Billy Vue - DNR Intern and First Generation Student - files

Page created by Adrian Bates
Billy Vue - DNR Intern and First Generation Student - files
Billy Vue - DNR Intern and First Generation Student
My name is Billy Vue and I am a summer        to hobbies. This is now widely seen          surveys consist of pulling a 50 ft seine
intern at the Minnesota DNR in Water-         within my generation and those after.        and backpack shocking the shore. Doing
ville. As a first-generation Hmong stu-       Common experiences that Hmong fam-           so allowed us to scoop up the smaller
dent, I am often reminded of my history       ilies can relate to are fishing trips with   fishes to identify, count and record. The
of migration, genocide, and assimilation.     their families or even riding a bike to      lake survey work consisted of placing
The Hmong people are a small ethnic           the lake nearby to catch panfish. In my      trap nets along the shore and setting gill
group that originated from Southeast          fishing experiences, I have found it to be   nets in deeper water. This type of survey
Asia with no designated country. I have       one of the most enjoyable hobbies that       would offer us the ability to take struc-
felt a great amount of pressure as a first    have strong connections to my heritage.      tures and length from the fish caught.
generation student to uphold my culture       Nonetheless, I would like to continue        Structures taken from fish include
on top of paving paths in a new land, a       expanding this hobby into my future          scales, otilith, cleithrum, and clipped
common experience many others face            education and work.                          dorsal fins. Later on, these structures
as well. Being allowed to represent and       DNR Experience                               will be used to read and tell the age of
work in my role as the fisheries intern                                                    individual fish.
for the Minnesota DNR has allowed me          Throughout my time with the DNR,
to gain an array of experience and skills     some of the things that I performed          Giving Back
that alleviate pressures I experience.        were identifying fish species for Index      As my internship nears its end, I’ve
With my heritage and time at the Min-                                                      taken some time to reflect on the many
nesota DNR, I have had the opportunity                                                     experiences that I have encountered
to find ways to bridge these two parts                                                     this summer. This internship has solidi-
of my life. In addition to my position as                                                  fied my considerations of working with
an intern with the MNDNR, I am also                                                        the MN DNR in the future. The work
a student who currently attends the Uni-                                                   that I performed this summer is some-
versity of Wisconsin River-Falls. In the                                                   thing that I want to continue doing in
future, I plan to use the education, skills                                                my career. I enjoy working with fish and
and experiences that I have gained to                                                      learning more about the different spe-
apply them in a Minnesota DNR fish and                                                     cies and habitats there are in the lakes
wildlife position.                                                                         of Minnesota. I also believe that work-
                                                                                           ing with the DNR in the future will allow
Community Roots                                                                            me, as a person of color, to give back
My passion for fishing began within                                                        to my community and fellow anglers in
my Hmong community. Fishing in the                                                         various ways. This would open doors for
Hmong community can be rooted back                                                         other ethnic people to learn more about
to Laos, where we lived a hunters and                                                      the DNR itself and to see where and
gatherers lifestyle. The main sources of                                                   how their contributions might fit into
                                              DNR Intern Billy Vue.
income for Hmong people were either                                                        continuing to keep Minnesota’s fishing
farming or hunting. Therefore, these                                                       opportunity as some of the best in the
were embedded into our livelihood out-        of Biotic Integrity surveys, conduct-        country.
side of making income as well. Through        ing lake surveys, boat electrofishing,
                                              hatchery work, caring for fish. The IBI      -Billy Vue, fisheries intern 2021
generations, our means of living shifted
Billy Vue - DNR Intern and First Generation Student - files
Freeborn Lake - Shallow Lake Success Story
Freeborn Lake is a 2,222-acre lake lo-        Unrealized potential                       not reaching its potential as a natural
cated south of the city of Freeborn and       The fish population within Freeborn        resource destination.
near the headwaters to the Cobb River         Lake also suffered due to the poor         Opportunity seized
watershed. Freeborn Lake has about            habitat conditions. The predominate        Efforts were made several times since
16 miles of shoreline that support a          fish species have been Common Carp,        the 1960s to designate Freeborn Lake
mixture of residential areas, agriculture,    Black Bullhead, Fathead Minnow,            for wildlife management, which by state
park and conservation lands, forests,         Green Sunfish, and Yellow Perch. There     law would enable draw downs, reclama-
wetlands, public right-of-way, and a          were occasionally years where Yellow       tions, and other forms of management
golf course. There are a total of three       Perch angling was good, usually follow-    to improve habitat conditions; however,
public accesses on the lake including         ing winterkill or drought events that      designation efforts were not successful.
