Broadcast Schedule Series Summary - Term 4, 2021 - ABC News

Page created by Mike Yates
Broadcast Schedule Series Summary - Term 4, 2021 - ABC News
Broadcast Schedule
         Series Summary
           Term 4, 2021
4 October - 10 December June 2021
  ABC TV Education broadcasts on ABC ME - Channel 23
ABC TV Education
                                     Broadcast Schedule - Term 4, 2021
                                     Program Series Summary



                                                                                                   Design &




    199 Little Heroes                                                                                           UP-LS

    ABC SingSong (NEW)                                                 LP

    Advice To My 12 Year Old Self                                                                                                                                     UP

    Are You Tougher Than Your Ancestors?                                                                                             MP-UP

    Back In Time For Dinner: Education Shorts                                                                                        LP-MP

    Bertram Poppingstock: Problem Solver                             LS-MS

    Big Words Small Stories (NEW)                                       P

    Bistro Escargot                                                                                                                             MP-LS

    Bringing Books to Life                                           MP-LS

    BTN                                                                                  UP-LS

    BTN Specials                                                                                                             MP-LS

    BTN: Antarctica Special                                                                                     UP-LS                                                         UP-LS

    BTN: Media Literacy                                              LS-US                         LS-US

    Bug Technology                                                                                 UP-LS

    Catalyst Segments                                                                                                                                                            S

    Children of the Holocaust                                                                                                        MS-US

    Citizen Code                                                                                       S

    Colonising Australia 1788-1901                                                                                                    MS

    Creating A Nation                                                                                                                   S

    Dates That Made History                                                                                                             S

    Eco Eye: Sustainable Solutions                                                                     S                                                                         S

    Further Back In Time For Dinner: Daily Life In The Past                                                                           UP

    George The Farmer                                                                                  P

    Get Into Textiles                                                                              MS-US

    Get Into Textiles                                                                              MS-US

    History Hunters                                                                                                                     P

    Kids of Courage                                                                                                                  LS-MS

    Koumi's Animated Picture Book (NEW)                                                                         LP-MP                                                         LP-MP

    Lest We Forget What? Education Shorts                                                                                               S

    Life Sentence                                                       S

    Look Kool                                                                                                                                                MP-LS

    Maddie's Do You Know? (NEW)                                                                                              LP-MP                                            LP-MP

    Mindful Earth (NEW)                                                                                                                                               P-S

Key to Levels:
LP Lower Primary (K/f, 1, 2) MP Middle Primary (3, 4) UP Upper Primary (5, 6)
LS Lower Secondary (7, 8) MS Middle Seconary (9, 10) US Upper Secondary (11, 12)
ABC TV Education
                                   Broadcast Schedule - Term 4, 2021
                                   Program Series Summary



                                                                                                  Design &




    Mini Lessons                                                                                                                                         MP-UP

    Mini Lessons: English                                            MP

    Mini Lessons: Maths                                                                                                                                  MP-UP

    Mixed Up Maths                                                                                                                                         P

    Moodies                                                                                                                                                       LP-MP

    Move It Mob Style                                                                                                                                             UP-LS

    Operation Ouch!                                                                                                                                               MP-LS

    Operation Ouch! Clips (NEW)                                                                                                                                   MP-LS

    Places Of Worship                                                           LS

    Pocket Compass                                                             LS-US                                               LS-US

    Rhymes and Songs (NEW)                                 LP-MP

    Science Max! Experiments At Large                                                                                                                    MP-MS             MP-MS

    Shakespeare Uncovered                                     S        S

    Smart Materials                                                                                   S

    So You Want To Be A Designer?                                                                     S

    Tell Me A Tale                                                                                                                                                 LP

    Tell Your Story, Change Your World                              MS-US                                                                                         MS-US

    The Mindfulness Tool Kit                                                                                                                                        P

    The Pen Licence                                                                                                                                                 P

    The Wacky Word Show                                             MP-UP

    Throwback: Our Childhoods Revisited                             UP-LS

    Wacky Number Songs (NEW)                                                                                                                             MP-UP

    Wacky Word Songs (NEW)                                          MP-UP

    Water Wisdom                                                                                               MP-LS                                                       MP-LS

    What It's Like                                                                                                                                                UP-LS

    What's For Dinner?                                                                                                       P

    Where in the World?                                                                                                     LP

    Wow That's Amazing                                                                                                      LP

Key to Levels:
LP Lower Primary (K/f, 1, 2) MP Middle Primary (3, 4) UP Upper Primary (5, 6)
LS Lower Secondary (7, 8) MS Middle Seconary (9, 10) US Upper Secondary (11, 12)
ABC TV Education
                                  Broadcast Schedule - Term 4, 2021
                                  4 October - 10 December, 2021


      Date           Time             Episode Title                                                                    Synopsis
 199 Little Heroes UP-LS: Geography
   Thu 07 Oct 21      11:00   Kenya                           G       CC Samson lives in Kibera, Kenya. He travels to school by bus each day. Samson loves science and
                                                                         wants to become a doctor.
   Thu 14 Oct 21      11:00   Lithuania                       G       CC Ignas lives in Vilnius, Lithuania. He has a short walk to school, through the busy city streets. Ignas
                                                                         loves computer games and robotics. He hopes to one day create a robot or game that helps
                                                                         people in their everyday lives.
   Thu 21 Oct 21      11:00   Nepal                           G       CC Anish lives in the mountains of Ganesh, in Nepal. He travels to school through the jungle, but has
                                                                         no fear of the bears and tigers he could meet along the way.
   Thu 28 Oct 21      11:05   Peru                            G       CC Valeria is 12 years old and lives in Arequipa in Peru. She walks to the bus stop each day with her
                                                                         mother, and attends a German/Peruvian school. Valeria is interested in the environment and
                                                                         social equality.
   Thu 04 Nov 21      11:05   Romania                         G       CC Andrei lives in a village in Romania. He walks to school each day with his younger sister through
                                                                         the fields and country lanes. Andrei loves maths and is the top of his class in school.

   Thu 11 Nov 21      11:00   Switzerland                     G       CC Enjo lives in Quinten, a forest glade in the mountains of Switzerland, with his parents and three
                                                                         cats: Tom, Milu and Panther. Enjo is a deep thinker, who enjoys researching new things.

   Thu 18 Nov 21      11:00   USA                             G       CC Sai is an aspiring brain surgeon. She travels to school on the subway in New York, and tells us
                                                                         about the challenges of living in a big city.
   Thu 25 Nov 21      11:00   Austria                         G       CC Vincent lives in Ebensee on The Feuerkogel, a mountain in Austria. His family runs a ski resort and
                                                                         hotel. Each day he skis down the mountain with his father, to attend school in the valley below.

   Thu 02 Dec 21      11:00   Jordan                          G       CC Ekhlas lives in a Bedouin community in Jordon, As Sal. Her journey to school is shared by 9 sisters
                                                                         and 4 brothers, a very special type of life experience shared by millions of children around the
   Thu 09 Dec 21      11:05   Australia                       G       CC Koolee is 10-years-old and lives in the small outback town of Winton in Central Western
                                                                         Queensland. Koolee is from the Waluwarra and Yirendali people. She loves to play sport,
                                                                         especially rugby league and running.
 ABC SingSong (NEW) LP: English
   Fri 08 Oct 21      10:00   k                               G                 Letter K is OK with me.
   Fri 15 Oct 21      10:00   l                               G                 We're loving the letter L.
   Fri 22 Oct 21      10:00   m                               G                 M is for move.
   Fri 29 Oct 21      10:00   n                               G                 This is the letter N, my friends.
   Fri 05 Nov 21      10:00   o                               G                 Get to know the letter O.
   Fri 12 Nov 21      10:00   p                               G                 Letter P pops up in a plentiful way.
   Fri 19 Nov 21      10:00   q                               G                 It's a quest for the letter Q.
   Fri 26 Nov 21      10:00   r                               G                 Letter R is right on.
   Fri 03 Dec 21      10:00   s                               G                 S is for skunk.
   Fri 10 Dec 21      10:00   t                               G                 Tick tock. It's letter T time.

 Advice To My 12 Year Old Self UP: PDHPE
  Wed 24 Nov 21       11:00   Linda Burney                    G       CC Linda Burney is a Labor politician, who is incredibly proud of how she represents the Indigenous
                                                                         community by displaying grace and kindness.

  Wed 24 Nov 21       11:15   Karlie Noon                     G       CC Karlie Noon changed the world by being a female, indigenous scientist who looks at how our
                                                                         universe works!

  Wed 01 Dec 21       11:25   Hunter Page-Lochard             G       CC Actor Hunter Page-Lochard has played many roles in film and tv, and gives his views on what
                                                                         bravery and being a man mean to him.

 Are You Tougher Than Your Ancestors? MP-UP: History
  Wed 06 Oct 21       10:30   Moonta - Kernewek               G       CC In 1898 13 year old Cornish miner Robert Richards worked full time, attended night school, did
                              Lowender!                                  chores and raced billy carts! Can Jack and Makayla finish all his jobs and still make it to the
                                                                         Moonta Goat Cart championships?

