California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Disparity Study

Page created by Marc Evans
California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Disparity Study
COMMUNITY OUTREACH............................................. 2

                                                                                                                                                                 BUSINESS TOOLKIT........................................................ 2

                                                                                                                                                                 ACCESS TO CAPITAL...................................................... 3

                                                                                                                                                                 CALIFORNIA SUB-BID REQUEST ADS......................... 3-7

                                                                                                                                                                 PUBLIC LEGAL NOTICE.................................................. 9-12

    Vol 37, Ed i t i o n 2 2                                                                        We e kl y Publ i c at i o n                                                                    Au gu st 26 , 2021

California Department of Transportation (Caltrans)
Disparity Study
The California Department of Transportation              •    The percentage of prime contract and
(Caltrans) is responsible for managing more                   subcontract dollars minority- and woman-
than 50,000 miles of California’s federal and                 owned businesses might be expected to re-
state highways. As a United States Department                 ceive based on their availability to perform
of Transportation (USDOT) fund recipient, Cal-                specific types and sizes of contracts the
trans implements the Federal Disadvantaged                    agency awards (i.e., availability).
Business Enterprise (DBE) Program, which is              Disparity studies also include other quantitative
designed to address potential discrimination             and qualitative information related to:
against DBEs in the award and administration
of USDOT-funded contracts. Caltrans retained             •    The legal framework surrounding minority-
BBC Research & Consulting (BBC) to conduct                    and woman-owned businesses programs;
a disparity study to help evaluate the effective-        •    Marketplace conditions for minority- and
ness of its implementation of the Federal DBE                 woman-owned businesses; and
Program in encouraging the participation of mi-
nority- and woman-owned businesses in Federal            •    Contracting practices and business pro-
Highway Administration- (FHWA-) funded con-                   grams agencies use to award contracts.
tracts.                                                  Caltrans could use information from the dispar-
A disparity study examines whether there are             ity study to help refine its implementation of
any disparities between:                                 the Federal DBE Program, including setting an
                                                         overall goal for the participation of DBEs in its
•      The percentage of prime contract and              FHWA-funded contracts and procurements and
       subcontract dollars an agency awarded to          determining which program measures to use to
       minority- and woman-owned businesses              encourage the participation of relevant groups of
       during a particular time period (i.e., utiliza-   minority- and woman-owned businesses.
       tion); and                                                             g Continued on page 9

SBA Awards $2.7M in Grants to 14 Women’s Business Centers
         [ Article was originally posted on              Business Centers have played an integral role in    This grant program was open to existing SBA-                                     Syracuse, NY
          ]                         meeting the needs of women entrepreneurs dur-       funded WBCs. Approximately $2.7 million in          WISE Women’s Business Center
                                                         ing an especially challenging time. As resource     total funding was available for this program.
The U.S. Small Business Administration issued
                                                         providers, they too have been impacted by the       Successful respondents demonstrated innova-                                     Pittsburgh, PA
14 grant awards of up to $200,000 each to or-
                                                         changing business landscape and have had to         tive approaches to service delivery to address      Chatham University’s Center for Women’s En-
ganizations in 13 states as part of the Women’s
                                                         pivot to meet community needs,” said Natalie        the needs of women business owners adversely        trepreneurship Women’s Business Center
Business Centers (WBC) Resiliency and Recov-
                                                         Madeira Cofield, Assistant Administrator for        affected by COVID-19. Proposals included de-
ery Demonstration Grant under the SBA’s Office                                                                                                                                              Melbourne, FL
                                                         SBA’s Office of Women’s Business Ownership.         tailed plans to continue or establish projects to
of Women’s Business Ownership (OWBO). The
                                                         “With this funding, we will support WBCs that       improve service delivery, training, and sup-        weVENTURE Women’s Business Center at
purpose of the grants is to establish or continue
                                                         have established innovative programming to in-      port to women-owned businesses impacted by          Florida Tech Bisk College of Business
innovative projects that aim to improve service
                                                         crease outreach to aspiring and active women        the pandemic. Applicants were required to also
delivery, training, and support provided to wom-                                                                                                                                             Columbia, SC
                                                         entrepreneurs nationwide. We are proud to sup-      provide counseling, technical and financial skill
en-owned businesses impacted by COVID-19.
                                                         port organizations who have deep connections to     development, comprehensive business assess-         Benedict College Women’s Business Center
“The growth and recovery of women-owned                  small, diverse, and rural communities across the    ments, and mentoring services to women inter-                                  Fort Wayne, IN
small businesses is essential to our nation’s            country and who understand their unique needs.”     ested in starting or growing a small business.
economy. During the pandemic, our Women’s                                                                                                                        WEOC Women’s Business Center
                                                                                                             The project awards will be made for a one year
                                                                                                             of performance.                                                              Minneapolis, MN

                                                                                                             The WBC Resiliency and Recovery Demonstra-          WomenVenture WBC
                                                                                                             tion Grant awardees are as follows:                                         Albuquerque, NM
795 Folsom Street, 1st Floor, San Francisco, CA 94107                                                                          Boston, MA                        Albuquerque Women’s Business Center
                                                                                                             CWE Eastern Massachusetts – Women’s Busi-                                      Little Rock, AR
                                                                                                             ness Center
                                                                                                                                                                 Arkansas Women’s Business Center
                                                                                                                              Chatham, NJ
                                                                                                                                                                                                Denver, CO
                                                                                                             Women’s Center for Entrepreneurship Women’s
                                                                                                                                                                 Mi Casa Women’s Business Center
                                                                                                             Business Center
                                                                                                                                                                                                     g Continued on page 5
California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Disparity Study
2 SMALL BUSINESS EXCHANGE                                                                                                                                                    AUGUST 26, 2021 - SEPTEMBER 1, 2021

                     Community Outreach
To restore California’s ecosystems, we must adopt
smarter permitting
        [ Article was originally posted on               creatures, found only in San Francisco Bay, re-       costly, time-consuming permitting process and         leadership to build a culture of trust that allows
    ]                    turned to the marshes quickly after restoration,      embrace smarter permitting for restoration.           agency staff to take chances and try new things.
By Letitia Grenier, CalMatters and                       and the restored areas are now sequestering car-                                                            But our study shows that a few changes can
                                                                                                               What is smarter permitting?
Jeffrey Mount, CalMatters                                bon, protecting the shoreline and providing ac-                                                             yield major benefits. This includes unblocking
                                                         cess to nature and recreation in the heart of the     In our new report, we researched restoration case     challenging planning processes by coordinating
California’s ecosystems underpin the state’s             Bay Area.                                             studies and innovative permitting approaches          restoration at an ecosystem scale, so that objec-
economy: They nurture and protect the state’s                                                                  across California. We found that successful           tives can be traded off in different locations. And
water supply, shorelines, agriculture, fisheries         Other actions are showing promise, too. Gov.          smarter permitting efforts typically achieve bet-     bringing all parties together early in the process,
and wildlife. But many of these ecosystems are           Gavin Newsom’s “30 by 30” executive order             ter outcomes in a few key ways: By shortening         with a common foundation of scientific knowl-
in dire health, and climate change is now acceler-       aims to conserve 30% of California’s land and         the permitting timelines, lowering costs, increas-    edge, helps foster collaborative problem-solving
ating the loss of biodiversity already underway.         waters by 2030, and the measure enjoys broad          ing the extent of restoration and promoting better    and builds trust from the start.
Ecosystem degradation is having ripple effects           bipartisan support. Similarly, the Cutting the        ecological outcomes.
across the state. Severe problems with water             Green Tape initiative aims to improve coordina-                                                             Restoration proponents have a huge role to play:
                                                         tion and partnerships to facilitate ecological res-   We also observed some important patterns. Suc-        Nearly every successful smarter permitting in-
supply dwindling populations of native wildlife,
                                                         toration. However, too many restoration efforts       cessful programs used at least one, and some-         novation we studied started out as a grassroots
and the critical need to better manage and store
                                                         still face costly, arduous permitting processes       times all, of the following approaches. First,        endeavor. Nonprofit organizations, government
carbon require urgent and large-scale action.
                                                         that delay projects — or scuttle them altogether.     they coordinated across similar projects with         agencies and water users all wield more power
There is a solution: The state enjoys a vibrant,         They’re subject to, ironically, the very regula-      programmatic permitting. Second, they coordi-         than they know.
growing restoration movement that has seen               tions that were intended to slow or prevent envi-     nated within and among regulatory agencies to
some tremendous successes. For instance, when                                                                                                                        It truly is a time to get all hands on deck. The
                                                         ronmental degradation — but are now hindering         promote a culture of teamwork and improve the
a coalition of state, federal and private agencies                                                                                                                   sooner these permitting changes are enacted, the
                                                         work to expand restoration.                           working relationships with permittees. Third,
acquired more than 15,000 acres of commercial                                                                                                                        sooner we can help California’s struggling eco-
                                                                                                               they advanced permitting to restore key ecosys-
salt ponds in the southern end of San Francisco          Obtaining permits for a restoration project typi-                                                           systems — and the people and wildlife they sup-
                                                                                                               tem functions — which meant planning over a
Bay in 2003, the land was largely barren. Some           cally involves many agencies — local, regional,                                                             port — grapple with a climate that’s changing
                                                                                                               larger geographic area than most individual res-
18 years later, the salt marshes of the South Bay        state and federal — each with their own lan-                                                                faster than we’d like.
                                                                                                               toration projects.
                                                         guage, requirements, timeline and procedures.
Salt Pond Restoration Project are home to a                                                                                                                          SOURCE:
                                                                                                               Who can enact smarter permitting?
constellation of wildlife, including at least two        So how can we ramp up ecosystem restoration to                                                              tary/2021/08/to-restore-californias-ecosys-
endangered species — the salt marsh harvest              stop and even reverse the loss of crucial ecosys-     Smarter permitting does demand a major cul-           tems-we-must-adopt-smarter-permitting/
mouse and Ridgway’s Rail. These emblematic               tem functions? The state must first address the       ture change at many agencies. It will take strong

