Bikepacking in Eritrea - Where the bicycle is religion

Page created by Gilbert Mullins
Bikepacking in Eritrea - Where the bicycle is religion
in Eritrea
Where the bicycle is religion
by Gregor Mahringer (Photos by Thilo Brunner and Gregor Mahringer)
Bikepacking in Eritrea - Where the bicycle is religion
cities in a large circle. We’ll ride our gravel        our relief, our route has their blessing, and we     Top: Bike repair in
                                                                              bikes with bikepacking equipment.                      celebrate with a very palatable Asmara beer.         Asmara. Every village
                                                                                                                                                                                          has a shop, so basic
                                                                                  Traveling to Asmara is no problem. Howev-              The three of them then tell us how cycling
                                                                                                                                                                                          repairs are no problem.
                                                                              er, for all other Eritrean cities, we’ll need travel   came to Eritrea, and why people are so enthu-
                                                                              permits from the Ministry of Tourism. Will             siastic about the sport. As early as 1889, the       Middle: Every morning,
                                                                                                                                                                                          the streets around the
                                                                              it be possible to obtain permits for a bicycle         Italian colonialists brought bicycles to Eritrea
                                                                                                                                                                                          capital are full of young
                                                                              trip? Reports about long processing times and          as postal vehicles. In 1937, the first race was      cyclists. Their dream is
                                                                              arbitrary allocation worry us.                         held in Asmara, at first only for Italian riders.    to become professional
                                                                                  Via Instagram I contact locals in Asmara.          Two years later, Eritreans were also allowed to      and be able to leave
                                                                              A few weeks later Metkel, a professional               take part. The victory of Ghebremariam               the country legally.
                                                                              cyclist, answers: “Ohhhhh that’s good. All riders      Ghebru shocked the arrogant colonialists and         Bottom: Gasoline,
                                                                              are welcome. We can help u. Don’t worry just tell      filled the Eritreans with incredible pride. In the   cars and even buses
                                                                              me when u ready to go.” It’s promising to have a       following years, cycling became almost a substi-     are not affordable for
                                                                              contact in the country!                                tute for religion. To the present day, races are     most Eritreans. But
                                                                                                                                                                                          that doesn’t keep them
                                                                                  But I also know that we cannot rely solely         organized in Asmara almost every weekend.
                                                                                                                                                                                          from dreaming.
                                                                              on the help of locals, however enthusiastic they           “We just have cycling in our blood,” says
                                                                              may be. For the next two weeks, I spend every          Merone. Then they have to go. A message
                                                                              free minute with Google Earth satellite images,        from the coach of their Malaysian team just
                                                                              old Russian maps, and GPS tracks to prepare            came in: For tomorrow, hard interval training
                                                                              every imaginable variant of our trip.                  is on the program.
                                                                                  Four weeks later, we fly first to Cairo and
                                                                              then on to Asmara. Considering that we are
                                                                              traveling to what is supposed to be the ‘North
Taking a taxi from the
Asmara airport: Three
bikes fit on the roof,
                         A     fter several bike trips to Iran, I was look-
                               ing for an experience that would turn
                         my view of the world upside down in a similar
                                                                              Korea of Africa,’ the arrival and entry into
                                                                              Eritrea is smooth. In Asmara, we go directly to
                                                                              the Ministry of Tourism. We’re pretty excited.
one in the trunk, and
the riders and luggage   way. Then a report about Asmara, the capital         This is where the fate of our trip is decided.
go inside.               of Eritrea, fell into my hands. The photos           Our experience is the opposite of what we
                         showed an incredibly beautiful and clean             expect: a friendly smile instead of suspicious
                         city with relaxed people. This did not fit my        questions. A few hours later, we have all travel
                         picture of an isolated country with a troubled       permits for our desired route. What a relief!
                         past and present.                                    Perhaps the recent peace treaty with Ethiopia
                            Above all, the many bicycles on the streets       will finally allow tourism to develop here.
                         aroused my interest. I continued my research             For the next two days, we explore the capi-
                         and came across the Giro d’Eritrea, a bike race      tal and get used to the 2,300 meter (7,600 ft)
                         steeped in history that started during the days      elevation. Cafés and restaurants line wide
                         of the Italian colonial occupation. The reports      boulevards with palm trees. There are few cars,
                         about the race all agree: Nowhere else in Africa     but all the more bicycles. The Italian colonial
                         are bicycles so ubiquitous. Nowhere else is the      rule, as terrible as it was, has left an indelible
                         enthusiasm for cycling so great as in this small     impression on the culture: We enjoy an excel-
                         northeast African country on the Red Sea. So         lent espresso and perfect pasta, and we marvel
                         that’s where I will go!                              at a modernistic architecture that is unique in
                            In June 2018, happy news comes from               Africa. This has even put Asmara on the list of
                         Eritrea: Eighteen years after the end of the         world heritage sites.
                         war, there is finally a peace treaty with Ethio-         For dinner, we meet with our Instagram
                         pia. The conditions for my journey seem ideal.       contact Metkel. He brings with him Meron,
                         Despite great concerns of family and friends,        also an international cycling professional, and
                         three adventurous riders agree to join me:           Thomas, who guides tourists through Eritrea.
                         Toni, Luigi and Thilo. The rough plan: Start in      Together we go through our planned route to
                         Asmara and then connect the country’s larger         clear up our last questions and concerns. To

8       B I C Y C L E Q U A R T E R LY
Bikepacking in Eritrea - Where the bicycle is religion
As we leave, they present us with a very spe-                                                        Above: All packed and
cial gift: a local SIM card. This is the only way                                                       ready to go! Gravel
                                                                                                        bikes with bikepacking
to use your mobile phone in Eritrea, and it’s not
                                                                                                        equipment worked
available for tourists. A new feeling of security                                                       well in Eritrea.
overcomes us and gives a huge boost to our mo-
                                                                                                        Left: Bicycle-loving kids
tivation. Our new friends promise to contact us
                                                                                                        in front of a bike shop
every evening to check if everything is going well.                                                     in Asmara.
   The next morning, we start. We are about
                                                                                                        Opposite: The author,
90 km (55 miles) from Keren, the second larg-
                                                                                                        Gregor, and local
est city in Eritrea that is famous for its camel                                                        cycling pro Metkel
market. As we leave Asmara, we see countless                                                            Eyob first met on
young cyclists on their morning training rides.                                                         Instagram.
We are surprised how popular the sport is here!       of the population suffers from a harsh national
   We think of our conversation with Met-             service that can last up to 20 years. No one is
kel and Merone: The bicycle as a symbol of            legally entitled to take leave from this. This
national pride. In addition, the ideal training       potential way to freedom may be another rea-
conditions almost year-round help explain the         son why Eritrea has produced some of the best
local passion for cycling. But what they didn’t       racing cyclists in the world in recent years.
mention: For successful cyclists, it’s possible to       The further we go, the more the landscape
leave the country legally. In contrast, the rest      meets our mental image of Africa: thatched

                                                                                                 SUMMER 2019                 11
Bikepacking in Eritrea - Where the bicycle is religion Bikepacking in Eritrea - Where the bicycle is religion Bikepacking in Eritrea - Where the bicycle is religion
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