  Wed 13 Oct 21       10:30   Mina - Olympia!                 G       CC Former world record holder Wilhelmina "Mina" Wylie, along with friend Fanny Durack, were
                                                                         Australia's first female Olympians, swimming their way to victory at the 1912 Stockholm Games.
                                                                         Can Sienna and Paige beat Mina's time?

Key to Levels:
LP Lower Primary (K/f, 1, 2) MP Middle Primary (3, 4) UP Upper Primary (5, 6)
LS Lower Secondary (7, 8) MS Middle Seconary (9, 10) US Upper Secondary (11, 12)                                                                                                  4
ABC TV Education
                                  Broadcast Schedule - Term 4, 2021
                                  4 October - 10 December, 2021


      Date           Time             Episode Title                                                                   Synopsis
  Wed 20 Oct 21       10:30   Kadli - The Big Match           G       CC In 1832, 13 year old Kadli was chosen as the best player of the match during a Kaurna game of
                                                                         Parntu. Can our modern footballers Ray Ray and Jaikye match his skills to win the best and fairest

  Wed 27 Oct 21       10:30   Lennie - Lennie The Legend      G       CC In 1932, 9 year old Lennie Gwyther and his pony Ginger Mick travelled 1,000 kilometres from
                                                                         South Gippsland to Sydney to see the opening of the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Can Gracey and
                                                                         Mikey complete 24 hours of his journey?

  Wed 03 Nov 21       10:30   Hahndorf - Pioneer Living       G       CC In 1850, 12 year old Thekla Staude regularly trekked 26 kilometres from her home in Hahndorf
                              German Style!                              village to sell her handmade produce at market in Adelaide. Will Maeve and Harper complete the
                                                                         long walk to market to make a sale?

  Wed 10 Nov 21       10:35   Cameleers - The Original        G       CC In the early 1900s, teenage Afghan Aboriginal cameleer, William Satour, guided his father's camel
                              'Ghan' Trains                              train through some of Australia's toughest country. Can Ezekiel and Nathaniel deliver their cargo
                                                                         safely and on time?

  Wed 17 Nov 21       10:35   Rollerskating - Dancing on      G       CC 12 year old artistic roller skater Tammy Bryant trained hard to master the routines that won her
                              Wheels!                                    the 1989 Australian National Championship. Can Charli and Matthew learn the signature moves
                                                                         that made Tammy a champion?

  Wed 24 Nov 21       10:35   James Craig - Plane Sailing!    G       CC In 1912, 14 year old sailor Douglas Bull was awarded the rank of 'Ordinary Seaman' by his ship's
                                                                         Captain. Can Stella and Caitlin prove they have what it takes to match Douglas' achievement?

  Wed 01 Dec 21       10:35   Milk Run!                       G       CC In 1940s Melbourne, teenage milkman Conway Tighe got up in the early hours every morning to
                                                                         harness his horse and complete his milk deliveries on time. Will Jeffrin and Harry match his
                                                                         dedication and get the job done?

  Wed 08 Dec 21       10:35   Dai Gum San! Bendigo            G       CC 9 year old Christina Tie performed in Bendigo?s famous Easter Parade in 1889. Can Avie and
                              Easter Festival                            Alyssa learn the skills they need to put on a show that delights the crowd?

 Back In Time For Dinner: Education Shorts LP-MP: History
  Wed 06 Oct 21       10:25   1950s                           G       CC Take a tour around a home in the 1950s. Where is the fridge, and what is an ice-box?! Why does
                                                                         the meat come wrapped in paper and string? And why did housework take so much longer than
  Wed 13 Oct 21       10:25   1960s                           G       CC Step into a home in the 1960s! Students can take a look at what everyday life may have looked
                                                                         like for their grandparents.. Why is there only one phone for the whole house and why is it
                                                                         connected to the wall?
  Wed 20 Oct 21       10:25   1970s                          PG       CC What was family life like in the 1970s? In this episode Mum Carol has gone back to work and the
                                                                         children now have to look after themselves after school.

  Wed 27 Oct 21       10:25   1980s                           G       CC Come and visit a home from the 80s - Some familiar technology is starting to appear in homes;
                                                                         microwaves, computers and mobile phones, but they all look much bigger than what we use
  Wed 03 Nov 21       10:25   1990s                           G       CC The 1990s - Technology continues to transform homes in the 90s as we see the impact of CD's,
                                                                         dishwashers becoming commonplace, and most revolutionary of all - the internet arrives in

 Bertram Poppingstock: Problem Solver LS-MS: English
   Fri 22 Oct 21      10:40   Improving Your Reading         PG       CC Sir Professor Teacher plants a bomb in the school's boiler system, it's up to Bertram and Polly to
                              Vocabulary                                 use their knowledge of vocabulary and reading strategies in order to make sense of a partly
                                                                         burned instruction manual.
   Fri 29 Oct 21      10:40   Improving Your Writing          G       CC Bertram is invited to his former school to make a speech about improving vocabulary when
                              Vocabulary                                 writing.
   Fri 05 Nov 21      10:40   Basic Spelling Rules            G       CC Sir Professor Teacher has taken the internet hostage and Bertram has to complete a series of
                                                                         complex spelling challenges to stop him from shutting it down.
   Fri 12 Nov 21      10:40   Spelling For Effect             G       CC Bertram's video blog about spelling for humour and characterisation doesn't seem very popular -
                                                                         until one of his fans invites him to do a stand-up comedy routine!
   Fri 19 Nov 21      10:40   Structural Elements             G       CC Bertram Poppingstock is as determined as ever to save the world from his latest archrival - an evil
                                                                         media mogul manipulating the news to serve her own diabolical agenda.

   Fri 26 Nov 21      10:40   Visual Features                 G       CC Ever wondered how to create a killer publication layout? Come and explore the visual and
                                                                         interactive elements of media texts with the irrepressible Bertram Poppingstock.

   Fri 03 Dec 21      10:40   Bias In The Media               G       CC Do you find yourself getting all hot under the collar because of media bias? Well, Bertram
                                                                         Poppingstock knows exactly how you feel. Watch as he wages a battle against biased reporting
                                                                         and persuasive media spin.
Key to Levels:
LP Lower Primary (K/f, 1, 2) MP Middle Primary (3, 4) UP Upper Primary (5, 6)
LS Lower Secondary (7, 8) MS Middle Seconary (9, 10) US Upper Secondary (11, 12)                                                                                               5
ABC TV Education
                                  Broadcast Schedule - Term 4, 2021
                                  4 October - 10 December, 2021


      Date           Time            Episode Title                                                                           Synopsis
   Fri 10 Dec 21      10:40   Stereotypes In The Media        G       CC Come along with us on our mission to weed out stereotypes in the media. We trace the origins of
                                                                         media stereotypes from false assumptions, traditions and prejudice, and look at how they are
                                                                         represented in popular media.
 Big Words Small Stories (NEW) P: English
   Fri 08 Oct 21      10:10   Cockatiel Choir                 G                 Davey and Abigail's peace is cut short by a cacophony of cockatiels! It seems nothing will make
                                                                                them leave. That is, until Davey makes it seem really cold, prompting them to travel elsewhere!

   Fri 15 Oct 21      10:10   Potato Puzzle                   G                 Cris and Crat find Aunt Delilah's puzzle box filled with potatoes, not pieces! They investigate the
                                                                                conundrum with no luck. Later, they realise that Aunt Delilah obliviously swapped them with
                                                                                Grandpa Rex's dinner!
   Fri 22 Oct 21      10:10   Daisy Duty                      G                 Despite Oleander's pleas, Sally procrastinates over planting daisies for the Queen's visit. Oleander
                                                                                reassures her there will be scones and Sally finally helps a little before the Queen arrives.

   Fri 29 Oct 21      10:10   Starstruck                      G                 Poppy and Chaz are amazed by a spectacular meteor shower, so they aim to recreate it. But while
                                                                                Poppy dives into her imagination, Chaz wants it to look real. In the end, they blend their ideas
                                                                                into one.
   Fri 05 Nov 21      10:10   Stick at It                     G                 Davey wants to make an Eiffel Tower from popsicle sticks, where he will need perseverance.
                                                                                Davey almost finishes when chipmunks take his popsicles! He replaces them with twigs and it
                                                                                turns out great.
   Fri 12 Nov 21      10:10   Excuse Me                       G                 While at a play, Poppy burps. After leaving, she's even more inappropriate! Chaz teaches her how
                                                                                to stop, but when she burps again in front of Massimo, he laughs, showing that there's a time and
   Fri 19 Nov 21      10:10   Oleander's Quiet Riot           G                 After a restless night, Massimo?s is asleep, but Sally?s got the music bug! While Oleander tries
                                                                                distracting her, she makes lots of hullabaloo. Oleander sound proofs the house, letting Massimo
   Fri 26 Nov 21      10:10   Flickityball                    G                 Davey audaciously challenges Al to a Flickityball game for the title. But Abigail's afraid of a
                                                                                lifetime ban from Al's pies. Davey wins, and Al gives them free pies forever! Just the gross ones
   Fri 03 Dec 21      10:10   Art Attack                      G                 After Crat discovers Jerome Du Chocolat's sculpture, he breaks it! While Cris suggests he should
                                                                                reveal what he did, Crat tries fixing it but fails. He admits his guilt, but Jerome calls it artistic!

