Page created by Jacqueline Morales
                       THIS IS REALLY HAPPENING

LeBron James is
ready to lead the
young Lakers. V10
This NBA dynasty
stuff is not as easy
as it looks. V3
Clippers have a
new look, and Doc
Rivers loves it. V13

                                                  Wally Skalij Los Angeles Times
V2   SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2018                                                                                                                                                                     LOS ANGELES TIMES

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L AT I ME S . CO M / S P O RT S                                                                                                                              S U NDAY , O C T O B E R 14 , 2 018       V3

                                                                                  NBA PREVIEW

                                                                                                                                                                                     Jeff Chiu Associated Press
KEVIN DURANT , left, Draymond Green, Stephen Curry, Klay Thompson and the rehabbing DeMarcus Cousins make the Warriors the clear favorites in the NBA.

As Warriors seek fourth title under Kerr, they’re well aware of the challenges
                                                                                                                            seven games by the Houston Rock-          the Warriors to adjust is an added
By Dan Woike                                                                                                                ets and might’ve lost the series had      benefit.
                                                                                                                            it not been for an injury to Chris            “Every year is different and you
    OAKLAND — There was a time                                                                                              Paul late in Game 5, the All-Star         can isolate one or two things that
early last season when Steve Kerr,                                                                                          point guard missing the rest of the       make it different, whether it’s a
the coach of the best basketball                                                                                            series.                                   personnel change or a goal you
team in recent NBA history, stood                                                                                               “You can’t just sleepwalk             want to set or something you want
in front of his squad and laid out                                                                                          through stuff,” Warriors guard            to chase, and you’ve got to adapt,”
the truth about the next eight                                                                                              Stephen Curry said. “We’ve been           Curry said. “…We can focus on the
months.                                                                                                                     exposed at times, that when we’re         challenge of implementing DeMar-
    It had been three years since                                                                                           not completely locked in that we          cus into what we do, highlighting
Kerr took the helm, and in those                                                                                            can be beat.”                             his skill set this year along with
seasons his teams played on the                                                                                                 The Warriors have ways to try to      continuing to do what we do best.
biggest stages. They made three                                                                                             fight that off heading into another       That’s what this year is going to be
consecutive trips to the Finals,                                                                                            season in which they’re the over-         about.”
winning twice. Everyone in the                                                                                              whelming favorites.                           The challenges, if things go to
room — everyone, period — ex-                                                                                                   Kerr, like Walton, played for Phil    plan, will largely go unspoken by
pected the Golden State Warriors                                                                                            Jackson, a master at fighting the         Kerr and the coaching staff. He
to win another title.                                                                                                       natural boredom that comes with           doesn’t want to draw attention to
    “It’s going to be hard,” Kerr                                                                                           greatness. Jackson three-peated           the obvious obstacles to another ti-
tried to explain to the team, con-                                                                                          three times in a 12-year span, twice      tle. His team, more than any other
fronting the challenge head-on.                                                                                             with the Bulls and once with the          in the league, knows how much of a
    Things seem to get in the way of                                                                                        Lakers. He later won back-to-back         grind it can be waiting months and
great teams, Kerr thought, keeping                                                                                          titles in a second stint with the         months for the most meaningful
them from annual trips to the                                                                                               Lakers.                                   basketball to arrive.
championship series.                                                                                                            As the Lakers worked toward a             The Warriors didn’t get to this
    Injuries, malaise, personality                                                                                          third title, Jackson would use prac-      point by fading when things get
conflicts, a lack of competition,                                                                                           tice time to play mind games.             toughest, when history is on the
overconfidence — any could get in                                                                                               “He used to do stuff like that all    line. The real reason they don’t
his team’s way and keep them from                                                                  Ezra Shaw Getty Images   the time, like making practice chip-      need to be told what’s in front of
winning their third title in four sea-   WARRIORS COACH Steve Kerr says his team is “recharged”                             pier, not calling fouls so guys would     them is because players like Curry
sons.                                    after winning three championships in four seasons.                                 get into fights with one another. At      have a need for exceptionalism
    “It was almost a self-fulfilling                                                                                        the time, we weren’t aware why,”          pumping through their veins.
prophecy,” Kerr said.                    team that pulled off a three-peat,       he wasn’t going to let it become a        Walton said. “But I’m sure that was           Curry knows the Warriors just
    The Warriors were on the edge        and the awareness that the third ti-     distraction — though it certainly         the biggest thing for him all year,       aren’t playing for a ring. They’re
of elimination in the Western Con-       tle was “by far” the toughest.           has the potential to become one.          finding ways to manipulate us to          playing for history — maybe for the
ference finals after trudging                Or, Kerr knows that all empires          “This will probably be the last       keep us sharp.”                           last time. They’ve rarely flinched
through a seemingly never-ending         eventually crumble and this might        time I’ll say anything about free             Kerr probably won’t take the          when presented with chances to do
regular season before pulling            be the end of the Golden State dy-       agency for next year,” he said. “It’s a   Warriors down that road, though           something this difficult.
through to win another champi-           nasty.                                   good question on the first day of         he’s already shortened practices in           “We talk about the three-peat
onship.                                      The team could be ravaged at         practice because it’s going to be         an effort to make them more effi-         because it’s in front of us. We don’t
    With his team set to go on a         the end of the season by free            looming for fans and the media.           cient, demanding greater focus            repeat it every single day,” he said.
championship trek again, trying to       agency. Star forward Kevin Du-           But it won’t be looming for us.”          over a shorter period of time.            “When we start the season, we lay
be the first NBA team to win for the     rant, who has won back-to-back               The pending free agency of key            And, like they did when they          everything out onto the table as to
fourth time in five seasons since        NBA Finals MVP honors since join-        players is only one of the possible       added Durant, the team nabbed a           what’s at stake as far as expecta-
the Boston Celtics of the 1960s,         ing the Warriors, could have a           obstacles the Warriors will en-           top talent this summer, signing           tions. Yes, winning a champi-
Kerr will not be making the same         thirst for new challenges. He’s ex-      counter this season. Lakers coach         center DeMarcus Cousins to a bar-         onship is the goal. How you get
speech to his players. He won’t          pected to opt out of his contract fol-   Luke Walton, who came up one              gain deal of one year at $5 million.      there, how you break up that mis-
even mention it.                         lowing the season, and while re-         ring short of a three-peat as a play-     Cousins, who is rehabbing from a          sion on a game-to-game, month-
    They don’t need it, he thinks,       signing is a definite possibility, he    er with the Lakers in 2011, remem-        ruptured Achilles tendon last sea-        to-month basis is what makes us
and that’s bad news for the 29           could also try to wash off the front-    bered just how tough the end was.         son, is participating in on-court         great. In terms of encouraging
teams trying to dethrone the War-        runner stigma attached to his                “Where we got in trouble is we        drills already, though there’s no         each other, being in tune with some
riors.                                   name after picking the Warriors          had been to three straight finals …       timetable for a return.                   of the things that might be thrown
    “They’re recharged. They’re          three years ago by going out on his      for whatever reason, we just as-              When Cousins does step on the         at you, whether it’s injuries or it’s a
fresh. I just have a better feeling      own.                                     sumed we were going back. We              court, the Warriors will have to fig-     couple slumps on the court —
about this year than I did last year         Shooting guard Klay Thomp-           kind of lost that sharpness, that         ure out how to play with a dynamic        whatever the case is — we adapt
— a better vibe,” Kerr said. “I think    son is also set to be an unrestricted    edge that we had,” said Walton, a         post scorer for the first time during     really well.
there’s less focus on how hard it’s      free agent and likely will have maxi-    Warriors assistant for two trips to       their run of dominance.                       “The overall goal, it just de-
going to be and more focus on how        mum offers at his feet from teams        the Finals. “It’s human nature. To            “DeMarcus, when he’s back, will       pends on the day and how we com-
lucky we are to be in this situation,    across the NBA, the perfect com-         keep that edge … you have to be           give our guys a real challenge to in-     municate it. But as of right now,
appreciating this time and having        plement to any other superstar be-       ready to sacrifice everything to win      corporate him, a type of player that      winning a championship is attain-
a chance to win another champi-          cause of his long-range marksman-        a title because every other team is       we haven’t had before,” Kerr said.        able if we take care of our business,
onship.”                                 ship and defensive versatility.          starving to get there.”                   “With his skill level and his level of    and doing it three years in a row is a
    The gratitude in Kerr’s voice        Thompson, though, has expressed              The Warriors showed signs of          physicality, we’re going to be able       tremendous opportunity for us
could simply be the product of per-      a desire to play for the Warriors his    that last season, that edge dulling       to do some different things. I think      that we should not be afraid to talk
spective, acknowledgment that            entire career.                           over the course of the regular sea-       our guys will embrace that chal-          about.”
he’s running a once-in-a-genera-             Kerr tried to strangle any free-     son, and when the team tried to           lenge.”
tion team. It could come from his        agency talk on the first day of prac-    find it again in the playoffs, it             While adding talent is generally
past as a player, once a member of a     tice this season, telling reporters      wasn’t easy. They got pushed to           a no-brainer, the fact that it’ll force   Twitter: @DanWoikeSports
V4      S U N DAY, O C T O BE R 14, 2 018                                                                                                   L AT I M E S. C O M /S P O RT S

                                                             NBA PREVIEW: LAKERS

                                                                                                                                    Photographs by   Wally Skalij Los Angeles Times
A BELIEVER IN MEDITATION, Lakers coach Luke Walton might have to breathe deeply at times as he tries to guide the Lakers back into playoff contention.

