
Still, despite the growing influence of         night phone calls. This can surprise foreign   attracting investment in important
globalisation, fundamental differences of       counterparts. They will also bargain,          industries, but the rates apply to domestic
company structure and management style          bargain and bargain some more on fees.”        and foreign investors equally. While the
remain, particularly between Chinese and                                                       opportunities for foreign businesses in China
Western firms. UHY ECA’s Roman says:                                                           are considerable, they are not the same as
                                                                                               they were just a few years ago. Back then
                                                                                               foreign businesses may have looked to
                                                                                               China for cheap labour and preferential tax
                                                                                               policies, but Kelvin Lee says: “The world
These days they are not so concerned                                                           is changing and China is no exception.
                                                                                               Regulations in China generally are getting
about differing protocols and corporate                                                        more in line with international practice.”
culture, because Chinese companies                                                             Zhonghua’s Ella Zhu agrees: “I do not
normally employ key functional managers                                                        think it is easier for foreign companies to
                                                                                               do business in China today than it was
with local exposure –HR and admin                                                              five or ten years ago, because currently,
                                                                                               foreign enterprises cannot enjoy preferential
managers, finance managers and so on.                                                          tax policies simply for being foreign.
                                                                                               In addition, labour costs in China are
                                                                                               becoming more and more expensive.”
16 UHY GLOBAL January 2019                                                                                                GLOBAL

GOOD GUIDANCE IN                              accept Chinese enterprises because
CHALLENGING TIMES                             they are perceived as unclear in their
In the other direction, business is also      governance, as being unfairly subsidised
                                              by the government and as serving the
brisk. According to the China Global
                                              interests of the Chinese state rather
                                                                                            Good guidance from
Investment Tracker, the value of China’s
overseas investment and construction          than being commercially driven.”              respected providers
combined is approaching USD 1.9 trillion.
                                              The key, says Laurence Sacker, managing       is the best way
But again, change is afoot. Chinese           partner at UHY Hacker Young, London,
authorities recently introduced curbs on      UK, is for companies on all sides to be       to cut through
                                              thoroughly informed and well prepared.
outward investment, concerned by rising
                                              He identifies corporate governance,
                                                                                            suspicion and
numbers of debt-fuelled acquisitions
abroad. That action has been matched          and diverse regulations and legal             provide reassurance
in some countries – most notably the          requirements, as challenges Chinese
US – by rising suspicion of Chinese           firms face when moving into Britain and       to regulators.
ambition, fuelled by a protectionist          Europe. “It is also true that the economic
president. A growing number of sales          environment is significantly different
are being blocked by regulators.              between China and the UK,” he says.

“As a consequence, investment involving       Laurence adds that UHY Hacker Young
                                              in London is “able to guide Chinese           Laurence points to the importance of
multi-billion dollar acquisitions by
                                              businesses and individuals through the        the UHY international network in this
Chinese state-owned companies or large
                                              maze of requirements and best practice        regard. “UHY member firms provide
Chinese public companies in the US has
                                              to help them achieve success.”                vital assistance with cross-border
dwindled in 2018,” says Melanie Chen.
                                                                                            transactions, giving commercial and
“However, small acquisitions by private       Indeed, in a business environment that        tax advice as well as ongoing advisory
Chinese companies under the radar of          is a little more cynical, and a little less   services. We can always involve other
the US and China media are still active.      welcoming, than it was five years ago,        offices around the international network
UHY LLP’s China Group, based in New           expert and locally relevant advice is         if required to make the process smoother
York, US, was involved in five cross-border   more crucial than ever. Good guidance         and our advice more robust.”
acquisitions between China and the US         from respected providers is the best
                                              way to cut through suspicion and              SZSE’s approach to Polish firms is one
in the first three quarters of 2018.”
                                              provide reassurance to regulators.            example of the new opportunities that
Still, the timing of the SZSE outreach                                                      exist between China and the rest of the
may be instructive. Many private Chinese      “It is very important to keep up with this    world. But in many ways the landscape
investors are turning to Europe instead.      turbulent tax and legal environment,”         has changed markedly in the last couple
But Roman Seredyński says there is some      says Roman. “This is the main reason          of years. Cultural differences may be
suspicion here too. “European countries       why the help of experienced consulting        losing significance in a globalised world,
in general actively seek out Chinese          companies is invaluable, to avoid             but stiffer regulation and more stringent
investment, but their magnitude – and         difficulties in understanding the             oversight mean that companies and
certain patterns of investment – have         complexities of local legal regulations       investors on all sides need to be fully
also raised concerns. Some countries          and all their potential consequences.”        prepared and wholly compliant.
have already been rather unwilling to
GLOBAL NEWS                                                                                           UHY GLOBAL January 2019 17

