www.diveinfestival.com #InclusionImpact #diveinfest 24 - 26 September 2019 - An initiative of - Dive In Festival

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www.diveinfestival.com #InclusionImpact #diveinfest 24 - 26 September 2019 - An initiative of - Dive In Festival
An initiative of

24 – 26 September 2019

#InclusionImpact #diveinfest
www.diveinfestival.com #InclusionImpact #diveinfest 24 - 26 September 2019 - An initiative of - Dive In Festival
05                                            44
The chain reaction                            Locking arms in tension and moving
Event Spotlight: Frank Bruno MBE, former      forward together
professional boxer & speaker                  Spotlight: Claire Harvey MBE, Leadership
                                              and Culture Consultant, Anatta

10                                            45
Our D&I journey at AXIS                       Indonesia
Spotlight: Gail Wien, Lead HR Business        Country Spotlight
Partner Strategic Projects

Girl Up
Event Spotlight
                                              Country Spotlight                           05   10
16                                            51
                                              London Insurance Life
CEO Videos 70                                 Event Spotlight: Femi Williams,
                                              Events and Social Media
Bahrain: Promoting an inclusive
                                              Mexico and North America
Country Spotlight
                                              Country Spotlight: Day Bishop,

                                              Director, Insurance Consulting and
                                              Technology, Willis Towers Watson,
Is neurodiversity the untapped power to       Margaret Resce Milkint, Managing Partner,
help ambitious organisations thrive?          The Jacobson Group & Noelle Codispoti,
Event Spotlight: Neurodiversity Ambitions     CEO, North America, Gamma Iota Sigma
at Travelers

30                                            57
Country Spotlight
                                              Social mobility
                                              Event Spotlight: Tim Campbell MBE
                                              London’s Ambassador for Training and
                                                                                          23   43
Country Spotlight
                                              The Bank of England
                                              Spotlight: Vishal Desai, Senior Manager,
36                                            Bank of England

Pauline Miller reflects on 5 years of
Dive In
Pauline Miller, Head of Talent Development,   Portugal
Diversity & Inclusion at Lloyd’s              Country Spotlight

38                                            67
Browse our events                             Inviting your human into the workplace
                                                                                          44   60
Spotlight: Rob Anarfi, Beazley’s Global       Slovakia
Head of Compliance and D&I Steering           Country Spotlight
Group Chair
www.diveinfestival.com #InclusionImpact #diveinfest 24 - 26 September 2019 - An initiative of - Dive In Festival
Welcome to Dive In 2019

Welcome to the festival                              Dominic Christian
companion guide for the fifth
                                                     Chair Inclusion@Lloyd’s
Dive In Festival of Diversity
and Inclusion for Insurance.                         Global Chairman Aon Benfield International
It’s a point of pride for
everyone involved in the
festival that we have each
                                          appropriately if the investment has         But the heavy lifting is already done.
played our part in creating               really paid off? Particularly considering   We have created a global grass
something with such self-                 the reports of pockets of an unhealthy      roots movement in Dive In that is
evident global momentum.                  historic culture that have played out in    made up of thousands of people
                                          the media.                                  who believe passionately in levelling
Each year we have the pleasure of                                                     the playing field for talent. We are
announcing new host city locations,       I would remind detractors that the          making incremental improvements
many in countries holding Dive In         future of our industry’s success pivots     and introducing new policies based
events for the first time. This year is   on our resilience and ability to adapt.     on robust insights: from the talent and
no exception. We are delighted to         A key element is how we nurture the         culture workstreams in the Future at
welcome Bahrain, Nigeria, Indonesia       talent we have now and project a            Lloyd’s strategy to the culture survey
etc., which makes this year the           culture that is welcoming of diversity –    that encourages people to honestly
biggest yet with 67 cities in 34          that culture being the sum total of our     share their workplace experiences.
countries.                                micro-behaviours and decisions taken        We can only measure our impact if we
                                          around the industry every day. Some of      know where we’ve come from.
But what does it all add up to? And       it is rooted in ‘the way things get done’
topically, given this year’s theme        and the norms of our longest serving        All of this adds up to real lasting
of #InclusionImpact, what is ours?        colleagues. And let’s be honest, change     change and the confidence this
Sceptics could point at the sports        is hard work – shifting some of the         year to theme the festival around our
personalities and TV presenters in        habits of the last 30 years takes more      #InclusionImpact. Are you ready to
the festival line-up and ask quite        effort than accepting the status quo.       consider yours?

www.diveinfestival.com #InclusionImpact #diveinfest 24 - 26 September 2019 - An initiative of - Dive In Festival
History of Dive In
                                                                                30+ countries
                       10 countries                                             60+ cities
                       66 events around the world                               #InclusionImpact
                       Over 5,000 attendees

                       170 speakers
                                                     27 countries
                                                     115 events around the world
                                                     Over 9,000 attendees
                          2016                       310 speakers                2019
                       D&I is good for
                       business             Dividend            2018

           1 country                         2017                                     Awareness
                                                                                      into Action
       Over 1,700
       40 speakers
                                             17 countries
                                95 events around the world   68%
                                  Over 7,500 attendees       of first-time festival goers said
                                                             their understanding of issues
                                           291 speakers      had changed as a result

www.diveinfestival.com #InclusionImpact #diveinfest 24 - 26 September 2019 - An initiative of - Dive In Festival
The chain reaction                            Event Spotlight

                                   economy is US$1 trillion per year    of the ring. His mental ill health
                                   in lost productivity.*               experiences and eventual bi-
                                                                        polar diagnosis made headlines
                                   It makes sense to create             in the media.
                                   workplace cultures where people
                                   can be themselves as it makes it     Frank has helped countless
                                   easier for us to speak about our     others through his inspiring story
                                   mental health and feel secure        and brave words. By speaking
                                   enough to reach out for help         out about mental health, you can
                                   when we need it. It’s vital that     let others know that they are not
                                   workplaces become environments       the only one and help break down
                                   where people feel safe to be         the stigma.
                                   themselves without fear of stigma
                                   or repercussions.

                                   That is why storytelling is
 Frank Bruno MBE                   important. It creates a chain
                                   reaction as it only takes one
 Former professional boxer         person to speak out and their
                                   story empowers others to share       “Storytelling creates a
 & speaker                         their own. When that person is
                                   a colleague, a well-known role
                                                                         chain reaction. It only
Awareness of mental health
                                   model, or even a national hero,       takes one person to
in the workplace is ever
                                   it can make a huge impact and
                                   encourage open discourse on
                                                                         speak out and tell
increasing, but some of us still   an otherwise taboo workplace          their story to empower
experience distress and try        subject.
                                                                         others to share
to keep our feelings hidden
because we are afraid of other
                                   AWAC, AIG and iDAWN are               their own.”
                                   delighted to have Frank Bruno
people’s responses.                speak as part of this year’s
                                   Dive In Festival. The British
Depression and anxiety have        former professional boxer had
a significant economic impact;     a hugely successful and highly
the estimated cost to the global   publicised career, both in and out   *source – World Health Organisation

www.diveinfestival.com #InclusionImpact #diveinfest 24 - 26 September 2019 - An initiative of - Dive In Festival
www.diveinfestival.com #InclusionImpact #diveinfest 24 - 26 September 2019 - An initiative of - Dive In Festival
The journey ahead: Diversity is key