   Fri 10 Dec 21      10:10   Totally Talented                G                 Seeing Strongwoman's astounding act leaves Poppy wanting hers to be just as great! She and
                                                                                Chaz create and perform their act, but Baby Massimo steals the show! They were just happy to
                                                                                have had fun doing it.
 Bistro Escargot MP-LS: Language (French)
   Fri 29 Oct 21      10:50                                   G       CC Daniel and Jasmine are two students on a class trip to a French speaking city. They become lost
                                                                         and stumble upon Bistro Escargot.
   Fri 05 Nov 21      10:50                                   G       CC Daniel, Jasmine and Chef Escargot continue their conversation in the bistro. They discuss the
                                                                         weather, seasons and how they travelled with their class on this trip.
   Fri 12 Nov 21      10:50                                   G       CC Daniel and Jasmine have difficulty understanding the menu and food choices in French.

   Fri 19 Nov 21      10:55                                   G       CC Daniel and Jasmine deal with some problems after their meals are served.
   Fri 26 Nov 21      10:50                                   G       CC Daniel and Jasmine realise they have no money to pay the bill. In order to settle the tab they
                                                                         must work in the bistro.
   Fri 03 Dec 21      10:55                                   G       CC Daniel and Jasmine sing outside the bistro to attract customers and pay their bill.

 Bringing Books to Life MP-LS: English
   Fri 29 Oct 21      11:00   Cosmic                          G       CC Presenter and comedian Ed Petrie reads extracts from 'Cosmic' by Frank Cottrell Boyce as part of
                                                                         the 'Bringing Books to Life' series. He explains why he loves the book and shares how it captured
                                                                         his imagination.
   Fri 05 Nov 21      11:00   My Naughty Little Sister        G       CC Actress Aimee Kelly reads extracts from 'My Naughty Little Sister' by Dorothy Edwards, explaining
                                                                         why she loves the book, how it captured her imagination as a child and why she loves to read.

   Fri 12 Nov 21      11:00   Wolven                          G       CC Presenter and actor Ceallach Spellman reads extracts from 'Wolven' by Di Toft as part of the
                                                                         'Bringing Books to Life' series. He explains why he loves the book, how it captured his imagination
                                                                         and why he enjoys reading.
   Fri 19 Nov 21      11:00   Sam Silver - Undercover         G       CC Actress Anjli Mohindra reads extracts from 'Sam Silver: Undercover Pirate' by Jan Burchett and
                              Pirate                                     Sara Vogler, explaining why she loves the book, how it captured her imagination and why she
                                                                         loves to read.
   Fri 26 Nov 21      11:00   Refugee Boy                     G       CC Actor Alexander Vlahos reads extracts from 'Refugee Boy' by Benjamin Zephaniah, explaining
                                                                         why he loves the book, how it captured his imagination, and why he loves to read.

Key to Levels:
LP Lower Primary (K/f, 1, 2) MP Middle Primary (3, 4) UP Upper Primary (5, 6)
LS Lower Secondary (7, 8) MS Middle Seconary (9, 10) US Upper Secondary (11, 12)                                                                                                         6
ABC TV Education
                                  Broadcast Schedule - Term 4, 2021
                                  4 October - 10 December, 2021


      Date           Time            Episode Title                                                                      Synopsis
   Fri 03 Dec 21      11:00   Jamie Johnson - The Kick Off     G       CC Team GB & England Women's Football team player Eniola Aluko explains why she loves the book.
                                                                          Extracts from the book are read by England & Manchester City star Gareth Barry, with Dan
                                                                          Edwards demonstrating some football skills.
 BTN UP-LS: Current Affairs
   Tue 12 Oct 21      10:00                                            CC
   Tue 19 Oct 21      10:00                                            CC
   Tue 26 Oct 21      10:00                                            CC
   Tue 02 Nov 21      10:00                                            CC BTN is a high-energy, fun way for Upper Primary and Secondary students to learn about current
   Tue 09 Nov 21      10:00                                            CC issues and events in their world. Each program is built around major news stories of the week.
   Tue 16 Nov 21      10:00                                            CC
   Tue 23 Nov 21      10:00                                            CC
   Tue 30 Nov 21      10:00                                            CC

 BTN (repeated from Tuesday)
   Thu 14 Oct 21      10:30                                            CC
   Thu 21 Oct 21      10:30                                            CC
   Thu 28 Oct 21      10:30                                            CC
   Thu 04 Nov 21      10:30                                            CC
                                                                          BTN is a high-energy, fun way for Upper Primary and Secondary students to learn about current
   Thu 11 Nov 21      10:30                                            CC issues and events in their world. Each program is built around major news stories of the week.
   Thu 18 Nov 21      10:30                                            CC
   Thu 25 Nov 21      10:30                                            CC
   Thu 02 Dec 21      10:30                                            CC

 BTN Specials MP-LS: HASS
  Wed 06 Oct 21       10:55   World War II Anniversary                 CC This BTN Special gives a brief history of World War II. We find out about Australia's role in the war
                                                                          and learn more about the bombing of Darwin. We also take a look at the impact WWII had on the
  Wed 13 Oct 21       10:55   Money                                    CC In this BTN Money special, we take a tour of the Royal Australian Mint, learn more about the
                                                                          history of currency and find out what the future looks like for money.
  Wed 20 Oct 21       10:55   The Future of Transport                  CC This BTN special looks at the future of transport. We find out more about electric cars, take a ride
                                                                          on a train that travels at super-high speeds and check out what the cars of the future might look
  Wed 27 Oct 21       10:55   Australian Institute of Sport            CC This special looks at the history of the AIS, the important role sports science plays and we meet
                                                                          some sporting superstars who train at the AIS.
  Wed 03 Nov 21       11:00   Online Safety                            CC This Online Safety special looks at how your digital footprint might affect you later in life. Learn
                                                                          about some rules that help keep kids safe online and find out more about online trolls.

  Wed 10 Nov 21       11:00   History of WWI                           CC This special looks at the effect WWI had on Australia and the world, find out what life was like in
                                                                          the trenches and take a look at how the war came to an end.
  Wed 17 Nov 21       11:00   Threatened Species                       CC This Threatened Species special looks at plants that are in trouble and the impact the Black
                                                                          Summer bushfires had on koalas. Plus we learn more about the importance of frogs.

  Wed 24 Nov 21       11:00   Indigenous Leaders                       CC In this special about Indigenous leaders, we learn more about the life of Eddie Mabo, find out
                                                                          about Indigenous activist Charlie Perkins and meet some school kids who tell us about Indigenous
                                                                          women who have inspired them.
  Wed 01 Dec 21       11:00   Connection to Country                    CC In this special we find out about native title, learn more about Welcome to Country ceremonies
                                                                          and take a look at the importance of the names of places for our First Nations people.

  Wed 08 Dec 21       11:00   Global Citizenship                       CC Global Citizenship is the topic of this BTN special. We meet some kids taking part in the World
                                                                          Peace Games, find out more about the history of the UN and learn about the important work the
                                                                          World Food Programme does.
 BTN: Antarctica SpecialUP-LS: Science, Geography
  Wed 08 Dec 21       11:10                                            CC Based in a museum space, the four corridors signify the four corners of the Earth, the hosts
                                                                          trigger the stories and then pursue knowledge by time travelling through the corridors to a time
                                                                          and place in the past.
 BTN: Media Literacy LS-US: English, Technology

Key to Levels:
LP Lower Primary (K/f, 1, 2) MP Middle Primary (3, 4) UP Upper Primary (5, 6)
LS Lower Secondary (7, 8) MS Middle Seconary (9, 10) US Upper Secondary (11, 12)                                                                                                  7
ABC TV Education
                                  Broadcast Schedule - Term 4, 2021
                                  4 October - 10 December, 2021


      Date           Time             Episode Title                                                                   Synopsis
   Thu 07 Oct 21      11:15   News Values                    PG       CC Have you ever wondered what makes news news? We look at the news values that determine
                                                                         which stories we see and hear about and which ones we don't and how those new values can
                                                                         subtly shape the way we see the world.
   Thu 14 Oct 21      11:15   Sources                        PG       CC Sources are a key ingredient to any news story but their quality can vary a lot! This episode looks
                                                                         at different types of sources and gives advice on how to find reliable information.

   Thu 21 Oct 21      11:20   Fake News                       G       CC Fake news is big news at the moment! Many experts are worried about the effect that fake
                                                                         stories are having on the media and democracy, but did you know that fake news isn't new?

