CKLC ASSIGNMENT 2019 Certificate in Korean Language & Culture

Page created by Armando Gray

Certificate in Korean Language & Culture

     (For January and July 2019 Sessions)

 Assignments for BKL-001 and BKL-002

          School of Foreign Languages
     Indira Gandhi National Open University
        Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110068

                                Course Code: BKL-001/2019


Dear Student,

We hope you enjoyed reading the course and found it useful in applying it in your
communication with others.

In order to help you understand the material better, practice the activities and prepare
you for the examination later, we have an assignment for each of the courses. All the
assignments are Tutor Marked Assignments (TMAs) and carry 100 marks each.

Aims: The TMAs are mainly concerned with your ability to understand the material
and apply it meaningfully in real-life interactions. These assignments are as much a
teaching device as a testing tool.

Guidelines: You will be required to answer the questions which are based on the units
and your understanding and practice of the activities. Do not reproduce chunks of
information from the units.

As in day-to day life, planning is important in doing the assignments well. Read the
assignments carefully; go though the units on which they are based; write down some
points regarding each question and then re-arrange them in a logical order. In an
essay-type answer, allot adequate time to your introduction and conclusion. The
introduction must tell the evaluator how you interpret the given topic and how you
propose to develop it. The conclusion must summarize your views on the topic.

You should write in your own handwriting.

Make sure that your answer:

   a)   is logical;
   b)   is written in simple and correct Korean;
   c)   is written neatly and clearly;
   d)   reflects your understanding of the units.

You will be evaluated on the following criteria:
   • fulfilling and completing all aspects of the task/question;
   • how you have dealt with your ideas;
   • whether you used appropriate linkers
   • did you make adequate use of paragraphs;
   • range and correctness of vocabulary;
   • accuracy of grammatical structures.

Please remember that it is compulsory to submit your assignments before you can
           take the Term End Exams. Also remember to keep a copy of your assignments with
           you and do take a receipt from your Study Centre when you submit the assignments.

           Last Date for Submission of Assignment:

           For June Exam                       31st March
           For December Exam                   30th Sept

                                                                                 Best of Luck!

           Note: Remember the submission of assignment is a precondition for appearing in
                 the Term End Examination. If you do not submit the assignment on time,
                 you will not be allowed to appear in the examination.

       The top of the first page of your response sheet should look like this:

                              Enrolment No.……………………………………




Course Title……………………..

Assignment No…………………

Study Centre…………………

                                                                            Shivaji Bhaskar
                                                               Programme Coordinator (CKLC)
                                                                             SOFL, IGNOU

Certificate in Korean Language & Culture (CKLC)

            Assignment (BKL-001: Basics of Korean-I)

                                                          Course Code: BKL-001
                                                               Max. Marks: 100

                         All Questions are Compulsory

1. Fill in the blanks.
                                                                     10 Marks

                 ㄴ                      ㄹ                     ㅂ
        ㅇ                     ㅊ                   ㅌ                     ㅎ
                 ㄸ                      ㅆ

2. Answer the following questions:                                   20 Marks

a). Write briefly about the invention and structure of Hanguel.
b). Introduce Yourself in Korean Language (Minimum in five sentences).
c). Write Korean Vowels and Consonants with the example of two words each.
d). Write the terms of family in Korean Language (Minimum 20 words).

3.   Make a sentence with following grammar patterns.                15 Marks

a)   ~입니다                       f).   ~습니까?        k).    ~으세요/세요
b)   ~입니까?                      g).   ~이/가          l).   ~해요
c)   ~은/는                       h).    ~하고         m).    ~ 았어요
d)   ~을까요/ㄹ까요?                  i).   ~예요.         n).    ~에서
e)   ~습니다                       j).   ~안           o).    ~그리고

4.   Make the conversation using following expressions.              10 Marks

     안녕하세요. 입니다. 사람. 학생. 배우다.

5. Write the English meaning of the following Korean words.          10 Marks

     a). 보다     b). 쇼핑하다          c). 한국노래      d). 병원       e). 가르치다

     f). 행복하다        g). 기차     h).좋아하다       i ). 운동하다        j). 회사

6. Write the Korean meaning of the following English words.            10 Marks

  a). Pencil     b). Bear   c). Refrigerator d). School   e). Indian

   f). Student    g). Person h). Girl   i). Grapes   j). Teacher

7. Translate the following sentences into Korean.                      10 Marks

       a)   My name is Bharat.
       b)   I am an Indian.
       c)   My friend is studying Korean Language at IGNOU.
       d)   Mr. Park is a Korean.
       e)   The pen is on the bed.
       f)   I am going to library.
       g)   Where is the classroom?
       h)   I like Korean food.
       i)   The Indian food is tasty.
       j)   Ram wants to eat pizza.

8. Translate the following sentences into English.                     15 Marks

       a)   저는 델리에 가요.
       b)   저는 우리 나라를 사랑합니다.
       c)   한국에 가고 싶어요?
       d)   한국어를 열심히 공부하세요.
       e)   인도의 수도는 뉴델리입니다.
       f)   민수 씨는 뭐 해요?
       g)   사과는 얼마예요?
       h)   모한 씨는 도서관에 가요.
       i)   저는 한국어를 배우고 있습니다.
       j)   언제 만나요?
       k)   만나서 반가워요, 닐루 씨.
       l)   그 사람은 선생님이에요?
       m)   그 분은 이민호입니다, 한국 사람입니다.
       n)   저는 한국 음식, 한국 영화, 한국 노래를 좋아합니다.
       o)   우리는 내일 한국 영화를 볼까요?


Certificate in Korean Language & Culture (CKLC)
         Assignment (BKL-002: Basics of Korean-II)

                                                     Course Code: BKL-002
                                                          Max. Marks: 100

                   All Questions are Compulsory

1. Complete the sentence with appropriate answer.              20 Marks
    a) The Capital of South Korea is………..
    b) The name of International Airport in Inchon is………
    c) Full name of KTX is …………
    d) Seasons of Korea are ………… (in Korean Language)
    e) The name of the person whose picture is printed on the 50,000
       Korean Won is……………
    f) The National Flower of Korea is………..
    g) The old Seoul city is surrounded by four inner mountains, which
       are …………
    h) The Five sites of South Korea which are listed in ‘UNESCO
       WORLD HERITAGE SITES’, they are…………..
    i) Full name of DMZ is ………..
    j) Five provinces of South Korea are ………….

2. Write a brief note about Korea. (History, Culture and traditions in 250
   words).                                                       20 Marks

3. Write a brief note about K-Pop and its emergence and current situation
   in India. (250 words)                                      20 Marks

4. Write a brief note on the festivals of Korea. (250 words)       10 Marks

5. Translate the following sentences into English.             30 Marks

    a) 민수 씨, 여기가 서울이에요?

b)   오늘은 명동시장에서 쇼핑을 하고 싶습니다.
c)   네. 좋아요. 같이 가요.
d)   버스는 2 시간 반쯤 걸려요.
e)   한국은 아름다운 나라입니다.
f)   바다 경치가 정말 아름다워요.
g)   제주도에 정말 가 보고 싶습니다.
h)   저는 등산을 좋아해요.
i)   저는 친구하고 한국에 갔어요.
j)   저고 한식과 한국 드라마를 좋아해요.
k)   한국어능력시험 4 급 합격증이 있어요?
l)   오늘은 인터뷰 하는 날이지요?
m)   자기 소개를 해 보세요.
n)   사람이 정말 많아요.
o)   도와 주셔서 감사합니다.


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