Behave Big Thinking on Behavioural Change - Hall & Partners

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Behave Big Thinking on Behavioural Change - Hall & Partners

Big Thinking on Behavioural Change
Behave Big Thinking on Behavioural Change - Hall & Partners
Behave Big Thinking on Behavioural Change - Hall & Partners
Behave Big Thinking on Behavioural Change - Hall & Partners
Behave Big Thinking on Behavioural Change - Hall & Partners
We are all in the business of changing and influencing behaviour. People are
fascinating, what drives them, what motivates them to do the things they do.

We now know that many of their behaviours are influenced by things that they are not
consciously aware of. Whether it be the culture they live in, the social scene they hang
out in or their own internal, hidden emotions and motivations.

Digital technology, and the data it creates, is allowing us all to have a deeper
understanding of what people are doing, increasingly in real time.

At Hall & Partners, we are fascinated by people, seeking to understand them, in more
inventive and meaningful ways.

Our new Hall & Partners’ Frame model, explained later by Jeanette Hodgson, is
informed by the latest thinking in behavioural economics and social sciences. It
explains that for any change in behaviour, you need to make the new behaviour seem
more prevalent, so that people can sense others’ behaviour with the brand, product
and/or service. You need to make the new behaviour easy to adopt, and you need to
show a clear advantage.

I am very excited by this and other contributors’ thinking and how it can help us advise
our clients on how to create new behaviours in this increasingly complex world.

I hope you are as inspired as much as I am by our new behavioural magazine: Behave.

Vanella Jackson
Global CEO

Behave Big Thinking on Behavioural Change - Hall & Partners
Highlights »

       Greg Rowland explores
       the subtle influences of                      50
       culture and ideology on                       Professor Byron Sharp
       the way we behave                             explains why measuring
                                                     behaviour, not sales
                                                     figures, reveals the value of

            Define behaviour
            goals first, and desired
            outcomes second, says                         36
            Martin Dewhurst                               Will asking simpler
                                                          questions be more useful in
                                                          understanding behaviour,
                                                          wonders Mark Earls

    Patrick Buckley and
    David Baynham show
    us how language can
    make all the difference                        Jane Deville-Almond
                                                   changes the way
                                                   clinics operate

Behave Big Thinking on Behavioural Change - Hall & Partners
Contents »

 Every breath you take         10    Creating meaningful             62
 Greg Castronuovo                    conversations
                                     Michael Abata
 Syncing brands with culture   16
 Sarah DaVanzo                       If context is king, then        68
                                     behavioural goals are the
 Devotion beyond the           24    emperor
 transaction                         Martin Dewhurst
 Peter Mackey
                                     Changing behaviour: a health    72
 Enjoy in moderation           30    practitioner’s view
 Nikki Webster                       Jane Deville-Almond

 Humbug, frameworks and        36    How healthy is our behaviour?   76
 ‘what kinda?’ questions             Jeanette Hodgson
 Mark Earls
                                     Language is more powerful       86
 Life, is the name of the game! 44   than you think
 Joanna Fanuele and Richard
                                     Patrick Buckley and David

 Looking beyond the figures    50                                    90
                                     We know not what we do
 Professor Byron Sharp
                                     Greg Rowland

 Best behaviour?               54
 Tom Zara and Fred Burt

Behave Big Thinking on Behavioural Change - Hall & Partners
Contributors »

                Professor Byron Sharp is                             David Baynham is a Senior
                Director of the Ehrenberg-Bass                       Language Strategist with
                Institute at the University of                       maslansky + partners.
              South Australia Business School.                      With a background in digital
He’s the author of How Brands Grow, voted             communications, he specialises in advising
best marketing book by AdAge readers.                 clients in the technology sector.

               Fred Burt is Corporate Business                       Greg Castronuovo is President,
                Director at Interbrand in London.                    OMD West. Named an AdAge
                He’s particularly interested in                      Media Maven in 2011, Greg is
               ensuring measurable value is at the                  active in the industry as a board
heart of everything Interbrand does.                  member for thinkLA and has advisory board
                                                      roles for AOL and the DPAA.

                Greg Rowland is the Director                         Jane DeVille-Almond is a
                of The Semiotic Alliance. Often                      nurse consultant and freelance
                referred to as ‘the Godfather of                     journalist specialising in
              Semiotics’, since 1992 he’s been                      behaviour change in men’s health
using cultural theory to help advance brands in       and obesity. She runs surgeries and clinics in a
the UK and globally.                                  number of unusual places including a barber’s
                                                      shop and a Harley-Davidson show room.

                Jeanette Hodgson is a Partner                        Joanna Fanuele is the Managing
                at Hall & Partners Health.                           Partner of Tempo, the specialist
                She’s inspired by behaviour                          mobile division of Hall &
              economics and has pioneered                           Partners. She’s been instrumental
new approaches that uncover hidden human              in evolving new technologies to capture in-the-
motivations that lead to positive health              moment insights.

Behave Big Thinking on Behavioural Change - Hall & Partners
Mark Earls describes himself as                     Martin Dewhurst has spent
               a recovering account planner                        his entire career fascinating
               and strategist. Inspired by                         over people’s behaviour. A
              behavioural economics, his                          Partner at Hall & Partners, he
award-winning writing includes the books            co-authored the publication Behaviour Change
HERD, I’ll Have What She’s Having, and his          and Communication and inspired government
latest work Copy Copy Copy.                         to understand how to better apply insights to
                                                    change behaviour.

               Michael Abata is a Consumer                         Nikki Webster is Future Trends
               Futurist at Target. He sees                         Expert at Telefonica UK. She’s a
               himself as an internal change                       dedicated exponent of futures
              agent, leading accelerated                          thinking in business, an avid
growth opportunity experiments.                     blogger, and has a passion for excellent design.

               Patrick Buckley is a Vice                           Peter Mackey is Managing
               President with maslansky +                          Partner of Hall & Partners’ New
               partners, with over ten years’                      York office. Peter has enjoyed a
              experience in developing                            30-year career helping businesses
communication strategies for brands.                optimise their customer engagements and
He specialises in communicating complex             brand positioning.
concepts in a way audiences can understand.

