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around around the the coast coast offering offeringthe thewhole wholegamut gamutofofoffshoreoffshorefishingfishingexperiences. experiences. AA list list of of all all registered registeredand andinsured insureddeep deepsea seafishing fishingboats boatsis is available available here: here: whilea aGoogle Google map map of oftheir their locations locationsisisavailable availablehere: here: Charter Charter boatboatfishing fishingcan cancater caterforforallalllevels levelsofofangling angling experience experience andandit isit one is oneof of the the easiest easiestwayswaystotoget getstarted startedintointofishing fishingif ifyou youareare newnewto to thethesport. ForFor sport. thethe com-com- plete plete novice, novice,thetheskipper skippercan cannormally normallyrent rentyouyoua arod, rod, help helpyou yougetgetsetset upupandand showshow you you thethe ropes ropessosoyou youwillwillbe becatching catchingfish fishononyour yourown ownbefore before long. long.ForForthethe moremore experienced experiencedanglers, anglers,you youcan canchat chattotothe theskipper skipperand and make make a plan a plan onon whatwhat species species you you want wanttototarget targetand andhow howbestbesttotofish fishforforthem. them.ForFor thethe specialists specialists whowhochase chase those those large large trophy trophyfish, fish,most mostskippers skipperswill willhave havea arangerangeofofmarks marksand and a knowledge a knowledge of of thethe best best methods methodstotofish fishthem themthat thatwill willhelp helpyou yougetgetthat thatspecimen specimen fish. fish. Charter boat fishing is also a very social experience Charter boat fishing is also a very social experience and is lively and is lively andandinteresting interesting even even before beforeaaline lineisiscast; cast;the theskipper skipperwill willassemble assemblea agroup group of of anglers anglers who whomay may or or may may not notknow knoweach eachotherotheratatthe thebeginning beginningofofthetheday, butbut day, who whowillwill certainly certainly be be well well acquainted acquaintedby bythe theend endofofit,it,especially especiallyif ifthey theyhavehave hadhad sport sportwith a specimen with a specimen fish fish oror two. two. The Theskippers skippershave havewell wellequipped equippedcraft craftand andmany many willwill have have come come fromfrom several several generations generationsofoffishermen, fishermen,their theirknowledge knowledgeofofthethesea seais is as as instinctive instinctive as as breathing. breathing. AA lot lot ofof local locallore loreisispassed passedononduring duringthetheday dayand and even even more more in the in the evening evening when whenthe theboat boatisistiedtiedupupand andthe thescene sceneshifts shiftstoto aa waterfront waterfront pub… pub… There Thereisismuch muchmore moredetailed detailedinformation onon information thethe INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION www.fishinginireland.infowebsite websiteand onon and thethe TheThe island island of of Ireland Ireland hashas longbeen long beenrecognised recognisedasasone oneofofEurope’s Europe’spremier premier sea sea angling angling accompanying accompanyingGoogle Googlemap: map: destinations destinations and and thethequality qualityofofitsitsdeep-sea deep-seafishingfishingcontinues continuestotoattract attract anglers anglers toto our shores shores fromfrom allall overover thethe globe.With globe. Withitsitsroaring roaringsurf surfbeaches, beaches,miles milesofofawe-inspiring awe-inspiring sea cliffs cliffs and and hundredsofoftranquil hundreds tranquilbays baysand andbackwaters, backwaters,the thecoastline coastline atat over over 3000 3000 km longlong is among is among thethemost mostvaried variedand andspectacular spectacularininEurope. Europe.TheThe diverse diverse nature nature ofof the CERTIFICATION CERTIFICATION &&SAFETY SAFETY coastline coastline coupled coupled withIreland’s with Ireland’sunique uniquegeographical geographicalposition, position,onon the the edge edge of of the the Eu- It is important important to tocheck checkwith withyour yourskipper skipperatattime timeofofbooking bookingasas toto what whatclass of of class licence licencethey they ropean ropean continentalshelf, continental