Brighton & Hove Pride - THE UK'S BIGGEST PRIDE FESTIVAL ANNUAL REVIEW OF 2018 - "Historic, inspired and unparalleled - Tickets for Brighton Pride

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Brighton & Hove Pride - THE UK'S BIGGEST PRIDE FESTIVAL ANNUAL REVIEW OF 2018 - "Historic, inspired and unparalleled - Tickets for Brighton Pride
“Historic, inspired and unparalleled.
                      Brighton Pride is one of the best
                        international pride festivals,
                                   we love it”
                              Attitude Magazine


Brighton & Hove Pride
                   ANNUAL REVIEW OF 2018
Brighton & Hove Pride - THE UK'S BIGGEST PRIDE FESTIVAL ANNUAL REVIEW OF 2018 - "Historic, inspired and unparalleled - Tickets for Brighton Pride
Firmly established as the UK’s biggest Pride Festival, Brighton Pride attracts a diverse demographic
audience from across the UK, Europe and the World.

2018 continued to see Brighton Pride’s reputation as one of the UK’s leading campaigning
and community fundraising Prides grow. Supporting our local charities and good causes is the
cornerstone of our Pride – a ‘Pride with Purpose’ – and in 2018 our fundraising of £250,000 means
over £705,000 has been raised over the last six years.

Pride is singularly the most popular visitor attraction in the City’s event calendar, with benefits not only
for community groups and charities but also the wider city services, tourism and commercial venues’
profits. An estimated £20.5million is spent in Brighton & Hove businesses over the Pride weekend.

Pride is not just a weekend of parades and parties for the City, but also a time when family, friends,
neighbours and the city itself, recognises, celebrates and promotes tolerance and diversity within all
our communities.

We must thank our statutory partners Brighton & Hove City council, Sussex Police, Fire & rescue, the
NHS, our commercial supporters and all the volunteers who help make Pride happen.
Brighton & Hove Pride - THE UK'S BIGGEST PRIDE FESTIVAL ANNUAL REVIEW OF 2018 - "Historic, inspired and unparalleled - Tickets for Brighton Pride
Brighton & Hove Pride - THE UK'S BIGGEST PRIDE FESTIVAL ANNUAL REVIEW OF 2018 - "Historic, inspired and unparalleled - Tickets for Brighton Pride
Why Does Pride Matter?

    Probably the most frequently asked question when it
    comes to Pride must be “Why do we need a Pride?”

    Given the huge improvement in equalities over the last
    decade with protections written in to law and a legal
    recognition of our relationships, then it is understandable
    that some people, including those within the LGBT
    community, might think that we’ve won the fight for
    freedom. However in eight countries across the globe
    homosexuality is still punishable with the death penalty,
    while a further 70+ imprison citizens because of who they

    Brighton Pride will continue to raise awareness of the
    plight of Global LGBT communities who do not have the
    same freedoms that we enjoy in the United Kingdom.
Brighton & Hove Pride - THE UK'S BIGGEST PRIDE FESTIVAL ANNUAL REVIEW OF 2018 - "Historic, inspired and unparalleled - Tickets for Brighton Pride
Community Engagement Meetings
                     As part of Pride’s ongoing community engagement a series of
                     meetings were held on a regular basis in the lead-up to Pride 2018.

                     These meetings were specifically for the community groups and
                     organisations that took part in previous Prides or were planning to
                     take part in Pride 2018.

                     Pride has also been engaging with the LGBT Community groups

Community Accessibilty Tickets
                     Discounted community tickets were again made available to
                     parade entries and community groups for Pride 2018 and will be for
                     2018. Children under 11 are free with an accompanying Adult.

                     People may volunteer to help Pride for just a few hours and receive
                     a free ticket to the Pride Festival.

                     Free tickets are also made available for those who are unable to
                     volunteer and can be applied for through the Rainbow Fund.
Brighton & Hove Pride - THE UK'S BIGGEST PRIDE FESTIVAL ANNUAL REVIEW OF 2018 - "Historic, inspired and unparalleled - Tickets for Brighton Pride
The 2018 Events

             Pride Community Parade                     Pride Village Party

                                      Pride Festival

 Pride Community Day & Dog Show                        Pride Pleasure Gardens
Brighton & Hove Pride - THE UK'S BIGGEST PRIDE FESTIVAL ANNUAL REVIEW OF 2018 - "Historic, inspired and unparalleled - Tickets for Brighton Pride
The Numbers*

                              90+                        300,000+
                                Acts                     Parade participants
                     across 10 tents and stages            and spectators

                        400,000+                         £705,000
                            attendees                    raised for LGBTQ+ &
                          across all Pride               community groups
                          weekend events                      since 2013