               Richard Owen is the Founder                         Sarah DaVanzo leads Cultural
               and CEO of CrowdLab, an                             Strategy at sparks & honey.
               award-winning mobile platform                       In addition to having three
              that’s found its way into people’s                  patents, she’s lived in a
real lives in over 350 projects during the past     Benedictine monastery, circumnavigated the
four years.                                         globe on a ship, inspired a TV series character,
                                                    and founded the Gold of Africa Museum in
                                                    Cape Town.
               Tom Zara is Executive Strategy
               Director and Head of the
               Corporate Citizenship practice at
              Interbrand. He has over 30 years’
 experience in brand consulting with a deep and
 diverse insight of how brands influence cultures
 and customers.

       you take
         In a world where behavioural data
         proliferates, Greg Castronuovo thinks
         it’s time Big Brother took a step back

         You wake up at 6am and the first          From your point of view all of
         thing you do is check your mobile         these initial actions are just part
         phone. Maybe it’s about seeing            of your daily morning routine, but
         alerts you’ve set up – news, sport,       to advertising professionals, these
         weather, email – or perhaps you           ‘behaviours’ are opportunities to
         just want to check the time and           engage with you throughout the
         hit the snooze button. After a            day, at times and in ways that
         brief glimpse at your magical little      we’ve never been able to before...
         device you stretch, yawn, slowly          even in the bathroom.
         rise out of bed and probably go to
         the bathroom.

“Hi. While you’re reading the New     millisecond for marketers has
York Times, don’t forget to wipe      arrived across all channels and
with new caffeinated-coffee-scented   behaviours.
Charmin. Read up, wake up and
                                      If you think I’m joking, look up
wipe up at the same time!”
                                      the Luna mattress cover (AdAge).
Ok. Maybe the above copy is too       For only $249 you can have a
extreme, but from the moment we       connected mattress cover that
open our eyes we provide clues        measures just about everything
about ourselves to potential brand    you do while sleeping, or for that
suitors. Some of the ‘analogue’       matter anything you do in bed.
data is extrapolated from online      Moving on…
actions, but the opportunity
                                      Consider how many streams of
to create a paint-by-numbers
                                      behavioural data we amass about
picture of ourselves down to the
                                      ourselves each day and multiply

Every word you say

                                                                Every single day
Every move you make

                           Every bond you break

                           Every step you take, I ll be watching you

             that by the entire online population      the research is still based on
             (mobile and desktop). The amount          syndicated survey data, think about
             of data is unimaginable and yet we        how quickly we’re evolving away
             strive to harness it and wield it as      from these methods.
             if it were the electrical grid lighting
                                                       “Me want cookie! Me eat cookie! Om
             up all of the connection points
                                                       nom nom nom...”
             between brands and consumers.
             We’re a culture of duality when it        Like a shopping junkie with a
             comes to privacy. We relish the           new line of credit, our industry
             idea of sharing out some of the           clamoured for new ways to use
             most mundane nuances of our               cookie-based insights to take our
             lives, and yet we raise hell if the       consumers from a state of window
             same platform that allows us to           browsing (consideration) to a
             use it for free dares to capitalise on    shopping spree (intent and action).
             the data we shared by selling more        As much as we all believed cookies
             targeted ads to us.                       were the answer to mapping out
             While we continue placing huge            better real-time decision making
             investments on channels where             for those investments, we’re now

Every game you play

                         Every night you stay. I ll be watching you

reassessing and quickly ramping               moment at the lowest cost? That’s
up relationships based on unique              a mouthful, but it pretty much
ID. Mobile has emerged as the                 sums up the expectation every
real consumer utility and boredom             client puts on us. The Police sang
breaker. Even the Cookie Monster              about it way back in 1983.
would agree that all those tasty
                                              Every move you make
desktop and mobile display
                                              Every bond you break
cookies dissolve way too quickly in
                                              Every step you take
the milky white softness of the app
                                              I’ll be watching you
                                              Every single day
As marketing professionals, it’s
                                              Every word you say
our dream, our desire, and our
                                              Every game you play
responsibility to our clients to
                                              Every night you stay
validate all of our decisions as
                                              I’ll be watching you
precisely as possible. How do we
make the best impression that will            Oh can’t you see?
stimulate engagement, or even                 You belong to me...
transaction, at the exact right

There are some real
                                benefits to consumers
                                if we start to serve
                                more relevant
                                information to them

         A quick Wiki search shows that            appropriately and marketers don’t
         Sting was being a bit prescient           police themselves with the utmost
         singing about a ‘big brother‘             rigour, but overall there are some
         watching over you.                        real benefits to consumers if
                                                   we start to serve more relevant
         I woke up in the middle of the
                                                   information to them at the right
         night with that line in my head,
         sat down at the piano and had
         written it in half an hour. The tune      Even though a lot has happened in
         itself is generic, an aggregate of        the world of behavioural data in a
         hundreds of others, but the words         very short period of time, there’s
         are interesting. It sounds like a         still much left to learn if we’re
         comforting love song. I didn’t            going to close the gap between
         realise at the time how sinister          guessing and knowing. Even as
         it is. I think I was thinking of Big      we build machinery that can drill
         Brother, surveillance and control.        deeper into that gap, we do it
                                                   knowing that we will never run out
         Sting, Wikipedia
                                                   of data to mine, and the gap will
         I’m sure the data police won’t            never close completely. The human
         be singing a pretty tune if               psyche will always hold secrets that
         privacy issues aren’t addressed

even the most advanced algorithms       the how, and the when – will be
won’t be able to explain.               gassing up the ultimate Delorean,
                                        and will start to really see some
To some degree the future is the
                                        serious shit.
same as the past. We win based
on the ideas we generate from the       At OMD, we’re investing heavily
strategic insights we derive from       in our data-driven planning
consumer research.                      capabilities. That investment is as
                                        much about people as it is about
As Doc Brown said in Back to the
                                        technology and data partnerships.
                                        Knowing ‘every breath you take’
“If my calculations are correct,        is only useful if we make sure
when this baby hits 88 miles per        the consumer comes first and we
hour … you’re gonna see some            respect the ultimate opportunity to
serious shit.”                          make an impression – by knowing

We like to say, “How you show up        when to leave them alone.

is as important as what you say”.
So if data is the new oil, then those
who figure out how to use it to         Greg Castronuovo
optimally synchronise – the what,       President, OMD West


                Sarah DaVanzo reveals how FoMo
                (fear of missing out) is nothing more
                than Darwinian