shelf,where wherethe theinshore inshorewaters watersare arewarmed warmed by by the the North North Atlantic Atlantic hold and and confirm confirm that thatthey theyhavehavefull fullinsurance. insurance.ThereThereshould shouldbebenono problem problem to to getgeta copy a copy Drift Drift means means thatthatthethe nativemarine native marinelife lifeis isextremely extremelyrich richand andvaried. varied. All All this this makes makes for of insurance insurance by byemail. email.AllAlllicences licenceshave haverestrictions restrictionsononthe thedistance distancethethe boat cancan boat travel travelfrom from perfect perfect fishfish habitat, habitat, andandvisiting visitingsport sportfishermen fishermencan canexpect expectsomething something inin the the region region of port which which could could either eitherlimit limityour yourfishing fishingor,or,more moreseriously, seriously,pose posea adanger danger to to youryoursafety safety 8080 species species to to aim aimat,at,sosoanything anythingfrom froma ablenny blennyofofaafew fewgrams grams toto aa bluefin bluefin tuna tuna of if the the boat boat strays straysoutside outsidethe thedesignated designateddistance. distance.On Onboarding boarding thethe boat boatyouyou should should check check overover400400 kgkg cancan bebe encountered! encountered! that thethe licence licence isis displayed displayedon oneither eithersidesideofofthe thewheelhouse wheelhousein inanan official disk official diskform. form.TheThe IRELAND’S IRELAND’S CHARTER CHARTER FLEET FLEET full licence licence must must also alsobe beavailable availablefor forinspection inspectionononboard. board.The main The mainangling angling boatboatlicences licences Ireland’s Ireland’s reputationasasa aprime reputation primedeep-sea deep-seafishing fishingdestination destinationisis founded founded onon the the qual- qual- are P3 P3 (you (you may mayfishfishup uptoto5km 5km(3(3miles) miles)off offthe theland) land)ororP5P5(which (whichare arenormally normally limited limitedat at ity ity of of its its charterboat charter boatfleet. fleet.Usually Usuallythese theseare arepurpose purposebuilt builtvessels vessels of of 99 metres metres (30 48km 48km (30 (30 miles)). miles)).Full Fulldetails detailsareareavailable availableat:at: feet) feet) andand over, over, capableofofcarrying capable carrying1212passengers passengersup uptoto48 48km km (30 (30 miles) miles) offshore. offshore. Therearearecurrently There currentlyover over100, 100,toptopquality, quality,state state certified, certified, charter charter boats boats dotted dotted
It should It shouldbebe noted notedthat thatallallanglers anglersgoinggoingtotosea seaininsmall smallboats boats (less (less than than 7m) 7m) must, must, by IRISH SPORT SPORT FISH FISHTAGGING TAGGINGPROGRAMME PROGRAMME law,law, wear wearlifelife jackets jackets atatallalltimes. times.AllAllpassengers passengersononboard boardaalicensed licensed charter charter vessel vessel must Many Irish Many Irish charter charterskippers skippersandandaanumber numberofofprivate privateindividuals individuals participate participate voluntarily voluntarily havehaveaccess accessto toanan emergency emergencylife lifejacket jacketandandallallcharter charterboats boatswill will carry carry these these onboard. onboard. National Marine in a National Marine Sportfish SportfishTagging Taggingand andConservation ConservationProgramme Programmeoperated operated by by However, However, due due to to riskriskofofdamage, damage,skippersskippersmay maynot notmake makeemergency emergency lifejackets lifejackets availa- availa- Inland Fisheries Inland Fisheries Ireland. Ireland.TheTheprogramme programmeisisdesigned designedtotocollect collectdata data ononthethe habits habits andand bleblein normal in normal (non (nonemergency) emergency)situations. situations.It Itisistherefore thereforestrongly stronglyencouraged encouraged that that anglers anglers movements of movements of those thosespecies speciesdeemed deemedtotobe bemost mostsusceptible susceptibletotoover-fishing, over-fishing, particularly particularly bring bringa suitable a suitable lifelife jacket jacketwhenwhencharter charterfishing fishingand andwear wearititatatall all times times when when onboard. onboard. cartilaginous fishes the