Situation Update - COVID-19 - Indonesia | 11 May 2020 - Humanitarian Response

Situation Update - COVID-19 - Indonesia | 11 May 2020 - Humanitarian Response
Situation Update - COVID-19
  Indonesia | 11 May 2020

1. As of 11 May, the Indonesian Ministry of Health reported 14,265 confirmed cases spread across all
   provinces, 31,994 patients under monitoring and 249,105 people under observation. The number of
   confirmed deaths by COVID-19 in Indonesia is 991 people. The Ministry of Health also reported that 2,881
   people have recovered from the illness. For information on progress of cases, important steps taken to
   address the pandemic and educational materials related to COVID-19, please go to
2. The below graph from the Ministry of Health shows the number of daily tests conducted in Indonesia. More
   than 116,000 tests have been conducted since the coronavirus was detected in the country. Indonesia, as
   other countries, continues to struggle with extensive testing, despite the President’s target of 10,000
   polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests per day, which was conveyed on 13 April. In order to support
   capacity-building for testing, the World Health Organization (WHO) and other partners have facilitated
   training on PCR testing for COVID-19 for staff from 52 laboratories in Indonesia.
    Number of cases

3. As of 7 May, commercial flights in Indonesia are allowed to take passengers. This will be done under strict
   health procedures, and with the following criteria for travelers to be allowed to fly:
     • Official travel of parliament members;
     • Government, and non-government officials dealing with the COVID-19 response, defense and
         security, providers and supporters of basic needs and strategic economic functions;
     • Patients who need treatment;
     • Persons visiting immediate family members who are seriously ill or have died;
     • Repatriation purposes.
   All passengers are required to have official supporting documents mentioning their eligibility criteria, a
   health attestation indicating the traveler is free from COVID-19 and the return ticket. These criteria for
   passengers has been decided following an earlier decision by the Ministry of Transportation (on 24 April)
   to ban all commercial flights until 31 May, except for travel of leaders of Government institutions and state

The mission of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) is to mobilize and coordinate effective and
                          principled humanitarian action in partnership with national and international actors.
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Situation Update - COVID-19 - Indonesia | 11 May 2020 - Humanitarian Response
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   guests, embassy and representatives of international organizations in Indonesia, repatriation flights,
   emergency operations, law enforcement and order, and cargo flights. Between 25 April and 5 March, PT
   Angkasa Pura I recorded 486 exempted flights, with the majority of flights being through Bali and Surabaya
   airports. Following the decision, BNPB reiterated that the Government policy to ban Mudik (home travel
   on occasion of the Eid celebration) remains valid.
4. The Government of Indonesia continues to provide social and economic assistance addressing the most
   vulnerable people impacted by COVID-19. The main assistance programmes include:
             Program                          Target                                       Assistance
     Program Keluarga             10 million HHs (increased          Increased Fixed and Components Assistance,
     Harapan (PKH) or Family      from 9.2 million)                  which total amount takes into account pregnant /
     Hopeful Program                                                 lactating mothers, babies, school-age children,
                                                                     disabilities and elderly in the household.
                                                                     More frequent disbursements (from every 3 months
                                                                     to monthly)
     Program Bantuan              20 million poorest HHs             Value of IDR 200,000 per month (increased from
     Pangan Non-Tunai             (increased from 15.2 million)      IDR 150,000) from April to December 2020.
     (BPNT) or                                                       Recipients can purchase sources of carbohidrates,
     Cashless/Voucher Food                                           protein, vitamins and minerals through e-money
     Assistance Program                                              and e-warong.
     Program Bantuan Sosial       1.3 million HHs in Jakarta         Food packages valued at IDR 600,000 per month
     Sembako or Food              600,000 HHs in Greater             for 3 months, that are delivered by PT Pos, PT
     Package Social               Jakarta (Bogor, Depok,             Pasar Tani or online motorcycles.
     Assistance Program           Tangerang, and Bekasi)             As of 4 May, the assistance in Jakarta reached
                                                                     757,542 HHs (80%) of the targetted 955,312 HHs
                                                                     (included elderly and disabled persons) in the first
                                                                     cycle, while the assistance for greater Jakarta area
                                                                     is starting this week.
     Program Bantuan Sosial       9 million HHs in outside the       IDR 600,000 per month for 3 months.
     Tunai untuk masyarakat       greater Jakarta who do not         As of 10 May, data of 5.4 million HHs is collected,
     diluar Jabodetabek or        receive Bansos, PKH, Pra-          and over 800,000 HHs have received the
     Cash            Assistance   Kerja and Sembako                  assistance, through PT Pos or Himbara.
     Program beyond Jakarta       More HHs can assisted
     and its greater area         through allocated fund of
                                  provincial and local
     Program Bantuan Sosial       12.3 million HHs in 75,436         IDR 600,000 per month for 3 months.
     Dana Desa or Village         villages, whose family             As of 8 May, 27,062 villages have submitted their
     Fund Social Assistance       members lost their jobs and        recipient data, 24,309 villages have the funds
     Program                      do not get other social            allocated and about 10,000 villages have disbursed
                                  assistance. Can also be            the funds.
                                  provided to HHs who have
                                  chronically-ill family
     Program Kartu Pra-kerja      5.6 million recipients (job        Total IDR 3,550,000, as follows:
     or Pre-Employment Card       seekers, laid-off workers and         •   IDR 1 million for training.
     Program                      workers who need
                                                                        •   IDR 600,000/ month incentive for 4 months.
                                  competency improvement), to
                                  be selected through 34                •   IDR 150,000 allocated for training providers.
                                  batches until December 2020.
     Program Bantuan Sosial       Initially 1.2 million HHs, then    Asistance package includes rice, canned food,
     Pemprov DKI Jakarta or       reduced to 853,196 HHs in          cooking oil, biscuit, masks, and soap.
     Social       Assistance      Jakarta.
     Program from Provincial
     Government of Jakarta