   Thu 28 Oct 21      11:10   Media Ethics                   PG       CC The news media can be a powerful force for good, but it doesn't always use it's power in the right
                                                                         way. That's why news organisations often have codes of ethics which journalists are expected to
                                                                         abide by.
   Thu 04 Nov 21      11:15   Bias                           PG       CC Bias is hard to avoid, but it can be really damaging - leading us to make poor choices without
                                                                         fairly weighing up the facts. This episode looks at bias in the media and why it can be particularly
 Bug Technology UP-LS: Design & Technology
   Tue 05 Oct 21      10:50   Mosquito                        G       CC The mosquito. This pesky bug is able to suck blood so painlessly its victims don't even notice.
                                                                         Engineers have harnessed the mosquito's technology to design a cutting-edge hypodermic
   Tue 12 Oct 21      10:50   Silkworm                       PG       CC The silk worm produces an extremely fine silk thread that rivals steel in strength. This protein
                                                                         thread is being used to produce artificial blood vessels for use in humans.

   Tue 19 Oct 21      10:50   Dragonfly                       G       CC Studying the extraordinary surface and motion of the dragonfly's wings has enabled the design of
                                                                         a wind turbine suitable for use in areas with the weakest of winds.
   Tue 26 Oct 21      10:50   Wharf Roach                     G       CC See how a bug that can syphon water up it's legs is inspiring scientists looking to move water up
                                                                         high rise buildings without requiring a power source.
 Catalyst SegmentsS: Science
   Tue 26 Oct 21      11:00   Foods Of Tomorrow -             G       CC Hydroponic farm - growing fresh greens on an industrial scale from a within a shipping container.
                              Modular Farms

 Children of the Holocaust MS-US: History
  Wed 27 Oct 21       11:25   Ruth Rogoff                     G       CC A five-year-old girl's escape over the mountains from East Germany into Czechoslovakia, and her
                                                                         mother's determined efforts to keep the family together.

  Wed 03 Nov 21       11:25   Martin Kapel                    G       CC An eight-year-old boy is expelled from Germany to Poland in the middle of the night in the so-
                                                                         called ?Polkenation?. He escapes to England on the Kindertransport, only to experience the worst
                                                                         of the Blitz in Coventry.
  Wed 10 Nov 21       11:25   Trude Silman                    G       CC A young jewish girl who witnesses the Nazi Occupation of Bratislava Czechoslovakia, escapes to
                                                                         Britain on the Kindertransport, her struggle to settle living in Britain & her ongoing search for
                                                                         information about her parents.
  Wed 17 Nov 21       11:25   Heinz Skyte                     G       CC A thirteen-year-old boy sees the rise of the Nazis near Nuremberg and feels the effects of anti-
                                                                         jewish legislation on his education and social life.
  Wed 24 Nov 21       11:25   Arek Hersh                      G       CC A fourteen-year-old boy survives Auschwitz-Birkenau. He describes the choices he made which
                                                                         enabled him to survive, the cramped & squalid living conditions, the cruelty of the guards &
                                                                         constant battle against hunger & disease
  Wed 01 Dec 21       11:25   Suzanne Rappaport-Ripton       PG       CC A six-year-old girl is violently separated from her parents during Nazi occupied Paris, and how she
                                                                         was kept in hiding throughout the war working in an isolated rural farm.

 Citizen Code S: Technology
   Thu 07 Oct 21      11:30   Robots                          G       CC Today, a robot may be able to explore a volcano, make cars and even go to Mars! But what
                                                                         defines a robot and how does it work?
   Tue 12 Oct 21      11:30   Hacking                         G       CC Hackers are specialists in detecting computer vulnerabilities. Improvement or diversion, how do
                                                                         their actions advance system security?
   Thu 14 Oct 21      11:30   Design                          G       CC Our uses change with the evolution of society. It is the job of designers to support us in this
                                                                         change, how do they imagine tools that could make our life easier?
  Wed 20 Oct 21       11:10   Connected Objects               G       CC We are not the only ones communicating with the internet, objects are also connected but how
                                                                         can the data impact them directly?
  Wed 20 Oct 21       11:15   Fablab                         PG       CC I want to make a spaceship but grandpa does not have the tools for that. Where to go and how to
                                                                         make my creative project a reality?
   Thu 21 Oct 21      11:30   Pixel                           G       CC Why image quality rhymes with numbers of pixels, and what is a pixel?

   Tue 26 Oct 21      11:30   MAO                             G       CC Today thanks to digital, there's no need to be a virtuoso to make music, but how does artificial
                                                                         intelligence and software accompany the sound designer in their art?
Key to Levels:
LP Lower Primary (K/f, 1, 2) MP Middle Primary (3, 4) UP Upper Primary (5, 6)
LS Lower Secondary (7, 8) MS Middle Seconary (9, 10) US Upper Secondary (11, 12)                                                                                                8
ABC TV Education
                                   Broadcast Schedule - Term 4, 2021
                                   4 October - 10 December, 2021


      Date           Time            Episode Title                                                                    Synopsis
   Thu 28 Oct 21      11:30   Cryptology                      G       CC Our exchanges on the Internet sometimes need to be confidential. What is cryptology and how
                                                                         can it help us?
  Wed 03 Nov 21       10:55   Social Networks                 G       CC To entrust content on social networks is to entrust, without protection, its contents to the whole
                                                                         world. How to manage your reputation on the Internet?
  Wed 03 Nov 21       11:15   Algorithm                       G       CC A few fractions of a second are enough to have the result of a search on the internet or operate
                                                                         any software. Speed of calculation, relevance of keywords, what is the method to follow to build
                                                                         the right algorithm?
   Thu 04 Nov 21      11:25   VR                              G       CC To immerse yourself in ever more amazing worlds, simulators and video games rely on new
                                                                         technologies. Do you know the difference between augmented reality and virtual reality?

   Tue 16 Nov 21      11:30   Geoloc                          G       CC Today as long as we have the network or the battery we are no longer afraid of getting lost. But
                                                                         how does our smartphone always know where it is?
 Colonising Australia 1788-1901 MS: History
  Wed 20 Oct 21       11:15   From Agricultural              PG       CC Today, transportation seems a brutal way to punish criminals, but there were a number of
                              Revolution to                              factors, including the Agricultural Revolution and a demand for natural resources, that made it
                              Transportation                             appealing in 18th century Britain.
  Wed 27 Oct 21       11:15   Transportation to Australia     G       CC Citing many primary sources, this episode explores the terrible conditions and experiences of the
                                                                         convicts and free settlers on board the ships of the First and Second Fleets to Australia.

  Wed 03 Nov 21       11:15   The Sydney Penal Colony        PG       CC Citing many primary sources, this episode describes conditions in the first British colony in
                                                                         Australia after the First Fleet sailed into Botany Bay in January 1788.
  Wed 10 Nov 21       11:20   The Melbourne Settler           G       CC Using primary sources to describe the conditions and interactions between settlers and
                              Colony                                     Indigenous people, this episode explores the free settler colony founded in Melbourne in 1835.

  Wed 17 Nov 21       11:15   Impact of Colonisation on       G       CC When the British invaded the Australian continent in 1788, it ended a way of life that had existed
                              Indigenous Australians                     for more than fifty thousand years for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

  Wed 24 Nov 21       11:15   Christian Missions and         PG       CC Colonisation was not only about taking land and resources for imperial powers, but also about
                              Indigenous Australians                     seeking to convert, or 'civilise', indigenous people to European ways of thinking.

 Creating A Nation S: History
   Thu 11 Nov 21      11:10   Natalie's Story                 G       CC Natalie Seiz's father and paternal grandparents arrived in Australia as refugees of both Russian
                                                                         and Chinese communist regimes. Watch Natalie describe the experiences of her parents and
                                                                         grandparents in 50s and 60s Australia.
   Thu 18 Nov 21      11:10   Peter's Story                   G       CC Peter Bennett was sent to Australia from England under the child migration scheme of the 1950s.
                                                                         He retells of his journey across the seas and of his experiences living and working at Fairbridge
                                                                         Farm School in Molong, NSW.
   Thu 25 Nov 21      11:10   Hale's Story                    G       CC Hale Adasal's parents migrated to Australia under the Australia-Turkish migration agreement. It
                                                                         was the first such agreement between Australia and a Muslim country and signalled the end of
                                                                         the White Australia Policy.
   Thu 02 Dec 21      11:10   Dai's Story                     G       CC Dai Le is a former refugee of the Vietnam War and spent years in refugee camps before being
                                                                         resettled in Australia. She speaks of her experiences in the camps, and then of arriving, settling
                                                                         and thriving in Australia.
   Thu 09 Dec 21      11:10   Hedayat's Story                 G       CC Hedayat Osyan is a former refugee from Afghanistan. He and his family were persecuted by the
                                                                         Taliban for belonging to the Hazara ethnic minority group so he escaped and eventually ended up
                                                                         in Australia.
 Dates That Made History S: History
  Wed 06 Oct 21       11:30   Babur Takes Over India at      PG       CC On April 21, 1526, the little king of Kabul Babur boldly took northern India from the Sultan of
                              Panipat 21 April 1526                      Delhi, Ibrahim Lodi. With his victory, the time of the second Islamisation begins, which will spread
                                                                         to the shores of Indonesia.
  Wed 13 Oct 21       11:30   The Battle of Borodino - 7     PG       CC Apart from Tolstoy's readers, few people actually know about the battle of Borodino, fought
                              September 1812                             some 100 km from Moscow. Even today it remains a landmark and symbol of the Russian
                                                                         resistance to the invader Napoleon Bonaparte.
 Eco Eye: Sustainable Solutions S: Science, Design & Technology
  Mon 04 Oct 21       11:35   The Future of Energy            G       CC Dr Lara Dungan takes a look at the technologies that could enable us to eliminate fossil fuels and
                                                                         pollution while growing our economy and improving our lifestyles. From electric cars to ocean
                                                                         energy and new solar panels.
  Mon 11 Oct 21       11:35   Seaweed Matters                 G       CC Anja Murray discovers the amazing variety and ecology of seaweed around Irish coasts. Long
                                                                         harvested by local communities along our west coast, Seaweed has now become a valuable
                                                                         resource worldwide.
  Mon 18 Oct 21       11:35   Oceans of Energy                G       CC Lara explores ocean energy and what it means for Ireland's future. Lara investigates the latest in
                                                                         Ocean Energy technology and the innovators behind it. Lara discovers the vast wealth of energy
                                                                         sitting just off our shores.
Key to Levels:
LP Lower Primary (K/f, 1, 2) MP Middle Primary (3, 4) UP Upper Primary (5, 6)
LS Lower Secondary (7, 8) MS Middle Seconary (9, 10) US Upper Secondary (11, 12)                                                                                                9
ABC TV Education
                                  Broadcast Schedule - Term 4, 2021
                                  4 October - 10 December, 2021