The first stage of the UK government’s
Making Tax Digital for Business (MTDfB)
programme is due to be rolled out this year.    MALAYSIA REINSTATES SST
From April 2019, all VAT-registered
organisations exceeding the VAT                 Following a transition period in which    Seri Subromaniam Tholasy, director
registration threshold of GBP 85,000 will       GST was set at 0%, a new Sales and        general of the Royal Malaysian Customs
be required to keep digital records of all      Services Tax (SST) regime became          Department. “We expect only 80,000
transaction details using software that can     effective in Malaysia on 1 September      businesses to register with SST.”
link directly to HM Revenue & Customs           2018, imposing a levy of 5-10% on
                                                the sale of goods and 6% on services.     “The SST regime aims to be both
(HMRC) systems, and use that software to
                                                Overall, SST is applicable to under 40%   people-friendly, by lowering the cost of
return data directly to the HMRC within
                                                of goods listed on the Consumer Price     living, and business-friendly, by reducing
five weeks of their VAT quarter.
                                                Index, as compared with 60% under GST.    compliance and administrative costs,”
“HMRC estimate they lost GBP 3.5 billion                                                  says Patrick Chin, an executive director
in revenue through VAT return errors in the     This means that just three years          and tax specialist at UHY in Malaysia,
2015 tax year alone,” says Sean Glancy,         after the introduction of Goods and       Kuala Lumpur. “As well as eliminating
partner and tax specialist at UHY Hacker        Services Tax (GST), the Malaysian         the costs associated with claiming GST
Young, London, UK. “By modernising              government has reinstated the system      refunds, the relative simplicity of SST
the way that UK taxes are administered,         of indirect taxation that it replaced.    will mean businesses will no longer
MTDfB aims to reduce errors and revenue                                                   face the challenges associated with
                                                Businesses are also subject to the new    the technical complexities of GST.”
loss. UK VAT-registered businesses should
                                                tax regime, although SST is applicable
review their current accounting systems to
                                                to fewer goods and services than          For further announcements and
ensure that they have the relevant digital
                                                GST. “About 85% of businesses will        guidance on the new SST regime, visit
connections with HMRC in place by April,
                                                be out of the tax net,” says Datuk
but all businesses should start preparing for
MDTfB compliance now.”

It is expected that MTDfB will be rolled out
to businesses, self-employed individuals        ALL CHANGE AT IFAC
and landlords from April 2020 onwards,
with a requirement to report summary            The International Federation of           and opportunity for our profession,”
information on profits, income and              Accountants (IFAC) has announced          said Dr Joo. “I look forward to focusing
expenditure to HMRC on a quarterly basis.       Dr In-Ki Joo as its new president.        on a future-ready profession which
                                                He will serve a two-year term,            harnesses the strength of its education
For further information, see VAT Notice
                                                ending in November 2020.                  platforms and commitment to ethics.”
700/22: Making Tax Digital for VAT on the
UK government website:              Dr Joo joined the IFAC board in 2012      IFAC represents around three
                                                and was the organisation’s deputy         million accountants in more than
                                                president from 2016 to 2018.              130 countries around the world. By
                                                                                          promoting high-quality international
                                                A professor emeritus of accounting at     standards, IFAC aims to strengthen
                                                Yonsei University Business School in      the accountancy profession and
                                                Seoul, South Korea, Dr Joo has served     contribute to the development of
                                                the profession academically for many      strong international economies.
                                                years. He has held top positions with
                                                the Confederation of Asian and Pacific    Alan Johnson replaces Dr Joo as
                                                Accountants, the Korean Accounting        deputy president of IFAC. He joined
                                                Association, the Korean Academic          the IFAC Board in 2015 and is also
                                                Society of Business Administration,       chair of the Association of Chartered
                                                and the Korean Academy of Business        Certified Accountants (ACCA)
                                                Ethics, as well as being a Board          Accountants for Business Global Forum.
                                                member of the Korean Institute of         He was previously a non-executive
                                                Certified Public Accountants.             director of food retailer Jerónimo
                                                                                          Martins and chief financial officer for
                                                “I am honoured and energised to lead      Unilever’s global foods business.
                                                IFAC during this time of great change
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