EDC European Drones Cooperation - www.european-drones-cooperation.eu

Page created by Kimberly Warner
EDC European Drones Cooperation - www.european-drones-cooperation.eu
European Drones


EDC European Drones Cooperation - www.european-drones-cooperation.eu
• Meeting CURPAS and UAS Denmark 2018
• Discussion about cooperation EU Drone
  Cooperation to initiate projects
  (founded and bilateral)
• Meeting CURPAS, UAS Denmark and
  AEROSpace Valley at the Xponetial
  in Chicago 2019 – Discussion on closer cooperation
• Identification on nationale Drone Cooperations who are
  interested in project work

                              First Steps
EDC European Drones Cooperation - www.european-drones-cooperation.eu
• Meeting at the International CURPAS
  Annual Meeting 20. June 2019
• Signing of the cooperation agreement
• Drones organizations from Denmark,         2019
  France, Germany, Poland, Spain and
  Belgium are members so far with several
  other countries we are in discussion


                      Sign of Agreement
EDC European Drones Cooperation - www.european-drones-cooperation.eu
The cooperation has a common interest in contributing to the innovation,
commercialization of drone technologies and usages in Europe. The
parties have agreed to the following common goals, commitments and
•   mutual activity: networks and exchange between members of parties
    in the frame of European Projects
•   mutual orientation: briefing on new strategic initiatives and activities
•   mutual benchmarking: exchange of experience and best practice
•   annual meeting: at least once a year a meeting will be held, where the
    parties brief each other about the status of activities and discuss future

EDC European Drones Cooperation - www.european-drones-cooperation.eu
• Regular video conferences
• Website (currently hosted by CURPAS.de - own appearance in work)
• Information events on the topic of unmanned systems
• Mutual information about activities and projects
• Establishing contacts in the network
• Initiation of joint projects - promoted and be to be projects

EDC European Drones Cooperation - www.european-drones-cooperation.eu
UAS / Unmanned Systems
    Europe/ Germany

EDC European Drones Cooperation - www.european-drones-cooperation.eu
UAS for Water rescue
                                 Underwater Drones Quelle https://www.westfalen-blatt.de/OWL/Kreis-             CURPAS Projekte und
                                 Hoexter/Warburg/4059867-Feuerwehr-Warburg-und-Drohnenexperte-Frank-Potthast-   Veranstaltungen ©
Ground based System -            trainieren-am-Godelheimer-See-Menschenleben-retten-per-Hightech                Christina Eisenberg
Fire engine

                        Unmanned Systems life protection
EDC European Drones Cooperation - www.european-drones-cooperation.eu
UAS Market -Inspection
EDC European Drones Cooperation - www.european-drones-cooperation.eu
Ready for inspection: the digital twin of the coal pile

UAS Market Digitalisation
EDC European Drones Cooperation - www.european-drones-cooperation.eu
Corn borer shedding of the Schluof wasp

           UAS Market Agriculture

      UAS – Unmanned Flight – Here Life Protection
UAS – Unmanned Flight – Here medical transport
RKH Kliniken wollen Coronatests mit Drohnen transportieren
                Markgröningen (dpa/lsw) Um keine Zeit auf verstopften Straßen zu
                verlieren, wollen die RKH Kliniken im Südwesten künftig Drohnen
                für den Transport von Corona-Proben ihrer Patienten einsetzen. Das
                Probenmaterial soll von den einzelnen Standorten zur Analyse nach
                Ludwigsburg geflogen werden, wie die Kliniken mitteilten. Ein
                entsprechendes Projekt mit der Firma German Copters aus Dresden
                wurde am Donnerstag an der RKH-Klinik Markgröningen vorgestellt

                RKH clinics want to transport corona tests with
                dronesMarkgröningen (dpa/lsw) To avoid wasting time on
                congested roads, RKH clinics in the southwest plan to use drones to
                transport corona samples from their patients in the future. The
                sample material is to be flown from the individual sites to
                Ludwigsburg for analysis, the clinics announced. A corresponding
                project with the company German Copters from Dresden was
                presented on Thursday at the RKH clinic MarkgröningenTranslated
                with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

UAS – Unmanned Flight – Here medical transport
Gert Taul Pedersen   Krzysztof Krystowski
                      Petra Breyne
Christina Eisenberg

Daniela Richter        Arnaud Rimokh
                                           Hubert Berenger          Melánie Durth

How to become a member
• You are or know a national organisation for
  unmanned Systems (Air, ground or water)
• You are interested for cooperation
• Send us an E-Mail
                                                Your task in networking
                                                • Active involvement in networking
         Your benefit – for your members
         • Strong community                     • Contribution of ideas

         • Research oriented network
         • European acitivitys
         • Monthly Videoconferences

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