Become a SWK customer and enjoy a host of exclusive benefits with the SWKcard.

Page created by Alvin Cole
Become a SWK customer and enjoy a host of exclusive benefits with the SWKcard.
Become a SWK customer and
    enjoy a host of exclusive
           benefits with the

      For you. With all our energy.
Become a SWK customer and enjoy a host of exclusive benefits with the SWKcard.
Who receives the SWKcard?                                     Cooperation partnership
The SWKcard is available to all SWK electricity or natural    with the two Kaisers-
gas customers and to all abita electricity customers who
have granted a direct debit mandate.
                                                              lautern gardens:
The SWKcard is sent automatically to customers who            Gartenschau Kaiserslautern
conclude an electricity or natural gas contract with direct
debit mandate during the year immediately upon                Japanischer Garten Kaiserslautern
contract confirmation.                              
In the case of corporations, practices, associations, and     Activate the SWKcard as a 2020 season ticket
other organizations or societies, only the legally respon-    for the two Kaiserslautern gardens – for only €27.
sible person receives the SWKcard, and only this person
may use the SWKcard.

What are the costs of the
The SWKcard is free of charge.
It is our thank you to you, our electricity
and natural gas customers, for your loyalty.

How do I get my SWKcard?
The SWKcard is sent to you automati­c ally.
Simply tear off the card from the sheet,
and you’re good to go.
Your SWKcard is now ready to use.
Just show it to our partners
and save money!

How long is the
SWKcard 2020
valid for?
The SWKcard 2020 is valid
until February 28, 2021.
Become a SWK customer and enjoy a host of exclusive benefits with the SWKcard.
Start of activation as a season ticket
Activating the SWKcard as a                                                       Beginning on March 16, 2020, the SWKcard can be
                                                                                  activated as a 2020 season ticket for both Kaiserslautern
season ticket for both gardens
                                                                                  gardens, at either the Gartenschau store or the
This costs €27 once only. The SWKcard as a 2020 season
                                                                                  Japanischer Garten office.
ticket can be activated for the SWKcard holder*, plus one
                                                                                  Activating your SWKcard not later than March 31, 2020,
adult and own children (18 years or younger), who are
                                                                                  will avoid long waiting times after the official start of the
registered as living at the card holder’s address.
                                                                                  Gartenschau season. To thank you for early activation,
Holders of an activated SWKcard also have free admission
                                                                                  at the cash register you will receive a voucher for a free
to the Gartenschau evening events.
                                                                                  drink (valid until May 31, 2020).
Guest cards                                                                       Opening hours from March 16 to 31, 2020 for
The holder of an activated SWKcard can purchase day tickets                       SWKcard activation:
for guests at a special price. These day tickets admit the                        Gartenschau store: Mon. – Fri. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.,
holders to both the Gartenschau and the Japanischer Garten.                       Sat. & Sun. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The SWKcard holder* has to show the activated SWKcard                             Japanischer Garten office: Mon. – Fri. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
when purchasing these guest cards. Guest cards (max. five
cards per day) can be purchased from the ticket window of
both gardens and are valid on that day only.                                            Gartenschau and Japanischer Garten season:

  SWK guest               Gartenschau                                                     April 01 to October 31, 2020
                                                         Japanischer Garten
  ticket                  Kaiserslautern

                          (18 years and older)           (18 years and older)
  Adults                  only €5                        only €3.50
                          instead of €7                  instead of €5.50

                          (6 –17 years)                  (12 –17 years)
                          only €3                        only €1.50
  Kids                    instead of €3.50               instead of €2.50
                          (5 years and younger)          (11 years and younger)
                           free of charge                free of charge

Supplementary ticket for both gardens
The SWKcard holder* can purchase at the Gartenschau a
supplementary ticket that functions as a 2020 season ticket
for the two Kaiserslautern gardens. This costs €27 once only
and is valid for persons (max. two adults and own children
of 18 years or younger) who are registered as living at the
SWKcard holder’s* address.

* The SWKcard holder is the person who has a contract with SWK.
Become a SWK customer and enjoy a host of exclusive benefits with the SWKcard.
All cooperation partners for
your SWKcard 2020:
You can use your SWKcard for savings at each of our part-
ners, irrespectively of whether you have activated it as a
season ticket for the two Kaiserslautern gardens. Simply
show your SWKcard, and take advantage of the offers!

  new!       Emil - E-Mobility in Lautern
Use the new SWK eCarSharing with more
advantages - the SWKcard offers a 10%                            new!       3D-Town Kaiserslautern
discount and additional free kilometer!               
                                                                Create your own small 3D-figure!
  new!       Salzgrotte                                        3D-selfie including body scan – €5 discount                                                for one-colour plastic print (figure size 10 cm).
Breathe pure sea air!
€1 discount* on individual entry to the Salzgrotte               update      SWK-Nachtbus
(salt grotto) and massage tables (max. 2 people per SWKcard).
* Benefit cannot be combined with other offers.                 SWKcard holders benefit from reduced
                                                                single tickets on the Lautrer night bus (max. 5):
  new!       World of GleamGolf                                  Price level               Normal price               SWKcard price*
world of
                                                                  PL 1                      €2.50                      €1.50
Indoor minigolf with black light and 3D!
€1 discount per game and person (max. 5 players).                 PL 2                      €2.80                      €1.50

                                                                  PL 21                     €3.80                      €2.50
                                                                  PL 3                      €4.40                      €2.50
Kaiserslautern                                               * Reduction cannot be combined with other discounts.

