Your free digital Flight Simulation magazine - Vol.2 Issue 5 December 2018 - PC Pilots Ireland

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Your free digital Flight Simulation magazine - Vol.2 Issue 5 December 2018 - PC Pilots Ireland
Vol.2   Issue 5   December 2018

Your free digital Flight Simulation magazine
Your free digital Flight Simulation magazine - Vol.2 Issue 5 December 2018 - PC Pilots Ireland
Your free digital Flight Simulation magazine - Vol.2 Issue 5 December 2018 - PC Pilots Ireland
Welcome once again.

                              The annual Flight Sim Weekend in Lelystad, The
                              Netherlands took place on Saturday 3rd and Sunday
                              4th of November. I and Michael Collins were there
                              where we met up with our Flight Sim Cockpit owner
                              friends for our annual get-together. This year the
                              show has less commercial exhibitors that previous
                              years. However, there were enough to keep us
                              occupied for the day. We were told that there will be
                              a change in the organiser of commercial exhibitors
                              which will mean a return to more exhibitors. There
                              are photos of the show on page 51.
                              While on the way to the show on the Saturday
                              morning, we noticed that the new Lelystand Airport terminal had an Open
                              Day for the locals. Of course we went in for a look around. Only the main
                              entrance area was open, which was not yet completed but there were
                              aviation companied there recruiting along with the airport management
                              displaying the airport layout. (Photos below).
      Published by
  The PC Pilots Ireland       In his Plane Talking column, Ian eluded to my 737 Cockpit being AOG        (Aircraft On Ground) for some months now. I had a problem where my
                              Jetmax TQ suddenly became erratic, which I could not solve. So I made the
       Contributors           decision to change to Prepar3D (P3D). Components for a new PC were
        Terry McGee           ordered and assembled by my friend Padraig. P3D installed, orbx, airport   scenery and the iFly 737 Pro installed mid December. I’m still grounded at
                              the moment as I have a problem with a script file for my MCP/EFIS, which
          Ian Broni           Sismo are helping me with. I can’t wait to get back in the virtual skies and       rejoin the virtual pilots on VATSIM.

        John Melville         The next issue is due in March 2019.      Terry McGee

      John McNeely

       Philip Wafer




Contents:                             Page
Chillblast advert                     2           Hold Short                                 32
Editorial                             3           Plane Talking                              34
Front Cover                           4           uPilot Flight Simulation Centre            39
Arrivals (New Products)               5           Freeware Focus FSX & P3D                   40
Old School                            21          Freeware Focus FS2004                      44
Cockpit Hardware                      25          Freeware Focus X-Plane                     46
Madrid Barajas professional           27          Aviation Gallery                           51
Flightsim Apps                        31          NOTAMs                                     54
                                                  Aerosoft Advert                            55

Your free digital Flight Simulation magazine - Vol.2 Issue 5 December 2018 - PC Pilots Ireland
By Arild Elverum

P3D V4/FSX Dassault Falcon 20E Version 1.1. Dassault Falcon 20E for Prepar3D V4 and FSX. Version 1.1 with
accumulated fixes such as FSX interior glass, panel cfg and gauge fixes. 3 different models and 6 liveries. Models:
Business Jet, ECM and Cobham Electronic Warfare Training Aircraft. Liveries: Royal Norwegian Air Force, Royal
Norwegian Air Force ECM, French Air Force, Cobahm, HB-VDZ and White. Custom flight dynamics and gauges. It
has a working VC but uses the Lear 45 2D panel and sounds. See Readme for installation and options. Pilot Notes
are included.
and altitude.

Your free digital Flight Simulation magazine - Vol.2 Issue 5 December 2018 - PC Pilots Ireland
Rhodes Intl. Airport Diagoras          sunsets and much more looks just         borg). Highly detailed airport ter-
From JustSim                           gorgeous together with a new ad-         minal. Realistic HD textures cre-                      don from RSDesign. The list of fea-      ated from on-site photography.
                                       tures you can see below. Also, at        Custom modelled ground support
                                       the request of many users, we            vehicles. Hand-edited ground tex-
                                       have made the simplest installation      tures at 30cm/pixel resolution.
                                       of the product using the in-             High quality modelled airport build-
                                       staller. Features: Photoreal Autumn      ings High quality modelled civilian
                                       sky. Realistic Autumn Atmosphere.        and military static airplanes featur-
                                       Realistic brightness of clouds at dif-   ing types unique to the airport.
                                       ferent times. Realistic night light-     Animated ground support vehicles.
                                       ing. Smooth transition of lights be-     Animated military vehicles. Custom
Rhodes International Airport was       tween day and night. Good tones of       modelled vegetation, grass, trees.
the fourth busiest airport in Greece   the internal and external parts of       Hand placed autogen. Designed to
as of 2017, with 5,301,517 passen-     the aircraft. Autumn colours of the      blend seamlessly with ORBX Global
gers utilizing the airport. The air-   terrain.      Reflection   on     air-   Base. Scenery Configurator.
port's single runway direction is      craft. Realistic autumn cold haze.
070/250, having a length of 3,306      Photoreal water colour. Realistic        AutogenXP Washington and
meters and a width of 60 meters.       water waves. Beautiful effect of
There are six taxiways connecting                                               Oregon X-Plane 11
                                       movement of waves. Cool realistic
the runway with the terminal. Tar-                                              From Taburet
                                       autumn tones. Sepia and DPX ef-
mac can accommodate up to 14                                          
                                       fects. Very simple installation, the
airplanes simultaneously and up to     installer is present.
type 747. Features: For use on
P3D. Fully compatible with FTX
                                       Aalborg X FSX P3D
Global openLC Europe. Shading and
                                       From Vidan Design
occlusion (texture baking) effects
on terminal and other airport build-
ings. Ground polygons made with
the requirements of the SDK Pre-
par3D. Dynamic lighting of the
apron - only Prepar3D V4. High
                                                                                AutogenXP uses a blending of data
resolution ground textures & cus-
                                                                                available to provide a full coverage
tom runway textures. High resolu-
                                                                                for the area it covers. The function
tion building textures. Many ani-
                                                                                of AutogenXP is to add autogen
mated custom ground vehicles.
                                                                                scenery according to real world
Surrounding area with custom
                                                                                data that can be of difference
autogen. Fully AI traffic compatible   Aalborg X is a highly detailed and       sources. Taking full advantage of
with accurate AFCAD file. Excellent    realistic rendition of Aalborg Airport   the X-Plane scenery system this
night effects. 3D birds. 3D grass.     (EKYT, AAL), Denmark’s third larg-       scenery is very gentle on frames
Optimized for excellent perform-       est airport, situated 6 km from the      rates; works along with any HD
ance. Fully 3d taxiways lighting.      centre of Aalborg in northern Jut-       Mesh; Photorealistic scenery; Air-
Automatic season change for vege-      land. The airport is a dual-use mili-    port Scenery or what else you like
tation, photo background high          tary and civil airport with scheduled    to put on top of it including
resolution. Realistic reflections on   flights to Copenhagen, Oslo, Am-         NightXP. Very easy installation.
glass. Inclusion of manual in PDF      sterdam, Faroe Islands, Barcelona,       Coverage: States of Washington
format.                                London and other European cities         and Oregon.
                                       as well as many charter destina-
Autumn Set Ultimate P3D4               tions. Aalborg Air Base is home to       Boeing 787 Dreamliner V2
From RealisticSceneryDesign            Royal Danish Air Force (RDAF) 721
                                                                                From AFS-Design                      Squadron, Air Transport Wing Aal-
                                       borg, which is equipped with Lock-
                                       heed C-130 Hercules. This product
                                       is    for   your     personal,   non-
                                       commercial use. Please contact Vi-
                                       dan Design for commercial licenses
                                       inquiries. For Microsoft Flight Simu-
                                       lator X, Microsoft Flight Simulator
                                       X: Steam Edition and Lockheed
                                       Martin Prepar3Dv4. File size: 782
                                       MB. Installation size: 1.7 GB. Fea-
Beautiful autumn cold flights, in-     tures: Highly detailed rendition of
credible views, realistic flights in   Aalborg Airport EKYT, AAL and Aal-
the mountains, excellent sunrises,                                              The Boeing 787 Dreamliner is a
                                       borg Air Base (Flyvestation Aal-         twin-engine long-range airliner and

