Week 5 Mon 4th May to Mon 11th May - Brookfield Community ...

Page created by Justin Armstrong
Week 5 Mon 4th May to Mon 11th May - Brookfield Community ...
Week 5
              Mon 4th May to Mon 11th May

 Have you managed to get onto the Duolingo app on your
  phone/tablet/computer and spend 15 min learning French on it
  every day? Well done if you have  When we get back to school,
  there will be a prize for the student with the highest “streak” in
  each class! Keep doing at least 15 min every day.

 Complete the exercises on the next slides. After each exercise, we
  have included the answers afterwards so you can check you are
  doing it right but make sure you don’t look at the answers before
  you finish an exercise.

                           Bonne Chance!
Week 5 Mon 4th May to Mon 11th May - Brookfield Community ...

              Une journée au collège
        Les objectifs:
         To describe the area you live in
         To improve your listening skills
         To read a longer text and
          understand some details
Week 5 Mon 4th May to Mon 11th May - Brookfield Community ...
Task 1 How much do you remember from last week?
                                               Translate these into French

                                    1. There is a living-room on the ground floor.

                                    2. There are two bedrooms on the first floor.

                                    3. There isn’t a garden.

                                    4. There isn’t a cellar.

                                    5. There is an office, but there isn’t a garage

  Extension: Write some more sentences of your own in French, using the following words-

  mais                          aussi           cependant               en plus   pourtant
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                                       Correct your answers with a green pen.

                                    1. Il y a un salon au rez-de-chaussée.

                                    2. Il y a deux chambres au premier étage.

                                    3. Il n’y a pas de jardin.

                                    4. Il n’y a pas de cave.

                                    5. Il y a un bureau, mais il n’y a pas de garage
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Task 2 Listening exercise          Instructions:

                                   1. Before you listen….
                                   A. At the back of your exercise book, write 1-3, then
                                       read the exercise on the left hand-side here.
                                   B. Look at the words A-F – what are they in French? Say
                                       them out loud.
                                   C. With a dictionary, find out the meaning of the words
                  REMEMBER TO
                  READ THIS!
                                        1. Dormir: ______________
                                        2. Serviettes: ___________
                                        3. Piscine: ______________                            you can also use
                                   D. Practise saying the 3 words above with your best        wordreference.com
                                       French pronunciation

                                   2. Listening to the audio file…
                                   E. Listen and do the exercise on the left hand-side: on
                                   the school website, in French Week 5, click on the audio
                                   link “Exchange partner”. Once you press play, don’t
                                   pause it. Each answer will be repeated twice
                Extension: Write in English any extra details you hear about the room

                 Transcript (the sentences below are what you have you just heard):
         B       1. Ca c’est mon lit – j’adore dormir – I love to sleep: bedroom!

                 2. La on joue au foot et on va dans la piscine. We play football and we
         D          go in the pool: garden!

                 3. Si tu va prendre une douche il y a des serviettes pour toi A shower
         A          and towels: bathroom!
Task 3
                    Quizlet Vocabulary Learning
On 3 different days this week, we want you to spend 10 minutes learning words
to describe the area you live in. Do the first 10 minutes NOW.

Click on the link below and practise the 14 words with the Flashcards, Learn,
Write and Spell tasks. At the end of the week, do the Test task to check you
know them 
Task 4: Copy these words in your exercise book and translate them into English.
      Are you stuck? Go back to the flashcards on Quizlet and relearn them!
       Français                        English
       À la campagne
       À la montagne
       En banlieue
       Au bord de la mer
       En ville
       En centre-ville
       Dans un village
       Dans une ferme
       Dans un appartement
       Près de
       Pas loin de
       Au nord de
       Au sud de
Task 4 Answers
Français                    English
À la campagne
À la montagne
En banlieue
Au bord de la mer
En ville
En centre-ville
Dans un village
Dans une ferme
Dans un appartement
Près de
Pas loin de
Au nord de
Au sud de
Task 5

Then, translate the text into French in your book. For example:
J’habite à Londres dans le sud de l’Angleterre.

- remember, you will sometimes need to change the word order so it makes sense in
- Look back to last week if you need help with spelling or grammar
Task 5
Task 6: Listening exercise
     1. At the back of your exercise book, copy out the grid below.
     2. Look at the 3 headings and the examples in number 1. How do you say them in French? Say them out loud.
     3. On the school website, in week 5, click on the audio link “Where do I live”. Start at 1min17, the audio should start
        with “page soixante-quinze”.
     4. They won’t say number 1, number 2 etc so you can pause after each one to have time to think. Listen to the whole
        exercise twice, then answer the questions in English.

This is for the
number of things   Where do they live?          What there is in their house?            What there is not in their house?
you are looking

       1           (1) House                    (3) garden, garage, cellar               (0)

       2           (1)                          (2)                                      (2)

       3           (1)                          (3)                                      (1)

       4           (2)                          (2)                                      (1)

       5           (1)                          (3)                                      (1)
1. Correct your mistakes in green. What score did you get out of 20?
2. If you are confused with these answers, did you start the audio at 1min17 like I asked or did you do the 1st exercise
   right at the start??

          Where do they live?               What there is in their house?             What there is not in their house?

 1        (1) House                         (3) garden, garage, cellar                (0)

 2        (1) flat/apartment                (2) Balcony, garage                       (2) garden, cellar

 3        (1) Countryside                   (3) balcony, garden, cellar               (1) Garage

 4        (2) farm, village, countryside    (2)garden, cellar                         (1) Garage
          (any 2 of 3)
 5        (1) mountains                     (3)balcony, cellar, garage                (1) Garden
Task 7 Reading exercise
The task on the next slide needs to be emailed back to your teacher by Monday 11th May.
Type the answers up or take a photo of the exercise in your exercise book and email it to your French teacher
from your school email:

Mrs Wyatt        h.wyatt@brookfield.hants.sch.uk
Mr Clements      a.clements@brookfield.hants.sch.uk
Miss Burrows     f.burrows@brookfield.hants.sch.uk
Mrs Moseley      t.moseley@brookfield.hants.sch.uk
Miss Leslie      h.leslie@brookfield.hants.sch.uk
Miss Budge       j.budge@brookfield.hants.sch.uk
Mrs Ede          l.ede@brookfield.hants.sch.uk
Mr Barrett       m.barrett@brookfield.hants.sch.uk
Mrs Alvey        l.alvey@brookfield.hants.sch.uk
Task 7 Reading exercise
The task here needs to be emailed back to your French teacher by Monday 11th May.
Type the answers up or take a photo of the exercise in your exercise book and email it to your French teacher.

 Bonjour, je m’appelle Zoé et j’ai dix ans. J’habite
 près de Paris, dans le nord de la France. J’habite
 avec mon père et ma mère dans un
 appartement en banlieue. En juillet, je vais en
 vacances à Marseille – c’est une grande ville au
 bord de la mer. Il y a une grande maison, c’est
 très cool, il ya trois chambres cependant il n’y a
 pas de piscine!
Extension: Translate the text into English without the help of a
dictionary, and definitely NO google translate!
You can also read