                         United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)
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    Besides the above-mentioned programs, other types of assistancewas provided by other ministries,
      • Indonesia Smart Card (Kartu Indonesia Pintar) and Bidikmisi Scholarship (Biaya Pendidikan
          Mahasiswa Miskin Berprestasi) by the Ministry of Education and Culture, and the Ministry of
          Religious Affairs;
      • Labor-Intensive Program by the Ministry of Villages, the Ministry of Public Works and Housing, the
          Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Fisheries and Maritime Affairs, and the Ministry of
      • The Safety Program by the Indonesian National Police;
      • Assistance of deceased persons by the Ministry of Social Affairs, and
      • Home Ownership Credit (KPR - Kredit Kepemilikan rumah) incentives, tax incentives, waivers of
          electricity costs for three months for 31.4 million HHs who receive subsidized 450-900 KVA
5. A Community Perception of COVID-19 study was launched by the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) and the
   International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) that gathered responses from
   19 provinces. Some of the findings and recommendations of the study are:
     • The main information channels for COVID-19 are internet and social media (reached 46% of
         people), which highlights the importance of using the right information channels;
     • The most trusted sources of information are health services (45.9%) such as hospitals, Community
         Health Centres and the auxiliary Community Health Centres, but health workers also encounter
         social stigma challenges; and
     • The most preferred feedback channel is social media (45.2%), which far exceeds the use of the
         feedback hotline (28.4%) which is generally used more by service providers.
   The results of the study can be accessed at:
6. There are now 370 non-government institutions with 1,778 activities recorded in the 3W - who does what
   where – tool to date. Data can be shared in any of the following three formats: Kobo Toolbox, Google form
   or MS Excel, on the following links:
       KoBo Toolbox: (Indonesian) (English)
       Google form: (Indonesian) (google form - English)
       MS Excel:
       Google data studio Visualization:
   For further information on the 3W, please contact Rifkianto Aribowo at

                        United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)
                                      Coordination Saves Lives |
The mission of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) is to mobilize and coordinate effective and principled humanitarian action in partnership with national and
                                                                                         international actors.
                                                                                      Coordination Saves Lives
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              Coordination Saves Lives |
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