Brazil Country Engagement Program: IMPACT PAPER - JULY 2021 - Global Infrastructure ...

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Brazil Country Engagement Program: IMPACT PAPER - JULY 2021 - Global Infrastructure ...
Country Engagement Program:
JULY 2021
Brazil Country Engagement Program: IMPACT PAPER - JULY 2021 - Global Infrastructure ...
Country Engagement Program: Brazil                                                                                                        Program activities                                            ACTIVITY 3: Address forex risk
                                                                                                                                                                                                        The amount of private investment Brazil is seeking
                                                                                                                                          ACTIVITY 1: Sound the market on port privatisation            exceeds local investment capacity, making it imperative
To increase its global competitiveness, Brazil created an ambitious strategy                                                              Between 2020 and 2022, Brazil plans to release 25
                                                                                                                                                                                                        to attract new foreign investors. This has been impeded
                                                                                                                                                                                                        by foreign investor concerns about currency volatility. The
to attract more private investment in its infrastructure. A partnership with the                                                          port terminal contracts to auction, valued at about
                                                                                                                                                                                                        GI Hub modelled 10 global economies and conducted a
                                                                                                                                          US$1.34 billion. It is hoped that much of this new
Global Infrastructure Hub helped Brazil implement and realise this strategy.                                                              investment will come from private investors, including
                                                                                                                                                                                                        benchmarking exercise with legal firm Machado Meyer.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        The benchmarking showed how other global economies
                                                                                                                                          new foreign investors.
Between 2020 and 2022, Brazil will auction a pipeline of             To achieve its objectives, the Brazilian Government began                                                                          use hedging instruments and mechanisms to boost
                                                                                                                                          The GI Hub and strategic partners Maritime & Transport        foreign investment, and evaluated global approaches and
more than US$44 billion in lease and concession contracts            in 2019 a partnership with the Global Infrastructure Hub
                                                                                                                                          Business Solutions and the Inter-American Development         innovations to determine their suitability for Brazil. The
for transportation infrastructure projects that will strengthen      (GI Hub).
                                                                                                                                          Bank conducted a market sounding and consultation with        resulting recommendations provided Brazil’s Ministry of
the nation’s roads, railways, ports, and airports while              Under the umbrella of the GI Hub Country Engagement                  more than 40 companies and 60 management-level public         Economy with options to introduce new and effective forex
creating opportunities for technological and industrial              Program, the GI Hub completed a comprehensive needs
development and boosting productivity and growth. The                                                                                     and private sector stakeholders. The market sounding and      risk mitigations.
                                                                     assessment with Brazil’s Ministry of Finance and Ministry of         consultation:
projects are forecasted to create more than 900,000 jobs             Infrastructure, then created a program of analytical studies,
and contribute to Brazil’s COVID-19 pandemic recovery.               market sounding consultation, and capacity-building that             • Created structured dialogue between the private and              Currency volatility is a risk traditionally
                                                                                                                                            public sectors to encourage private sector uptake
In bringing these contracts to auction, a key priority for Brazil    would meet Brazil’s objectives. The program was delivered
                                                                                                                                            and participation when contracts are put to auction
                                                                                                                                                                                                        allocated to sponsors. However, our studies
was attracting private investment into its infrastructure –          by the GI Hub collaboratively with key partners from                                                                               revealed innovative mechanisms of risk-
including participation from foreign investors.                      multilateral development banks, international organisations,         • Provided the Brazilian Government with critical
                                                                     and the private sector.                                                                                                            sharing between public and private parties
                                                                                                                                            feedback on how aspects of the privatisation
                                                                                                                                            program should be defined, including project                when pure market alternatives, such as
     Infrastructure development is directly                                                                                                 characteristics preferred by the private sector             currency derivatives, were too expensive
linked to the socioeconomic development of                                                                                                • Provided the Brazilian Government with insights             or not available for the required volumes
a country. To close our infrastructure gap in a
                                                                     The GI Hub country
                                                                     engagement program focuses                             Urgency         and recommendations for promoting private sector            and tenor. In Brazil, we identified positive
post-pandemic Brazil, our pipeline of projects                       on the intersection where a         LOCAL                              participation and competition                               experiences, but also room for improvement in
                                                                     government’s priorities and
will have to become even more attractive to                          local constraints can be
                                                                                                      CONSTRAINTS                                                                                       the regulatory framework, potentially applying
international private investments. The leading
                                                                     collaboratively addressed                                            Helped build positive perceptions of the projects at an       some innovations identified in our analysis.”
                                                                     through the GI Hub’s                                                 early stage among potential investors.
strategies of emerging markets to address                            value proposition of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Jose Virgilio Lopes Enei, Partner at Machado Meyer
                                                                     data, knowledge,
foreign currency exchange risks provided by                          and partnerships.                   CORE
the Global Infrastructure Hub are at the core                                                                                                  Because of this market sounding, our
                                                                                       GOVERNMENT                   GI HUB
of this discussion, and will certainly help us to                                        PRIORITIES                 RESOURCES &           next privatisation projects will bring a more
propose more evidence-based and effective                                                                           PARTNERSHIP
                                                                                                                                          efficient and flexible model and will expand                  ACTIVITY 4: Improve the efficiency of project preparation
solutions to this issue.”                                                                                                                 the investment potential through private                      and management

