Bringing daylight to the darkness - SunBeam...

Page created by Connie Quinn
Bringing daylight to the darkness - SunBeam...
SunBeam...   ®

  bringing daylight to the darkness.
Bringing daylight to the darkness - SunBeam...
Silent and relatively maintenance-free, Sunbeam uses
daylight’s energy to illuminate the night.
Sunbeam introduces the most progressive concept in
portable lighting available. These rugged, solar hybrid light
towers will run for up to 8 hours on its battery and provide
60,000 usable lumens of light. Imagine the implication for
remote locations, multiple sites and long-term contracts.

Plus, a 70,000-hour LED lifespan means you will probably
never have to replace a light bulb.

Quiet. Economical. Reliable. Robustly simple. And better
for the environment. Sunbeam light towers will save you
money in reduced fuel consumption and maintenance
while providing near-daylight-illumination that will increase
safety and improve efficiency.

Anywhere you need to bring daylight to the night,
Sunbeam will be there.
Bringing daylight to the darkness - SunBeam...
Save over 7x operating costs.
             Our solar hybrid towers outperform
                  metal halides in efficiency,
            fuel consumption and maintenance.
                                        Diesel/Halide   Sunbeam Hybrid
Take advantage of cost-effective,
bright, white LED lighting while                                         LED gives you instant “on,” always!
lowering your operating costs,                                           No warm up or cool down times
reducing carbon emissions and                                            required, so you get light when
eliminating noise and fumes.                                             you need it...immediately.
Sunbeam light towers are optimal
for many applications including                                          Reduction of operating costs of
the following:                                                           10x or more are possible
                                                                         depending on your application
  Mining                                                                 and location.

  Oil and gas
                                                                         Renewable energy from the sun
  Construction sites                                                     reduces fossil fuel consumption
                                                                         and air pollution.
  Security (including prisons)

  Emergency & disaster recovery

  Special events                                                         Whisper-quiet battery power
                                                                         eliminates noise.

Solar-only models also available.                                        LED creates a more natural
                                                                         light conditions with brighter,
                                                                         whiter light.
Assumptions are based upon 10 hrs/day
x 365 days/yr at 40° latitude.
Bringing daylight to the darkness - SunBeam...
The world’s smartest LED solar hybrid light
uses 8x less fuel than traditional light systems.
                            Sunbeam’s solar/diesel hybrid             Transporting is efficient. Up to
                            technology adds money to your             16 Sunbeam Bright Cubes will fit
                            bottom line by delivering significant     on a 48' transport trailer.
                            savings in both fuel costs and time
                                                                      Set-up is simple. The rotatable
                            consuming refueling.
                                                                      mast extends and retracts at the
                              Save time and money by                  push of a button. Flexible
                              harvesting the sun’s energy             heights up to 29.5' extended.
                              instead of refueling.
                                                                      Reduce air and noise pollution.
                              Reduce labor costs with the             Our 550W solar power system
                              standard darkness sensor.               lowers fossil fuel consumption
                              Optional remote monitoring and          and helps to eliminate air and
                              control package includes: low           noise pollution.
                              fuel level & low battery voltage
                              alerts, turn lights on/off, set
                              timers, lights on/off & diesel
                              generator running indication, low
                              fuel shutdown alert, GPS with
                              map view, set geo fences and
                              receive alerts. Control individual    Control brightness intervals – 50% or 100%
                              units or an entire fleet via any
                              web connected device through
                              our secure website.

                              Improve productivity on the job.
                              LED lights are instant on/off. No
                              warm-up period means light is
                              available immediately when you
                              need it. What’s more, LED lasts
                              longer and provides a brighter,
                              whiter and more natural light.

                                                                    Compact design for ease of transportation
Bringing daylight to the darkness - SunBeam...
The world’s most advanced solar/diesel hybrid
uses 6x less fuel than diesel/halide.
Sunbeam’s new Star Trailer offers a      decreased operator interaction to          Transporting is efficient. Up to
solar/diesel hybrid technology that      increase your profitability.               8 Sunbeam Star Trailers will fit
adds money to your bottom line by                                                   on a 48' transport trailer.
delivering significant savings in fuel     Save time and money by
costs and time consuming                   harvesting the sun’s energy              Improve productivity on the job.
refueling. The trailer is easy to pull     instead of refueling.                    LED lights are instant on/off; no
and to set-up. Sunbeam’s light                                                      warm-up period means light is
                                           Reduce labor costs with optional
towers are built to handle rugged                                                   available immediately when you
                                           remote monitoring and control
environments with a focus on                                                        need it. What’s more, LED lasts
                                           package. Features include: low
                                                                                    longer and provides a brighter,
                                               fuel level & low battery
                                                                                    whiter and more natural light.
                                                    voltage alerts, turn lights
                                                   on/off, set timers, lights       Reduce air and noise pollution.
                                                 on/off & diesel generator          Our 500W solar power system
                                           running indication, low fuel             lowers fossil fuel consumption
                                           shutdown alert, GPS with map             and helps to eliminate air and
                                           view, set geo fences and receive         noise pollution.
                                           alerts. Control individual units or
                                           an entire fleet via any web
                                           connected device through our
                                           secure website.

