Canyon Echoes April 2019 - Canyon Quilters of San Diego

Page created by Enrique Gonzalez
Canyon Echoes April 2019 - Canyon Quilters of San Diego

Volume 24, Issue 4				                                                  					                                      April 1, 2019

                                            President's Message
                                            By Sylvia Corbin
                                                                   Spring is here. What does that mean for you? For me it’s time
                                                                   to spend more time outside and enjoy our beautiful San Diego
                                                                   weather. For me, it’s also time to air out my home, declutter, or-
                                                                   ganize my projects, and bring fresh flowers in from my garden.
April 15, 2019
Charlotte Bird is our speaker, and                            I hope you were able to attend our last Guild meeting and hear
will talk about “Process...From                               the energetic presentation from Dora Cary. Dora’s journey
Inspiration to Completion.”                                   from Romania, and living in a communist country is such a
                                                              contrast to what I have experienced having been raised in a
April 20, 2019                              free democratic country. Another blessing to add to my “gratitude journal”. If
Quilters’ Studio Tour                       you missed her talk, don’t worry she’ll be coming back sometime next year.
                                            This month, we all have the rare opportunity to visit three of our local artist’s
                                            studios. I’m looking forward to seeing how they have set up their studio, and get
NEWSLETTER STAFF                            inspiration on setting up my own work space and seeing their creative art. These
Editor / Designer: Andrea Bacal             artists are opening up their homes for us, in addition to generating funds for our
Proofreaders: Loraine Schacher              Guild. Read more on page XXX to learn how you can purchase a ticket.
and Lori King
Photographer: Members and                   Sew happy,
Friends                                     Sylvia
Canyon Quilters meets the third Mon-
day of each month (except December) at
the The Salvation Army Meeting Room,           There will be a membership vote on changing the Bylaws at the
4170 Balboa Avenue. Doors open at              April meeting. Please review the changes before the meeting.
6:30 pm - Meeting starts at 7:00 pm.
Canyon Quilters of San Diego, P.O. Box
                                               They are posted on pages 26 and 27.
927103, San Diego, CA 92192-7103
COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Canyon Echoes is copyrighted by Canyon Quilters of San Diego. This newsletter is for guild members’ personal use only.
No content herein may be reproduced, modified or sold without written permission. All images and text contained in the newsletter are used with
permission and may not be reproduced in any way without additional permission from the artist.

Canyon Echoes April 2019 - Canyon Quilters of San Diego
Table of Contents
President's Message		              1     Open Positions                         10   Place to Go, Quilts to See		        16
Table of Contents		                2     Canyon Members In                           Kennel Comforters		                 17
                                         the News		                             11   Veteran's Quilts		                  17
2019 Programs                     2-3
                                         Opportunity Baskets		                  11   Teacher Reviews		                   18
Refreshment Calendar		             3
                                         Notices		11                                 Fat Quarter Exchange		              18
$2019 for 2019		                   4
                                         30-Day Challenge		                     12   Mobile Sewing Machine Repair 19
Winners!		4
                                         A Visit to The Texas                        UFO Stash		                         20
January Sharing                   5-7
                                         Quilt Museum		                         13
January's Meeting: Dora                                                              Chula Vista Quilt Show		            21
                                         Quilt Show Deadlines		                 14
Cary		8                                                                              Important 411		                     25
                                         Local Shops and Their Classes          15
CFO Report		                       9                                                 Bylaw Changes                  26 - 27

                                                  Note from the Editor
      Well, it's finally happened...our newsletter has gotten so big that it's almost impossible to sit down and read
      in one sitting. I know I have tried to make many of you feel guilty for not reading it cover to cover (not that
      I've been successful; my friends have never seemed to feel appropriately guilty!)
      But I have changed my tune. Since we have so many wonderful features - sharing photos, articles from
      members, teacher reviews, members in the news, etc.- please take the liberty to pick and choose. Look at
      the Table of Contents, see what might be interesting and go to that page. If you come back another day to
      read more, even better! But please continue reading and contributing. That's what makes us San Diego's
      premier quilting guild!

Here is only part of what Canyon has to offer in the coming months
APRIL                                                         The wonderful studios of Charlotte Bird, Doria Gooch-
Charlotte Bird                                                er, and Kay Laboda will be open for you to be inspired                                   by and enjoy. Tickets now on sale. The ticket price is
April 15 topic:
 “Process...From Inspiration to                               $25 each.

April 20: Quilters’ Studio Tour
(see page 8 for details)                 Charlotte in her studio

                                                                   Cut random curvy strips, piece without pins, create
MAY                                                                scenes with no matching of edges or corners etc to
Phyllis Cullen                                         make free and easy scenes. Can be as abstract, whim-
May 18 & 19 (2-day) Workshop:                                      sical or realistic as you like. All you need is fabric, a
  “Improvisational Landscape”                                      rotary cutter and mat, one pin, sewing machine and
May 20 topic:                                                      thread, and a sense of adventure! The easiest land-
 “Art Principles for Quilters”
                                                                   scape around. No applique needed, but you can add it
                                                                   if you like (and I'll help!).
Canyon Echoes April 2019 - Canyon Quilters of San Diego
JUNE                                                         Curved Illusions: Sinuous curves are produced with
Peggy Martin                                    straight-line piecing in these easy off-center log
June 17 topic:                                               cabin blocks. The settings and design possibilities
  “Beyond Tradition”                                         are endless! Take this class and experience one of
June 22 Workshop:                                            the best workshop teachers there is while learning
  “Curved Illusions”
                                                             this wonderful technique.

OCTOBER                                                         Join the barn quilt movement by creating your own
Suzi Parron                                           painted quilt block. You will begin with a preprimed
October 21 topic:“Barn Quilts                                   board and go through each step drafting, taping, and
 and the American Quilt Trail”                                  painting, with careful attention to detail. The work-
October 26 Workshop:                                            shop lasts about 4 hours.
 “Barn Quilt Painting”
                                                                You will leave with a finished quilt block or with one
                                                                last color (which will be provided) to add at home.
                                                                Ready for show and tell at your next meeting!
                                                                The finished product will be two by two feet and is
                                                                the perfect size for mounting on smaller buildings or
                                                                in your yard!