                     Business Toolkit
12 Tips to Grow Your Construction Business
        [ Article was originally posted on               Here are 12 tips to help you successfully grow        you anywhere. If you try and manage every as-         4. Be selective to be profitable.
    ]                    your construction business:                           pect of your employees work they will think you       It’s not enough to just earn more business. When
By Kendall Jones,                                                                                              have no confidence in their ability to make good      you take on more work it has to profitable.
                                                         1. Build a great team.
                                                                                                               decisions and properly do their jobs.                 There’s no sense in doubling the number of jobs
Is it time to grow your construction business?           In construction, your people are your business.                                                             you work if you aren’t increasing your profits.
Are you looking to expand into new markets or                                                                  3. Invest in your business.
                                                         Hire dependable, knowledgeable and skilled em-
territories? Growing your construction business,         ployees. Retain your best employees by promot-        If you want to earn more business you have to         5. Get the word out.
regardless of whether you’re just starting out           ing and rewarding them for their hard work and        invest time and money into your company. This         Word of mouth remains the number one method
or have been in the industry for years, requires         reliability.                                          means buying new equipment and technology             most construction companies use to market their
careful planning. In order to strategically scale                                                              when needed, training your employees and ac-          business and earn more work. Encourage your
                                                         2. Manage your business, but lead your people.                                                              best customers to tell others about the great work
up your operations, you must ensure you will                                                                   tively marketing your business.
have the resources (workers, equipment, etc.) to         Your employees want to be led, not managed. Be                                                              your company does.
handle the additional work.                              a great leader and your employees will follow                                                                                          g Continued on page 8

                                                                                                                                                                                      Contact Info:
 Editorial Staff                       Production Manager:                       Graphics Design:                     Writer:
 President & CEO:                      Nabil Vo                                  Domingo Johnson                      Cheryl Hentz                                           Small Business Exchange, Inc.
 Gerald W. Johnson                                                          795 Folsom Street, 1st Flr, Room 1124, San Francisco, CA 94107                                                                                                                                                   Email: • Website:
                                                                                                                                                               Phone: (415) 778-6250, (800) 800-8534 • Fax: (415) 778-6255
 Managing Editor:                      Diversity Outreach Manager:               Webmaster:                           SBE Northeast Manager:
 Valerie Voorhies                      Rosalie Vivanco                           Umer Farooq                          Leslie McMillan                                        CA L I FO R N I A C E RT I F I CAT I O N S                                                                  CDOT UCP DBE #5988 • CA DGS SBE # 11641 • SBE-MICRO •
                                                                                                                                                                        LOS ANGELES METRO • CITY OF SAN FRANCISCO LSDBE

                                                                                                                                                                           N EW O R L E A N S C E RT I F I CAT I O N S
                                                                                                                                                                                         NEW ORLEANS RTA

 EDITORIAL POLICY–The Small Business Exchange is published weekly. Publication is extended by one day for weeks in which holiday occurs on a Monday.
 Copyright © 2021 Small Business Exchange, Inc.
 The Small Business Exchange is adjudicated as a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, under the date January 29, 1988.
 Organized 1984.
 NOTICE: SBE is not liable to any subscriber or any other user for any damages or any other costs incurred in connection with the utilization of, or any other reliance upon, any information contained in its
 newspapers. The information contained herein may be subject to typographical error in the transcribing and/or printing of its contents. Information contained in this publication is intended only as notifi-
 cation to its subscribers of available bidding and contracting opportunities. The SBE reserves all rights in connection with this publication and prohibits the duplication of the contents herein without the
 expressed written consent of the SBE. Subscription fees are nonrefundable.                                                                                                                    ISSN 0892-5992
California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Disparity Study
AUGUST 26, 2021 - SEPTEMBER 1, 2021                                                                                                                                                                        SMALL BUSINESS EXCHANGE 3

                                                                                     Access to Capital
                                                                                              Ready to Grow Your Business?

Loans and Financing for Business Consulting Companies
      [ Article was originally posted on                  Overview of Financing for Consulting Businesses         In addition to the above, most traditional lenders                          what they will accept, so even if you have a
       ]                             Before you start looking for business financing,        (like banks and credit unions) as well as the SBA                           less-than-perfect credit history there are still
By Ty Kiisel,                                             you’ll need to evaluate your business and financial     will likely want to see a detailed business plan, col-                      options for you.
                                                          position to make sure you’re looking in the right       lateral (like real estate), and several years in busi-
Business owners looking for a small business loan                                                                                                                                       3.    Will you make all your periodic payments
                                                          place and that you get the financing that is best       ness before they’ll approve a loan.
for their consulting business are in luck, there are                                                                                                                                          throughout the term of the loan? Although
a lot of options, including an SBA loan, business         suited for you and your consulting business. The        Although they probably won’t ask it this way, lend-                         there are many lenders that don’t require sev-
cash advance, a line of credit, or other term loan.       application process will vary from lender to lender,    ers want to know the answers to these three ques-                           eral years in business to approve your loan ap-
Interest rates and terms will vary depending on the       but there are a few things you will likely need to      tions,                                                                      plication, they are all trying to evaluate what
creditworthiness of the borrower, so to get the best      complete your loan application:                                                                                                     you will do with the payments associated with
                                                                                                                  1.      Can you repay a loan? Which is why your
loan rates and terms you’ll need a good to excellent      •     Your annual revenues                                                                                                          this financing, based upon what you’ve done
                                                                                                                          revenue and cash flow numbers are so impor-
personal credit score, several years in business, and                                                                                                                                         in the past.
                                                          •     Your monthly cash flow                                    tant. They are looking for evidence that your
annual revenues of $250,000 or more.                                                                                      consulting business has the financial ability to              If a lender requests electronic access to your busi-
Consulting company loans come in a lot of differ-         •     3-6 six months of bank statements to apply                make periodic payments.                                       ness bank account, it’s a good idea. It makes it pos-
ent shapes and sizes, which means there are options             (depending on the lender)                                                                                               sible for the lender to confirm you have the revenue
                                                                                                                  2.      Will you repay a loan? This is a little differ-
even if you have a younger business or don’t meet         •     Time in business                                                                                                        and cash flow to support periodic payments and it
                                                                                                                          ent question, but is why they look at your per-
some of those other criteria, but you should expect                                                                                                                                     streamlines the process for you and your business.
                                                          •     Business and personal credit history                      sonal and business credit history. Fortunately,
to pay a higher interest rate, be offered a smaller                                                                       different lenders have different thresholds for                                          g Continued on page 8
loan amount, and could have shorter terms.