Lakers can’t worry about the future or the past. With LeBron James
and a mix of youth and experience, they’re thinking about playoffs.
                                                                                                                                        future will depend on what hap-
By Tania Ganguli                                                                                                                        pens now.
                                                                                                                                            “We expect to have a special
    Last week, when former Lak-                                                                                                         season, we just have to put it all
ers great Shaquille O’Neal                                                                                                              together, come together, but
thought back to the legacies of                                                                                                         we’re not looking toward next
Phil Jackson and the late Tex                                                                                                           summer or next season — we’re
Winter, he remembered the rou-                                                                                                          into this season,” general man-
tine.                                                                                                                                   ager Rob Pelinka said. “We still
    “We did the same thing every                                                                                                        have some work to do. We know
day, came in, yoga, stretching,                                                                                                         what our plan is and we’re going
meditation, walk through trian-                                                                                                         to stick to that plan. But we’re not
gle offense, practice, talk about it                                                                                                    thinking about it right now. We’re
afterward,” O’Neal said recently.                                                                                                       into this moment because we feel
    The triangle offense has faded                                                                                                      like we can do something very
into the franchise’s past, but Lak-                                                                                                     special.”
ers coach Luke Walton was part                                                                                                              Every day of practice this pre-
of those teams that followed that                                                                                                       season, Walton has faced a luxury
schedule and meditation is part                                                                                                         and a challenge. For the first time
of his daily life.                                                                                                                      in his coaching tenure, his effort
    And just because the Lakers                                                                                                         isn’t so heavily focused on just the
added one of the best players ever                                                                                                      youngest players in the league. It
this summer doesn’t mean medi-                                                                                                          has meant that he can go faster as
tation has left the organization.                                                                                                       he teaches the system. But he has
Early in training camp, Walton                                                                                                          to be careful not to go too fast.
brought in a specialist to lead the                                                                                                         “It doesn’t make sense for us
team through a session.                                                                                                                 to move forward unless at least a
    Meditation is a practice that                                                                                                       majority of guys have a good feel
keeps one focused on the present,                                                                                                       for it so that we can execute that
not on the past or future. That                                                                                                         on the court,” Walton said.
will be a critical skill for the Lak-                                                                                                       For the last two seasons, Wal-
ers this season. The future might                                                                                                       ton’s mission has been relatively
be tempting to consider, the past                                                                                                       simple. It was his job to develop a
might be easy to indulge, but the                                                                                                       group of young players however
present matters more than any-                                                                                                          he could to maximize their talent.
thing else. The LeBron James                                                                                                            Whether or not they were part of
edition of the Lakers must meld                                                                                                         the Lakers’ future, those players’
together, their young players           LONZO BALL IS COMING OFF a rookie season in which he missed 30 games because of injuries,       development was critical.
must develop, and the franchise’s       and this season he probably will have Rajon Rondo starting in front of him.                                       [See Lakers, V5]
L AT I ME S . CO M / S P O RT S                                                                                                                               S U N DAY , OC T O B E R 14 , 2 018                  V5

                                                                 NBA PREVIEW: LAKERS

                                                                                                                                      2018-19 SEASON SCHEDULE
                                                                                                                                                                    Shade denotes home game. Times Pacific.
                                                                                                                                       SUN          MON       TUE       WED       THU       FRI               SAT
                                                                                                                                       14           15        16        17        18 POR 19                   20 HOU
                                                                                                                                                                                  7:30 p.m.                   7:30 p.m.
                                                                                                                                                                                  TNT                         Spec, ESPN
                                                                                                                                       21           22      SA 23       24 PHX 25 DEN 26                      27      SA
                                                                                                                                                    7:30 p.m.           7 p.m.    7:30 p.m.                   5:30 p.m.
                                                                                                                                                    Spec, ESPN          SpecSN    Spec, TNT                   Spec, TNT
                                                                                                                                       28           29 MIN 30           31 DAL
                                                                                                                                                    5 p.m.              7:30 p.m.
                                                                                                                                                    Spec, NBA           SpecSN

                                                                                                                                       SUN          MON       TUE       WED          THU         FRI     SAT
                                                                                                                                                                                     1           2       3 POR
                                                                                                                                                                                                         7 p.m.
                                                                                                                                       4      TOR   5         6         7      MIN   8         9         10 SAC
                                                                                                                                       6:30 p.m.                        7:30 p.m.                        7 p.m.
                                                                                                                                       SpecSN                           Spec, ESPN                       SpecSN
                                                                                                                                       11 ATL       12        13        14 POR       15        16        17 ORL
                                                                                                                                       6:30 p.m.                        7:30 p.m.                        4 p.m.
                                                                                                                                       SpecSN                           Spec, ESPN                       SpecSN
                                                                                                                                       18 MIA       19        20        21 CLE       22        23 UTA 24
                                                                                                                                       3 p.m.                           5 p.m.                 7:30 p.m.
                                                                                                                                       SpecSN                           Spec, ESPN             Spec, NBA
                                                                                                                                       25 ORL       26        27 DEN 28              29 IND 30 DAL
                                                                                                                                       12:30 p.m.             6 p.m.                 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m.
                                                                                                                                       SpecSN                 Spec, NBA              SpecSN    SpecSN

                                                                                                                                       SUN          MON       TUE        WED         THU         FRI          SAT

                                                                                                                                       2     PHX 3            4          5       SA 6            7      SA  8 MEM
                                                                                                                                       12:30 p.m.                        7:30 p.m.               5:30 p.m.  5 p.m.
                                                                                                                                       SpecSN                            Spec, ESPN              SpecSN     SpecSN
                                                                                                                                       9          10 MIA      11         12         13 HOU       14         15 CHA
                                                                                                                                                  7:30 p.m.                         5 p.m.                  4 p.m.
                                                                                                                                                  Spec, NBA                         Spec, TNT               SpecSN
                                                                                                                                       16 WAS 17              18 BKN 19             20           21     NO 22
                                                                                                                                       3 p.m.                 4:30 p.m.                          7:30 p.m.
                                                                                                                                       SpecSN                 Spec, NBA                          Spec, ESPN
                                                                                                                                       23 MEM 24              25      GS 26         27 SAC       28 LAC 29
                                                                                                                                       6:30 p.m.              5 p.m.                7 p.m.       7:30 p.m.
                                                                                                                                       SpecSN                 ESPN/Ch. 7            SpecSN       Spec, NBA
                                                                                                                                       30 SAC 31
                                                                                                                                       6:30 p.m.

                                                                                                                                       SUN          MON       TUE     WED            THU       FRI            SAT
                                                                                                                                                              1       2 OKC          3         4       NY     5
                                                                                                                                                                      7:30 p.m.                7:30 p.m.
                                                                                                                                                                      Spec, ESPN               SpecSN
                                                                                                                                       6     MIN 7      DAL 8         9     DET      10        11 UTA         12
                                                                                                                                       12:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m.           7:30 p.m.                7 p.m.
                                                                                                                                       SpecSN     SpecSN              Spec, ESPN               Spec, ESPN
                                                                                                                                       13 CLE 14            15 CHI 16                17 OKC 18                19 HOU
                                                                                                                                       6:30 p.m.            7:30 p.m.                6:30 p.m.                5:30 p.m.
                                                                                                                                       Spec, NBA            Spec, NBA                TNT                      Channel 7
                                                                                                                                       20         21     GS 22        23             24 MIN 25                26
                                                                                                                                                  7:30 p.m.                          7:30 p.m.
                                                                                                                                                  TNT                                Spec, TNT
                                                                                                                                       27 PHX 28            29 PHI 30                31 LAC
                                                                                                                                       6:30 p.m.            7:30 p.m.                7:30 p.m.
                                                                                                                                       SpecSN               TNT                      SpecSN