The concept of FoMo (fear of         In today’s VUCCA world (volatile,
missing out) is Darwinian;           uncertain, chaotic, complex,
people and animals that are          ambiguous) of exponentially
curious, that notice change and      increasing rate of change, it
adapt their behaviour, outlive and   behoves us to keep our eyes wide
out-propagate those that do not.     open and look hard and deep for
Put crudely, if one doesn’t notice   the fast and slow changes to our
the enemy ships that suddenly        context, and adjust our behaviours
appear on the horizon, then one      (ie, our strategies) accordingly. This
isn’t prepared to deal with the      is what’s called ‘cultural strategy’.
ensuing onslaught. If one doesn’t
                                     Brands today realise that increasing
notice shifting weather patterns,
                                     competitiveness – exacerbating
then one can’t move to more
                                     survival of the fittest – requires
conducive climes to continue the
                                     staying abreast of fast-culture and
gene pool. This is why dopamine
                                     slow-culture dynamics. Shareholders
and serotonin reward our brains
                                     are demanding that brands get
for identifying novelty, why news
                                     ahead of the curve to remain
is addictive, why we gossip,
                                     relevant and plan for the future.
and why culture rewards us for
being trendy.

Future studies, predictive modelling      techniques also need to evolve to
         and scenario planning have never          be relevant with the times. In a
         been hotter. Subsequently, many           culture of increasing transparency
         of the world’s largest brand              and openness, ‘glass walls’ and
         companies have started putting            ‘black boxes’ are being shattered;
         emphasis on trend analytics and           traditional research methods are
         futurism within their insights            being replaced by new methods
         divisions, and some have even             of inquiry and study – online
         introduced dedicated roles such as        and offline. This is why ‘research
         Unilever’s new ‘director of human &       innovation’ is such a hot topic
         cultural futures’.                        amongst research and insights
         Research needs to adapt in
         response to this. Not only does           Illustrating many of these points,
         research need to be future-               sparks & honey was retained by a
         facing, and take into account             cross-functional ‘cultural insights’
         shifts in cultural context that are       committee, newly established inside
         impacting attitudes, perceptions          one of the world’s largest food and
         and behaviour, but research               beverage companies. The mission

In a culture
                   of increasing
                   ‘glass walls’ are
                   being shattered

was to help the client ‘awaken its     could create beverages: concoct
cultural consciousness’ to give them   flavours, experiment with different
the tools and processes to see, lead   phases/states (solids, gases,
and leverage changing culture. This    liquids), and explore how music and
gives entirely new meaning to the      light impact taste. ‘Maker’ is the
90s’ business catch phrase ‘change     name of a community (which some
agents’. In this role, we were         estimate to be nine million strong)
helping the client with research       of creative people who self-identify
innovation and their own behaviour     with making things, comprising
change, which led us to design a       an important cultural movement.
study best described as ‘research      Tapping into maker-culture, we
entertainment’.                        created a destination that attracted
                                       makers – as opposed to paying
Our research entertainment
                                       respondents – to freely share their
project consisted of producing an
                                       thoughts and desires while co-
experiential activation at the New
                                       creating various future visions of
York Maker Faire in the form of a
beverage lab. A fully operational
laboratory was built where ‘makers’

During the two-day pop-up research        shaping the corporate point-of-view
         lab, 500 makers went about their          on how to respond to changing
         inventing and making, while also          culture and consumer behaviour.
         contributing to mini-focus groups         The beverage lab won five awards.
         and completing quantitative               Numerous participants followed
         surveys. They recorded their              up afterwards, validating how
         thoughts in field notes (which we         entertaining and fun the experience
         scanned and analysed). Numerous           had been (since when is research
         exit interviews were filmed for           fun?). We recreated the experience
         analysis and, as you can imagine,         at the client’s headquarters for
         the richness of the photo content         internal employee education –
         and sound bites were a social media       bringing ‘the maker mountain to
         manager’s dream.                          Muhammad’.

         The result: a robust study on the         This case illustrates how a CPG
         ‘future of beverages’ that informed       company, sensitive to culture and
         the client’s insights, brand,             cognizant that it needs to better
         marketing and innovation functions,       understand and adapt to changing

culture(s), is adjusting its research
and data collection methods. It
sees cultural strategy as a matter
of survival. It’s experimenting
with research innovation to keep
its insights machine in sync
with culture. Here, FoMo is most
certainly at play … but so too is
RoCa (return on cultural awareness).
There’s a strong financial case for
research being in sync with culture.
Comrades-in-insights, lean into

Sarah DaVanzo
Chief Cultural Strategy Officer
sparks & honey


People that are
curious, that notice
change and adapt their
behaviour, will outlive
those who don’t

De v o
         In this age of easy switching, Peter Mackey
         asks, “Just how is loyalty defined?”

         An article in the New York Times,         in this case defined as frequency
         titled Using Smartphones and Apps         of purchase. The first is something
         to Enhance Loyalty Programs,              called the ‘endowed progress
         recently caught my attention. The         effect’, where research has proven
         author John Grossman talked about         that a ‘ten-wash’ punch card
         how the world of loyalty schemes,         with the first two washes already
         once the province of car washes           punched will be redeemed faster
         and sandwich shops with their ‘ten-       than an ‘eight-wash’ card. People
         punch’ punch cards, is about to           seem to be pulled along a repeat
         be blown open through the use of          purchase path faster when they
         loyalty apps on smartphones.              think they have a head start on the
         The article spoke about two kinds
         of behaviour enabled through a            The second is ‘random intermittent
         programme that rewards loyalty,           reinforcement’, which refers to the

oti o n
  beyond the

   act of providing an unexpected         I would argue that loyalty bought
   reward to the most valued              this way is empty loyalty. It may
   customers (ie, a free drink at         work to drive traffic in the short
   checkout). Think slot machines.        term, but without an underlying
   If people believe that they have       brand affinity, driven much more
   a random chance of winning             by other emotional and rational
   something, they’ll be more likely to   considerations, these sorts of
   drop their quarters in the machine     schemes are bound to fail, and for
   again and again.                       several reasons.