                                   opinions and perspectives is         groups. Over 21% of our total
                                   critical to our success. Put         workforce participates in more
                                   simply, a diverse workforce          than 135 volunteer-led Employee
                                   makes good business sense.           Resource Groups (ERGs) in 35
                                                                        countries. I’m proud of what
                                   As Dive In marks its second          we’ve accomplished together, but
                                   year of ‘Awareness into Action,’     the work isn’t finished.
                                   I am proud that AIG has
                                   made diversity and inclusion         As I look ahead to the future of
                                   a cornerstone of how we are          the insurance industry, I see
                                   building a better, growing           tremendous potential for new
                                   company that will last for the       ideas and fresh perspectives
                                   next 100 years. The diversity of     and the potential for all who
 Brian Duperreault                 our workforce is one of AIG’s        bring them. We need diversity to
                                   greatest assets, and we continue     help lead us forward, challenge
 President and CEO, AIG            to actively cultivate a culture of   the stereotypes of our work and
                                   inclusion at all levels.             inspire future generations.

                                   As leaders, we know how
                                   important it is to hire and listen
Working in insurance means         to voices that challenge our own.
we must understand the             I encourage our employees to         “Over 21% of our total
                                   learn more and to celebrate our
complexities and risk our          differences. We know that diverse     workforce participates
clients face around the world.     thoughts and ideas result in          in more than 135
                                   better outcomes.
We have a responsibility to                                              volunteer-led Employee
help them navigate a constantly    At AIG, we are working to             Resource Groups
evolving environment, and          improve diversity at all levels.
continually find real and better   We invest in impactful enterprise     (ERGs) in 35 countries.”
solutions. I believe approaching   training programmes focused
this work with the open and        on retention and promotion
transparent sharing of diverse     rates among under-represented

www.diveinfestival.com #InclusionImpact #diveinfest 24 - 26 September 2019 - An initiative of - Dive In Festival
Putting mental health first

    At any one time, one in six
    of the working population is
    depressed. One in four of                  Richard Dudley
    us will experience mental
    health issues each year,                   CEO Global Broking Centre, Aon
    including psychosis, anxiety or
                                           •    Mindfulness workshops and               about their mental wellbeing
    We expect that we would be                  personal resilience training – to       and bring further openness
    able to spot signs in ourselves             provide colleagues with initial         to these discussions. 250 UK
    or our colleagues who may be                insight into how their personal         managers have attended these
    experiencing problems with poor             mental programming works,               sessions.
    mental fitness, but while there             and some tips to proactively
    may be physical indicators, many            deal with challenges rather         As a result of these initiatives
    of those affected may disguise              than just react as situations       we have seen a reduction in
    what they are going through and             arise. 1,200 colleagues in the      absences caused by mental ill
    problems remain unnoticed.                  UK have taken part in these         health, and have planned further
                                                sessions to date.                   online training, ongoing awareness
    At Aon, we know the wellbeing of       •    Mental Health First Aid training    films and subsidised access to
    our colleagues is fundamental to            – designed to ensure that each      meditation practices through our
    our business, and we have built             of our UK offices has someone       employee benefits programme.
    a wellbeing programme which                 trained to offer initial support
    addresses their financial, physical,        to their colleagues at times of     Mental health is a difficult topic for
    social and emotional wellbeing.             need. We now have a network         some, but at Aon we want to be
    We recognise that not everyone              of over 100 colleagues trained      fully inclusive of all colleagues and
    needs the same support, so have             as mental health first aiders;      drive a culture where everyone can
    designed a programme to offer               this group helped almost 350        be themselves in the workplace.
    different levels of help, guidance          colleagues in the last year.        Opening the conversation and
    and training to colleagues,            •    People Leader Mental Health         breaking down the stigma of mental
    including:                                  workshops providing training        ill health enables us to make our
                                                and tools to better equip           workplace even more supportive
                                                managers to talk to colleagues      and inclusive.
www.diveinfestival.com #InclusionImpact #diveinfest 24 - 26 September 2019 - An initiative of - Dive In Festival
www.diveinfestival.com #InclusionImpact #diveinfest 24 - 26 September 2019 - An initiative of - Dive In Festival
Our D&I journey at AXIS                                Spotlight

                                                                           and benchmarks to mark our
                                       In 2018, we began scaling up        progress.
                                       our efforts to expand our D&I
                                       programming with the firm           Supporting diversity and inclusion
                                       backing of our CEO and senior       is both a strategic and a moral
                                       leadership. We recognise            imperative. As Albert Benchimol,
                                       we can only succeed if AXIS         AXIS President and CEO, said:
                                       colleagues across all levels are
                                       fully engaged at all stages. This   “We have an imperative to
                                       has included launching a series
                                       of discussions and trainings,       advance these efforts for
                                       largely focused on unconscious      three very strong reasons.
                                       bias. From these conversations,     First, it is the right thing to
                                       we are hearing directly from
                                       our teams and encouraging           do, and consistent with our
      Gail Wien                        them to speak on these issues.      values. Second, we are
      Lead HR Business Partner         In addition to educating our        dependent on great talent
                                       staff, we are also learning what
      Strategic Projects               steps we need to take to help       to achieve great outcomes.
                                       further establish a culture that    Finally, it is important that
                                       promotes diversity and inclusion.   we have a wide range of
                                       At the time of publication, we
     As AXIS has grown from a          have had 60 sessions in more        views, experience and
     start-up to a global company,     than 15 locations across our        perspectives to make
     the need for formal and           global offices. We are also         the best decisions for a
     informal diversity and            acutely aware that our internal
                                                                           global business. Only with
     inclusion (D&I) initiatives has   conversations on D&I must not
     also grown. Our industry does
                                       end with these trainings – rather   a diverse team can we
     not excel at diversity. We can
                                       we view this as a beginning.        achieve that.”
                                       Separately, we also are very
     and should be better, and at      excited this year to host Dive In   Axis is participating in Dive In
     AXIS, we are fully committed      events around the world to bring    events in New York, London and
     to helping both our company       awareness to important issues       Bermuda. Our London event is in
                                       facing our industry, while at the   partnership with UN Foundation-
     and our profession improve.       same time establishing metrics      sponsored GirlUp.

Girl Up            Event Spotlight

                                  Together we are working toward           hosting their own advocacy boot
                                  a world where girls have equal           camps. Since 2010, girl leaders
                                  value, opportunity, and the              have raised $10 million for United
                                  chance to reach their fullest            Nations programmes that help
                                  potential. A world that is better for    ensure tens of thousands of
                                  girls is a world that’s better for all   girls around the world are safe,
                                  of us. Because when girls rise, we       healthy, and have access to
                                  all rise.                                education.

