Plane sailing - The Pinmar Golf

Page created by Andrea Aguilar
Plane sailing - The Pinmar Golf

                           GOLF     MAGAZINE

  Plane sailing                  REV it up                   Cup fever
  Does aerospace paint       Behind the scenes of the   How do captains rate their
share commonalities with     extraordinary 182m REV     national teams' chances in
 the superyacht sector?           Ocean project          the Rugby World Cup?

Plane sailing - The Pinmar Golf
The Pinmar Golf . Welcome letter

Last year, as we were approaching our 30th                like to see a continued enhancement of the
anniversary of the Pinmar Golf, I felt it was             golfing experience for those who come to play
opportune to reflect on the history of the                and compete. There’s no doubt that the quality of
tournament and what we, with the support of               our entertainment is second to none, but I’d like
our valued industry partners and players, have            an expanded social programme for non-golfers
achieved over three decades of running this event.        offering more reasons to bring industry guests
Now I feel it’s time to look forward and to set           to Mallorca. I’d also love to see more yacht crews
some new goals.                                           getting involved and adding to the fun. And as for
                                                          fundraising, well that’s simple – I’d like to see us
Pinmar has always been a pioneering company;              double up and aim for €200,000 per year.
it’s in our DNA to challenge constantly the status
quo, to set stretching targets and to find new            It may seem like a tall order and some may not
ways of achieving them. It’s no surprise to my            fully embrace the need for change, but my vision
team that I have taken the same approach to the           is clear and I have absolute confidence both in my
Pinmar Golf. I have challenged them to find ways          team and our industry partners. Let’s continue to
of making the event work harder for Pinmar and            pioneer our way to an even greater Pinmar Golf
our event partners, to make it more inclusive and         in 2019.
entertaining for players and non-playing guests
alike and, most importantly, to raise more money          This magazine represents the first small step
in support of our charities.                              towards the 2019 event. I hope you enjoy reading
                                                          the new, more diverse editorial features as well as
I've set an agenda that calls for more engagement         reflecting on the fun of our Pearl Anniversary event.
from the new-build yards and design community,
so we create a better balance between the refit           I look forward to seeing you in Mallorca in October.
and new-build sectors. I have also asked Pinmar
Supply, our yacht chandlery and supply business,
to seek the support of their product suppliers
as I believe their participation will add value to
the event. Whilst I believe we already have the
biggest golf tournament in the industry, I would
                                                                             Remy Millott

Plane sailing - The Pinmar Golf
The Pinmar Golf . Contents                                                                                                                                                               The Pinmar Golf . Contents
                                                                                                                                                          Ticket ad(press).pdf   1   17/04/2015   12:59

                      The Pinmar                                                                                 65
                     Golf Magazine
                                                                                                                 2019 EVENT PREVIEW
                                                                                                                 All the facts about this year’s
                                                                                                                 event, including what’s new
                                                                                                                 and how to book

                                     22                                                                          69
                                     GO GREEN WITH WASTE                                                         LEGENDARY MOMENTS
                                     The Blue Marine Foundation's drive                                          Pinmar Golf ambassador Paul
                                     for clean oceans is being helped by                                         Lawrie reflects on his 1999 Open
                                     new waste management solutions                                              Championship win 20 years on

                                     28                                                                          72

                                     FLIGHTS OF FANCY                                                            SPONSORS                            M

                                     How much technology share                                                   The respected brands of the         Y

                                     is there between yachting and                                               industry who contributed to the
                                                                                                                 2018 Pinmar Golf event

                                     aerospace when it comes to paint?
GYG NEWS                                                                   2018 EVENT REVIEW

The latest news from GYG,                                                  All the action from last year's

including updates from the US and                                          Pinmar Golf event, which celebrated                                      CMY

La Ciotat, and plans for MYS 2019                                          its 30th anniversary in 2018                                              K

08                                                                         60
CUP FEVER                                                                  PRIZE WINNERS
With the Rugby World Cup due to                                            A full list of the teams and people
kick off in September, seven yacht                                         who took home the silverware
captains rate their teams' chances                                         during the 2018 Pinmar Golf event

                                     36                                    62                                    80
                                     TALKING ABOUT                         HALL OF FAME                          THE 19TH HOLE –
A roundup of the worthy causes       A REVOLUTION                                                                PAUL LAWRIE
                                                                           Previous winners, plus the amounts
and charities supported by The
                                     Exploring the boundary-pushing        raised for charity each year which    Open winner Paul Lawrie suggests
Pinmar Golf Charity Fund
                                     182m scientific expedition vessel     now total over €1,036,000             the best golf courses in the top
                                     REV Ocean                                                                   yachting locations

                                                     02                                                                                             03
Plane sailing - The Pinmar Golf
The Pinmar Golf . GYG news                                                                                                                                                                      The Pinmar Golf . GYG news

                                     GYG News
                                                                                                           GYG establishes refit hub
                                                                                                           in La Ciotat shipyard
                                                                                                           GYG has opened its third permanent refit hub
                                                                                                           in La Ciotat, France, mirroring its existing bases
                                                                                                           in Palma and Barcelona. The move follows
                                                                                                           the announcement by La Ciotat Shipyard of
                                                                                                           their long-term development plans for the
                                                                                                           yard, and MB92 Group’s recent acquisition of
                                                                                                           Compositeworks and the lease for the dry dock
                                                                                                           facility. The new Pinmar paint operation in La
                                                                                                           Ciotat is currently operating out of temporary
                                                                                                           facilities until it moves in to the new LCS Yachting
                                                                                                           Village refit zone being constructed by the
                                                                                                           Shipyard in tandem with their new 4,000-tonne
                                                                                                           ship lift and 40,000m2 Refit Platform.
                                                                                                              The new purpose-built facilities will provide
                                                                                                           Pinmar with state-of-the-art spray cabins and
                                                                                                           workshops. Technocraft are also in La Ciotat with
                                                                                                           the latest scaffolding and containment equipment
                                                                                                           available. The Technocraft teams can provide
                                                                                                           bespoke services direct to refit yards and yachts
                                                                                                           as well as supporting Pinmar in providing turnkey
                                                                                                           paint solutions for large superyachts.
                                                                                                              Pinmar Supply will offer a yacht chandlery and
                                                                                                           supply service through its local retail partner. The
                                                                                                           new Pinmar Supply branded facility will also be
                                                                                                           located in the LCS Yachting Village and will
                                                                                                           provide a yacht supply service direct to yachts
                                                                                                           in refit, as it does in both Barcelona and Palma.