the City of Freeborn pier on the north        ‘reset’ the lake and resulted in short     By 2015/2016 the dam at the outlet
shoreline, Arrowhead County Park on           term habitat improvements. The DNR         owned by Freeborn County was failing
the east shoreline, and a primitive DNR       attempted stocking the lake for years to   and needed replacement at a high cost
State Water Access on the southeast           establish Walleye and Northern Pike to     to local tax payers. This proved to be an
shoreline. Although Freeborn Lake is          offer anglers opportunities and provide    opportunity to leverage monies within
relatively large in area it is shallow with   some ‘top-down’ control of rough fish,     the Outdoor Heritage Fund (which was
a maximum depth of only 7.0 feet, and         but these stockings were largely un-       funded by a tax approved by Minne-
an average depth of just 3.5                                                                          sotans that partially goes
feet.                                                                                                 toward protecting, restoring,
Management Issues                                                                                     and enhancing aquatic hab-
The shallow nature of                                                                                 itats throughout the state)
Freeborn Lake has creat-                                                                              and to build public consent
ed a challenging situation                                                                            in support of a lake reha-
to manage from a natural                                                                              bilitation to improve water
resources perspective. A                                                                              quality.
positive is that the watershed                                                                      In 2017 after nearly 2 years
is relatively small for such                                                                        of public input meetings and
a large lake with about 3.5                                                                         planning, a lake water level
acres of watershed for every                                                                        drawdown was initiated
acre of lake. Lakes with a                                                                          that extended into spring
small watershed to lake ratio                                                                       2019. During this time a
often can overcome some of                                                                          high velocity fish culvert
the challenges of an altered                                                                        was installed downstream
watershed. Yet, shallow                                                                             of Freeborn Lake. The high
lakes are extra sensitive to                                                                        velocity fish culvert serves as
pollution. Extensive nutrient       Clear water and emergent vegetation at Freeborn Lake in a fish barrier, preventing rough
                                    July 2021.
loading over the years has led to                                                                fish from migrating from the
those nutrients being trapped                                                                    Cobb River back into Freeborn
                                             successful. Periodic partial winterkills,
in the lake sediments and continuously                                                 Lake. In addition, a new variable crest
                                             which most often eliminated game fish
mixed and re-suspended by rough fish,                                                  sheet pile outlet structure was installed.
                                             while leaving a void for rough fish to
wind, and waves in the expansive and                                                   This new outlet structure differed from
                                             proliferate, resulted in the absence of
open shallow waters. The situation was                                                 the previous fixed crest dam in that
                                             any ‘teeth’ in the system to keep rough
made worse by the dam which allowed                                                    the runout elevation could be varied
                                             fish in check. This exasperated the poor
Common Carp access to the lake, but                                                    to allow draw-downs of the lake when
                                             habitat conditions, and the cycle con-
acted as a barrier to fish such as North-                                              needed to better manage for improved
                                             tinued. The poor water quality and lack
ern Pike. The end result was highly                                                    habitat conditions. Freeborn Lake was
                                             of substantial aquatic vegetation also
degraded lake habitat conditions. Free-                                                refilled beginning in spring 2019, and
                                             suppressed the potential of Freeborn
born Lake was trapped in a ‘turbid state’                                              the initial rehabilitation was completed.
                                             Lake to support ducks, geese, musk-
dominated by algal blooms, very poor                                                   - Freeborn Lake Continued on page 3
                                             rats, and wildlife viewing. Like angling,
water quality, and with sparse aquatic
                                             hunting/trapping and non-consumptive
vegetation that could naturally offset
                                             opportunities suffered and the lake was
such conditions.
