Learning Communities FOR PRE-MAJORS - SUNY Cortland

Page created by Helen Ramirez
Learning Communities FOR PRE-MAJORS - SUNY Cortland
Learning Communities
Learning Communities FOR PRE-MAJORS - SUNY Cortland
Explore Majors and Succeed in Your First Year                                           Your Next Steps
                                  Every year, SUNY Cortland welcomes new students in a variety of majors, the largest     Read through all of the program descriptions in this document and rank your learning
                                  of these being pre-major. As a pre-major, you haven’t yet chosen a particular area of   community choices in order of preference. You will provide this information when you
                                  study. At SUNY Cortland, we offer a variety of learning community experiences that      sign up for an Orientation session. Placement is on a first-come, first-served basis.
                                  cover a range of interests and are well suited for those who have yet to commit to
                                  studying a particular subject.                                                          Complete the following steps to sign up for Orientation and indicate your learning
                                                                                                                          community preferences.
                                  During your first semester, you’ll explore career and academic options such as
                                  science, human behavior and society, political systems, world cultures, recreation,     1.   Log in to myRedDragon.
                                  the environment, and peace and conflict studies.                                        2.   Select Admissions from the options in the top header.
                                                                                                                          3.   Go to the Orientation box to sign up for Orientation, which includes:
                                  In a learning community, you won’t be just another student in an introductory class.         • Indicating your learning community preferences. You will be informed of your
                                  You’ll be enrolled in courses that address common themes with about 22 other                   placement during summer Orientation.
 2 Building Community             students who have similar interests. You, your classmates and your professors will           • Providing information about college credit earned while in high school through
		 Through Recreation             get to know one another as you explore new ideas and discover the world around                 AP, IB or dual enrollment with a college.
 4 Earth and Environment          you. You’ll also learn more about yourself.
                                                                                                                          During Orientation, you will meet with a faculty advisor and set your first semester
 6 Happiness and Society          Research has shown that students who participate in learning communities develop        schedule. It will include your learning community coursework, other General Education
 8 Molecular World                greater intellectual maturity and take more responsibility for their education. I am    courses and COR 101: The Cortland Experience, which is designed to help you transition
10 Peace and Conflict             excited about the opportunities you will have as part of a learning community at        to Cortland’s academic community. Other courses will be added to complete a full
                                  SUNY Cortland and I am confident that the experience will be rewarding.                 semester schedule.
12 Play Across Cultures
14 Social Issues in Sport                                                                                                 Professional advisors in Advisement and Transition provide ongoing support and
16 World First                                                                                                            resources to assist you in identifying your academic interests and career aspirations so
                                  R. Bruce Mattingly, Dean of Arts and Sciences                                           you are able to choose a major that aligns with your goals.
18		 World Politics

Learning Communities FOR PRE-MAJORS - SUNY Cortland
Building Community Through Recreation
                               Recreation is active engagement in freely chosen, meaningful activity to promote
                               well-being. By connecting individuals with common interests, recreation builds
                               relationships and is the key to creating a healthy community. Students who
                               develop connections with others and to campus are more successful in and out
                               of the classroom.
                                    You will have the opportunity to create your own sense of community by not only
                               sharing two courses, but also by participating in an overnight weekend field trip to SUNY Cortland’s William H. Parks
    Lauren Jarosinski          Family Center for Environmental and Outdoor Education at Raquette Lake. This year the field trip is Friday, Sept. 17,
                               through Sunday, Sept. 19.
    “The learning                   In addition to COR 101, you will take REC 271: Foundations of Recreation, a liberal arts and sciences course,
                               which introduces you to the concepts of recreation, play and leisure in your life as well as the profession of recreation
    community classes/         and leisure services.
    experience helped me            This learning community will be of particular interest if you are thinking of majoring in recreation, outdoor
    determine a major. I       recreation, therapeutic recreation or recreation management. Learn how you can make a difference by building
    am now a recreation        community and enhancing quality of life through recreation.

    management major. I
    didn’t know this major     COR 101: THE CORTLAND EXPERIENCE (1 CR. HR.)                  INSTRUCTOR
    existed and it’s exactly                                                                 N. Qwynne Lackey, Assistant Professor,
    what I want to do.”        REC 271: FOUNDATIONS OF RECREATION (3 CR. HR.)                Recreation, Parks and Leisure Studies
                               History, theory, philosophy of play and recreation;
                               implications for individuals, groups in changing society.