                                                                                                                                                                       Technocraft updates
                                                                                                                                                                       The Technocraft teams will be sporting new
                                                                                                                                                                       uniforms for the Winter 2019/20 season
                                                                                                                                                                       featuring their new brand identity, following its
                                                                                                                                                                       digital launch in April. “The Technocraft name
                                                                                                                                                                       is well known and respected in the industry,
                                                                                                                                                                       having pioneered the scaffold and containment
                                                                                                                                                                       systems that have become a fundamental part
                                                                                                                                                                       of superyacht refit infrastructure," says Andrew
                                                                                                                                                                       Clemence, group marketing director. "However, the
                                                                                                                                                                       Yacht Hardware Solutions division that employs
                                                                                                                                                                       a team of specialist engineers and craftsmen
                                                                                                                                                                       who remove, repair and re-fit all the yacht fittings
                                                                                                                                                                       during the refit process is less well known. We
                                                                                                                                                                       needed to update the Technocraft logo to give a
                                                                                                                                                                       clean and modern look that conveys the care and
                                                                                                                                                                       quality of our workmanship. At the same time, we
Pinmar at MYS 2019                                                                                                                                                     wanted to give both specialist divisions their own
                                                                                                                                                                       distinct identity which will be most apparent with
Once again, the Pinmar team will be taking            us at the Pinmar Lounge. Whether it's a formal                                                                   the launch of the new uniform.”
up residence on the terrace of the prestigious        meeting in the boardroom or a quick coffee and                                                                      Technocraft has bases in Palma, Barcelona
Monaco Yacht Club for the 2019 Monaco Yacht           chat on the terrace, they are guaranteed a warm                                                                  and La Ciotat, offering scaffold and containment
Show. For the third successive year The Pinmar        welcome and a brief respite from the frenetic                                                                    systems as well as hardware removal services to
Lounge will be located on the ground floor of the     intensity of the show.”                                                                                          shipyards and superyachts. Technocraft has the
iconic Monaco Yacht Club, with a quayside terrace        Our global sales team will be in attendance as                                                                capacity and experience to deploy specialist teams
and a private office and meeting facilities in the    it’s the one time when everyone from the industry                                                                to virtually any location to handle the largest and
clubhouse. “Being such a large and busy show          is available in the same location. The Pinmar team                                                               most complex new-build and refit projects. >>
it's important to have a location which is easily     will be making full use of the private meeting
accessible, convenient and provides the right         facilities as well as hosting lunch tables at the
environment to entertain and transact business,"      excellent Sunrise Restaurant in the Yacht Club.
says Andrew Clemence, GYG's group marketing           To arrange an appointment with a member of our
director. "Our customers and partners like visiting   sales team, please contact us at

                                                              04                                                                                                  05
Plane sailing - The Pinmar Golf
The Pinmar Golf . GYG news

Pinmar updates from the US
There’s a lot going on with Pinmar in the United
States, explains Peter Brown, managing director
USA, who is tasked with spearheading the Group’s
ambitious growth plans. “We’ve adjusted the
branding, dropping the “USA” postfix from the
Pinmar logo as part of the globalisation of the
Pinmar brand," he says. "We want our customers
to be clear that the unique quality, technology
and service that underpins Pinmar’s market
leading reputation in Europe is exactly the same
in the US – we’re all part of the same team
following the same methodologies with the same
dedication and passion."
   Pinmar’s general manager in the US has
strengthened his sales team with the appointment
of a new sales manager, Shane Voss. Voss is a
passionate 'yachtie', having started out in the
US Navy before graduating to superyachts. He
has extensive yacht industry experience as an           Pinmar experienced a very busy 2018/19 winter      Above: Pinmar's
                                                                                                           US operations are
engineer, and more recently in sales and business     season in the US with projects up and down           headquartered in
development. Voss will be attending all the major     the east coast from Newport to Miami. Winter         Rybovich's North
US boat shows and reaching out to Pinmar’s            2019/20 looks likely to follow suit as Pinmar’s      Yard. Below left:
extensive client base – please contact him to         order book is filling up fast, with more large       work in progress
                                                                                                           on Bella Vita at
discuss any upcoming paint requirements.              yachts choosing to refit in the new and expanding    Savannah Yacht
   The Pinmar US headquarters and paint facility      facilities on the Eastern Seaboard.                  Centre in the US
in Rybovich’s North Yard are fully operational and
benefiting from the larger travel lift capacity and
expanded in-water and hardstanding facilities.        Pinmar Supply
We will be refurbishing our paint facilities in
Fort Lauderdale over the summer period to             Pinmar Supply is set to expand its services
support our operations in both the Dania Cut          and geographic reach in 2019. Its retail partner
and Derecktor yards. We have completed several        programme has now grown to 11 locations,
major projects in the dry dock at Savannah Yacht      the latest being in Malta and La Ciotat. The
Center (SYC) and are in the process of fitting        programme reaches across the Mediterranean and
out the Pinmar facility at SYC with a sales office,   provides superyacht clients continuity of service
workshops and paint cabin. This new facility          and price as well as convenience and efficiency.
will be officially opened with the launch of the      Its partners share local knowledge and collaborate
new synchro lift which is in the final phase of       in workshops and training sessions planned by
construction and will come into operation in the      Pinmar Supply in partnership with key suppliers.
Fall for the winter 2019/20 refit season.                Its superyacht supply team has expanded
                                                      in number and scope, and is geared to supply
                                                      clients all over Europe. This team has a wealth
                                                      of experience offering genuine added value to
                                                      superyachts on the move, under tight deadlines
                                                      and with busy schedules. Speaking the same
                                                      language, knowing intuitively what is needed, and
                                                      understanding its product portfolio inside out
                                                      makes life easier for its clients.
                                                         Pinmar Supply is also continuing its training
                                                      programmes for both trade and yacht clients.
                                                      Focusing on different brands each month ensures
                                                      that both team and clients are up to date with
                                                      new technologies and emerging products.
                                                         This year will see an increase in warehouse
                                                      capacity in Palma and Barcelona to accommodate
                                                      an increase both in sales and product portfolio as
                                                      the needs of superyacht clients diversify. Pinmar
                                                      Supply is also now the Spanish distributor for the
                                                      high quality washdown system Baudoin.

Plane sailing - The Pinmar Golf
The Pinmar Golf . Cup fever

                                      Cup fever                                                                                      The Northern Hemisphere teams, however, will
                                                                                                                                     likely not let them have it all their own way. Wales
                                                                                                                                     have shown their ability to maintain a decent
                                                                                                                                     winning streak, adding to a succession of victories
                                                                                                                                                                                            Of course, with our industry and the superyacht
                                                                                                                                                                                            fleet including captains and senior crew from so
                                                                                                                                                                                            many of the great rugby nations, we just had to
                                                                                                                                                                                            poke them to find out what their predictions were
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Top sports commentator
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Gabby Logan will host
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  the Rugby Brunch at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  The Pinmar Golf 2019

          In the countdown to the Rugby World Cup Japan 2019, yacht
                                                                                                                                     with a Grand Slam in the 2019 Six Nations.             for their national teams in the lead-up to kick-off
                                                                                                                                     England showed during that tournament that they        in September. Some, as you will read, are positive

                captains rate the chances of their national teams
                                                                                                                                     can be devastating on their day, and a little more     about their chances, and some are perhaps more
                                                                                                                                     consistency and the ability to change tactics on       hopeful than expectant. One thing, however, is
                                                                                                                                     the fly could see them as a serious threat – not       clear – whichever team they support, friendly
                                                                                                                                     to mention, of course, the enticing prospect of        rivalry, great networking and even better Bloody
                                                                                                                                     winger Joe Cokanasiga emerging as a Lomu-              Marys will make the Rugby Brunch an affair to
                                                                                                                                     esque star, which would be fitting as he has cited     remember.
                                                                                                                                     Lomu as his hero.

                                                                                                                                     Then there are the rest of the Tier One nations,
                                                                                                                                     who on their day could weave and blast their
                                                                                                                                     way to the finals; or the other steadfast Southern
                                                                                                                                     Hemisphere teams such as Argentina, who have
                                                                                                                                     an impressive record at the Cup. Finally, there
                                                                                                                                     are the so-called minnows, who will be looking
                                                                                                                                     to emulate Japan’s performance last time out
                                                                                                                                     and make a name for themselves on the greatest
                                                                                                                                     international stage of all.

                                                                                                                                     Naturally, the Rugby World Cup will play an
                                                                                                                                     integral part of the Pinmar Golf in 2019, with the
                                                                                                                                     inclusion this year of the Rugby Brunch at Wellies
                                                                                                                                     restaurant on the Saturday morning during which
                                                                                                                                     one of the quarter final matches will be played.
                                                                                                                                     Not only will the Bloody Marys be on hand to
                                                                                                                                     help with any hangovers, but the brunch and
                                                                                                                                     pre-match build-up will be hosted by top sports
                                                                                                                                     commentator Gabby Logan.