                                   REFRESHMENT CALENDAR
As many of you know, since our move to our current space, we now have refreshment snacks at our meetings.
We have asked for volunteers to sign up for certain months, and just as a reminder, here are the current sign-ups.

 If you have not signed up and would like to, or if you would like to volun-
  teer for another month, please see Carol Russell at the Hospitality Table.
      The guild provides the coffee and tea. We are asking you to bring
         vegetables and dip, cut up fruit, or cookies or other sweets.
            Additional snacks are welcome at every Guild meeting.

                                           APRIL		                 MAY
                                          Kay Laboda         Sharon Berkeley
                                         Nancy Bryant       Annemarie Sprinkle

     JUNE			                      JULY              AUGUST		               SEPTEMBER                OCTOBER
       OPEN                      Kris Hatch        Carrie Frederick        Christine Brock Penny Sommerville
   David Brandon                 Barbi Vogel        Sally Parrish       Brigid Hom-Schnapp       OPEN

Canyon Echoes April 2019 - Canyon Quilters of San Diego
With our expenses going up each year, we have begun a $2019 in 2019 campaign. There are endless ways to help. Each month
that a donor volunteers to match funds, we will have a matching challenge. In the last 2 months you have donated close to

HELP CANYON CLOSE THE GAP                                                                                     $2000

                                                DONA                                                          $1600
                    BUY OPPORTUNITY                 TIONS       TAKE A
                                        JOIN                                                                  $1400

                     BASKET TICKETS                            WORKSHOP


                       BUY TICKET TO                        COME TO FUND                                      $1000
                       STUDIO TOUR                 IEND A      RAISER
                                         BUY A FR OP                                                          $800
                                           W O R K S H


                                                            $2019 in 2019....

                                 MARCH WINNERS
Opportunity Baskets:

                                           Sylvia Corbin wins the        Ann Hornby wins the retro
                                           Schoolhouse Fabrics           basket
                                                                                                      Tara Ritacco wins the Moda
Nelda McComb wins The
                                                                                                      jelly roll
$50 Gift Card for a Class

Fat Quarters:

                                       Tanya Wagner wins In Flight             Germaine Bergeron-Lynn wins the Solids
Canyon Echoes April 2019 - Canyon Quilters of San Diego
March Sharing

                                                     Mary Tabar
                 Pam Kay                           Some are Lucky
       from Mystery Quilt Workshop               A Snip n Flip Pattern
             with Kay Laboda

             Nelda McComb
                 Texting                           Gay Larsen
                                                   Churn Dash
                                         Cut with her Accuquilt she got for

Canyon Echoes April 2019 - Canyon Quilters of San Diego
Cristie McGuire
       Cristie McGuire
                                          A detail of the back of the quilt
 Red, White and Quilted All Over
                                            showing amazing quilting!

      Athena Brandon                        Annemarie Sprinkle
From a Deseree Habitch Pattern         From Kay Laboda's Mystery Quilt
          Animals                                Workshop

Canyon Echoes April 2019 - Canyon Quilters of San Diego
Christine Brock
                                                      Half Dome
                                             From a Gloria Loughman Class

            Merilyne Hickman
      Brights in an Hour Glass Pattern

                                                           Barbara Perez
Sharing from the Class With Dora Cary                       Rope Basket

Canyon Echoes April 2019 - Canyon Quilters of San Diego
March Meeting with Dora Cary
Dora Cary has a fascinating story,
and we were fortunate enough to
hear it at our last meeting. Being
born in Romania, having lived in
a Communist state, some of it was
horrifying. But it seems like Dora
used all of it as motivation to not
only survive, but to flourish in her
new American life.
It was inspiring, and her modern
style quilts were beautiful.

Quilters’ Studio Tour
Another 3-studio tour for Canyon       be inspired by and enjoy. 2019 to
Quilt Guild will be happening on       Canyon members. A limited num-
Saturday, April 20, 2019 from 10:00-   ber of tickets will be sold, so be sure
2:00. The wonderful studios of         to purchase yours early. Canyon
Charlotte Bird, Doria Goocher, and     members may purchase tickets for
Kay Laboda will be open for you to     non-member friends.

Tickets will still be on sale at the April meeting for $25 .
Last Chance!

Canyon Echoes April 2019 - Canyon Quilters of San Diego
CFO Corner (Chief Fun Officers)
by Marty Ornish and Robyn Phelps

Marty and I are going to finish our
year issuing a challenge to each of
you. Between now and our June
meeting meet as many guild mem-
bers that you don’t currently know
and learn something about each one
you meet. We will give out many
prizes in June as well as a grand
prize. Marty and I will invite you
and one of your new friends to our
studios for a day of fun and learn-
ing. We will start with an eco-dye
pot, then teach many embellishment
and embroidery stitches and learn
to make a stump worked lady bug
(right). Lunch will be provided.
Hint, you might want to take notes
so when called on you will remem-
ber names and what you learned
about them! We will have some tie
breaker questions such as; Have you
seen any of your new friends outside
of a meeting?
Are you now carpooling with any of
your new friends?

Remember there are no strang-
ers just friends you have yet to
Robyn and Marty                             Robyn's stump worked lady bug

Fabric eco print from workshop in France with natural plant material removed
Canyon Echoes April 2019 - Canyon Quilters of San Diego
Keeping the Guild Running
As we look forward to Canyon’s July 2019 – June 2020 officer, committee chairs and various other volunteer posi-
tions, we’d like to share some information. The table below highlights the positions the Guild needs to fill, what
the position is responsible for and an estimate of the time commitment. Each position is a one-year committment.
All Board positions—president, vice president, secretary and treasurer—are open for nominations from the
Guild. The Board positions called out in the table below are ones that are being vacated for the upcoming
term and need someone to fill. Any committee chair or other held position, which are called out in the direc-
tory, are also available for nominations.
The Board positions are voted into office via a general election by the Canyon membership (at the June Guild meet-
ing); committee chairs and other volunteer positions are decided by the Guild Board at the June Board meeting.

