Biological and Clinical Evaluations Conference for Medical Devices - October 5-6th, 2021, Malmö

Page created by Cecil Marshall
Biological and Clinical Evaluations Conference for Medical Devices - October 5-6th, 2021, Malmö
Updated June 21, 2021

Biological and Clinical Evaluations Conference for
Medical Devices - October 5-6th, 2021, Malmö
a Key2Compliance® Continued Development Conference

   →   Who is it for
   →   Program, Day 1 - Biological evaluation
   →   Program, Day 2 - Clinical Evaluation
   →   Speakers
   →   Conference facts

You are hereby invited to participate in a medical device regulatory conference:
An international conference on medical device pre- and post-market strategies for biological
evaluation, material characterisation and clinical evaluation and investigations. It is an
opportunity to broaden your understanding and expand your professional network!
The conference supersedes the previous conferences – Symbioteq Biocompatibility of
Medical Devices – now organised by Key2Compliance®, a Symbioteq company. The
conference has a new format which we hope will suit your medical device needs and is
designed to be valuable for both specialists and beginners. You will get the opportunity to
hear the latest news from professionals within the fields of biocompatibility, clinical
evaluations and investigations.

Who is it for
The conference is intended for professionals working with product safety, as material
specialist, within material characterization, biological evaluation, or clinical investigations,
post-market-clinical follow-up activities or clinical and performance evaluations, design and
development, process development or Quality Assurance/Regulatory Affairs.
By attending this conference, you will understand the intent of the regulators better and get
a clear view of the path towards compliant technical documentation. Our speakers will
represent both regulatory advisors, Notified Bodies, and the industry as well as other
stakeholders (test labs, CROs and more).
Biological and Clinical Evaluations Conference for Medical Devices - October 5-6th, 2021, Malmö
Updated June 21, 2021

Program - Day 1 - Biological evaluation (Confirmed June 21st 2021)
 Time      Topic                                                Speaker
 08:00     Registration and breakfast                           -
 08:30     Welcome                                              Key2Compliance
           Session 1: News and updates to ISO 10993
 08:45     Updates of the ISO 10993 series (Biological          Lars-Magnus Bjursten, Lund         20 min
           evaluation of medical devices — Evaluation and       University
           testing within a risk management process) and
           what to expect for the future
 09:05     Safety is more than biocompatibility: MDR            Paolo Pescio, Eurofins Biolab      30 min
           general requirements and ISO 10993 series            Italy
 09:35     ISO 10993-18: Which extraction strategy might be Jan Peeters, Eurofins BioPharma        30 min
           adequate for my medical device?                      Services Consulting Munich
 10:05     After chemical characterization, do I still need     Hana Hofman-Huether, H3            25 min
           genotoxicity studies?                                Consulting Services
 10:30     Coffee break
           Session 2: Experience from industry, Notified Bodies and CROs
 11:00     Biological Evaluation Submission's Common                                               25 min
           Mistakes - Notified Body Experience
 11:25     Chances and challenges of Chemical                   Elisabeth Mertl, OFI Technologie   25 min
           characterization - a case study                      & Innovation GmbH
 11:50     Managing uncertainty in the toxicological risk       Ryan Paul Wheeldon, Baxter         25 min
           assessment                                           International Inc
 12:15     Challenges to evaluate the biological safety of      Lise Vanderkelen, Nelson Labs      25 min
           reusable medical devices over their whole life-
 12:40     Lunch
           Session 3: 3R -Biocompatibility testing in vitro
 13:30     In vitro skin irritation testing of medical devices  Kristina Fant, RISE Research       20 min
                                                                Institutes of Sweden
 13:50     Experience of using in vitro sensitization methods David Waeckerlin, Sonova             20 min
           for medical devices
 14:10     In vitro testing for endocrine disruptive properties Peter Behnisch, BioDetection       20 min
           of medical device                                    Systems
           Session 4: More aspects on biological safety
 14:30     Biocompatibility evaluation of breathing gas         Lars-Magnus Bjursten, Lund         20 min
           pathways in health care applications, proposed       University
           changes to the ISO 18562 series
 14:50     Hemocompatibility assessment of devices with         Crystal D’Silva, Baxter            20 min
           circulating blood contact: Practical considerations International Inc
           for experimental design and data interpretation
 15:10     Methods for biological evaluation of drug-device     Gaëlle Clermont, NAMSA             20 min
           combination products
 15.30     Coffee break
 16:00     Panel/interactive discussion:                                                           40 min
           Making complex things easier – how can we optimize the synergies between the
           biological and clinical evaluation?
 16:40     Closing remarks                                                                         5 min
 17:00 -   The bar is open – mingle and food
Biological and Clinical Evaluations Conference for Medical Devices - October 5-6th, 2021, Malmö
Updated June 21, 2021

Program - Day 2 - Clinical evaluation (Confirmed June 21st 2021)
 Time     Topic                                                               Speaker
 08:30    Breakfast
 09:00    Welcome                                                             Maria Lindgren, K2C
          Clinical evaluations, requirements & sufficient data
 09:10    Clinical Data Requirements with the EU MDR – What is sufficient?    Bassil Akra, CEO and Owner of
                                                                              AKRA TEAM GmbH
 09:40    Clinical evaluations- how to handle gaps in clinical data (TBD)     Gianluca Colucci, Intertek
 10:10    Coffee break
 10: 40   Medical devices outside EU                                          To be confirmed
          Clinical investigations, news & updates
 11.00    Updates ISO 14155 including approvals for clinical investigations   Myriam, MD101
 11.30    Bio break
 11.40    Clinical trials/Investigator lead                                   To be confirmed
 12.10    PMCF- experience from collecting real life data (TBD)               Christina Östberg Lloyd,
 12:45    Lunch
          Experiences from manufacturers, lessons learned
 13:30    Case study-class I                                                  Anna Sahlholm, Abilia
 13.50    Case study- software                                                David Hedfors, RaySearch
 14.10    Case study- Emergency medicine                                      Fredrik Arnwald, Jolife
 14.30    Coffee break
          Panel discussion and conclusion
 14:50    Healthcare perspective/ Importance of patient safety                To be confirmed
 15.10    Panel discussion                                                    Speakers from the conference
 15.50    Closing remarks                                                     Maria Lindgren,
 16.00    End of conference