                                                                                                                                     South Africa
                                                                                                                                     Captain Wes Walker
                                                                                                                                     MY Chimera
                                                                                                                                                             My feelings on the current
                                                                                                                                                             Springbok team are very
                                                                                                                                                             positive. I believe we have
                      The drama, the intensity,       tournament marked the emergence of the late           New Zealand celebrate                            come a long way since we
                                                                                                            winning the 2015 Rugby
                      the hero moments and the        Jonah Lomu as a global superstar (and who can         World Cup
                                                                                                                                                             employed the new coach
                      howlers – no, it’s not the      forget the ‘Jonah who?’ signs that appeared in the                                                     who clearly has an absolute
                      Pinmar Golf, but the Rugby      crowd in subsequent internationals?), while the                                                        lust for winning and being
                      World Cup which kicks off in    2015 event featured an opening round thriller as                               the best team in the world, and that has definitely
                      Japan in September for its      minnows Japan overwhelmed the Springboks for                                   trickled through the players especially in their
                      9th edition. Representing the   a famous victory.                                                              self-belief. Our first pool game will be against the
                      pinnacle of the Rugby Union                                                                                    All Blacks and the only possible time we can play
                      world, the World Cup has        So what can we expect for the 2019 Rugby World                                 them again will be in the final. It will be a repeat
                      established itself as a major   Cup? Australian double Cup-winner Phil Kearns is                               of 2007 where we played England in our first
sporting occasion in spite of its relative youth.     famous for saying that “you can go to the end of                               pool game and then met them again in the final
Perhaps that’s because of those moments that          time, the last World Cup in the history of mankind,                            and as you're aware we walked away with the
stick in the memory as nail-biting, heart-stopping,   and the All Blacks will be favourites.” Judging by                             William Webb Ellis Cup! I think it will be a massive
and extraordinary. The drop goals of Joel Stransky    recent form, it seems Kearn’s statement still holds                            World Cup seeing that the northern hemisphere
– to clinch victory for the Springboks in extra       true – the All Blacks sit atop the world rankings                              is so strong so I'm extremely excited and holding
time in the 1995 final – and Jonny Wilkinson, to      heading into the tournament, and of course they                                thumbs luck swings our way this year! Go Bokke! >>
snatch victory over hosts Australia 21 seconds        will be looking for a record hat trick having won
before play went to sudden death in 2003, are for     the Cup in both 2011 and 2015.                                                 South Africa captain:
sure highlights. But they are not alone – the 1995                                                                                   Siya Kolisi

                                                              08                                                                                                                                    09
Plane sailing - The Pinmar Golf
The Pinmar Golf . Cup fever

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Rupert Savage
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Commercial Director GYG
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Eddie Jones has done a good
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  job of developing an excellent
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  squad of exciting young players
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  who seem to be approaching
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  top form in World Cup year if the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Six Nations is anything to go by.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  The scrum is strong and savvy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  enough to hold their own against
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  any opposition and guarantee
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               a fair amount of quick ball. Owen Farrell is world
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               class at fly half and, provided he keeps his tackling
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               in check, he could be England’s match winner.
                                            YA C H T I N S U R A N C E B R O K E R S                                                                                                                                                                                           With the speed of May, Slade and Daly combined
                                                                    I N S U R I N G T H E W O R L D ’ S F I N E S T YA C H T S                                                                                                                                                 with the power of Tuilagi, Te'o and Cokanasiga
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               the England back line has the beating of all the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               top sides on their day. In a knock-out tournament
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               it’s a combination of stamina and peaking for key
                                                                      S T U R G E TAY L O R & A S S O C I AT E S                                                                                                                                                               games so anything could happen, but at the end
                                                                            SOUTHAMPTON                                          LONDON                           ANTIBES                                                                                                      of the day I think there are three real contenders:
                                                                             w w w. s t u r g e y a c h t s . c o m | i n f o @ s t u r g e t a y l o r. c o m                                                                                                                 England, Ireland and the All Blacks. Here’s hoping
                                                                                                     +44 207 702 2202                                                                                                                                                          the boys in white prevail.

S t u r g e Ta y l o r & A s s o c i a t e s L t d .   A u t h o r i s e d a n d r e g u l a t e d b y t h e F i n a n c i a l C o n d u c t A u t h o r i t y. R e g i s t e r e d o f f i c e : H i g h f i e l d C o u r t , To l l g a t e , C h a n d l e r s F o r d ,
                                                                           Eastleigh, Hampshire SO14 3TY Registered in England N° 3706480

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Captain Julian Spier
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            MY Shemara
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Wales under Warren Gatland
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              have achieved a strength in depth
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              that was absent in previous
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Welsh squads. In the past, injuries
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              to a few key players would have
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              seriously weakened the team, but
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              now there is competition for all
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              positions and an embarrassment
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              of riches in the back row with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            seven top class options. As always with Wales, the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            number 10 jersey is the most controversial and it is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            time for the fly half factory to resume production.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Rhys Patchell may well be in contention by the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            time they arrive in Japan. Whilst Gatland may
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            well get the plaudits for Welsh recent successes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            the key member of the Welsh coaching team is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            defensive coach Shaun Edwards who has made it
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            a very difficult defence to penetrate, and who has
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            tightened up discipline across the team with only
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            three penalties conceded in the recent victory
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            over England. I expect this team to do well in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Japan and at least reach the semi-finals, however
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            the All Blacks will be favourite to win. It should be
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            a great competition. >>

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            England captain:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Dylan Hartley
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Wales captain:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Alun Wyn Jones

Plane sailing - The Pinmar Golf
The Pinmar Golf . Cup fever

                                                                                                             Captain Glen MCDonnell
                                                                                                             MY Vava
                                                                                                                                 Well, being asked to write my
                                                                                                                                 thoughts on the Wallabies'
                                                                                                                                 chances for the World Cup
                                                                                                                                 presents me with a deep sense
                                                                                                                                 of conflict at this point in time.
                                                                                                                                 I am a seriously keen Wallabies
                                                                                                                                 rugby supporter and have been
                                                                                                             for years. My enthusiasm for my team is at rock
                                                                                                             bottom right now as, following on from the last
                                                                                                             World Cup, I have endured close to three years of
                                                                                                             shame at the woeful performances the Wallabies
                                                                                                             have tabled since making the final last time round.
                                                                                                             I have been hoping for a monumental turnaround

    Family favourites
                                                                                                             but unfortunately there seems an underlying
                                                                                                             void in the Australian sporting culture that has
                                                                                                             manifested itself in recent years. Given the current
                                                                                                             form of the top three northern hemisphere
                                                                                                             sides and the Wallabies' poor performances in
                                                                                                             recent years, I feel that the Wallabies will be very
                                                                                                             fortunate if they can fluke their way into the semi-
                                                                                                             final stages which was once an almost forgone
                                                                                                             conclusion for the boys in gold. They may go
                                                                                                             through with Wales from their group but I would
                                                                                                             be surprised if they get past the quarters. I think
                                                                                                             this will be Cheika’s last chance as he cannot
                                                                                                             seem to extract the team performances expected
                                                                                                             of the very fine individual international players
                                                                                                             on his squad. I see an All Blacks vs England final
                                                                                                             on current form and I can only hope that the
                                                                                                             Wallabies play some entertaining rugby to build
                                                                                                             for a future shot at the title.