cartilaginous fishes(sharks, (sharks,skates skatesandandrays) rays)which whichare arevery veryimportant important to to thetheIrishIrish Anglers Anglersshould should also alsocheck checkthetheweather weatherininadvance advanceofoffishingfishingand andwear wear appropriate appropriate cloth- cloth- angling industry. angling industry.Fish Fishare aremeasured, measured,sexedsexedand andmarked markedwithwith aa numbered numbered finfin tagtag before before ingingforfor thetheconditions conditionswhile whilethosethosethatthatsuffer sufferfrom fromsea seasickness sickness should should consider consider taking taking being returned being returnedalivealivetotothe thewater. water.TheTheinformation informationgathered gatheredis is then then transferred transferred to to a da- a da- medication medication to to limit its its limit effects. effects.For Forfurther furtherinformation informationononsafety safetywhen whenangling angling please please visit: tabase at tabase at the the Inland InlandFisheries FisheriesIreland Irelandheadquarters headquartersininDublin. Dublin.Tags Tags have have beenbeen returned returned all over from all over the the Atlantic AtlanticOcean Oceanfrom fromplaces placesasasfar farafield afieldasasBarbados, Barbados, Long Long Island, Island, Azores, Canary the Azores, Canary Islands Islands and andthetheMediterranean. Mediterranean.Anglers Anglersare arerequested requested to to assist assist THETHE TIDES TIDES skippers, where skippers, where possible, possible,ininreturning returningallallcartilaginous cartilaginousspecies speciesandand other other unwanted unwanted fishfish TheThe IrishIrish coast coastexperiences experiencestwo twohigh hightides tidesand andtwo twolow lowtides tides inin every every 24 24 hour hour 50 50 min- to the alive to the sea. sea. Results Resultsfrom fromthe thetagging taggingprogramme programmehave haveshown shown that that several several species species uteute period. period. Tide Tide tables tablescan canbebepurchased purchasedfromfrommost mosttackle tackleshops shops inin coastal coastal towns, towns, ships in danger are in danger of of over overexploitation exploitationinintraditional traditionalangling anglinggrounds. grounds. chandlers chandlers or or bybycontacting contactingDublin DublinPort PortCompany, Company,Port PortCentre, Centre,Alexandra Alexandra Road, Road, Dublin Dublin 1. Email: Email: Website: www.dublinport.ieTel.Tel.+353 +35311887 8876000 6000 WEATHER FORECASTS WEATHER FORECASTS Weather Weather forecasts are forecasts contained are containedin inallallIrish Irishdaily dailynewspapers, newspapers,and andmarine marine fore- fore- casts cancan casts bebeheard heardononRTE RTERadio1at: Radio1at:06.02, 06.02,12.53, 12.53,16.55 16.55&&23.55. 23.55.You’ll You’ll find find RTÉRTÉ Radio Radio1 between 1 between8888and and9090ononFM. FM.Comprehensive Comprehensiveweather weather reports reports are are also shown also onon shown RTERTE 1 television 1 televisionatat18.50, 18.50,21.25 21.25andand24.00. 24.00. Detailed Detailedforecasts cancan forecasts also bebefound also foundononthe theMet MetEireann Eireannwebsite: REGULATION, REGULATION, CONSERVATION CONSERVATIONAND ANDCATCH CATCH& &RELEASE RELEASE There There arearerelatively relatively fewfewregulations regulationsregarding regardingseaseaangling anglingininIreland Irelandbutbutthere there areare restrictions restrictions ononsome somespecies specieswhich whichanglers anglersneed needtotobe beaware awareof. of. AA State State licence licence is required is requiredto tofishfishforforseaseatrout trout(&(&salmon) salmon)and andaaspecial special licence licence isis alsoalsorequired required to to fishfish forforbluefin bluefintuna. tuna.Bass Bassare aresubject subjecttotosome somerestrictions restrictions on on season season and and size. Porbeagle size. Porbeagleshark, shark,common commonskate, skate,white whiteskate, skate,undulate undulateray ray && angel angel shark shark areareallallconsidered consideredendangered endangeredand andshould shouldbe bequickly quickly returned returned to to thethe water water when when caught. caught.ForFormore moreinformation informationononangling anglingregulations regulations see: see: WeWe all all havehave a responsibility a responsibility totoprotect protectand