                California Sub-Bid Request Ads
                              300 South Grand Avenue, Los Angeles, CA, 90071                                                                           Request for Qualified/Certified DBE Participation from
                                           Phone: 213.593.8100                                                                                             Subcontractors/Suppliers/Service Providers
                           REQUEST FOR Community Business Enterprises (CBEs) FOR:                                                                                 Veterans Blvd Interchange Project
                                                                                                                                                                         City of Fresno, CA
                         County of Los Angeles Department of Public Works                                                                                                 Bid File No. 3809
                     Request for Proposals: Hall of Administration Seismic Retrofit                                                                                  Engineers Estimate $54.3M
                          Project Management/Construction Management
                                                                                                                                                              DBE Goal 16%, Participation Encouraged
                                     RFP Number: BRC0000253
                                                                                                                                                         REVISED Bid Date: September 14th, 2021 3:00 PM
                                  Bid Date: Thursday, September 14, 2021                                                                                      *This is an Electronic Bid Submittal*
  Contact: To be considered for this team, please provide the following items by noon, Friday, August 27, 2021:                           *Quotes not received by 11:00 AM on bid day may not be reviewed/evaluated*

  (1) Letter of Interest                                                                                               Flatiron West Inc is requesting DBE Subcontractor/Supplier/Service Provider participation for the following
                                                                                                                       Items of work, but not limited to: CAS/Roadway Signs, Clear & Grub, Erosion Control (Temp & Perm), Landscaping/Ir-
  (2) a copy of your current MBE/WBE/OBE certification                                                                 rigation, AC Paving, AC Dike/Curbs, Cold Plane AC, Post Tensioning, Rebar, Overhead Signs, Painting/Staining Concrete,
                                                                                                                       Underground & Utilities, Fencing & Metal Railing, MBGR, Bridge Concrete Barrier, Roadway Concrete Barrier, Striping/
  (3) brief qualifications package                                                                                     Markings, Electrical, Minor Concrete, Pavement Fabric, Jack & Bore 24” & 30”, PCC Paving, Clean & Treat Deck, Slurry
                                                                                                                       Seal, Welding, Grading, Polyester Concrete Overlay, Trucking, HAZMat Trucking, Aggregates: including Import Borrow,
  (4) fee schedule
                                                                                                                       Class 2AB, Structure BF &CL2 Rip Rap, Ready Mix, Concrete Pumping Services, 77” Steel Pipe Casings, Underground
  AECOM is seeking qualifications from Community Business Enterprises (CBEs) for the following project                 Pipe Products: including ACP, RCP, 16” Ductile Iron, 54” RCP PVC lined, Misc. Metals/Iron/Structural Steel, SWPP Plan
  and construction management work:                                                                                    & Materials, Lead Compliance Plan, Geotextile Materials, Formliner, Underground Precast, Street Sweeping, Traffic
                                                                                                                       Control, Vibration Monitoring, Survey, and Biologist.
  •    Community & Public Outreach Services                                                                             Non-DBE Subs & Suppliers: You will be expected to carry a proportionate percentage of 2nd-tier participation
             - Project Website Development & Maintenance                                                                                with your quote. 2nd-tier participation will be evaluated with your price.
                                                                                                                       100% performance/payment bonds will be required for the full amount of the subcontract price. Please contact Flatiron
             - Web Based Site Cameras (Supply, Install & Maintain)                                                     for any assistance to this solicitation, including obtaining bonding, insurance, equipment, materials and/or supplies.
             - Project Newsletters                                                                                     Provide all scopes/quotes as early as possible to enable estimators to perform a thorough evaluation of all quotes
                                                                                                                       received. Quotes will be broken down into comparable packages as reasonably necessary to facilitate participation.
             - Community Business Enterprise Outreach Programs                                                         Quotes must be valid for the same duration as specified by the Owner for Contract Award. We are signatory to Operating
                                                                                                                       Engineers, Laborers, Cement Masons, Carpenters and Pile Drivers Unions. Non-signatory subs will be required to sign
  •    Labor Compliance Monitoring Services                                                                            an agreement for trades covered under our union agreements. Flatiron intends to work cooperatively with all firms for
                                                                                                                       all bid items you are licensed and qualified to perform. Bid items can be split to facilitate participation from all certified
  •    Licensed Physical Survey Services                                                                               firms. Flatiron will reimburse for bond premium up to 2%. Firms must possess & provide current contractor’s license
                                                                                                                       number & DIR Registration number on the quote. Firms must possess insurance and workers compensation coverage
  •    Grant Management
                                                                                                                       meeting project requirements. Waiver of Subrogation is required. Please contact Flatiron for any assistance required by
  •    Temporary Facilities Rental & Leasing (Facilities, Furniture & Equipment)                                       your firm. Subcontractors/Suppliers will be required to execute our standard agreements and agree to our standard and
                                                                                                                       general terms & conditions. Copies are available for review on our ftp site or upon email request.
  •    Temporary Signage Fabrication & Installation
                                                                                                                       Project documents can be found on the City of Fresno Planet Bids project page at PlanetBids Vendor Portal You will
  •    Office Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment Procurement Services                                                     need to register with Planet Bids and log in to access the project files for the City of Fresno Veterans Blvd Interchange
  Experience providing similar services to the County of Los Angeles is preferred. This proposal is in
                                                                                                                       To access FREE project documents from our Flatiron BOX ftp site, please send an email request to
  alignment with the County of Los Angeles CBE Program requirements and certified CBEs are encourages        
  to respond. The CBE Program includes business enterprises owned by disabled veterans, disadvantaged                  You will be provided with a BOX link to view & download plans and specs for FREE from our ftp site. Due to Co-
  business enterprises, and minority- and woman-owned businesses.                                                      vid-19 & some social distancing requirements still in place in some areas, we are not currently scheduling appointments
                                                                                                                       to review project docs or meet with estimators in our office. When all pandemic restrictions are lifted, we will offer these
  Interested businesses should email a brief overview of County of Los Angeles experience, along with CBE              services again in our office by appointment only. Thank you for your understanding.
  documentation by Friday, August 27 to Laurie Stewart at AECOM will also
                                                                                                                              Please send all quotes by email to or to our BID FAX at 707-746-1603.
  provide copies of the RFQ document upon request. Be advised that an AECOM representative will contact
  qualified respondents and request additional information regarding this solicitation. Thank you for your                                                              Flatiron West, Inc.
  response.                                                                                                                                                     2100 Goodyear Rd Benicia, CA 94510
                                                                                                                                                             Phone 707-742-6000 Bid Fax 707-746-1603
  Assistance is available in obtaining any necessary bonding, lines of credit or insurance, information related                                                     An Equal Opportunity Employer
  to the requirements for the work, and necessary equipment, supplies materials, or related services.                                                                Contractor License 772589
California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Disparity Study
4 SMALL BUSINESS EXCHANGE                                                                                                                                                                                                                         AUGUST 26, 2021 - SEPTEMBER 1, 2021