                                                                                                                                                                           Chief Engineer David Murphy
                                                                                                                                                                           SY Norfolk Star
                                                                                                                                                                                           Ireland are a top side at the
                                                                                                                                                                                           moment but one that has
                                                                                                                                                                                           possibly peaked a little too soon.
                                             connect with freedom of choice                                                                                                                If Jonathan Sexton and Conor
                                                                                                                                                                                           Murray are on form then Ireland
                                                                                                                                                                                           will be finalists, but if not then I
                  Our 4G and VSAT families are there to keep the data flowing to vessels across the globe.                                                                                 don’t see them getting past the
                                                                                                                                                                                           quarter-finals. International rugby
                               e3’s BIG DATA family offers 4G data with no commitments,
                                                                                                                                                                           can be unpredictable and Ireland do not have a
                                 no usage limits and some of the best GB rates afloat.                                                                                     lot of quality depth to replace Murray or Sexton.
                                                                                                                                                                           Finalists: England, Ireland, Wales, New Zealand. >>
                                       While VAST VSAT is our portfolio of airtime solutions
                                that deliver exceptional choice and connectivity, backed up by                                                                             Australia captain:
                                                                                                                                                                           Michael Hooper
                               value-added services to make connecting with e3 nice and easy.                                                                              Ireland captain:
                                                                                                                                                                           Rory Best
                                             To get connected contact our team:
                              or +34 971 404 208 or +1 954 368 9980

Eur: +34 971 40 42 08 | | USA: +1 954 368 9980 |
Plane sailing - The Pinmar Golf
The Pinmar Golf . Cup fever

Captain Kevin Paul
SY Moonbird
                    The Scottish side have been
                    improving steadily over the
                    past few seasons, with players
                    like Laidlaw, Russell and Hogg
                    bringing a lot of experience and
                    talent to the squad. The style of
                    rugby played by the Scots has
had to evolve from the mainly forwards-driven
tactics of the older game to a much faster, backs-
driven style with more passing and running of the
ball. This has brought some better results for the
Scots, such as the win over England at Murrayfield
last year, and wins against Australia. The Scots
started the 2019 Six Nations campaign well with
a great match against the Italians, though they
did concede a lot of points in the latter stages
of the match. The match against the Irish was
tough, with the Irish coming out on top and never
looking like they were going to let the Scots have
it their way. I thought the Scots would have to
work very hard indeed to beat the English this
season as they are looking particularly good. If I
had to choose a winner based on this season, I’d
probably go for the English.

                                                             New Zealand
                                                             Chief Officer James Kennedy
                                                             MY Lady E
                                                                                   I love the All Blacks,
                                                                                   unconditionally – a true
                                                                                   patriotic supporter. In the
                                                                                   same way I love 'God's
                                                                                   country', I love the national
                                                                                   team. I believe Steve Hansen
                                                                                   and New Zealand rugby run a
                                                                                   world-class programme that
                                                             keeps us winning and maintains our 'number one
                                                             in the world' status. Accordingly, I don't doubt for
                                                             a moment that the All Blacks will lift the Webb
                                                             Ellis Cup in victory come October. Three from
                                                                                                                     Some of our best refit work isn’t done on a boat.
                                                             three? Yep, I'll be watching to the final whistle. >>
                                                                                                                         A refit can’t be rushed. To successfully transform,    big reason why we’ve become Florida’s leading refit yard
                                                             Scotland captain:
                                                                                                                     modify or even update something as complex as one of       and earned a worldwide reputation for getting the job
                                                             John Barclay                                            today’s large yachts takes the right mix of planning and   done right the first time. So when you review the superb
                                                             New Zealand captain:
                                                             Kieran Read                                             pushing. At Derecktor we know this. After seven decades    results of your Derecktor refit, remember that some of
                                                                                                                     of working on thousands of fine yachts we’ve learned       our most impressive work didn’t take place on the boat.
                                                                                                                     that every hour spent engineering, scheduling, and
                                                                                                                     communicating with the customer about the job ahead
                                                                                                                     ultimately saves time, saves money, and saves the
                                                                                                                     mistakes born from the haste of inexperience. It’s one

                                                        14                                                                   775 Taylor Lane, Dania Beach, FL 33004 • USA | 1+954.920.5756 |
Plane sailing - The Pinmar Golf
                                                                                Our charities
                                                                                The 2018 event had 288 golfers and collectively over 800 attendees
                                                                                across the three-day event, who along with our wonderful sponsors
                                                                                    and hard-working volunteers raised a magnificent figure of
                                                                                 €92,065 for the Pinmar Charity Fund which pushes the 30-year
                                     72                                         total beyond the €1 million mark to €1,036,480. A very special way
                                    YEARS                                        to celebrate our 30th year, the generosity of our guests, industry
                                LONGEST SERVING
                                YACHT BROKERAGE                                                 partners and sponsors, is humbling.
           50%                                                 IN THE YACHT
                                                             MANAGEMENT FLEET
          OF GUESTS                                            OVER 3 YEARS
           ARE REPEAT
                                                               MORE SALES
               +300                                           CLOSED THAN ANY
                                                              OTHER BROKERAGE
                  JOBS                                           IN THE LAST
            FILLED EVERY YEAR                                      8 YEARS

                                  ACTIVITY INCREASE
                                   OF NEW BUILD PROJECTS
                                       OVER 2 YEARS

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The Pinmar Golf . Charities                                                                                                                                      The Pinmar Golf . Charities

Royal National                                                       MS Society
Lifeboat Institution                                                 IN AID OF
                                                                                         We're the MS Society, we're a
                                                                                         community of people living with MS,
                       We are the RNLI: the charity that                                 researchers, fundraisers, campaigners
                       saves lives at sea. Every day of every                            and volunteers. We know together
                       year, people of all backgrounds                                   we're strong enough to stop MS, and
                       get into danger in the water. It’s                                we're working hard to make it happen.
                       a problem that we’re here to                  We’ve got ambitious plans for MS treatments, research, care
tackle. Our volunteer lifeboat crews provide a 24-hour               and support. And we work with our community to make
rescue service in the UK and Ireland, and our seasonal               them happen. Together, we can stop MS.
lifeguards look after people on busy beaches. Our Flood
Rescue Team helps those affected by flooding.                        Telephone: +44 0300 500 8084
RNLI crews and lifeguards have saved over 142,200
lives since 1824 but we’re more than a rescue service.
We influence, supervise and educate people too. Our
Community Safety teams explain the risks and share
safety knowledge with anyone going out to sea or to the
coast. And our international teams work with like-minded
organisations to help tackle drowning in communities at
risk all around the world.