andconserve conserveour ourfisheries fisheriessosothat thatthey they cancanbebe enjoyed enjoyed bybyfuture generations. future generations.Stocks Stocksofofmost mostseaseaangling anglingspecies specieshave have beenbeen in decline in declineforfor many many years years and andcancannonolonger longersustain sustainanglers anglerstaking takinghome home all all thatthattheytheycatch. catch. ForForthat thatreason, reason,wewewould wouldask askthat thatall allanglers anglers consider consider practicing practicing Catch Catch&& Release Releaseforforthethemajority majorityofoffish fishthey theycatch. catch.Record Record anyany trophy trophy fishfish with a quick with a quickphoto photoandandthenthencarefully carefullyreturn returnthem themtotothethe water. water. Remember: Remember: #CPRsavesfish #CPRsavesfish
IRISH IRISH SPECIMEN SPECIMEN FISH FISH COMMITTEE COMMITTEE FURTHER FURTHER INFORMATION INFORMATION Catching Catching a ‘specimen a ‘specimen fish’ fish’is issomething somethingthat thatmany manyanglers anglersaspire aspiretotodo, do, and, and, because because Angling Angling Information Information of of thetherange range of of species species available, available,charter charterboat boatfishing fishingisisone oneofofthetheeasiest easiest and and best best This guide guide provides provides aa basic basicintroduction introductiontotocharter charterboatboatfishing fishingin inIreland Ireland andand provides provides wayswaysto to achieve achieve thisthis goal. goal.The TheIrish IrishSpecimen SpecimenFish FishCommittee Committee(ISFC)(ISFC)isisan an independent independent a map map ofof some some of of the thekey keycharter charterboat boatports. ports.However, However,there thereare are aa number number of of resources resources bodybody thatthat setssets a threshold a thresholdsize sizeforforeach eachfish fishspecies speciesand andverifies verifiesandandpublicises publicises thethe where where youyou can can find find more moredetailed detailedandandup-to-date up-to-dateangling anglinginformation. information. Firstly, there Firstly, is ais a there capture capture of offishfish larger larger than thanthat thatthreshold thresholdsizesize(i.e. (i.e.specimen specimenfish)fish)caught caught on on rod rod and and dedicated dedicated angling anglingwebsite websitewhich whichhas hasmore moredetailed detailedinformation information onon individual individual fisheries andand fisheries lineline byby anglers anglers in inIreland. Ireland.The TheISFC ISFCalsoalsoratifies ratifiesIrish Irishrecord recordrodrodcaught caught fish. fish. Those Those who service service providers capture capture oneone of of these thesefishfishneed needtotosubmit submitaaclaim claimform formtotothe theISFC ISFCand, and, onon ratification, ratification, We have have aa number numberof ofbrochures brochureswithwithmore morein-depth in-depthinformation information available available from fromourour offices offices willwill bebe awarded awarded a certificate a certificateatata aspecial specialawards awardscermony cermonyheld heldevery every year. year. Many Many and online online at at skippers skippers areareexpert expert atattargeting targetingspecimen specimenfish fishand andcancanassist assistthetheangler angler with with submit- submit- tingting a claim. a claim. TheThe ISFCISFC also alsoproduces producesa ayearly yearlyreport reportcontaining containingaalist listof of all all the the speci- speci- If you you are are planning planning on onfishing fishingininNorthern NorthernIreland IrelandororononthetheFoyle Foyle and andCarlingford Carlingford catch- catch- men menfishfish caught caught during during thetheyear yearand andtotogetgetyour yourname nameininthis thisreport reportisis aa milestone milestone for ments ments on on either either side sideof ofthe theborder borderyou youshould shouldconsult: consult: manymany anglers. anglers. ForFor more more information informationsee: see: and IFI also also produces produces aa weekly weeklyAngling AnglingUpdate Updatewhichwhichprovides providesup-to-date up-to-date reports reports on on what what anglers anglers are are catching catchingand andwhere. where.You Youcan cansign signupuptotobebeemailed emailed thethe weekly weekly Angling Angling Update Update by by emailing General