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Learning Communities FOR PRE-MAJORS - SUNY Cortland
Earth and Environment
                             This learning community provides a unique opportunity for you to explore the natural
                             world by taking classes and laboratories as a group. Classes are small and students and
                             faculty work together. You should consider this program if you are interested in the
                             earth sciences and environment.

                             COR 101: THE CORTLAND EXPERIENCE (1 CR. HR.)                          INSTRUCTORS
    Jillian McEvoy                                                                                 Jessica Bilek, Senior Admissions Advisor, Admissions
                             ENS 100: INTRODUCTION TO ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE                        David Barclay, Professor, Geology
    “I like the learning     (3 CR. HR.)
                                                                                                   Gayle Gleason, Associate Professor and Chair, Geology
    community. I was happy   Application of scientific methods to the study of the natural world
                             and how it is influenced by people. Emphasis on understanding         Li Jin, Professor, Geology
    to be put in Earth and   of local, regional and global environmental issues from an
    Environment because      interdisciplinary perspective.
    I found out how much
                             GLY 261: PHYSICAL GEOLOGY (4 CR. HR.)
    I enjoyed geology;
                             Principles of physical geology. Earth materials, intracrustal
    otherwise I never        forces and products, agents of gradation and their physiographic
    would have known.”       expression. Laboratory study includes minerals, rocks,
                             topographic and geologic maps, simple geologic structures. Three
                             lectures, one three-hour laboratory, field trips.

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Learning Communities FOR PRE-MAJORS - SUNY Cortland
Happiness and Society
                             This learning community is an opportunity for you to study philosophical and ethical
                             issues of significance to contemporary society. It will help you think, read and write
                             critically — skills beneficial for all future courses in all disciplines. This community is also
                             a great introduction to philosophy and the major questions of human life. Courses have a
                             high content of discussion and student interaction.

    Tiffany Ennab            COR 101: THE CORTLAND EXPERIENCE (1 CR. HR.)                          PHI 201: ANCIENT SOCIAL PHILOSOPHY (3 CR. HR.)
                                                                                                   Explores ancient social philosophy as part of the social, political
                                                                                                   and historical development of Western civilization from its origins
    “The best aspects of     PHI 100: INTRODUCTION TO PHILOSOPHY (3 CR. HR.)
                                                                                                   in Greece, emphasizing Plato and Aristotle to the Epicureans
    my learning community    Introduction to subject matter and methods of philosophy.             and Roman Stoics and comparing them to developments in
                             Readings include classical and contemporary writers on a              other parts of the world. Analyzes the Greeks’ understanding
    classes are the          range of philosophical topics including social and political          of the human person in society and how that has influenced
    professors, as well as   philosophy, philosophy of religion, questions of metaphysics and      our thinking today. Covers such topics as democracy, justice,
                             epistemology, ethics and basic characteristics of rational inquiry.   friendship and the family.
    the classmates. All of
    my learning community
    professors are very
                                                                                                   Nikolay Karkov, Associate Professor, Philosophy
    engaging and helpful,
                                                                                                   Mecke Nagel, Professor, Philosophy and Africana Studies
    and I’ve made multiple
                                                                                                   L. Sebastian Purcell, Associate Professor, Philosophy;
    friendships with my
                                                                                                   Co-coordinator, Latino and Latin-American Studies;
    classmates!”                                                                                   Director; Honors Program

