JUNE 2022
                                                  VOL.48 NO.4

IAI Loitering Munitions
Combat Proven Hunter-Predators

As the world pioneer in Loitering Weapons, IAI’s family of loitering missiles
leverage the heritage, and solid foundation, earned in decades of research,
development, testing and operational experience. Sharing the common DNA
of IAI’s missile engineering, system integration, mission planning and control,
logistics & ergonomics - these combat proven loitering weapons are the
role model of decisive weapons achieving overmatch and defeat. •

                                                                                                                                              20 RAN A POSSIBLE EARLY BENEFICIARY
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                                                                                                                                                 OF LOCAL MISSILE PRODUCTION
                                                                                                                                                       We have been cleared to manufacture SM-2,
Managing Director/Publisher
                                                                                                                                                       so why aren’t we?
Marilyn Tangye Butler
Phone: +61 (0) 410 529 324                           AUSTRALIAN DEFENCE IN A GLOBAL CONTEXT                                                   22 ARMY SOON TO RECEIVE LOCALLY MADE
Email:                                                                                                           ANTI-TANK WEAPONS
                                                                                                                               JUNE 2022
                                                                                                                              VOL.48 NO.4

Editor                                                                                                                                                 If the bureaucracy lets them
Kym Bergmann
Phone: +61(0)412 539 106                                                                                                                      23 CHINA – SOLOMON ISLANDS SECURITY
Email:                                                                                                             PACT
                                                                                                                                                       Reverberations around the Pacific
Arie Egozi                                                                                                                                    28 1ST PERSON INTERVIEW
Gabriel Dominguez
                                                                                                                                                       Lee Goddard, CEO of the AMC
Chen Churenran
Geoff Slocombe                                                                                                                                31 AUSTRALIAN INDUSTRY READY TO START
George Galdorisi                                                     AUSTRALIAN                                                                  GUIDED WEAPONS WORK
Australia                                                     SOVEREIGN GUIDED WEAPONS                                                                 People are getting restless
Ventura Media Asia-Pacific Pty Ltd                                    ENTERPRISE
PO Box 88, Miranda                                     REGIONAL                      INTERVIEW                 LOCAL INDUSTRY
                                                                                                                                              33 SINGAPORE’S NAVY LOOKS TO THE FUTURE
NSW 1490 Australia                                  HYPERSONIC MISSILE
                                                                                    LEE GODDARD,
                                                                                   CEO OF THE AMC
                                                                                                                GUIDED WEAPONS
                                                                                                                                                       Strong capability growth
ABN 76 095 476 065
                                                 A Royal Australian Air Force F-35A Lightning II aircraft from No. 2                          37 HYPERSONIC WEAPONS IN THE INDO-
Subscriptions                                    Operational Conversion Unit practises an aerial handling display                                PACIFIC
Rose Jeffree                                     over RAAF Base Williamtown, north of Newcastle in New South                                           Tomorrow’s threat today
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                                                  04 EDITOR’S LETTER                                                                                   needed
Graham Joss
                                                           Federal election unlikely to change security
                                                           settings                                                                           42 THE ARMS RACE ON THE KOREAN
Sales Director
Phone +61 2 9526 7188
                                                                                                                                                       Tensions again on the rise
Mobile +61 (0) 419 492 836
Email:               NEWS                                                                                        45 THE EVOLUTION OF CRUISE MISSILES
Europe                                            06 BAE Systems ESSM export contract                                                            IN THE REGION
Diana Scogna                                                                                                                                           Cruising under the radar
Mobile: +33 6 6252 2547                                    Serco & Civmec LAND 8710 shared vision
Fax: +33 1 7079 0534                                                                                                                          48 AUSTRALIAN OFFSETS POLICY ANALYSIS
Email:                         08 Raytheon Australia teams with BMT and 		                                                          Is it effective?
                                                           Austal for LAND 8710
                                                                                                                                              52 NEWS FROM ACROSS THE TASMAN
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Talbar Media
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Printer                                           12 SOVEREIGN GUIDED WEAPONS FEATURE
Times Printers                                             Now it’s time to do something
ISSN 1446-6880
                                                                                                                                                        DEFENCE INDUSTRY CEO PROFILES
Design                                            14 ADF GUIDED WEAPONS PROJECTS
Stun Media                                                 Billions to be spent                                                                         UNCREWED UNDERWATER SYSTEMS
                                                  18 RAAF GUIDED WEAPONS OPPORTUNITIES                                                                  GOVERNMENT DEFENCE POLICY
                                                           LRASM and increasing engagement ranges

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                                                                                                                                                                              Asia Pacific Defence Reporter JUNE 2022                3

                                                        FEDERAL ELECTION RESULT
                                                        UNLIKE TO CHANGE NATIONAL
                                                        SECURITY SETTINGS
                                                        majority in the House of Representatives but will       gap between the final years of the Collins class
                                                        still be able to form a minority government with        and the eventual introduction of Virginia class
                                                        the support of the Greens or some Independents.         SSNs, or whatever we end up with. However,
                                                        Strangely, some Labor figures such as Richard           this is not the position of the RAN, which frankly
                                                        Marles and Chris Bowen are taking a “no                 just can’t be bothered with the large complex
                                                        negotiations” position, which shows a sad inability     task of an additional submarine acquisition and
                                                        to read the room when it comes to understanding         instead would rather do nothing. In this they
                                                        the electorate, which is clearly unimpressed with       are likely to be assisted by Mr Marles, whose
                                                        old style adversarial politics.                         instincts will be similar.