                                                                               Est. Time Commitments
       Position                           Role
                                                                   (Does not include time spent at Guild meetings)
                     Record Board meeting minutes; publish for
 Secretary           review and process edits; handle all Guild    About 2 hours per month
                     Back up the Prez when absent; nominations
 VP                                                                About 4 hours per month
                     committee chair; attend Board meetings
 Advertising Sales   Sell new advertising for newsletter           1-2 hours per month
                     Plan a fun event for Guild meetings; attend
 CFO(s)                                                            1-2 hours per month
                     Guild meetings and handle the fun event

                     Sell tickets during Guild meeting; make
 Opp Basket Ticket
                     announcement during mtg to encourage sales; Only during the Guild meeting
                     draw winning tickets
                     Update the Canyon website: make edits, add    Varies; 3-4 hours when new program year
 Web Wizard          content and remove content, as needed.        announced; 2-3 hours max several other
                     Knowledge of Wordpress helpful.               months

If you are interested in one of these positions, please contact Karen Crossland, Cherie Jacobsen or Andrea Bacal.
Board meetings are open to everyone and you may want to join us as part of deciding about taking on a position;
board meetings are the second Monday of the month (contact Karen, Cherie or Andrea for time and location).
Karen:           Cherie:           Andrea:

                           Canyon Retreat at Vina de Lestonnac
             Last Chance to sign up at the April Meeting!
Canyon Members in                        A PR I L OPP ORT U N I T Y BASK ET S
the News
Sue Atlas' quilt titled "Taber-Wel-
born Family Tree Quilt" was accept-
                                           1    Spring Floral Bouquet
ed at Spring Paducah quilt show.

Linda Anderson’s solo exhibit
Stories of Us, will be at Front Porch
Gallery in Carlsbad from March 10
to April 20, 2019. See "Members
in the News” for gallery hours see
https://         2      Ready to Create a quilt
To view some of Linda’s work go to
If you happen to be in Provence this
summer, be sure to see Marty Or-
nish’s exhibit:
Aiguilles-en-Luberon                             Missouri Star
6 Eme Recontres Internationales de         3
                                                                   6 volumes from 2017
patchwork Et D'Art Textile
                                                                   5 volumes from 2014
Collection de textiles anciens et de
                                                                   1 volume from 2015
Grambois, Provence, France
May 30-June 2, 2019

Christine Brock's quilt Half
Dome (see page 7) will be part of the
silent auction at the Morning Glory
Brunch at St. Madeleine Sophie’s
Center on April 27. My son attends
St. Mad’s.

                                                     NOTICES                  Linda is donating all proceeds to
For Sale:        I am selling a table   For Sale: Koala sewing cabi-          Canyon Quilters, so make fair offer
                                                                              and it's yours!
that fits a Janome 6600 sewing          net, gently used. Light wood with
machine. Excellent condition. $100      adjustable well for sewing machine.
OBO. Can deliver. Carol Simpson         Open: 75 1/2 inches long x 17 1/4"
530-859-2976.                           deep; arm is 35" long to complete
                                        the L shape. Closed: 37 1/2 inches
                                        long x 17 1/4 inches deep. On cast-
                                        ers (not shown). In good condition
                                        except for cracked plastic around
                                        machine well. Must be able to come
                                        and get it. Email Linda Barnhart at
                               for details.
                                        $200 or best offer.

How many of us have gone to a class or retreat, only to come home, drop the project in your sewing room and it
is forgotten? Or we have so many UFO’s, that we don’t know where to start or, heaven forbid, got bored with the
project. Or “I’m just not in the mood to sew." Whatever the reason, we’ve ALL been there.

                                    Become a follower on our Facebook page

                                            Canyon Quilters
                                                and join us in the

                                  #Under Our Needle Today Challenge.

                                               This is how it works.
                  1. Starts April 1st and goes through April 30th.
                  2. You must sew at least 30 minutes EVERY DAY.
                  3. Comment or post “Under Our Needle Today” (#UnderOurNeedleToday) everyday
                  your progress on Canyon Quilters Face Book Page.
                  4. Post pictures of yesterday’s (ending) and today’s progress. You are not limited to one
                  project throughout the month. Find the time to sew 30 minutes a day! It is entirely up to
                  you as to what you will do. This can include cutting, pressing, prepping your applique,
                  practicing quilting, attaching your label, or sewing on that dreaded binding. Whatever
                  technique you want, as long as you are working towards finishing your quilt.
                  5. Your goal is to make that WIP a finished project.
                  6. Bring your WIP to the meeting on Monday, April 15th to share.

                At the completion of the challenge, you will have your quilting bug all revved up.
                 How motivating it will be for all of us to see your projects AND join in the fun!

                     A quilt waiting to be finished, is a quilt waiting to be loved.