                                  With 3,300 clubs in all 50 US            Girls who complete our
                                  states and more than 120                 programming report increased
                                  countries, Girl Up is inspiring a        confidence, higher levels of civic
                                  generation of girls to be a force        participation, and a stronger
                                  for gender equality and social           conviction to take action for
                                  change. Girl Up has trained              global good. Girl Up was founded
                                  58,000 girls through its leadership      by the United Nations Foundation
Melissa Kilby and Anna Blue       programming around the world.            and continues to work across
Co-Executive Directors, Girl Up   Through our programmes, girls            a global community of partners
                                  broaden their social impact              to achieve gender equality
                                  skill set – with an emphasis on          worldwide.
                                  community organising, goal
Girl Up believes in the power     setting, communications and
of girls and helps them tap       applying STEM for social good
into their ability to change      – enhancing their capacity to be         “With 3,300 clubs in all 50
their communities and the         effective leaders.                        US states and more than
world. We’re a movement to        Girl Up leaders have influenced           120 countries, Girl Up is
advance girls’ skills, rights     policy change around the world,           inspiring a generation
and opportunities to lead. Girl   inspiring the successful passage
Up brings together thousands      of US legislation supporting girls’       of girls to be a force for
of girl activists and a million   rights and education. Girl Up             gender equality and
                                  leaders work with local, national,
supporters spanning the globe.    and global organisations,                 social change.”
                                  petitioning decision-makers and

The modern family is changing the way we work

In the UK, it’s estimated that
one in eight adults are carers.
                                                                          Right: Mary Bright
This means a huge number of
Aviva people are balancing                                     UK Public Policy Lead, Aviva
work with the dual challenges of
looking after dependent children
and/or an older, disabled or sick
relative.                               involved with setting up a carer       to leave work. I feel very fortunate
                                        network. It started as a pilot in      that Aviva has taken steps to
Changing demographics and               Bristol last year and now it’s a       support people like me, in my
an ageing population mean that          global community within Aviva.         situation.”
three in five people in the UK will     The best thing about it is knowing
become carers at some point.            that the company is listening and      We want people to feel they
Caring is not something we can          that it cares. It makes a world of     can bring their whole selves
get away from – and nor should          difference.”                           to work, and not spend time or
it be.                                                                         energy hiding who they are or the
                                        Our carer policy offers support        pressures they are under.
If we are to retain talented, skilled   to colleagues, such as flexible
people in work, it’s crucial we         working options and 35 hours           A lot of carers worry that by
support them.                           of paid leave per year for             having these duties, people
                                        emergencies or planned medical         may think they’re not committed
Mary was Chair of our original          appointments.                          to their jobs. But the fact that
Carers Community at Aviva. As a                                                they’re working while caring
carer for her niece and mother,         Sarah Brennan works as a Risk          demonstrates a high level of both
she is keen to tackle the stigma        Manager for Aviva and cares for        passion and commitment.
some employees feel:                    her son and her mother.
                                                                               We want people to feel they can
“I’m proud to say I’m a carer – it’s    “For me, flexibility at work isn’t a   be open and honest. It’s good for
something we should talk about          choice or a luxury – it’s essential.   our employees, our customers
more. That’s why I was keen to be       Without it, I’d probably have had      and our business.
The courage to impact

      While we are all familiar with
      the business case for diversity
      and inclusion, I think that it’s        Greg Hendrick
      worth restating.
                                              CEO, AXA XL
      Simply put, as many studies show,
      more diverse points of view lead
      to better decisions and superior
                                             two cohorts from our Women’s          Diversity
      business performance.
                                             Executive Leadership Program;         We launched enhanced flexible
      At AXA XL, the ethos we seek to        and our WoMen@AXA XL colleague        work arrangements and more
      embed into our culture is that good    resource group (CRG) now has 10       robust and inclusive family-friendly
      leadership is always inclusive         active chapters around the world.     benefits, recognising that we must
      and a diverse workforce is the                                               change our practices to align with
                                             Bias                                  what works best for our people –
      workforce of today and of the
                                             To take unconscious bias out of       both professionally and personally.
      future. But having a clear ethos
                                             our work and hiring processes so
      is just the start, because it takes
                                             we can attract and engage the         LGBTQ+
      courage to challenge our personal
                                             brightest and the best, we have       Our Pride CRG has grown to
      assumptions and do things
                                             developed guidelines to help hiring   three international locations, with
                                             managers identify biases and          additional sites on the horizon. We
      Courage is one of our core values      implemented diverse recruiting        engage thousands of employees
      and it is what we need as we           policies.                             annually to recognise International
      continue to work hard to make                                                Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia
                                             Inclusion                             and Transphobia and International
      change happen.
                                             Our senior leaders hosted candid,     Pride Month.
      Our D&I strategy is centred around     small-group conversations
      integrating inclusive behaviour into   with hundreds of colleagues to        We’re on the right path, but there’s
      the way we work every day.             talk about the challenges and         still work to do. Dive In plays
                                             opportunities inherent in D&I. And    an important part in making a
      Gender Balance                         last year our 13 active colleague     difference in our industry globally
      Since launching our D&I strategy,      resource groups (CRGs) hosted         and I’m proud to continue to be a
      we’ve increased women in               80+ events focused on employee        supporter of the festival.
      leadership annually; we graduated      development and inclusion.
Voices from the top

                                       CEOs from market leaders               for the industry, head to the ‘Show
                                       including Aon, AIG, Allianz,           Me’ page on the Dive In website
                                       BIBA, Willis Towers Watson,            where you will find video learning
                                       Markel, Lloyd’s and MS Amlin           resources from previous Dive In
                                       discuss ways in which they have        festivals.
                                       made an impact on diversity and
                                       inclusion. John Haley of Willis
                                       commented on the importance
                                       of incorporating hiring practices
                                       that support neurodiversity whilst
                                       Sheila Cameron from the LMA            “The CEOs highlight
                                       spoke about how incorporating the
                                       NICE method can help individuals
                                                                               how the D&I journey
                                       become active allies in the             cannot be fully realised
                                       workplace, both exemplifying how
                                       diversity and inclusion can be put
                                                                               without collaborative
                                       into practice. The CEOs highlight       efforts from across
                                       how the D&I journey cannot be
                                       fully realised without collaborative
                                                                               the globe and sector;
                                       efforts from across the globe and       the Dive In Festival,
     In celebration of our fifth       sector; the Dive In Festival, as a
                                                                               as a global event,
     year, we asked CEOs from          global event, enables companies
     across the industry to shine a    to communicate across borders           enables companies to
     light on the D&I actions that
                                       and share successful methods that
                                       foster diversity and inclusion.
                                                                               communicate across
     are already underway and                                                  borders and share
     those that are in the pipeline.   After four years of raising
                                                                               successful methods
     Our CEO videos send a             awareness and driving action,
     powerful message that as a        CEOs recognise that it is imperative    that foster diversity and
     sector, insurance is working
                                       to create long-term change to make
                                       an impact on inclusion. To hear
     collaboratively and rallying      more about what these firms are
     together in support of Dive In.   doing and why diversity is good