Billy Vue - DNR Intern and First Generation Student - files
- Freeborn Lake continued from page 2        looking into waters that are crystal clear.   put the tools in place to more proactive-
                                             However, that was precisely the state of      ly manage the lake for improved habitat
Fish Stocking                                Freeborn Lake in summer 2021.                 conditions long term. The ultimate goal
The lake was stocked with Northern                                                               is one of achieving a ‘clear water
Pike fry in the spring of 2018, 2019,                                                            state’ more-often-then-not rather
and again in 2021. In addition, Yel-                                                             than having persistent poor habitat
low Perch adults were stocked into                                                               conditions. The DNR and its part-
Freeborn Lake in 2019 and allowed                                                                ners will continue to work toward
to naturally re-populate. The goal of                                                            making Freeborn Lake the natural
fish management is to stock species                                                              resource destination it deserves to
tolerant of winterkill, which is the                                                             be!
case for Northern Pike and Yellow
Perch both of which are naturally                                                                Collaboration
adapted to shallow lake conditions.                                                            The Freeborn Lake rehabilitation
The goal also is to keep rough fish                                                            project is a cooperative venture
out of the lake. Test netting in                                                               with Freeborn County, Ducks
spring 2021 indicated Northern                                                                 Unlimited, the Minnesota Depart-
Pike and Yellow Perch stockings                                                                ment of Natural Resources, and
were successful. Freeborn Lake                                                                 many dedicated residents and
should offer anglers a great oppor-                                                            interested folks from the area that
tunity with a strong population of                                                             showed up to countless meet-
Northern Pike 24+ inches and some                                                              ings and provided input. These
‘jumbo’ Yellow Perch present in the                                                            unnamed people deserve a lot of
lake. Fish management is critical to                                                           credit in building support of this
support improved habitat conditions                                                            project. It was through these car-
in Freeborn Lake.                                                                              ing people that Freeborn Lake has
                                                                                               been offered new hope for a better
Current conditions                                                                             future. This project was made
The current habitat conditions in           Northern Pike and Yellow Perch sampled at         possible by Minnesota’s Outdoor
Freeborn Lake have demonstrated             Freeborn Lake in May 2021.                        Heritage Fund, Freeborn County
a new found resilience to the poor                                                            Aquatic Invasive Species funds and
habitat conditions that were present                                                          a grant recommended by the North
prior to the rehabilitation. Based on          Future                                      American Wetlands Council.
the photos from July 2021, the goal of         So, you might ask, what is the outlook of   Freeborn County continues to own the
improved habitat conditions is currently Freeborn Lake, what should we expect              dam and fish barrier road culvert. The
being achieved as Freeborn Lake has the moving forward? The reality is main-               MNDNR will be responsible for execut-
appearance of an Oasis of good water           taining such a large and shallow lake       ing the lake aquatic habitat, wildlife, and
quality and great habitat value! It is not that still contains a great deal of nutrient    fisheries management plan with input
often in southern Minnesota that you           enriched sediments in a clear water         from a citizens advisory group.
can visit a large shallow lake and feel like state indefinitely is not likely. Rather,
you are on the shorelines of an undevel- the rehabilitation and infrastructure             -Craig Soupir, area supervisor
oped northern Minnesota pristine lake,         improvements on Freeborn Lake have

Public Meetings                              Lake Washington: September 30th
                                             from 7pm to 8pm at the Waterville
                                                                                           If you are unable to attend you
                                                                                           can still comment online https://
Waterville Fisheries staff will hold three   Area Office 50317 Fish Hatchery Road,
seperate public input meetings regard-       Waterville MN.                                fish/index.html or by emailing:
ing proposed sunfish regulations at                                              
Lake Washington, Madison Lake, and           Madison Lake: October 4th from 7pm
Shields Lake. Meetings will be open-         to 8pm at Bray Park picnic shelter
house style with no formal presenta-         22214 Oriole Road Madison Lake MN.
                                             Shields Lake: October 14th from 6pm
Members of the public are invited to         to 7pm at Faribault Community Center
attend and learn more about the pro-         Peterson Room 15 West Division Street
posed regulations and give their input.      Faribault MN.
Billy Vue - DNR Intern and First Generation Student - files
What did you catch?