A Visit to the Texas Quilt Museum
by Lee Fowler-Schwimmer                  Springtime brings forth the famous          West Africa. TQM also had a selec-
                                         Bluebonnet wildflowers and their            tion of antique quilts for sale and a
                                         appeal is postcard worthy. And as           lovely gift shop with souvenirs and
                                         a city-dweller, I am often mesmer-          handcrafted gifts that would capture
                                         ized by the rambling country roads          the hearts and pocketbooks of fabric
                                         that wind through green-grassed-            and fiber lovers. Additionally, there
                                         ranches, herds of black angus and           is a quaint fabric store next door
                                         long-horn cattle, along with the oc-        to the museum that is a delightful
                                         casional pump jack – it IS after all:       post-visit opportunity to enhance
                                         oil country as well.                        one’s own stash.
I recently visited the Texas Quilt
Museum which is a charming 3-1/2    We arrived in La Grange, TX (pop-                Season to Season quilts can be
hour drive from Dallas where I was  ulation slightly above 4,700) to find            viewed online via the SAQA website
visiting my daughter. A dear friend,the museum set on a quintessential               here:
and fellow artist, Tim, and I made  small-town main street that could                tion-view.php?scat=96
the drive together on Saturday,     have been a movie set for Disney. We
                                    immediately engaged the woman at                 TQM curator, Dr. Sandra Sider, pre-
March 16. We went in part because
                                    the front desk about the correct pro-            sented an exhibit slide lecture which
I’m always curious about quilt and
                                    nunciation of the town’s name. Tim               can now be viewed on the SAQA
fiber museums. I was also excited
                                    suspected it was La Grānge which                 website or by clicking here: https://
to see the SAQA exhibit, Season to
                                    rhymes with range. I had argued        
Season in which I had an accepted
piece.                              in favor of a French version which               For more TQM info see: http://tex-
                                    rhymes with – orange? After learn-     
Doing the round-trip drive made ing his version was the preferred
for a long day, the weariness of manner of saying the town’s name, he
which was offset by delightfully delightedly broke out into a chorus of
philosophical conversations as well “Home, home on the ‘RÄNJ’ (substi-
as the pleasant Texas countryside. tuting my Frenchy RÄNJ pronuncia-
                                    tion for range as we know it.)
                                         The Season’s exhibit consisted of
                                         just over 30 art quilts, selected from
                                         entries across the globe. Per the ex-
                                         hibit’s entry requirements, all quilts
                                         were of a similar shape and size.
                                         The quilts offered “creative explo-
                                         rations about … passages through
                                         time, from the seasonal changes in
                                         the world around us to the personal
                                         transitions that are part of life’s jour-
                                         ney.” My piece explored the season
                                         of hopefulness that can grow from a
                                         place of dark and despair.
                                         Other exhibits in the museum in-
                                         cluded 32 International Quilt Fes-
                                         tival Houston 2018 prizewinners
                                         and 15 art quilts made by Hollis
                                         Chatelain all having been inspired
Lee at the TQM, photo by Tim Blackburn
                                         by her time working and residing in
Quilt Show Entry Deadlines
compiled by Faye Duggan

Do you have a quilt you are especially proud of? Why not enter it in a juried quilt show; you never know until
you try! For every award-winning quilter out there, there was a first time they entered one of their creations in a
juried quilt show. If you need more motivation, remember that cash prizes are awarded. Quilts are judged based
on originality, creativity and workmanship.

American Quilter’s Society (AQS) is most famous for                           Mancuso Quilt Shows
its quilt show in Paducah, Kentucky, which now has a
show in the spring and a show in the fall.                                    Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival
AQS also hosts shows in Daytona Beach, FL; Lancast-
er, PA; Grand Rapids, MI; and Virginia Beach, VA.                             Quiltfest Lancaster
There are juried shows with many categories to enter                          Entry deadline is April 4, 2019
and opportunity to win prize money. For specific cat-                         Lancaster PA
egories and rules to each show, go to this link:                              This show has several interesting quilt categories:
h t t p : / / w w w. q u i l t w e e k . c o m / w p - c o n t e n t /        Throwback Thursday &
uploads/2018/03/2019-complete-contest-rules.pdf                               Modern Quilt Theme Interpretation
Here are the entry deadlines for the up-                                      the-quilt-competition/
coming AQS quilt shows:
Entry Deadline: AQS show city:
May 3, 2019 Paducah, KY fall show
June 7, 2019 Virginia Beach, VA

                                                     IT’S RAINING CATS & DOGS

                        If you like to do small quilt challenges, this is for you. To participate, create
                        an art quilt that is 5” x 11” based on the theme: It’s Raining Cats and Dogs!
                        This reader challenge is sponsored by Quilting Arts Magazine. As weather
                        patterns change, and communities are faced with turmoil, loss, the after-
                        math, and rebuilding, you are asked to respond in art quilt form.
                        Entry deadline is May 12, 2019. For complete details on the challenge and
                        entry, see
                        lenge/ or the April/May issue of Quilting Arts Magazine.

Local Shops and Their Classes
Compiled by Faye Duggan

Need more sewing time? Need inspiration for your stash or new purchases from Road to California Quilt Show?
Or just want to check out shops that are new to you?
Most of our local quilt shops offer classes and Sit ‘n Sews at low cost or free. See websites to check what's new and
classes that are offered.

Annie’s Quilting Den                                           Primitive Gatherings Quilt Shop
Escondido                                                      Murietta
                                                               Quilt in a Day
Cozy Creative Center                                           San Marcos
El Cajon                                             
ClassList.aspx                                                 Quilter’s Cottage
Fat Quarters Quilt Shop                              
Vista                                                          htm?pageComponentId=1344554&month=2&ye
http://w w                    ar=2019
                                                               Rosies Calico Cupboard
Grand Country Quilters                                         San Diego
San Marcos                                           
                                                               SEW Hut
Inspirations Quilt Shop                                        San Diego
Valley Center                                                  ht t p : / / w w w. s e w hu t .                     com/module/events.
Memory Lane Quilt Shop
El Cajon                                                       Sewing Machines Plus                 San Diego
Needle in a Fabric Stash                                       events.htm?pageComponentId=184021&month=2&y
Temecula                                                       ear=2019
No classes listed, but this is a cute shop with lots of
"moderns"                                                      Temecula Quilt Company                      Temecula
Paradise Sewing