                                                                                                                                       SUN          MON       TUE        WED         THU         FRI          SAT
                                                                                                                                                                                                 1            2      GS
                                                                                                                                                                                                              5:30 p.m.
                                                                                                                                       3            4         5      IND 6           7     BOS 8              9
                                                                                                                                                              4 p.m.                 5 p.m.
                                                                                                                                                              SpecSN                 Spec, TNT
                                                                                                                                       10 PHI 11              12 ATL 13              14        15             16
                                                                                                                                       12:30 p.m.             4:30 p.m.
                                                                                                                                       ABC                    SpecSN
                                                                                                                                       17         18          19         20         21 HOU 22                 23     NO
                                                                                                                                                                                    7:30 p.m.                 4 p.m.
                                                                                                                                                                                    TNT                       SpecSN
                                                                                                                                       24           25 MEM 26            27     NO 28
                                                                                                                                                    5 p.m.               7:30 p.m.
                                                                                                                                                    SpecSN               Spec, ESPN

                                                                                                                                       SUN          MON       TUE        WED         THU         FRI       SAT
                                                                                                 Gary Coronado Los Angeles Times                                                                 1      MIL2     PHX
RAJON RONDO, who has played with Dallas, Sacramento, Chicago and New Orleans since winning a                                                                                                     7:30 p.m. 6 p.m.
championship in Boston, goes to the basket during a preseason game against Denver.                                                                                                               Spec, ESPNSpecSN
                                                                                                                                       3         4     LAC 5             6     DEN 7             8         9     BOS
                                                                                                                                                 7:30 p.m.               7:30 p.m.                         5:30 p.m.
[Lakers, from V4]                              They added James to a team that        team,” McGee said. “It’s just a bunch                      Spec, NBA               Spec, ESPN                        ABC
   Either they’d remain and improve         won 35 games and finished 11th in the     of guys that will hit you in the mouth           10        11        12 CHI        13         14 TOR       15    DET 16
the team or they’d become attractive        Western Conference. They added            first and if they get hit in the mouth                               5 p.m.                   5 p.m.       4 p.m.
prospects for deals with other teams.       players with mercurial personalities      they’re not backing down.”                                           SpecSN                   Spec, TNT    Spec, NBA
Players like D’Angelo Russell, Larry        but experience, knowledge and skills.         As their play complements James,             17     NY 18        19 MIL        20         21           22 BKN 23
Nance Jr. and Jordan Clarkson be-              JaVale McGee won a champi-             they might help the Lakers end a five-           9 a.m.              5 p.m.                                7:30 p.m.
came assets that helped the Lakers          onship last season with Golden State,     year playoff drought. They can also              SpecSN              Spec, NBA                             SpecSN
clear salary cap space and make the         handling a heavy responsibility of        teach the younger players by exam-               24 SAC 25           26 WAS        27 UTA 28               29 CHA 30
way for signing James.                      slowing James in the NBA Finals.          ple.                                             6:30 p.m.           7:30 p.m.     7:30 p.m.               7:30 p.m.
   This year, that has changed. The            Rajon Rondo won a championship             “You can tell that when me and               SpecSN              TNT           Spec, ESPN              SpecSN
Lakers’ mission on the court is             10 years ago, but last season he was      Rondo are ciphering through our                  31     NO
twofold.                                    the point guard on a playoff team in      Rolodex of mental basketball capac-              3 p.m.
   They still have young players who        New Orleans that pulled off a first-      ity that those guys are like, ‘OK, what          SpecSN
need development — Brandon In-              round upset of Portland.                  are you all talking about?’ ” James
gram, Kyle Kuzma, Josh Hart and                Lance Stephenson, who has              said. “ ‘What are you all thinking              APRIL
Lonzo Ball, as well as rookies Moe          played his best in the comfort of Indi-   about? I want to know.’ ”                        SUN          MON       TUE       WED          THU         FRI       SAT
Wagner, Svi Mykhailiuk and Isaac            ana, has brought an enthusiasm and            That’s what gives James the most                          1         2 OKC 3                4      GS   5     LAC 6
Bonga.                                      toughness to Lakers games that is be-     hope for this team — what’s happen-                                     5 p.m.                 7:30 p.m.   7:30 p.m.
   But now they have veterans who           coming contagious.                        ing now.                                                                Spec, TNT              TNT         SpecSN
can be reasonably saddled with ex-             “I definitely feel like the group of                                                    7     UTA 87           9 POR 10               11          12        13
pectations. This season’s team ex-          guys we put together, they can be the                        6:30 p.m.              7:30 p.m.
pects to be in the playoffs.                equivalent of the Bad Boys Detroit        Twitter: @taniaganguli                           SpecSN                 SpecSN

Lakers beat reporter Tania Ganguli tackles the five biggest questions surrounding the team as it enters the 2018-19 NBA season:

1  How will the Lakers’ young
   players mesh with LeBron
                                         upon his return to Cleveland.          injury, there’s a strong chance
                                                                                Rondo will be their starting point
                                                                                                                         voice will matter far more than the
                                                                                                                         elder Ball’s voice did. A veteran-
                                                                                                                                                                       using smaller players against the
                                                                                                                                                                       league’s big men otherwise?
    The team LeBron James joined
this summer is filled with second-
                                               Can Lonzo Ball assert himself
                                               as the Lakers’ future point
                                                                                guard to begin the season. It will be
                                                                                up to Ball to wrest that from him.
                                                                                                                         laden roster full of players with
                                                                                                                         quirky personalities could also add
                                                                                                                         to the degree of difficulty in coach-         5   Will the Lakers make a big
                                                                                                                                                                           midseason trade or wait pa-
year (Lonzo Ball, Kyle Kuzma and
Josh Hart) and third-year (Bran-
                                             By all accounts, Rajon Rondo
                                         has been a model teammate since        3    How will coach Luke Walton
                                                                                     fare this season?
                                                                                                                         ing the team.                                 tiently for free agency?
                                                                                                                                                                          Lakers general manager Rob
don Ingram) players who will have
important roles. Those young
players have never had a teammate
                                         signing with the Lakers. The 12-
                                         year veteran is happy to share his
                                         knowledge with his younger team-
                                                                                    Even before the Lakers added
                                                                                this summer’s most coveted free
                                                                                agent, rumors arose about Walton’s
                                                                                                                         4    What’s happening at center?
                                                                                                                                 The Lakers are putting
                                                                                                                         great faith in the evolution of the
                                                                                                                                                                       Pelinka likes to say that he always
                                                                                                                                                                       considers the roster fluid and is
                                                                                                                                                                       constantly looking for ways to
like James. And James has never          mates. He is a willing mentor, with    future. It was perhaps the gestation     NBA, which has put less emphasis              improve the team. There could be
had a team quite like this. James        designs on being a coach later in      of a seed planted last season by         on the play of centers and more on            opportunities during the season for
has said repeatedly that this season     life. He has never publicly said he    Ball’s father, LaVar, that Walton        positionless basketball. JaVale               the Lakers to change dramatically.
will test his patience, which is some-   wants the starting job, but Rondo is   had lost the confidence of his play-     McGee is their primary option at              What if the Timberwolves’ impasse
thing he also said when he returned      also a very competitive person who     ers and then nurtured by the Lak-        center. Rookie Moe Wagner could               with star Jimmy Butler festers into
to the Cleveland Cavaliers in 2014.      sees himself as a starting point       ers’ initial hesitancy to publicly       be another, but he has missed the             January? What if the Raptors feel
While Cleveland wasn’t a ready-          guard. That’s exactly the type of      support Walton. James’ former            entire preseason because of a knee            the need to get something for
made championship team like the          dynamic the Lakers wanted to           coaches say the 14-time All-Star         contusion so it’s hard to tell what           Kawhi Leonard and he agrees to
Heat when he went to Miami, the          introduce in adding Rondo to their     makes their jobs easier. But he is a     his role will be. They have mostly            commit long term to the Lakers?
Cavaliers wound up being a team          roster. Last year they told Ball he    player with a considerable amount        used small-ball lineups, groups that          Their position in the past has been
with some experienced stars. Kyrie       was the face of the franchise after    of power in a franchise’s decision-      include a traditional power forward           that they’ll explore any option.
Irving was entering his fourth           drafting him second overall. This      making process. If James, who was        as the center, when McGee is out of           They have also been insistent on
season. Kevin Love was traded to         year they are pushing Ball with a      part of the same draft class as          the game. It’s likely McGee will get          spending only what they must. But
the Cavaliers a month later. . James     legitimate competitor. As the Lak-     Walton, doesn’t like the direction in    the heaviest workload he has had in           a deadline deal could prove too
went to the NBA Finals every year        ers bring Ball back slowly from        which the Lakers are heading, his        years. How will the Lakers fare               tantalizing a prospect.
V6       S U N DAY, O C T OB E R 14 , 2 018                                                                                                                              L AT I ME S . CO M / S P O RT S

                                                      NBA PREVIEW: LAKERS BENCH

             JOSH HART                                                                                                                                                ISAAC BONGA
        #3 GUARD AGE: 23                                                                                                                                            #17 GUARD AGE: 18
  Yr.     Ht.     PPG       RPG       APG                                                                                                                     Yr.     Ht.     PPG       RPG       APG
   1      6-5      7.9       4.2       1.3                                                                                                                    R       6-8     6.0*      3.1*      2.3*
 What scouts say: “He’s very good in the                                                                                                                     What scouts say: “A tall, skinny, athletic
 open court.” “He might be their starting                                                                                                                    freak. He doesn’t really have a position.”
two-guard.” “He has to shoot more threes.”                                                                                                                   “He has point-guard skills, but he’s very
 “You can start him when guys get hurt.”                                                                                                                         raw.” *at Skyliners Frankfurt

                                                                                                          Photographs by   Wally Skalij Los Angeles Times

                                                                                         LONZO BALL
                                                                                    #2 GUARD AGE: 20
                                                             Yr.             Ht.              PPG                  RPG                     APG
                                                              1              6-6              10.2                  6.9                     7.2
                                                        What scouts say: “He has to stay healthy and be able to knock down open shots.”
                                                        “You look at his body and he’s physically stronger.” “The biggest thing for him was
                                                                                      to improve his stroke.”