   But as I read this, I was thinking,    First, we’re saturated with loyalty
   is that what loyalty has become in     programmes. They’re no longer
   the age of digital media and mobile    differentiators. Rather, they’re
   apps? Is loyal behaviour only          a price of entry. We’ve come to
   built by the manipulation of that      demand and expect to be rewarded
   behaviour through incentives?          for our purchases. Second, for

                 only built by manipulation

                 of the behaviour through


                                                   All of this means that the loyalty
         a loyalty scheme to work, it has
                                                   I exhibit today could easily be
         to be based on a foundation of
                                                   discarded tomorrow. Only through
         product benefits. If it doesn’t
                                                   a more enduring bond – that can
         feel good to do it, eventually no
                                                   stand up to the efforts of others
         incentive is high enough. Third,
                                                   to buy that loyalty through better,
         the proliferation of options, and
                                                   more ‘rewarding’ incentives – will a
         the ease with which one can switch
                                                   brand achieve lasting loyalty.
         between brands, means that
         there’s a brand right next door           In other words, the path to loyalty
         that will step in when another fails,     is the same as the path to building
         loyalty programme or not.                 a successful brand.

DRIVERS OF LOYALTY                      Is it authentic? Will it ever let
                                        me down and, if it does, will it
At Hall & Partners, we believe our
                                        recover in a way that’s authentic,
job is to help our clients build
                                        and with integrity? Does it have
relationships between brands and
                                        a higher purpose in the world?
people. If we use the lens of our
                                        Does it contribute beyond its own
Engager® relationship framework,
                                        interests? The more I can believe
we can identify three elements that
                                        in a brand, the more it will win my
particularly drive loyalty.
Do I feel a personal connection to
                                        Do I really understand what
the brand? Is it personally relevant,
                                        the brand stands for? Beyond
emotionally rewarding, a reflection
                                        tangible product benefits, does
of me and my values? A brand
                                        the brand have a unique space
relationship driven by connection
                                        in the category? Or is it easily
means the brand says something
                                        duplicated? The more that a brand
about me as a person, and how I
                                        can differentiate itself from the
want to be viewed in the world.
                                        competition, in meaningful and
Believe                                 enduring ways, the more likely it

How much I can trust and believe        will be to attract a following that’s

in the brand. Does it have integrity?   enduring.

But beyond monetary or value-             it’s ok, if not common, to be loyal to
         based incentives, what are the            multiple brands, even in the same
         things that brands should be doing        category. We’ve become curators
         to win over a loyal following?            of brands. These brand mosaics I
                                                   surround myself with are reflective
         LOYALTY NOW
                                                   of a stable of brands that all build
         It’s important to consider how            toward a holistic view of me as an
         loyalty has evolved over the years.       individual.
         Gone are the days of lifetime
                                                   With this in mind, and recognising
         loyalty … or even long-term loyalty.
                                                   that every brand is different and
         With new brands, products and
                                                   the relationships I build with one
         even categories proliferating
                                                   category of products is likely to be
         (where were AirBnB and Uber three
                                                   somewhat unique to that category,
         years ago?) we need to be thinking
                                                   there are two overarching themes
         about creating bursts of short-
                                                   that I would recommend any brand
         term, deep, intense loyalty – and
                                                   focus on in order to build greater
         hanging onto it for as long as we
         can. We also need to accept that

Personalisation and                     seamlessly together to create a
customisation                           total brand experience, but they’ve
                                        built an ethos-driven, visually
In this age of big data, brands
                                        compelling brand world that I want
know so much more about their
                                        to be a part of. Now that’s loyalty.
customers, their needs, wants
                                        And if they were to give me a
and desires. Big data unlocks
                                        ‘ten-punch’ Apple store card with
the potential of building a brand
                                        the first two purchases punched, I
experience that’s customised to
                                        might get there even faster.
each individual. The promise of
one-to-one marketing is finally a       So, next time you redeem a reward
reality. The more I feel like a brand   or join a loyalty programme, think
is my brand, tailored to me, giving     back on the characteristics of loyal
me what I want and need when I          behaviour and ask yourself, “Am I
want and need it, the more likely I     truly devoted to this brand or am I
am to stay with that brand.             just seeking a free drink, upgrade,
                                        or discount?” If your answer is
The brand ecosphere
                                        only yes to the latter, the brand is
While the product experience is         causing you to experience empty
important, brands need to think         loyalty, symptomised by one-time
about and build experiences             transactions and a smartphone
that are far beyond the product.        cluttered with ‘ten-punch’ punch
They need to create immersive           cards.
‘brand worlds’ where there are
myriad ways of experiencing the
brand beyond a single product           Peter Mackey
                                        Managing Partner
experience. Apple is the king           Hall & Partners, New York
of this hill. Not only have they

successfully built a multi-product
ecosystem, where everything works

enjoy in
         Nikki Webster reflects on how digital
         affects how we behave and suggests ‘digital
         diets’ may be the next craze

         What if screen time was regulated         During my last holiday, I became
         in the same way as smoking and            aware that my tablet was gathering
         drinking? What if we discovered           dust in a corner, I hadn’t checked
         that constant connectivity makes us       Facebook for days and my sleep was
         distracted, antisocial shells with bad    deep and uninterrupted. Thanks to
         eyesight and chronic insomnia? What       my digital diet I lost a ton of stress
         if phones, tablets and computers          and an inch off my eye strain!
         came with a health warning – enjoy
                                                   Back at work, it wasn’t long before
         responsibly? These were just some
                                                   I experienced an annoying twitch
         of the questions being pondered
                                                   in my left eye, lower back pain and
         at a scenario-planning workshop I
                                                   difficulty sleeping. Was all this due
         recently attended.
                                                   to my sedentary return to screen

Some believe that the relentless                   to escape our digital lives shows
pace of digital innovation is                      remarkably little age effect.
having a detrimental impact on
                                                   We can expect more leisure
society. Such concerns are bound
                                                   providers to market themselves as
to be voiced more frequently as
                                                   tech-free refuges as more concerns
the techno-machine continues
                                                   are raised about the dangers of
its exponential journey. 65% of
                                                   screen addiction. The Abu Ghosh
Gen X, 60% of Gen Y and 58% of
                                                   restaurant outside Jerusalem offers
baby boomers agree that they,
                                                   a 50% discount to customers who
“Sometimes feel the need to get
                                                   switch off their phones while they
away from phone calls, emails and
                                                   dine. Chef Alexandre Gauthier
text messages and switch off”.1
                                                   has banned the practice of ‘food
This demonstrates that the need
                                                   selfies’ at his Michelin-starred

1. nVision Research | Base: 2,200 - 5,000 online
respondents aged 16+, GB, 2013                                                           31
Gen Y 60 Gen X 6
                        boom ers 58% % 5