Places to Go - Quilts to See
compiled by Faye Duggan

Now - April 20, 2019                PLAN AHEAD FOR UPCOMING               May 18-19, 2019
Stories of Us                       EVENTS                                A Needle Pulling Thread Quilt
Front Porch Gallery                                                       Show
2903 Carlsbad Blvd.                 May 3-4, 2019                         Sierra Mountain Quilters Associa-
Carlsbad, CA                        Chula Vista Quilt Show                tion
(760) 795-6120 **Solo exhibit by    Chula Vista Quilt Guild               39800 Road 425B
Canyon member Linda Ander-          Community Congregational              Oakhurst, CA
son, drawing inspiration from her   Church Meeting Room                   https://www.sierramountainquil-
travels.                            276 “F” St                  
                                    Chula Vista, CA
April 5-6, 2019               May 18-19, 2019
Foothills Quilt Guild                                                     Spring on the Straits Quilt Show
37th Annual Quilt Show:             May 4-5, 2019                         Carquinez Strait Stitchers
REFLECTIONS                         Quilting in the Valley                290 East L Street
Parkside Church of the Nazarene     San Fernando Quilt Association        Benicia CA
3885 Richardson Drive               and Valley Quiltmakers
Auburn, CA                          Airtel Plaza & Hotel                  June 1-2, 2019    7277 Valjean Avenue                   Wine Country Quilt Show and
quiltshow.html                      Los Angeles, CA                       Craft Sale
                                    showinfo@quiltinginthevalleyshow.     Santa Rosa Veterans Memorial
April 11-13, 2019                   com                                   Building
Desert Quilters of Nevada                                                 1351 Maple Ave
Quilt Las Vegas                     May 4-5, 2019                         Santa Rosa, CA
Henderson Convention Center         Springtime in the Pines Quilt
200 S Water Street                  Show                                  quilt-show
Henderson, NV                       Pine Tree Quilt Guild     Nevada County Fairgrounds
vegas-2019.html                     11228 McCourtney Road
                                    Grass Valley, CA
April 19 - July 14, 2019
San Jose Museum of Quilts &         May 9-11, 2019
Textiles                            Quiltfest Lancaster
H2OH! (SAQA Global Exhibition)      Lancaster Host Resort & Confer-
520 S. First St.                    ence Center
San Jose, CA                        Lancaster, PA
408-971-0323                        Some of the special exhibits: Comic
                                    Book Icons of Color, Inspired by
April 24–27, 2019                   the National Parks,
AQS Quilt Show                      Fly me to the Moon, and “If You
Schroeder Expo Center               Find These Quilts Difficult to Look
415 Park Street                     at, I've Done My Job” - Quilts by
Paducah, KY                         David Sirota
tions/spring-paducah/               ing-shows-and-events/quiltfest-

Kennel Comforters                      County Animal Shelter in Carls- Veterans'               Quilts
Merilyne Hickman                       bad produced 80 round beds (for Faye Duggan
                                       cats and small dogs); 25 “tweenies”
                                       (small round beds for kittens and
                                       very small dogs); and, 4 dog mats.
                                       Total: 109 beds.
                                        As we move into the year, Kennel
                                        Comforters is always busy planning
                                        for the coming month(s). We have
                                        to make sure we have enough fabric,
                                        batting, etc., and materials to make
                                        the next group of beds Each month,
                                        we usually make at least 100 beds (of   We want you! Do you want to
                                        all types). Donations that your guild   help in finishing current quilts and
                                        gives to us are what help us keep up    starting new projects for our veter-
                                        with the demand in providing nice,      ans in the San Diego area? We want
                                        colorful, and very comfortable beds.    your creativity in making simple &
                                        Thank you for your support---every      creative quilts, and possibly smaller
As we are all witnessing, Spring is bit counts!                                 items. Bring us your ideas, patterns,
officially here!! Green hills, wild                                             and cheerful personality. We may
flowers, birds nesting and singing, We meet on the first Friday and Sat-        have a small sew-in April 13 or 14.
etc., etc. It is wonderful to live in a urday of each month at the North        We will contact those interested.
part of the United States where, with San Diego County Animal Shelter,          Please email Faye Duggan fdug-
good rains, Mother Nature chooses 2481 Palomar Airport Rd., Com-       and Loraine
to show San Diego just how beau- munity Room, Carlsbad (next to                 Schacher
tiful and strong she can be. How Lowe’s Home Center); time: 9:30                if you want to be on our list for Vet-
lucky we are!! We not only have a.m. to 3-4 p.m.                                erans sew-in projects.
plentiful sunshine year around,
beautiful beaches everywhere, but We always welcome volunteers to
now we have gorgeous green hills join us when we sew. We guaran-
covered with blooms (in great num- tee you will have fun. Thank you for
bers, I must say).                      your support!

We are now almost four months Merilyne Hickman
into this new year, 2019, and Kennel Volunteer at Kennel Comforters
Comforters is still producing a large
number each month of cat and dog
beds. This being Spring time, kit-
tens and puppies are being born and
many of them find their way into the
animal shelter system needing care
and preparing them for new per-
manent homes. The shelters work
very hard to care for them and find
them homes. Kennel Comforters
is also part of the team that helps
by providing beds (which we hand
make) for the little kittens and pup-
pies. In March, Kennel Comforters
volunteers at the North San Diego

                                             She demonstrated inking to enhance          would certainly take another one of her
                                             shadows and discussed quilting op-          classes without hesitation.
                                             tions. Her surprising tip on design-
 Teacher Reviews                             ing the quilting was to doodle on pa-       Sharon Berkeley