Brian Duperreault

Impact requires a focus on tough issues

                                     Ivy Kusinga
The public image of the
insurance industry has yet           Chief Culture and Talent Officer, Chubb
to catch up to the reality.
Insurance serves a much-
needed purpose and we offer         Our companies, regardless of         ancestry and educational
a compelling and vibrant            industry, operate within a socio-    opportunity, cannot be minimised.
place to work for thousands         political and economic context       In particular, the lack of access to
of individuals. We strive for       and acknowledging this fact          tacit knowledge about a company
positive impact on the world –      helps us take a measured and         can lock out talent that typically
                                    long-term view. To engage in         has no affinity or visibility to those
a theme rightfully highlighted      meaningful dialogue and action       with prevailing influence in our
by the Dive In Festival this        about diversity and inclusion,       industry.
year.                               we must be willing to accept a
                                    multiplicity of truths.              We are often reluctant to speak
Chubb retains a strategic and                                            openly and constructively about
sustained focus on diversity and    For example, meritocracies are       the most difficult issues which
inclusion. It is integral to our    the best governance systems          tend to hamper progress. The
culture because we recognise        we have and yet meritocracies        Dive In Festival each year affords
that the mix of our talent and      are not necessarily inherently       the platform to lean into issues
the perspectives which they         fair. Individual talent and effort   that are more difficult. Chubb is
bring keeps us competitive and      do not measure the individual        proud to be a gold sponsor of
innovative. The business case       in isolation; individuals arrive     the Dive In Festival in support
for diversity is resolved. What     with entrenched headwinds or         of our collective effort to propel
is harder to opine, and tackle,     tailwinds obtained from access       our industry forward – with more
are the intersecting complexities   or a lack of access. The impact      impact.
involved in accelerating progress   of well-positioned relationships,
and impact.
Diversity and inclusion – it matters to us

     We are on a journey of building
     a diverse and inclusive                   Carl Day
     workplace. It’s important to
     us that we attract, develop               Head of Energy, Marine and Property,
     and retain a high-performing,
     talented workforce with                   Active Underwriter Syndicate, 382 CNA Hardy
     differing expertise, experience
     and backgrounds.                      to better understand the                •   Leveraging both external and
                                           challenges we face and enables              internal resources to support
     We’re committed to creating           us to accelerate the pace of                staff to network, develop
     an environment where our              change within our organisation.             technically, and better
     employees feel supported and                                                      manage their own health and
     encouraged, and are taking            To embrace the changes needed               wellbeing.
     steps to help make our industry       to create a culture of diversity
     more diverse and inclusive.           and inclusion, we have been             The Fourth Industrial Revolution
     Last year, we collaborated with       focusing on a number of different       has brought threats and
     other organisations across the        projects, including:                    opportunities on new horizons.
     insurance sector to launch an                                                 We need people with new ideas
     industry-wide inclusive insurance     •     Training and educating our        and different views to help us
     pledge, designed to change                  leaders to actively build         build, develop and grow as an
     unevolved behaviours and                    diversity into their teams from   organisation. It’s not just the
     create a more inclusive work                day one.                          right thing to do, it makes sound
     environment.                                                                  business sense.
                                           •     Developing a workforce
     We have also wholeheartedly                 that is more reflective of        Diversity and inclusion does
     welcomed the introduction of                our customer base through         matter and we can’t wait to see
     the Gender Pay Gap report. We               recruitment and succession        the change.
     believe it gives us the opportunity         planning.

Bahrain               Country Spotlight
     Promoting an inclusive environment

                                    needed to promote an inclusive      today’s dynamic and changing
                                    environment in the workplace.       environment. Senior leaders will
                                    Taking a step in the right          be given the opportunity to learn
                                    direction, women in the Bahraini    how corporations can implement
                                    workforce, specifically in the      strategies to promote and
                                    financial services sector, have     educate their employees to adopt
                                    increased by 2.2% between           a more inclusive mindset towards
                                    2017 and 2018. With this growth,    their peers.
                                    corporations have an exciting
                                    opportunity to build momentum
                                    and to continue directing efforts
                                    towards inclusion as well as
                                    bridging the gender pay gap in
                                                                        “Taking a step in
                                    In support of this initiative,       the right direction,
                                    Lloyd’s of London is hosting a
     The World Economic Forum’s     session at Bahrain’s inaugural       women in the Bahraini
     annual Global Gender           event. This event will provide       workforce, specifically
                                    professionals in the Bahraini
     Gap Report has indicated
                                    financial services sector with       in the financial services
     deterioration in women’s
     economic standing globally
                                    the opportunity to hear from         sector, have increased
                                    prominent leaders in the industry
     over the past several years,   and the reasons behind their         by 2.2% between 2017
     notably Bahrain, ranked at     career achievements.                 and 2018.”
     132 of 149 countries.
                                    The session will share insight
     In order to address this       and guidance on how women
     imbalance, it is clear that    and men together can progress
     improvements/changes are       and thrive in their careers in

Is neurodiversity the untapped power to help
ambitious organisations thrive?                                              Event Spotlight

                                       dyspraxia and other neurological      In London, Travelers will host
                                       conditions. According to a report     an event focused on tackling
                                       from the Advisory, Conciliation       the misperceptions and building
                                       and Arbitration Service, around       greater understanding and
                                       one in seven people in the UK are     awareness of neurodiversity. We
                                       neurodiverse. [1]                     will be joined by experts from
                                                                             the National Autistic Society,
                                       While there is more awareness         The Clear Company and the
                                       than ever before about                representatives who lead various
                                       neurodiversity in the media and       inclusive pathways within our own
                                       external environment, there is less   business.
                                       understanding within workplaces.

                                       As a paper in the Harvard
                                       Business Review stated, ‘Many         “We have a proven
 Neurodiversity Ambitions at           [diverse] people have higher-
                                       than-average abilities; research
                                                                              pathway that brings
 Travelers                             shows that some conditions,            neurodiverse talent into
                                       including autism and dyslexia,
                                       can bestow special skills in
                                                                              our organisation, to
Is neurodiversity the untapped
                                       pattern recognition, memory, or        help us find alternative
power to help ambitious
                                       mathematics [2].’ [2]
                                                                              solutions and deliver
organisations thrive?                  There is much more we can and          different outcomes that
                                       will do to embrace the talents
                                       of neurodiverse people. To help
                                                                              benefit the customers
Should pioneering companies
seek out neurodiverse talent           us realise this ambition, we are       we serve.”
to retain their competitive            partnering with experts from the
advantage?                             National Autistic Society and The
                                       Clear Company to learn more
‘Neurodiversity’ is a relatively new   about neurodiversity and take         [1]
                                                                                 Neil, Tom. “Tom Neil: Celebrating

term used to describe people who       steps to better support all our       neurodiversity.” ACAS, 21 March 2019.
think differently. This could be       people.                               [2]
                                                                                 Austin, Robert D., and Gary P. Pisano.
                                                                             “Neurodiversity as a competitive advantage.”
due to dyslexia, autism, ADHD,                                               Harvard Business Review 95.3, 1 May 2017.