                                           Set-up is simple. The mast
                                           extends and retracts at the push
                                           of a button. Flexible heights up
                                           to 26.25' extended.

                                                                                  Robustly simple controls. Heavy duty
                                                                                  switches, push buttons and safety stops.
Bringing daylight to the darkness - SunBeam...
BRIGHT CUBE                                                                 STAR TRAILER
                Number of lights        4 LED units producing 60,000 lumens std. 70,000 hours bulb life             4 LED units producing 60,000 lumens std. 70,000 hours bulb life
 LED Lighting

                LED color temperature   White 4300K                                                                 White 4300K
                Darkness sensor         Automatic (dusk to dawn) rotating switch – Off/On/Auto                      Optional
                Instant on              No warm up or cool down required                                            No warm up or cool down required
                Brightness intervals    50 & 100%                                                                   25, 50, 75 & 100%
    Timer                               Programmable                                                                Optional
    Solar system                        550 W                                                                       500 W
    Battery pack                        Long life gel (sealed & leakproof) AGM 800 Ah 24V                           Long life gel (sealed & leakproof) AGM 600 Ah 24V
    Diesel engine                       Kubota T4 water cooled with automatic start/stop                            Kubota T4 water cooled with automatic start/stop
    Diesel power output                 12.7 HP                                                                     12.7 HP
    Generator                           Brushless 2400w                                                             Brushless 2400w
    Fuel tank size                      29 gallons                                                                  32 gallons
    Fuel consumption                    .25 gallons per hour when motor runs                                        .25 gallons per hour when motor runs
    Chassis                             Galvanized steel mig welded construction                                    Galvanized steel mig welded construction
    Doors                               Lockable aluminum doors including engine bay                                Lockable aluminum doors including engine bay
    Stability                           4 tie down rings                                                            3 rotatable sprocket jacks
    Brakes                              NA                                                                          Single axle with mechanical surge brakes
    Control panel meter                 Fuel level, battery voltage indication, engine run time                     Fuel level, battery voltage indication, engine run time
    External controls                   Lockable battery & starter switch, emergency stop, low fuel beacon          Lockable battery & starter switch, emergency stop, low fuel beacon
    Mast                                Telescoping hydraulic                                                       Telescoping electric power winch drive
    Height                              29.5' extended                                                              26.25' extended
    Rotatable                           Yes                                                                         No
    Wind sensor                         Automatic with automated retraction in high wind                            None
    Size L x W x H                      51" x 51" x 101", mast retracted                                            120" x 54" x 93", mast retracted
    Weight                              2860 lbs with fuel                                                          1900 lbs with fuel
    Transportation                      16 of Sunbeam Cubes on 48' flat bed transport trailer                       8 of Sunbeam Trailers on 48' flat bed transport trailer
    Portability                         Fork lift slots – all 4 sides plus lifting eye                              Fork lift slots – 3 sides plus lifting eye
    Warranty                            1 year parts and labor                                                      1 year parts and labor
                Additional lumens       Up to 135,000 lumens                                                        Up to 120,000 lumens
                Cold climate package    Cabin heater and insulation                                                 Cabin heater and insulation

                                        Control individual or fleet via secure website, turn lights on/off,         Control individual or fleet via secure website, turn lights on/off,
                Remote monitoring       set timers, low fuel level & low battery voltage alerts, lights on/off      set timers, low fuel level & low battery voltage alerts, lights on/off
                & control package       indication, diesel generator running indication, low fuel shutdown alert,   indication, diesel generator running indication, low fuel shutdown alert,
                                        GPS with map view, set geo fences and receive alerts                        GPS with map view, set geo fences and receive alerts
                Darkness sensor         Standard                                                                    Automatic (dusk to dawn) rotating switch – Off/On/Auto
   Specifications are subject to change without notice. • 888.639.1003 •
©2015 Sunbeam Innovations
Bringing daylight to the darkness - SunBeam...
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