GeneralTourism Tourism ##CCPPRRSSaavveessffiisshh Ireland Ireland also you you plan alsohas planyour hasaageneral yourtrip generaltourism triptotoIreland. tourismwebsite Ireland.It Itprovides providesa awealth that wealthofofinformation that information willwill on on help help travel travel and and accommodation accommodationasaswell wellasasinformation informationononthings thingsto to dodo andandseeseewhile while visiting visitingthe theisland. island. Leave LeaveNo NoTrace Trace Please Pleaseadhere adheretotothe theseven sevenprinciples principlesofofLeave LeaveNoNo Trace TraceIreland: Ireland: Plan Plan ahead aheadand andprepare; prepare;Travel Traveland andcamp camponondurable durable surfaces; surfaces; Dispose Disposeof of waste waste properly; properly;Leave Leavewhat whatyou youfind; find;Minimise Minimisecampfire campfire impacts impacts (be(be careful careful with with fire); fire);Respect Respectwildlife; wildlife;BeBeconsiderate considerateofofother visitors. other visitors. Vehicles Vehiclesshould shouldbe beparked parkedinindesignated designatedareasareasandandin in such sucha manner a manner thatthat they they do do not notcause causeobstruction. obstruction. Anglers Anglersshould shouldfish fishresponsibly responsiblyand andsustainably sustainably – where – where possible possible use usesingle singlebarbless barblesshookshooksand andpractice practiceno-weight, no-weight, “in“in thethe water” water” catch catchand andrelease. release. 2014 2014
FISHING General/Ground Fishing Most angling locations have a mix of dif- Biosecurity ferent types of ground that provide op- portunities to fish for a range of species. A sandy bottom is the preferred habitat Aquatic Invasive Species and fish pathogens are readily transferred from one water- for most flatfish such as plaice and also for rays, smooth-hounds, spurdogs & tope. Other species such as pollack, ling & con- course to another on angling tackle, boats and protective clothing. These can be very ger prefer to inhabit fouler ground such as rocks and reefs where they hunt smaller fish as prey. Each habitat and species will damaging to resident fish stocks, the aquatic habitat and the general environment. We require different tactics from the angler and one of the great attractions of charter fishing in Ireland is the sheer variety you would ask that all anglers inspect and clean their gear prior to travelling to Ireland to fish. can get during a day’s fishing as the skip- per drifts or sets the boat at anchor over various different angling marks. Full information on prevention of invasive species is available on our website at: Wreck Fishing Wreck fishing in deep water marks can be very productive and there are many chart- ed wrecks off the Irish coast, some lying in water over 50 fathoms deep. Many more wait to be discovered and the angler who Or via Invasive Species Ireland at is in a boat fishing such a wreck for the first time can experience unforgettable sport. A Mulroy good number of these are merchant vessels For a more detailed Google map scan the Downings and u-boats from World Wars One and Two bringing a historical aspect to a day on the water. Others are ships that went down QR code or use the following web link: Magheroarty in storms or through other calamities at sea. Kincasslagh Arain Mhór All have their story that the skippers are Disclaimer Arranmore Is. only too willing share along with local in- sights and more. It may take an hour or more to reach these marks, but the time is worth Charter Boat Port Portnoo Every effort has been taken to ensure accuracy in the compilation of this publication it because of the size of the conger, ling, pollack and coalfish which are boated from Rossbeg them. Anglers who specialise in this fishing and associated maps and web pages. Inland Fisheries Ireland cannot accept respon- use rods in the 20/30lb class and reel lines of 30lbs test, and such gear may be hired from many charter skippers. Mullinasole sibility for errors or omissions therein. Some sporting activities may by their nature Teelin Shark Fishing Shark fishing is very popular during the sum- be hazardous and involve risk. It is recommended in such cases to take out personal mer months. There are five species of shark which anglers may contact