                                        65% of Gen X,
                                        60% of Gen Y and
                                        58% of Baby boomers
                                        agree that they sometimes
                                        feel the need to get away
                                        from phone calls, emails
                                        and text messages and
                                        switch off
         restaurant in France because the          FocalFilter does the same for
         food gets cold whilst the photos          distracting websites. Unplugged
         are taken and shared online. He’s         Weekend is a tech-free event set
         not against social media but, he          in the countryside with a ‘group
         says, “I would like people to be          phone-surrendering ceremony’
         living in the present”. Hear hear!        on the Friday evening, stress
                                                   management tips, yoga and live
         Inevitably, numerous commercial
                                                   music. Relaxed participants are
         offers attempt to address the need
                                                   reunited with their devices on
         for digital downtime. Ironically,
                                                   Sunday evening.
         many are digital in nature. Digital
         Detox is an app that irrevocably          Research last year found that 16%
         disables your Android phone for           of children send texts and 18%
         the period of time you specify.           use social media in bed almost

Experts and parents have
                             no way of knowing how
                             excessive screen use
                             will affect children’s
every night.2 Having not grown                 are on holiday, and the German
up as digital natives themselves,              employment ministry has banned
experts and parents have no                    managers from emailing staff out-
way of knowing how excessive                   of-hours to help prevent burnout.
screen use in early life will affect           So is it time we learned from our
children’s development. One                    Euro cousins?
thing we do know is that the blue
                                               With close to one-fifth of UK
light emitted by digital screens
                                               government spending (around
induces wakefulness and as such is
                                               £140bn) now devoted to health3,
detrimental to a good night’s sleep.
                                               it’s unsurprising that new regulatory
And it’s not just the kids!                    initiatives underscore personal
Nowadays work doesn’t stop                     responsibility in health matters.
when the employee leaves the                   It’s no longer socially acceptable to
office. Famous for its 35-hour                 flagrantly disregard health warnings.
week adopted in 1998, France
                                               As consumer-citizens learn to
introduced rules in April 2014
                                               live ever-more moderated lives in
to protect people in the digital
                                               relation to food, fitness, alcohol and
and consultancy sectors from
                                               tobacco, we can envision a future in
work email outside office hours.
                                               which the moderation of everything,
Daimler in Germany simply deletes
                                               including screen time, becomes a
any emails sent to staff who
                                               social norm with mass appeal.

2. nVision Research | Base: 1,000 online respondents
aged 7-15, GB, 2014
3. HM Treasury, 2014                                                                    33
Kovert Designs,

                                                                                       British tech jeweller, Kovert,
                                                                                       tackles this head-on, claiming,
                                                                                       “To live a Kovert lifestyle is to live
                                               So is it time for tech companies
                                                                                       in the moment”. Pieces include
                                               to proactively encourage digital
                                                                                       rings, bracelets and stones, which
                                               dieting? Just as the iWatch
                                                                                       vibrate according to personalised
                                               promises to remind us to move
                                                                                       notification profiles. Similarly, the
                                               if we sit for too long, should our
                                                                                       stylish MEMI smartbracelet only
                                               devices prompt us to disconnect
                                                                                       alerts you to calls from the people
                                               when we use them non-stop?
                                                                                       who matter most. Announced in
                                               The confluence of fashion and           2014, Android Wear (Google’s
                                               technology could offer the              operating system for wearable
                                               balanced diet we so crave. New          technologies) promises smart,
                                               wearable devices, designed around       context-aware updates. No more
                                               more passive-use cases, promise to      searching for information; instead,
                                               free us from diverting our attention    Android Wear integrates Google
                                               towards our phones. This casual         Now technology and mobile
                                               connectivity riffs on the sensibility   notifications into new form factors,
                                               of staying connected on your own        offering ‘information that moves
                                               terms.                                  with you’.

It seems the technology
                    revolution that took their
                    parents by storm may not be
                    so enthralling to those who’'ve
                    grown up as digital natives

Wearables also have the advantage      cyber-bullied or -stalked. Only 15%
that they can track your biometric     would rather interact with their
data to understand when you are        friends online compared to 66%
most receptive (or otherwise) to       who prefer to do so in person.
a notification. Once technology        And only 38% buy most of their
knows when not to disturb you,         purchases online, while 43% favour
it will be far less intrusive. In      high-street shopping.
November 2014, a survey by
                                       It seems the technology revolution
sparks & honey confirmed the
                                       that took their parents by storm
notion that Gen Z (those born after
                                       may not be so enthralling to those
1995) is online all the time. Around
                                       who’ve grown up as digital natives.
the same time, a Northeastern
                                       So if the kids switch off altogether,
University study came to a similar
                                       are we ready for that future?
conclusion – for example, 49% of
                                       Now there’s a scenario-planning
teens get their news online while
                                       exercise we may just need to
only 21% get it from TV. So far,
so unremarkable. In a surprising
twist, however, these studies also
suggest that Gen Z is becoming         Nikki Webster
less enamoured with technology.        Future Trends Manager, O2
61% know somebody who’s been

                  frameworks and

         Mark Earls wonders, will asking simpler
         questions be more useful in understanding

         If you haven’t yet got yourself a         must-read for all those who create,
         copy of Paul Feldwick’s excellent         sell or buy advertising, and for
         new book, An Anatomy of Humbug,           all those researching advertising.
         I heartily recommend you do. It           While Paul readily admits that his
         is – by a country mile – the best         own preferred model increasingly
         book I’ve read about how we think         tends towards what he calls ‘the
         about advertising and how it works        Barnum one’ (the ‘humbug’ of
         (or how we’d like to think it does).      the title), he’s characteristically
         Typically eloquent, insightful and        generous in accepting that many
         generous in equal measure – a             of the models have something

useful to teach practitioners. Like   way that ads work and only one
the partial perspectives that the     superior way to research it. It’s a
blindfolded mahouts reveal as         monomaniac research arms race.
they touch different parts of an
                                      There are exceptions of
elephant, each of these models
                                      course. When Hall & Partners’
reveal something about the whole
                                      own framework approach was
– not the whole pie but something,
                                      introduced more than 20 years
at least.
                                      ago, the focus of the industry’s
More than one model                   response was definitely driven by
                                      the inclusion of the more emotional
This is not how the conversation
                                      and salience-based models
about advertising and advertising
                                      (the kind that creative agencies
research tends to run. Much of the
                                      instinctively work from), alongside
time, advertisers and researchers
                                      the more rational and persuasion-
assume that there’s only one

based models that reflected how       example, aren’t going to be what
(particularly US-based) clients       you need to measure persuasion-
tended to think. Nowadays though,     type advertising.
the striking characteristic of the
                                      But what kinda questions have
Engager® framework was that it
                                      a much broader application
acknowledged publicly that things
                                      than advertising and advertising
are not singular. There have always
been a number of different ways in
which practitioners, vendors and      Too often we treat the bigger
buyers think about how advertising    marketing and behaviour change
works, not just one.                  challenges we face as if they were
                                      singular – as if no one had ever
Accepting the many
                                      faced such a thing before (which
For my money, the real virtue of      is, of course, very flattering to the
accepting this is that it forces us   person who gets to solve it, and to
to step back and ask ‘what kind       the heroic client who buys such a
of’ (what kinda) questions before     solution).
rushing off to measure anything:
                                      Asking what kinda questions
what kinda thing is this, and what
                                      helps you access the right kind of
kinda measures are appropriate
                                      learning from elsewhere, whatever
to use? The measures that are
                                      you’re trying to do.
appropriate to salience, for