         he outcome of the Federal election on             Speaking of Mr Marles, he is the current                The most sensible path Australia should follow
         May 21 means that there will be a Labor        favourite to take over the Defence portfolio. For       for a nuclear-powered submarine is to bring
         government in power, albeit with the           a time, he was Shadow Defence Minister and              France back into the picture. French vessels now
slimmest of margins. Once again, the opinion            as a consequence has some knowledge of the              use Low Enriched Uranium reactors that – almost
polls were wrong. They had predicted a uniform          national security domain. However, he previously        paradoxically – are more powerful than their HEU
national swing to the ALP of 3% - enough                distinguished himself as having something of            predecessors. It is true that they need to be
to deliver a small majority in the House of             a low energy approach and will happily take             refuelled every 10 years or so, but the details of
Representatives – but to the contrary, their            Departmental advice on just about everything            how this could be managed needs to be explored
actual national vote declined by 1.4% and many          rather than rock the boat and attempt reforms –         with input from the USN in particular.
of the seats that they gained only happened             which the procurement part of the organisation             Defence expenditure will remain at its present
with the preferences of the minor parties. The          desperately needs with billions of dollars being        level with the possibility of an increase if strategic
exception was Western Australia which saw               wasted on various misguided acquisitions.               circumstances continue to deteriorate. The Labor
massive swings to the former opposition.                   The best choice for Labor would be to stick          government is likely to need the support of Green
   The result for the Liberal Party is a heavy blow     with Brendan O’Connor who has performed well            Senators to have legislation passed but it seems
with a 6.2% swing against it, not only losing at        in recent months – particularly during the election     unlikely that national security measures will be
least 15 seats but in the process quite a bit of        campaign debate at the National Press Club with         held hostage to different ideologies. There will
political talent, with former Treasurer and potential   his counterpart Peter Dutton. O’Connor came             be plenty of other opportunities for that sort of
leadership contender Josh Frydenberg almost             across as thoughtful with a detailed knowledge          horse trading.
certainly being replaced by an Independent. The         of the portfolio – and he refused to be baited by          Labor have committed to a Force Posture
quick summary is that many Australians wanted a         the frankly childish insults directed at him and        Review and that’s entirely sensible. They also
change of direction but put more faith in the minor     his colleagues. He also presented as a decent           want to increase foreign aid – especially in this
parties – particularly the Greens – than they did       human being – something of a rare and valuable          region – and restore the number of diplomats
in Labor.                                               quality in Federal politics these days.                 serving in embassies to gather intelligence and
   It is unlikely that there will be any meaningful        The most important shortfall that Labor needs        exercise a bit more soft power. Hopefully that will
changes to national security settings or the            to address is the looming crisis in submarine           make it possible to avoid debacles such as the
Defence budget. Historically there is not a great       capability with nuclear powered vessels a distant       China-Solomon Islands security pact.
deal of difference between Labor and Liberal,           mirage still two decades away. There are some in           The new government is off to a positive start
which was made clear during the election campaign       the Labor Party who are not keen on nuclear power       with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Foreign
when the former government unsuccessfully tried         because of valid reasons connected with weapons         Minister Penny Wong travelling to Tokyo to attend
to argue that the Opposition would be soft on           proliferation, especially if Australia’s future fleet   a meeting of the Quad just hours – literally – after
China. Not only did this fail to resonate broadly,      use bomb grade highly enriched uranium. They            having been sworn in. They reported a warm
there are even some suggestions that it damaged         will be quite happy to kick that particular can well    reception from the other participants – particularly
the government with people feeling that cranking        down the road with more studies and discussions         US President Joe Biden – particularly because of
up the anti-Beijing rhetoric is not necessarily the     about the best way forward.                             their desire to see more action to counter climate
best way of securing peaceful outcomes.                    The country is crying out for an interim             change. Senator Wong is following this up with
   At the time of writing, Labor is still short of a    conventional submarine capability to bridge the         an urgent visit to South Pacific nations.

4 Asia Pacific Defence Reporter JUNE 2022
           Accelerating Australia’s sovereign guided
          weapons and explosive ordnance capability.

    The Australian Missile Corporation has established a collaboration of leading
  Australian and global companies including SMEs, academic institutions and state
governments to support Australia’s guided weapons and explosive ordnance capability.


