CALL FOR SPEAKERS CIVITAS Conference "Mobility Powered by the Youth" Submit your application by 15 July 2021 - CIVITAS Initiative

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CALL FOR SPEAKERS CIVITAS Conference "Mobility Powered by the Youth" Submit your application by 15 July 2021 - CIVITAS Initiative
CIVITAS Conference “Mobility Powered by the Youth”

      Submit your application by 15 July 2021
CALL FOR SPEAKERS CIVITAS Conference "Mobility Powered by the Youth" Submit your application by 15 July 2021 - CIVITAS Initiative
About the CIVITAS Conference “Mobility Powered by the Youth”
The CIVITAS Conference “Mobility Powered by the Youth” provides an opportunity for students to
showcase their urban mobility and urban freight achievements to an audience of fellow professionals.

At a glance
•   Hybrid event: physical and online (19 October 2021, 14.00 – 17.30 CET)
•   Creating the future CIVITAS and urban mobility leaders.
•   Young professionals conference.

What is in it for you?
•   Exchange ideas, experiences and knowledge with fellow professionals.
•   Showcase your results to an audience of fellow professionals.
•   Build connections for future collaborations.
•   Gain access to all activities part of the CIVITAS Forum Conference 2021.
CALL FOR SPEAKERS CIVITAS Conference "Mobility Powered by the Youth" Submit your application by 15 July 2021 - CIVITAS Initiative
CIVITAS is a network of cities for cities dedicated to cleaner, better transport in Europe and beyond.
Since it was launched by the European Commission in 2002, CIVITAS has tested and implemented
over 800 measures and urban transport solutions as part of demonstration projects in more than 80
Living Lab cities Europe-wide.

About CIVITAS Forum Conference 2021
The CIVITAS Forum Conference 2021 will take place on 20-21 October 2021 in Aachen (Germany).
The 18th edition of the CIVITAS Initiative’s flagship event will gather the keenest sustainable mobility
minds to debate and analyse the most urgent topics in the field. The 18th edition of the CIVITAS
Initiative’s flagship conference focuses on “Smart routes towards climate-neutral cities”. This builds
on the European Commission’s mission to create 100 climate-neutral cities by 2030.
Application process

Please fill in the form to apply to be a speaker during the conference:

•   Deadline to fill in the application form: 15 July 2021.
•   Outcome of the evaluation process published: 7 September 2021.
•   Submission of final presentations to be given during the
    conference: 7 October 2021.
Call for Speakers

We are seeking presentations which showcase your urban mobility or
urban freight achievements from projects/research which were part of an
internship, graduation assignment, hackathon, university course, etc.

We encourage the usage of creative presentation formats, such as
Pecha-Kucha-style presentations and interactive sessions (usage of tools
like Mentimeter, Mural and Miro). Other presentation formats are also

Please submit your abstracts for one of the CIVITAS thematic areas listed
on the following two pages. Find out more about the CIVITAS thematic
areas here:
CIVITAS Thematic Areas

Active mobility - Making walking and cycling the preferred travel choices
for people in cities.

Behavioural change & mobility management - Influencing and changing
attitudes and travel behaviour through “soft” measures.

Clean & energy-efficient vehicles - Travel options and infrastructure for
cleaner vehicles and fleets.

Collective passenger transport & shared mobility - Using public
transport and shared mobility to put private cars in the shade.

Demand & urban space management - Managing urban space and travel
demand for the benefit of sustainable modes and people-friendly places.
CIVITAS Thematic Areas

Integrated & inclusive planning - Integrated urban mobility planning for
creating liveable cities for all citizens.

Public participation & co-creation - Involving citizens and stakeholders in
planning to improve the quality and acceptance of urban mobility measures.

Road safety & security - Ensuring the well-being of all those navigating
urban environments.

Smart & connected mobility - Establishing the critical link between new
user-friendly transport services and decarbonisation.

Urban logistics - Promoting cleaner urban freight vehicles and more
efficient goods distribution.
For more information, please contact:
   •   Nina Nesterova |
   •   Ekaterina Uzunova |
Thank you
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This presentation has been produced by CIVITAS ELEVATE, a CIVITAS Coordination & Support Action.
The CIVITAS ELEVATE project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research
and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 824228.
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