Telephone: +44 0300 300 9990                                         Sail 4 Cancer                                                           “We’ve had an amazing year,
                                                                                                                                               giving over 900 people living
                                                                                             Sail 4 Cancer is a specialist respite
                                                                                             charity which was set up by a group
                                                                                             of five friends who had all lost a close          with cancer and their families
                                                                                             relative to cancer. Through sailing,
                                                                     the charity's founders discovered that they could switch off              a chance to escape from
                                                                     from the realities of the situation they faced at home. They
                                                                     also discovered what they collectively call "the power of the             hospitals and treatment,
                                                                     holiday". Day trips away or longer holidays gave each family
                                                                     something to look forward to after a family member with                   reconnect with family and
My Name'5 Doddie                                                     cancer had an operation or a course of treatment. In 2001,
                                                                     the charity's founders decided to set up a charity in the hope            friends, relax, and rebuild
                                                                     that other families would benefit in the same way.
                                                                                                                                               strength. This record number
                                                                     Telephone: +44 (0) 1635 297 222
                  The Foundation is committed to                                                                      is all thanks to people like you."
                  helping improve the lives of those
                  affected by Motor Neurone Disease.
                  We can help through grant support.
                  This is available to individuals and
                  families and is administered by our
friends at MND Association and MND Scotland.                         Asdica
Doddie Weir OBE is one of rugby’s most recognisable
personalities. He earned 61 caps for Scotland during a                                     ASDICA is an non-profit organisation
successful playing career, represented the British and                                     of the Municipality of Calvià, founded
Irish Lions on their successful tour to South Africa in                                    in 1996 with the intention of working
1997, and won championships with his two club sides,                                       on behalf of all persons with disabilities
Melrose and Newcastle Falcons. A talented, committed                                       and their families. During the more than
and athletic lock forward, Doddie is now facing his                  20 years that ASDICA has been working, we have dedicated
biggest challenge. In June 2017 the Scot revealed he was             our efforts to provide complimentary services to those
suffering from Motor Neurone Disease. From the outset,               offered by the different administrations, in order to defend
Doddie has been driven to help fellow sufferers and                  the rights of all persons with disabilities in our municipality
seek ways to further research into this, as yet, incurable           and to provide them, as far as possible, a normal life.
                                                                     Telephone: +34 971 90 00 00

                                                                18                                                                      19
The Pinmar Golf . Charities

                                              Fundraising distribution

             Winners                                                                          Marine
             Choice                                                                           Conservation
             25% of all funds raised                                                          25% of all funds raised
             are donated to charities                                                         are donated to marine
             chosen by the winning                                                            conservation charities
             yacht team

              Mallorca                                                                        Industry
             25% of all funds raised                                                          25% of all funds raised
             are donated to local                                                             are donated to industry
             Mallorca-based charities                                                         related charities

             Through the charitable fundraising from the           winners. They will pass on the mantle to 2018
             Pinmar Golf Tournament we have now raised over        winners Tatasu to distribute 25 per cent of the
             one million euros to date, which has been used to     funds raised at this year’s Pinmar Golf.
             great effect supporting a host of worthy Mallorca-
             based and industry related charities. In the past     While we will continue to support such charities,
             year funds have been shared across a wide             we have also introduced an environmental focus
             range of causes both here and abroad, including:      to our fundraising activity and will apportion 25                                         CONSTRUCTION
             Joves Navegants, Fundación Handisports, OK            per cent of the total to projects that are focused
             Prosthetics, Tyume Valley Schools, Sail 4 Cancer,     on marine conservation.
             Asdica, Serve On and Shambhala Fundación.
                                                                   So, thank you again to all our golfers, guests,
             Yacht Zenobia handpicked the Royal National           organisers and volunteers for your continued                                                      CHARTER
             Lifeboat Institution, My Name’5 Doddie                support and generosity, and to all our Birdie,
             Foundation and the MS Society to receive their        Eagle, Albatross and Condor sponsors without
             share of the fundraising as 2017 tournament           whom the Pinmar Golf would simply not exist.
                                                                                                                                                                     AV I AT I O N
                              Pinmar are proud to support the following charities:
                                                                                                                                         +377 93 10 29 29
                                                                                                                              MONAC O   LO N D O N A N T I B E S P A L M A L A S P E Z I A F O R T L AU D E R D A L E P A L M B E AC H
                                                              20                                                                                  GOLD COAST DOUGLAS GUERNSEY LIMASSOL
The Pinmar Golf . Ocean conservation                                                                                                                                                                             The Pinmar Golf . Ocean conservation

                                                                                                                                       There are now new

                       Sailing green by
                                                                                                                                       vacuum systems
                                                                                                                                       (below right) designed
                                                                                                                                       specifically for yachts
                                                                                                                                       that can reduce garbage
                                                                                                                                       volume by 50 per cent
                                                                                                                                       as well as preventing

                         going clean
                                                                                                                                       leaks and odours

                                                                                                                                       Many believe the next thing to take off in the
                                                                                                                                       garbage-management market will be recycling
                                                                                                                                       solutions, with more boats becoming more

                 Pinmar's partnership with the Blue Marine Foundation                                                                  environmentally conscious and wanting to recycle
                                                                                                                                       the various types of packaging and containers
                  highlights a wider drive to clean our oceans, but how                                                                that are found on board.

                     can yachts improve their waste management?                                                                        The problem is being highlighted by increasing
                                                                                                                                       mass media (and indeed social media) coverage
                                                                                                                                       of plastics pollution in the oceans and along
                                                                                                                                       shorelines, alongside concerted efforts to raise
                                                                                                                                       awareness by organisations such as the Blue
Interior space on any superyacht is valuable real                                                                                      Marine Foundation (BLUE). BLUE's stated aim
estate and, as such, onboard storage is often                                                                                          to protect 10 per cent of the oceans by 2020 is
an afterthought for designers, which can cause                                                                                         rapidly gaining traction, and with many yacht
crew many operational issues – especially when                                                                                         owners now becoming involved it is clear that
it comes to handling waste. When superyachts                                                                                           the superyacht industry as a whole can make
are at anchor for long periods of time, exploring                                                                                      a real difference.
remote destinations and undertaking long
passages, waste can rapidly accumulate,                                                                                                "Fortunately, there is a steady growth of
meaning crew need to be able to manage and                                                                                             awareness within the industry about the negative
store large volumes in a hygienic manner.                                                                                              impacts of yachting on the marine environment,"
                                                                                                                                       says Sara-Jane Skinner, head of partnerships at
The first challenge comes with the traditional                                                                                         the Blue Marine Foundation. "Sustainability and
superyacht design: crew feel that yachts should                                                                                        marine protection is now a hot topic and I am
be designed more with operational practices in                                                                                         witnessing action being taken, by some, across
mind, such as responsible waste management.                                                                                            the sector including suppliers, yacht management,
“Having space for a recycling plant and garbage                                                                                        designers, builders, crew, captains and mindful >>
fridges built into the yacht, with easy access to
the exterior so crew don’t have to walk rubbish
through the whole yacht, would definitely
make a big difference,” says one captain of a
42m yacht. “I don’t think this is thought about                                                                                                                                                  London to Monaco ride
enough during the design and build phases.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Founded in 2016 with long-standing Blue
While refrigerated garbage lockers are a                                                                                                                                                         Marine Foundation (BLUE) partner Winch
standard item helpful for storing full bin bags                                                                                                                                                  Design, the London to Monaco cycle ride
until a suitable offloading point is reached,                                                                                                                                                    was launched to help BLUE raise awareness
some superyachts are integrating increasingly                                                                                                                                                    and funds to support its conservation
innovative solutions to make the crew’s lives                                                                                                                                                    efforts around the world. Last year's event
easier and assist with the growing desire to                                                                                                                                                     raised an impressive £456,000.
separate and recycle rubbish on board. With
today’s solutions, it’s possible for waste to be                                                                                                                                                 This year’s ride, to be held 17-24 September,
                                                                                                           Growing awareness of
properly managed and the latest technology on       “I think its popularity comes down to the fact         the impact of waste and                                                               will be organised by Just Pedal and will
the market can address most aspects of waste        that it really makes a difference to onboard           plastics on the health of                                                             travel through Spanish Basque country,
management, meaning that not even the tiniest       operations,” says one waste management                 the world's oceans from                                                               over the Pyrenees and through Provence.
                                                                                                           organisations such as
of food particles ends up in the water.             equipment supplier. “Most yachts don’t have the                                                                                              Departing from London with a celebrity
                                                                                                           Blue Marine Foundation
                                                    facilities to store lots of rubbish and many rubbish   is helping to drive                                                                   send-off before carving its way through four
One company, for example, specialises               rooms overflow. The system reduces the size of         moves toward ocean                                                                    countries, it finishes with Champagne and a
in products that can streamline waste               rubbish, sealing it from smells or leakages, so        conservation                                                                          big party in Monaco in time for MYS 2019.
management onboard yachts. Among it’s most          superyachts spend a lot longer at anchor without
popular products is a vacuum system that is         having to do as many rubbish runs in the tender.                                                                                             To join the 2019 edition of the London to
designed not only to seal bin bags but also         Plus, they no longer have to spend three hours a                                                                                             Monaco ride, or to become a sponsor, visit
reduce their total volume by up to 50 per cent.     day cleaning the tender of bin juice. The crew’s                                                                                    or send an email to
As well as the space-saving benefits, the system    time can then be repurposed to other tasks so the                                                                                  
prevents any leakages or lingering nasty smells.    overall operational efficiency is improved.”