           ALEX CARUSO                                                                                                                                              MICHAEL BEASLEY
        #4 GUARD AGE: 24                                                                                                                                        #11 FORWARD AGE: 29
  Yr.     Ht.     PPG       RPG       APG                                                                                                                     Yr.     Ht.     PPG       RPG       APG
   1      6-5      3.6       1.8       2.0                                                                                                                    10      6-9     13.2       5.6       1.7
  What scouts say: “He’s a combo guard                                                                                                                      What scouts say: “Will get buckets against
who can pass it and really handle the ball.”                                                                                                                second-team forwards.” “Is he going to buy
 “He’s a point guard who can play the two                                                                                                                    into what they are doing?” “Unbelievable
         and three. He plays hard.”                                                                                                                              scorer.” “Play him when he’s hot.”

                                                                                        KYLE KUZMA
                                                                                   #0 FORWARD AGE: 23
                                                             Yr.             Ht.              PPG                  RPG                     APG
                                                              1              6-9              16.1                  6.3                     1.8
                                                        What scouts say: “He has to space the floor and play like Kevin Love did with Le-
                                                        Bron.” “If he can ditto last year, he’ll be good.” “He has to improve his defense and
                                                                rebounding.” “He’s their most active runner, cutter on the move.”

         SVI MYKHAILIUK                                                                                                                                               TRAVIS WEAR
    #10 FORWARD AGE: 21                                                                                                                                         #21 FORWARD AGE: 28
  Yr.     Ht.     PPG       RPG       APG                                                                                                                     Yr.     Ht.     PPG       RPG       APG
  R       6-8     14.6*     3.9*      2.7*                                                                                                                     1      6-9      4.4       2.2       0.4
What scouts say: “He might be their best                                                                                                                      What scouts say: “If he can make some
shooter right now.” “’He’ll continue to get                                                                                                                   shots, he can be effective.” “He’s a good
  better.” “He’s more athletic than you                                                                                                                     spot-up shooter.” “Good two-way guy who
           think.” *at Kansas                                                                                                                               will primarily play with South Bay Lakers.”

            IVICA ZUBAC                                                                                                                                               MOE WAGNER
        #40 CENTER AGE: 21                                                                                                                                          #15 CENTER AGE: 21
  Yr.     Ht.     PPG       RPG       APG                                          LANCE STEPHENSON                                                           Yr.    Ht.      PPG       RPG       APG
   2      7-1      3.7       2.9       0.6                                          #6 GUARD AGE: 28                                                          R      6-11     14.6*     7.1*      0.8*
  What scouts say: “Has to continue to                       Yr.             Ht.              PPG                  RPG                     APG              What scouts say: “Has to continue to work
improve his lateral movement.” “He has to                     8              6-6               9.2                  5.2                     2.9              on his game.” “He’s got some cockiness.”
  play big when they need it.” “He hasn’t              What scouts say: “He can come off the bench and give them physicality.” “He has a                    “His ability to space the floor will allow him
       matured much in two years.”                      tendency to ignite the crowd.” “He will raise the competitive level of the bench.”                      to find playing time.” *at Michigan

Statistics from 2017-18. Final roster cuts due Monday. Broderick Turner compiled scouting reports; scouts spoke on condition of anonymity because they are not authorized to speak publicly about players.
L AT I M ES . C O M / SP O RTS                                                                                                               S U NDAY , O C T O B E R 14 , 2 018           V7

                                                NBA PREVIEW: LAKERS STARTERS

                BRANDON INGRAM
                   #14 GUARD AGE: 21
   Yr.          Ht.     PPG     RPG                 APG
    2           6-9      16.1    5.3                 3.9
What scouts say: “He’s a legit 20-point scorer in the league.”
“Can he make that jump to become their third-best player?”
       “Has a chance to be a good two-way player.”

                   LUKE WALTON
        WITH LAKERS                     IN LEAGUE
  Yr.             W-L             Yr.          W-L
   3          61-103 (.372)        4      100-107 (48.3%)
The former Lakers forward was brought in to help rebuild
the team for which he played eight-plus seasons. He was
       the 32nd overall pick out of Arizona in 2003.

                                                                                                                                                   Photographs by   Wally Skalij Los Angeles Times

    KENTAVIOUS CALDWELL-POPE                                                                                 JaVALE McGEE
                    #1 GUARD AGE: 25                                                                       #7 CENTER AGE: 30
   Yr.          Ht.      PPG    RPG                 APG
                                                                                     Yr.            Ht.            PPG                RPG                  BPG
    5           6-5      13.4     5.2                2.2
                                                                                     10             7-0             4.8                2.6                  0.9
  What scouts say: “If he can shoot in the high 30s from
three, he’s big for them.” “With LeBron, he’s going to have                       What scouts say: “He’ll always have some good games because he’s so athletic.”
 a good year.” “He’ll have a good year because he has to.”                        “He can be great in five-minute stretches.” “He’s got to keep his game simple.”

                                  LeBRON JAMES                                                                               RAJON RONDO
                                 #23 FORWARD AGE: 33                                                                         #9 GUARD AGE: 32
        Yr.             Ht.            PPG         RPG                     APG                    Yr.             Ht.            PPG          RPG                                  APG
        15              6-8            27.5         8.6                     9.1                   12              6-1             8.3          4.0                                  8.2
What scouts say: “He’ll dominate as he always has.” “He’s downplayed this season to not                           What scouts say: “Rondo is a cerebral player.”
 put pressure on his teammates.” “If he can pull together this team, they have a good                       “He’s been a great leader.” “He’s going to shake things up.
                              chance to be pretty good.”                                                           He’ll call out coaches and call out players.”
V8         S U N DAY, O C T OB E R 14 , 2 018                                                                                                                                                           L AT I ME S . CO M / S P O RT S

                                                                               NBA PREVIEW: LAKERS

LeBRON JAMES signed a four-year contract to play for the Lakers. He joins a storied franchise that has won 16
championships since its founding in 1947. James is undoubtedly one of the NBA’s great scorers, seventh in all-time
NBA scoring, but can he break Kareem Abdul-Jabbar’s record? We compare him with some of the greatest scorers to
have worn a Lakers uniform. —JULIAN H. LANGE AND ELLIS SIMANI

                                     Kareem                    Kobe                Wilt                   LeBron            Shaquille                           Jerry                Elgin               Magic                    George
                                   Abdul-Jabbar               Bryant            Chamberlain               James              O’Neal                             West                Baylor              Johnson                   Mikan

Seasons in NBA                         ’69–’89                 ’96–’16             ’59–’73               ’03–present             ’92–’11                    ’60–’74                 ’58–’71           ‘79–’91, ‘95–’96         ’48–’54, ’55–’56

Seasons with Lakers                      14                      20                   5                      0                       8                           14                   14                      13                      7

Points                         Points with Lakers in purple.
   = 1,000 points

                                       38,387                  33,643              31,419                 31,038              28,596                        25,192                  23,149                17,707                   10,156

                                   Trophies with
                                   Lakers in gold.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Will there be a
                                    The Mikan era                                         Wilt & Jerry      Kareem & Magic –“Showtime”                                  Kobe & Shaq            Kobe                          LeBron era?