                    California Sub-Bid Request Ads

                             An Equal Opportunity Employer is requesting quotations from all certified and qualified                                          An Equal Opportunity Employer is requesting quotations from all qualified Professional services, sub-contractors, material suppliers and
                                                  Disadvantage Business Enterprise (DBE)                                                                          trucking including certified Disadvantage Business Enterprise (DBE) & Disadvantage Veterans Business Enterprise (DVBE)
                        Professional services, sub-contractors, material suppliers and trucking for the following project:                                                                                          for the following project:
                                                              Owner: City of Fresno                                                                                                   Caltrans ~ 10-1F1704 ~ San Joaquin County near Stockton at Route 26/99 Separation
                                                         Veterans Boulevard Interchange                                                                                                                 10-SJ-26, 99-1.1, 19.3 ~ Project ID 1016000032
                                                 Bid File Number: 3809 ~ Project ID #: PW00927                                                                                                                     Remove & Replace Bridge
                                                           DBE Participation Goal is 16%
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Bid Date: September 2, 2021 at 2:00 PM
     The Veterans Boulevard/State Route 99 interchange; the northerly jug handle (“J2” as identified subsequently); Veterans Boulevard
                                                                                                                                                                                          **Bidding Electronically. Quotes need to be received by 11:00am on bid day**
   876overcrossing of Golden State Boulevard, and; completing Veterans Boulevard between Wathen Avenue and the Veterans Boulevard/
          Bryan Avenue/Barstow Avenue intersection. This phase also includes the extension of Sierra Avenue to Bullard Avenue                                                                                                CONTACT:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Debby Pannell
                                             REVISED Bid Date: September 14, 2021 at 3:00 PM
                                **Bidding Electronically. Quotes need to be received by 11:00am on bid day**                                                                                                            Brosamer & Wall Inc.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    1777 Oakland Blvd, Suite 300
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Walnut Creek, California 94596
                                                                Debby Pannell
                                                                                                                                                                                                               PH: 925-932-7900 • FAX: 925-279-2269
                                                             Brosamer & Wall Inc.
                                         1777 Oakland Blvd, Suite 300, Walnut Creek, California 94596                                                                                                                      PROJECT SCOPE:
                                                   PH: 925-932-7900 • FAX: 925-279-2269                                                                                  Brosamer & Wall Inc., is requesting quotes from all qualified and certified DBE/DVBE subcontractors and suppliers
                                                                PROJECT SCOPE:                                                                                                                      all items of work type listed below, including but not limited to:
                  Brosamer & Wall Inc., is requesting quotes from all qualified and certified DBE subcontractors and suppliers                              Progress Schedule (Critical Path Method); Time-Related Overhead (WDAY); Lead Compliance Plan; Dispute Resolution Advisor On-Site Meet-
                                         all items of work type listed below, including but not limited to:                                                 ing; Hourly Off-Site Dispute-Resolution-Advisor-Related Tasks; Construction Area Signs; Traffic Control System; Traffic Control Supervision
 Class 2 AB, Structure Backfill, Decomposed Granite, Import Borrow, Rock Slope Protection, AC Paving, AC Dike/Curbs, Cold Plane AC, Road-                   (DAY); Flashing Arrow Sign; Type III Barricade; Temporary Traffic Stripe (TAPE); Temporary Pavement Marking (TAPE); Channelizer (Surface
 way Excavation, Slurry Seal, Geotextile Materials, Ready Mix, Minor Concrete, Concrete Barrier (Roadway & Bridge), Jointed Plain Concrete                  Mounted); Portable Radar Speed Feedback Sign System Day; Temporary Pavement Marker; Portable Changeable Message Sign (LS); End of
 Pavement, Prestressing Concrete, Concrete Structures, Concrete Bridge Deck Surface, Concrete Pumping Services, Reinforced Concrete                         Queue Monitoring & Warning with Truck Mounted Changeable Message Sign Day; Temporary Flashing Beacon; Temporary Railing (TYPE K);
 Pipe, Ductile Iron Pipes, Steel Pipe, Pipe Bollard, Pipe Culvert, PVC-Lined Reinforced Concrete Pipe, PVC Conduit, Basin Excavation, Earth-                Temporary Crash Cushion Module; Temporary Radar Speed Feedback Sign System; Job Site Management; Prepare Storm Water Pollution
 work, Landscaping/Irrigation, Clearing & Grubbing, Erosion Control, Traffic Control, Crash Cushion, Electrical, Underground & Utilities, Signal            Prevention Plan (SWPPP); Rain Event Action Plan; Storm Water Sampling & Analysis Day; Storm Water Annual Report; Temporary Drainage
 & Lighting, Intelligent Transportation Systems (City), Ramp Metering System, Fiber Optic Cable Systems, Fencing, Chain Link Railing, Rebar,                Inlet Protection; Temporary Fiber Roll; Temporary Construction Entrance; Street Sweeping; Temporary Concrete Washout; Asbestos Compli-
 Misc Metals/Iron/Structural Steel, Welding, Biologist, Lead Compliance Plan, Survey, Storm Water Prevention Plan (SWPP), Street Sweeping,                  ance Plan; Treated Wood Waste; Roadway Excavation; Shoulder Backing,; Structure Excavation (Bridge); Structure Backfill (Bridge); Imported
 Fugitive Dust Control Plan (FDCP), Vibration Monitoring, Roadway Signs, Construction Area Signs, Overhead Signs, Trucking, HAZmat Ther-                    Borrow (CY); Wood Mulch; Hot Mix Asphalt (Type A): Place Hot Mix Asphalt Dike (Type C); Place Hot Mix Asphalt Dike (Type E); Remove As-
 moplastic Traffic Stripe & Pavement Marking Removal & Trucking, Striping/Markings, Fire Hydrant
                                                                                                                                                            phalt Concrete Dike; Cold Plane Asphalt Concrete Pavement; Remove Base & Surfacing; 16” Cast-In-Drilled-Hole Concrete Piling; Structural
         Please Contact Brosamer & Wall Inc. at the email listed below for the complete list of the Actual Available Project Bid Items.                     Concrete {Bridge Footing; Bridge; Bridge (Polymer Fiber); Approach Slab (Type R Modified); Drainage Inlet}; Drill & Bond Dowel; Joint Seal
 Requirements: Brosamer & Wall, Inc. will work with interested subcontractors/suppliers to identify opportunities to break down items into economi-         (MR 1/2”) & (MR 1 1/2”); Bar Reinforcing Steel (Bridge); Furnish Structural Steel (Bridge); Erect Structural Steel (Bridge); Furnish Sign Structure
 cally feasible packages to facilitate DBE. Brosamer & Wall, Inc. is a union signatory contractor. Subcontractors must possess a current contractor’s       (Bridge Mounted without Walkway); Install Sign Structure (Bridge Mounted without Walkway); Clean & Paint Structural Steel; Bridge Removal
 license, insurance coverage, valid DBE certification, DIR (Department of Industrial Relations) registration number for public work projects, and           (Portion); 18” Reinforced Concrete Pipe (Class IV); 18” Concrete Flared End Section; Remove Culvert (LF); Remove Inlet; Remove Flared End
 worker’s compensation for the entire length of the contract. All subcontractors will be required to sign our standard Subcontract Agreement. 100%          Section (EA); Rock Slope Protection (60 LB, Class II, Method B) (CY); Rock Slope Protection Fabric (Class 8); Minor Concrete (Curb, Sidewalk
 payment and performance bonds may be required. If you have any questions regarding this project or need assistance in obtaining/waiving insur-             & Curb Ramp); Remove Concrete (Curb, Gutter, & Sidewalk) (CY); Pre/Post Construction Surveys; Miscellaneous Iron And Steel; Miscellaneous
 ance, bonding, equipment, materials and/or supplies please call or email Debby Pannell contact information below.                                          Metal (Bridge); Temporary Fence (Type CL-6); Temporary Chain Link Gate (Type CL-6, 20’ Wide); Remove Pavement Marker; Pavement Marker
 Plans and specifications can viewed at our office located at 1777 Oakland Blvd Suite 300, Walnut Creek, Ca. 94596 or can be accessed online at the         (Retroreflective); Remove Roadside Sign; Furnish Laminated Panel Sign (1”-Type A); Midwest Guardrail System (Wood Post); Vegetation
 City of Fresno Planet Bids website: You will need to register with Planet Bids and log in        Control Mat (Rubber); Chain Link Railing (Type 7); Transition Railing (Type WB-31); Rail Tensioning Assembly; End Anchor Assembly (Type
 to access the files for this project. B&W will also make plans & specs available electronically. Please email Debby Pannell at   SFT); Alternative In-Line Terminal System; Concrete Barrier (Type 60MGF), (Type 732SW) & (Type 842); Remove Guardrail; Salvage Metal
 for free online link. Brosamer & Wall Inc. intends to work cooperatively with all qualified firms seeking work on this project.                            Bridge Railing; Remove Concrete Barrier; Remove Thermoplastic Traffic Stripe; 6” Thermoplastic Traffic Stripe (Enhanced Wet Night Visibil-
 **Submit ALL Bid/Quotes via email to or via fax at 925-279-2269 along with a copy of your CURRENT DBE                          ity) (Broken 6-1) & (Broken 36-12); 6”, 8” & 12” Thermoplastic Traffic Stripe (Enhanced Wet Night Visibility); 8” Thermoplastic Traffic Stripe
 CERTIFICATION by 11am on bid day. Please Include your CSLB License Number & DIR Registration Number on all bid/quotes.                                     (Enhanced Wet Night Visibility) (Broken 12-3); Thermoplastic Crosswalk & Pavement Marking (Enhanced Wet Night Visibility); Contrast Stripe
 Subcontractors, Dealers/Suppliers and Brokers please provide your designation code to us on or before August 17, 2021.                                     Paint (1-Coat); Pavement Marking Tape (Warranty); 6” & 12” Traffic Stripe Tape With Contrast (Warranty); 6” Traffic Stripe Tape With Contrast
 B&W, INC., IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER.                                                                                                               (Warranty) (Broken 36-12); Maintaining Existing Traffic Management System Elements During Construction; Modifying Lighting Systems;
                                                                                                                                                            Modifying Signal & Lighting Systems; Modifying Fiber Optic Cable Systems; Mobilization
                                                                                                                                                                   Please Contact Brosamer & Wall Inc. at the email listed below for the complete list of the Actual Available Project Bid Items.
                                                                                                                                                            Requirements: Brosamer & Wall, Inc. will work with interested subcontractors/suppliers to identify opportunities to break down items into economi-
                                                                                                                                                            cally feasible packages to facilitate DBE. Brosamer & Wall, Inc. is a union signatory contractor. Subcontractors must possess a current contractor’s
                                                                                                                                                            license, insurance coverage, valid DBEDVBE certification, DIR (Department of Industrial Relations) registration number for public work projects,
                                                                                                                                                            and worker’s compensation for the entire length of the contract. All subcontractors will be required to sign our standard Subcontract Agreement.
                                                                                                                                                            100% payment and performance bonds may be required. If you have any questions regarding this project or need assistance in obtaining/waiving
                                                     O.C. Jones & Sons, Inc.                                                                                insurance, bonding, equipment, materials and/or supplies please call or email Debby Pannell contact information below.
                                            1520 Fourth Street • Berkeley, CA 94710                                                                         Plans and specifications can be viewed at our office located at 1777 Oakland Blvd Suite 300, Walnut Creek, Ca. 94596 or can be accessed for
                                          Phone: 510-526-3424 • FAX: 510-526-0990                                                                           free at the Caltrans website: B&W will also make plans & specs available electronically. Please email Debby
                                                    Contact: Greg Souder                                                                                    Pannell at for free online link. Brosamer & Wall Inc. intends to work cooperatively with all qualified firms seeking
                                                                                                                                                            work on this project. **Submit ALL Bid/Quotes via email to or via fax at 925-279-2269 along with a copy of your
                       REQUEST FOR MBE/WBE SUBCONTRACTORS AND SUPPLIERS FOR:                                                                                CURRENT DBE/DBVE CERTIFICATION by 11am on bid day. Please Include your CSLB License Number & DIR Registration Number on all bid/quotes.
                                                                                                                                                            Subcontractors, Dealers/Suppliers and Brokers please provide your designation code to us on or before September 2, 2021.
                                  The Resurfacing and Safety Improvements on
                                                                                                                                                                                                           B&W, INC., IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER.
                                     Crow Canyon Road at Various Locations
                                         Eden Township, Alameda County
                                         Alameda County Project No. 8410
                                      BID DATE: August 31, 2021 @ 2:00 PM
 We are soliciting quotes for (including but not limited to): Trucking, Temporary and Permanent Hydroseed
 and Erosion Control Measures, QC/QA Testing, Video/Photo Survey of Existing Facilities, Construction Survey,
 Monument Preservation, Safety Plan, Temporary Wildlife Fencing, Traffic Control System, Construction Area
 Signs, Portable Changeable Message Sign, Flashing Arrow Sign, SWPPP, Sweeping, Clearing & Grubbing, Modify
 Irrigation, AC Dike, Cold Plane AC, Structural Concrete, Structure Backfill, Rock Ballast, Filter Fabric, Rock Slope
 Protection, Gabion, Spiral Nail System, Adjust Utilities to Grade, Detectable Warning Surface, Minor Concrete,
 Survey Monument, Paint Curb, Fencing, Pavement Marker, Roadside Signs, Milepost Marker, Midwest Guardrail
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            RCS Inc.
 System, Alternative In-Line Terminal System, Guardrail Delineator, Striping & Marking, Rumble Strip, Electrical,                                                                                                 Kim Romero, President
 Solar Powered Speed Display Sign, and Construction Materials.                                                                                                                                         
 Greg Souder (510-809-3430 is the estimator on this project and he is available to pro-
 vide assistance or answer questions regarding the project scope of work including bid requirements, break out
 of bid items, plan or spec interpretation, bonding or insurance requirements, and other bid assistance. Plans and                                                                                         
 specs are available to review at our Berkeley office or can be sent out via Building Connected. PDF format quotes                                                                                               SBE/DBE/MBE Certified
 should be emailed to the estimator or faxed to 510-526-0990 prior to 12:00 PM on the date of the bid. Quotes
 from MBE/WBE Subcontractors, Suppliers and Truckers are highly encouraged. OCJ is willing to breakout any                                                                                                            DIR Certified
 portion of work to encourage MBE/WBE participation. Subcontractors must possess a current DIR, Contractors
 License, and insurance and workers compensation coverage including waiver of subrogation. OCJ may require
 Performance and Payment bonds on subcontracts. OCJ will pay the bond premium up to 2% of the contract value.                                                                                                   California Located
 Please contact OCJ for any assistance required by your firm in obtaining bonding or insurance. The US Small                                                                                               Servicing the Contractor with
 Business Administration may also assist you in obtaining bonding - please see the following site for information:                                                                                        Dedication and Professionalism Visit the California Access to Capital Program Financing Solutions web-
 site for additional resources for your small business -                                            Consulting Services
 OCJ is available to help obtain necessary equipment, material and/or supplies. All subcontractors are required                                             Baseline Schedule, Monthly Schedule Updates, Earned Value, Resource/Cost Loading,
 to execute OC Jones’ standard subcontract agreement, comply with all insurance requirements, and name OCJ
 as additional insured. Copies of our agreement and insurance requirements are available upon request. OCJ is                                               Cost Analysis, Change Order Review/Negotiation, Claim Assessment, Schedule De-
 a Union contractor, and we are signatory to the Operating Engineers, Laborers, Teamsters, and Carpenters. OCJ                                              lay, Disruption, Impact and Acceleration Analysis, Settlement Negotiation, Litigation
 is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
                                                                                                                                                            Support, Arbitration Support, Expert Reporting and Testimony.
California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Disparity Study
AUGUST 26, 2021 - SEPTEMBER 1, 2021                                                                                                                                                    SMALL BUSINESS EXCHANGE 5