         Rodolfo Benevenuto, Undersecretary of Economic
                                                                                 Ownership                                     Capacity
                                                                                                                                          resources.”                                                   The needs assessment conducted collaboratively by the
         Intelligence, Secretariat for Infrastructure Development,                                                                                                                                      Brazilian Government and the GI Hub at the start of the
         Ministry of Economy (Brazil)                                                                                                             Diogo Piloni, Brazil’s Secretary of Ports             program identified project preparation and management as
                                                                                                                                                                                                        a key issue for Brazil at both the national and subnational
                                                                                                                                                                                                        levels. The GI Hub helped Brazil build the capacity of more
                                                                                                                                                                                                        than 200 of its infrastructure specialists to ensure projects
                                                                                                                                          ACTIVITY 2: Analyse the status of infrastructure finance in   attract sufficient competitive bids and are well prepared by
                                                                                                                                          Brazil and benchmark with other countries                     the standards of foreign investors. The GI Hub’s capacity-
Program outcomes                                                             It has been a great experience                               It can be costly and difficult to collect and analyse data
                                                                                                                                                                                                        building workshops and translation of key reference guides
                                                                                                                                                                                                        into Portugese helped enable Brazil to align to global
As the program with the GI Hub drew to an end in May 2021,              collaborating with the GI Hub. The                                on country-level sources of investment, and even more
                                                                                                                                                                                                        practices and increase the efficiency with which it brings
                                                                                                                                          difficult to collect comparable data that allow a country
there were positive signs that Brazil was achieving its goals.          mobilisation of private investment in                             to benchmark itself against other economies and pinpoint
                                                                                                                                                                                                        bankable projects to auction.
The country’s privatisation agenda was more visible among               infrastructure is going to play a key role in
stakeholders and featured in national and international                                                                                   strengths, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities. The
media. Brazil had also begun implementing some innovative               bridging the infrastructure gap in our region.”                   GI Hub applied expertise in infrastructure data collection
solutions to mitigate foreign currency exchange (forex) risk in                                                                           and analysis to bridge data gaps and provide Brazil with
concession contracts. Overall program outcomes to date are:                       Gaston Astesiano, Public Private Partnership Team       an accurate, complete, and comparable dataset. We
                                                                                  Leader, Inter-American Development Bank                 then provided insights to make the data actionable for
• Brazil is able to benchmark its private infrastructure
                                                                                                                                          achieving Brazil’s goals of securing long-term sources
  investment performance against that of other economies
                                                                     • Brazil can introduce effective new forex risk mitigations          of finance and accelerating private investment.
  and apply learnings from the data to increase private
  investment. The data and insights the GI Hub provided                to address foreign investor concerns about currency
  have given Brazil a better view of long-term sources of              volatility and attract foreign investors to its projects. The
  finance, enabling sound decisionmaking.                              program defined areas where Brazil could better hedge                  It is a cooperation with concrete
• Brazil can attract private sector participation and
                                                                       risk, and shared learnings from other markets that could           results.”
                                                                       be replicated by Brazil.
  competition in its port contracts based on the findings                                                                                         Erivaldo Gomes, Brazil’s Secretary of International
  of the GI Hub’s comprehensive market consultation                  • Brazil’s infrastructure specialists can bring more                         Economic Affairs of the Ministry of Economy,
  with contractors, equity investors, and port operators.              bankable projects to market, enabled by specialised                        speaking to Valor Econômico
  Brazil can use insights from the consultation to tailor              training in project preparation. The GI Hub provided
  the packaging and scoping of these contracts to attract              training in global best practices for project preparation,
  private sector participation and enhance competition.                for national and subnational infrastructure specialists.

                                                                                                                                          COUNTRY ENGAGEMENT PROGRAM: BRAZIL // IMPACT PAPER
Brazil Country Engagement Program: IMPACT PAPER - JULY 2021 - Global Infrastructure ...
The program by the numbers
The partnership between the Brazilian Government and the GI Hub is enabling Brazil’s infrastructure future.
Here’s what has been achieved so far, by the numbers:

A program to support private investment in

                                                                 Insights from
                                     of transportation

Engagement with                                                  10           emerging economies modelled for
                                                                              benchmarking in the Forex Initiative

30+                   public sector stakeholders
                      and multi-lateral
                      development banks and                      15           in-depth studies developed as models of
                                                                              potential innovations for addressing Forex risk

50+                   private sector
                                                                 200+                      Brazilian infrastructure specialists
                                                                                           increased their knowledge of
                                                                                           global leading practices for project
                                                                                           preparation and management
*All dollar references are in USD.



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                                         (Global headquarters)   90 Richmond Street East           All rights reserved
                                         68 Pitt St, Level 23    Suite 102               
                                         Sydney NSW 2000         Toronto Ontario M5C 1P1
                                         AUSTRALIA               CANADA
Brazil Country Engagement Program: IMPACT PAPER - JULY 2021 - Global Infrastructure ... Brazil Country Engagement Program: IMPACT PAPER - JULY 2021 - Global Infrastructure ...
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