                                                              Raytheon Missiles & Defense to achieve additional           military capabilities and sustainable workshare
                                                              Australian industry work share, including the upgrade       outcomes,” Mr Thomas said.
                                                              through redesign of existing Side Looking Sub-System.          “With Serco and Civmec’s complementary
                                                                 Up to 33 Australian SMEs including RUAG Australia,       capabilities and shared community values for
                                                              Ronson Gears and Astute Electronics will manufacture        realising the sustained growth of Australia’s
                                                              and supply parts into BAE Systems’ manufacturing            Shipbuilding Industry, our alliance is set to deliver
                                                              facilities at Edinburgh Parks. These local businesses       proven benefits through uplifting Western Australian
                                                              will enable the growth of a significant sovereign           industry capabilities, matching Serco’s global
                                                              supply chain, providing opportunities for future design,    shipbuilding expertise and reach with Civmec’s
                                                              integration and advanced manufacturing in country.          superlative workforce skills, proven technology and
HMAS Brisbane launches an Evolved Sea Sparrow
Missile during Exercise PACIFIC VANGUARD in the East             BAE Systems Australia Chief Executive, Ben Hudson,       infrastructure capacity.”
Australian Exercise Area. Credit: CoA / Daniel Goodman        said:                                                          As an internationally recognised shipbuilder,
                                                                 “BAE Systems Australia is proud to continue its role     Serco brings fresh perspectives and a proven stable
BAE SYSTEMS AUSTRALIA                                         in the ESSM program which ensures the protection of         of innovative ship designs. Over the last 20 years
SECURES $50M GUIDED                                           naval fleets around the world.                              Serco Australia’s Program Managers, Naval Architects
                                                                 “This contract, alongside our Prime Contractor role on   and Engineering Specialists have supported Naval
WEAPONS EXPORT CONTRACT                                       the Nulka Active Missile Decoy, continues the important     and Commonwealth maritime operations around
11 May 2022                                                   work undertaken by our employees and our trusted            Australia, with a proven local Supply Chain Team and
                                                              industry partners across Australia which have been          demonstrated ability to support the Army in a true
BAE Systems Australia has underscored its Australian          delivering guided weapons capability into domestic and      partnership. During this time Serco has delivered 130
guided weapons design and manufacturing credentials           export programs for decades.                                vessels into Commonwealth service and trained many
by today announcing it has secured a $50 million                 “An established sovereign design and manufacturing       thousands of Bridge watchkeepers and Seaboat crew
export contract to deliver critical hardware and software     capability and network of industry suppliers means we       for the Royal Australian Navy.
sub-assemblies into the global Evolved Sea Sparrow            are ready today to extend delivery into more guided            Civmec are a leading integrated, multi-disciplinary
Missile (ESSM) program.                                       weapons programs under the Commonwealth’s Guided            construction and engineering services provider to the
   BAE Systems and an expanded network of Australian          Weapons and Explosive Ordnance Enterprise.                  Marine & Defence, Oil & Gas, Metal & Minerals, and
industry partners will deliver critical sub-assemblies into                                                               Infrastructure sectors, headquartered in Henderson,
Block 2 of the ESSM program under a new three-year            SERCO AND CIVMEC PURSUE                                     Western Australia. Civmec have heavily invested
full rate production contract with Raytheon Missiles and      SHARED LAND 8710 VISION                                     in building Australia’s sovereign shipbuilding and
Defense in the United States.                                 9 May 2022                                                  sustainment capability through the construction of a
   The ESSM is a medium-range, surface-to-air missile                                                                     new shipbuilding and sustainment hall. The mega-
developed to protect warships from advanced anti-ship         Combining innovation and excellence, Serco Australia        structure stands 18 storeys (70 metres) high and
cruise missiles. BAE Systems Australia is the Australian      and Civmec have come together to pursue their               contains 20 overhead travelling cranes with a 400
industry lead in the NATO ESSM Consortium which               shared vision to deliver the next-generation in assured     tonne lift capacity in the central hall.
oversees the program of up to 12 nations including the        amphibious capabilities for the Australian Defence             Civmec’s CEO Pat Tallon is excited to progress
United States, Australia, Canada and Norway.                  Force (ADF) under a new Joint Venture (JV) company,         Civmec’s credentials in demonstrating a sovereign
   BAE Systems Australia has been involved with               the Australian Maritime Alliance (AMA).                     naval shipbuilding capability.
the ESSM program from the commencement of the                    Civmec and Serco are leading an Australia-                  “I am proud that Civmec is evolving to be a solid
Engineering & Manufacturing Development phase in              wide team in solution development and industrial            option for the Commonwealth as it seeks to expand on
the mid 1990’s through to Full Rate Production of the         mobilisation in pursuit of the LAND 8710 Phase 1A           the Sovereign shipbuilding and sustainment capability.
Block 1 missile, continuing its support on Block 2            program. Over the past year, the design of the new          We are committed to the charge and look forward to
development commencing in 2015.                               ‘Oboe’ Littoral Manoeuvre Vessel Medium (LMV-M)             forging strong relationships with Serco and others that
   The company will deliver a range of sub-assemblies         has been optimised and refined to meet the needs of         are integral to meeting the demands of the ADF,” Mr
including the missile’s thrust vector controller,             the ADF and now represents the next generation in           Tallon said.
aerodynamic control fins, fuselage and internal structure     amphibious capability.                                         “Civmec’s Henderson facility offers unmatched
elements, telemetry data transmitting systems as well            Serco Defence Managing Director Clint Thomas AM,         shipbuilding capacity to deliver for the
as sophisticated pitch over autopilot algorithms.             CSC, said the alliance demonstrates the importance          Commonwealth’s naval shipbuilding programs and
   The initial contract award covers the first three years    of delivering local industry resilience, facilitating       combined with our new state-of-the-art ship assembly
of full rate production at a base value of more than $50      workforce and workload predictability, and providing        hall, we operate the largest fabrication workshops in
million and up to $40 million in quantity based options.      assured supply chain access to build a trusted and          Australia.
   The Block 2 contract will also secure an enduring          sustained Australian shipbuilding sector.                      “This project builds on our experience gained
workforce of 35 engineers and technicians and                    “Serco and Civmec share a vision to provide the          through the ongoing delivery of the SEA1180 Arafura
establish a significant order book for future full rate       crucial leadership that the Australian shipbuilding         Class Offshore Patrol Vessel program. The LMV-M
production.                                                   sector requires, signalling an industry-led strategic       platform will allow us to continue to demonstrate our
   BAE Systems Australia continues to work with               approach to deliver and support essential sovereign         innovative approach to shipbuilding.”

6 Asia Pacific Defence Reporter JUNE 2022
“We look forward to delivering
 this important capability for
 the Australian Defence Force.



                                           Accelerating Australia’s sovereign guided
                                          weapons and explosive ordnance capability



   Australian ILMV. Credit: Raytheon Australia

RAYTHEON AUSTRALIA TEAMS                                    a complex endeavour, requiring unique expertise that        ability to do production design in our shipyard will
WITH AUSTAL AND BMT TO                                      we have invested in developing over the past 22 years       also minimise risk and cost to the LAND 8710-1A
DELIVER THE AUSTRALIAN                                      of delivering large-scale defence projects on time and      program,” said Gregg.
                                                            to budget,” Ward said.                                         “Our team has a successful track record in
                                                               “From our work to deliver the Hobart class               delivering ships every three months and this project
MANOEUVRE VESSEL                                            destroyers, and our current evergreening activities on      will be key to providing a continuous ship building
CANBERRA, Australia - 5 May 2022                            the LAND19 Phase 7B program, we have the relevant           program and preserving local jobs in this vital
Raytheon Australia has teamed with local defence            expertise, processes, tools and capacity to bring this      sovereign industry.”
industry leaders Austal and BMT to deliver the new          new class of ships to life for the Australian Army. The        BMT Senior Business Development Manager,
Australian Independent Littoral Manoeuvre Vessel, or        Australian ILMV is a resilient and flexible vessel that     Trevor Dove said the vessel had been custom-made
ILMV for the Australian Army.                               meets Army’s requirements. It is robust and capable,        specifically for the Australian environment.
    Based on a proven design and carefully tailored         and future ready with clear growth and upgrade                 “We are thrilled to be able to offer our customised
for the Australian environment, the Australian ILMV is      opportunities to ensure our solution supports the Army      Australian Independent Littoral Manoeuvre Vessel
a world class, future ready capability and sovereign        in Motion as they respond to accelerated warfare,” he       (Australian ILMV) design, optimising stability,
solution aligned with the Army’s new and complex            said.                                                       speed, endurance, fuel, stores and accommodation
littoral manoeuvre requirements.                               “Importantly, we are ready to start work now to meet     for independent and in-company operations. Our
    If selected to deliver the Army’s LAND 8710-1A          Army’s timeline and have the experience to work with        Australian ILMV is based on BMT’s existing landing
program, Raytheon Australia will lead the team to           them to realise the Australian ILMV’s full operational      craft hullform, a mature design in the running for
deliver the BMT-designed vessel, which will be built by     capability” Ward said.                                      LAND8710-1A,” Dove said.
Austal at the Henderson shipyard in Western Australia.         Austal Chief Executive Officer Paddy Gregg said his         “It is ready to be delivered, with growth margins for
    Michael Ward, Raytheon Australia’s managing             highly experienced WA-based shipyard team has the           a future ready Army.”
director, said his team, in collaboration with Austal       capability and capacity to deliver this specific class of      Dove said the vessel had been custom-made
and BMT, is ready to deliver a fielded and safe littoral    ships.                                                      specifically for the Australian environment.
manoeuvre capability to the Australian Army.                   “As one of Australia’s largest shipbuilders with an         “Our partnership with Raytheon Australia and
    “Raytheon Australia knows how complex it is             acknowledged world class operation and decades              Austal brings the experience and pedigree capable of
to bring a ship design to life – from training to           of Australian Defence Force experience, we have an          delivering a low-risk solution designed specifically for
operational testing and evaluation to sea trials and        existing workforce that is trusted to deliver on multiple   current and future Australian Army Littoral Manoeuvre
certifications. Our experience has taught us that this is   programs from our Henderson shipyard. Our unique            requirements.”