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Learning Communities FOR PRE-MAJORS - SUNY Cortland
Molecular World
                             Explore topics that include nanotechnology, medicine and how green technologies
                             will benefit everyone on the planet. This learning community provides the unique
                             opportunity for you to work in small groups of students and faculty within the
                             classroom and laboratory environment.
                                  Classes in this learning community satisfy General Education requirements. If you
                             are interested in biochemistry, chemistry or adolescence education in chemistry, you
                             should join Molecular World.
    Kaitlyn Janczuk
                             COR 101: THE CORTLAND EXPERIENCE (1 CR. HR.)                        CHE 224: PROBLEM-SOLVING IN GENERAL CHEMISTRY I
    “Molecular World gave
                                                                                                 (1 CR. HR.)
    me the opportunity to                                                                        Methods of solving problems in general chemistry:
                             CHE 227: GENERAL CHEMISTRY I LECTURE (3 CR. HR.)
    meet other students      Atomic theory, structure, chemical bonding. Application of
                                                                                                 stoichiometry, atomic and molecular structure, bonding.
    who were interested      thermodynamic, structural and kinetic considerations to
    in chemistry and work    inorganic systems. Electrochemistry, quantitative analysis, other   INSTRUCTORS
                             current topics.                                                     Gail Buckenmeyer, Lecturer II, Chemistry
    with faculty who were
    eager to help me find                                                                        Gregory Phelan, Professor and Chair, Chemistry
                             CHE 277: GENERAL CHEMISTRY I LABORATORY (1 CR. HR.)
    my place at Cortland.”   Students will learn basic laboratory techniques in the general      Andrew Roering, Associate Professor, Chemistry
                             chemistry area and be required to keep a professional lab
                             notebook. Concepts from General Chemistry I Lecture will be
                             emphasized and reinforced.

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Learning Communities FOR PRE-MAJORS - SUNY Cortland
Peace and Conflict
                                The human story is one of peace and conflict. This learning community will help you
                                think through the complexities of peace-building, peaceful communication and the role
                                that institutions play in the development and maintenance of peace in our society. If you
                                select this learning community, you will learn how peaceful practices can benefit you both
                                personally and professionally.

     Matt Reiter                COR 101: THE CORTLAND EXPERIENCE (1 CR. HR.)                         INSTRUCTORS
                                		                                                                   Mecke Nagel, Professor, Philosophy and Africana Studies
     “The learning              FSA 250: FOUNDATIONS OF PEACE EDUCATION (3 CR. HR.)                  Joseph Rayle, Associate Professor, Foundations and
     community was great        Incorporates issues of social justice, inequality and perspectives   Social Advocacy
                                on peace to explore the role of educational practices in the
     to meet to new people      perpetuation and mitigation of threats of violence. Provides
     and COR 101 was helpful    a framework for understanding the need for, obstacles to and
                                implications of peaceful practices. Satisfies the GE 11 category.
     to learn about campus.
     The instructors are very   PHI 160: INTRODUCTION TO PEACE AND CONFLICT STUDIES
     passionate.”               (3 CR. HR.)
                                Introductory exploration of issues related to origins of human
                                conflict and the peaceful resolution thereof.

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Learning Communities FOR PRE-MAJORS - SUNY Cortland
Play Across Cultures
                                Every day, all over the world, children play games. They jump ropes and roll marbles
                                — even using animal knuckles. They draw games on sidewalks or in the sand;
                                they throw balls and chase each other. They play for healthy physical, social and
                                cognitive development; they play for fun. And when they play, culture is learned and
                                perpetuated. This learning community is for students interested in play, children and
                                contrasting cultures.
                                     In addition to COR 101, you will take REC 150: Play Across Cultures where you will “travel” to different countries so
     Zach Pruden                you can play the games, simulate the celebrations and perhaps even taste the foods that young people around the world
                                are enjoying.
     “The learning
     community pointed me       COR 101: THE CORTLAND EXPERIENCE (1 CR. HR.)                       INSTRUCTORS
     in the perfect direction                                                                      N. Qwynne Lackey, Assistant Professor,
     and gave me a final        REC 150: PLAY ACROSS CULTURES (3 CR. HR.)                          Recreation, Parks and Leisure Studies
     option for a major.”       Study of the similarities and differences in young people’s play   Rick Powell, Associate Librarian, Library
                                and celebrations through an examination of world cultures.

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Learning Communities FOR PRE-MAJORS - SUNY Cortland
Social Issues in Sport
                                 This learning community connects EXS 290: Social Problems and Issues in Sport and
                                 Exercise with a dedicated COR 101 section. You will examine social issues through the
                                 context of sport and exercise. EXS 290 fulfills the Prejudice and Discrimination General
                                 Education requirement.