We are hoping that each of you who           per when you are tired, so your logical
takes a quilt-related class or workshop,     brain doesn’t interfere. And if you’re
sends us a review of the class, and par-     stumped for how to quilt, just start in
ticularly the teacher. As you can see, we    an area of the quilt where the quilting
are awarding them bobbins (instead of        won’t show much, and soon you will
stars), from 1 - 5 bobbins, with 1 being     just know what to do. I recommend           Teacher: Jean Wells Keenan
"I would never take this teacher again"      taking a class from Wendy.
to 5 being "This teacher was awesome                                                     I took a class called Spontaneous De-
                                             Christine Brock
and I would take any class she/he                                                        sign From Nature by Jean Wells Keenan
teaches!                                                                                 during the first session at Asilomar Feb.
                                                                                         24-March 1. I was looking to spread my
So when you send in your reviews                                                         wings a bit and gain some confidence in
(to newsletter,                                                     designing my own pieces. I don’t know
please tell us how many bobbins this                                                     how spontaneous my design was, but I
teacher and class earned.                    Teacher: Marty Ornish                       loved everything about this experience.
                                                                                         She led us in 2 structured activities be-
Wendy Knight, High Key Design,               It is with great enthusiasm that I rec-     fore we embarked on our own projects.
                                             ommend Marty Ornish as a teacher. I         She was organized, encouraging, gener-
Wendy is an excellent teacher, sharing       attended her “Create Your Own Upcy-         ous and very supportive. I learned how
lots of techniques she’s learned and de-     cled Style” class and it changed the way    to gather design inspiration, simplify or
veloped herself. This class uses Wendy’s     I look at my clothes and what I can do      exaggerate elements and construct my
original pattern of a horse and teaches      to make them unique and interesting.        piece in sections. It was a great class and
how to select fabrics from a high key        She is extremely generous with her ex-      I highly recommend taking one from
palette, which are all very close to white   pertise, knowledge and her supplies.        her if you have a chance.
in value. The pattern is designed for        She brought Dress Forms for everyone
curved machine piecing -- her piecing        in the class and lots of items that could   Carol Simpson
technique is based on classes she’s taken    be used to enhance the jacket. She
with Ruth McDowell, Judy Dales, Da-          spent individual time with each stu-
vid Taylor, and her own experience of        dent and was truly interested in what
over 30 years of quilting. Wendy is very     we were doing. Every time I wear my
organized, and prepared materials so                                                Editor's Note: Visions Art Museum
                                             jacket I get positive comments.        is sponsoring a class in October with
that all students started sewing in class.
She spent time with each student to          It is without question one of the best Jean Wells-Keenan. Look for notices
review their individual fabric choices.      classes I have ever attended and I from Visions for more details to come.

Fat Quarter Exchange                                                                     Fat Quarter Exchange is a wonderful
In Flight for April (bugs,                                                               opportunity to add to your stash, or
                                                                                         gather fabric with a specific theme.
birds, planes, rockets etc.)
May 		           "Brights & Black"                                                       Every month you want to play, you
                                                                                         bring fat quarters that match that
June		           "Batiks"                                                                month's theme. You get a ticket for
July             none                                                                    each fat quarter you bring - the more
                                                                                         fabric you bring, the more chances
August "Spots and Stripes"                                                               you have to win them all!
		(Philanthropy night)
                                                                                         At the meeting, after the break, one
Sept             "All that Glitters"                                                     ticket will be pulled and that lucky
October          "Americana"                                                             person will go home with all the fat
                                                                                         quarters in the pot that month.
Mobile Sewing Machine                     other areas not fully accessible with     retirement park where many of them
                                          other approaches to servicing a sew-      reside. They were so pleased they
Repair                                    ing machine. Eddie clarified the busi-    have invited him to return every 6
by Lee Fowler-Schwimmer                   ness model of some local shops where      months. He considers driving out to
Imagine a future where leaving the        machine service employees are paid        the desert to help these new friends as
comfort of your home is always op-        via commission, a practice which can      yet another service opportunity.
tional. Imagine buying your
                                                                                                 Eddie, and his wife Lucy,
retail and other items through
a giant online conglomer- "Introducing San Diego’s newest -
                                                                                                 are work-ethic relics, no
                                                                                                 surprise as he grew up
ate, shopping for fabrics and and maybe first and only – sewing
                                                                                                 in his native San Diego
fat quarters through a huge
internet store, ordering your machine service that comes to YOU:
                                                                                                 watching his strong, single
                                                                                                 mother struggle and work
dinner take-out via a delivery
service and selecting groceries
                                    Mobile    Sewing      Machine         Repair.    "           hard to provide for the
                                                                                                 family. Eddie often works
from a website in the morning
                                                                                                 weekends, weekdays and
then finding them on your
                                                                                   evenings. (This may be why his turn
porch by afternoon. The only time we sometimes inspire the taking of service
                                                                                   around is so quick) His wife come
quilters would HAVE to leave the com- shortcuts.
                                                                                   homes from her full-time day job with
fort of our a.m. coffee or our p.m. wine
                                         Eddie has many years of experience the City and manages his social media
would be to drop off, then two weeks
                                         and strong contacts in the sewing ma- outreach. “I found Eddie via his Insta-
later, pick up our sewing machines for
                                         chine industry. He began his career gram presence,” explains Lee Schwim-
the annual servicing. Or, maybe even
                                         at North County Vacuum and Sewing mer.
that is a thing of the past…
                                         where he worked 9 years. After that he
                                                                                   More exciting plans include Eddie
Introducing San Diego’s newest -- and worked at Paradise Sewing for 8 years
                                                                                   and a friend modifying the interior of
maybe first and only – sewing ma- and at Moore’s Sewing for 4 years. Ed-
                                                                                   a cargo van that will be used to do on-
chine service that comes to YOU: Mo- die is factory trained to work on Pfaff,
                                                                                   site visits, routine repairs and mainte-
bile Sewing Machine Repair. “Owner, Viking, Singer, Janome, Juki, Babylock
                                                                                   nance. So, for the pajama-clad quilters
Eddie Gutierrez, is a kindly and high- and Brother. He is also experienced
                                                                                   and artists among us, this will provide
ly competent service provider,” says repairing and servicing Elna and Ber-
                                                                                   the opportunity to shower, dress and
Canyon member Lee Schwimmer as nina and other machine makes. These
                                                                                   blow-dry while the machine is be-
she sips her coffee and dons her mis- long years and Eddie’s personality
                                                                                   ing worked on in the driveway. But
matched and ragged pajamas. “I was have resulted in the formation of close
                                                                                   of course, in the new online world,
pleasantly surprised when I received friendships with many industry reps.
                                                                                   ‘dressing’ can also mean just fresh set
via text message, photos of my ma- He is particularly close to his friends
                                                                                   of matching pj’s.
chine as the service and repair pro- at Babylock and Pfaff. Whenever Ed-
gressed.” During her machine’s servic- die has a technical question, he just You can reach Mobile Sewing Ma-
ing, Eddie discovered dirt, dust and makes a call and HIS calls are always chine Repair at
threads in places where they shouldn’t answered. Being nice pays off! Who
have been, given that the machine had knew?                                        Phone: 619-408-3383
been serviced within the past year at a
                                         He sees his chosen occupation as twin eMail:
very large, local sewing machine ven-
                                         blessings. First, he is gratified to con- Website: under construction
dor. He explained the difference be-
                                         tribute to the preservation of a dying Intagram: Mobile Sewing Machine
tween a half and a full service in the
                                         breed: sewing machine repairmen. Repair
machine repair business. A half ser-
                                         Second, as a very spiritual person, he
vice is one where the technician takes
                                         relishes the opportunity to offer com- Facebook: Mobile Sewing Machine
off the top and side cover, the needle
                                         munity service. For example, some Repair
plate, bobbin case and free arm cover.
                                         women who were wintering in Yuma
A full complete service includes all of
                                         contacted Eddie because they had no
that plus, all plastic machine covers
                                         one in the area to service their ma-
come off. This means tech can reach
                                         chines. Eddie drove out there and set
the hand wheel and lower shaft and
                                         up with a generator and a tarp in the