8 Asia Pacific Defence Reporter JUNE 2022
•   Defence against Group 1–3 (up to 600 kg) drones
•   Defeats Group 1 drone swarms beyond 1 km
•   Neutralises sensors on all drones at longer ranges
•   Australian technology, engineering and capability

                                          WATCH VIDEO


   ELLIDA™ multi-role logistics ship. Credit: BMT

BMT TO OFFER UPDATED ELLIDA™                                operations, multi-spot aviation and replenishment at           The ELLIDA™ multi-role logistics ship is the third in
MULTI-ROLE LOGISTICS SHIP                                   sea. The centre of the ship has two extensive decks         the family of vessels designed by BMT for the auxiliary
FOR SEA220                                                  with flexible space for either vehicles, containers or      market, complimenting the AEGIR family already in
                                                            equipment, ensuring the vessel has the flexibility to       service with the Royal Fleet Auxiliary and the Royal
AUSTRALIA, 0600 AEST, 10 MAY 2022                           adapt to differing mission requirements.                    Norwegian Navy and SALVAS concept. In developing
                                                               Primarily a logistics ship with considerable             the ELLIDA™ design, BMT applied the knowledge
BMT, a leading international multi-disciplinary             capacity to carry solid stores and flexible options for     gleaned through the development of operational
engineering and ship design consultancy, will offer an      loading, transferring or unloading, ELLIDA™ has been        concepts against current and future doctrines of
updated concept design from its ELLIDA™ multi-role          designed to provide strategic logistic transportation       several navies. The concept is designed to be able
logistics ship design family for the Royal Australian       of rolling cargo, vehicles, troops and freight between      to react to the dynamic functional requirements of
Navy’s (RAN) Joint Support Ship project, SEA2200.           operational areas to deliver support to amphibious          military commanders in support of government policy
The ELLIDA™ family of concept designs, launched in          operations using landing craft and helicopters. Also        for several different nations.
2019, builds on the experience of other BMT designed        designed to operate as a humanitarian disaster                 As the trusted partner for scientific and engineering-
vessels in-service in the auxiliary market.                 response vessel, the design is flexible to allow the        led advice, solutions, programmes and services,
   The modifications to the eventual RAN requirements       addition of enhanced medical and/or Replenishment           ELLIDA™ will be designed in Australia, drawing on
will take advantage of the concepts having been             at Sea facilities.                                          BMT’s global capabilities in ship design. Operating
designed with flexibility to allow them to adapt               Trevor Dove, Senior Business Development                 in six states in Australia since 2005, BMT has been
to differing customer mission requirements. This            Manager, BMT, commented: “Auxiliary amphibious              supporting numerous major defence projects including
is combined with BMT’s proven track record in               vessels provide essential logistic support to sustain       the Air Warfare Destroyer platform design support,
developing specific solutions for naval customers.          troops ashore. With many navies re-evaluating               Amphibious Assault Ship (LHD) operational safety
The design includes a ro-ro cargo capability, cargo         amphibious warfare operations in response to                case and Auxiliary Tanker Double hull design.
stores and provision to allow replenishment at sea          modern mission requirements, it is essential that              Commenting on BMT’s capabilities in Australia,
for fuel and dry stores, with a well dock to support        support vessels are able to keep pace with evolving         Dove continued: “BMT is proud of the long history
amphibious operations.                                      requirements to ensure vital logistical and supply          we have in supporting Australia’s naval capability,
   ELLIDA™ has the utility to transport and deliver         needs are met. Navies around the world need to              drawing on the extensive experience of our in-country
troops, vehicles, equipment and supplies to and             be equipped with auxiliary platforms that have              experts to harness the knowledge we have gleaned
from anywhere in the world in support of amphibious         the flexibility to support global operations whilst         through global ship design programmes to ensure we
warfare and littoral operations, offering a versatile mix   maintaining the highest levels of safely and reliability,   are delivering the best possible capabilities to the RAN,
of ship-to-shore offloading and logistics capabilities      and we are confident that the ELLIDA™ family of             with platform designs that are fit-for-purpose and able
to allow naval operations through landing craft, boat       vessels will deliver against these requirements.”           to meet the needs of evolving mission requirements.”

10 Asia Pacific Defence Reporter JUNE 2022



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                                                                   KYM BERGMANN // CANBERRA

   If there were any lingering doubts about the importance of a country having direct access to guided weapons – and lots of
 them – then the current conflict between Ukraine and Russia should dispel them. It is mainly due to the large numbers of smart
   munitions flooding in from western nations that the unprovoked and unjustified invasion of Ukraine has ground to a halt with
                                           significant loss of Russian life and materiel.

                                                                                                                  being banned from commenting by Defence,
                                                                                                                  or because they don’t know. It’s possibly both.

                                                                                                                  APDR put the following list of questions to
                                                                                                                  1. What are the next steps being taken for the
                                                                                                                     enterprise to work;
                                                                                                                  2. How will responsibilities be divided between
                                                                                                                     Raytheon and Lockheed Martin;
                                                                                                                  3. What are the priorities for Australian missile
                                                                                                                     manufacture (air-to-air; anti-armour etc);
                                                                                                                  4. How will Defence allocate the $1 billion in
                                                                                                                     funding that has been brought forward
                                                                                                                     Having had more than a year to prepare for the
                                                                                                                  establishment of the Guided Weapons Enterprise,
                                                                                                                  the reply was not particularly illuminating:
                                                                                                                     “Defence is working with its strategic partners,
                                                                                                                  Raytheon Australia and Lockheed Martin Australia,
                                                                                                                  to identify opportunities to increase the Australian
                                                                                                                  Defence Force’s guided weapons inventory and
                                                                                                                  improve supply chain resilience. This will include
                                                                                                                  the manufacturing of missiles or critical missile
                                                                                                                  components in Australia. Further decisions about
Soldiers from the 6th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment fire a Javelin anti-armour weapon during a live-fire
defence serial held for Exercise Diamond Walk at Shoalwater Bay, Queensland. Credit: CoA / Jacob Hilton
                                                                                                                  manufacturing priorities and the allocation of the
                                                                                                                  $1 billion in funding will be informed by this