€1 discount per game and person (max. 5 players).
                                                                      Exit Adventures,

  new!       KeyTown Kaiserslautern                            Kaiserslautern                                            
Puzzle fun for young and old in                                 10% reduction on the total price for
the Live Escape Room.                                           each booking when you pay on site.
10% discount on the group price (min. 4 players).               Both for the Escape Rooms and the town rallies.
Become a SWK customer and enjoy a host of exclusive benefits with the SWKcard.
update   Monte mare, Kaiserslautern                       RockTown, Kaiserslautern                                     

Mon.- Sun. (not on public holidays) exclusive-              20% discount on all beginners’
ly for two people 20% discount on two day                   and trial lessons.
or 4-hour tickets for the sauna paradise.
Family special offer during the holidays:                   Kammgarn, Kaiserslautern
On the following five dates during the holidays, families
(1-2 adults and their own children) will be given a         Reductions at 'Lautern Lacht (8)', 'Kammgarn
free day entry to the open-air swimming pool:               International Blues Festival (20)' and other events.
16 April, 6, 13, 20 July and 3 August 2020.
                                                            Box office offers:
                                                            At many events a discount of € 3 at the box office
      Planet Bowling, 
 update                                                     (max. 4 tickets).
Kaiserslautern                                              All special offers will be published at
Double-decker bowling: Sundays for                          CURAMED GmbH
max. 6 people two games for the price of one.               Pflege- und Betreuungsdienst
Family special offer in the holidays:             
On the following five dates in the holidays families
                                                            20% discount on every individual payment for all
(max. 6 people) will be given a free game:
                                                            services (e.g. support in everyday life, housekeeping).
16 April, 6, 13, 20 July and 3 August 2020.

                                                            Deutsches Rotes Kreuz
 update   Freilichtspiele Katzweiler e. V.
                                                            Kaiserslautern-Stadt e.V.                    Kreisverband Kaiserslautern-Stadt e.V.
€1 discount on the entry ticket
(max. 4 tickets per performance).                           Save on the connection costs and €2 every month on the
                                                            emergency call comfort package when you take out a DRK
Play for children: Das Sams - Eine Woche voller Samstage
                                                            house emergency call contract.
(One week full of Saturdays).
Play for adults: Und es hat Zoom gemacht - Die 80er Jahre
Show (And it went zoom – The '80s show!).                   Zoo Kaiserslautern
      World of Lasertag, 
 update                                                     10% discount on the adult day ticket.
Kaiserslautern                                              Save €5 for family and single parent
                                                            annual tickets.
You can save €1 per person and game (max. 5 players).
Become a SWK customer and enjoy a host of exclusive benefits with the SWKcard.
PROVINZ Programmkino,                            K1 Kletterpark, 
Enkenbach-Alsenborn                               Kaiserslautern Fröhnerhof                      
€3 discount on the admission tickets within the   Save 5% on single day tickets and team training courses,
'MusenKino' event series (max 2 tickets).         and €24 on the price of a season ticket.

VRNnextbike                                      Karateverein Budokan                          
Inexpensive cycling through Kaiserslautern!       10% on single or 20% on family rate for
RadCard at reduced rates including                new members.
30 minutes free for every trip.
                                                  Axel Roos Fußballschule, 
TuS 04 KL-Dansenberg                             Kaiserslautern                       
€1 discount for the home games of the men's       10% discount for all Soccer Academy camps.
premier team in the third league and the
second team in the "Oberliga".
                                                  Kaiserslautern e. V.
TSG 1861 Kaiserslautern e. V.
                                                  3 months free for new members.
One-month trial training for all sports offers.
5% discount on all fitness courses
                                                  Musikverein Kaiserslautern 
for new subscribers.
                                                  1840 e.V.
Kinder Spiel & Spaß Fabrik,
                                                  15% discount on concert tickets.
50 cent discount per person.
                                                  Gartenschau Kaiserslautern
Kaiserslautern                                    Japanischer Garten                                   Kaiserslautern
10% discount on language courses and    
private tuition for new registrations.            Activate as season ticket for €27.
Your SWKcard
cooperation partners

                         Kreisverband Kaiserslautern-Stadt e.V.

More details regarding our partner offers and further
SWKcard 2020 campaigns can be found on our
website at

SWK Stadtwerke Kaiserslautern
Bismarckstraße 14
67655 Kaiserslautern
Phone: 0631 8001-1555

Stand 02/2020                     For you. With all our energy.
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