A culture of belonging

The insurance industry
recognises that diversity and         Melanie James
inclusion is not just important,
but fundamental. We still have        Global Co-Chair, Insurance, DLA Piper
some way to go, particularly on
inclusion in its broadest sense,
including gender balance,            promoting a culture of belonging:    many of whom are female. Beyond
social mobility and mental           where everyone’s voice counts,       gender balance, we’ve launched
                                     and where everyone can be            a reverse mentoring scheme
health. But it’s encouraging
                                     themselves, regardless of their      focused on age and ethnicity,
to see the industry taking           background or characteristics.       and brought our LGBT+ network,
positive steps by implementing       We know that a diverse workforce     Iris, together for an international
policies to embrace difference,      and an inclusive environment         summit. We also provide a
including workshops to make          help us to access new markets,       development programme for
                                     be innovative, bold, deliver         our global future leaders where
employees aware of their
                                     exceptional service and be           the focus will increasingly be
unconscious bias and its             supportive towards those we          on leading inclusively, and
impact.                              work with. Diversity goes beyond     through contextual screening
                                     visible differences and covers       for graduates, we are starting to
At DLA Piper, D&I underpins          the unique blend of talents,         hardwire wider access into our
our values and all that we do.       experiences and perspectives         recruitment processes.
As one of the largest law firms,     each individual holds.
with lawyers and staff in more                                            We look forward to continuing
than 40 countries, our efforts to    Our global insurance team has        engagement with the insurance
embrace, value and incorporate       strong female leadership, with       community on this important
difference are woven into            women in the UK, US, Australia,      matter.
our culture. Our firm values,        New Zealand, France, Brazil and
including being collaborative and    other countries heading up teams     Enjoy the festival, and we’ll see
supportive, are the foundation for   and supporting our future talent –   you there.
Awareness into action at Gallagher

     Insurance – in all its many
     guises – is essentially a people
                                         Jonathan Turner
     business and at Gallagher we
     want our business to be one         Chair of Gallagher UK Inclusion & Diversity Committee &
     that all our people are proud       CEO Pen Underwriting
     to be a part of and where
     everyone feels like they are        behaviours are front of mind         Closer to home within the London
     one of the team.                    when it comes to how we work         market, we are also delighted that
                                         together as a team. We have also     Gallagher is hosting the Dive In
     That is why our culture has         established an active Inclusion      5-a-side Community Cup football
     always been about embracing         & Diversity committee and a          tournament for the third year in
     difference, an inclusive            network of Champions who are         a row. It’s a great way in which
     environment where all colleagues    all passionate about driving our     to promote inclusion through
     can create exciting careers,        agenda forward.                      the collaborative values of yet
     hone their talents and, most                                             another high-profile sport and so
     importantly, where they can be      Our commitment to turning            if you’re taking part this year, we
     themselves.                         awareness into action expands        look forward to seeing you on the
                                         beyond internal engagement too.      pitch!
     We’ve focused our efforts over      As title partner of Premiership
     the past 18 months on developing    Rugby, we are closely involved
     a programme that promotes and       with Project Rugby, a community
     embeds inclusive behaviours         initiative that aims to get 40,000   “That is why our culture
                                         young people by 2020 from
     across our business, from looking
                                         under-represented groups to           has always been about
     at our recruitment processes
     through to equipping leaders        experience the excitement and         embracing difference.”
     and colleagues with the skills      confidence that playing sport can
     to help ensure that inclusive       bring.

Advancing diversity and inclusion through
 nurturing talent

Although apprenticeships               Suzanne Liversidge
are relatively new in the law,
Kennedys was one of the                Partner and Board member, Kennedys
first to embrace them in 2012
and we now offer both legal
apprenticeships and business          was refreshing to hear our legal      We believe our apprentices, both
services apprenticeships              apprentices talk about how they       legal and business services, are
across marketing, finance, HR,        feel included at the firm; how they   the talent pipeline for Kennedys.
IT and risk & compliance. We          are treated the same as other
                                      colleagues and not ‘labelled’ an      Earlier this year we promoted
currently have 43 apprentices         apprentice. That’s core to our        the benefits of apprenticeships
working in seven UK offices.          values.                               in the world of insurance more
                                                                            widely, teaming up with industry
Changes to the way solicitors         Our UK apprenticeship                 publication Insurance Post to run
are trained – moving away from        programme allows us to reach          the inaugural ‘Claims Apprentice’
being a graduate-only profession      people from a much wider              initiative, a six-episode video
– mean there is now, for the first    range of backgrounds who more         series designed to unearth and
time, an apprenticeship pathway       accurately represent the diversity    help up-and-coming individuals
from school to fully-qualified        of those we serve. For too long       working in the claims market.
solicitor. The D&I benefits of        the legal profession has put
routes to qualification, where you    barriers in the way of talented       This was an exciting initiative
can ‘earn as you learn’, were one     people who, for reasons often         that resonates with our values of
of the driving forces behind these    beyond their control, are unable      supporting the next generation
changes.                              to spend four years studying at       and in going that bit further for
                                      university and then law school        our clients and the market. It was
As part of Kennedys’ promotion        before pursuing their dream to        a resounding success that we
of last year’s Dive In Festival, it   work in the law.                      look forward to repeating in 2020.

Bangladesh                     Country Spotlight

                                           trade sectors), whilst the number        in Bangladesh and it is expected
                                           of women CEOs in Bangladesh              to have a significant effect on
                                           is relatively higher at 10%. In          workplace outcomes. It is also
                                           the insurance profession women           assumed that group hierarchy has
                                           represent 23% of the workforce.          a significant effect on workplace
                                           The majority of the working              outcomes.
                                           population are in the age group of
                                           18 to 45 (around 65% plus).              The good news is that just like
                                                                                    some of the neighbouring countries
                                           Like many other developing               in South Asia, Bangladesh has
                                           countries in South Asia,                 also started talking about Diversity
                                           Bangladesh has taken the                 and Inclusion in the workplace.
                                           principles of inclusive education on     And the Dive In event organised
                                           board in its education policies, acts    in Dhaka on26 of September
                                           and programmes. This is with the         2019 by the Chartered Insurance
                                           expectation of including all school-     Institute, sponsored by the Green
                                           aged, out-of-school children,            Delta Insurance company (which
                                           including those with disabilities,       is headed by a woman CEO),
                                           within the country’s mainstream          will be one of the starting points.
                                           education system to achieve the          The purpose of the event is to
                                           milestone of Universal Primary           explore how we support and
                                           Education, under the millennium          develop talent as we are working
                                           declaration popularly known as           in a multi-generational workplace.
                                           MDG 2.                                   With the different generations,
                                                                                    people’s career aspirations and
                                           As per the study conducted by the        development needs are different
     Bangladesh is considered              Bangladesh Rural Advancement             and are we clear on what these
     relatively homogenous in terms        Committee, the demographic               are and how to support our current
     of language, culture and social       characteristics of Bangladesh,           talent pool who potentially will be
                                           such as young age, women,                our future leaders.
     unity; however, the data shows        religious minorities, ethnic
     the total number of women in          minorities, persons with disabilities,   We are delighted to be hosting
     employment across industry in         and lower classes, are considered        with Green Delta a Dive In event
                                           less powerful and subordinate            in Dhaka, enabling rich and
     the country is about 34%.             groups according to sociocultural        authentic dialogue on actions
                                           identity. Generally, this notion         and impacts helping women and
     The percentage of managerial roles    can also be observed within              the different generations achieve
     that are held by women is only        organisations.                           their career aspirations in the
     0.6% (this is also due to the fact                                             insurance profession, whilst helping
     that most of the women work in the    The study states that gender             managers consider the practical
     agriculture, fisheries and crafts &   discrimination is very pervasive         steps they can take to attract and
30                                                                                  retain their colleagues.
Canada               Country Spotlight