Stay tuned with the program - it will be constantly/continually updated!
Biological and Clinical Evaluations Conference for Medical Devices - October 5-6th, 2021, Malmö
Updated June 21, 2021

Speakers (in alphabetic order)

                                                                             Prof. Lars-
                              Dr. Bassil                                     Magnus
                              Akra                                           Bjursten

CEO and Owner of AKRA TEAM GmbH                 Professor at Lunds University, Convener
Clinical Data Requirements with the EU          ISO TC121/SC3/WG13 (ISO 18562 series),
MDR – What is sufficient?                       Chairman for the Swedish mirror
                                                committees for ISO TC 150 (surgical
                                                implants) and
                                                ISO TC 194 (ISO 10993 series)
                                                Updates on ISO 10993 and ISO 18562


Director of Clinical Affairs at Stryker
Experiences from clinical trials in emergency                                  Dr. Gaëlle
medicine                                                                       Clermont

                                                Senior Product Development Strategist,
                                                Methods for biological evaluation of drug-
                                                device combination products

                              Dr. Peter

Director, BioDetection Systems BDS
In-vitro testing for endocrine disruptive
properties of medical devices
Biological and Clinical Evaluations Conference for Medical Devices - October 5-6th, 2021, Malmö
Updated June 21, 2021

                                                                             Dr. Hana
                               Dr. Crystal                                   Hofman-
                               D’Silva                                       Huether

Research Scientist, Biocompatibility lead     Founder of H3 Consulting Services,
for Baxter’s Acute Renal and Nutrition        Convener of WG 6, ISO/TC 194 (ISO
product portfolio, Life Sciences &            10993-3).
Operations, Baxter, Member of the ISO/TC      After chemical characterization, do I still
194 WG 5, 9, 12, & 15.                        need genotoxicity studies?
Hemocompatibility assessment of devices
with circulating blood contact: Practical
considerations for experimental design and
data interpretation

                                                                             Dr. Elisabeth

                                              OFI, Österreichisches Forschungsinstitut
                               Dr. Kristina   für Chemie und Technik
                               Fant           Chances and challenges of Chemical
                                              characterization - a case study
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
In vitro skin irritation testing of medical


                               David          Senior Consulting Specialist, Eurofins
                               Hedfors        BioPharma Services Consulting Munich,
                                              Germany, member of the ISO/TC 194 WG
Quality and Regulatory Affairs director,      1, 2, 11, 14, 15, ISO TC 172 SC07 WG 7,
RaySearch Laboratories AB                     ISO/TC 198/WG 7.
Case study- software                          ISO 10993-18: Which extraction strategy
                                              might be adequate for my medical device?
Biological and Clinical Evaluations Conference for Medical Devices - October 5-6th, 2021, Malmö
Updated June 21, 2021

                              Paolo                                       Dr. Lise
                              Pescio                                      Vanderkelen

ERT, Senior Scientific Director Medical      Nelson Labs
Devices, Eurofins Biolab                     Challenges to evaluate the biological safety
Safety is more than biocompatibility:        of reusable medical devices over their whole
MDR general requirements and ISO 10993       life-cycle

                                                                          Dr. Ryan Paul
                              Anna                                        Wheeldon
                                             Manager, Research and Development at
Medical Science Liaison & Product Owner      Baxter International Inc. member of the
at Abilia                                    ISO/TC 194 WG 6 and WG 11.
Setting up a process for clinical data       Managing uncertainty in the toxicological
generation according to MDR - building on    risk assessment.
existing knowledge and relations.

                              Waeckerlin     CEO Pharmiva AB, MD, specialist in
                                             gynecology and obstetrics
Sonova                                       The clinical dvelopment journey for
Experience of using in vitro sensitization   Pharmivas products
methods for medical devices
Biological and Clinical Evaluations Conference for Medical Devices - October 5-6th, 2021, Malmö
Updated June 21, 2021

Conference facts
October 5-6th, 2021
St Gertrud Conference in Malmö, Sweden.
Directions to hotels and conference will be provided after registration and posted
on the web site:
Not included in the fee and suggested nearby hotels with special fee for conference guest
will be provided after registration and posted on the web site.
Conference mingle
Evening the 5th after last session all guests are invited to a networking get-together
where refreshments and drinks (alcoholic/non-alcoholic) will be served.
Conference fee
Early-bird until August 4th: 890 Euro (appr equal to 8 945 SEK or 6 650 DKK)
Full price from August 5th: 990 EUR (appr equal to 9 950 SEK or 7 400 DKK)
Discount: 3 persons or more 10% if registered and invoiced together.
The fee includes full participation at conference, get-together mingle and electronic
copies of conference notes.
Note: 25 % local VAT will be added
Biological and Clinical Evaluations Conference for Medical Devices - October 5-6th, 2021, Malmö Biological and Clinical Evaluations Conference for Medical Devices - October 5-6th, 2021, Malmö Biological and Clinical Evaluations Conference for Medical Devices - October 5-6th, 2021, Malmö
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