Your free digital Flight Simulation magazine - Vol.2 Issue 5 December 2018 - PC Pilots Ireland
is designed for 200 to 300 passen-      by several pilots for maximum ac-      includes autogen. The main fea-
gers. It is one of the most fuel-       curacy. *RealityXP GTN 750 is sold     tures: Dublin City in high definition
efficient aircraft in the world and     separately. Included in the pack-      0.25m/pixel. Autogen       (buildings/
the first large commercial aircraft     age: 6 HD liveries. 1 HD blank tex-    trees). 3D customized buildings:
primarily made from composite           ture. S550 Normal and Emergency        Samuel Beckett Bridge, Convention
materials. The B787 is designed to      Procedures PDF. S550 Performance       Centre, Trinity College, Four courts,
burn up to 20% less than the Boe-       tables PDF. S550 Reference table       Aviva stadium and more. Misc ob-
ing 767. It has an electronic control   PDF. Electronic Flight Information     jects: Ships, ferries, Ports, Bridges.
system (fly by wire), a four-piece      System PDF. Multi Function Display     3D streets lights by night on the
windshield, noise-reducing chev-        PDF.     Recommended       Settings    main roads and streets of the city
rons on the engines, and a              XPLANE 11 PDF.                         (For FTX Global users). Compatible
smoother nose contour. New fea-                                                with FTX Global/Ireland, Mega Air-
tures in Boeing 787 Dreamliner v2:      FSDG - Cape Town                       port Dublin and other Irish addons.
Nav set switches. Repaints: China       From FSDG                              Requirements: FSX, P3D.
Southern Airlines, KLM. External
cockpit section. Winglets. 3D ele-                                             HD Cities - Malta
ments in the virtual cockpit: Win-                                             From Prealsoft
dow frame, pilot seats and usable                                    
3D switches. Gauges: Radar
Height, Seatbelt, No Smoking.
Light switches. MFD's now very
easy to read. Flaps. Flight dynamic
with stall limit. Trim features. Tex-
ture improvements. Sounds. All
models have a fully functional
cockpit. FMC (Flight Management         Cape Town - Welcome to the Cape
Computer) features: 15 different        of Good Hope! At the southern tip
menus. Gauge of miscellaneous           of the African continent lies one of
flight parameter. Use of flightplan.    its busiest airports - Cape Town In-   Malta is one of the world's smallest
Calculation of courses analogical       ternational Airport. With more than    and most densely populated coun-
wind, high-level and aerodrome of       4 million passengers and 100,000       tries, at over 316 km2 (122 sq mi)
destination. Follow of waypoints.       aircraft movements per year it         with a population of about
Course gauge and autopilot control.     serves as a main hub for the south-    475,000. Its capital is Valletta,
Includes 9 liveries plus a texture      ern hemisphere. Don't miss out this    which is the smallest national capi-
repainter. Requirements: FSX, FSX       outstanding scenery. Features: Ac-     tal in the European Union by area
Steam edition.                          curate rendition of Cape Town In-      at 0.8 km.2. Its largest town is
                                        ternational Airport, South Africa      Birkirkara, while its chief economic
S550 Citation II X-Plane 11             (FACT). Realistic shadow and light     centre is Sliema. The official lan-
From Carenado                           rendition. New dynamic lights tech-    guages are Maltese and English,                        nology (P3D V4). Optimized for         with Maltese also recognised as the
                                        great performance and visual re-       national language. Maltese is the
                                        sults. Compatible with SODE jet-       only Semitic language to be offi-
                                        ways and animations. Compatible        cially recognised in the European
                                        with all known add-ons including       Union. Italian is also spoken by
                                        AES, GSX, UTX, FS Global and the       most of the population. The main
                                        FTX series. System requirements:       features: GIS Data Map of Malta
                                        FSX, FSX: Steam Edition or Pre-        Islands 0.5m/pixel. Autogen
                                        par3D V3/V4.                           (Houses and trees). Customized 3D
Carenado has released their S550                                               Buildings. Optimized for best frame
Citation II for X-Plane 11. Features    HD Cities - Dublin                     rates. Compatible with Malta Air-
include: State-of-the-art configur-     From Prealsoft                         port Sceneries. Requirements: FSX,
able FPS-friendly logic system.                      P3D.
Fully VR compatible. Full PBR
(Superb material shines and reflec-                                            Mega Airport Madrid
tions). Specially designed engine                                              professional
dynamics for XP11. Flight physics
                                                                               From Sim-wings
optimized for XP11 standards.
Ground handling adapted for XP11
ground physics. Physically Based
Rendering materials and textures
throughout. PBR materials au-
thored with industry-standard soft-     Dublin is the capital and largest
ware used by the film and gaming        city in Ireland. Dublin is in the
industries. Support for RealityXP’s     province of Leinster on the east
GTN750* (integrated into 3D cock-       coast of Ireland, at the mouth of
pit, when available).      Goodway      the River Liffey and bordered on
Compatible. Realistic behaviour         the south by the Wicklow Moun-
compared to the real airplane. Re-      tains. Dublin city reproduced en-      Sim-wings present Mega Airport
alistic weight and balance. Tested      tirely in High Definition which also   Madrid professional with all build-