                                                            22                                                                                                                              23
The driving force
The Pinmar Golf . Ocean conservation

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      of the industry

                                                 owners. However, it's not widespread enough           The extraordinary
                                                                                                       diversity of our seas
                                                 and action needs to be taken across the entire
    Blue Marine Yacht Club                       maritime industry."
                                                                                                       and oceans is under
                                                                                                       increasing threat - the
                                                                                                       Blue Marine Foundation
    Launched in 2012 by His Serene               The impact that even one yacht can have on            aims to protect more
                                                                                                       than 10 per cent of the
    Highness Prince Albert II of Monaco,         the ocean environment cannot be understated.
                                                                                                       world's oceans by 2020
    the Blue Marine Yacht Club (BMYC)            "Untreated waste water, chemicals and litter affect
    was formed to unite the world’s              marine life development and the health of entire
    yachting community in a clear mission        ecosystems. Poor water quality also leads to
    to protect our oceans and bring modern       increased risks to human health," Skinner explains.
    approach to environmental protection.        "What ends up in the water ends up in fish and
                                                 finally in humans. Discharge from a single yacht
    Whether a yacht owner or company,            over a weekend can contribute the same amount
    the BMYC provides a platform in which        of bacterial pollution as treated sewage from
    members can express their concern            tens of thousands of people! There are lots of
    for the ocean and desire to protect          new solutions being designed and implemented
    its future. By joining and providing         to deal with waste management on yachts which
    their money, their support and their         is great to see, and I hope this new blue wave
    expertise, they are part of a project that   continues to grow."
    is bringing about real change in the way
    our oceans are cared for.                    There are already innovative solutions on the
                                                 market to help with refuse separation, meaning
    All revenues raised from membership          that crew can recycle knowing that all waste is
    go directly to support the Blue Marine       separated and organised before arriving ashore,
    Foundation’s work around the world           as well as reducing the volume of overall rubbish
    and its mission of protecting at least 10    that can accumulate.                                                            LONDON               MONACO               NEW YORK            MIAMI             DUBAI             HONG KONG
    per cent of the world’s ocean by 2020.                                                                                       +44 20 7766 4300     +377 97 97 81 21     +1 212 223 0410     +1 305 672 0150   +971 4 425 5874   +852 9130 1196
                                                 PET crushers can be installed to perforate and
                                                 compress plastic bottles to a quarter of their >>                               BEVERLY HILLS | MOSCOW | PALMA | ATHENS | SINGAPORE | SHANGHAI | TOKYO
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                                                                                                                                 THE SUPERYACHT SPECIALISTS                                                                SALE & PURCHASE | CHARTER | NEW CONSTRUCTION | MANAGEMENT
The Pinmar Golf . Ocean conservation

original size to be bagged and frozen for            With more yachts now being used in remote        Clean oceans are of
                                                                                                      particular importance
disposal ashore, and glass crushers can be used      areas, and with the potential for more
                                                                                                      for the superyacht
to crush bottles and jars and grind them into        stringent regulation regarding recycling, the    industry, as they
particles the size of sand also to be bagged         aforementioned solutions will become even more   represent the owners'
and frozen for disposal ashore. There are also       relevant in helping to reduce a superyacht’s     playgrounds, but waste
                                                                                                      at sea also affects
many compactors on the market to compact             impact on the environment as well as running
                                                                                                      beaches and shorelines
cardboard packaging and cans, and food-waste         a more efficient garbage-management plan.
extractors can deal with food generated in the
galley and separate out food slurry to be put into
bags for storage in a dedicated freezer.

Such recycling-friendly solutions are likely
to become increasingly featured onboard
superyachts, as the incoming generation of
crew are more aware than ever about protecting
the environment. Of course, a crucial part of
the process is ensuring the marinas and ports
around the world have the adequate facilities to
deal with the separated waste, but increasing
pressure from local authorities is ensuring that
this happens. Some marinas in the Mediterranean
have even started to refuse to accept waste
unless it is separated properly. “The reduction
and efficient recycling of all waste from yachts
                                                                                                                               EMPOWERING YOUR TRAVEL PROGRAMME
is one of the most effective ways in which we                                                                                  Travel Cue is a bespoke Travel Agency specialising in the Yachting industry. We globally organise
can make a positive impact on our immediate                                                                                    & develop travel programmes that optimise value, cost and time, every time. Our experienced &
environment,” explains superyacht captain Dave                                                                                 dedicated travel team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to provide around the clock,
                                                                                                                               rapid and cost effective solutions for you.
Evans. “A simple trash plan for every port should
be made available to crews so they can adhere
                                                                                                                               For a quote, please contact the team on
to the rules and recycling practices of that port.
A concerted effort should be made to bring
pressure on ports not taking a sufficient level of
interest in this.”

The Pinmar Golf . Aerospace paint

of fancy
What can the superyacht industry
learn from the aerospace sector?

It’s probably fair to say that, as an industry, we
yachties like to think we are very much near
the top of the paint pyramid. Our standards are
higher, our products are more finely developed,
and our acceptance criteria are more stringent
– after all, when a client buys a yacht it is likely
one of the most significant outlays of capital
expenditure they will ever make, and it has to
look the part.

Take a look at some aircraft manufacturers like
Embraer, though – with their striking, beautiful
and intricate animal paint schemes – and suddenly
it becomes clear that we are not the only ones
hugging that top step of the pyramid. While we
are used to seeing interesting tailfin designs and
some fuselage decoration on commercial airliners,
the business and private aviation sector is rife
with innovation both in terms of coatings and in
the approach to the paint job itself. So how do
superyachts and planes compare when it comes
to their paint systems, what differences are there,
and how can one inform the other when it comes
to advancing paint technology?

“The process,” begins René Bremer, AkzoNobel’s
key account manager superyacht, “has much of
the same DNA between the two. The output for
an owner in business aviation and superyachts is
in many ways identical. The expectations of the
owner and the bespoke custom builds for the
owner are both to the very highest standards
we see in any industry – perhaps the closest is
the classic car industry where colour tolerance is
very fine and where gloss levels and distinction of
image (DOI) are also very high.”

Both superyachting and aviation, Bremer points
out, are young markets; both really started in the
1960s and later although, he says, they do have
a different mother. “In aviation, all the processes
as well as the products have to be approved
by the OEM builder,” he explains. “In yachting,
                                                       Embraer's striking animal
the process follows the advice of the coatings         artwork is created by
supplier. This makes a major difference in the         specialist aircraft painter
quality processes.” >>                                 Coldoaldo Quintana
The Pinmar Golf . Aerospace paint                                                                                      The Pinmar Golf . Aerospace paint

While there are
differences in the types                                                                           It is for this reason that the topcoat lines in
of coating systems used,                                                                           superyachting and business aviation have a similar
aero and yacht actually
share a lot of the same
                                                                                                   DNA, coming from the same family but with their
paint and process DNA                                                                              own characteristics.