      Date           Time             Episode Title                                                                         Synopsis
  Mon 25 Oct 21       11:35   Restoring Nature                G       CC Anja explores how nature can be rebalanced with human intervention and why intervention is
                                                                         needed in the first place. Humans have changed nature for a millennia but now we must step in
                                                                         to manage the balance of our habitats.
  Mon 01 Nov 21       11:35   Plight of the Bumblebee         G       CC Ecologist Anja Murray meets with scientists and citizen scientists to try and understand why
                                                                         pollinator numbers including wild Irish bees are falling so rapidly.
  Mon 08 Nov 21       11:35   Time for the Electric Car       G       CC Over the last few decades, technology has radically changed the way we live. But the way we
                                                                         drive hasn't really changed at all. Dr Lara Dungan looks at how electric cars can improve the
                                                                         future of our planet.
  Mon 15 Nov 21       11:35   Land Matters                    G       CC Agriculture is facing huge shocks from climate change and the world's agri-food system is also
                                                                         one of the biggest causes of climate change. How can our food practices become more resilient in
                                                                         the face of climate change?
  Mon 22 Nov 21       11:35   The Energy Challenge            G       CC Duncan Stewart looks at one of the most crucial questions that affects us all, how to power entire
                                                                         nations in the 21st Century?
  Mon 29 Nov 21       11:35   Food for Thought                G       CC On this journey Dr Lara Dungan looks at the environment and health implications of different
                                                                         diets and tastes new replacements to meat and dairy products. Can this go mainstream?

  Mon 06 Dec 21       11:35   On the Water Front              G       CC Ireland is home to over 70 thousand kilometres of rivers and over 12 thousand lakes famous
                                                                         worldwide for their beauty, set in the most spectacular natural landscapes. But are people taking
                                                                         this priceless resource for granted?
 Further Back In Time For Dinner: Daily Life In The Past UP: History
  Wed 10 Nov 21       10:25   1900s                           G                 How did people dress, bathe, cook, and clean their houses in the 1900s? Step back in time to see
                                                                                what daily life was like without electricity, hot running water and with an outdoor bathroom!

  Wed 17 Nov 21       10:25   1910s                           G                 How did people dress, bathe, cook, and clean their houses in the 1910s? See how people bought
                                                                                and stored their groceries in an era without supermarkets and refrigerators.

  Wed 24 Nov 21       10:25   1920s                           G                 How did people dress, cook, and work in the 1920s? Appliances that we take for granted started
                                                                                appearing as electricity was connected in households.

  Wed 01 Dec 21       10:25   1930s                           G                 How did people dress, cook, and work in the 1930s? The Great Depression had a significant
                                                                                impact on daily life. Families had to make do with less and couldn't be picky with what they ate or

  Wed 08 Dec 21       10:25   1940s                           G                 How did people dress, cook, and work in the 1940s? This decade commences with the world at
                                                                                war. Daily life on the home front changed significantly.

 George The Farmer P: Technology, Science
   Tue 05 Oct 21      10:00   Apples                          G       CC Join George the Farmer and his mates Simone and Ben as they investigate how apples are grown!
                                                                         You'll be amazed at the incredible technology used to ensure we have access to delicious, crispy
                                                                         apples year round.
   Tue 05 Oct 21      10:05   Chickpeas                       G       CC Join George the Farmer and his mates Simone and Ben as they investigate chickpeas at harvest
                                                                         time. Did you know that chickpeas have superpowers?
   Tue 05 Oct 21      10:10   Dairy                           G       CC Join George the Farmer and his mates Simone and Ben as they investigate where delicious dairy
                                                                         products like milk and yoghurt really come from.
   Tue 05 Oct 21      10:20   Forestry                        G       CC Join George the Farmer and his mates Simone and Ben as they investigate some of the products
                                                                         made from sustainable pine plantations.
   Tue 07 Dec 21      10:00   Wool                            G       CC Join George the Farmer and his mates Simone and Ben as they investigate how wool is grown at a
                                                                         farm near Coonawarra in South Australia.
   Tue 07 Dec 21      10:10   Wheat                           G       CC Join George the Farmer, Simone and Ben as they investigate the paddock to plate journey of
                                                                         wheat at Farmer Lachie's farm near Lucindale, South Australia.
   Tue 07 Dec 21      10:15   Potatoes                        G       CC Join George the Farmer, Simone and Ben as they investigate the paddock to plate journey of the
                                                                         humble potato at Farmer Tim's farm in South Australia.
 Get Into Textiles MS-US: Design & Technology
   Tue 05 Oct 21      11:30   Recycled And Sustainable        G       CC This resource shows how textile designers are meeting the challenge from government and
                              Textiles                                   consumers to meet the 6Rs. Case studies include: shoes made from old tyres and seatbelts; bags
                                                                         made from recycled materials.
   Tue 12 Oct 21      11:30   Smart Textiles                  G       CC New technology and processes are combining with traditional textiles to create a new generation
                                                                         of smarter, more technical products than ever before.
   Tue 19 Oct 21      11:30   ICT In Textiles: Design,        G       CC This resource looks at the impact of new technology on the global fashion and textile industry. A
                              Practice And Process                       top fashion design house shows how ICT, CAD and CAM has revolutionised the way they
Key to Levels:
LP Lower Primary (K/f, 1, 2) MP Middle Primary (3, 4) UP Upper Primary (5, 6)
LS Lower Secondary (7, 8) MS Middle Seconary (9, 10) US Upper Secondary (11, 12)                                                                                                   10
ABC TV Education
                                    Broadcast Schedule - Term 4, 2021
                                    4 October - 10 December, 2021


      Date           Time              Episode Title                                                                        Synopsis
   Tue 26 Oct 21      11:30   CAD/CAM In Textile              G       CC This resource looks at how CAD/CAM is transforming all sections of the textile industry, from
                              Manufacturing                              digital printing and embroidery to knitting and laser cutting.
   Tue 02 Nov 21      11:35   Mass Production Systems         G       CC This resource provides numerous examples of commercial production methods and systems,
                              And Techniques                             including job, batch, quantity/mass production and JIT. It includes examples of both hand and
                                                                         digitized pattern laying.
   Tue 09 Nov 21      11:35   Dyeing And Printing             G       CC This resource provides clear explanations and footage of: dye recipes being developed and tested
                                                                         in the laboratory; industrial printing methods including flat-bed, carousel and roller screen-print.

   Tue 16 Nov 21      11:30   Testing Textiles                G       CC This resource looks at the different tests fabrics and products have to undergo before they hit the
                                                                         shelves. Using examples from high street retailer, New Look and outdoor specialists, Millets and
   Tue 23 Nov 21      11:30   Finishing Textiles              G       CC This resource looks at the different types of industrial finishes available and their applications. It
                                                                         explores the reasons for finishing, and when and why different processes might be used.

   Tue 30 Nov 21      11:30   Ethical Textiles                G       CC Filmed in Bangladesh, one of the world's largest textile manufacturers, this resource explores the
                                                                         social cost of our cheap textiles. With footage filmed inside textile factories, it explores the issues
                                                                         of sweatshop labour.
   Tue 07 Dec 21      11:30   Eco-Design                      G       CC As lead designers for Finisterre, Tom and Debbie are on a mission - to create the most eco-
                                                                         friendly surf-wear brand in the world. From their HQ in Cornwall to fabric suppliers in Japan.