Your free digital Flight Simulation magazine - Vol.2 Issue 5 December 2018 - PC Pilots Ireland
ings and service facilities for Pre-    aircraft type in our Ethiopian Cock-      PA-30 Twin Comanche, we've bun-
par3D V4. The aerial image covers       pit series: the Airbus A350XWB at         dled in compatibility for the most
a total surface of 400 km² and the      the exact time that the airline will      popular avionics add-ons with mul-
detailed 3D models and animations       celebrate 100 airplanes in service!       tiple configurations available to
bring the scenery to life. In addi-     When we first started filming the         choose from. Compatible 3rd party
tion to the default jetway anima-       company operated 46 aircraft. To          avionics include the following:
tions, SODE jetways are optionally      celebrate this event we're not only       Flight1 750 GTN, Flight1 650 GTN,
supported. The scenery also comes       releasing one of our best programs        Reality XP 530 GNS, Reality XP 430
with a detailed AFCAD that includes     but we're giving you 2 programs           GNS, Navstax Radio/Navigation
parking positions and approach          for the price of 1 with a total of no     Suite. The PA-30 Twin Comanche
procedures – the latter can be tog-     less than 5 hours! Everything you         includes our custom coded, very
gled between North and South ap-        ever wanted to know about the             accurate simulation of the vener-
proaches. Features: Mega Airport        A350 explained by our pilots and 2        able KAP 140 autopilot. Our
Madrid-Barajas with all buildings       fantastic routes with Dubai and           MVAMS pre-flight configuration util-
and service facilities like VOR, ILS.   London! Features: 300 minutes of          ity runs outside the simulator pro-
Aerial image for the airport and its    action. 3 Continents (Africa, Asia,       viding the means to configure and
close environment (total of 400         Europe). External Walk around In-         incrementally    update    individual
km²). Autogen buildings and vege-       spection. Preflight Preparations.         products to quickly address issues
tation for the entire aerial image      Cockpit Set Up. Pilot Briefings.          and make fixes when required,
area. Detailed airport buildings,       Checklists. Airport Arrival & Depar-      without having to download and
terminal 4 and terminal 4 satellite     ture Charts. Cockpit Presentation.        reinstall complete new versions of
with interior equipment. Detailed       All the new features on the A350.         the aircraft. Special Features: Real-
animated jetway models, (Ctrl-J),       Pilot Presentations. Great scenery        istic flight dynamics. Realistic
SODE jetways as a free download         to Dubai, London, and en route.           startup and shutdowns. Realistic
option. Docking systems at all          Cabin views and service and a lot         systems and avionics. 5 HD liver-
gates and functional windsocks.         more.                                     ies. REX/Milviz WXR included. Real-
Partly    prerendered      shadowing/                                             istic night lighting, landing lights
night lighting. Detailed ground                                                   and custom effects. Support for 3rd
                                        PA-30 Twin Comanche
markings. Scenery and aerial im-                                                  Party Avionics (RealityXP, Flight1,
                                        From Milviz
age are georeferenced to ensure                                                   Navstax). High quality external and
best possible compatibility with                                                  internal models. Highly detailed
other add-ons. Animated vehicle                                                   product operating handbook in-
traffic on the apron and around the                                               cluded. True Glass, Real Light in-
airport. Detailed AFCAD files with                                                cluded (current version P3D v4
airline parking codes and approach                                                only). For FSX & Prepar3D v2/v3/4.
procedures; can be toggled be-
tween North and South approach in                                                 EGKA Shoreham Airport
the config menu. Advanced config                                                  From ORBX
tool.    Simple     installation:  no                                   
changes to default configurations
necessary. Special P3D V4 Fea-
                                        The Twin Comanche completes our
tures: All code (BGLs) compiled
                                        trilogy of light twins. Simpler and
with P3D V4 SDK, using new mate-
                                        easier to maintain than its rivals, it
rial options and being performance
                                        holds fond memories for the many
optimised to the new engine. All
                                        who flew it in their multi-engine
objects optimised for new shadow
                                        training days. It is a must for the
technology. Dynamic lights (can be
                                        general aviation enthusiast who
turned off per area via config tool).
                                        would rather fly the plane them-
Ground layout incl. detailed aerial
                                        selves than let an autopilot have all
image following P3D V4 SDK. Opti-                                                 We are continuing our mission to
                                        the fun. We've paid particular at-
mised runway lighting with activa-                                                port over UK airports to X-Plane
                                        tention to the flight dynamics with
tion/deactivation based on time of                                                and Shoreham Airport is the latest
                                        a heavy focus on creating an air-
day and weather conditions.                                                       contender. Shoreham is the oldest
                                        craft that is realistic not only in the
                                        visual department, but also in the        licensed airfield in the UK and has
Ethiopian A350XWB                       way it handles. Hundreds of hours         a beautiful art deco style terminal
From Just Planes                        of testing and expert refinement          building which we have faithfully                  have resulted in a rewarding, yet         portrayed. You will love both the
                                        ultimately enjoyable, flight experi-      history and natural beauty of the
                                        ence that successfully mimics all         airport    and     surrounding  ar-
                                        aspects of the real world model, up       eas. Nearly every single object
                                        to and including low altitude single      seen in the real airport has been
                                        engine flight behaviour. The Milviz       accurately modelled and positioned
                                        PA-30 Twin Comanche includes our          - with the South Downs on one side
                                        own highly detailed GPS units             and the sea on the other - what
                                        based on the default simulator            more can you want? Key Features:
                                        data, however we recognize that           HD ground imagery. Art deco ter-
                                        many of our customers use other           minal. Animated flags. Real time
Just Planes is delighted to return to   popular 3rd party options for repli-      animated clocks on terminal. Brand
Ethiopian Airlines to cover the 8th     cating the GPS functions. For the         new Southern Trains carriage mod-

Your free digital Flight Simulation magazine - Vol.2 Issue 5 December 2018 - PC Pilots Ireland
els and livery! Custom modelled          featuring GNS-XLS FMC. BAe146-            fet Incidence Rate (Zero to Max).
airport and houses. The gothic           300 style cockpit (simple EFIS) fea-      High-speed Buffet Starting Point
style Lancing College main hall on       turing GNS-XLS FMC. Avro RJ se-           (Mach number). High-speed Buffet
the hill (scene of a Harry Potter        ries style cockpit (full EFIS) featur-    Magnitude (Zero to Max). 'Engine
film shoot). Custom modelled land-       ing GNLU910 FMC. *Note that the           Vibration' Roll Magnitude of air-
marks. Custom animated wind-             product has NO virtual cabin. The         frame. All FS Stall Effect settings
socks. Colour matched imagery            modelled cabin is for the exterior        can be changed before or during a
for TrueEarth Great Britain South.       view only.                                flight so you can tweak your air-
Optimized for great performance.                                                   craft to your own desirable liking.
WT3 compatible with GA traffic           FS Effects v1.02
movements.                               From Flight1                              Cologne/Bonn professional
                                                          From Jo Erlend Sund
The Ultimate 146 Collection                                              
From QualityWings

                                         FS Effects (formerly FS Stall Ef-
                                         fects) is a unique add-on for FSX,
                                         FSX Steam Edition, Prepar3Dv3,            As long-standing governmental air-
                                         and Prepar3Dv4 that provides a            port and Luftwaffe facility, Co-
                                         more realistic flight experience.         logne/Bonn Airport is one of Ger-
The Ultimate 146 Collection for          The software recently received a          many’s major airports – it’s not
P3Dv4 includes the BAe146 and            free update that adds more con-           without reason bearing the name of
Avro RJ series, a four engined re-       trols to tweak and edit your aircraft     the first German chancellor Konrad
gional aircraft series by British        flight characteristics. The latest up-    Adenauer. This new scenery devel-
Aerospace. All produced passenger        date allows users to edit Throttle        oped by Jo Erlend Sund sets new
variants have been included, such        Response and Start-Up Engine              standards in level of detail for P3D
as the old BAe146-100, -200 and          Time to their Turboprop/Turbojet          V4. The airport comes with a large
the newer BAe146-300, but also           aircraft to more realistic settings       photo scenery surrounding of
the heavily upgraded Avro RJ se-         then what is provided in the default      approx. 1000 km² and was recre-
ries. For your pleasure, every           FS turboprop models. The utility          ated with high-quality 3D models
model comes with its own 2D Panel        also fixes the unrealistic battery        and photorealistic textures. Its sea-
and Virtual Cockpit to fully capture     drain in FSX/P3D. The FS Effects          sonal adaptations and custom win-
the spirit and identity of these jets.   Battery Life Extender allows time to      ter textures make it shine all year
Choose between 6 highly accurate         follow realistic pre-flight proce-        long. Around the parking positions
and detailed models: British Aero-       dures without having to worry             you’ll find lots of ground equipment
space BAe146-100, British Aero-          about the battery going dead in the       and clutter objects, exemplifying
space BAe146-200, British Aero-          sim. FS Effects is highly configur-       the developer’s attention to detail
space BAe146-300, British Aero-          able, allowing it to emulate the vis-     put into this scenery. The already
space Avro RJ70, British Aerospace       ual and audible pre-stall character-      numerous animations, e.g. the ser-
Avro RJ85, British Aerospace Avro        istics of a broad range of aircraft.      vice vehicles, passengers, or wind
RJ100. Key features: Exceptional         The FS Effects package consists of        socks, can be further expanded
attention to detail and typical char-    an installation/configuration man-        upon with the use of SODE – which
acteristics of the BAe146 and Avro       ager that automatically installs the      also moves jetways and doors in a
RJ. High resolution texturing. Cus-      FS Effects real-time control mod-         realistic way. The built-in configu-
tomized Environment Map for natu-        ule, sound, and configurations files,     ration tool allows you to adapt a lot
ral reflections. QWHDT - Quality-        and provides a simple point and           of options to your specific needs,
Wings High Definition Textures for       click user interface to manage the        so the performance does not have
most liveries. Fully customized          stall characteristics of any fixed        to play second fiddle behind the in-
Bump- and Specular Maps. See-            wing aircraft in any of the sup-          credible level of detail. Features:
through cabin windows with mod-          ported simulator versions. The in-        Fully compatible with Prepar3D
elled cabin and passengers.* Multi-      terface allows the user to select an      V4.3. Features a highly accurate
Stage super detailed night lighting.     aircraft from their library and make      recreation of Cologne Bonn Airport
Customized Landing Lights. NAV           adjustments to the following char-        (EDDK, CGN). High-fidelity 3D
lights and Strobes cast light            acteristics     for      each      air-   models of airport terminals, build-
splashes on the ground. Sperry           craft: New! Turboprop/Turbojet            ings, and other airport facilities.
autopilot (BAe146). Thrust Modula-       Throttle Response (Slow to Fast).         Interior terminal models included.
tion System (BAe146). Depending          New! Turbo/Turbojet Start-up Time         Photorealistic building and ground
on the selected model, we offer          (5 seconds to 30 seconds).                textures. Animated jetways. Sea-
three different Cockpit layouts.         New! Battery Life Extension (Off,         sonal textures and model varia-
Each represents a different evolu-       1x to 20x). Pre-Stall Buffet Starting     tions. Winter ground textures with
tion of the airplane and is available    Point (as percentage stalled). Pre-       realistic snow effects. Highly de-
as 2D and 3D virtual cockpit. Cock-      Stall Buffet Pitch Magnitude (Zero        tailed ground service equipment
pit layouts are: BAe146-100 and -        to Max). Pre-Stall Buffet Roll Mag-       and clutter objects around parking
200 style cockpit (fully analogue)       nitude (Zero to Max). Pre-Stall Buf-      positions. Up to date runway, taxi-