Too often we treat
                              the bigger marketing
                              and behaviour change
                              challenges we face as
                              if they were singular

         Here’s a striking example involving       of specialists under conditions
         what kinda questions. A decade            of extreme fatigue, stress and
         ago Professor Martin Elliott – one        technical difficulty.
         of the world’s leading pediatric
                                                   Slumping on a sofa to watch the
         cardiac surgeons – and the
                                                   Grand Prix highlights after a long
         team at the world-famous Great
                                                   day in theatre, Martin was struck
         Ormond Street Hospital in London
                                                   by the similarities between the
         were searching for a solution to
                                                   real-time challenge that the F1 pit
         improve patient outcomes at a
                                                   teams faced in the high-octane race
         critical moment in their surgery;
                                                   world, and that of his own team:
         the moment when, after ten to
                                                   many specialists, extreme high-
         twelve hours in intensive and
                                                   tech equipment of different sorts,
         stressful theatre, the tiny patient
                                                   huge time pressure and life-critical
         gets transferred to ICU and a
                                                   outcomes for the vulnerable human
         whole new team. Previous research
                                                   at the heart of the process. So
         had identified this moment as
                                                   working with McLaren and Ferrari,
         a crucial one for human-factor
                                                   Martin and the team have managed
         errors – simple and understandable
                                                   to establish a new protocol for
         mistakes made by a large team
                                                   themselves, ported directlyy

a huge range of different contexts
                                               into each of the four kinda boxes.
                                               From mainstream brand marketing
                                               to 18th century nutritional
                                               campaigns, from leading-edge
                                               experiments in public policy to the
                                               immortal Blues Brothers and their
                                               ‘one night only’ promise. Once you
                                               know what kinda behaviour you’re
from F1, and in doing so reduced
                                               trying to change, it becomes a
human errors by 42% and patient
                                               whole lot easier to find inspiration
outcomes by a similar margin.
                                               and things to copy in unusual
What kinda questions and                       places.
                                               Maybe there’s also a simple
To turn this approach into a useful            learning for market research
strategy tool for marketers, I’ve              practitioners in general; before
made use of the data-driven model              we rush off to find new and better
of choice styles described in a                ways to measure phenomena more
previous book, I’ll Have What She’s            precisely – using whatever fancy
Having1, written with Professors               tech or scientific techniques we
Alex Bentley and Mike O’Brien.                 have at hand – perhaps asking a
What kinda questions are job #1:               simpler kinda question might be
how are people in your market                  more useful.

Then, to help you find the right               Mark Earls
kind of things to copy, we’ve                  Independent marketing and advertising
sorted successful strategies from

1. I’ll Have What She’s Having - Mapping Social Behaviour,
Alex Bentley, Mark Earls and Mike O’Brien (Wiley, 2011).                               41

If a community
doesn’t exist for what
individuals seek,
they’ll create their own

         is the
           of the
         game         Joanna Fanuele and Richard
                      Owen ask people to play with
                      mobile to uncover real lives
                      and behaviour

Picture the scene.                       You’re asked to sit in a soundproof
                                         booth. Occasionally you’re asked
You’re taken from the comforts of
                                         to wear a blindfold. Sometimes
your home, family and friends.
                                         headphones. And then you’re asked
You arrive at an unfamiliar place,       to sit in front of a conveyor belt
surrounded by lots of people             whilst a stream of relatively useless
you don’t know. It’s unusual, it’s       tat trundles by. You’re then asked
exciting, it’s a bit nerve wracking.     to remember as many items as you
You’re guided through a series of        can. All you can think of is a fondue
questions, discussions and games         set and a cuddly toy. Who can
by a lively and personable, if           remember anything these days?
slightly egotistical host.
                                         It ends in disappointment and a
You’re settling in, you’re enjoying      sense that you’ve not quite done as
it, but it’s all feeling slightly out-   well as you would have if you were
of-body. Getting into it now, and        sat back at home under slightly
you’re slowly rising to the top. The     less surreal circumstances.
host is focusing on you more and
                                         Weird, huh?
more. They’re asking you if you
want to carry on, stay longer, and
they’re offering greater rewards
and incentives for doing so.

This is where it gets weird.

                              HEARTS, MINDS, GUTS
                              AND SUBCONSCIOUS OF
                              PEOPLE WHEN WE’RE IN
                              THEIR MOBILES

         Whether it’s Brucie, Tarby, Alex          doing when they are seeing,
         Trebeck or Bob, you wouldn’t              feeling, thinking and doing it, with
         for one minute suggest that               mobile technologies in particular.
         observing people’s behaviour in a         We’re in the pockets, hearts,
         game-show situation gives you an          minds, guts and subconscious of
         indication of how they behave in          people when we’re in their mobiles.
         real life. Would you?
                                                   Opportunity knocks for
         Yet research is often set up just         researchers. To be there when the
         like that. It takes people out            moments that matter to people
         of context. It relies on them             happen. To be there at the point
         remembering things. It sits them          of purchase, when the ball hits the
         down with strangers, or it tethers        back of the net, when your mate
         them in splendid isolation to their       tells you there’s a new brand of
         PC for forty minutes. And then it         sneaker in town, when Professor
         tries to draw conclusions about           Green tweets his favourite new
         people’s natural behaviours.              brand of hoodie, when your Jäger
                                                   is bombed.
         It’s a funny old game. The rules
         need to be re-written. Better still,      How irritating then when
         play a new game entirely. The             opportunity is lost because
         game of life.                             you play by the old rules. New
                                                   ballpark, same old loveable, losing
         Technology has opened up new
                                                   Cubbies? Why look a mobile gift
         ways to understand what people
                                                   horse in the mouth?
         are seeing, feeling, thinking and

                          WHEN OPPORTUNITY IS
                          LOST, BECAUSE YOU PLAY
                          BY THE OLD RULES

How can you guarantee you’ll miss   Nobody likes an imposter. Enjoy
the chance to immerse yourselves    getting texts about that car
in people’s lives so you can        accident you never had for the
understand them better?             insurance you don’t need? Love the
                                    ever-increasingly irritating brand
Force it? Make it seem unnatural?
                                    messages in your Facebook feed?
Impose your rules on their lives?
                                    Didn’t think so.