When they played
George Mikan
Elgin Baylor
Wilt Chamberlain
Jerry West
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
Magic Johnson
Shaquille O'Neal
Kobe Bryant
LeBron James

                                   ’49 −’50                   ’59 −’60              ’69 −’70                  ’79 −’80                   ’89 −’90                       ’99 −’00               ’09 −’10                    ’19 −’20

Not only do the total points scored by each of the nine players differ vastly, the pace at which they scored over the arcs of their careers differed. In this cumulative
plot, a steeper trajectory corresponds to a faster scoring pace. James is on a similar scoring pace as Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. In contrast, Wilt Chamberlain was on
a faster scoring trajectory early, but his scoring pace slowed later in his career when he played for the Lakers. Kobe Bryant spent his entire career with the
Lakers and holds the record for most Lakers points. George Mikan and Magic Johnson each came out of retirement for one season.
                                                                           Wilt Chamberlain’s                      Kareem Abdul-Jabbar                          Shaquille O’Neal                Kobe Bryant holds
                                                                           scoring dwindled after                  holds the all-time                           helped the Lakers win           the record for most
                                                                           joining the Lakers.                     NBA scoring record.                          three straight titles.          Lakers points.
points by                                                                                                                                                                                                                  LeBron James
season              40,000

                                                     (NBA scoring record)

                                                                                                                                             Karl Malone joined
                                                                                                                                             the Lakers for one


                    20,000                                                                                                                    Magic

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   If James continues his
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   2017–18 points pace,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   he will surpass Kareem’s
                    10,000                                                                                                                                                                                         all-time record as well
                                                     George                                                                                                                                                        as the 40,000-points
                                                     Mikan                                                                                                                                                         mark during the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   2021–22 season.

                                   ’49 −’50                   ’59 −’60              ’69 −’70                  ’79 −’80                   ’89 −’90                       ’99 −’00               ’09 −’10                    ’19 −’20

CHASING KAREEM                                                                                                           CAN LeBRON KEEP IT UP?
The trajectory of LeBron James’ scoring is similar to that of Kareem Abdul-                                              Among the NBA greats who have played for the Lakers, four joined the team
Jabbar’s. Much of the difference was in his first five seasons. Since then,                                              after having played elsewhere. Whereas Wilt Chamberlain’s and Karl
James has been closing the scoring gap. Comparatively, Wilt Chamberlain                                                  Malone’s scoring declined dramatically after joining the Lakers, Kareem
was a more prolific scorer for his first 10 seasons. Kobe Bryant scored at a                                             Abdul-Jabbar’s and Shaquille O’Neal’s did not. How will LeBron James fare
slower pace.                                                                                                             after joining the Lakers?
Cumulative points by season                                                                                              Points per season

                                                                                                                                  Wilt Chamberlain                                                    Karl Malone
40,000 points                                                                                                            3,000                                                                3,000
                                                              Kareem Abdul-Jabbar                                                                               Joined the Lakers
                                                                                                                                 ●       ●

                                                                                                                         2,000                ●     ●                                         2,000 ●     ●
                                                                                          Kobe Bryant                                                       ●           ●                                          ●   ●
                                          Wilt Chamberlain
30,000                                                                                                                   1,000                                                                1,000
                                                                                                                             0                                                                   0
                                                                             LeBron James                                                                                                                          ’02-’03            ’06-’07
                                                                                                                                   Four seasons                First four
20,000                                                                                                                             before Lakers            Lakers seasons

                                                                                                                                  Kareem Abdul-Jabbar                                                 Shaquille O’Neal
                                                                                                                         3,000                                                                3,000
                                                                                                                                         ●                  ●                                             ●        ●                        ●
10,000                                                                                                                                        ●                   ●
                                                                                                                         2,000                      ●                       ●                 2,000 ●
                                                                                                                                                                        ●                                                        ●
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ●   ●          ●
                                                                                                                         1,000                                                                1,000

       0                                                                                                                     0                                                                   0
                               5                  10                  15             20                                                           ’74-’75               ’78-’79                                    ’95-’96            ’99-’00

Sources: Basketball Reference, The Noun Project
L AT I M ES . C O M/ S P O RT S                                                                                                                        S U N DAY , OC T O B E R 14 , 2 018     V9

                                                                  NBA PREVIEW: LAKERS

                                                                          Minneapolis Star Tribune                                                                    Larry Sharkey Los Angeles Times
BEFORE THERE was Wilt, Kareem or Shaq, George Mikan (99) dominated the                               NO LONGER the player who led the league in scoring, Wilt Chamberlain used
NBA with the Minneapolis Lakers, winning five championships.                                         the finger roll and other skills to help the Lakers win their first title in L.A.

                                                                                                                                                                              Al Seib Los Angeles Times
                                                                                                                                        AFTER COMING to the Lakers as a free agent in
                                                                                                                                        1996, Shaquille O’Neal took his game to new levels
                                                                                                                                        and won three consecutive NBA Finals MVPs.

                                                                                                                                                                     Lawrence K. Ho Los Angeles Times
                                                                                                       Wally Skalij Los Angeles Times
                                                                                                                                        THERE HAS NEVER been a player like Magic
PLAYING HIS entire career with the Lakers, Kobe Bryant won five championships, scored 81 points in one                                  Johnson, who brought Showtime to the Lakers in the
game, and finished his career with a 60-point effort, above, against the Utah Jazz in 2016 at Staples Center.                           ’80s while lighting up the NBA with his smile.

                                  Focus on Sport / Getty Images                                          Reed Saxon Associated Press                                  Vernon Biever NBAE/Getty Images
JERRY WEST (aka Mr. Clutch, Zeke From Cabin                       WITH AN UNSTOPPABLE skyhook, Kareem                                   A 6-FOOT-5 scoring and rebounding machine, Elgin
Creek or the Logo) was a Hall of Famer on the court               Abdul-Jabbar became the NBA’s all-time leading                        Baylor was Dr. J before Dr. J. Unfortunately, he
and became a legend in the front office.                          scorer while winning six rings, five with the Lakers.                 retired right before the Lakers won their first title.
V10       S U N DAY, O C T OB E R 14 , 2 018                                                                                                                    L AT I ME S . CO M / S P O RT S     L AT I ME S . CO M / SP O RTS                                                                                                                     S U N DAY, O C T OB E R 14 , 2 018       V11

                                                                                                                                                                       NBA PREVIEW: LAKERS


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Wally Skalij Los Angeles Times

LeBron James is able to relate to                                                                 THIS LAKERS TEAM         is unlike any James
                                                                                                  has joined in free agency.
                                                                                                      The Miami Heat he signed with in 2010
                                                                                                                                                   you become a parent is that if you have mul-
                                                                                                                                                   tiple kids, to get the most out of your kids
                                                                                                                                                   you can’t teach them all the same way.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                        When he went on a two-week cleanse
                                                                                                                                                                                                    during which he skipped alcohol, sugars,
                                                                                                                                                                                                    dairy and gluten, James insisted that his
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         If his young teammates were in awe of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     his presence, they got over that pretty
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          In waiting for that, too, James is asking
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      for patience from himself.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          “I think it will be a learning experience
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Everything. I mean he acts like a kid. He
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       acts like one of us. Of course he keeps it pro-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       fessional all the time. [But he also] acts like

his younger teammates, but he
                                                                                                  were a veteran-laden group, with three              Here the Lakers have Ingram (21),             kids needed to be kids when it came to their     quickly — or at least pretended to.              for them,” James said. “Some of them, they       one of us on a daily basis.”
                                                                                                  ready-made stars and immediate champi-           Lonzo Ball (20), Kyle Kuzma (23) and Josh        diet. His oldest son is a standout in basket-        “He not God,” Ball said one day.             don’t know. You can’t expect them to know.           Ingram hasn’t felt a patronizing tone.
                                                                                                  onship expectations.                             Hart (23), all of whom are closer in age to      ball. While some prospects garner media at-          Kuzma dismissed the idea of being            So you have to understand, you have to           He laughed in acknowledgment about

wants to be strong, serious mentor
                                                                                                      The Cleveland Cavaliers were younger,        James’ eldest son than they are to James.        tention well before college, James’ son isn’t    starstruck.                                      guide them and teach them and allow them         James’ sons helping James stay abreast of
                                                                                                  headlined by Kyrie Irving, who was enter-           “I think it’s pretty cool to know where       allowed to do interviews until he’s 18.              “I’m kind of past that point,” Kuzma         to make mistakes because I believe the best      things his young teammates might like —
                                                                                                  ing his fourth season when James returned.       they are at their point in their lives and how       It’s colored by what James experienced       said. “It’s going into my second year            teacher in life is experience, so you have to    “Me and his son listen to the same music,”
                                                                                                      They had a high-profile rookie, but          much more room for growth not only as a          as one of the most famous teenagers in the       playing. I’ve been through playing a lot of      allow them to make mistakes and fall on          Ingram said — but Ingram also said James
                                                                                                  Cleveland traded Andrew Wiggins for Kev-         basketball player but as young men,”             world. James was17 when he was on the cov-       games so you know it’s kind of another           their face and get back up and see how they      doesn’t treat him or his teammates like his
                                               Can’t get him to stop listening to Young           in Love a month after signing James.             James said. “So that’s exciting to be            er of Sports Illustrated for the first time.     game.”                                           react to that.”                                  children.
By Tania Ganguli