Your free digital Flight Simulation magazine - Vol.2 Issue 5 December 2018 - PC Pilots Ireland
way, and stand layouts. Realistic       rior modelling for maximum depth.        maps. Animated vehicle traffic on
rain effect on ground textures. Ani-    Additional "lite" landing area -         the apron and around the airport.
mated ambient service vehicle traf-     0CA3 Crawford Airport. Custom            Detailed AFCAD file with airline
fic. Animated ambient passengers        vegetation and trees native to           parking codes and approach proce-
inside the Terminal. Custom ani-        area. Advanced rendering, ambient        dures (AIRAC 1809). Extended
mated windsock model. Compatible        occlusion and night-lighting meth-       configuration tool. Working wind-
with AI traffic packages. Large         ods used for maximum realism.            socks based on wind strength and
photo scenery coverage of the air-      Plenty of VFR landmarks and POIs         direction. All code (BGLs) compiled
port and surrounding area (approx.      to explore including schools, shops,     with P3D V4 SDK, using new mate-
1000 km²). Custom runway and            factories, custom bridges and oth-       rial options and being performance
approach light effects. Realistic       ers. Full suite of ObjectFlow, Peo-      optimised to the new engine. All
night effects including reflective      pleFlow2, TextureFlow and more           objects optimised for new shadow
edge markings, realistic bulb ef-       included. Extensive control panel        technology. Dynamic lighting. Opti-
fects, and dynamic adjustments          with options for alternative APX/AI      mised 3D runway lighting with acti-
depending on time of day and me-        configurations. Strongly optimized       vation/deactivation based on time
teorological conditions. Dynamic        for good performance with complex        of day and weather conditions.
flood lights included as an option.     aircraft types. Developed by Misha
Optional static aircraft included.      Cajic. For FSX and P3D.                  PA-28-181 Archer III
Volumetric grass included as an op-                                              From Just Flight
tion. Configuration tool included.      Bergamo professional           
                                        From Tailstrike Designs
KSBA Santa Barbara            
Municipal Airport

                                                                                 Following on from their award-
                                        “Aeroporto di Bergamo-Orio al Se-        winning PA-28R Arrow III, Hawk
                                        rio” also often called Milan/            T1/A Advanced Trainer and C152,
                                        Bergamo, is one of three interna-        this highly detailed simulation of
                                        tional airports in the Milan region.     the PA-28-181 Archer III was de-
Santa Barbara Municipal Airport is      With Bergamo professional, this          veloped by Just Flight's in-house
set against the stunning backdrop       airport now finds its way to Pre-        team     following   comprehensive,
of the Santa Ynez Mountains in          par3D, complete with all buildings       hands-on research with a real-life
Southern California, the Mediterra-     and service facilities. The aerial im-   Archer III, G-CIFY, based at Tur-
nean charm of this location is          age used for this scenery comes          weston Airfield. The PA-28-181
something quite special. KSBA is        with a resolution of 50cm/px and         Archer III is a four-seater, piston-
served by 5 airlines on a regular       includes seasonal variations as well     engine aircraft equipped with a
basis by CRJ's, 737's, A320's and       as hand-placed autogen over a sur-       fixed tricycle landing gear, 180hp
more, and is the perfect combina-       face of 35 square kilometres. The        four-cylinder engine and fixed-pitch
tion of airline and GA destination.     ground layout of the airport itself is   propeller. Certified in the mid-
With its main 6000ft runway and         based on recent data and also fea-       1990s, the Archer III is one of the
two 4200ft GA runways, it caters to     tures rain effects during rainy          most recent PA-28 variants to be
pretty much whatever your favour-       weather conditions. SODE users           built, reflected in its streamlined
ite type of flying is. We've spent a    can activate the optional SODE jet-      cowling and cockpit overhead panel
long time tweaking the perform-         ways, with CTRL-J enabled ones as        controls. Capable of cruising at 118
ance and making sure that it runs       a fall back. Bergamo professional is     knots and with a range of nearly
with as little impact as possible, so   also compatible with third-party         500 miles, it is an ideal aircraft for
everyone can have a great experi-       meshed, e.g. Orbx surface scener-        touring and flight training. The
ence no matter what they fly. Aside     ies, and includes options for com-       cockpit features an impressive
from the high detailed airport, we      patibility with GSX. Features: Ber-      suite of avionics for instrument
also included a HUGE area of 500sq      gamo airport with all the buildings      training and IFR flights, with a GNS
km of fully annotated and detailed      and service facilities, major build-     530 GPS, GNC 255 radio, S-TEC
scenery around the airport, cover-      ings around airport are included.        autopilot, HSI and ADF instru-
ing the entire city of Santa Bar-       Latest ground layout with rain ef-       ments. Situational awareness is en-
bara, Goleta, and the stunning          fect during rainy conditions. 50 cm/     hanced with a Traffic-Watch ATD-
mountain range that can be seen         pixel aerial image with seasonal         300 traffic awareness unit and
from the airport and city. You cer-     variations covering 35 km² with          Strike Finder stormscope. A flight
tainly won't run out of things to ex-   hand placed autogen. Detailed ani-       computer panel and interactive
plore here! Key Features: Ultra-        mated CTRL-J jetways (SODE ver-          checklists for every stage of flight
detailed rendition of KSBA Santa        sion available as optional zip file).    are provided and the aircraft sys-
Barbara Municipal Airport. HUGE         Functional safe gates working with       tems include custom-coded fuel
500km2        coverage     area    at   AES technology (a configuration file     and electrical systems, Refill menu
30cm/60cm /1m. Beautiful rendi-         is available for GSX users). Partially   and functioning carburettor and
tion of the terminal, including inte-   prerendered shadows and night            primer     controls.   Compatibility:

Your free digital Flight Simulation magazine - Vol.2 Issue 5 December 2018 - PC Pilots Ireland
Flight Simulator X, FSX: Steam Edi-     A2A Simulations Accu-sim                 Engines, LG Doors, Weather Ra-
tion, P3D v4, P3D v3, P3D v2, P3D       Bonanza                                  dar). Flight Dynamics tested by
v1.                                                                              real airline pilots and totally reli-
                                        From A2A Simulations
                                                                                 able on flight manuals. Hi Definition
TrueEarth Great Britain                                                          Photo-real 32Bit Textures. All the
From orbx                                                                        functions on the virtual cockpit are                                                               fully functional and animated; you
                                                                                 can perform a complete flight
                                                                                 within the Virtual Cockpit. Photo-
                                                                                 real and Hi-Def Textures on the
                                                                                 Virtual Cockpit. Fully Detailed and
                                                                                 clickable with endless details and
                                                                                 effects. Full sound package re-
                                                                                 corded during engine run test, out-
                                                                                 side and inside of the aircraft. Op-
                                                                                 erational FMC a combination of
                                        A2A's Accu-Sim Bonanza for P3D
                                                                                 Real procedures and FS GPS Native
                                        v4 Academic is designed to be
TrueEarth Great Britain South cov-                                               system. Fully operational Pedestal.
                                        flown 'by the book' and provides an
ers a whopping 42,000 square                                                     Fully operational Overhead Panel.
                                        exceptional level of authentic com-
miles and covers Southern England                                                Hydraulic system now fully inter-
                                        plexity and accuracy in the aircraft
and Wales. We have developed                                                     acts with the aircraft controls sur-
                                        systems and functionality, from the
new autogen technology especially                                                faces. All panel the Display can be
                                        true propeller simulation to the V-
for X-Plane 11 which allows for re-                                              Zoomed with this command. MD-11
                                        tail flight physics modelling. Among
gion specific houses to be placed                                                and McDonnell Douglas sounds
                                        the numerous features are three
accurately. What really makes                                                    (Warnings, Caution, GPWS and Vir-
                                        in-sim avionics configurations, new
TrueEarth Great Britain unique, are                                              tual Co-pilot). Update offer avail-
                                        analogue gauge physics, pre-flight
the Points of Interest models. We                                                able.
                                        inspection system, dynamic ground
have hundreds of iconic UK land-        physics,     physics-driven    cockpit
marks from Tintagel to Cardiff City     sound environment, system fail-          Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer
Stadium, from the Brighton Pier up      ures, maintenance hangar, cockpit        From Just Flight
to Buckingham Palace in London –        sound environment, real-time Load
all based on 2018 data - You won’t      Manager and an authentic fuel de-
find a more comprehensive and up-       livery system. Designed to be
to-date British flying experience       “flown by the book”.
anywhere! Key Features: 42,000
square miles of hand corrected,         MD-11 V2 FSX/P3D
crisp, colour-matched aerial im-
                                        From Sky Simulations
agery. New autogen technology de-
veloped specially for X-Plane 11,
allowing thousands of realistic look-
ing UK-themed houses to be placed                                                Just Flight, in partnership with
at a realistic height with minimal                                               Thranda Design, are proud to pre-
impact on performance. 130 million                                               sent the Hawk T1/A Advanced
trees at the correct height and lo-                                              Trainer for X-Plane 11. Hawk T1/A
cation. 13.2 million buildings at the                                            Advanced Trainer for X-Plane 11
correct height and location. VFR                                                 features PBR materials with real-
landmarks such as masts, wind                                                    time environment reflections, 4096
farms, churches, power-lines, and                                                x 4096 textures, 12 paint schemes,
lighthouses are all accurately                                                   numerous      animations,   realistic
                                        Sky Simulations proudly presents
placed.     Hundreds     of  custom-                                             lighting and custom sounds with a
                                        the McDonnell Douglas MD-11. This
modelled 3D POIs. Hand-placed                                                    pop-up window for sound mixing.
                                        model is an exact replica from the
and custom modelled landmarks                                                    Both the front and rear pilot posi-
                                        real one. Each and every detail is
placed throughout the scenery such                                               tions are modelled and the aircraft
                                        reproduced on this model without
as bridges, skyscrapers, castles,                                                features a truly 3D virtual cockpit
                                        affecting the frames rate and is
piers, and monuments – this is es-                                               with smoothly animated 3D instru-
                                        based on flight and maintenance
pecially noticeable in city areas                                                ments, fully functional IFR-capable
                                        manuals from the aircraft. Included
such as London and along the                                                     avionics, authentic HUD and cus-
                                        features: Dual versions available
coast. Sharp and detailed 10-meter                                               tom-coded electrical and hydraulic
                                        (FSX and P3D4/3/2). State of the
mesh brings out stunning detail in                                               systems. The aircraft features real-
                                        art replica of the aircraft. Two dif-
natural features such as hills and                                               istic payloads (including guided
                                        ferent variants GE CF6-80 and PW
beaches. Superb watermasking                                                     missiles, rockets, bombs, 30mm
                                        PW4460 engines both made for
along the entire coastline. Accurate                                             ADEN cannon gun pod, external
                                        Passenger and Cargo Versions.
road and rail network blended into                                               fuel tanks, reconnaissance pod and
                                        Gravity and Aerodynamic actuated
the aerial imagery with moving                                                   Red Arrows diesel/dye smoke pod).
                                        Flexible wings. Dynamic Shine. Per-
left-hand drive traffic. Control                                                 Both the front and rear pilot posi-
                                        fectly simulated loss of hydraulic
Panel option to use photoreal major                                              tions are included, and the aircraft
                                        pressure. Parking Mode (Catering,
roads/motorways or synthetic X-                                                  features a truly 3D virtual cockpit
                                        Container loaders, Fuel, Front
Plane ones. Summer season only                                                   with smoothly animated 3D instru-
                                        stairs, Push-back, Main Cargo
with full night-lighting supported.                                              ments and fully functioning cus-
                                        Loader Trucks-Maintenance Mode,

tom-coded systems and avionics.          polygons made with the require-          Stöckli and correspond to real-
The Cockpit features; A truly 3D         ments of the SDK Prepar3D. Dy-           ity. The following features were im-
virtual cockpit right down to accu-      namic lighting of the apron. Visual      plemented: Combination of landing
rately modelled ejector seats and        Docking       Guidance        System     gear and floats. The landing gear
screw heads - every instrument is        (SODE+GSX). SODE animated Jet-           can be extended to land on hard
constructed fully in 3D with smooth      way. SODE animated windsocks.            surface and on the ice of frozen
animations. Cockpit textures fea-        High resolution ground textures /        lakes. Two Swiss paint schemes
ture wear and tear based on refer-       Custom runway textures. High             HB-PQJ, HB-OPP, HB-ORK und HB-
ence photos taken in the real air-       resolution building textures. Many       PMN. Standard animation of all
craft to produce an authentic envi-      animated custom ground vehicles.         movable parts. Detailed and very
ronment. Interactive checklists for      Surrounding area with custom             realistic virtual cockpit. Very realis-
every stage of flight. Aircraft con-     autogen. Fully AI traffic compatible     tic engine sound. When the aircraft
figuration system that will allow        with accurate AFCAD file. Excellent      is placed on a high altitude lake,
you to choose between 'cold &            night effects. 3D birds. 3D grass.       the mixture control is set automati-
dark' or 'ready for take-off' (if air-   3D people. Optimized for excellent       cally. The original manual in Eng-
craft is stationary on the ground).      performance. Fully 3d taxiways           lish and German for the Piper by
Fully functional and comprehensive       lighting. Automatic season change        Simon Smeiman comes with the
IFR-capable avionics fit, including      for vegetation, photobackground          addon. With the addon "Swiss Sea-
AN/ARC 164 UHF radio, plus a ret-        high resolution. Realistic reflections   plane Pilot", 80 lakes are flattened
rofitted modern AN/ARC-232 UHF/          on glass. Inclusion of manual in         and corrected along the shore
VHF unit and TACAN/ILS radio             PDF format.                              lines. Therefore the lakes are well
units. Authentic head-up display                                                  prepared for seaplane flying. Most
(HUD). Interactive logbook panel         Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer               lakes are equipped with a jetty to
for logging your flight details (X-      Livery Pack                              park any seaplane, some of them
Plane native). GoodWay compati-                                                   have a fuel station. The reworked
                                         From Just Flight
ble. Adjustable canopy mirrors with                                               barrier lakes are all equipped with
real-time reflections of the environ-                                             masonries. Some lakes are frozen
ment. Animated toe brakes. Radio                                                  during winter time and the ice sur-
knob animations routed through                                                    face is prepared for takeoff and
plug-in logic, for optimum move-                                                  landing. On some frozen lakes
ment fidelity and sound synchroni-                                                there is a marked runway available
sation.                                                                           (only if SODE is installed, the
                                                                                  download file of Swiss Seaplane Pi-
EBBR Brussels Airport P3D4                                                        lot from SimMarket includes the in-
From JustSim                                                                      staller of SODE). Scenery: The sur-                                                                 faces of the Swiss lakes are too
                                         If you're enjoying Just Flight's
                                                                                  bumpy for Seaplane flying when
                                         Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer for X-
                                                                                  using Switzerland Pro X by Flylogic.
                                         Plane 11 and would you like some
                                                                                  The water along the shore lines is
                                         additional liveries to adorn your
                                                                                  not flat and is climbing up the hill a
                                         aircraft, this pack is for you! This
                                                                                  bit. Missions: The seaplane pilot
                                         pack includes 12 new liveries from
                                                                                  missions are available in German,
                                         the Royal Air Force (8), Royal Navy
                                                                                  English and French. The preferred
                                         (1) and Finnish Air Force (1) as
                                                                                  language can be selected during
                                         well as the paint schemes for the
                                                                                  the installation process. When fly-
                                         Hawk 100 Demonstrator ZA101
Brussels Airport (EBBR) (also called                                              ing the missions, Intermediate, Ad-
                                         and the BAE Demonstrator ZK533.
Brussel-Nationaal     /   Bruxelles-                                              vanced and Expert requirement
National    (Brussels-National)    or                                             levels can be selected. Voice over
                                         Swiss Seaplane Pilot P3D4                for each language version in order
Zaventem) is an international air-
                                         From Design for FS                       to guide through the mission. Spe-
port 6.5 NM (12.0 km; 7.5 mi)
                                                       cially designed medals and certifi-
northeast of Brussels, the capital of
Belgium. In 2017, more than 24                                                    cates. Requirements: Flight Simu-
million passengers arrived or de-                                                 lator P3D V4xx. Switzerland Pro by
parted at Brussels Airport, making                                                Flylogic.
it the 23rd busiest airport in
Europe. It is located partially in                                                Rome City X FSX & P3D4
Zaventem, partially in the Diegem                                                 From SamScene3D
area of Machelen, and partially in                                      
Steenokkerzeel, in the Flemish Re-
gion of Belgium. It is home to
around 260 companies, together
directly employing 20,000 people
                                         This Addon is a comprehensive
and serves as the home base for
                                         package and includes the Piper Su-
Brussels Airlines and TUIfly Bel-
                                         per Cub Amphibian, Swiss Lake
gium. Features: Fully compatible
                                         Scenery and 3 Seaplane Missions.
with     FTX      Global     openLC
                                         The Piper Super Cub Amphibian
Europe. Shading     and    occlusion
                                         was designed by Simon Smeiman.
(texture baking) effects on terminal                                              SamScene3d has released Rome
                                         The two classical Swiss paint
and other airport buildings. Ground                                               City X for FSX and P3D. Rome is
                                         schemes were designed by Kurt