             California Sub-Bid Request Ads
     D’Arcy & Harty Construction, Inc               Bids Requested from qualified DBE (including MBE, WBE) Subcontractors and Suppliers For:                         Mladen Buntich Construction Company Inc.
                                                                                                                                                                       1500 W. 9th Street, Upland, CA 91786
  (415) 822-5200 ph • (415) 822-0747 Fx                          DESIGN-BUILD FOR GROUNDWATER TREATMENT PLANTS                                                       Phone: 909-920-9977 • Fax: 909-920-9905
                                                                                            (PHASE B)                                                                           Contact: Kelly Bjerk
     Estimator:                                                                                                                                        Mon-Fri – 7:00am – 4:00pm
                                                                                    Owner: City of Anaheim
       Oro Loma Sanitary District                                                   Location: Anaheim, CA                                                                         Request for Quotes from
                                                                          Bid Date: September 29, 2021 @ 2:00 P.M.                                                              Subcontractors & Suppliers
        Sewer Collection System                                                                                                                                            Including City of San Diego Certified
         pipeline rehabilitation                                                                                                                                                      SLBE-ELBE firms
                                                                                                                                                                            Project Name: Harbor Drive Trunk
    and replacement project Phase 6                                                                                                                                                 Sewer Replacement
                                                                                                                                                                             Invitation No. K-22-1972-DBB-3
  UDBE/MBE/WBE sub-bids requested for:                                                                                                                                           Owner: City of San Diego
                                                                         667 Brea Canyon Road, Suite 30 • Walnut, CA  91789                                                Bid Date: September 2, 2021 – 2pm
        Saw-cutting & Trucking                                               Phone: (909) 595-4397, Fax: (909) 444-4268                                                             Quotations due by:
                                                                                                                                                                              September 1, 2021 – 12:00 pm
   Bids: September 1, 2021 at 2:00 pm                                         Contact: Lori Olivas,
                                                    J.F. Shea Construction, Inc. is soliciting your participation in the preparation of this bid. We are          Mladen Buntich Construction Company, Inc. is
                                                                                                                                                                  requesting bids for SLBE / ELBE contractors and
                                                    particularly interested in bids from subcontractors/suppliers for the following work items:                   suppliers for the services included below but not
                                                    Surveyor, Corrosion Engineer, Hydrogeologist, Well Rehabilitation, Geotechnical                               limited to:
           Layne Christensen Company
                                                    Engineer, Soil & Concrete Testing, Security Systems, Laboratory Testing, Architect,                           Sewage Bypass and Pumping, Dewatering Hazardous
                                                                                                                                                                  and Non-Hazardous Contaminated Water, Inspection
      1717 W Park Ave • Redlands CA 92373           Utility Location Services, AC Paving, Ready-Mix Concrete, Reinforcing Steel, Structural                       Services, Community Liaison Services, Preparation
          909-390-2833 • 909-390-5540               Steel, Miscellaneous Metals, Painting & Coatings, Roofing, and HVAC.                                          of Waste Management Plan, Monitoring of Contami-
                                                                                                                                                                  nated Soil, Testing, Sampling, Site Storage, and Han-
      Requesting Sub-bids from Qualified DBE               Plans and Specifications: Email your requests to                          dling of Soils Containing RCRA Hazardous Waste,
              Subcontractors/Vendors                         Plans may also be viewed at the Dodge Plan Rooms or at our Walnut Office.                            Petroleum Contaminated Soil, Archaeological and
               for the following project:                                                                                                                         Native American Monitoring Program, Paleontologi-
                                                                                                                                                                  cal Monitoring Program, Asphalt Pavement Repair,
        Construction of Wells No. 60 and 61         J.F. Shea Construction, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer and intends to negotiate in                     Rubber Polymer Modified Slurry (RPMS) Type I, II, and
               For the City of Anaheim              good faith with interested DBE (including MBE, WBE) firms and intends to utilize the lowest                   III, Sidewalk, Curb and Gutter Removal and Replace-
         Bid Deadline: 9/2/2021 at 2:00PM           responsive bidder. J.F. Shea expects potential subcontractors to be bondable. J.F. Shea will pay              ment, Abandon Existing Manhole, Imported Backfill,
                                                                                                                                                                  Manhole (PVC Lined), Sewer Lateral Connections,
 Layne Christensen Company is seeking DBE           for up to 1% for subcontractor bond costs. Subcontractors and Suppliers are expected to bid per               Video Inspection, Removal and Replacement of Ex-
 certified subcontractors and suppliers for por-    plans and specifications, including requirements for warranties. Standard manufacturer’s                      isting Thermoplastic Striping and Markings, Video
 table restrooms, mobile subcontract welding,       warranties, if not in conformance with owner’s specifications, will not be accepted.                          Recording, Potholing, Traffic Signal Loop and Appur-
 site security, temporary fence, temporary site                                                                                                                   tenance Replacement (Type E), Traffic Control Draw-
                                                                                                                                                                  ings, WPCP Development and Implementation.
 office and hauling of drilling fluids.
        Mr. Ricky Trujillo (909-390-2833) or                                                                                                                      Project Scope: Construction of the Harbor Drive
                                                                                                                                Trunk Sewer Replacement Project consists of re-
                                                                                                                                                                  placement of 1,044.93 LF of existing 12” ESVCP with
    is the Account Manager for this project and                                                                                                                   19” PVC Sewer Main, 279.18 LF of 12” EXPVC with
   is available to provide you with assistance to                                                                                                                 20” PPVC and 21” PVC under BNSF and MTS Right-
   clarify any questions regarding the scope of                                    Skanska-Coffman A Joint Venture                                                of-Way utilizing trenchless methods, 2,175.67LF of
       work, including interpretation of plans,                             Subcontractor/Supplier Bids/Proposals Requested                                       15” through 24” Techite Pipe with 20” FPVC inside a
                                                                                                                                                                  54” steel casing utilizing trenchless methods and all
          specifications and requirements.
                                                                                  ADP Airside Improvements Project                                                other work and appurtenances included in the Con-
                                                                                          San Diego County                                                        tract plans and specifications.
                                                                     Owner: San Diego County Regional Airport Authority (SDCRAA)                                  Assistance will be available with obtaining bonds, lines
           Sub-Bids Requested from                                                        Project #411001                                                         of credit, insurance, necessary equipment, supplies,
 DBE, MBE/WBE Subcontractors and Suppliers                              Revised Proposal Due Date: August 30, 2021 – 2:00 pm                                      materials, or related technical assistance.