                                                                                                   There are areas, however, where superyachting
There are some key reasons, perhaps, why                                                           is still a little behind aerospace, particularly
these processes fundamentally differ. We like                                                      in maintenance interval and lifecycle. “The
to think that superyachts experience a range of                                                    cycle for superyachts is dictated in most cases
challenging conditions, with summer heat, sun                                                      by the maintenance cycle of the underwater
cream and salt spray, but coating systems on                                                       system, where in general two underwater cycles
planes have to cope with far more. “Aerospace                                                      means one topside cycle,” says Bremer. “For
topcoats are designed to be weather resistant                                                      the future, both aviation and superyachting
from -60C to +30C in 20 minutes – if an aircraft                                                   try to extend that maintenance cycle, meaning
comes from cruising altitude to a landing position                                                 engine manufacturers in aviation will offer more
in the Middle East it can easily experience a                                                      cycle hours before going for maintenance. For
100-degree temperature difference,” Bremer                                                         superyachts, the durability and quality of the
explains. “There’s also the flexing of the fuselage,                                               underwater system will last longer – we have
meaning the coating has to be very flexible, and                                                   developed our systems to last three years or
it has to be resilient to aggressive aircraft fluids                                               longer, meaning the maintenance interval for the
such as synthetic oil. Last but not least, they have                                               above-water system will be extended too. Our
to remain glossy for a long-term period, especially                                                next coating generation is ready and available.” >>
in business aviation.”

It is these critical properties and specifications                                                 We can look into each
that the yacht industry makes use of, and it
is here perhaps that large, multinational paint                                                    other's kitchens. Sometimes
manufacturers such as AkzoNobel can really
gain an edge when it comes to developing                                                           our cooks make use of each
performance coatings. “[Our divisions] can look
into each other’s kitchens,” Bremer enthuses.                                                      other's experiences.
“Sometimes our cooks make use of each other's
receipts and experiences making products and
systems market-specific – so the high demands
of one market segment can be used as a base for
further developments in another, and vice versa.”

                                                            PERPETUALLY WORKING FOR YOU

                                                                YACHT MANAGEMENT NEW BUILD REFIT CONSULTANCY

The Pinmar Golf . Aerospace paint

                                                                                                                                                                            I think in aerospace,
                                                                                                                                                                            for the painters it’s
                                                                                                                                                                            really their job and the
                                                                                                                                                                            industry retains them
                                                                                                                                                                            for a long time.

    T HE H O M E                                                                     “Maybe,” says Jemma Lampkin, AkzoNobel               complicated livery designs. For sure, the artistry
                                                                                                                                                                                                   While paint teams in
                                                                                                                                                                                                   the aerospace sector

    O F G I A N TS
                                                                                     global segment manager for aerospace coatings,       of the designs comes down to the skill of the            tend to be connected
                                                                                     “aerospace is a little further ahead here than the   applicator, but the paint system is also facilitating    directly to the OEM,
                                                                                                                                                                                                   specialist applicators
                                                                                     superyacht sector. Years ago, if you looked at       that action.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                   such as Pinmar are
                                                                                     the full repaint cycle for aerospace the average                                                              proving that yachting
                                                                                     was four or five years. And now you see it really    Within the superyacht industry, clearcoat                can match aero for
                                                                                     pushed, on the commercial aviation side, to eight    technology is starting to make its way in, and it        quality and reliability
              Tarragona’s Superyacht Marina                                          to 10 years – so already in our products we are      confers several advantages. “Clearcoats certainly
                                                                                     thinking about much longer windows. People just      have a synergetic effect on the maintenance
                                                                                     expect paint to last and to look good for much       interval – here, one plus one equals three,” says
                                                                                     longer than in the past.”                            Bremer, “especially if you go to areas like the
    One of the few marinas in the Western Mediterranean with deep-water
                                                                                                                                          Mediterranean or the Middle East. Clearcoats offer
    berths for superyachts, Marina Port Tarraco - the superyacht marina in
                                                                                     So what is it that makes paint maintenance           enormous extra protection which means a longer
    Tarragona – offers the latest technology, 24-hour security, and an ideal         cycles so different between the aerospace and        maintenance interval for the coating systems,
 location in an impressive and historic city. It’s not surprising that some of the   superyacht industries? In part it comes down to      and they also give protection against things that
 world’s largest superyachts consider Tarragona and Port Tarraco their home.         the aesthetic requirements of a superyacht – as      can really impact a lot on a paint system, such as
       Welcome to the home of giants. Welcome to Marina Port Tarraco.                Bremer points out, most areas of a superyacht are    sun cream. The new generation of clearcoats is
                                                                                     seen from less than half a metre distance, which     polish-able in maintenance, a leap forward in the
                                                                                     means the maintenance interval is necessarily        aesthetical demands and maintenance schemes.
                                                                                     shorter than in aviation where the paint tends       We really see an increase in the use of clearcoats
                                                                                     to be seen from further away.                        in the superyacht sector for this reason.”

                                                                                     But there is another element, too, which also        It makes one wonder if there will be a gradual
                                                                                     explains why incredibly complex designs like         merging of technologies between the two sectors,
                                                                                     Embraer’s animal art are possible for aviation.      but both Bremer and Lampkin are quick to
                                                                                     “About ten years ago, in aviation, we made a         point out that there are aspects of each sector
                                                                                     transition to base coat/clearcoat technology         that require their own approach and solutions.
                                                                                     like the automotive industry has been using for      “There is a parallel line in AkzoNobel between the
t. +34 977 244 173    •        •        many years, as opposed to monocoat systems           markets and products, especially the topcoats,”
                                                                                     that are used in yachting,” offers Lampkin. “Using   Bremer explains. “If you go to the primers and
                                                                                     base coat/clearcoat allows you to do much more       fillers, though, it’s a world apart.” >>

The Pinmar Golf . Aerospace paint

Artist Clodoaldo            There may, however, be more scope for merging            paint schemes like those Embraer animals. “Not
Quintana – the man
                            of technologies further down the line as new             yet,” Bremer offers. “Superyachts are painted in
behind the stunning
animal liveries (below)     products and technologies are introduced. “As            classic liveries, although there could be options
– is actually a long-term   well as changes to the chemical composition of           in the future for similar creativity like we see in
employee of aircraft        paint – driven by changing regulations – we are          aerospace.” Moreover, both industries are
OEM Embraer
                            also looking at non-liquid coatings for aerospace,”      highly influenced by the quality of the paint
                            says Lampkin. “Today the majority of what you            teams, who contribute a lot to the output of
                            see in airplane coatings and paint are liquid            the paint process. “We cooperate with fantastic
                            systems, and now we are starting to further              teams, including GYG," he continues. "Our
                            explore films.”                                          experience with Pinmar is that they set both
                                                                                     the tone and the standard demanded for the
                            “For superyachts,” adds Bremer, “like in                 superyacht industry.”
                            aerospace we will see that 100 per cent solid
                            coatings – powder – might be introduced to               It’s a point that Lampkin agrees with
                            some components on board a yacht, and films              wholeheartedly. “I think in aerospace, for the
                            will also come to the market more and more.              painters it’s really their job and the industry
                            This technology is very interesting for the series       retains them for a long time – it’s not something
                            build and composite-component parts of the               people do for a couple of years and then hop to
                            superyacht. Combined with other innovations              somewhere else,” she says. “For example, if you
                            such as spray filler, it’s going to be a very exciting   look at those animal planes, those are all designed
                            three to five years.”                                    and painted by a guy called Clodoaldo Quintana,
                                                                                     who is not only a skilled aircraft painter but also
                            The real question, of course, is whether we will         an artist. These beautiful liveries all have a very
                            start to see superyachts sporting extraordinary          talented paint team behind them.”