in Irish coastal wa- ters. They are the mako (Isurus oxyrinchus), Porturlin Rosses Point accident insurance. While many operators would have public liability insurance it is thresher (Alopias vulpinus), six gilled (Hexan- chus griseus), porbeagle (Lamna nasus) and the blue (Prionace glauca). Of these, only always advisable to check with the establishment or operator concerned as to the level the latter two are caught with any degree of regularity in Irish waters, the others being An Fód Dubh of cover carried. mainly accidental catches, although there is (Blacksod) reliable fishing for six gilled from off the Co. Carlingford Lough Clare coastline. Drifting and chumming are the methods used to fish blue sharks and por- beagles. The bait is usually a whole mackerel Clare Island Acknowledgements fished on a wire trace under a balloon. On a good day as many as 20 fish can be caught and released. There are many other inshore Derryinver species like tope (Galeorhinus galeus), spur- © Published by Inland Fisheries Ireland 2019, P/N: IFI/2019/1-0451 - 003 dog and smooth hounds that can offer exciting fishing to the charter boat angler particularly along Ireland’s east coast. Photos courtesy of: Michael McVeigh, Bram Bokkers, & Shane O’Reilly. Bluefin Tuna At time of going to press (early 2019) an ex- citing new opportunity has arisen for big game The document includes Ordnance Survey Ireland data reproduced under OSi Copy- anglers in Ireland with the advent of a legal recreational fishery for bluefin tuna. Specimen Barna fish including a European Record were landed right Permit No. MP 007508. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Ordnance Survey in the 1990s and research fishing has turned up some truly awesome fish in recent years. Special- Ireland and Government of Ireland copyright. © Ordnance Survey Ireland. ist charter boats with all the required gear are ready to target that fish of a lifetime… For full details on where you can take part see this link: This brochure can be made available in alternate formats upon request. fishing.htm Saltwater Fly Fishing Charter boat skippers don’t normally cater to fly anglers but more are recognising the unique sport this form of fishing can offer. Species to be targeted include bass, garfish, pollack, mul- Carrigaholt let, scad and mackerel. For the more adventur- ous angler, enquire with your skipper about the possibilities of fly fishing for sharks such as blue shark and spurdogs. Once these predators are Ballydavid Fenit chummed to the boat they will willingly take a fly, but be warned tough rods and large capacity reels are needed… Duncannon IRELAND/NORTHERN IRELAND The island of Ireland consists of two separate countries: the Republic of Ireland (also known as Valentia Eire or Southern Ireland) and Northern Ireland, which is part of the UK. As a result of this, there are three separate agencies that control fishing CHARTER BOAT Derrynane on the island of Ireland: Inland Fisheries Ireland Loughs Agency DERRY (IFI) which controls the majority of the fishing in the DAERA DONEGAL ANTRIM Republic of Ireland, the Department of Agriculture, IFI TYRONE Border Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) which con- FERM AN DOWN trols most of the fishing in Northern Ireland, and AGH ARMAGH MO LE NA the Loughs Agency, which controls the fishing on the SLIGO ITR Union Hall GH IM FISHING AN Foyle and Carlingford systems that span the bor- MAYO CAVAN LOUTH RD ROSC der between Northern Ireland and Ireland. These FO d NG ation on fishin g in Irelan OM areas are marked on the adjacent map. For up to date inform LO MEAT H MEATH MO WEST log onto: www.fishin N This brochure only provides information on fishing GALWAY E DUBLIN or send an email to: OFFALY R in IFI controlled waters in Ireland. Anglers wishing to KIL DA fish in Loughs Agency or DAERA controlled waters contact@fisheriesirelan LAOIS WICKLOW IN IRELAND CLARE should check the relevant website for information TIP CARLOW PE before fishing: er: RA book and Twitt KIL RY Follow us on Face KE LIMERICK WEXFORD DAERA: NN ireland .com/fishingin Y and-services/outdoor-recreation-and-sport/ www.facebook RD WATERFO angling @AnglingUpda te KERRY CORK Loughs Agency:
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