          Oro Loma Sanitary District                Skanska USA Civil West California District Inc. and Coffman Specialties, Inc., a Joint Venture, is            By submitting a bid, subcontractor certifies that it
      Sewer Collection System Pipeline                                                                                                                            takes no exceptions to the project requirements un-
                                                    interested in soliciting in Good Faith all subcontractors and suppliers as well as certified DBE              less any exceptions, alternates, or “equals” are clear-
    Rehabilitation & Replacement Project            subcontractors and suppliers related to the scopes of work below                                              ly defined in their scope with reference to the appli-
                     Phase 6                                                                                                                                      cable portions of the plans/specifications. All bidders
         Bid Date 9/1/21 @ 2:00 P.M.                        Plans & Specs may be obtained from the Airport Authority’s Bid Management website:                    are expected to execute an MBC standard contract
     For Subcontractors & Suppliers in the                                                      and include performance bonds. MBC is a union sig-
       area of Trucking, Supply of Pipe &                                                                                                                         natory contractor. Any work by our subcontractors
                                                    Requested scopes include, but are not limited to the following and should be based on Contract                must allow MBC to conform to these agreements.
                Fittings, Striping
          Precision Engineering, Inc.               and its amendments:                                                                                           Plans Specifications, and Contract requirements can
              1939 Newcomb Ave                                                                                                                                    be viewed online at no additional cost:
           San Francisco, CA 94124                  Striping, Implement BMP’s , SWPPP, Temporary Erosion Control, Sweeping, Fencing, Excavation,                  •     DropBox – Please send email request to
           Ph: (415) 621-4882 x 100                 Aggregate Base, Tack Coat, Cold Plane Asphalt Concrete Pavement, Remove Concrete Pavement and             
                                                                                                                                                                  •     Via Planetbids:
              Fx: (415) 621-4812                    Base, Minor Concrete, Storm Drain, Signs, Electrical Systems, Trucking, Asphalt Paving, Dewatering,                 h t t p s : / / p b s y s t e m . p l a n e t b i d s . c o m / p o r-
             Contact: Finbar Brody                                                                                                                                      tal/17950/bo/bo-detail/85533#bidInformation
                                                    Wet Utilities, Storm Drain Filtration, Traffic Control, Cistern and Pump Control Room, and Cement
  For assistance with bonding, lines of credit,
                                                    Treated Base.                                                                                                  Please email all quotes to:
 insurance,or anything else regarding bidding
            on this project, contact                Requirements: Skanska Coffman a Joint Venture is an Equal Opportunity Employer and is requesting
     Precision Engineering, Inc. via phone          quotes from all qualified subcontractors and suppliers. Skanska Coffman a Joint Venture will assist
        An Equal Opportunity Employer               qualified subcontractors, vendors, & suppliers in obtaining bonding, lines of credit, insurance, neces-
                                                    sary equipment, materials and/or supplies. If you are a DBE Company, please provide your certifica-
                                                    tion letter with your proposal. If you are a non-DBE, please indicate all lower-tier participation on your
                                                    quotation as it will be evaluated with your price. In order to assist DBE subcontractors and suppliers,
                                                                                                                                                                 SBA Awards $2.7M in
           Sub-Bids Requested from                  we will divide total requirements into smaller packages, tasks or quantities & establish delivery & con-     Grants to 14 Women’s
 DBE, MBE/WBE Subcontractors and Suppliers          struction schedules which will permit maximum participation when feasible. Subcontracting Require-
          Oro Loma Sanitary District                ments: Skanska Coffman a Joint Venture’s insurance requirements are Commercial General Liability             Business Centers
                                                    (GL): $1M ea. occ., $1M personal injury, $2M products & completed operations agg. & general agg.;
      Sewer Collection System Pipeline
                                                    $1M Auto Liability; $5M Excess/Umbrella and $1M Workers Comp. Endorsements and waivers required              g Continued from page 1
    Rehabilitation & Replacement Project
                     Phase 2                        are the Additional Insured End., Primary Wording End., & a Waiver of Subrogation (GL & WC). Other
                                                    insurance requirements may be necessary per RFP requirement. Subcontractors may be required to
                                                                                                                                                                                         Sacramento, CA
        Bid Date 9/22/21 @ 2:00 P.M.
                                                    furnish performance and payment bonds in the full amount of their subcontract by an admitted surety.         California Capital Women’s Business Center
     For Subcontractors & Suppliers in the
                                                    Skanska Coffman a Joint Venture will pay bond premium. Quotations must be valid for the same dura-
       area of Trucking, Supply of Pipe &
                Fittings, Striping                  tion as specified by the Owner for contract award. Conditions or exceptions in Subcontractor’s quote                              Santa Barbara, CA
                                                    are expressly rejected unless accepted in writing. Skanska Coffman a Joint Venture is signatory to the
          Precision Engineering, Inc.               Operating Engineers, Laborers, Cement Masons, & Carpenters Unions. Subcontractors must provide               Women’s Economic Ventures Women’s
              1939 Newcomb Ave                                                                                                                                   Business Center
                                                    weekly, one original and one copy of all certified payrolls, including non-performance and fringe ben-
           San Francisco, CA 94124
                                                    efit statements if required by law or by the Prime Contract. Please note that all Contractors and Sub-
           Ph: (415) 621-4882 x 100                                                                                                                                                        Twin Falls, ID
                                                    contractors must register with The DIR (Department of Industrial Relations) in order to bid on public
              Fx: (415) 621-4812
             Contact: Finbar Brody                  works projects. Include CSLB License Number and DIR Number on All Quotes Submitted.                          Idaho Women’s Business Center-Twin Falls
  For assistance with bonding, lines of credit,          Skanska Coffman A Joint Venture is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer
 insurance,or anything else regarding bidding
                                                                                                                                                                 Vist the link below for the full article:
                                                                                  EEO/AA/Vet/Disability Employer
            on this project, contact                              Estimating Department: 1995 Agua Mansa Rd, Riverside, CA 92509                       
     Precision Engineering, Inc. via phone
                                                                            Phone: (951) 684-5360 • Fax: (951) 788-2449                                          awards-27m-grants-14-womens-business-
        An Equal Opportunity Employer
                                                                      Lead Estimator: Joe Sidor • Email:                                  centers
California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Disparity Study
6 SMALL BUSINESS EXCHANGE                                                                                                                                                                                             AUGUST 26, 2021 - SEPTEMBER 1, 2021