the capital of Italy, this scenery      Additional    city   buildings   and    and is highly detailed featuring
covers the city centre, Vatican city    bridges added as well as the new        high res textures throughout the
and adds various Italian style auto-    autogen for a significant part of the   airport and advanced modelling to
gen buildings. Recommendation:          area. SODE animations, seasonal         ensure maximum realism. Marcus
This scenery is best used for tour      switching, animated jetways and         spent a lot of time trying to make
flying over 1500ft. Scenery fea-        the very new lighting system with       atmosphere as true-to-life as possi-
tures:    Rome photoreal    texture.    user-controlled     and     weather-    ble around the city of Visby, the
Over10,000       autogen   buildings    dependent conditional lights. Na-       harbour and the old town with cus-
with Italian style designs. Many        tive P3Dv4 features. EPKK Kraków        tom objects and colouring, really
custom hotels, buildings, business      X v2 is compatible with all Drze-       capturing the unique Swedish vibe
centre, banks, churches, squares,       wiecki Design products, all ORBX        around the airports. He has even
landmarks, etc. Night light tex-        products, all PILOT’S products and      included custom vehicles that you
tures. Autogen vegetation all over      all Megascenery products. It is not     would    normally    find   in  the
the city. Rome main station build-      compatible with other products fea-     area! Key Features: Ultra-detailed
ings.         Compatible        with    turing included airports.               renditions of Dala Airport, Kiruna
other Rome airport        sceneries.                                            Airport, and Visby Airport. Ad-
Good frame rate. You can use other      ESNQ Kiruna Airport                     vanced baked ambient lighting.
photo scenery autogen files to          From ORBX                               PeopleFlow throughout the three
cover this scenery. Compatibility:                      main airports. Custom vehicles and
Orbx FTX global, vector, Europe LC.                                             objects typical to Swedish airports.
                                                                                30/50cm airport and approach cov-
EPKK Kraków X V2 FSX/P3D                                                        erage. Introducing a new unique
From Drzewiecki Design                                                          3D snow effect at ESSD & ESNQ                                                               (Prepar3D only). Towns of Visby &
                                                                                Kiruna. Dynamic Light (P3Dv4
                                                                                Only). By Marcus Nyberg.

                                                                                Rhodes International Airport
                                                                                From JustSim
                                        Not only does this airport pack fea-
                                        ture ESNQ Kiruna Airport, but ESSV
                                        Visby Airport and ESSD Dala Air-
                                        port as well, giving you a well
EPKK Kraków X is a highly detailed      rounded selection of Swedish air-
scenery of EPKK John Paul II Inter-     ports to explore. ESNQ Kiruna Air-
national     Airport    in   Kraków     port has been developed with high
(Cracow), Poland. This product is       detail, high resolution textures and
compatible with FSX-based plat-         even 3D-snow to create an immer-        Rhodes International Airport was
forms. SimObject Display Engine         sive feeling that really captures the   the fourth busiest airport in Greece
(SODE) is required for this product     Nordic spirit. As Kiruna is close to    as of 2017, with 5,301,517 passen-
to be installed. Features: High         the Norwegian border, it has fre-       gers utilizing the airport. The air-
quality scenery of EPKK Kraków          quent links to Stockholm-Arlanda        port's single runway direction is
airport. Photoreal Kraków city with     which feature primarily private jets    070/250, having a length of 3,306
landmarks and autogen. Up-to-date       and cargo traffic. A lot of work and    meters and a width of 60 me-
(2019) airport layout, detailed         precision has been put into details     ters. There are six taxiways con-
markings. SODE jetways, custom          such as a whole new fleet of Swed-      necting the runway with the termi-
animations and automatic seasonal       ish airport vehicles and flora unique   nal. Tarmac can accommodate up
changes. Highly realistic, user-        to the surrounding area. The town       to 14 airplanes simultaneously and
controllable      and      weather-     has also been updated with              up to type 747. New parking spots
dependent airport lighting. 3D peo-     100,000's of hand placed houses         as well rearrangements on air-
ple, ground vehicles, optional static   and trees as well as the nearby         planes' parking patterns engaging
aircraft. Native P3Dv4 feature like     mining area. Dala Airport is an im-     ground vehicles is expected to in-
ground poly with reflection effects,    portant milestone for Marcus, as he     crease capacity. Features: Detailed
wet surfaces and dynamic lighting.      once developed it for FS9 years         airport objects and vehicles. Cus-
New in version 2: Updated 2019          ago as freeware - he is incredibly      tom textured taxiways, runways
airport ground layout (built from       excited to bring ESSD up to date        and apron. Custom surround-
scratch) with very detailed mark-       for the modern simulation market.       ings. Custom airport lights. Com-
ings. All new buildings and struc-      This airport features a very cool       patible with X-Plane 11 features.
tures added including the new ter-      approach with approach lights lo-       Animated ground vehicles (X-Plane
minal area, the new train station,      cated in a nearby horse paddock as      11 only). Shading and occlusion
new hangars, new buildings around       well as animated horses (I've never     (texture baking) effects on terminal
the airport etc. All scenery objects    heard of a horse strike before but      and other airport buildings. High
remapped and re-exported to en-         nevertheless, make sure you aren't      resolution ground textures / Cus-
sure best visual quality and per-       coming in too low!) Another cool        tom runway textures. High resolu-
formance. New optional static air-      feature of Dala is the replication of   tion building textures. Excellent
craft created and inserted. Detailed    the famous red houses in the sur-       night effects. Realistic reflections
runway 25 approach terrain and          rounding area, which have been          on glass. World Traffic compatible.
lighting height modelled after the      modelled in-sim. Visby Airport has      X-Life traffic compatible.     Opti-
Precision Approach Terrain Chart.       been developed with great care          mized for excellent performance.

