Page created by Suzanne Bryant
 Volume: 02 Issue: 10 | October 2021

 Syntaxes Representing Indefinite Pronouns Replacing the Kernel
 Predicate 1 (NP1)

 Egamnazarov Qobil Abdunazarovich
 Independent researcher at the Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages

 Received 25th Aug 2021, Accepted 26th Sep2021, Online 28rd October 2021

Abstract: In this article, the elements of uncertainty obtaining must be the focus of the researcher [7; 105
in the Uzbek speech device are analyzed in a – 108-б., 8; 35 – 37-б.].
semaphore. When analyzing speech components for In addition to the sentence being analyzed in the
syntax, first of all, categorical differential syntactic- definition of syntax, the categorical and non-
semantic features, “procedural”, “qualifying”, categorical differential syntactic-semantic features in
“meaningful” semantics, as well as non-categorical this sentence are studied in comparison with the
differential syntactic-semantic features and their syntaxes in the other sentence. One of the most
paradigmatic series are found definite. important aspects is that the syntactic units in a
Keywords: procedural, qualitative, meaningful sentence are based on the same syntactic connection,
semantics, external form, internal form, A. both in the division into components and in the
Khodzhiev, N. Chomsky, syntactic-semantic syntax.
features. It is well known that the term "procedural" means a
 process, that is, a process, which is opposed to
 substantive and qualitative features. It is one of the
It is well known that in world linguistics there are categorical signs and at the syntactic level it also
different approaches of linguists in the analysis of reflects several non-categorical signs such as action
the speech device. In addition to traditional linguistic (action), passivity (orientation) and staticity (state)
methods, with the emergence of N. Chomsky's [1; 4;303-б.].
"Transformational Grammar", the concept of
 The lexical source of the elements representing
external and internal structures of speech entered
 procedural syntaxes consists mainly of verbs
 representing different semantics, infinitives, present
In N. Chomsky's concept the idea that the initial and past tense adjectives. Some linguists suggest that
form of any sentence is the external [surface verbs denoting a state should be distinguished from
structure], the product formed as a result of verbs denoting action, and attribute this feature
transformation is the internal [deep structure] device mainly to the fact that lexical units are transitive or
of the sentence. However, on the basis of linguistic intransitive. [2; 123-б.].
methods created by AMMukhin, the internal
structure of the sentence, as UUsmanov admits, is a
 Literature review
separate analysis of syntaxes or internal structure of
the sentence. determining the possibilities of

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 Volume: 02 Issue: 10 | October 2021, ISSN: 2660-6828

According to the linguist A.Khojiev, in Uzbek Research Methodology
language "... the verb represents action, state, mental It should be noted that in comparative linguistics it is
state, biological process" [9; 4-b.]. Thus, on the basis important to make a comparative analysis of
of procedural, it is recognized that the verb expresses syntactic divisions of indefinite pronouns in the
an action or a state, but the issue of distinguishing an predicate 1 place in the speech device of the English
action or a situation from each other is not and Uzbek language systems. In the process of
sufficiently covered in the scientific literature. studying the speech device by syntax, first of all,
However, in our opinion, verbs expressing action and categorical differential syntactic-semantic signs are
staticity can be distinguished based on their identified, which cover non-categorical differential
distribution in the speech device and their ability to syntactic-semantic signs. On the basis of their
combine with other syntaxes. identified syntactic connections, the cases of
Qualification is also one of the categorical connection with any other syntax are analyzed
differential syntactic-semantic signs at the syntactic comparatively and functionally in the system of both
level, and its difference from procedural and non-sister languages. When classifying examples
substantive is that it reflects a general description of from works of art written in English and Uzbek, the
the substance or process. This description can mean indefinite (indefinite) syntax and their paradigmatic
qualitative, comparative, static. In a speech device, series were identified and compared within the
its lexical source is formed in a set such as quality, substantive and qualitative syntax of categorical
adjective elements, number, horse. signs.
According to FMUsmanov, “elements of Linguist OG Vetrova notes that substantiality is one
qualification can be combined with very, how, of the categorical syntactic-semantic signs, which is
rather, so, too on the basis of subordinative determined by contrasting it with other differential
communication, and in Uzbek very, both, and so on. syntactic-semantic signs, ie qualification and
If a qualification is expressed by a horse, it cannot be procedurality.[3; 45-б.].
associated with the pronouns of show and In the Uzbek language, two- and three-component
possession. ”[5; 119-б.]. simple sentences contain nuclear predicative 1 and
It is incorrect to associate the representation of all nuclear predicative 2 components on the basis of
three categorical symbols with word groups. This is nuclear predicative communication, while non-
why substantiality should not be replaced by a noun nuclear dependent components are also represented
from a series of words, because substantiality can be using subordinative communication.
expressed even by means of a noun, a diamond, an 1. Someone came out [O’H, 228].
adjective, a number. In the analysis of the speech
device divided into syntaxes, it is taken into account 2. Something pierced his heart [PQ, 110].
that substantiality is expressed in both languages 3. Some people greeted him [O’HN, 230].
using different word groups. They differ from each
other only by non-categorical differential syntactic- Someone instead of the predicate 1 component of the
semantic features. Since indefinite pronouns never nucleus, something, while Allakim represents
express procedurality, we examine them substantiality from categorical signs, while
comparatively and functionally in the speech device, nokotegorial characters represent agency and infinit
mainly within the context of substantial and syntax. The nucleus came out in place of the
qualitative syntaxes from categorical differential predicate 2, passed through, greeted — expressing
syntactic-semantic signs. the procedural action syntax, the nucleus is