 History Hunters P: History
  Wed 06 Oct 21       10:00   Outlaws And Baddies             G       CC Anthony and Zac use Robin Hood disguises, tracking and dummy drops to get their hands on
                                                                         dad's choccies! Sofie and Chris use criminalistics like fingerprinting, soil samples and footprints to
                                                                         nab the nicker of their lunch box
  Wed 13 Oct 21       10:00   Maya                            G       CC Emily and Otis use discarded bark to create a Maya concertina codex or newspaper. And Lexi,
                                                                         Tessa and Josh get their fingers dirty and design pottery fit for a queen.
  Wed 20 Oct 21       10:00   Ancient China                   G       CC Our hosts discover the strength of the earth, how to measure it and figure out where they are
                                                                         going to? Plus de-mystifying an ancient Chinese abacus and how it beats a calculator hands
  Wed 27 Oct 21       10:00   Getting In Touch                G       CC Translating a smoke message and what was it with Morse code, plus how phones have changed
                                                                         over the decades and when writing means a feather and ink, not a phone or a keyboard.

  Wed 03 Nov 21       10:00   Transport                       G       CC Working out the ways that wheels have changed the way we travel and making gears from
                                                                         vegetables to power our vehicles. Plus what was it with flight and making Leonardo Da Vinci
                                                                         helicopter that launches high and dry!
 Kids of Courage LS-MS: History
  Wed 20 Oct 21       11:35   Anton                          PG       CC Anton wants to join the Hitler Youth like all his classmates, although his father is against it. Only
                                                                         when violence breaks out on Nov 9, 1938, and his friend seeks shelter, he sees what the Nazis are
                                                                         really capable of.
  Wed 27 Oct 21       11:35   Frit Jof                       PG       CC Fritjof's village is occupied by the Germans. When his father enlists for war, Fritjof has to support
                                                                         his family as a fisherman boy. At first, he works for the occupiers, but what he is paid can scarcely
                                                                         feed his family.
  Wed 03 Nov 21       11:35   Sandrine                       PG       CC Sandrine's family helps persecuted Jews to escape from the Nazi regime. Suddenly her father gets
                                                                         arrested and the situation becomes very dangerous. Should Sandrine betray the Jewish refugees
                                                                         to save her father's life?
  Wed 10 Nov 21       11:35   Calum                          PG       CC Calum doesn't care about the war and won't practise boring air raid drills. While he is off on his
                                                                         bike, German bombers fly over the city. Clydebank is attacked, and Calum must get to his mother
  Wed 17 Nov 21       11:35   Romek                          PG       CC Romek and his parents live in a Jewish ghetto. He is a smuggler boy. From his last run he brings
                                                                         not only a few potatoes, but also disturbing news: The ghetto is to be closed and the inhabitants
                                                                         deported to a labour camp.
  Wed 24 Nov 21       11:35   Vera                           PG       CC While her home city, Stalingrad, is under attack, Vera arrives at an orphanage in Kazakhstan.
                                                                         Everything is strange, she misses her family. When she gets offered the opportunity to be
                                                                         adopted by new parents, she hesitates.
  Wed 01 Dec 21       11:35   Justus                         PG       CC Justus is delighted to become a "soldier" defending Germany. He and a handful of other young
                                                                         boys are to hold a village street against the Americans. When the tanks arrive, all of Justus' hero
                                                                         fantasies are destroyed.
  Wed 08 Dec 21       11:35   Eva                            PG       CC Eva is already an orphan when she arrives in the Auschwitz concentration camp. She hopes to
                                                                         find friends there from the Theresienstadt children's choir. Miraculously, she finds Renata, but
                                                                         the former soprano is very ill.
 Koumi's Animated Picture Book (NEW) LP-MP: Geography, Science
   Tue 05 Oct 21      10:40   A Rhinoceros                    G                 Hello rhino! You are a huge, very heavy animal with gray skin... But above all, you wear big horns
                                                                                on your muzzle!

Key to Levels:
LP Lower Primary (K/f, 1, 2) MP Middle Primary (3, 4) UP Upper Primary (5, 6)
LS Lower Secondary (7, 8) MS Middle Seconary (9, 10) US Upper Secondary (11, 12)                                                                                                     11
ABC TV Education
                                  Broadcast Schedule - Term 4, 2021
                                  4 October - 10 December, 2021


      Date           Time            Episode Title                                                                           Synopsis
   Tue 12 Oct 21      10:40   A Mandrill                      G                 Dear mandrill! You are a monkey with extraordinary colours! The harlequin of the tropical forest!
                                                                                A blue and red face surrounded by bright yellow hairs! And not only on the face; on your behind,
   Tue 19 Oct 21      10:40   A Gorilla                       G                 You're the LARGEST of the monkeys! A giant with a broad chest and very muscular arms! You're
                                                                                quite a gentle, peaceful animal... well, most of the time!
   Tue 26 Oct 21      10:40   A Sea Angel                     G                 Today, I'm going down to the depths of the ocean... to try and find a marvel of the animal world...
                                                                                a sea angel! That's what you're called - a sea angel or butterfly, because it looks as though you
                                                                                are beating your wings!
   Tue 02 Nov 21      10:40   A Pelican                       G                 You are one of the largest birds that's able to fly! Your large wings give you a very elegant look,
                                                                                but the first thing that I notice on you is your enormous beak! You hold the record for the bird
                                                                                with the longest beak!
   Tue 09 Nov 21      10:40   A Mudskipper                    G                 I can tell that you are no ordinary fish! You have all sorts of nicknames: the frogfish, the walking
                                                                                Gobi or the mudskipper. You get around by lifting your body with your fins; in fact, you use them
                                                                                as feet, and you crawl!
   Tue 16 Nov 21      10:40   A Llama                         G                 Here I am, off to explore the Andes in South America - and to find one of their most famous
                                                                                residents! You are a big animal with a long neck and a small head; you look a lot like a camel with
                                                                                no hump!

   Tue 23 Nov 21      10:40   An Arctic Fox                   G                 You look so soft and you are very pretty! You are a little fox from the cold countries... it?s you,
                                                                                the arctic fox! They say that you're the one who has the warmest fur in the whole animal
                                                                                kingdom! Wow!
   Tue 30 Nov 21      10:40   A Toucan                        G                 My friend, the toucan! I recognise you right away thanks to your long, wide and very colourful
                                                                                beak. Your beak is made of horn (like our nails), and it's as long as the rest of your body!

   Tue 07 Dec 21      10:40   A Meerkat                       G                 You are a small and furry animal, and you get around on all fours. But the moment you stop
                                                                                walking, you stand up straight and tall on your hind legs. Then, you scan the horizon to make sure
                                                                                that everything is nice and safe...
 Lest We Forget What? Education Shorts S: History
  Wed 06 Oct 21       11:20   The Commemoration Of            G       CC Kate Aubusson tracks the history of how Australia commemorates the First World War and the
                              WW1 And The Anzac Legend                   significance of the ANZAC Legend - when we say lest we forget, what is it really asking us?

  Wed 13 Oct 21       11:20   The Gallipoli Campaign          G       CC What really happened at Gallipoli? On location at the Gallipoli Peninsula, Kate Aubusson re-
                                                                         examines the 1915 Campaign in context to the landscape and it's overall significance if WW1.

  Wed 20 Oct 21       11:25   Australians On The Western      G       CC Kate Aubusson takes a thought provoking look at the battles of the Western Front, and identifies
                              Front                                      key sites where the AIF fought - why have they been so forgotten?
 Life Sentence S: English
   Fri 08 Oct 21      10:50   Punctuation                     G       CC This video explores basic grammar questions: When should you use a comma? How do you use
                                                                         quotation marks in your writing to show someone else is speaking? Many learners up to adult age
                                                                         struggle with these grammar concepts.
   Fri 15 Oct 21      10:55   Tense & Number Agreement        G       CC Learners from Year 10 to adult can struggle with conjugation and tense agreement. It all sounds
                                                                         like utter linguistic jargon to Gil T. Mann. But these are actually core grammar concepts we use
                                                                         every day when writing English.
   Fri 22 Oct 21      10:55   Sentence Structure              G       CC This video for learners from Year 10 to adult explores the basic concept of sentence structure. Gil
                                                                         T. Mann is very close to learning the result of his court trial.
 Look Kool MP-LS: Maths
  Mon 04 Oct 21       10:50   Trusses                         G       CC Hamza wonders why so many structures, like bridges, are made of interlocking triangles. To find
                                                                         out why, Hamza interviews a bridge troll and the Investigators test the strength of a spaghetti
  Mon 11 Oct 21       10:50   123D                            G       CC Have you ever wanted to take a vacation in the first or second dimension? Hamza discovers the
                                                                         world of height, width and depth in this multi-dimensional episode of Look Kool.