                California Sub-Bid Request Ads
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ANDREW M JORDAN INC
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            dba A & B CONSTRUCTION
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    1350 Fourth Street, Berkeley, CA 94710
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Phone: 510-999-6000 Fax: 510-982-3636
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Requests proposals/quotes from all qualified DBE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               certified subcontractors, suppliers, and truckers

       431 Payran Street, Petaluma, CA 94952                   An Equal Opportunity Employer is requesting quotations from all qualified Professional services, sub-contractors, material suppliers and                        for the following project:

     Phone: 707-835-2900 • Fax: 707-835-2994                                     trucking including certified Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) for the following project:
              Contact: Kelsey Godfrey                                                                                                                                                                             Caltrans Project # 04-0K6704, in San Mateo County &
                                                                               Caltrans ~ 03-1H18U4                                                                         South San Francisco At 0.1 Mile North of Francisco Drive.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Bids: September 8, 2021 @ 2:00 pm
                                                                  Route 80 In and Near Truckee from 0.2 Mile West of Donner Park Overcrossing to Route 89/267 Separation – Nevada County
     REQUESTS QUOTATIONS FROM DBE AND ALL                                                                                                                                                                      LCP, CONST. ARE SIGNS , TRAFFIC CNTRL SYSTEM, CHANNEL-
                                                                                                       03-Nev-80-13.0/16.5 ~ Project ID 0321000106                                                             IZER, PORTABLE RADAR & MESSAGE SPEED FEEDBACK SIGN,
                                                                                                Roadway excavation, JPCP and furnish polyester concrete overlay.                                               TEMP. RAILING, ALTERNATIVE TEMP. CRASH CUSHION, SWPPP,
        FOR ALL TRADES FOR THE FOLLOWING                                                                                                                                                                       EROSION CNTRL, STREET SWEEPING, TEMP. CONC. WASHOUT,
                        PROJECT:                                                                              Bid Date: October 5, 2021 at 2:00 PM                                                             TREATED WOOD WASTE, REMOVE CONC. CLEAR & GRUBB,
                                                                                                                                                                                                               ROADWAY & STRUCTURE EXCAVATION (SOLDIER PILE WALL),
                                                                                           **Bidding Electronically. Quotes need to be received by 11:00am on bid day**
     BUS MAINTENANCE FACILITY SHEEHY COURT                                                                                                                                                                     (AERIALLY DEPOSITED LEAD), STRUCTURE BF (SOLDIER PILE

                        NAPA, CA                                                                                             CONTACT:                                                                          WALL), CONC. BF (SOLDIER PILE WALL), LEAN CONC. BF, HMA
                                                                                                                                                                                                               (TYPE A), PLACE HMA AC DIKE (TYPE A) & (TYPE C), REMOVE
                  NVTA IFB NO. 21-01                                                                                      Debby Pannell                                                                        AC. DIKE, STEEL SOLDIER PILE, 30” DRILLED HOLE, STRUCTURAL
      BID DATE: September 8, 2021 at 2:00pm                                                                            Brosamer & Wall Inc.                                                                    CONC. DI, MINOR CONC. (BF), TIMBER LAGGING MFBM, CLEAN
                                                                                                                                                                                                               & PAINT STEEL SOLDIER PILING, REMOVE RETAINING WALL,
              ESTIMATE: $25,000,000.00                                                             1777 Oakland Blvd, Suite 300, Walnut Creek, California 94596                                                GRATED LINE DRAIN, INLET DEPRESSION, REMOVE CULVERT,
                                                                                                             PH: 925-932-7900 • FAX: 925-279-2269                                                              MISC. IRON & STEEL, TEMP. FENCE (TYPE CL-6), GUARD RAIL-
 Trades needed but not limited to:                                                                                                                                                                             ING DELINEATOR, REMOVE ROADSIDE SIGN, FURNISH SINGLE
 Site Demo, Earthwork, Grade, Pave, Site Utilities,                                                                        PROJECT SCOPE:                                                                      SHT ALUM. SIGN (0.063”-UNFRAMED) SQFT, FURNISH SINGLE
                                                                                                                                                                                                               SHT ALUM. SIGN (0.080”-UNFRAMED) SQFT, INSTALL ROADSIDE
 Site Concrete, Rebar, Concrete Floor Sealing,                       Brosamer & Wall Inc., is requesting quotes from all qualified subcontractors, suppliers, and truckers including certified DBEs            SIGN, MIDWEST GUARDRAIL SYSTEM (STEEL POST), VEGETA-
 Polished Concrete Finishing, Quartz-Aggregate                                                     on all items of work type listed below, including but not limited to:                                       TION CNTRL, END ANCHOR ASSEMBLY, ALTERNATIVE IN-LINE
 Finishing, CMU Masonry, Landscape and Irriga-                                                                                                                                                                 TERMINAL SYSTEM, REMOVE GUARDRAIL, MODIFYING LIGHTING
 tion, Electrical, Structural and Misc. Metals, Steel
                                                             ·Lead Compliance Plan ·Develop Water Supply ·Construction Area Signs ·Traffic Control System ·Stationary Impact Attenuator Vehicle ·Type          SYSTEMS, MOBILIZATION.

 Decking, Custom Decorative Metal Fences, Deco-              III Barricade ·Temporary Traffic Stripe (Paint) ·Plastic Traffic Drums ·Portable Radar Speed Feedback Sign System ·Temporary Pedestrian Ac-       Bonding, insurance, lines of credit and any technical assistance
 rative Metal Fences and Gates, CL Fences and                cess Route ·Portable Changeable Message Sign ·Temporary Railing (Type K) ·Temporary Crash Cushion ·Temporary Traffic Screen ·Prepare              or information related to the plans & specifications & require-
                                                                                                                                                                                                               ments for the work will be made available to interested suppliers
 Gates, SS Countertops, Cabinetry & Plam Paneling,           Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan ·Rain Event Action Plan ·Storm Water Sampling and Analysis Day ·Storm Water Annual Report ·Tempo-
                                                                                                                                                                                                               & subcontractors. Assistance with obtaining necessary equip-
 Bituminous Dampproofing, Crystalline WP, Below              rary Erosion Control Blanket ·Move-In/Move-Out (Temporary Erosion Control) ·Temporary Hydraulic Mulch (Bonded Fiber Matrix) ·Temporary            ment, supplies, materials, or related assistance or services for this
 Grade Vapor Retarders, Plastic Sheet Air Barriers           Cover ·Temporary Check Dam ·Temporary Drainage Inlet Protection ·Temporary Fiber Roll ·Temporary Gravel Bag Berm ·Temporary Silt Fence            project will also be offered to interested DVBE certified suppliers,
 (Tyvec), Standing Seam Metal Roofing and WPs,                                                                                                                                                                 subcontractors, truckers. A & B is signatory to the Operating Engi-
                                                             ·Temporary Construction Entrance ·Street Sweeping ·Temporary Concrete Washout ·Temporary Creek Diversion Systems ·Treated Wood Waste              neers and Laborers Collective Bargaining Agreements.
 Formed Metal WPs, HM, Doors, Hardware, Glass,
                                                             ·Temporary High-Visibility Fence ·Clearing And Grubbing ·Roadway Excavation ·Shoulder Backing ·Sand Bedding ·Wood Mulch ·Check and Test
 Glazing, Aluminum Storefronts, Translucent Pan-                                                                                                                                                               100% Payment & Performance bonds will be required from a sin-
 els (Kalwall), Fixed Sunscreens, OH Coiling Doors,          Existing Irrigation Facilities ·Bonded Fiber Matrix ·Rolled Erosion Control Product (Netting) ·Compost ·Class 2 Aggregate Base ·Base Bond         gle, Treasury-listed surety company subject to A & B’s approval. A