Whether or not it has something to do           pie shaped
with auto correct, fisheries managers           - do not grow nearly as large (5lbs)
seem to get many inquires about strip-          - stripes not as pronounced
pers. These are certainly not our special-      - only one stripe typically makes it to
ty. Stripers - as in Striped Bass - however     the tail
are more in our wheelhouse. In Minne-           - spines on the anal fin are different
sota we do not have "Stripers" but we           lengths                                            Striped Bass NOT caught in southern
do have White Bass and we also have                                                                MN.
some Yellow Bass working their way                                                                Yellow Bass are found in parts of south-
north. I will help you to discern which                                                           ern Minnesota. Yellow Bass are smaller
species you are catching in this article.                                                         than White Bass. Typically, they can
To start, Striped Bass are a native ocean                                                         grow to about 2 pounds. Often times
fish that swim upstream in rivers to                                                              when encountered in southern Minne-
spawn, similar to Salmon. Stripers can                                                            sota they are similar in size to crappies
live their entire lives in freshwater                                                             and Bluegills. When Identifying Yellow
however and many states stock them in                                                             Bass look for stripes that are broken or
reservoirs. Striped Bass are an amazing                                                           segmented above the anal fin. Also they
sportfish as they grow large (70lbs) and                                                          usually have more of a yellow hue than
put up a good fight.                                                                              White Bass. The two longest spines on
                                                Distinguishing features of Yellow Bass            the anal fin of a Yellow Bass are about
Let’s talk a little about identification.       (top) and White Bass (bottom). Courte-            the same length as each other.
Striped Bass:                                   sy of Indiana DNR.
                                                                                                  Remember, it is illegal to move fish or
- longer than it is deep (torpedo)              Many people like to target White Bass             eggs from one body of water to anoth-
- distinct stripes that go to the tail          as they like to school up and will readily        er - help stop the spread of invasive
- two tooth patches on toungue                  take a lure. Once the fish is on the angler       species.
White Bass:                                     is in for quite a battle. These fish are also     -Tyler Fellows, fisheries specialist
                                                very good table fair.
- larger height to length ratio, think crap-

Hello, my name is...
In this feature, I will introduce you to a     inch range. At first glance, you might           that set up downstream of the action
Waterville Area nongame fish species           think it looks like a dirty version of the       and pick off goodies that drift their way.
that you have likely never heard of.           closely related White Sucker you can             The Northern Hogsucker is common
Although they may not end up in your           buy for pike fishing. Look closer and            throughout the Waterville Area in our
livewell or mounted on the                                  you will notice the large           many large streams and small rivers.
wall these species deserve                                  concave head, protruding            Their preferred habitat is near swiftly
some attention for the                                      lips, and oversized pectoral        moving riffles with sand and gravel
important roles they play                                   fins that set the Northern          substrates and for this reason, they are
in our local stream and lake                                Hogsucker apart. Viewed             a good indicator of stream health. You
ecosystems. You will not                                    from above, the brown sad-          won’t find them in streams degraded by
hear the term “rough fish”                                  dles help camouflage the            heavy siltation and/or channelization.
around here!                                                fish while moving through
                                                            shallow water where it              Like most sucker species, they spawn
So, without further ado,                                                                        in late spring and the young provide an
please say hello to the                                     feeds on prey it uncovers
                                                            using its armored head and          excellent prey for stream predators like
Northern Hogsucker. I know                                                                      Walleye and Smallmouth Bass. If you’re
what you are thinking and                                   powerful lips.
                                                                                                interested in seeing one in person, con-
no, that is not a nickname!                          Much like the terrestrial                  sider targeting small fish with a seine or
A moderately sized member                            animal it is named after,                  dipnet or angling for larger adults with
of the sucker family, the                            the Northern Hogsucker                     a well-placed worm.
                                Northern Hogsucker
Northern Hogsucker grows                           is a messy eater. In fact,
to maximum length of around 19 inches the action often attracts other fish like                 -Sky Wigen, fisheries specialist
with most adults falling into the 10-13    Common Shiners or Smallmouth Bass

     50317 Fish Hatchery Road Waterville, MN 56096
Billy Vue - DNR Intern and First Generation Student - files Billy Vue - DNR Intern and First Generation Student - files Billy Vue - DNR Intern and First Generation Student - files Billy Vue - DNR Intern and First Generation Student - files
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