                                               Dolph.”                                                In a letter he wrote announcing his re-      around. They have that young men energy,             “They have seen their dad go through it          Ingram said there wasn’t much time to            That’s another lesson fatherhood                 Every day he learns more about them.
                                                   Sometimes James reads a book during            turn to Cleveland, James said he thought he      which is always great.”                          for so long as a professional that nothing is    think about it since they had a game to play     taught him.                                          “You get more and more comfortable
        T TAKES LEBRON JAMES only 20           his commute. He likes reading about his-           could help elevate Irving to one of the                                                           really gonna surprise them,” James said.         shortly.                                                                                          with how to approach them, how to get the
        minutes to get from his home in        tory, especially critical time periods for civil   league’s best point guards. During the Fi-       JAMES BECAME A PARENT            young, and      “Both of my boys are on social media right           James doesn’t want one-sided awe.            A DAY AFTER JAMES enthusiastically dis-          best out of them, how to lead them, how to
        Brentwood to the Lakers’ practice      rights.                                            nals this year, James said he saw in Irving      has said he always wanted that.                  now. Some for the greater good but also I            “If we’re serious about what we’re here      cussed his reading habits, he strolled into a    respect them as well because we are all pro-
        facility in El Segundo each morning,       “But I also love the mob,” James said one      the potential for a cerebral player who             In part it was a contrast to his own up-      wish it wasn’t, but it is what it is.”           for and we’re putting in the time, we should     hallway at an arena in Las Vegas holding         fessionals,” James said. “Even though they
        a feat that might be more impressive   October morning, about an hour before              thinks about the game at a high level.           bringing by his mother, Gloria, who was 16           They’ve taught him the importance of         all have awe moments,” James said. “For          “Havana Nocturne.”                               are younger than me, we are all profession-
        than his eight consecutive NBA Fi-     practice. He smiled like a student talking             But the point guard, now 26, sometimes       when she had him. James was 19 years old         knowing that people’s needs are different.       me I’m just one of the guys. I’m one of the         He was mostly stoic, clipped and              als so you have to keep that in mind.”
        nals appearances given Los Angeles     about his favorite subject in school. “I’m a       chafed in James’ shadow and eventually           when he became a father.                         They’ve taught him the value of patience.        guys, I come in, I punch my clock in, I put      businesslike during the ensuing news con-
traffic patterns.                              huge mob fan, so going all the way back to         asked for a trade.                                  James and his wife, Savannah, have                His role, though, is significantly differ-   my hard hat on and I go to work every single     ference, with some sarcasm drizzled into
   He doesn’t actually drive, which might      those days of some of the greatest mob                 As he discussed what he’s learned from       three children — a 14-year-old son, an 11-       ent with his children than it is with his        day like the rest of them. I just want to lead   his words. When someone asked about the
be responsible for keeping him sane.           bosses.”                                           the past, James, 33, never specifically men-     year-old son and a 3-year-old daughter.          teammate. He’s never coached his kids, af-       those guys as much as they would like me to      book, he nonchalantly explained his love of
   From the back seat he sometimes                 James is reading “Havana Nocturne:             tioned Irving.                                      All three of them have a presence on so-      ter all.                                         lead.”                                           mob stories. “The Godfather” is one of his         ‘Arrive Early, Leave Late’
watches television shows. Often he listens     How the Mob Owned Cuba and Then Lost                   “I can’t give you like a definite point in   cial media, with only their youngest having          “Their coaches are made to coach their           That is the line James must discover.        favorite movies.                                   Listen to Lakers beat reporter Tania
to music and will show up at training know-    It to the Revolution.” His voice quickens as       time but in my 16-year career I’ve learned       grown up completely in the Instagram age.        youth and have way more patience than I          How much do they want him to lead?                  This stoicism doesn’t represent what            Ganguli’s one-on-one interview with
ing the words of a new rap song better than    he talks about this subject.                       every year how to be more and more and              “It took almost a year for me to actually     have,” James said. “Because I know my-               That is a line James keeps in mind. But      the Lakers see in him regularly.                   LeBron James on the premiere
some of his young teammates.                       That commute complete, he transforms           more of a leader,” James said. “And more of      put a picture of my daughter on social me-       self.”                                           there is a mentality he hopes his team-             “He knows everything from top to bot-           episode of The Times Sports’ podcast
   “He loves Young Dolph,” said Brandon        from a parent to a teammate, though he is          a communicator and how I can communi-            dia,” James said.                                                                                 mates will reach. He knows how to switch         tom,” said Ingram, who might not be awe-           “Arrive Early, Leave Late.” Download
Ingram, who was born two years before          always both. Each role complements the             cate to certain guys and get the best out of        James grew up in the type of spotlight        BY THE TIME THE LAKERS started train-            instantly from a lighthearted, jovial mood       struck that he gets to share a court with          episodes at
James started high school. “Oh my God.         other.                                             certain guys. One thing that you learn when      that he doesn’t want for his kids.               ing camp, James had been in the gym for          to a focused, business-like attitude.            James, but he is amazed at that. “Songs.
V12           S U NDAY , O C T O B E R 14 , 2 018                                                                                                                                           L AT I M ES . C O M/ S P O RT S

                                                                                   NBA PREVIEW: CLIPPERS

                             Shade denotes home game. Times Pacific.
SUN          MON       TUE       WED       THU                FRI       SAT
14           15        16        17 DEN 18                    19 OKC 20
                                 7:30 p.m.                    7:30 p.m.
                                 Prime                        Prime
21 HOU 22              23     NO 24        25                 26 HOU 27
6 p.m.                 5 p.m.                                 5 p.m.
Prime, NBA             FS West                                Prime
28 WAS 29              30 OKC 31
6:30 p.m.              5 p.m.
Prime                  Prime

SUN          MON       TUE           WED         THU
                                                  FRI        SAT
                                                 12     PHI
                                                         ORL 3
                                                 4 p.m.
                                                  4 p.m.
                                                 FS West
4      5     MIN       6      7                  8 POR
                                                  9          10 MIL
       7:30 p.m.                                 7 p.m.      12:30 p.m.
       Prime                                     Prime       Prime
11     12      GS      13     14                 15
                                                  16     SA  17 BKN
       7:30 p.m.                                 7:30 p.m.   3 p.m.
       Prime, NBA                                TNT         Prime
18     19 ATL          20 WAS 21                 22
                                                  23 MEM 24
       4:30 p.m.       4 p.m.                     12:30 p.m.
       Prime           Prime                      Prime
25 POR 26              27     28 PHX 29 SAC 30
6 p.m.                        7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m.
Prime                         Prime     TNT

SUN          MON       TUE           WED         THU          FRI          SAT

2      DAL3      NO    4          5 MEM 6                     7          8      MIA
4 p.m.    5 p.m.                  5 p.m.                                 7:30 p.m.
Prime     Prime                   Prime                                  Prime
9         10 PHX       11 TOR 12            13     SA         14         15 OKC
          6 p.m.       7:30 p.m.            5:30 p.m.                    6 p.m.
          Prime        Prime, NBA           Prime                        Prime
16        17 POR       18         19        20 DAL            21         22 DEN
          7:30 p.m.                         7:30 p.m.                    2 p.m.
          Prime                             TNT                          Prime                                                                                                               Allen J. Schaben Los Angeles Times
23     GS 24           25         26 SAC 27                   28 LAL 29          SA     DANILO GALLINARI has all the tools to be an impact player for the Clippers — a 36% three-point shoot-
5:30 p.m.                         7:30 p.m.                   7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m.       er at 6 foot 10 — but he has to stay healthy. He has sat out a third of his regular-season games in the NBA.