                                  will be run concurrently for the      such as: The Charter of Rights &
                                  first time in Alberta as well as      Freedoms, The Multiculturalism
                                  in Ontario. In keeping with this      Act, and The Official Languages
                                  year’s event theme, ‘Impact           Act.
                                  Inclusion’, the current slate of
                                  speakers promises to showcase         As we reflect on Canada’s history
                                  Diversity & Inclusion Heroes from     and the pivotal role it plays
                                  across industries sharing best        within our society, the topic of
                                  practices and key takeaways           Diversity & Inclusion is on most
                                  to empower attendees to effect        business leaders’ minds. With
                                  change in their respective            over 95% of Canadian business
                                  organisations.                        leaders identifying Diversity &
                                                                        Inclusion as a positive business
                                  Poised to be a leader in the          strategy, finding tangible ways to
                                  Diversity & Inclusion space,          communicate the value and effect
                                  Canada has embraced its               organisational change remains
                                  multicultural roots as an integral    a challenge for most industries,
                                  part of its national identity. With   including insurance.
                                  over one-fifth of the Canadian
                                  population being born elsewhere
Since launching in the            and choosing to immigrate
                                  to Canada, the world need
Canadian marketplace in           not look much further than            “Poised to be a leader in
2016, the Dive In Festival
has become an integral
                                  Canada to truly see Diversity
                                  & Inclusion demonstrated on a
                                                                         the Diversity & Inclusion
component of the dialogue         national level. This has allowed       space, Canada
surrounding Diversity &           the country’s citizens to live in
                                  harmony with mutual respect of
                                                                         has embraced its
Inclusion within the Canadian     individual liberties and collective    multicultural roots as
insurance marketplace.            identities. Simply put, Canada
                                  has long recognised diversity as
                                                                         an integral part of its
This year will see an expansion   a strength at the core of many         national identity.”
of the Canadian Dive In           political decisions and laws stem
presence as the conference        from inclusion of all citizens


     When Dive In launched in 2015
                                             John Neal
     there was no way of knowing             Name
     that it would generate as much          CEO, Lloyd’s
     momentum as we see today.               Title

     The impetus for expansion is felt
     across the global insurance sector     of signatories since launch,            both LGBT+ and non-LGBT people
     as we prepare for events in more       expanding beyond the UK as far as       through a variety of activities. And
     than 60 cities around the world.       Australia.                              we have introduced a market-
     Volunteers and employee resource                                               wide programme of Wellbeing
     groups in each country are offering    As part of our commitment to            Champions, raising awareness of
     their time and the support of their    create the best conditions for all      mental wellbeing and supporting
     companies to host events.              our employees – whatever their          colleagues in accessing additional
                                            circumstances – we collaborated         resources.
     This is particularly encouraging       with Working Families, the leading
     given the relationship between         UK-based work-life balance              Cultural change lies at the heart
     inclusion and culture. While           organisation, to publish a best-        of Lloyd’s ambitious strategy for
     leaders can encourage inclusion        practice guide for employers.           the future, we know that we can
     by supporting initiatives like Dive                                            only succeed with a culture of
     In, culture cannot be mandated,        Working with our colleagues from        inclusivity and innovation. That’s
     it is the sum of all our actions and   our employee resource groups,           why we are committed to driving
     attitudes.                             Inspire and Families@Lloyd’s we         change and continuing to create a
                                            introduced several industry leading     #InclusionImpact.
     We are proud of the progress           family friendly policies that provide
     that has been made over the last       equal benefits irrespective of
     five years at Lloyd’s and around
     the market. We were pleased not
                                            circumstance or gender.
                                                                                    “Cultural change lies
     only to sign the CEO pledge for        For the first time Lloyd’s made          at the heart of Lloyd’s
     Inclusive Behaviours in Insurance,     the Stonewall Top 100 Workplace
     but also to help lead this important   Equality Index – demonstrating the       ambitious strategy for
     initiative which has attracted
     more than double the number
                                            progress made by our Pride and
                                            Allies network, who have supported
                                                                                     the future.”
We are making   Proud sponsors of the 5th Dive In

an Inclusion    festival, making an undeniable
                Impact across our sector.
Impact          #InclusionImpact
Hitting the reset button

I first started practising yoga
                                       Francesca Bryan
at university, but it wasn’t until
I attended an amazing class            Catastrophe Risk Manager, Actuarial, Markel International
in Bali, while I was travelling in
2013, that I had the epiphany
that I wanted to become a             the week, but it’s a fantastic way   the experiences of those who
teacher myself. I graduated in        for us to connect with people        attend my classes, that being
2014 and immediately set up           we wouldn’t usually have the         open-minded and saying ‘yes’ to
yoga classes in my local area         opportunity to socialise with.       doing something outside of your
and then went on to teaching in                                            everyday role has such a positive
                                      There are so many holistic           knock-on effect on all areas of
the workplace and other, more         benefits to yoga which are           life. Whether it’s making the most
niche environments.                   proven to boost performance          of Markel’s on-site massages, its
                                      at work, including enhanced          Wellbeing at Work seminars or
I’ve been teaching yoga in            concentration and productivity       lunchtime sports clubs, taking a
Markel’s in-house restaurant,         from gaining a clearer, more         step back and hitting the reset
Sam’s, since November 2017 and        focused mind. Reducing stress        button is well worth doing.
now have around 15 regulars who       enables people to approach
join me on Wednesday evenings         their work from a more grounded
for a much needed mid-week            perspective as well as dealing
reset. What’s lovely about the        with the physical effects caused     “There are so many
group is that I have a real mix of
people, both women and men, of
                                      by working at a desk, including
                                      posture correction and releasing
                                                                            holistic benefits to yoga
all ages and experience. Not only     tension in the body.                  which are proven to
is it the best way to get that mind
declutter and physical boost, to      I’ve learnt through my experience
                                                                            boost performance at
keep us motivated for the rest of     of taking up yoga and through         work...”
Pauline Miller reflects on 5 years of Dive In