         5,000,000+ 105,000                                        37,000
                     web page views           Facebook likes      Twitter followers

                                                                               *as of Jan 2019
Brighton & Hove Pride - THE UK'S BIGGEST PRIDE FESTIVAL ANNUAL REVIEW OF 2018 - "Historic, inspired and unparalleled - Tickets for Brighton Pride
Pride Revenue 2018
Sponsorship                  Festival/PVP Ticket and Fundraising income
£ 693,480                    £ 2,689,245

Markets & Concessions                      Grants
£ 446,754                                  £0



                                                    1 · Festival Ticket and PVP income
                                                    2 · Sponsorship
                                                    3 · Markets & Concessions
                                                    4 · Grants

Brighton & Hove Pride - THE UK'S BIGGEST PRIDE FESTIVAL ANNUAL REVIEW OF 2018 - "Historic, inspired and unparalleled - Tickets for Brighton Pride
Pride Expenditure 2018
Production Costs & Entertainment (Festival & LoveBN1Fest, Parade, PVP & Pleasure Gardens)
£ 2,450,197

Security & Traffic Management                                       Event Catering
£ 338,857                                                           £ 56,407

Police                                        St John’s             Marketing
£ 78,040                                      £ 56,494              £ 113,869
                                                                    including printing, advertising,
                                                                    marketing and website

Full Time Staff                               Key Contractors       Administration
£ 85,732                                      £ 206,051             £ 88,850
including PAYE & NI                                                 including Office Space, Overheads,
                                                                    Utilities, Fixtures and Fittings

Insurance                                     Tax On Surplus
£ 57,776                                      £ 3,335

Rainbow Fund                                  Social Impact Fund & Pride Grants
£ 172,242                                     £ 72,250

                                              12   13
                                         11                                                 1   Production
                                 8                                                          2   Security
                             7                                                              3   Catering
                                                                                           4    Police
                                                                                            5   St Johns
                     5                                                                     6    Marketing
               3                                                                            7   FT Staff
                                                                                           8    Key Contractors
                                                                                           9    Admin
                                                                                          10    Insurance
                                                                                           11   Tax
                                                                                          12    RF
                                                                1                         13    SIF/PCDF
Brighton & Hove Pride - THE UK'S BIGGEST PRIDE FESTIVAL ANNUAL REVIEW OF 2018 - "Historic, inspired and unparalleled - Tickets for Brighton Pride
Pride Weekend 2018 - Supporting Venues’ Income
    VENUE                           PVP Contribution1     Additional       Pride		    Total /£
                                    over 2 days          Fundraising2   Sponsorship

    Amsterdam Bar & Kitchen        500                       -               -           500
    Bar Revenge 		                 500                      115              -            615
    Bella Café 		                  250                       -               -           250
    Belgian Chips 		               120                       -               -            120
    Block		250                                               -               -           250
    Brighton Rock		                250                       -               -           250
    Bulldog		250                                             -               -           250
    Camelford Arms 		              250                       -               -           250
    Casa Flamenca		                250                       -               -           250
    Charles St Tap 		              500                       -               -           500
    Infinity Bar		                 250                       -               -           250
    Kings Arms 		                  250                       -               -           250
    Latest Music Bar 		            250                       -               -           250
    Legends 		                     500                       -            5,000        5,500
    Marine Tavern		                250                       -               -           250
    Macdoner 		                    120                       -               -            120
    Marlborough		 250                                        -               -           250
    Mucky Duck		                   250                       -               -           250
    New Maderia Hotel : Funky Fish 500                       -               -           500
    Patterns 		                    500                       -               -           500
    Queens Arms 		                 250                       -               -           250
    Ranalagh 		                    250                       -               -           250
    Shortts 		                     250                     52.27             -        302.27
    St James Tavern		              250                       -               -           250
    The Zone		                     250                       -               -           250
    Off Licence - George St 		     250                       -               -           250

    Additional Contributions
    Steward Staff Donation 			                               10             -             10
    Public Donations 			                                     35             -             35

    1 PVP contribution toward Pride Social Impact Fund
    2 Collecting tins & donations
Total amount raised

                         since 2013
Charity Partners
Pride has it’s routes in the community and in the last five years has raised over £705,000 for
local good causes.

Groups benefitting this year include Allsorts Youth Project who provide vital support for
young people; MindOut who deliver pioneering work for people with mental health issues;
GEMS and Older & Out both organisations who are providing essential social networking
and support opportunities for older people and the LGBT Community Safety forum who
this year delivered the Accessibility Matters project making Pride more accessible and safer
for disabled, blind, deaf and older people.