 Fabric, patterns, notions, etc.
      Saturday, April 6th
     10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
First Baptist Church of San Diego
      5055 Governor Drive

ARTISANS          CRAFTERS             MAKERS

The Chula Vista Quilters Guild proudly presents the

       Chula Vista Quilt Show
                  May 3 & 4, 2019
                   10am to 4pm

      Community Congregational Church Meeting Room
                           276 “F” St
                    Chula Vista, CA 91910
Enter back near intersection Church Ave and Center St, look for
                    signs for show parking
                        Only a $5 donation!

 Over 150 traditional and contemporary quilts, wall hangings, and
                   wearables made by local artists
               Special Exhibit CVQG Youth Group

        Hoffman Challenge Traveling exhibit “SHINE-ON”

                       Specialty Vendors

   Guild Member’s Handmade Boutique with reasonable
                      Sew & Craft Booth

                        Raffle Baskets
            Door prizes awarded every half hour
              Food truck and lunch area on site

 Chances available for our beautiful, hand-
  quilted Opportunity Quilt – you don’t have to
  be present to win! Raffle tickets $1 each or 6
  for $5

                                                            Do you know any businesses that would
                                                            benefit from advertising to an audience
                “Your Sewing Specialist”                          of over 1100 quilters in the
      Sew Hut has fabric, thread, and sewing                            San Diego area?
      machines with their related accessories.
       We are an authorized dealer for both                If so, please email them this newsletter and
            BERNINA and JANOME                                      ask them to look on page 24
   Family owned business for over 30 years
   We service all machine brands on location                              (bottom left) to see our
   We offer classes and instruction on machines,                        low-cost advertising rates.
    embroidery, sewing and quilting

                                                                                        Traditional to Trending,
                                                                                  Pink Daisy Studio has creative ideas
                                                                                             for your quilt.
                                                                                     Now offering embroidered labels
     “SEW Hut is a fun friendly place to
    share your creativity and sharpen
            your techniques.”
      Check us out on YELP and FACEBOOK!                   Michalee Sloan
                                                           7969 Engineer Rd #112                                       Longarm Quilting
        Go to our website for dates and classes            San Diego, CA 92111                               Custom Commission Quilts
                   858-273-1377                            619-302-6068                                             Binding and Finishing
     4226 Balboa Avenue, San Diego, CA 92117                                Quilting Classes - Private or Group

   Open 7 Days a week: Mon-Sat:10-5:30. Sun:12-4.

        756 Jamacha Road, El Cajon, CA
619-670-0652                        Dazzling Dahlia, detail by Andrea Brokenshire

                        Creating. Quilting. Sewing.

                                                                                      In the Garden
                                                                    Andrea Brokenshire, Jan Frazer, Hsin-Chen Lin,
                                                                     Denise Oyama Miller, Michelle Mischkulnig

                                                                                    Urban Elements
Have you met
  the Brother                                                                        Inner Strength
  Luminaire?                                                                      Valerie Maser-Flanagan

                                                                                     Urban Gardens
                                                                                Visions Member Challenge

                                                                                 2825 Dewey Road, Suite 100
                                                                                    San Diego, CA 92106

San Diego's best kept secret is out.
         And we are telling only you!
          The most unique collection
     of fabrics for sale in San Diego is at
      South Park Dry Goods carries judipatuti’s
      curated collection of fabric from all the
      major fabric manufacturers and designers.
      On her shelves you will find Moda, Robert
      Kaufman, Alexander Henry and Allison
      Glass, Carolyn Friedlander and Kaffe
      Fasset! If it’s color you need in your life –
      come and be surrounded! Canyon Quilt
      guild members receive 10% off regular
      priced fabrics and notions.

      South Park Dry Goods is a gathering
      place for creative spirits – whether it’s
      yarns, fabrics, clothes, jewelry or home
      décor you will find it here.

       3010 Juniper St., San Diego, CA 92104


40%               OFF
                                                          one cut of fabric, excludes
                                                           clearance/sale fabric. no
                                                            addiional coupons or
                                                                specials apply.

                                                                                        UPCOMING EVENT
                                                                                        OESD Super Spree & Embroidery Event
                                                                                        Mar 6th San Marcos, Mar 9th San Diego
                                                                                        3-day embroidery event with
                                                                                         hands-on take home proj-
                                                                                        ects, door prizes, giveaways,
                                                                                           freebies, and exclusive
                                                                  RSVP in-store, over the phone, or visit:
                                                        San Marcos Retail Locaaon                   San Diego Retail Locaaon
                                                            713 Center Drive                         4606 Mission Bay Drive
                                                          San Marcos, CA 92069                        San Diego, CA 92109
                                                             (760) 739-8222                             (858) 225-2739

                     Your quilter’s paradise!
                     Over 18,000 bolts of first qual-
                     ity 100% cotton prints from ev-
                     ery major fabric manufacturer
                     in the United States

• Over 600 quilting-       • Batting
 related books             • Books, magazines
                           • Classes
• Hundreds of patterns
                           • Thread
• Full range of notions    • Computer software
                           • Sewing machines
...and much more!          • Quilting related gifts