The answer is
 to make market
 research feel natural           Don’t pre-suppose     Do let them tell
 and engaging. Make              what the moments      you what matters
 it feel as little like          that matter to them   to them when it
 market research as              are.                  happens.
 you possibly can.

                                 Do let them tell      Don’t make
                                 you stuff on their    them report what
     Don’t write                 terms, on their       makes them
     questionnaires and          schedule and                                 Do watch them
                                                       buy things, as if
     surveys. You’ll just        when something                               do it.
                                 interesting is        those decisions
     get answers.
                                 actually happening    happened in a
                                 to them.              linear fashion.

                                 Don’t make them       Do let them tell you
     Do serve up                                                              Don’t ask them
                                 sit there at your     what’s influencing
     engaging content                                                         how they might buy
                                 appointed time on     them right now,
     and get engaging                                                         a train ticket from
                                 your appointed        wherever they are
     content back.                                                            York to London.
                                 day.                  in the journey.

                                                       Don’t make them
                                 Do let people tell
                                                       sit at home on their   Do let them share
     Don’t prescribe             you in the way that
                                                       own and remember       what their friends
     the type of answer          makes most sense
                                                       what they did with     and family are
     you want.                   to them at the
                                                       their mates last       feeling.

Take all the rules of research
you’ve ever known and think about
whether they’re relevant for playing
the game of life. Likely conclusion is
they’re not. So re-write them. Better
yet, play a new game entirely.

Boyhood. Now there’s a film that’s
literally about real life. Last scene:

Nicole: You know how everyone is
always saying ‘seize the moment’?
I’m thinking it’s the other way
around. The moment seizes us.

Mason: Yeah, it’s constant.
The moments. It’s like it’s always
right now.

You want real truths about real
people to learn real things about
real behaviour?

Be there now. Let that moment
seize you when it seizes them.

Their lives, their rules: play
by them.

Joanna Fanuele
Managing Partner, Tempo

Richard Owen
CEO, Crowdlab


              Professor Byron Sharp explains why
              we should measure behaviour, not sales
              figures, to reveal the real sales power of

Advertisers want great ads,           Many marketers understand
ads that generate lots of sales       that sales figures are a messy,
that otherwise wouldn’t have          noisy indicator of advertising’s
happened. Exposure to a brand’s       sales power. So they employ
advertising should increase the       proxy measures, like advertising
viewer’s propensity (likelihood) to   awareness or perception shifts. But
buy that brand.                       these measures are messy, noisy
                                      indicators too. In a fantasy world
Yet this isn’t what’s measured,
                                      where people are only affected
hardly ever.
                                      by your advertising, it still isn’t
Advertisers commonly look to          clear if they’re measuring the
charts of their sales figures in      quality of the advertising, or the
the hope that they can see blips      media placement, or whether the
caused by advertising. But they       spend was appropriate. And proxy
seldom see anything convincing.       measures are just that; they’re
It’s all straight lines; or, if you   not measures of the behavioural
look at weekly or daily figures,      change in buying propensities.
they bounce around, usually due
                                      Marketing mix modellers promise
to price promotions (ours and our
                                      to find any signal in this cacophony
competitors’). The advertising
                                      of noise. But this is of little use,
effects aren’t there to be seen.

most of the
                              sales we enjoy
                              today come from
                              advertising done
                              long ago
         not just because the techniques           nudge with our advertising this
         are far from trustworthy but also         week won’t buy for many weeks,
         because of a fundamental fact of          or even months – ad effects that
         advertising’s sales impact… Only          cannot show up in this week’s
         a tiny bit of the effect shows up in      sales figures.
         this week’s figures because most
                                                   I hope I’ve convinced you that
         of the consumers exposed to the
                                                   marketers, and market researchers,
         advertising didn’t buy from the
                                                   have largely been barking up the
         category this week. What do this
                                                   wrong tree for decades. The reason
         week’s sales figures tell us about
                                                   we know so little about the sales
         the total (long-term) effect of this
                                                   effects of advertising – and hence
         bit of advertising? Not much.
                                                   what is good advertising – is that
         Many of our sales this week came          we’ve been measuring the wrong
         from buyers who weren’t recently          things.
         exposed to the advertising we’re
                                                   Behaviours (buying) are what we
         trying to measure. It seems rather
                                                   need to measure but aggregate-
         odd to be looking for increased
                                                   level sales receipts, like weekly/
         sales from people who we didn’t
                                                   monthly sales figures, are a lousy
         advertise to. The fact is that most
                                                   measure of the full sales power
         of the sales we enjoy today come
                                                   of each of our ads. One solution
         from advertising done long ago,
                                                   is controlled experiments but
         while many of the people we did

these are difficult to organise.       itself, its content, branding and
Another solution is single-source      creativity. Media effects (timing
data capturing individuals’ repeat-    and number of exposures) can be
buying over time, as well as their     measured by cutting out different
exposure to advertising over time.     groups from the data.