Community Funds
                      In addition to Pride’s continued commitment to our fundraising for
                      the Rainbow Fund, 2018 saw the 4th year of the Pride Social Impact
                      Fund with Pride working with community organisations to develop
                      projects and idea’s that will be of social
                      benefit to the wider community.                  PRIDE
                                                                          SOCIAL IMPACT
Rainbow Fund Grants 2018
             This year Pride beat previous records with £172,242 being donated to the Rainbow Fund allowing
             more community groups than ever to be supported.

                     Sea Serpents Rugby Football Club                              The Sussex Beacon
                 Grant up to £1,000 to establish a bursary fund       Grant up to £7,640 for group work programme.
                to encourage LGBTQ+ participation in sport and
                            address social isolation.                                 Lunch Positive
                                                                      Grant up to £5,000 for continued part funding
                             Rainbow Families                         of Friday Lunch Club: Up to £1,400 for capacity
              Grant up to £1,500 for core costs, mostly venue hire    building and outreach to new members: Up to
                                   for events.                        £1,550 to seedfund and support new wellbeing
                                                                         project: and up to £3,770 to seedfund and
                              My Genderation                            support new Supper club for over 50s. Total
              Grant up to £2,500 for seed funding film project to                          £11,720
              celebrate trans lives and experiences, plus support
                to source further funding to complete project.                           MindOut
                                                                        Grant up to £4,989 for continued support for
                               MenTalkHealth                          ‘Out of The Blue’, and peer support group work:
              Grant up to £1,700 for core costs and up to £3,000        Up to £10,000 for continued support for part
              for production of 12 podcasts addressing mental           funding of counselling project. Total £14,989
             health issues within the LGBTQ+ communities. Total
                                    £4,700                                          The Clare Project
                                                                        Grant up to £1,700 for core costs and Up to
                                 Peer Action                            £15,000 for capacity building, outreach and
             Grant up to £5,460, part funding for core costs, yoga        community engagement. Total £16.700
                            and therapy sessions.
                                Older and Out                         Grant for up to £11,500 for continued support for
                Grant up to £6,000 for continued support for           The Rainbow Café LGBTQ Dementia project: Up
               monthly lunch, networking and information club          to £7,000 for seed funding and support for new
                              for LGBT+ Elders.                       “Grief Encounters” LGBTQ+ Bereavement project.
                                                                                         Total £18.500
              Longhill School LGBTU group, supported by
                               Latest CIC                                        Allsorts Youth Project
                Grant up to £6,870 for involvement of 20 to 30             £6,124 grant for continued support for
               LGBTU+ students and their allies to produce a TV         Transformers and other trans specific youth
               series for broadcast, to be used in Schools. Latest    group work and up to £13,778 for LGBTQ+ youth
              CIC will provide Directors’ time for free, discounted    group work, particularly around mental health
                       studio time and technical support.                       and well being. Total £19.902

                     Marlborough CIC QTIPOC project                   The Brighton and Hove LGBT Community
               Grant up to £7639, for start up funds for a new                     Safety Forum
             QTIPOC monthly meet up with creative workshops.          Grant up to £5,265 for volunteer and wellbeing
                                                                         training for Community Safety Forum and
                            The Rainbow Chorus                          Rainbow Hub in their new shared premises
             Up to £6,520 continued funding for RC+ project and        on St James Street: Up to £15,076 continued
             up to £1,500 for outreach and support for the LGBT+      support for The Next Step project. Total £20,341
                        Deaf Community. Total £8,020
                             SOCIAL IMPACT

               Pride Social Impact Fund & Cultural Development Fund Grants
             We also raised £24,907 for the Pride Social Impact Fund and topped it up with an additional £18,000
             as well as funding the Pride Cultural Development Fund with a £15,000 allocation. This year these
             projects were awarded grants:

                                Dolphin House                                  Light Up St James’s Street
                 £400 towards the redecorating, supply of soft       £1,600 to buy and install new lights for trees and
                 furnishings and art materials to therapy room                lampposts in St James’s Street

                     Brighton and Hove Housing Coalition             Moulsecoomb and Bevendean Community
                 £1,000 towards core funding for a community                      Volunteers
               campaign group to lobby on improvements to all          £780 for community cooking equipment and
                       aspects of housing across the city              a community celebration to coincide with the
                                                                    installation of the new playground in Bevendean in
                              Preston Bowls Club                                          February.
             £400 to support wider promotion of four open days
              to encourage younger audience to take up bowls                              Bevfest
                                                                    £1,000 to pay for stage hire and essential costs of a
                                  Stay Up Late                                      community festival
               £1,000 to support and expand the Wild Rainbows
                             gig buddies scheme                            Bees in the Woods Forest School
                                                                     £960 to pay for five older people and their carers
                             Patcham Duck Fayre                      to attend forest school sessions in Easthill Park in
               £500 towards the running the community event                  Portslade over the next 12 months.