 Sectional Doors, Thermal Insulation, Gypboard and           Breaker ·Hot Mix Asphalt (Type A) ·Minor Hot Mix Asphalt ·Place Hot Mix Asphalt Dike (Type E & Type F) ·Tack Coat ·Remove Asphalt Concrete        & B will pay bond premium up to 1.5%. Subcontractors awarded
                                                                                                                                                                                                               on any project will be on A & B’s standard form for subcontract
 Metal Framing, Ceramic Tiling, Acoustic Tile Ceil-          Dike ·Cold Plane Asphalt Concrete Pavement ·Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement ·Drill And Bond (Dowel Bar) ·Drill And Bond (Tie Bar) ·Individual     without any modifications. For questions or assistance required
 ings, Resilient Base and Carpet, Acid Resistant             Slab Replacement (RSC) ·Replace Joint Seal (Asphalt Rubber) ·Remove Concrete Pavement (CY) ·Grind Existing Concrete Pavement ·60”                 on the above, please call Abel Canlas at 510-210-2832 or at
 Resinous Flooring, Resinous Flooring at Wash Bays,          Cast-In-Drilled-Hole Concrete Pile (Sign Foundation) ·Structural Concrete ·Drainage Inlet ·Minor Concrete ·Furnish And Install Sign Structure
 Painting, Graffiti Resistant Coatings, Epoxy Coat-                                                                                                                                                            Project Link:
                                                             ·Polyester Concrete Overlay ·Plastic Pipe ·Reinforced Concrete Pipe ·Corrugated Steel Pipe ·Slotted Plastic Pipe ·Corrugated Steel Pipe Down-
 ings for Wash Bay Walls, Vehicle Service Equip-                                                                                                                                                               project.php?q=04-0K6704
                                                             drain ·Anchor Assembly ·Alternative Flared End Section ·Abandon Culvert ·Abandon Inlet ·Cleaning, Inspecting, and Preparing Culvert ·Sand
 ment, Compressed Air Vehicle Service, Vacuum                                                                                                                                                                                We are an Equal Opportunity Employer
 Equipment, Vehicle Wash Equipment, Vehicle Lifts,
                                                             Backfill ·Cured-In-Place Pipeliner ·Concrete (Ditch Lining) ·Rock Slope Protection ·Detectable Warning Surface ·Pre/Post Construction Surveys
 Fabricated Equipment, Roof Exp Joints, Folding              ·Miscellaneous Iron and Steel ·Manhole Frame and Cover ·Concrete Barrier Delinetor ·Delineator (Class 2) ·Signage ·Midwest Guardrail System
 Panel Partitions, Storage Equipment, Sheet Metal,           (Steel Post) ·Vegetation Control ·Transition Railing (Type WB-31) ·End Anchor Assembly ·Two-Component Paint Pavement Marking and Stripe
 HVAC, Plumbing, Fire Sprinklers, Survey, Ero-               ·Rumble Strip (Asphalt Concrete Pavement and Concrete Pavement) ·Traffic Stripe ·Maintaining Existing Traffic Management System Elements
 sion Control, Pave Markings, Fire Stopping, Joint           During Construction ·Locating and Mapping Underground Facilities ·Fiber Optic Cable Systems ·Modifying Lighting Systems ·Modifying Sign
 Sealants, Plastic Paneling, Roof Hatches, Access            Illumination Systems ·Modifying Traffic Monitoring Stations ·Mobilization ·Etc.
 Doors, Mirrors, Louvers, Signage, Toilet Acces-
 sories and Compartments, Corner Guards, Fire                        Please Contact Brosamer & Wall Inc. at the email listed below for the complete list of the Actual Available Project Bid Items.
 Department Boxes, FECs, Lockers, Roller Window              Requirements: Brosamer & Wall, Inc. will work with interested subcontractors/suppliers to identify opportunities to break down items into
 Shades, Projection Screens, Tactile Warning Sur-
                                                             economically feasible packages to facilitate DBE. Brosamer & Wall, Inc. is a union signatory contractor. Subcontractors must possess a current
 facing, Parking Bumpers, Bike Lockers, Bike Rack,
                                                             contractor’s license, insurance coverage, valid DBE certification, DIR (Department of Industrial Relations) registration number for public work
 Trash Receptacle
                                                             projects, and worker’s compensation for the entire length of the contract. All subcontractors will be required to sign our standard Subcontract
 All contractors shall be registered with the Department     Agreement. 100% payment and performance bonds may be required. If you have any questions regarding this project or need assistance in
 of Industrial Relations pursuant to Labor Code Sec-         obtaining/waiving insurance, bonding, equipment, materials and/or supplies please call or email Debby Pannell contact information below.
 tion 1725.5 to be qualified to bid on, be listed in a bid
 proposal (submitted on or after March 1, 2015) or be        Plans and specifications can be viewed at our office located at 1777 Oakland Blvd Suite 300, Walnut Creek, Ca. 94596 or can be
 awarded a contract for public work on a public works        accessed for free at the Caltrans website: B&W will also make plans & specs available electronically. Please email
 project (awarded on or after April 1, 2015). In addition,   Debby Pannell at for free online link. Brosamer & Wall Inc. intends to work cooperatively with all qualified firms
 they are subject to the requirements of Section 4104
 of the Public Contract Code.
                                                             seeking work on this project. **Submit ALL Bid/Quotes via email to or via fax at 925-279-2269 along with a copy
                                                             of your CURRENT DBE CERTIFICATION by 11am on bid day. Please Include your CSLB License Number & DIR Registration Number on all bid/quotes.                   DIVERSITY
 BONDING, INSURANCE, TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE                    Subcontractors, Dealers/Suppliers and Brokers please provide your designation code to us on or before October 5, 2021.
 AVAILABLE. PLANS AVAILABLE IN GC’S PLAN ROOM.                                                            B&W, INC., IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER.
                                                                                                                                                                                                               • Advertise
 ARNTZ BUILDERS, INC. REQUIREMENT THAT SUB-                                                                 KJ Woods Construction, Inc.
                                                                                                        is requesting quotes from certified                                                                    • ITB to Targeted (NAIC/SIC/UNSPSC)
                                                                                                                DBE businesses for                                                                               Certified Business
 ACCEPTABE TO ARNTZ BUILDERS. YOUR PROPOSAL                                                      Oro Loma Sanitary District (OLSD)                                                                             • Telephone Follow-up (Live)
                                                                                                  Sewer Collection System Pipeline
 SUBCONTRACT MAY BE FOUND ON OUR WEBSITE:                                                 Rehabilitation and Replacement Project – Phase 2                                                                     • Agency/Organization Letters
 WWW.ARNTZBUILDERS.COM. THE SUBMISSION OF                                                                Project #45-146.02
                                                                                                                   Due 9/22/21 @ 2 PM
                                                                                                                                                                                                               • Computer Generated Dated/
 YOU HAVE REVIEWED AND APPROVED OUR SUBCON-                                                                                                                                                                      Timed Documentation
 TRACT TERMS. BOND PREMIUM TO BE INCLUDED IN                 We are seeking subs/suppliers of Traffic Control, Paving, Grinding, Install Concrete Flatwork,
 BID AS A SEPARATE ITEM. SUBCONTRACTORS WILL                                                                                                                                                                   • Customized Reports Available
                                                             Manholes, Excavation, Shoring, Trucking, Saw Cutting, Sewer Bypass, TV Inspection, and Pipe
 TION ENDORSEMENT TO THEIR WORKERS COMPEN-                   Bursting.                                                                                                                                                      Visit this link for the
 SATION INSURANCE.                                           Payment & performance bonds may be required. Subs are encouraged to contact                                                                                 OUTREACH ORDER FORM:
   WE ARE SIGNATORY TO THE CARPENTER’S AND                   Cristina Bernal / 415.759.0506 for info/assist with insurance reqs,                                                            
 LABORER’S COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENTS                  bonding, lines of credit, equipment or instructions to obtain plans/specs at no cost                                                                         diversity_outreach.cfm
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