Montreal International Airport           tures. CA-CYUL Montreal Autogen -       Changi is an essential transport
From Global Art                          Link in the manual. CA-CYUL Mont-       hub, lying at the very heart of the                        real Ortophoto HD Zoom 17 - Link        Far East with an unmatched net-
                                         in the manual. Airport Charts -         work of true global reach. The city
                                         Manual. Requirements: X-Plane 10-       of Singapore is the economic pow-
                                         11.                                     erhouse of the South China Sea. It
                                                                                 dominates far eastern trade and is
                                         Lanzarote XP11                          the world's foremost logistical cen-
                                         From MK-Studios                         tre. It's likely that the very com-
                                                      puter you are using at one time
                                                                                 passed through the city's port. Fea-
                                                                                 tures include: Fantastic perform-
                                                                                 ance using 64bit code optimized for
Montréal–Pierre Elliott Trudeau In-                                              Prepar3Dv4. High definition 2k
ternational Airport (ICAO: CYUL)                                                 building texturing and native Pre-
(French: Aéroport international Pi-                                              par3Dv4 ground polygons. Fluid us-
erre-Elliott-Trudeau de Montréal) or                                             age, even with complex airliner
Montréal–Trudeau, formerly known                                                 cockpits and high density AI cover-
as Montréal–Dorval International                                                 age. Low visibility nav lighting.
Airport, is an international airport                                             Switchable dynamic lighting option.
serving Montreal, Quebec, Canada,        With an average of only 18 days of      Features the newly opened Termi-
located on the Island of Montreal,       rain a year, high temperatures and      nal 4. Utilizes imaginesim's be-
20 km (12 mi) from Downtown              what virtual pilots like most...        spoke Operations Centre configura-
Montreal. The airport terminals are      windy approaches in diverse areas       tion GUI. Comprehensive ground
located entirely in the suburb of        like the Canary Islands. Lanzarote      and building optimization. Interac-
Dorval, while one runway is located      airport handles flights to many         tive SODE jetways. Instantaneous
in the Montreal borough of Saint-        European airports, with hundreds        scenery cache loading. Trees,
Laurent. Trudeau is the busiest air-     of thousands of tourists each year,     plants and vegetation modelled
port in the province of Quebec and       as well as internal flights to other    with types native to Singapore. No
the third-busiest airport in Canada.     Spanish airports. It's also a great     generic library textures used.
It is one of eight Canadian airports     place to start your journey to an-      Switchable high 2k or medium 1k
with United States border preclear-      other island with Binter Canarias or    texture set. 52 square kilometre
ance and is one of the main gate-        Canaryfly. With the newest tech-        coverage of the WSSS area. Low
ways into Canada. Scenery fea-           nology used to develop this scen-       simulator      impact.    Graduated
tures: Accurate replica of CYUL/YUL      ery we achieved stunning level of       ground extremities to seamlessly
Aeroport International Pierre Elliott    details while keeping great per-        blend with any vector driven add-
Trudeau, updated. Precise model-         formance along with amazing             on. CCX Singapore Lite recreating
ling based on original references,       visuals. Features: High quality ren-    the city centre included for free.
photos and other research. Cus-          dition of Lanzarote airport and ALL     Pre-wired to receive imaginesim's
tomized runways, lines and taxi-         island. Accurate and detailed air-      free Airport Animator plugin (due
ways, with ambient occlusion in-         port infrastructure based on real       Fall 2018).
cluded in the textures. Sun reflec-      sizes and dimensions. High resolu-
tions effects on pavements. Fingers      tion ground textures. Photo real        Vágar P3D4
Auto Gate with VGDS. AutoGate            terrain coverage of all the island.     From MK-Studios
Plugin by Marginal. Static objects,      Hundreds and thousands of custom
vehicles and aircraft are present in     placed autogen buildings all around
this scenery.Avenues and streets         the island. 3D night lightning. Very
with personalized and standard ve-       realistic   airport night   lighting,
hicle traffic. Custom Airport Mesh       based on real pilot’s point of view.
and adjacent areas. Underground          Optimized to take advantages of X-
passages created with Mesh Re-           Plane features.
mexe tool. Mesh Remexe Tool – by
Joz. HDR lighting with custom night      WSSS Singapore P3Dv4
textures. Custom textures with           From Imaginesim
ambient occlusion. Custom Ap-  
proach Lights (ALS) systems. In-                                                 Vágar Airport (Faroese: Vága
cluded taxi routes for aircraft, "taxi                                           Floghavn) (ICAO EKVG) is the only
route". Configured to WT3 plugin.                                                airport in the Faroe Islands, and is
Configured Ramp Start. De-ice sys-                                               located 1 NM (1.9 km; 1.2 mi) east
tem configured for some specific                                                 of Sørvágur. Due to the Faroe Is-
aircraft. Use Auto Gate Datarefs.                                                lands' status as a self-governing
Winter texture - only around                                                     territory, the airport is not subject
the Airport area. Animated Airport:                                              to the rules of the European Union.
Configured for World Traffic 3. Ani-                                             It is the main operating base for
mated ground traffic and default                                                 Faroese national airline Atlantic Air-
aircraft traffic. Ground Traffic         This is imaginesim's new version of     ways. The airport approach is chal-
plugin by Marginal. Included in this     WSSS Singapore for Prepar3Dv4.          lenging due to hills surrounding it
Package: CA-CYUL-A-Montreal Air-         This feature-rich airport is the re-    and regular wind gusts. Its regular
port    v1.0.   CA-CYUL-B-Montreal       sult of two years intense research      guests are A319/A320, B737 or
Mesh v1.0. CA-CYUL Winter Tex-           and development. WSSS Singapore         BAe 146. Many as charters besides
the regular schedules. Features:         them, active only in selected areas      port in Warwick, Rhode Island, six
Highly detailed buildings specially      as in the real airport. Realistic pre-   miles (10 km) south of the state's
designed and optimized for P3DV4.        cipitation effects on the ground         capital and largest city of Provi-
Terminal interior modelled. Object       with water accumulated in some           dence. T. F. Green is considered a
baked shadows. Custom vehicles           areas. 50cm/pixel satellite cover-       reliever airport to Logan Interna-
and airport objects. 3D people. Re-      age of the city with autogen. 36         tional Airport in Boston, Massachu-
alistic 3D snow. SODE windsock.          important custom city objects and        setts. The airport is the largest and
New ground techniques based on           3 bridges. Custom mesh for the           most active airport among the six
real photographs, specular and           city and airport area. Airport con-      operated by the Rhode Island Air-
bump mapping. Up to date ground          figurator with multiple performance      port Corporation (RIAC). Fea-
layout. Highly optimized dynamic         options. 3D city night lightning.        tures: Modelled buildings matching
lightning with different effect types                                             real life with PBR materials and
adjusted for exact type of light and     LRIA Iasi Intl. Airport P3D4             night textures. Taxi routes for X-
direction needed. Realistic night        From MLD Scenery                         Life and World Traffic 3 Compatibil-
lightning. Realistic precipitation ef-                        ity. Full gate & parking spawn sup-
fects on the ground. 50cm/pixel                                                   port (spawn at any gate/parking
satellite coverage of the closest air-                                            space). Autogate support using
port area. Custom landclass for                                                   Marginal's     plugin.    PBR/normal
whole Faroe Islands,. Custom mesh                                                 mapped ground textures (think re-
for all Faroe Islands. Detailed auto-                                             flective and realistic looking ground
gen. Custom helipads.                                                             materials). High-resolution Aerial
                                                                                  photos. Hand placed details all in
Lisbon P3D4                                                                       and outside the airport. Good/solid
From MK-Studios                                                                   FPS on low-high-end systems. In-                                                                 terior modelling on a few major
                                         Iași International Airport (IATA:        buildings (walkway, etc.). New
                                         IAS, ICAO: LRIA) is an interna-          V2.1 Update includes: RWY5 ex-
                                         tional airport located near Iași, Ro-    pansion. 5 new iconic buildings.
                                         mania, 8 km east of the city cen-        Downtown Providence (optional).
                                         tre. One of the oldest accredited        Ground traffic. Snow textures for
                                         airports in Romania, Iași Airport is     use in Winter. Beat-up ground tex-
                                         the fourth-busiest airport in Roma-      tures to match the age of real-
                                         nia in terms of passenger traffic,       world airport. For use on X-Plane
                                         and the most important airport in        11.
                                         the historical region of Moldavia.
Welcome to Humberto Delgado Air-         The airport scenery was recreated        E-2 Hawkeye & C-2 Greyhound
port, known simply as Lisbon Air-        based on many references from the        Package
port. The 20th largest airport in        real airport. Features: Photorealis-     From IndiaFoxtEcho
Europe in terms of passenger vol-        tic textures on the airport build-
ume. It is an important European         ings; custom textured taxiways,
hub to Brazil, the largest European      runways     and     apron;   realistic
Star Alliance hub to South America       ground markings; highly realistic
and also a European hub to Africa.       night time effects with custom 3D
Now we bring the airport and the         runway and taxi lights; reflections
city together to P3D V4 using mod-       and bumps for glass; ambient oc-
ern graphical technics and im-           clusion used for maximum realism;
proved simulator engine. The scen-       advanced lighting system, the
ery represents the airport in cur-       lights are automatically turned on,
rent up to date condition. Features:     depending on weather conditions;
Highly detailed buildings specially      dynamic lights on apron; automatic
designed and optimized for P3DV4.        season change for vegetation; real-
Terminal interior modelled in 3D         istic puddles appear in the rain;
with correct gate numbers and            friendly FPS and low VAS usage.
people. SODE jetways and double
jetways with interior. SODE wind-        KPVD T.F. Green Airport V2.1
socks. New ground technics based         From Vertical Simulations
on real photographs, specular and
bump mapping. Fully up to date                                                    The Northrop Grumman E-2 Hawk-
ground layout. Highly optimized                                                   eye is an American all-weather,
dynamic lightning with different ef-                                              carry capable tactical airborne early
fect types adjusted for exact type                                                warning (AEW) aircraft. This twin-
of light and direction needed. Con-                                               turboprop aircraft was designed
dition based runway lightning with                                                and developed during the late
realistic dimmed light power (as                                                  1950s and early 1960s by the
operated mostly in Lisbon). GSX                                                   Grumman Aircraft Company for the
based docking system and adjusted                                                 United States Navy as a replace-
stands for real operations. Interac-                                              ment for the earlier, piston-engined
tive holding point lights that           T. F. Green International Airport        E-1 Tracer. The E-2 was the first
change colour when approaching           (KPVD) is a public international air-    aircraft designed specifically for its