        here are some estimates that the destruction      western sanctions work as intended. The Russian         analysis.”
        of so many Russian armoured vehicles              economy is hugely dependent on energy exports              To be fair to the Department, this reply was
        since the assault began three months              and is almost completely lacking a modern IT            prepared at a time when the dismal effects of
ago has consumed about seven years’ worth of              industry – a sector critical to produce modern          Peter Dutton’s time as Minister were still being felt
Javelin missile peacetime production. The same            weapons – and once it exhausts its stocks of            and when supplying any useful information to the
might be true of many other guided weapons:               microprocessors and other imported components           Australian public through the media was regarded
Stinger and Starstreak anti-aircraft missiles,            it will be struggling to build much of anything.        as an act of High Treason.
NLAW and Panzerfaust-3 anti-tank systems, and                Defence planners have understood a similar              Nevertheless, some form of roadmap would
almost certainly the air-to-ground weapons fired by       vulnerability for Australia, hence the announcement     have been helpful otherwise it looks as if
Turkish-made Bayraktar TB-2 drones.                       on March 31, 2021 of the need to establish              Defence is continuing the current era pattern of
  For their part the Russians might also have run         a Sovereign Guided Weapons Enterprise,                  announcements but with no actual substance to
out of guided weapons – but the difference is that        confirmed on April 5 this year made up of the           them. It would also have been encouraging to have
Ukraine can be resupplied from multiple sources.          industry team: Lockheed Martin; Raytheon;               felt some sense of urgency to all of this because
Unless Moscow can somehow cobble together                 Aurecon; the Australian Missile Corporation;            it needs to be a high priority task in the national
an arrangement with China, they will have to rely         and the Sovereign Missile Alliance. All of these        interest. As international events are demonstrating,
on their own industry which is likely to find it          entities have been reluctant to discuss the next        crises can occur at short notice and in ways that no
impossible to keep up with demand – particularly if       steps in the process – either because they are          rational person would anticipate.

12 Asia Pacific Defence Reporter JUNE 2022
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to 10 variants thanks to Lynx’s modular design.

More than 100 Australian organizations support Rheinmetall local operations as part of our Australian
industry network, employing thousands of Australians who are growing a sovereign military vehicle industry
with major export programs underway.

                                                                   GEOFF SLOCOMBE // VICTORIA

  Should Australia’s defence forces be preparing for conventional warfare, asymmetric warfare or both? The current acquisition
 spending is leaning heavily towards a small number of expensive platforms in sea, land and air domains. That doesn’t sound like
  a great strategy after seeing the effect the Ukrainians have been having, at the time of writing this article, on Russia’s forces.

           aving experienced serious losses in program under a new three-year full rate production RGM-184 Naval Strike Missile (NSM).
           manpower and equipment, the Russians program.                                                             Former Defence Minister Peter Dutton announced
           have fallen back on long range shelling by       “Our experience in Australia and our proven track on 5th April 2022 that Australia will buy the
artillery and the use of guided weapons, including in record designing and manufacturing sub-assemblies Kongsberg Naval Strike Missile (NSM) to equip the
at least one attack, hypersonic missiles.                for US and other Missiles such as Kongsberg’s RAN’s surface combatants. This will see the NSM
   Why is Australia committing over $270 billion Joint Strike Missile has led to the creation of an anti-ship missile acquired from 2024 to replace the
to a limited number of expensive platforms – nine exceptional local and sovereign capability that can surface-launched Harpoon missile aboard Hobart
frigates, eight nuclear submarines, 75 tanks, and be scaled to meet the ever-increasing demand for class destroyers and ANZAC class frigates in Navy
three or more squadrons of F-35 limited range Guided Weapons in Australia.”                                        service.
fighter aircraft? At the same time there are few if                                                                  This almost certainly means that the forthcoming
any projects developing stocks of small but highly       SEA DOMAIN                                                Hunter Class frigates which will start to arrive in the
effective offensive guided weapons.                      The RGM-84 Harpoon, manufactured by Boeing, late 2030s will also be equipped with NSM guided
   Turning now to Australia’s defence industry, is a ship-launched, all-weather, over-the-horizon, weapons.
BAE Systems Australia has been heavily involved anti-ship missile. With a range of up to 124                         The Raytheon Standard Missile (SM2) is mounted
with guided weapons for a relatively long time. A kilometres, it can fly at high subsonic speeds. Its on the RAN 's major combatants. It is a surface-to-
company representative told APDR that:                   low-level, sea-skimming cruise trajectory, active air defence weapon with fleet area air defence
        “BAE     Systems      Australia                                                                                          and ship self defence as its primary
(BAESA) has more than 30 years’                                                                                                  mission. It flies at a speed greater
experience in designing, developing                                                                                              than Mach 3 (3,578 km/h). It has
and manufacturing guided weapon                                                                                                  also demonstrated an extended area
systems for the Australian Defence                                                                                               air defence projection capability and
Force and exporting to Australia’s                                                                                               has a secondary mission as an anti-
allies.                                                                                                                          surface ship missile.
   “This includes our role as Prime                                                                                                 The AGM-114N Hellfire missile
Contractor for the Nulka Active                                                                                                  is a precision air-to-ground weapon
Missile Decoy and design and                                                                                                     delivering multi-target capability
production as the Australian industry                                                                                            and strike lethality. It is capable
lead for Raytheon’s NATO Evolved                                                                                                 of attacking targets out to eight
Sea Sparrow Missile (ESSM)                                                                                                       kilometres and reaches speeds in
consortium.                                                                                                                      excess of Mach 1.
   “Nulka is Australia’s most                                                                                                       The AGM-114N variant which the
successful defence export, with             HMAS Stuart conducts a live Harpoon Missile firing off the coast of Hawaii during    Royal Australian Navy has purchased
over A$1 Billion in export sales to         Exercise Rim of the Pacific 2020. Credit: CoA / Christopher Szumlanski               contains a Metal Augmented Charge
close allies with BAESA developing,                                                                                              (MAC) and is ideal for the Navy’s
assembling and maintaining ordinance propulsion radar guidance and warhead design assure high use from the MH-60R Seahawk helicopter in the
systems, flight control systems, launch sub-systems survivability and effectiveness.                               anti-surface warfare role. The MH-60R is capable
and platform integration.                                   It is carried by The Royal Australian Navy’s of carrying up to eight Hellfire missiles.
   “Our work on Raytheon’s ESSM includes a (RAN’s) eight Anzac frigates and three Hobart class                       On 16 Sep 2021, Australian Prime Minister
range of sub-assemblies including the missile’s destroyers which are fitted with Harpoon launch Scott Morrison announced that Australia will buy
thrust vector controller, aerodynamic control fins, tubes and a large supply of the missiles. Since 2018 Tomahawk cruise missiles for the RAN’s Hobart
fuselage and internal structure elements, telemetry the RGM-84J model Harpoon has also been able to Class destroyers. The Raytheon Tomahawk
data transmitting systems as well as sophisticated be fired from the RAAF’s P-8A Poseidon aircraft.                Land Attack Missile is a long-range, all-weather,
pitch over autopilot algorithms. We have recently           The U.S. Navy, which currently operates much jet-powered, subsonic cruise missile that is currently
secured the contract to deliver critical hardware and upgraded Harpoon missiles, is expected to outfit used by the United States Navy and Royal Navy in
software sub-assemblies into Block 2 of the ESSM its new Littoral Combat Ships with the Norwegian ship- and submarine-based land-attack operations.