                                                                                        READY FOR
Prime                             Prime                       Prime, NBA Prime
30        31

SUN          MON        TUE          WED         THU       FRI       SAT
                        1      PHI   2           3         4     PHX 5
                        7:30 p.m.                          6 p.m.
                        Prime                              Prime

6     ORL    7          8 CHA        9           10 DEN 11           12 DET
12:30 p.m.              7:30 p.m.                6 p.m.              12:30 p.m.
Prime                   Prime                    Prime               Prime
13           14      NO 15           16 UTA      17        18     GS 19
             7:30 p.m.               7:30 p.m.             7:30 p.m.
             Prime                   Prime                 Prime
20     SA    21         22 DAL       23 MIA      24        25 CHI 26
4 p.m.                  5:30 p.m.    4:30 p.m.             5 p.m.
Prime                   Prime        Prime                 Prime
27 SAC       28 ATL 29               30          31 LAL
12:30 p.m.   7:30 p.m.                           7:30 p.m.
Prime        Prime, NBA                          Prime
                                                                                        In a city of stars, Gallinari hopes he can finally shine for Clippers
SUN          MON       TUE           WED         THU          FRI          SAT                                                        Bron James’ arrival to the Lakers and         ing, would happily close his social me-
                                                                                        By Andrew Greif                               a conference topped by the dynastic           dia accounts.
                                                              1            2      DET
                                                                           2 p.m.                                                     Golden State Warriors.                            He knows his injury-prone reputa-
                                                                           FS West          Danilo Gallinari lives near the               To do that, however, Gallinari must       tion despite attempts at insulation.
3     TOR 4            5 CHA 6                   7      IND 8              9     BOS    beach in a city he loves where the            first unlock his own potential.                   “It’s tough because it’s not the
Noon                   4 p.m.                    4 p.m.                    5 p.m.       weather is ideal and he is paid $21.5 mil-        He has sat out a third of his regular-    truth,” he said. “I had two big injuries,
Prime                  Prime                     Prime                     Prime        lion to play the game of basketball.          season games in the NBA, a total that         one in my back my rookie year and
10        11 MIN       12     13 PHX             14         15             16               Since agreeing to a three-year deal       doesn’t include missing the entire 2013-      when I was in Denver, my knee. Other
          5 p.m.              7:30 p.m.                                                 worth $65 million and moving to Los           14 season in Denver because of a torn         than that, I played every season. … I
          Prime               Prime                                                     Angeles last year, the Clippers’ for-         knee ligament. Recurring hand and             had small injuries that everybody else
17        18           19     20                 21           22 MEM 23                 ward has walked the red carpet at the         glute injuries sent him in and out of the     has. A little strain, you’re out one week.
                                                              5 p.m.                    premieres of “Venom” and “It.” He             Clippers lineup last year and limited         Twist your ankle, out two weeks.”
                                                              Prime                     once spied one of his favorite actors         him to 21games in what he called “may-            Whether the injuries were big or
24 DEN 25 DAL 26                     27 UTA 28                                          while out to dinner, then was stunned         be the toughest season of my career.”         small, Gallinari acknowledged they
2 p.m. 7:30 p.m.                     7:30 p.m.                                          when the star, Omari Hardwick of                  The frustrating experience was a          have kept him from playing his best
Prime  Prime, NBA                    Prime                                              “Power,” walked to his table to intro-        reason why All Sport Yoga’s Kent              basketball. In hopes of changing that,
                                                                                        duce himself.                                 Katich found himself working with             he skipped international games this
MARCH                                                                                       “He came to find me and I’m like,         Gallinari weeks earlier than usual this       summer with the Italian national team
SUN          MON       TUE           WED         THU          FRI          SAT          ‘Holy …’ ” Gallinari said. “It’s crazy, be-   offseason, and sensed a different focus       and underwent a revamped regimen of
                                                              1     SAC    2            cause you see these famous actors or          from a player he’d long regarded as ma-       yoga, Pilates and pickup games in L.A.
                                                              7 p.m.                    actresses and I’m like, ‘Oh, I want a pic-    ture and easygoing.                           His one-hour sessions with Katich are
                                                              Prime                     ture with you!’ and they’re like ‘No, I           “I think he knows that this is his        as much about developing confidence
3     NYK 4      LAL   5             6           7            8 OKC        9            want a picture with you!’ ”                   team now and it wasn’t before,” said          in his mind as flexibility in his hips.
12:30 p.m.7:30 p.m.                                           7:30 p.m.                     As a child growing up in a small          Katich, who met Gallinari in 2008. “It            “You get hurt and people say stuff
Prime     Prime, NBA                                          Prime                     farming community south of Milan, It-         was Blake [Griffin’s] team and it was         and it kind of can take a toll on you
10        11 BOS       12 POR 13                 14           15 CHI       16           aly, where his family owned the only          DeAndre [Jordan’s] team, this is my           emotionally as well as physically,”
          7:30 p.m.    7:30 p.m.                              7:30 p.m.                 basketball hoop in town, Gallinari            opinion, I could tell by watching him he      Katich said. “For me, it was getting him
          Prime, NBA   Prime                                  Prime, NBA                would have had difficulty predicting a        was deferring. He was letting them do         confident with his body and what it
17 BKN 18              19 IND 20                 21           22 CLE       23           life this good.                               what they do because he was the new           can do again.”
6 p.m.                 7:30 p.m.                              4:30 p.m.                     But what Gallinari wants now is a         kid on the block.                                 It was the first summer that Galli-
Prime                  Prime, NBA                             Prime                     truly great season.                               “Now they’re both gone, I think he        nari focused solely on his own devel-
24 NYK 25              26 MIN 27                 28       MIL 29           30 CLE           A career 36% three-point shooter          understands that he makes the most            opment, according to his father.
9 a.m.                 5 p.m.                    5 p.m.                    12:30 p.m.   who, at 6-foot-10, has the length to          money and he’s the longest-tenured                “I think that Danilo feels the right
Prime                  FS West                   Prime                     Prime        guard multiple positions, Gallinari is        and probably the most talented, so it’s       pressure,” his father wrote by email.
31 MEM                                                                                  tailor-made for the modern NBA.               on him. He takes it personal and I            “Last year when he signed with Clip-
7:30 p.m.                                                                               Coach Doc Rivers envisions him as a           think he’s taking that responsibility         pers [he] wanted to prove to be an im-
Prime                                                                                   floor-spacing shooter with freedom to         that he’s going to do everything in his       portant player for the team, unfortu-
                                                                                        create off the dribble, saying he’s best      capability to lead. Being a leader            nately due to injuries he had not the
APRIL                                                                                   with the ball in his hands.                   means you’ve got to be on the court.”         opportunity to prove it. This year he
SUN          MON       TUE           WED        THU           FRI        SAT                “Gallo is probably our best facilita-         On the advice of his father, Vittorio,    wants to do it.”
             1         2             3 HOU 4                  5      LAL 6              tor on the team, so when you take him         a former pro player in Milan alongside            Early returns have encouraged Riv-
                                     7:30 p.m.                7:30 p.m.                 out of the lineup, you can see the extra      Mike D’Antoni, Gallinari has for years        ers, who said Gallinari is “in the best
                                     Prime, NBA               TBD                       passes missed,” Rivers said.                  disregarded what is said or written           place that I’ve seen him since we’ve
7       GS 8           9             10 UTA 11                12         13                 At his best, Gallinari could unlock       about him. He avoids newspapers,              had him.”
5:30 p.m.                            7:30 p.m.                                          the Clippers’ potential as they fight for     doesn’t watch the NBA in his down-
Prime, NBA                           Prime                                              relevance in a city dominated by Le-          time and, if not for his personal brand-

Clippers beat reporter Andrew Greif tackles the five biggest questions surrounding the team as it enters the 2018-19 NBA season:

1    Can the Clippers stay heal-
                                                       pillars are mostly healthy now and
                                                       their presence gives the Clippers
                                                                                                  pick belongs to Boston if not.             and his ability to adjust on the fly
                                                                                                                                             during games has impressed.
                                                                                                                                                                                          Look no further than that
                                                                                                                                                                                       opening stretch for a litmus test of
    Injuries crippled the team last
season to the point that G-League
                                                       one of the league’s deepest rosters
                                                       for the moment. How long Rivers            3     Will the Clippers add an All-
                                                                                                        Star before 2019 free agency?
                                                                                                                                                “I remember a guy named
                                                                                                                                             Jordan was pretty smart, LeBron
                                                                                                                                                                                       the Clippers’ potential.