With this data we can compare          This sort of analysis was pioneered
the brand’s sales share of the         in the UK by Colin McDonald
purchases made after exposure to       and it’s based on the simple
advertising with those that were       breakthrough idea: to judge
made without exposure to the           the sales effect of last night’s
advertising. So, like an experiment,   advertising we compare purchasers
we have a control baseline from        who were exposed to last night’s
which to judge the causal effect of    advertising with those that weren’t.
the advertising with other factors     Judging advertising by surveying
now controlled for. This is only       people who didn’t see it just
the tip of the iceberg of ad effects   doesn’t make sense.
but it’s a standard size so ads
can be compared in terms of their
                                       Professor Byron Sharp
effectiveness. This measures the       Director, Ehrenberg Bass Institute
sales effect of the advertisement


Tom Zara and Fred Burt discuss
whether corporate citizenship can
influence people’s behaviour

At Interbrand we’ve always                of choice. Corporate brands in
         contended that brands drive               particular are looking to articulate
         behaviour or ‘choice’, and the            their purpose, their ‘why’, in an
         nature of customer choice, whether        attempt to create a more relevant
         B2C or B2B, is changing. There are        basis for engagement with their
         a number of factors influencing           constituents.
         this, and one is the increasing
                                                   The commitment to corporate
         awareness around the business
                                                   citizenship is all well and good,
         ethics behind the brands we
                                                   but the true measure of its value
                                                   is in its ability to influence choice,
         We’ve seen an increase in brands          because this in turn leads to
         trying to define and express              economic value. So in 2012 we
         themselves in terms of their              fielded research around corporate
         corporate citizenship – often             citizenship that asked: does the
         described as their ‘purpose’ – in         customer care about brands that
         response to the changing nature           have strong corporate citizenship

                              The people behind
                              the brand need to
                              know what’s
                              expected of them

The answer was consistent across
the six countries and the ten
categories we surveyed.

The fallacy in conventional thinking
is that articulating a compelling
brand purpose results in a game-
changing uplift in business for the
brand owner. It doesn’t. Customers
may say it does, but their buying
behaviour suggests otherwise.

However, there are gains to be
had, and here we saw differences
across the categories. Automotive
buyers, for example, were more
likely to be loyal and also advocate
for a brand if the brand’s corporate
citizenship credentials were strong.
As these are both post-purchase
behaviours, it would suggest auto
brands need to be gearing their
corporate citizenship initiatives to
existing customers, and less at pre-
purchase communications.

While these gains may seem to
be incremental, let’s not forget
that a 3-4% uplift in market share
is a marketing director or CMO’s

Customers will only
                             ‘behave’ in a way that’s
                             useful for a brand if that
                             brand ‘behaves’ in a way
                             that’s relevant for the
         But as more brands start to wrap          highly unlikely to drive behaviour
         themselves in the clothes of              (loyalty, switching, consumption
         purpose and corporate citizenship,        behaviours).
         we need to look forward to a
                                                   So the requirement now is to frame
         point where being purposeful
                                                   the corporate citizenship story in
         is commonplace. Think of the
                                                   a more distinctive way. What’s the
         energy sector for example. The
                                                   specific role that your brand plays
         opportunity is huge for brands
                                                   in addressing the issues in your
         to lead us away from energy
                                                   sector? How is your brand uniquely
         consumption of finite resources
                                                   equipped to do so? In what way
         and to encourage us to behave in
                                                   are you investing in this capability
         more sustainable ways, whether as
                                                   to make it even more relevant in
         consumers using smart meters or
                                                   the future? How can this form the
         as businesses generating our own
                                                   basis of a narrative that explains
         energy through solar panels on our
                                                   your value in more relevant and
         buildings. But which energy brand
                                                   engaging ways to your customers?
         worth its salt isn’t talking about
                                                   What do you stand for, what are
         sustainable energy? It’s become
                                                   you prepared to defend, what do
         expected, undifferentiating and is
                                                   you say no to?

But this requirement raises the       Ultimately, the concept of
stakes for businesses, as the brand   behaviour becomes mutual.
strategy has to intersect much        Customers will only ‘behave’ in a
more directly with the business       way that’s useful for a brand if that
strategy. If the business isn’t       brand ‘behaves’ in a way that’s
prepared to act in the right way,     relevant for the customer. The
then the minute the customer          more that companies embrace the
looks behind the communications,      fact that their brands start from
the pretense will be exposed.         inside their business, the more
                                      successful they will be.
And of course this translates into
culture, and to an extent this is
where the hard work lies. The
                                      Tom Zara
people behind the brand need to       Executive Strategy Director and Head
know what’s expected of them to       of the Corporate Citizenship practice,
turn the promises a business is
making into a reality. An external    Fred Burt
brand claim centred around            Corporate Business Director, Interbrand
corporate citizenship becomes
an internal cultural imperative if
it’s to be credible to the outside
world, and actually matter enough
to the customer to drive his or her


When language treats
the future and present
as the same, people
start behaving as
though the two are
no different

When brands connect with people or
community platforms, new behaviour and real
change begins. Michael Abata shares Target’s
experience in the ‘guest-to-guest’ space

With significant advances in          Thousands of online and offline
wireless technology, today’s          community platforms have been
consumers are more connected          created in the last few years to meet
than ever before. They’re sharing     consumers’ desires for stronger,
their in-the-moment thoughts,         more meaningful relationships
asking for advice, and finding        between their friends, family and
desired information through online    community. Consider the following:
and offline communities. And if
                                      Kickstarter and Indiegogo
a community doesn’t exist for
                                      communities are connecting
what an individual seek, they’re
                                      product and service entrepreneurs
creating their own – rallying other
                                      with like-minded ‘investors’ who
individuals around a spectrum of
                                      financially support and collectively
needs, from writing reviews about
                                      bring ideas to market.
the newest restaurants to gathering
support for a local law change.

Betterific and icanmakeitbetter           were fulfilling basic human needs in
         communities are connecting                important areas of safety/wellbeing,
         individuals with clever product and       love/belonging, and self-esteem/
         service ideas with companies who          self-actualisation. They were helping
         can bring them to life.                   people keep track of wellness goals,
                                                   find friends who shared similar
         Bump Club and Beyond and
                                                   interests, and build self-confidence
         MamaBake are connecting mums
                                                   that their opinion mattered. They
         and dads in sharing parenting
                                                   were supporting individuals in
         expertise and resources, and
                                                   becoming better parents, or in
         creating friendships for life.
                                                   funding products/services that
         At Target we wanted to understand         make living life more enjoyable.
         what was behind this surge in
                                                   More importantly we uncovered
         community growth. What was
                                                   community platforms that were
         driving people to bring new
                                                   becoming more than just a place to
         products to market collectively?
                                                   share ideas, they were creating new
         Why were entrepreneurs spending
                                                   friendships and connections with
         hours a week offering free advice
                                                   other human beings from around
         to brands? Why were parents
                                                   the world. These communities
         connecting with other parents
                                                   were blurring the line between
         for advice when so many expert
                                                   online anonymity and in-person
         opinions could easily be found?
                                                   connections through shared values
         Through research we uncovered             and passions.
         that these community platforms

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