  Mon 18 Oct 21       10:50   Origami                         G       CC Hamza is packing for a vacation, but he can't fit all of his stuff in his suitcase. Origami to the
                                                                         rescue - he takes a nod from the art of Japanese paper folding to make things with a lot of surface
                                                                         area take up less space.
  Mon 25 Oct 21       10:50   Frame, Shell, Solid             G       CC What is a structure and how do you make it sturdy? Hamza wants a new bookcase. He enlists
                                                                         help to build it and learns that there are three forms that make the basis of all structures, frames,
                                                                         shells, and solids.
  Mon 01 Nov 21       10:50   Probability                     G       CC Hamza can't figure out why Koolkatt always wins when they play Flip-the-coin. Can you use
                                                                         probability to predict the future? Hamza interviews a real-life playing card and find out what's so
                                                                         'lucky' about the number seven.
  Mon 08 Nov 21       10:50   Programming                     G       CC When Hamza can't get his beloved robot cat to behave, he discovers that his pet is made of all
                                                                         kinds of cool parts, including a computer. To fix Koolkatt, Hamza must learn how to speak to
                                                                         computers. But how?
Key to Levels:
LP Lower Primary (K/f, 1, 2) MP Middle Primary (3, 4) UP Upper Primary (5, 6)
LS Lower Secondary (7, 8) MS Middle Seconary (9, 10) US Upper Secondary (11, 12)                                                                                                      12
ABC TV Education
                                    Broadcast Schedule - Term 4, 2021
                                    4 October - 10 December, 2021


      Date           Time            Episode Title                                                                     Synopsis
  Mon 15 Nov 21       10:50   What's Your Angle?              G       CC Today we're getting the angle on angles. Hamza is really excited about his birthday present for
                                                                         Koolkatt - but all of the right angles in his brand-new Kitty Kastle are, well, wrong.

  Mon 22 Nov 21       10:50   Power Of Ten                    G       CC Hamza wonders how people do math with numbers so big they take 95 years just to say out loud.
                                                                         And how do you measure something too small to even see? To find out the investigators will
                                                                         make their own solar system.
  Mon 29 Nov 21       10:50   Make That a Double              G       CC Two, four, six, eight - how can you make numbers great? Hamza learns just how quickly doubling
                                                                         can make numbers grow from tiny to astronomical.
  Mon 06 Dec 21       10:50   Measurement                     G       CC Hamza wants to measure everything about Koolkatt that has changed since he was a teeny-
                                                                         weeny little robot-kitten - but how? Hamza finds out there are a lot of different ways to measure
                                                                         the world around us.
 Maddie's Do You Know? (NEW) LP-MP: Science, HASS
   Tue 05 Oct 21      10:45
   Tue 12 Oct 21      10:45
   Tue 19 Oct 21      10:45
   Tue 26 Oct 21      10:45
   Tue 02 Nov 21      10:45       Episode details will be
                                                                                In this series, Maddie Moate explores the workings of everyday objects, by asking how
                                        posted on
   Tue 09 Nov 21      10:45                                                     they are made or how they work
   Tue 16 Nov 21      10:45
   Tue 23 Nov 21      10:45
   Tue 30 Nov 21      10:45
   Tue 07 Dec 21      10:45

 Mindful Earth (NEW) P-S: PDHPE
   Thu 14 Oct 21      10:00   Playful Savanna                 G       CC
   Thu 21 Oct 21      10:00   Playful Jungle                  G       CC
   Thu 28 Oct 21      10:00   Playful Snow and Sea                    CC
   Thu 04 Nov 21      10:00   Joyful Snow                             CC
   Thu 11 Nov 21      10:00   Sleepy Forrest                  G       CC
                                                                         A tonic for today’s busy world, this series expertly combines exquisite, often unseen footage,
   Thu 18 Nov 21      10:00   Restful Rivers Sea and Sky              CC natural soundscapes, and mindfulness narration to immerse viewers in the natural world.
   Tue 23 Nov 21      11:00   Breathe                                 CC Episodes explore what animals and nature can teach us about breathing, change, joy, and rest.
                                                                         It’s the perfect introduction to experiencing nature through a mindful lens.
   Thu 25 Nov 21      10:00   Serene Ocean                            CC
   Tue 30 Nov 21      11:00   Change                          G       CC
   Thu 02 Dec 21      10:00   Energising Water                G       CC
   Tue 07 Dec 21      11:00   Joy                                     CC
   Thu 09 Dec 21      10:00   Inspiring Land and Sea          G       CC

 Mini Lessons MP-UP: Maths
  Mon 08 Nov 21       10:40   Maths Years 5-6:                G       CC Learn about three different types of transformations and line symmetry. Ms Szalek demonstrates
                              Transformations                            translation and rotation, and encourages you to make some dance moves. She then explains
                                                                         reflection and line symmetry.
  Mon 15 Nov 21       10:40   Maths Year 5: Probability       G       CC Learn how to use fractions to describe probability outcomes. Ms Szalek explains some of the
                                                                         words used in probability, and how you can investigate using fractions to find expected and
                                                                         actual outcomes in an experiment.
  Mon 22 Nov 21       10:40   Maths Year 6: Probability       G       CC In this lesson, you will learn about probability using percentages and decimals. Ms Szalek explains
                                                                         percentages, and then she explains how to convert expected and actual probability outcomes
                                                                         into decimals.
  Mon 29 Nov 21       10:40   Maths Years 3-4: Equivalent     G       CC In this lesson, you will learn how to recognise and use equivalent fractions. Ms Szalek explains
                              Fractions                                  how you can write and name equivalent fractions, and then she uses this knowledge to solve a
                                                                         problem about sharing cake equally.
  Mon 06 Dec 21       10:40   Maths Years 3-4: Fractions      G       CC In this lesson, you will be exploring fractions of collections. Ms Szalek demonstrates how you can
                              of Collection                              write a fraction, and then she shows you the best way to fairly share biscuits using your
                                                                         knowledge of fractions.
 Mini Lessons: English LP: English
   Fri 08 Oct 21      10:00   Year 2: Reading                 G       CC In this lesson, you will learn how to infer when reading a book. Annaka demonstrates how to
                              Comprehension using                        comprehend a story by putting together the word clues, picture clues and what you already
                              Inferencing                                know.
Key to Levels:
LP Lower Primary (K/f, 1, 2) MP Middle Primary (3, 4) UP Upper Primary (5, 6)
LS Lower Secondary (7, 8) MS Middle Seconary (9, 10) US Upper Secondary (11, 12)                                                                                           13
ABC TV Education
                                  Broadcast Schedule - Term 4, 2021
                                  4 October - 10 December, 2021


      Date           Time            Episode Title                                                                    Synopsis
   Fri 15 Oct 21      10:00   Year 2: Writing a Non-          G       CC In this lesson, you will learn how to write a type of non-fiction text about an animal. Mr Meissner
                              Fiction Text                               demonstrates the important features of writing a factual animal text.
   Fri 22 Oct 21      10:00   Year 2: Decoding Unfamiliar     G       CC In this lesson, you will learn how to decode unfamiliar words by breaking them up into onset (the
                              Words Using Onset and                      starting sound) and rime (the ending of words). Leanne demonstrates how to build and read new
                              Rime                                       words by changing the onset.
   Fri 29 Oct 21      10:00   Year 2: Decoding Words          G       CC You will learn how to segment words into smaller parts to decode unfamiliar words. Ms McAlister
                              Using Segmenting and                       demonstrates how to segment using blends, diagraphs and compound words; blend the
                              Blending                                   segments; and re-read while enjoying a book.
   Fri 05 Nov 21      10:00   Year 2: Pronouns                G       CC In this lesson, you will learn how to identify and use pronouns and nouns. Ms Sheddan
                                                                         demonstrates how to recognise pronouns and nouns in a book and how to use pronouns to
                                                                         replace nouns when writing.
   Fri 12 Nov 21      10:00   Year 2: Suffixes                G       CC In this lesson, you will learn how to find and use base words and suffixes. Tahlia demonstrates
                                                                         how to find suffixes in a book, and she provides opportunities for you to build new words using
                                                                         suffixes at home.
   Fri 19 Nov 21      10:00   Years 3-4: Curious              G       CC In this lesson, Mrs Jegers teaches you how to ask questions to identify information from images.
                              Questioners                                She demonstrates the "See, Think, Wonder" routine to help you ask great questions.

   Fri 26 Nov 21      10:00   Years 3-4: Personification      G       CC In this lesson, Mrs Jegers teaches you how to recognise the figurative language of personification.
                              Professionals                              She demonstrates how to visualise an object or animal by giving it a human characteristic.

   Fri 03 Dec 21      10:00   Years 3-4: Syllable Surfing     G       CC In this lesson, Mrs Jegers teaches you how to monitor your understanding when you're reading.
                                                                         She demonstrates how to be a syllable surfer, breaking down larger words by identifying vowel
                                                                         sounds and syllables.
   Fri 10 Dec 21      10:00   Years 3-4: Text Detectives      G       CC In this lesson, Mrs Jegers teaches you how to make predictions about the content of a text. She
                                                                         demonstrates five simple prediction steps you can take as a text detective.