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 Volume: 02 Issue: 10 | October 2021, ISSN: 2660-6828

connected to the substantial agent infinit syntax prepositional participle and expresses the urdi-
using a predicative connection. The heart of the procedural action syntax, syntactically interacting
second and third sentences (2), to which (3) the with the substantive agent indefinit syntax. it
substantial object represents the syntax, is connected represents a substantial instrumental syntax. The
with the procedural action syntax by means of syntax model of this sentence is:
subordinate communication. The syntax models of 1. Кимдир тош билан урди.(someone hitted with a
these statements are as follows: stone) SbAgInd.SbIns.PrAc;
(1) Someone came out. SbAgInd. PrAc; In the second sentence, the nuclear predicative
(2) Something pierced his heart. component 1 is also associated with the nuclear
 SbOb.SbAgInd.PrAc; predicate 2 component “called” on the basis of the
 nuclear predicative connection, the “it” subordinate
(3) Some people greeted him. SbAgInd.SbOb.PrAc.
 components that are not “outside” the nucleus are
Linguist O.U.Usmanov states that in defining the connected subordinatively with the nuclear predicate
object syntax in these sentences "... before defining 1 component. Syntactic-semantic features of the
the substantial object syntax of the nuclear predicate components of a sentence: Someone-substantial
1 component it is expedient to determine the agent indefinit [SbAgInd], uni-substantial object
differential syntactic-semantic features of the (SbOb) represents an outside-substantial locative
syntactic units expressed in the nucleus predicate allative, called-procedural action syntax.
2"[6; 58-б.].
 2 Кимдир уни ташқаридан чақириб келди.
Analysis and results (Someone called him from outside)
In the Uzbek language examples, it was found that SbAgInd.SbOb.SbLcAbl. Ac.
indeterminate pronouns represent non-categorical In the third sentence, “Nimadir” instead of N,
syntactic-semantic signs within the substantiality “pulled” with the N component, the nucleus is
from categorical differential syntactic-semantic signs associated with a predicative connection, the
instead of the core predicative 1: agent indefinit, substantive agent indefinite syntax, and the nucleus
statin-loaded indifinit, object indefinitic, existential represents a procedural action syntax based on a
indefinite, existential indefinite. predicate connection.
1. Кимдир тош билан урди (someone hitted with a Coming in the place of the subordinate component, it
 stone) [СА, 370]. represents a qualitative locative alluvial syntax and is
2. Кимдир уни ташқаридан чақириб кетди associated with a procedural actional syntax on the
 (Someone called him from outside)[СА, 285]. basis of subordinative communication. The uni-
 component is also subordinate to the torti component
3. Нимадир уни ўша томонга тортди on the basis of a subordinate connection, which
 (Something pulled him that way) [Ч.А. 292]. represents the syntax of the substantial object. The
4. Ҳозир кимдир уни уйига судрайдигандек syntax model of this sentence is:
 бўларди (Now it was as if someone was dragging
 him home) [СА, 453].
In these sentences someone (1,2,3) instead of the
nucleus predicate 1 and something, they represent Conclusion / Recommendations
the substantive agent indefinit syntax. In the first In the speech device instead of the predicate 1
sentence, someone connects the nucleus with a component of the nucleus were identified indefinite

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 Copyright (c) 2021 Author (s). This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution
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 Volume: 02 Issue: 10 | October 2021, ISSN: 2660-6828

syntax loaded with substantial staticity, indefinite substantiality, qualification, procedural, non-
syntactic loaded with substantial object indefinite, categorical signs and their variants. However, in our
substantial existential indefinite loaded with article, the syntaxes, which represent indefinite
substantial existence. pronouns in the structure of the Uzbek language, are
 analyzed in terms of their substantiality,
A comparative-functional analysis of the indefinite
 qualification, and their non-categorical features.
pronouns in both language systems instead of the
 Indefinite pronouns do not occur in Uzbek in
core predicate 1 in the sentence revealed five
 procedural terms. In the Uzbek sentence structure,
syntaxes in the Uzbek language. Thus, it was found
 indefinite pronouns, which take the place of the
that relatively indefinite pronouns are used more in
 nucleus predicate 1, are expressed as agent, statically
English in the Uzbek language. These syntaxes can
 loaded indefinite, object, existential, qualitative
be explained in the table as follows:
 syntaxes. The cases in which these syntaxes take the
Table 1 form of Uzbek language are clearly explained with
Description of these characters:NP1 - Nuclear examples.
predicate 1 (yes) LIST OF REFERENCES
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 License (CC BY).To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

 Volume: 02 Issue: 10 | October 2021, ISSN: 2660-6828

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List of fiction and commentary on abbreviations

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