role, as opposed to a modification      lighting. Prepar3D v4 version has        enhancements     from    the   new
of an existing airframe, such as the    native models. Custom taxiway            3DAutomation® technology devel-
Boeing E-3 Sentry. Variants of the      signs. Custom ground textures.           oped by France VFR. This technol-
Hawkeye have been in continuous         Baked night lighting and Ambient         ogy already allows to generate the
production since 1960, giving it the    Occlusion. Combined models and           most realistic and dense environ-
longest production run of any car-      LODS for performance. Require-           ments ever seen. It does not in-
rier-based aircraft. The Grumman        ments: FSX, FSX Steam Edition,           tend to model real world accurately
C-2 Greyhound is a twin-engine,         Prepar3d V2 or V3 or V4.                 but to create a copy "as real as it
high-wing cargo aircraft, designed                                               gets" on a massive scale. It will
to carry supplies, mail, and passen-    San Francisco XP11                       evolve to adapt to the needs and
gers to and from aircraft carriers of   From Taburet                             new data available. Requirements;
the United States Navy. Its primary                        P3D4 or later.
mission is carrier on-board deliv-
ery (COD). The aircraft provides                                                 In Command P3D4
critical logistics support to carrier                                            From FS Academy
strike groups. The aircraft is mainly                                  
used to transport high-priority
cargo, mail, and passengers be-
tween carriers and shore bases,
and can also deliver cargo like jet
engines and special stores. This
package contains: Detailed vis-
ual E-2C, E-2C+, C-2A and C-2A(R)       A complete scenery for the city of
aircraft. Five different liveries for   San Francisco California. Custom
the E-2C, including U.S. Navy, Is-      objects; custom lighting; mesh ter-
raeli Air Force, Japanese Self De-      rain; autogen blended into a photo-
fence Force and French Navy vari-       realistic base texturing. All objects
ants. Five different liveries for the   and buildings are based on real          FS Academy - In Command is a
C-2A depicting various squadrons        world data; position; dimension as       comprehensive experience for Pre-
from      mid     80's  to    present   accurate as possible. The scenery        par3D v4, comprising of 6 demand-
day. Detailed virtual cockpit in four   includes custom made forests cov-        ing missions and a detailed ground
variants as appropriate for the indi-   erage for the area. Lots of custom       school. We will arm you with the
vidual aircraft (from fully analogue    objects included; with the famous        real knowledge and skills you’ll
to EFIS equipped). Advanced flight      San Francisco bridges featuring          need to deal with challenging situa-
model developed with the help of        moving traffic. A complete scenery       tions and system failures in a real-
real-world pilots. Custom sound         for the city of San Francisco Cali-      istic way. Developed by a real
package.        Requirements     FSX    fornia. Custom objects; custom           world airline captain, you learn the
(Acceleration/Gold/Steam         Edi-   lighting; mesh terrain; autogen          skills required to effectively man-
tions), P3D (all versions).             blended into a photorealistic base       age an aircraft in difficult circum-
                                        texturing. All objects and buildings     stances such as closed runways
William P. Hobby Airport                are based on real world data; posi-      and system failures. Whether sight-
From SXAirportDesign                    tion; dimension as accurate as pos-      seeing in a Piper or navigating the                       sible. The scenery also includes         Atlantic, the pilot in command is
                                        custom made forests coverage for         the one in charge when things turn
                                        the area. Lots of custom objects         sour. The skills you will learn from
                                        included; with the famous San            are transferable to almost any air-
                                        Francisco bridges featuring moving       craft, from a Cherokee to a Jumbo
                                        traffic.                                 Jet. The decision-making process is
                                                                                 effectively the same, all using real-
                                        Bretagne VFR 3DA Vol.2 South             world procedures and techniques.
                                        From FranceVFR                           Six demanding scenarios use sev-
                                                      eral different core aircraft in a vari-
                                                                                 ety of locations and weather condi-
Situated 7 miles South East from                                                 tions.    This    complete     experi-
Houston centre, Hobby is the city's                                              ence also includes a detailed,
oldest commercial airport and the                                                Ground School component nearing
airport has over six million passen-                                             100 pages, which guides you
ger boardings each year. Four air-                                               through the essential knowledge
lines currently operate from Hobby                                               and techniques essential to taking
airport, while they previously con-                                              command of an aircraft including:
centrated on domestic flights, a                                                 Management of system failures and
new terminal has recently been                                                   difficult situations. The decision-
built offering international destina-   The new VFR Regional series was          making process. Fuel Planning. Air-
tions. Features include: A detailed     designed and developed to provide        craft Loading. Altimetry. Airport Fa-
recreation of the entire airport and    VFR flight an environment as real-       cilities, Lighting and Markings.
buildings. The new terminal exten-      istic as possible. It is the result of   ICAO Annexes and Airport Codes.
sion. 2ft/pix Seasonal photo scen-      years of experience and practice in      Hazardous      Weather.      Decoding
ery. A significant area outside the     flight simulation and 3D modelling.      METAR & TAF Weather Reports.
airport modelled. Custom night          "VFR Regional" products embed all        And much more…

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