14 Asia Pacific Defence Reporter JUNE 2022

                                                                                                                range variant of the Spike LR the Australian Army
                                                                                                                has acquired. This weapon has been chosen for
                                                                                                                the Boxer CRVs and also as the new infantry Long
                                                                                                                Range Direct Fire Support Weapon.
                                                                                                                   Lieutenant General Rick Burr, Chief of Army,
                                                                                                                has noted; “The Long-Range Direct Fire Support
                                                                                                                Weapon capability will enable our dismounted
                                                                                                                teams to engage armoured targets faster, at
                                                                                                                increased range, and with improved accuracy.
                                                                                                                New technology and capabilities enable Army to
                                                                                                                challenge its adversaries in complex, remote and
                                                                                                                hostile environments.
                                                                                                                   “The alignment with the Combat Reconnaissance
                                                                                                                Vehicle (Land 400 Phase 2) will also enable Army
                                                                                                                to deliver improved operational effects for the ADF
                                                                                                                in sustainment, training and maintenance.”
                                                                                                                   Australia has announced a new partnership with
                                                                                                                Lockheed Martin in the U.S. to develop precision
                                                                                                                strike missile technology capable of hitting targets
                                                                                                                at ranges of more than 400km in an effort to
                                                                                                                bolster Australia’s military capabilities. In a recent
                                                                                                                memorandum of understanding between the
Australian Army soldiers from the 16th Regiment, Royal Australian Artillery, engage a threat with the RBS-70
Man-Portable Air Defence Missile System at the Shoalwater Bay Training Area in Queensland, during Exercise
                                                                                                                Australian Army and the US military, the two
Talisman Sabre 2021. Credit: CoA / Madhur Chitnis                                                               countries pledge to increase the lethality, range
                                                                                                                and target engagement of the missile under

LAND DOMAIN                                             The Javelin’s time of flight is approximately 14
                                                                                                                   Meanwhile thirty upgraded Saab RBS-70
The world’s most advanced short-range ground-           seconds for 2 kilometres.                               (Robotsystem 70) short range air defence weapon
based air defence (SRGBAD) system will soon               Israel’s Rafael has demonstrated a new multi-         systems are being divided between two Air Defence
enter service with the Australian Defence Force,        missile launcher design for its Spike NLOS (non-line    Batteries within Army’s 16th Regiment. The more
following the successful approval of the Project        of sight) missile which gives the opportunity to        sophisticated Bolide improved variant of this missile
LAND 19 Phase 7B program.                               defeat a massed tank attack. The NLOS is a long-        have now been purchased for Army.
   The selection of the Enhanced National Advanced
Surface-to-Air Missile (NASAMS) will ensure
significant and crucial capability to Army, as well
as the project delivering hundreds of jobs. This
enhanced solution will feature a number of sensor,
vehicle and integration options of Australian design
added to the ‘baseline’ NASAMS.
   Raytheon has a contract to produce an
unspecified number of NASAMS systems for use
with the Australian Army. The batteries will be
mounted on Hawkei protected mobility vehicles.
   The Javelin Weapon System was introduced into
the Australian Army to engage and destroy current
and anticipated enemy armour at ranges beyond
that achievable with previous shoulder-fired anti-
armour systems.
   The system also offers the capability to destroy
slow-moving or hovering rotary wing aircraft, or
fortifications. Combat arms units employ Javelin as
a dismounted shoulder-fired weapon. Javelin may
be fitted to vehicle platforms. Targets are engaged
by locking on to their heat signature and once fired;   Australian Army soldiers from the 3rd Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment's Direct Fire Support Weapons
                                                        Platoon fire a Javelin weapon system during a combined arms attack on Exercise Long Khanh in Townsville
there is no further requirement to guide the missile.   Field Training Area. Credit: CoA / Neil Ruskin