                                 COR 101: THE CORTLAND EXPERIENCE (1 CR. HR.)                       INSTRUCTORS
     Mike Mirabile                                                                                  Cheryl Smith, Academic Advisor and Coordinator of
                                 EXS 290: SOCIAL PROBLEMS AND ISSUES IN SPORT                       Student Outreach and Non-Traditional Student Support,
     “This is a good learning    AND EXERCISE (3 CR. HR.)                                           Advisement and Transition

     community if you are        Examination of social problems and issues that impact a variety    Yomee Lee, Professor, Kinesiology
                                 of physical activities. Consideration of how values, prejudice,
     interested in kinesiology   discrimination and stereotypes affect sport and exercise in ways
     and sociology. You          similar to society at large.

     discover interesting
     concepts within sport
     and social aspects of
     society and it allows
     you to meet and
     communicate with peers
     in your class.”

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Learning Communities FOR PRE-MAJORS - SUNY Cortland
World First
                              World First brings together students and faculty who are concerned about global issues
                              such as racism and multiculturalism, human rights, international violence and global
                              economic structures, including inequality and poverty. You will explore past causes of
                              — and future solutions to — the issues facing our world. This learning community will
                              be a good fit if you have an interest in international issues, travel, world cultures and
                              ethnic groups or working in international settings.

     Maria Klara Ventura
                              COR 101: THE CORTLAND EXPERIENCE (1 CR. HR.)                           ANT 102: INTRODUCTION TO CULTURAL
                                                                                                     ANTHROPOLOGY (3 CR. HR.)
     “The learning
                              IST 100: CULTURE THROUGH FILM (3 CR. HR.)                              Subdisciplines, conceptual frameworks dealing with origins,
     community has allowed                                                                           development, diversity of human cultures.
                              Introduction to film as an art form and to the basic narrative and
     me to not only have      stylistic aspects of film; study of film as a medium of cultural
     met amazing people,      representation and expression; exploration of current and historical   Note: We strongly urge that students enroll in a foreign language
                              global themes and issues through screening, study and discussion       course to round out their first-semester course load.
     but also to have the     of course films.
     opportunity to learn                                                                            INSTRUCTORS
     more about the world.”   HIS 101: THE WORLD SINCE 1500 (3 CR. HR.)
                                                                                                     Alexandru Balas, Associate Professor and Coordinator, International
                              Explores expanding connections between peoples, cultures and
                                                                                                     Studies Program; Director, Clark Center for Global Engagement
                              political communities in the world from 16th century to present.
                              Focuses on rise and development of new economic systems,               Girish Bhat, Professor, History
                              political institutions, cultures and ideologies and interactions
                              of people across geographic and national boundaries. Seeks             Patricia Martinez, Lecturer IV (Spanish), Modern Languages
                              to understand globalization and tensions between local and             Sharon Steadman, Professor, Sociology/Anthropology
                              global events.
                                                                                                     Scott Moranda, Professor, History
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World Politics
                               In the World Politics learning community you will understand the distinctive features
                               of the history, institutions, economy, society and culture of non-Western civilization.
                               We will discuss the cultural differences in world views, traditions, cultural institutions,
                               values, social systems, languages and means of communication. We will answer
                               questions such as: Why do wars occur? Why are trade barriers so common? Why are
                               some countries rich and others poor? Why do countries obey international law? And
                               why is protecting the environment so difficult?
     Callie Humphrey                If you are interested in a career in law, politics, government or public affairs, or if you simply want to become a more
                               informed and effective citizen, this learning community is for you.
     “My learning community
     is an amazing group of    COR 101: THE CORTLAND EXPERIENCE (1 CR. HR.)                     INSTRUCTORS
     passionate students and                                                                    David Runge, Academic Advisor and Coordinator of COR 101,
     dedicated professors      POL 101: INTRODUCTION: WORLD POLITICS (3 CR. HR.)                Advisement and Transition
     who have truly helped     Study political systems of the world by comparing and            Brian Williams, Assistant Professor, Political Science
                               contrasting them with the United States and other countries.
     me to enjoy my first      Focus includes ideologies, developed and developing
     year at Cortland.”        nations, and contemporary problems affecting interactions
                               of these systems. This course meets the General Education 3
                               and 6 categories.

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Advisement and Transition
            SUNY Cortland
Memorial Library, Room A-111
              P.O. Box 2000
        Cortland, NY 13045

        Phone: 607-753-4727
           Fax: 607-753-5593

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