     I’ve never been a big fan of                Pauline Miller
     diversity week. Back in 2015
     when I joined Lloyd’s, I’ll be              Head of Talent Development and Inclusion, Lloyd’s
     honest, I was a little reticent
     when I found that my new role
     involved taking on stewardship            instincts were right. There are a few           ultra-competitive global market.
     of something called the ‘Dive             important signals that an organisation is       I could not have imagined back then the
     In’ Festival. As far as I was             at a tipping point for change. My instincts     impact that Dive In would have. My view
     concerned, an annual D&I                  were telling me that Lloyd’s would be an        has changed. I’m now a huge fan of this
                                               exciting opportunity because I could see        particular D&I festival. Let me explain
     festival was too often a tick box
                                               for myself the commitment of its senior         why.
     exercise rather than something            leaders and the opportunity to be part of
     that could bring about                    the charge to change an industry. The           The Lloyd’s market is built on
     meaningful cultural change.               big consulting firms like PwC, EY and           relationships. As we built the framework
                                               McKinsey were publishing reports with           for the festival, we naturally emulated
     Many of my colleagues across the          empirical evidence linking diverse teams        the collaborative way that the market
     banking sector looked at me askance       to better performance at the same time          operates and leveraged its positive
     when I told them I was joining Lloyd’s.   as the Lloyd’s market was holding the           attributes. We invited people from
     Moving from banking to insurance          mirror up to itself and resolving to adapt.     across the market to volunteer for
     was like stepping back through a time     The emerging narrative that the first Dive      different steering groups. Inclusion@
     portal ten years in terms of progress.    In Festival helped shape was that we had        Lloyd’s was already in place, with a
     ‘Why would you go there?’ they asked.     to level the playing field for talent to stay   mission to provide the governance
     ‘They are so un-diverse!’                 globally relevant. The backdrop then as         and strategy to ensure diversity and
                                               now was growing global complexity, from         inclusion best practice is the norm. With
     Fast forward to the summer of 2019        cyber threats to climate change, from           representatives from all of the major
     and I’m pleased to say that my            geo-political unrest to a hyper-connected,      professional associations (LIIBA, LMA,

IUA) as well as a rotating membership       reacted to it. That same year, we brought    the world, either in sponsorship, by
of leaders from many of the market          together a group of CEOs in a facilitated    donating a venue, paying for a speaker
firms, we built on firm foundations.        discussion with leadership coach and         or just in giving their people time to
We established a communications             D&I diagnostician John Ameachi. Their        volunteer.
committee comprising marketing and          discussion surfaced that, more so than any
internal comms leaders to help get the      lack of enthusiasm, it was time that was     When I think of Dive In I think of it as the
word out, and as the festival grew, we      their biggest single barrier to better D&I   catalyst to change that the industry was
set up a dedicated Dive In SteerCo to       practice at the company level. We were       waiting for and that I’ve had the honour
free up the resources of Inclusion@         inspired by this truth to theme the 2018     to lead with several hundred volunteers
Lloyd’s.                                    festival #time4inclusion – a message that    and partners around the world who I
                                            still reverberates on multiple levels.       regard as friends!
The result is that together we have built
something quite phenomenal. After           My closing thoughts on the festival?
the success of the first year, there was    The festival has rounded itself in action.
some hesitance to answer the call           Each year we strive to include takeaways
from colleagues outside of the UK who       – tools that people can take back to         “The festival has
wanted to run Dive In events in their
own countries. The concern was that
                                            their everyday working lives to make a
                                            difference to ensure that Dive In is an
                                                                                          rounded itself in action.
we’d never have enough money to fund        effective catalyst for cultural change.       Each year we strive
it all or enough resources to run it. But
the volunteers kept coming and so did       When I reflect on the changes I can see
                                                                                          to include takeaways
the sponsorship to make it happen. In       most clearly from my vantage point at        – tools that people
2016 we went from one country to 10
and from one city to 17.
                                            the hub of the festival, it is the number
                                            of people who are involved – the people
                                                                                          can take back to their
                                            involved at the grassroots level through      everyday working lives
The third year saw more expansion.
For me though, beyond even the
                                            employee resource groups and active
                                            organisations – that is greater than the
                                                                                          to make a difference to
continuing growth in demand for the         sum of its parts. New D&I roles have been     ensure that Dive In is
festival has been its ability to tackle
some really difficult issues. 2017 drew
                                            created in market firms to carry the focus
                                            through the year and over a thousand
                                                                                          an effective catalyst for
back the curtain on mental ill health,      volunteers have taken part in organising      cultural change.”
stress and anxiety in the workplace.        the many events, making the Dive In
Johnny Benjamin and Neil Laybourn’s         Festival the global success it is today.
opening event was exceptional both          Hundreds of companies and network
in its message and in the way people        leaders have given us their support around