                                                                                                                                  Asia Pacific Defence Reporter JUNE 2022 15

                                                                                                                   range of more than 130km. Its seeker is a terminal
                                                                                                                   infrared seeker slaved to an integrated GPS-inertial
                                                                                                                   navigation system.
                                                                                                                      An enhanced version, the JSOW C-1, adds a
                                                                                                                   datalink allowing the weapon to attack moving
                                                                                                                   targets such as ships, giving the Super Hornet a
                                                                                                                   stand-off maritime attack capability.
                                                                                                                      The Thales BLU-111(AUS)B/B is designed as
                                                                                                                   a direct replacement for the older-generation Mk
                                                                                                                   82 500lb iron bombs. It is a new-generation air-to-
                                                                                                                   ground munition manufactured by Thales Australia
                                                                                                                   and has been introduced into RAAF service.
                                                                                                                      This high-explosive iron bomb was delivered
                                                                                                                   to No 3 Squadron at RAAF Base Williamtown
                                                                                                                   in September 2021, where it was configured by
                                                                                                                   armament technicians as a GBU-12 Paveway II laser
                                                                                                                   guided bomb before being loaded onto the F-35A
                                                                                                                   Joint Strike Fighter for a training sortie.
MH-60R helicopter Tiger 16 fires an AGM-114N Hellfire missile during the Anti-Submarine Warfare phase of               The AGM-88 HARM (high-speed antiradiation
Exercise Tigerfish off the coast of South East Australia. Credit: CoA                                              missile) is a supersonic air-to-surface tactical missile
                                                                                                                   designed to seek and destroy enemy radar-equipped
AIR                                                         The wing kit is based on DSTG's original 1980s         air defense systems. The AGM-88 can detect,
                                                         Kerkanya glide bomb technology demonstrator. It           attack and destroy a target with minimum aircrew
The AIM-120 Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-                bestows a massive increase in the range of the            input. Guidance is provided through reception of
Air Missile, (AMRAAM) is an American beyond-             weapons. At Woomera two Mk82 JDAM ERs were                signals emitted from a ground-based threat radar.
visual-range air-to-air missile capable of all-weather   released from RAAF Hornets flying at 20,000ft and         It has the capability of discriminating a single target
day-and-night operations. Designed with a 7-inch         Mach 0.7 and flew over 40km, striking their targets       from a number of emitters in the environment.
(180 mm) diameter, and employing active transmit-        with an accuracy of just 1.5m.                               Australia has acquired almost one hundred
receive radar guidance instead of semi-active               The RAAF has taken delivery of multiple Raytheon       of these missiles for deployment with EA-18G
receive-only radar guidance, it has the advantage of     AGM-154C Joint Stand-Off Weapon (JSOW C) for              Growler aircraft, as well as up to 40 AGM-88E
being fire-and-forget.                                   its F/A-18F Super Hornet fleet. The JSOW C is a           Advanced Anti-Radiation Guided Missile
   The Matra-BAe AIM-132 Advanced Short-Range            precision guided land attack glide weapon with a          (AARGM) tactical missiles.
Air to Air Missile (ASRAAM) was originally selected
during the late 1990s as the RAAF's new Within
Visual Range (WVR) AAM, originally for use on the             IN CONCLUSION                                        a relatively small radar cross-section and its
F/A-18A+, but now out of service.                                                                                  slow cruising speed of 70-120 knots (130-220
   Also, on 5 April 2022 then Minister for Defence,           Looking down the list of guided weapons              km/h) may have bamboozled the operators of
Peter Dutton announced that Defence will accelerate           currently in service with the ADF, or will be        Russia’s surface-to-air missile radars in the
the acquisition of the Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff          soon, one has to be struck by the fact that they     Ukraine, which are optimised for fast jets or
Missile Extended Range (JASSM-ER) for the RAAF.               are destined to travel at relatively high speed to   missiles.
   “With Australia’s strategic environment becoming           distant targets.                                        With a communication range of less than
more complex and challenging, our ADF must                       APDR has not, to the date of this publication,    300 km and a payload capacity of 150 kg, the
be able to hold potential adversary forces and                yet seen evidence that Defence has been              TB2 can remain airborne for just over 24 hours.
infrastructure at risk from a greater distance,”              learning from the lessons coming out of the          By the same token Defence should also invest
Minister Dutton said. “The JASSM-ER will enable               Russian invasion of Ukraine. Surely, as a            in other small guided weapons including the
the FA-18F Super Hornet, and in future the F-35A              minimum, they should be acquiring at least           AeroVironment Switchblade. When launched
Lightning II, to engage targets at a range of 900km.”         50 Turkish-made Bayraktar TB2 drones, and            from a tube, its spring-loaded wings flip out
   This announcement also confirmed that deliveries           hundreds of its underslung explosives, which         and it then flies to its target area, loiters
are expected to commence as soon as 2024.                     can be deployed four at a time.                      briefly if necessary while it lines up its target,
   An Australian-developed wing kit has transformed              At a cost of just over a million dollars each,    then crashes on to it, detonating its explosive
the range of Boeing's GPS-guided JDAM 'smart'                 a huge number can be acquired for the cost           warhead.
bomb verified by flight testing at Woomera. The               of just one large platform being acquire for the        Video from Ukraine shows how deadly this
RAAF has already ordered JDAM and Australian                  future ADF’s. The TB2’s 6.5 metre length, 2.5        weapon is against even hardened targets like
industry is hoping a new RAAF order will kick-start           metre height and 12 metre wingspan create            tanks and other armoured vehicles.
series production of the extended range version.

16 Asia Pacific Defence Reporter JUNE 2022
        EOS and Nova Systems, creating a
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                                                              GEOFF SLOCOMBE // VICTORIA

             – AIR DOMAIN
     On 1 March 2021 a contract award announcement from the US Naval Air Systems Command stated that Lockheed Martin had
    secured a $49.3 million contract for work on the integration of its Long-Range Anti-Ship Missile (LRASM) on the Royal Australian
      Air Force F/A-18 E/F Super Hornets. Lockheed is expected to complete work on integrating and testing the missile on these
                                                         aircraft by March 2026.

        his contract award for the integration of
        the missiles onto RAAF aircraft follows
        Australia’s 200-LRASM order under a $990
million contract from July 2020. The AGM-158C
LRASM is a significant upgrade from Australia’s
current AGM-84 air-launched Harpoon anti-ship
missile, which was introduced in the early 1980s,
with a range of 124 kilometres. The LRASM has a
range in excess of 370 kilometres.
  At the end of March 2022, the Prime Minister                                                                                                                      M

announced Australia’s Sovereign Guided Weapons                                                                                                                      Y

Enterprise. This was followed three weeks later by                                                                                                                 CM

Lockheed Martin and Thales Australia finalising a
teaming agreement that will advance the delivery
of an Australian guided weapons manufacturing                                                                                                                      CY

capability in support of the Enterprise.                                                                                                                           CMY