             Phone: 619-697-5758
              7151 El Cajon Boulevard
               San Diego, CA 92115

BOARD                                                              Philanthropy
                                                                    Kennel Comforters
                                                                       Merilyne Hickman
     Sylvia Corbin                     Royal Family Kids Quilts
                                                                       Kay Laboda
Co-Vice Presidents                                                  Veterans’ Quilts
     Cherie Jacobson and Karen Crossland                               Faye Duggan
                                                                       Loraine Schacher
Secretary                                                          Programs
                                                                         2019 Bibi Medina
     Kris Hatch                               Publications
Treasurer                                                                Andrea Bacal
                                                                   SCCQG Rep
     Brigid Hom-Schnapp                                                  Cynthia Lyons-Dailard                               
                                                                   Special Events
COMMITTEE CHAIRS                                                         Challenge: Barbi Vogel and Kim Misegades
Advertising Christine Brock                                              Retreat: Andrea Bacal
                                                                         Studio Tour: Pam Kay
Donations Manager OPEN                                             Visions Liaison
                                                                         Carol Sebastian-Neely
Fund Raising Karen Crossland, Kim Misegades,                       Web Wizard
Barbi Vogel and Heide White                                              Andrea Bacal
    Chris Murphy and Carrie Frederick                                  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
                                                                   Greeter Jackie Renger and team
Newsletter                                                         Sharing Manager Michalee Sloan
     Andrea Bacal                    CFO's (Chief Fun Officers)
                                                                   Marty Ornish and Robyn Phelps
Opportunity Baskets                                                Hospitality: Carol Russell
    Athena and David Brandon - Manage ticket sales
    Karen Crossland - creates baskets
                                                                   TREASURER’S REPORT
                                                                   Bank Balance                                       2/24/2019 - 3/23/2019

                                                                   Beginning Balance                                            $21,241.60
        Size                    1 Mo         6 Mo    1 Year              Membership                                                $115.00
                                (w x h)                                  Advertising                                               $368.00
        Business Card           3.75 x 2.4                               Monthly Opportunity Baskets                               $183.00
        (horizontal only)       $5           $24     $48
                                                                         Retreat                                                 $1,940.00
                                                                         Studio Tour                                               $238.92
        1/4 Page                3.75 x 5
        (vertical only)         $8           $44     $80                 Workshop                                                $1,077.51
                                                                         Fundraiser 2019 for 2019                                  $437.46
        1/2 Page                7.5 x 5
        (horizontal only)       $16          $88     $160          Total Income                                                  $4,359.89

        Full Page               7.5 x 10
        (vertical only)         $32          $176    $320
                                                                         Rent (Salvation Army Jan - March 2019)                  $1,760.00
                                                                         Speaker Travel for Feb                                     $25.00
                                                                         Workshop Travel for Feb                                    $25.00
                                                                         Speaker Fee for March 2019                                $350.00
       ADVERTISE IN THE CANYON                                           Workshop Fee for March (2-Day Workshop)                 $1,200.00
                                                                         Speaker Travel and Dinner for March                       $530.29
       ECHOES NEWSLETTER AND                                             Workshop Travel for March (2-Day Workshop)                $100.00

       REACH OVER A THOUSAND                                             Workshop Rental (2 days at Rosie's)
                                                                         Workshop Lunchs for March
                                                                   Total Expenses                                                $4,166.64
                            Ending Balance                                               $21,434.85

Vote on Change to Bylaws

At the January Guild meeting, Prez Sylvia Corbin shared with us the challenges the Guild is facing with the budget.
One consideration for helping to close the budget gap is to raise membership dues, which were last raised in July
2005 from $25 to $35.
Canyon’s bylaws require that all proposed changes be published and then voted on by the Guild. We will vote on
two changes to be voted on at the April meeting: (1) an increase in membership dues and (2) positioning the Guild
to vote in new officers either by a show of hands or a written ballot.

Change 1: Membership Dues
Current Bylaws, 2018-2019:
Section 1: Guild membership is open to anyone who believes in the purpose of the Guild, is willing to take an
active part in the work of the Guild and pays annual dues.
       A. The annual dues and guest fees shall be established by majority vote of the membership.
       B. The dues / fiscal year shall be from July 1st to June 30th. Members not paid by September 15th
       shall be considered in arrears and membership benefits shall cease.
       C. Membership dues consist of the following:
		             •      Annual dues are $35.00
		             •      Charter Membership dues are $30 ($5 discount)
		             •      Prorated Membership dues are $20.00 (beginning January 1st)
		             •      Guest Fees are $5.00

Proposed Bylaw Changes (effective upon vote)
This only contains the parts of ARTICLE III with a proposed change.
       C.. Membership dues consist of the following:
		             •      Annual dues are $40.00
		             •      Charter Membership dues are $35.00 ($5 discount)
		             •      Prorated Membership dues are $25.00 (beginning January 1st)
		             •      Guest Fees are $5.00

Change 2: Voting for Officers
Current Bylaws, 2018-2019
Section 2: Election of Officers
  A. The President shall present a slate of officers at the May meeting, and the slate shall be published
		       in the newsletter prior to the June meeting.
       B. Voting shall take place at the June meeting and shall be by show of hands. Election is by a
       majority of members present. Upon request, a count of hands will be made to determine the
       outcome. If only one person volunteers for an elective position, election shall be by affirmation.
       C. Nominations may be made from the floor at the May meeting, Providing the approval of the
       nominee has been secured prior to nomination.
       D. Officers shall be installed at the June meeting.

Proposed By Law Changes (effective upon vote)
This only contains the parts of ARTICLE VI, Section 2 with a proposed change.

       B. Voting shall take place at the June meeting and shall be by either (1) a show of hands or (2) a
       written ballot. Election is by a majority of members present. Upon request, a count of hands
       will be made to determine the outcome. If only one person volunteers for an elective posi
       tion, election shall be by affirmation.
       C. Nominations may be made from the floor at the May meeting, providing the approval of the
       nominee has been secured prior to nomination.

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