Events: UK
     23 September & 10 October 2019
     Time            Venue                                                                            Event
     23 September    PwC, 7 More London Riverside, SE1 2RT, London, United Kingdom                    How technology and product innovation in insurance can benefit D&I in the
     09:00 – 11:00                                                                                    workplace
     10 October      Lloyd’s, One Lime Street, EC3M 7HA, London, United Kingdom                       A Candid Conversation with Young Leaders from Girl Up
     18:00 – 20:00
     Tuesday 24 September 2019
     Time            Venue                                                                            Event
     08:30 – 10:00   Willis Towers Watson, 51 Lime Street, London, United Kingdom                     Dive In Opening Event: Inclusion Impact… 5 years on
     11:00 – 12:00   Swiss Re, 30 St. Mary Axe, EC3A 8EP, London, United Kingdom                      Make each moment count – how to help women and girls improve their
                                                                                                      financial wellbeing
     11:00 – 12:00   MS Amlin, The Leadenhall Building, Leadenhall St, EC3V 4QT,                      Ripple that Starts the Wave: Creating Impact
                     London, United Kingdom
     12:00 – 15:00   Holiday Inn, Merthyr Road, Tongwynlais, CF15 7AD, Cardiff, United Kingdom        The Power of Inclusion – presentation from Nathalie McGloin
     12:30 – 14:00   Allianz, 60 Gracechurch St, EC3V 0HR, London, United Kingdom                     Ethnic Diversity: Enabling Confident Conversations
     13:00 – 14:30   Lloyd’s, Old Library, One Lime Street, EC3M 7HA, London, United Kingdom          Stamping Out Bullying and Harassment – Sponsored by RenRe
     14:30 – 15:30   Lloyd’s, Fidentia House, Walter Burke Way, ME4 4RN, Chatham, United Kingdom Being yourself – Matt Ellison
     15:00 – 16:00   MS Amlin, The Leadenhall Building, Leadenhall St, EC3V 4QT,                      Aging Isolation and Elder Care: Exploring Opportunities
                     London, United Kingdom
     16:00 – 17:30   DLA Piper, Victoria Square House, Victoria Square, B2 4DL,                       Mental Health in the Workplace
                     Birmingham, United Kingdom
     16:00 – 18:45   The Lighthouse, 11 Mitchell Lane, G1 3NU, Glasgow, United Kingdom                Delivering Through Diversity
     17:30 – 19:00   Bank of England, Threadneedle St, EC2R 8AH, London, United Kingdom               Authenticity: Bringing your Whole Self to Work
     18:00 – 20:00   Aviva, Auditorium, St Helen’s, 1, Undershaft, EC3P 3DQ,                          The Great Gender Debate... Featuring an interview with Mary Portas
                     London, United Kingdom
     Wednesday 25 September 2019
     Time            Venue                                                                            Event
     08:30 – 10:00   Bank of England, Threadneedle St, EC2R 8AH, London, United Kingdom               Challenging Perceptions of Disability
     09:00 – 10:30   Willis Towers Watson, Watson House, London Road, RH2 9PQ,                        Inclusion Starts with I – AM Session
                     Reigate, United Kingdom
     11:00 – 12:00   QBE, Plantation Place, 30 Fenchurch St, EC3M 3BD, London, United Kingdom         Top Ten Tips for Managing your Financial Wellbeing
     11:00 – 12:00   Kennedys, 25 Fenchurch Ave, EC3M 5AD, London, United Kingdom                     Inviting your Human into the workplace
     12:00 – 13:30   Willis Towers Watson, Watson House, London Road,                                 Inclusion Starts with I – PM Session
                     RH2 9PQ, Reigate, United Kingdom
     13:00 – 14:30   Chubb, 100 Leadenhall St, EC3A 3BP, London, United Kingdom                       How to set up an Ally programme... and how they work in practice
     13:00 – 14:30   Markel, 20 Fenchurch St, EC3M 3AZ, London, United Kingdom                        Future of Work
     14:30 – 15:30   Lloyd’s, Fidentia House, Walter Burke Way, ME4 4RN Chatham, United Kingdom How Do I Recognise Domestic Abuse?
     15:00 – 16:00   Allianz, 60 Gracechurch St, EC3V 0HR, London, United Kingdom                     Fertility: Why It Matters to Everyone
     16:30 – 17:30   Miller, 70 Mark Ln, EC3R 7NQ, London, United Kingdom                             Is neurodiversity the untapped power to help ambitious organisations thrive?
     17:30 – 19:30   Aon, The Leadenhall Building, 122 Leadenhall St, EC3V 4AN                        Closing the BAME Pay Gap
                     London, United Kingdom
     17:30 – 19:00   Radisson Blu Hotel, 80 High St, Royal Mile, EH1 1TH, Edinburgh, United Kingdom   The Power of Inclusion – presentation from Josh Littlejohn
     17:30 – 19:30   CPP Group, 6 E Parade LS1 2AD, Leeds, United Kingdom                             Being Kind in Business
     17:30 – 19:30   Kennedys, Churchgate House, 3rd Floor, 56 Oxford Street, M1 6EU,                 A Boot in Both Camps
                     Manchester, United Kingdom
     18:00 – 20:00   DLA PIPER, 160 Aldersgate St, Barbican, EC1A 4HT, London, United Kingdom         Social Mobility: Building a Wider Talent Pipeline
Thursday 26 September 2019
Time            Venue                                                                              Event
08:30 – 10:00   Marsh, Tower Place, EC3R 5BU, London, United Kingdom                               Stories of Courage That Make an Impact
11:00 – 12:00   Lloyd’s, Hopper Room, Lloyd’s Lab, Gallery 4, One Lime Street, EC3M 7HA,           Mindfitness Masterclass
                London, United Kingdom
11:00 – 12:00   Markel, 20 Fenchurch St, EC3M 3AZ, London, United Kingdom                          Educating the next generation of diverse leaders
12:30 – 14:00   Novotel Hotel, Grey Friars Road, IP1 1UP, Ipswich, United Kingdom                  The Power of Inclusion – an interview with Kelly Smith
13:00 – 14:30   Allied World Insurance, 19th Floor, 20 Fenchurch St, EC3M 3BY,                     The Chain Reaction: A Candid Conversation with Frank Bruno
                London, United Kingdom
13:00 – 14:30   Miller, 70 Mark Ln, EC3R 7NQ, London, United Kingdom                               Workplace Support for Abuse at Home
14:30 – 15:30   Lloyd’s Fidentia house, Walter Burke Way, ME4 4RN, Chatham, United Kingdom         Nerys Pearce (Blesma Member)
15:00 – 16:00   Kennedys, 25 Fenchurch Ave, EC3M 5AD, London, United Kingdom                       Do you want to be a London Insurance Life Ambassador?
15:30 – 17:30   DWF, 1 Scott Place, 2 Hardman Street, M3 3AA ,                                     Let’s have a conversation about mental wellbeing
                Manchester, United Kingdom
16:00 – 17:30   Kennedys Law, 35 Newhall Street, B3 3PU, Birmingham, United Kingdom                Transition in the Workplace
17:30 – 19:15   Zurich House, Canal Wharf, Water Lane, LS11 5DB, Leeds, United Kingdom             Diversity in Action
18:00 – 20:00   Lloyd’s, Banqueting Suite, One Lime Street, EC3M 7HA, London, United Kingdom       Dive In Comedy Fest
18:00 – 21:00   The Hiscox Building, Peasholme Green, York, YO1 7PR, York, United Kingdom          Learn how to believe in yourself and then how to promote yourself

 Events: Europe
Wednesday 18 September 2019
Time            Venue                                                                              Event
09:00 – 11:00   The Westin Hotel, at College Green, Westmoreland Street, D02 HR67, Dublin, Ireland Dive In Dublin

Tuesday 24 September 2019
Time            Venue                                                                              Event
08:00 – 09:00   Cidade do Futebol, Sports complex in União das Freguesias de Algés, Linda-a-       Dive In Portugal
                Velha e Cruz Quebrada/Dafundo, Portugal
08:30 – 11:00   Auditorium Of Tour Carpe Diem – 31, Place Des Corolles – Esplanade Nord 92400 LGBT, Multiculturalism
                Courbevoie, Paris, France
12:00 – 14:30   DLA Piper in Cologne, Augustinerstraße 10, 50667 Köln, Cologne, Germany            Gendergerechte Sprache – Was ist das?
13:00 – 17:00   Swiss Re, Twin City B, Mlynske Nivy 12, Bratislava 81109, Bratislava, Slovakia     Mental & Physical Health #inclusionimpact
13:00 – 18:00   Croeselaan 18, 3521 AG, Utrecht, The Netherlands                                   Make Impact Through Inclusion!
17:30 – 21:30   Swiss Re Next, Mythenquai 60, 8002, Zurich, Switzerland                            Workplace, Workforce and Technology: How to succeed in a constantly
                                                                                                   changing world

Wednesday 25 September 2019
Time            Venue                                                                              Event
11:00 – 13:00   Kazimierza Wielkiego 3 50-077 Wrocław, Poland                                      Destiny is what you make it

Thursday 26 September 2019
Time            Venue                                                                             Event
09:00 – 10:30   AXA XL, Plazza Gae Aulenti 8, Milan, Italy                                        Disability: When Differences Become Strengths
11:30 – 13:00   Willis Towers Watson, Via Vittor Pisani 19, 2nd floor, Milan, Italy               (Inclusione + Quotidiano) X Lavoro = Valore?
14:30 – 16:00   Sede Chubb via Fabio Filzi, 29 - 20124, Milan, Italy                              La genitorialità e il cambiamento

17:00 – 18:30   1, Cours Michelet Paris La Défense, Paris, France                                 Devenir un différonaute®: offrez-vous une assurance diversité
17:00 – 18:30   Sede Oliver James Associates - Via Sassetti 32, Milan, Italy                      I Am Remarkable
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