  The agreement will see these experienced

strategic industry partners cooperate in the
design, development and production of Lockheed       Royal Australian Air Force F/A-18F Super Hornets A44-207 and A44-216 from No. 1 Squadron during Exercise
                                                     Diamond Shield. Credit: CoA / Kieren Whiteley
Martin’s LRASM SL variant, with a specific focus
on booster and rocket motor technologies. This       weapons development is very challenging. Making        locally manufactured elements into overseas
guided weapon will be fired from RAAF aircraft or    a rocket that can travel at five times the speed of    sourced main missile bodies, or should it attempt
launched from naval vessels.                         sound but with advanced guidance and propulsion        to build whole guided missiles?
                                                                                                               This may be a case of needing to walk before
                                                                                                            starting to run. The Australian participants in
  The agreement will see these experienced strategic industry                                               this Guided Weapon Sovereign Enterprise have
 partners cooperate in the design, development and production                                               the capabilities to manufacture sophisticated
                                                                                                            parts but will need to take time to upskill and
of Lockheed Martin’s LRASM SL variant, with a specific focus on                                             equip themselves with suitable technology before
            booster and rocket motor technologies.                                                          reaching the stage of complete missile assembly.
                                                                                                               In parallel, industry academia and Defence will
                                                                                                            have people capable of developing designs which
  In April 2022 the U.S. Defense Department          to manoeuvre at extremely high speeds isn’t easy.      can be built in Australia.
announced the successful test during the previous      But once the big scientific problems are solved,        When the threat of open warfare is dire, and
month of the Hypersonic Air-breathing Weapon         smaller ones become a lot easier. For example,         guided weapons are urgently required in quantity,
Concept (HAWC), an aircraft-launched cruise          what do you do with all the heat? How does             there is no future in expecting coalition partners
missile. The test coincided with video of the        the guided missile control itself at very high         to provide large numbers of these weapons to
Russian use of a hypersonic missile against a        speeds? These are some of the challenges that          us. Building our own capabilities is starting not
Ukrainian military target, also in March.            the Australian Enterprise will be wrestling with and   a moment too soon. It is a given that the future
  The successful HAWC test and other recent          hopefully developing innovative solutions.             troubled and potentially dangerous situation
advances in hypersonics development suggest            What should Australian Industry’s role be?           currently existing in the Indo-Pacific region, could
faster progress from here onwards. Hypersonic        Should it be building components, integrating          break out into open warfare with very short notice.

18 Asia Pacific Defence Reporter JUNE 2022
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                                                                    KYM BERGMANN // CANBERRA

    In most conceivable conflicts, the RAN will play a major role. In rough order of probability, these tasks could be: protecting
    Australia’s sea lines of communication, participating in coalition naval task forces and conducting amphibious operations in
    conjunction with the Army. For all of these, having adequate protection against airborne and subsurface threats is essential
                        because one doesn’t deploy ships if there is a strong probability that they will be sunk.

                                                           missile and then waiting to see whether it has hit is     of Standard Missile 6 Block I (SM-6) and Standard
                                                           just too risky, so one would fire two of them close       Missile 2 Block IIIC (SM-2 IIIC) missiles. These
                                                           together at the same target.                              services include development; engineering,
                                                               If the first destroys the threat, then the second     integration, and testing (EI&T); obsolescence
                                                           missile might be wasted – but that is still an            engineering activities required to ensure readiness;
                                                           acceptable use of resources rather than betting           U.S. Government and contractor engineering/
                                                           everything on a successful first hit. If they both miss   technical assistance, and related studies and
                                                           then you fire another two as fast as possible, launch     analysis support; technical and logistics support
                                                           your own decoys, switch on the Phalanx close in           services; and other related elements of program and
                                                           weapon system and prepare to man the lifeboats.           logistical support. The total estimated value is $350
                                                               While missile technology is reliable, it is not       million.”
                                                           infallible – especially in circumstances where an            Raytheon Australia has a missile integration facility
                                                           enemy is using jamming and launching decoys as            in Adelaide; we have been given legal permission to
                                                           well as the real thing. If a single incoming aircraft     manufacture the SM-2/SM-6 family here – so why
                                                           simultaneously launched four sea-skimming missiles        aren’t we? Perhaps we are and it’s being kept secret.
                                                           – a not unreasonable assumption – any navy using             Other guided weapons of huge importance for
                                                           the shoot-shoot-look approach would be launching          anti-submarine warfare are lightweight torpedoes.
                                                           a lot of its own SM-2s and ESSMs in a short space         For reasons too complex to go into here, the RAN
                                                           of time. Assuming it survives the attack, we then         uses two types: the MU-90 assembled in Australia
                                                           turn to the problem of resupply – and in the case of      by Eurotorp; and the fully imported Mk 54 from the
The Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS
Paul Ignatius (DDG 117) launches an SM-3 missile
                                                           Australia, without the capacity to manufacture our        US and made – once again – by Raytheon. Put
during exercise At-Sea Demo/Formidable Shield, May         own missiles the locker would soon be empty.              simply: MU-90s are fired from surface ships and Mk
26, 2021. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication
                                                               The situation regarding ESSM is complex because       54s are dropped by ASW helicopters such as the
Specialist 2nd Class Nathan T. Beard)
                                                           it is manufactured by a multi-nation consortium – of      MH-60R and aircraft – mainly the P-8A Poseidon.
                                                           which Australia is a part – headed by the company            With quite a lot of talent in Australian industry for

        he main form of defence against aircraft,          Raytheon. For the moment, it might be necessary for       underwater warfare, the local design and manufacture
        cruise missiles and larger UAVs are missiles:      Australia to just have a huge stock of them. However,     of lightweight torpedoes should be possible and
        SM-2 for medium range threats to a distance        for SM-2 and SM-6 the picture is potentially brighter,    needs to be a high priority if it is not already so.
of about 200km – to be replaced and/or augmented           with the US agreeing in a rare – if not unique -          Another contender for local production – if money is
by SM-6 - and Evolved Sea Sparrow Missiles                 decision to allow them to be manufactured here. In        no longer an object – should be Norwegian company
(ESSM) for shorter range protection within 50km.           August 2021 the Defense & Security Cooperation            Kongsberg’s surface-to-surface Naval Strike Missile,
In a high threat environment, the RAN has to plan          Agency said:                                              which will be the backbone of the RAN’s strike
on firing a lot of them with ships either protecting           “The State Department has made a determination        capability for the next couple of decades.
themselves, or other vessels in a task group or even       approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to the            This formidable weapon, which can also be used
commercial traffic.                                        Government of Australia of Defense Services Related       against land targets and is designed to operate in a
   Tactics and doctrine are rarely officially discussed,   to Future Standard Missile Production and related         complex littoral environment – just look at a map of
for obvious reasons, but the RAN probably would            equipment for an estimated cost of $350 million.          the coast of Norway – has already been selected
employ the same processes as many other navies             The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered         by the USN. It can also be mounted on trucks and
with a shoot-shoot-look approach to incoming aerial        the required certification notifying Congress of this     used for coastal defence, as Poland is doing. A
threats. Put simply, because incoming aircraft and         possible sale today.                                      manufacturing centre in the southern part of the
missiles are closing rapidly – and getting faster as           “The Government of Australia has requested to         Indo-Pacific region would not only bolster Australia’s
technology evolves – to fire only a single protective      buy defense services related to the future purchase       defences but would also support US operations.

20 Asia Pacific Defence Reporter JUNE 2022
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