players were occasionally flown in
the morning of their NBA call-ups
for games they would start hours
                                                       will have a full rotation at his
                                                       disposal remains the overarching
                                                       question of the season.
                                                                                                      Los Angeles was among a short
                                                                                                  list of preferred destinations for
                                                                                                  All-Star guard Jimmy Butler after
                                                                                                                                             was pretty smart, Rivers not so
                                                                                                                                             smart,” Rivers said. “Those are
                                                                                                                                             things we didn’t know about Shai
                                                                                                                                                                                       5    Whom will the Clippers turn
                                                                                                                                                                                            to for scoring in the clutch?
                                                                                                                                                                                           The Clippers’ defensive ambi-
later. Coach Doc Rivers used a                                                                    he demanded a trade from Minne-            and he’s teaching us that he’s a lot      tions, built around a potential
league-high 37 different starting
lineups. So health is the caveat in                    2    Will the Clippers keep their
                                                            first-round pick?
                                                                                                  sota in September, but there has
                                                                                                  been no traction in trade talks
                                                                                                                                             smarter than we knew.”                    lineup of excellent stoppers in-
                                                                                                                                                                                       cluding Beverley, Bradley and
any discussion regarding the
Clippers’ ceiling.
    “Health plays a big part in
                                                           Despite their rash of injuries
                                                       last season, the Clippers weren’t
                                                       eliminated from playoff con-
                                                                                                  between the sides through the
                                                                                                  preseason. The question is
                                                                                                  whether the risk of giving up a
                                                                                                                                             4   How will they fare against a
                                                                                                                                                 difficult early schedule?
                                                                                                                                                Twelve of the Clippers’ 14
                                                                                                                                                                                       Mbah a Moute, have been no
                                                                                                                                                                                       secret during the preseason.
                                                                                                                                                                                           “We want to be the best defen-
anything,” said guard Patrick                          tention until Game 80 of 82. Stay          potential future All-Star, such as         games to open the season are              sive team in the league,” Mbah a
Beverley , “and the healthiest                         healthy, the thinking goes, and            forward Tobias Harris or rookie            against opponents that made the           Moute said.
team usually wins.”                                    they have an outside shot in the           guard Shai Gilgeous-Alexander, is          playoffs last season and expect to            If their defense has the poten-
    Beverley (knee), Avery Bradley                     ultradifficult Western Conference          worth adding a star in his prime           return in 2019. That includes two         tial to keep them in every game,
(abdominal muscles) and Danilo                         at pushing for a return to the             such as Butler, who could earn a           games against Houston, last year’s        scoring in crunch time remains an
Gallinari (hand, glute) were key                       postseason for the first time in two       maximum contract next summer               top seed in the West, and one             unknown. Finding the team’s
additions last season whose im-                        years.                                     and take up a big chunk of the             against reigning champion Gold-           offensive “closers” has been a
pact never materialized because                            A playoff berth would also cost        team’s cap space well into his 30s.        en State. Consider too that on            priority for Rivers in the preseason
they couldn’t stay on the floor. Luc                   the franchise, however. The team’s             Gilgeous-Alexander, in particu-        opening night they face the Den-          and he has three obvious candi-
Mbah a Moute (shoulder) missed                         first-round pick in the 2019 NBA           lar, is viewed as a potential star,        ver Nuggets, who missed last              dates in Harris, Gallinari and Lou
critical games in the playoffs with                    draft is top-14 protected, which           and not only by the Clippers. He           season’s playoffs despite a winning       Williams, the NBA’s reigning sixth
Houston before signing with the                        allows the Clippers to keep it             was voted the steal of the draft in a      record and are a trendy pick to be        man of the year. Beyond them,
Clippers in free agency. Those                         should they pick in the lottery. The       survey of NBA general managers             a contender in the West this year.        though, are few obvious answers.
L AT I ME S . CO M / S P O RT S                                                                                                                         S U N DAY, O C T OB E R 14 , 2 018       V13

                                                              NBA PREVIEW: CLIPPERS

                                                                                                                                                                           Jayne Kamin-Oncea Getty Images
“I PLAY HARD,” says the Clippers’ Patrick Beverley, left, shown with Shai Gilgeous-Alexander, center, and Avery Bradley. “You like it, you don’t like it, whatever.”

The Clippers might not be getting the headlines, and they really aren’t considered
playoff contenders, but they are determined to win. Even if it means winning ugly.
                                        Houston Rockets will run one iso-        being in the uneasy limbo between         ball and contain it, and I think they   saying we’re a mediocre basketball
By Andrew Greif                         lation set after another for their       the league’s contenders and re-           have some athletic pieces that will     team.”
                                        reigning league MVP.                     builders; just 15 Clippers games are      be good.”                                   When Beverley latched on in the
   Patrick Beverley wasn’t search-          What the Clippers say they have      scheduled for national broadcasts             That defense held the Lakers to     NBA he understood he “fit the per-
ing for anything specific when he       is a collective toughness they be-       this season.                              37 second-half points during an         sona of the tough guy” because of
walked into the bookstore this          lieve can coalesce into a disruptive         While the attention is elsewhere      Oct. 6 preseason game the Clip-         his Chicago upbringing and long
summer.                                 presence. Few projections include        across the NBA, the Clippers left         pers won “ugly,” Rivers said, in        road to get there. Even if he didn’t
   A trainer in his hometown of         them as a playoff team, and under-       the preseason encouraged from             what might be a template for the        care what people thought, he knew
Chicago had suggested he read           standably so. What they guarantee        what they’d seen. Marcin Gortat,          rest of the season.                     what they expected and played up
more in order to “open up my            is that night after night, they plan     Mike Scott, Shai Gilgeous-Alexan-             “If you’re able to come out and     his image by lashing out at officials,
mind,” and it was with an open          to be a nagging headache for oppo-       der, Jerome Robinson and Luc              punk teams defensively,” Bradley        feuding with Russell Westbrook
mind that Beverley browsed the          nents more comfortably en-               Mbah a Moute were the official off-       said, “I feel like no matter what       and jawing at opposing coaches.
shelves.                                trenched in the Western Confer-          season additions but it can feel like     happens on the offensive end, we’ll     He once told Rivers in the middle of
   That’s when he saw the paper-        ence’s upper half.                       a brand-new roster given the re-          be in every single game.”               a game that he’d crushed Rivers’
back.                                       “When you come in to play the        turns from injury by Beverley,                The Clippers’ previous iteration    Chicago alma mater while in high
   “I think it chose me,” he said.      Clippers every night you’re going to     Avery Bradley, Danilo Gallinari           under Rivers wasn’t always the          school (in fact, Beverley’s team
   The 30-year-old Clippers guard       be exhausted, you’re going to be fa-     and Milos Teodosic. Combined,             most well-liked of groups, either, as   lost).
has been underlining passages in        tigued, just mentally, emotionally       they missed 194 games last season.        All-Stars Chris Paul, Blake Griffin         Beverley’s summer reading led
“The Courage to Be Disliked” ever       drained,” forward Montrezl Har-              Together finally during the pre-      and DeAndre Jordan rode referees        him to take a hard look at himself.
since. It describes a “Japanese phe-    rell said. “When you look up at who      season, players have described a          and dunked on opponents. Bever-         Change was needed.
nomenon that shows you how to           you’re going to play tonight and it      unity of purpose that wasn’t always       ley, who joined in 2017 via the trade       “I felt like I was doing it the
change your life and achieve real       says Los Angeles Clippers, you just      the case during the oft-fractious         that sent Paul to Houston, didn’t       wrong way,” he said. “I felt like I was
happiness.”                             go into the game like, ‘Man, we got      Lob City era.                             regard the Clippers as tough last       going out purposely doing …. for
   Beverley happens to be some-         to play them? Man, this is going to          “We don’t have nobody on this         season because he didn’t feel their     people to not like me.”
thing of an authority on the topic of   be a fight tonight.’ That’s just who     team that thinks they’re bigger           mind-set was right.                         Beverley, just like the Clippers,
being disliked.                         we want to be.”                          than the program or thinks it’s all           Now he looks across a locker        must find an edge to have a chance,
   He elbowed his way into the              Beverley embodies that atti-         about them,” Harrell said.                room and sees players who all have      but the adjustment comes from
league six seasons ago after stops      tude, punching teammates in the              One year after the Clippers fin-      felt doubted. Pride is a potent mo-     trying to be smarter while doing so.
in Ukraine, Greece and Russia by        chest as they check in at the scor-      ished19th in defensive rating, there      tivator, and they feel forgotten in a   When a rookie argued a call during
playing a brand of unrelenting de-      er’s table, but it has been widely       are internal expectations of estab-       loaded West.                            a preseason practice, Beverley im-
fense that reflected his lack of con-   embraced.                                lishing a top-five defense should             Ten of the conference’s 15 teams    plored him from the sideline to
cern for making friends. He has             “We’re going to win our way and      they stay healthy. A crunch-time          hold higher win-total projections       “move on.”
stayed in the NBA by staying in the     we’re not going to apologize for         lineup could potentially feature          than the Clippers’ 371⁄2, according         The rookie, he knew, was wast-
jerseys of opponents who don’t al-      how we play,” coach Doc Rivers           three of the league’s best veteran        to the Westgate Superbook in Las        ing his breath — as is anyone who
ways appreciate his fervor.             said. “This is us and we’re good         stoppers in Beverley, Bradley and         Vegas. That’s less than last year’s     thinks Beverley will care what they
   Still, he left inspired by the       with that.”                              Mbah a Moute.                             record of 42-40, even though in-        think of his game.
book’s teachings — and believes his         If the Clippers hit it big in free       “They do have some versatile          juries riddled that team.                   “I play hard,” he said. “You like
Clippers teammates are on the           agency next summer and add two           pieces, the speed and the quick-              “We don’t have a lot of push-       it, you don’t like it, whatever. I’m
same page too.                          marquee players to maximum-sal-          ness I think, with a guy like Bever-      overs in this locker room,” guard       here to win.”
   In the NBA in 2018-19, the Gold-     ary contracts, as is possible, the       ley on the ball, it starts there,” Min-   Lou Williams said. “I think that
en State Warriors hold the rings,       franchise will re-enter the NBA          nesota coach Tom Thibodeau said.          goes a long way. Especially with a
the Lakers boast The King and the       spotlight. They exist for the time       “He has the ability to pressure the       lot of people just writing us off and   Twitter: @andrewgreif
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