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The Pinmar Golf . REV Ocean

Talking about
a REVolution
Part research vessel and part
yacht, the REV Ocean project
has altruistic ambitions
It can be hard to quantify ‘big’ when it comes to
the upper echelons of the superyacht sector. Do
we define it as length overall, in which case the
mighty 180m yacht Azzam sits in top spot? Or do
we define it as volume with the 2016-delivered,
15,917GT, 156m Dilbar holding sway? Or do we
consider a new hybrid research vessel-come-
superyacht as the new ‘big’ in town? At 182
metres, the REV Ocean project – currently in the
first stages of construction in Romania – certainly
promises to be the next big thing, but as it turns
out this extraordinary vessel is neither about size
nor bragging rights. It’s about ‘big’ in the sense of
‘big picture’, and it’s a picture that resonates with
global importance.

The brainchild of Norwegian industrialist and
philanthropist Kjell Inge Røkke, REV Ocean’s
mission is clear – to focus on three key thematic
areas covering climate change and ocean
acidification, over-fishing and by-catch, and
plastics pollution. These are all broad but critically
important areas if we want to save life in the
ocean and to understand more of what changes
our planet is undergoing. The heart of REV Ocean
will be extensive and state-of-the-art scientific
areas that will not only allow the study of these
elements, but also afford the opportunity to put
solutions to these problems to the test. >>
The Pinmar Golf . REV Ocean

                                                                                             REV Ocean towers
                                                                                             above the build shed
                                                                                             floor in the Vard yard
                                                                                             (right); REV Ocean CEO
                                                                                             Nina Jensen (below)

                                                                                             What makes the project interesting, though,
                                                                                             is that her extensive scientific programme will
                                                                                             cohabit with REV Ocean’s superyacht alter ego.

                                                                                             It is easy to be sceptical of such projects – in
                                                                                             fact, it is something that REV Ocean CEO Nina
                                                                                             Jensen battled with for several months before
                                                                                             joining the organisation. As a marine biologist,
                                                                                             oceanographer and passionate conservationist,
                                                                                             Jensen had risen through the ranks of the World
                                                                                             Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), achieving the
                                                                                             position of Secretary General in 2012. “I knew of
                                                                                             Røkke – a well-known industrialist in Norway –
                                                                                             from before, and through my work with the WWF
                                                                                             we had partnerships with several of his companies
Savannah Yacht Center is a premier deep-water superyacht maintenance,                        to ensure, predominantly, sustainable fisheries,”
                                                                                             she explains. “He approached me around 2016 and
    repair and refit facility dedicated to servicing the yacht industry.                     said he had an idea he wanted to share with me –
                                                                                             to build a large research and expedition vessel.”

We are unique on the East Coast of the United States in our ability to service               With that as a starting point, and with her WWF
                                                                                             hat on, Jensen agreed to help develop the
              some of the largest superyachts in the world.                                  initiative and shape it so it could really make a
                                                                                             large difference when it came to conservation
                                                                                             and saving life in the oceans. “Throughout that
                                                                                             process,” she smiles, “he pretty much called me
                                                                                             every day for a year asking me if I would take the

    3,240 TON SHIPLIFT                                       1200’ OF WET SLIPS              job as CEO. I turned him down because I had the
                                                                                             best job in the world and I wasn’t sure whether
                                                                                             his heart was in the right place. But over the
          Online Q3 2019                                Electrical Services up to 500 amps   course of that year, all doubts I had about how
                                                                                             serious he was and his passion for the ocean were
                                                                                             removed. As a marine biologist and passionate
                                                                                             conservationist, I thought what better opportunity
                                                                                             to combine my conservation knowledge and
                                    Our industry partner, Pinmar, has facilities             passion with someone who wanted to fund
                                                                                             ocean conservation.” >>
                                    on site to assist with your refinishing needs
                                                                                                                                                  “Less than one per cent of
                                                                                                                                                    global philanthropy goes to
                                                                                                                                                    the ocean – if we were able
                                                                                                                                                    to multiply that by two, five
                                                                                                                                                    or ten times, that would
                                                                                                                                                    mean an enormous amount
                                                                                                                                                    for ocean conservation, and
                                                                                                                                                    that’s why the yacht element
                                                                                                                                                    gets me excited."
                                                                                                                                                       Nina Jensen
            301 North Lathrop Avenue, Savannah, Georgia 31415, USA | Phone: 912-443-6888                                                               CEO, REV Ocean
                    Email: | Web:
The Pinmar Golf . REV Ocean                                                                                                     The Pinmar Golf . REV Ocean

This page: construction of
the hull is underway at the
Vard yard in Romania; GYG's
Rupert Savage (bottom).
Opposite page: REV                                                                                     “We can drill into the sea
                                                                                                         floor and take 20-metre-long
Ocean's operational director
Øystein Mikelborg; aerial
render of REV Ocean

                                                                                                         samples of the sea bed down
At that point, the project was focused on the
vessel itself, the equipment it would carry and
                                                                                                         to 6,000m water depth, and
the science that it would undertake, but it soon
became clear that both Røkke and Jensen had
                                                                                                         we have every type of echo
ambitions beyond what the vessel could achieve.
As a result, two further initiatives were added.
                                                                                                         sounder and sonar. "
“One,” enthuses Jensen, “is the World Ocean
Headquarters, where we want to bring together                                                           Øystein Mikelborg
all the key stakeholders, non-governmental                                                              Operational director, REV Ocean
organisations, entrepreneurs, finance, regulators –
anyone linked to the ocean who knows something
about the ocean and wants to make a difference                                                          element that adds such an exciting twist to
– under one roof to create the solutions the                                                            the project. But while there will be elements of
ocean needs and to be able to scale them up at a                                                        traditional superyacht to her, her primary function
much more rapid place than is happening at the                                                          is evident. “The owner is very clear that he wants
moment. The second addition,” she continues, “is                                                        to give priority to the research part,” says Øystein
the launch of a global, open ocean data platform                                                        Mikelborg, REV Ocean’s operational director. “The
where we can combine all existing data sources in                                                       research part is separate to the superyacht part,
one place.”                                                                                             and most of the hull and the after part of the ship
                                                                                                        have been designed for science.” Her scientific
It’s not about taking ownership of that data,                                                           capabilities will be extraordinary. “We can trawl
Jensen clarifies, but rather bringing it all together                                                   down to 3,000m to catch fish or biological >>
to create a more holistic picture of what is
happening in the oceans, where the knowledge
gaps are, and how that gap can be bridged.

While these wider ambitions have developed
to become a key part of REV Ocean’s own big
picture, the vessel itself remains front and centre
for now. After the hull has been constructed at
the Vard shipyard in Romania, it will be moved
to Norway for the primary outfitting of the
scientific and research areas, which are scheduled
to be completed in 2020. It will then move to
a yard in Germany where the outfitting of the
superyacht part will take place – and it is this

                                                        “It's quite a challenge to marry
                                                          the commercial part of the
                                                          vessel with the superyacht
                                                          part, but it's something we
                                                          have a lot of experience with,
                                                          having painted both of the
                                                         Ulysses projects, and also the
                                                         Voyager conversion. "
                                                             Rupert Savage
                                                             Sales and commercial director, GYG

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