 Mini Lessons: Maths MP-UP: Maths
  Mon 04 Oct 21       10:00   Years 3-6: Addition without     G       CC In this lesson, Miss White teaches you how to complete formal addition problems without
                              Regrouping                                 regrouping. She demonstrates how to set up and solve the addition questions correctly, and
                                                                         provides opportunities to have a go at home.
  Mon 04 Oct 21       10:40   Years 3-4: Minute to win it:    G       CC In this lesson, Ms Kirszman teaches you how to play Minute To Win It, and she explores how we
                              Quantifying Collections                    can quantify collections without needing to count but by looking and thinking instead.

  Mon 11 Oct 21       10:00   Years 3-6: Addition with        G       CC In this lesson, Miss White teaches you how to complete formal addition problems involving
                              Regrouping                                 regrouping. She demonstrates how to set up and solve the addition questions correctly, and
                                                                         provides opportunities to have a go at home.
  Mon 11 Oct 21       10:40   Years 3-4: Our Place Value      G       CC In this lesson, Ms Kirszman demonstrates how to measure using 10 as a unit to iterate, rather
                              System                                     than using a smaller unit. You will also explore how renaming, using place value parts, can help
                                                                         you when working with numbers.
  Mon 18 Oct 21       10:00   Years 3-6: Subtraction          G       CC In this lesson, Miss White teaches how to complete formal subtraction problems without
                              without Regrouping                         regrouping. She demonstrates how to set up and solve the subtraction questions correctly, and
                                                                         provides opportunities to have a go at home
  Mon 18 Oct 21       10:40   Years 3-4: Find Missing         G       CC In this lesson, Ms Kirszman tells you about a very robust and interesting debate that took place
                              Numbers on a Number Line                   with her class when the students needed to find some missing information on a number line.

  Mon 25 Oct 21       10:00   Years 3-6: Subtraction with     G       CC In this lesson, Miss White teaches you how to complete formal subtraction problems involving
                              Regrouping                                 regrouping. She will introduce you to a helpful rhyme, which will assist you with solving tricky
                                                                         subtraction questions.
  Mon 25 Oct 21       10:40   Years 3-4: Partitioning         G       CC In this lesson, you will explore the renaming of numbers in their place value parts as well as
                              Numbers Using Place Value                  standard and non-standard partitioning. You'll also see how tables can be useful tools for
                              Parts                                      mathematicians when solving problems.
  Mon 01 Nov 21       10:00   Years 3-6: Calculating          G       CC In this lesson, Miss White teaches you how to complete formal subtraction problems involving
                              Change using Vertical                      regrouping. She will teach you how to regroup multiple times, and help to calculate how much
                              Subtraction                                change you would receive while shopping
  Mon 01 Nov 21       10:40   Years 3-4: Partitioning         G       CC In this lesson, you will continue to partition numbers in standard and non-standard ways. You'll
                              Numbers Using Efficient                    also explore how the same problem can be solved in many ways.
  Mon 08 Nov 21       10:00   Years 3-4: Minute to win it:    G       CC In this lesson, Ms Kirszman teaches you how to play Minute To Win It, and she explores how we
                              Quantifying Collections                    can quantify collections without needing to count but by looking and thinking instead.

  Mon 15 Nov 21       10:00   Years 3-4: Our Place Value      G       CC In this lesson, Ms Kirszman demonstrates how to measure using 10 as a unit to iterate, rather
                              System                                     than using a smaller unit. You will also explore how renaming, using place value parts, can help
                                                                         you when working with numbers.

Key to Levels:
LP Lower Primary (K/f, 1, 2) MP Middle Primary (3, 4) UP Upper Primary (5, 6)
LS Lower Secondary (7, 8) MS Middle Seconary (9, 10) US Upper Secondary (11, 12)                                                                                            14
ABC TV Education
                                  Broadcast Schedule - Term 4, 2021
                                  4 October - 10 December, 2021


      Date           Time              Episode Title                                                                          Synopsis
  Mon 22 Nov 21       10:00   Years 3-4: Find Missing          G       CC In this lesson, Ms Kirszman tells you about a very robust and interesting debate that took place
                              Numbers on a Number Line                    with her class when the students needed to find some missing information on a number line.

  Mon 29 Nov 21       10:00   Years 3-4: Partitioning          G       CC In this lesson, you will explore the renaming of numbers in their place value parts as well as
                              Numbers Using Place Value                   standard and non-standard partitioning. You'll also see how tables can be useful tools for
                              Parts                                       mathematicians when solving problems.
  Mon 06 Dec 21       10:00   Years 3-4: Partitioning          G       CC In this lesson, you will continue to partition numbers in standard and non-standard ways. You'll
                              Numbers Using Efficient                     also explore how the same problem can be solved in many ways.
 Mixed Up Maths P: Maths
  Mon 04 Oct 21       10:35   Funny Money                      G       CC It's time to count what's in the piggy bank...maybe just enough to buy a new piggy bank!

  Mon 11 Oct 21       10:35   Super Cyril's Circus Supplies    G       CC Making a budget to pay for something special, like a party, is always a good idea. So lets make
                                                                          sure we get the most out of our money!
  Mon 18 Oct 21       10:35   Shapes, Glorious Shapes          G       CC Ed loves pyramids, but there are lots of other interesting shapes. Let's look at a few of the best.

  Mon 25 Oct 21       10:35   Monumental Measurement           G       CC When different measurement standards are used in different countries, big mistakes can
                              Mess-Ups                                    happen!
  Mon 01 Nov 21       10:35   High Rise Living                 G       CC How tall are you? And why do we measure height in feet?

  Mon 08 Nov 21       10:35   What's In A Year?                G       CC Do you know which time of the year each season arrives and leaves in Australia? And which
                                                                          season is sometimes called "fall?". And why? These questions, and more, are answered in this
  Mon 15 Nov 21       10:35   Late Again!                      G       CC No one likes being late. Knowing the difference in time systems will make all the difference,
                                                                          especially if your train is leaving at 3:30...or is it leaving at 15:30?
  Mon 22 Nov 21       10:35   Alien Fractions                  G       CC Whether you're dividing up lollies with your friends or dividing up the solar system with aliens,
                                                                          fractions are important!
  Mon 29 Nov 21       10:35   Maths Saves Lives                G       CC What do Florence Nightingale, trekking through the Gobi Desert and snow plows in New York
                                                                          have in common? They all use maths to help save lives! Find out more in this episode.

  Mon 06 Dec 21       10:35   Daredevil Geometry               G       CC Thinking of doing a daredevil stunt? You'll need to know your angles!

 Moodies LP-MP: PDHPE
   Thu 11 Nov 21      10:10   Happy                            G                 Join in the fun as Rachael explores what it means to feel 'Happy'!

   Thu 18 Nov 21      10:10   Angry                            G                 In this episode, Rachael teaches a special silent lion roar to help everyone when they are feeling
   Thu 25 Nov 21      10:10   Jealous                          G                 Join Rachael as she explores what she is grateful for to help her when she is feeling 'Jealous'.

   Thu 02 Dec 21      10:10   Brave                            G                 Rachael feels like a 'Brave' superhero in this episode, ready to try new things and share her
                                                                                 strength with her friends.
   Thu 09 Dec 21      10:10   Lonely                           G                 Rachael is feeling 'Lonely' but she soon realises it's her differences that makes her special.

 Move It Mob Style UP-LS: PHDPE, Indigenous History and Culture
   Thu 07 Oct 21      11:30                                    G       CC Episode 1 of Move It Mob Style takes us around Australia, visiting Indigenous communities,
                                                                          learning culture, fishing and some deadly dance moves you won't forget in a hurry.

   Thu 14 Oct 21      11:30                                    G       CC Deadly dance moves, hip hop rhymes and beats, and a chance to learn about horse whispering
                                                                          contribute to a fast tempo episode of Move It Mob Style, that takes us around the country.

   Thu 21 Oct 21      11:30                                    G       CC The Move It Mob Style crew continue to dance up a storm, mixing it up with some of Australia's
                                                                          best hip hop artists while looking at the health benefits of being on country and eating from the
   Thu 28 Oct 21      11:30                                    G       CC The Move It Mob Style crew bust some deadly dance moves and show us that broadcasting and
                                                                          film making are powerful ways to tell our stories.
   Thu 04 Nov 21      11:30                                    G       CC Our Move It Mob Style dancers are carving up the dance floors and we go on the beat with cadet
                                                                          cops in Moruya.
   Thu 11 Nov 21      11:30                                    G       CC Dodging mozzies, cutting coconuts and doing the boogaloo are all part of the moves this week as
                                                                          our Move It Mob Style dancers get your hearts pumping.
   Thu 18 Nov 21      11:30                                    G       CC This week the Move It Mob Style crew are dancing to the beats and grooves of Maupower,
                                                                          RunAmuk, Karnage and Darkness and Izzy n The Profit, while a Yolgnu hunter extraordinaire
                                                                          catches fish and crabs.

Key to Levels:
LP Lower Primary (K/f, 1, 2) MP Middle Primary (3, 4) UP Upper Primary (5, 6)
LS Lower Secondary (7, 8) MS Middle Seconary (9, 10) US Upper Secondary (11, 12)                                                                                                      15
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