Message From the Principal

Welcome Back École Montrose Community!

On Aug. 19th, 2021, our division announced a back-to-school plan for students returning to in-person
classes in September. The following is École Montrose’s specific planning in accordance with this

This school year will be a time to move forward and begin to return to more normal operations.
However, we remain committed to providing high-quality teaching and learning in an environment that
keeps our students, staff, and families safe.

We have updated our school information, routines, and practices based on the provincial and division
guidelines for the 2021-2022 school year. As the situation with COVID-19 continues to evolve, so too will
our approach and our strategies. We look forward to connecting with students in upon their return on
September 1st, to welcome them back for a fantastic school year.

The protocols we are following are based on provincial requirements and direction to mitigate the spread
of COVID-19. These protocols are:

● requiring staff and students to conduct the daily COVID-19 Health Daily Checklist

● strict stay-at-home protocols for those who are feeling unwell

● enhanced cleaning and disinfecting in schools and on buses

● continued emphasis on the importance of hand hygiene throughout the school day

● cohorting students to the greatest extent we can, balancing student instruction with safe operations

● masking in schools is highly recommended for staff and students

● masking on school buses is mandatory, students will put masks on while in bus line

As a school community we are committed to maintaining communication with our families and delivering
the highest quality of education possible while focusing on safety. We look forward to working with each
of you this school year!

Mme Andrea Couture
Mme Lynne Goosney
Mme Ginette Pele

Overview and Purpose
Implementation of this Back-to-School Plan is subject to change due to direction from the Chief Medical
Officer of Health and Alberta Education. It is based on the best available information and conditions
related to the COVID-19 pandemic. This plan will evolve and be adjusted as new information becomes

Guiding Principles
    • The well-being of students and staff is our priority
    • Students will experience optimal learning
    • The Division will follow all health measures and guidelines established by Alberta Health Services
        and Alberta Education
    • Parents are the primary decision-makers for their child’s health and well being
    • Staff will engage in professional collaborative learning

At any point during the school year, the province could decide whether schools across Alberta, schools in
a particular region, or individual schools and classrooms need to move from one scenario to another. This
decision will always be made by a medical officer of health in collaboration with education officials.

COVID-19 Screening
Before leaving home, staff, students, visitors, and volunteers who will access the school for work or
education, must self-screen for symptoms each day prior to entering the school using the screening tool.
Albert Health Daily Checklist
Active Health Checks in special circumstances may occur at school.

Anyone that reports symptoms will be directed to stay home, seek health care advice as appropriate (e.g.,
call Health Link 811, or their primary health care practitioner, or 911 for emergency response).

Chronic symptoms that can be explained by a pre-existing medical condition (e.g. allergies) may be
considered part of an individual’s baseline health status. As long as these symptoms do not change, the
individual can continue to attend school/work.

Responding to Illness
    •   Parents/guardians of students displaying symptoms will be notified to pick up the student
    •   Students will wait in a designated area for pick up

In the provincial re-entry plan, a cohort is defined as a group of students and staff who remain together.
The size of the cohort will depend on the size of the classroom and the number of students assigned to
the teacher. Classrooms will be equipped with a mix of tables and desks that may be shared between
students within each cohort. In situations where students from different cohorts share materials,
disinfecting of surfaces and these materials will be mandatory.

Wherever possible, students will remain in their homeroom cohorts. Grades 6 to 8 students will have
some opportunities to mix cohorts for core (grade 6) or complementary courses (grades 7 and 8). Our
grade 7 and 8 students will rotate through various classrooms throughout the school day.

Students will also be part of mixed cohorts for outside recesses (i.e. grades 3 and 4 will have recess

Entering and Exiting the School
All students will have an assigned door to enter and exit the school.

    •   Preschool and Kindergarten – Doors west of main entrance
    •   Grade 1 – West entrance near front playground
    •   Grade 2 – Main entrance
    •   Grade 3-4 – East entrance near back playground
    •   Grade 5S and 5C – main entrance
    •   5D and 6J – East portable entrance at the back of the school
    •   Grade 6M, 6H and 800 – West portable entrance
    •   Grade 7-8 – JH entrance on South side of building (except Mme Piepgrass’s homeroom)

Outdoor morning supervision begins at 8:00 am. When students arrive at school, they will:

    •   Proceed directly to their assigned playground/area
            o K-2, front playground
            o 3-4 back playground
            o 5-8 in the field (south side of building)
    •   Hand sanitizing and hand washing will continue to be encouraged as students enter the school.
    •   At this time parents will be required to remain outside the school for drop off and pickup. If you
        need to speak to office staff or teachers, please feel free to book an appointment at your

At this time, students will be assigned lockers or cubbies. Students in grades 7-8 will be assigned locks for
their lockers. Safety measures will be established and practiced.

Canteen/Vending Machine
Canteen will once again be offered through Citrus Catering and will be available as of September 7th. All
orders must be placed online.
Please plan to have a lunch packed for students the first week of school.

Due to vending machines being high touch surfaces, our vending machine will stay closed until further

Microwaves may be made available for students from grades 4 to 8. Safety procedures will be developed
and implemented in participating homeroom classes. Your child’s teacher will share more information
about microwave use.

All K-8 students will eat lunch in their homeroom classes. This may be revised for Junior High students
throughout the school year.

Our Library will once again be open for students to use this school year. One cohort of students will
access the library at a time and measures will be taken to ensure safe handling of all materials.

Physical Education
Physical Education classes will take place both in the gymnasium as well as outside. Cohorts will remain
together for these classes and any shared equipment will be disinfected as per the division guidelines.
Changerooms will remain closed at this time.

Junior High Options
This year, Junior High students will rotate through six options within mixed cohorts. Students will be given
their schedules on the first day of school.

Students enrolled in band and orchestra classes will be in mixed cohorts with Aspen Grove School
students. Students enrolled in the orchestra option will attend this class at Aspen Grove School (as has
been previous practice).

Visitors and Volunteers Entering the school
All parents, visitors and volunteers are asked to book appointments as we start the school year. The main
office is open for parent access for inquires and to book appointments (sign-in will be required). All
parents, visitors and volunteers must self-screen and are required to follow the school policies and

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