                            Norfolk Square Group                                    Crew Club United
              £1,000 towards providing community planters and       £1,000 towards buying kit for a youth football team
               supporting a gardening group for a public open        based in Whitehawk. Some funds subsidised the
                                    space                            cost of allowing the side play and attend a three-
                                                                              day youth tournament at Butlins.
                            Friends of Preston Park
             Bid one – £2000 for a new wooden picnic table and              Mixed Blessings Theatre Group
                                    bench                            £600 to support an all-inclusive theatre group to
                Bid two – £2,000 for five new bins for the park      tour Son of an African, a new production of work,
               Bid three – £1,000 to host a Easter Egg hunt for                        around Sussex
                                                                                 Sing for Better Health
                                 Green Centre                       £1,000 towards running the weekly singing group
              £650 towards the conversion of the upper deck of          for older people at Elizabeth Court in Hove
             an education bus to host exhibitions and workshops
                          on One Planet initiatives                                 The Other Screen
                                                                      £1,000 towards running open, accessible film
                            Young People’s Centre                   screenings and events which explore, discuss and
                      £1,000 towards a specific project – TBC        challenge the representation of disabled people

                              Bevendean Chomp                             Trust for Developing Communities
                £1,000 towards community lunch club which            £200 towards buying equipment and resources
                 supports up to 50 people twice a week. This          to support the youth work of the 67 Centre in
              includes a summer trip to Drusillas for families on                     Moulsecoomb
                                low incomes.
                            SOCIAL IMPACT

                           Friends of Farm Green                               Tarner Community Project
                £900 towards the construction and installation         £1,000 to run summer holiday events for young
               of new thermoplastic activity markings for a new             people attending youth club events
                 playground in Farm Green, Lower Bevendean
                                                                                       Why Not Club
                       Moulsecoomb Forest Garden                     £520 to fund a weekly breakfast club in Brighthelm
                  £1,000 to buy pond dipping kit and other                     Park for the street community
              equipment to allow young people to get closer to
                                  wildlife                                              Audioactive
                                                                     £480 towards providing kit for Room to Rant, which
                                   Carousel                            provides music workshops for young men in a
              £888 to buy an iPad and iPencil to allow learning       YMCA Supported Housing setting in Brighton and
              disabled adults and children to engage in the arts                         Hove (tbc)
                  and develop talents has been successful.
                                                                     Small Performance Adventure with Creative
                           Quiet Down There CIC                                  Cascade Recovery
              £865 towards offering 2 local schools (60 children)    £800 to go towards the travel costs and venue hire
               a residency in the market (£540) and holding 10       to support up to 100 people in addiction recovery
                   community lunches for 100 people (£325)                    take part in drama workshops.

              St James’s Street Community Action Group                                    4Streets
               Bid one – £1,000 towards providing materials for       £250 to purchase large outdoor screen to support
               new flower beds at the corner of St James Street        community cinema events. This will be held by
              and Rock Gardens by the side of St Mary’s Church          Pride as a community resource which can be
                Bid two – £1,000 towards restoring a section of       booked out by community groups across the city.
                        garden beds in Dorset Gardens
              Bid three – £1,000 to provide materials and flowers              Sussex Cycle Racing League
             for seven planters in St James’s Street area and add     £500 towards a new storage shed at Preston Park
                one or two more street planters to the district                        velodrome

                             Kingscliffe Society                             Preston Park Youth Cycle Club
                £10,794 for new outdoor gym in Dorset Gardens        £1,000 towards the construction of a concrete ramp
               (provisional providing relevant consents are met)        and tarmac path at Preston Park velodrome to
                                                                             support a range of cycling activities
              Community, Advice, Support and Education
                              (CASE)                                                  Little Green Pig
               £500 to fund a science festival for families on low   £1,000 to support filming of a production of Voices,
                           income in Hollingdean                     a story about young people’s experiences which will
                                                                             be form part of Brighton Festival 2019
                        Friends of Regency Square
               £200 towards creating a permanent community             St Peter’s Womens and Girls Cricket Club
              heritage exhibition of old photos, prints, postcards    £672 to provide matching kit (complete with SIF
               and memories of Regency Brighton to coincide                          logo) for the team
                      with 200 years of Regency Square.

                           Hangleton Food Bank
               £500 to provide clients a one-off £10 supermarket
               voucher to ‘top-up’ the essential items which are
                                  not donated
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