AUGUST 1 2021 - Parishes Online

Page created by Glen Gregory
AUGUST 1 2021 - Parishes Online


                           Our Mission

                           Saint John Vianney Parish is a
                           welcoming Catholic Faith
                           We are EXPERIENCING Christ in
                           our lives through the Gospel,
                           Sacraments, and life long faith

                           We are LIVING our faith in worship
                           and stewardship.
                           And we are SERVING God’s people
                           to reveal the presence of Christ in
                           our community.

                           Church Info

                               1755 N. Calhoun Rd,
                               Brookfield, WI 53005

                               (262) 796-3940

                               (262) 796-3958

                           School Info

                               17500 W. Gebhardt Rd,
                               Brookfield, WI 53045

                               (262) 796-3942

                               (262) 796-3953

     www.stjo hnv.o rg
AUGUST 1 2021 - Parishes Online

PARISH OFFICE HOURS                                                                 PASTOR’S CORNER
Monday thru Friday: 8AM–4:30PM
SCHEDULE OF MASSES                                                      Dear friends,
Saturday Vigil: 4:30PM
Sunday: 7:30AM, 9AM; 11AM                                                 This weekend we celebrate our patronal feast of
HOLY DAY & WEEKDAY LITURGIES:                                              St. John Vianney. His official memorial is this
As listed in weekly Mass schedule.                                         Wednesday. St. John Vianney was born in
ANOINTING OF SICK: At 7AM Mass on                                          Dardilly, near Lyons, France in 1786. He struggled
Thursdays or contact priest of parish.                                    with his seminary studies, but was gifted with good
BAPTISM: Parental instruction required. You                              common sense and holiness. After two years as an
are encouraged to do this prior to birth of                              assistant pastor, Father Vianney became pastor of
child. Please contact parish office for                                  the parish in Ars. As a parish priest he converted
arrangements and class registration. You                                 sinners and directed souls, not only in Ars, but
must be a registered parish member.                people from many areas came to consult this humble priest. Father
COMMUNION FOR HOMEBOUND:                           Vianney was devoted to the Holy Eucharist, the Blessed Virgin Mary,
Contact Parish Office.                             and spent many hours reconciling sinners in confession. John died on
MARRIAGE: Contact the pastor at least six          August 4th, 1859, and was canonized in 1925. St. John Vianney is the
months in advance. Must be a registered            patron saint of priests, especially parish priests.
parish member for at least six months.
RCIA:                                              This week Friday, Saturday and Sunday is our parish festival. How
For adults who wish to become Catholic,            wonderful that we will have one this year. Our committee members
contact Christian Formation Office, 262-796-       are doing a great job of pulling things together, but everything
3944.                                              depends on volunteers, so please consider helping at our festival.
RECONCILIATION: Saturdays 8:30AM or by             Father Alex and I are looking forward to seeing you at the festival!
appointment. Enter through main church
doors. Safe distancing protocols will be in                                              Blessings,
PARISH REGISTRATION: All new members are
most welcome. If you would like to register,
please go to our website, click on “I’m New”
at the top of the page and fill out our interest                                         Very Rev. Edwin Kornath
form. If you have any questions, please
contact Brittany McCollum, 262-796-3940, ext.

                                                                  RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS AND
                                                                    The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is
                                                                    beginning in September. RCIA provides opportunities
                                                                    both for those who are thinking about becoming
                                                                    Catholic and for Catholics who have not yet received
                                                   the sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation to come together and
                                                   discern a full reception into the Catholic Church. RCIA for Children
                                                   provides this opportunity for children and youth of catechetical age
                                                   (beginning around age 7). Individual appointments to discuss whether
The 4:30 PM Saturday Vigil Mass is                 you would be interested in RCIA are available. If you, or someone you
livestreamed. (Go to                               know might be interested, please let us know., then click Watch
Virtual Mass to get to our You Tube                For more information, please contact Dave Baudry,
page.)                                             or 262-796-3944 ext. 1117.
AUGUST 1 2021 - Parishes Online

                                                  MASSES FOR THE WEEK
 The Lord's Day                                                     Thursday, August 5, 2021
 Ex 16: 2-4, 12-15/Eph 4: 17, 20-24/Jn 6: 24-35                     Nm 20: 1-13/Ps 95/Mt 16: 13-23
 4:30PM †David Kolb/Tim & Linda Kolb(K)                             7:00AM †John Dunn/Friends(K)
 Sunday, August 1, 2021/Feast of St. John Vianney                             Anointing of Sick During Mass
 7:30AM      People of the Parish(N)
                                                                    Friday, August 6, 2021/Transfiguration of the Lord
 9:00AM †Dr. Lawrence Foster/Foster Family(K)
                                                                    Dn 7: 9-10, 13-14/2 Pt 1: 16-19/Mk 9: 2-10
 11:00AM †Vivian Beres/Richard Sheridan Family(N)
                                                                    7:00AM †John Norton/Claire Boles(N)
 Monday, August 2, 2021
                                                                    Saturday, August 7, 2021
 Nm 11: 4b-15/Ps 81/Mt 14: 13-21
                                                                    Dt 6: 4-13/Ps 18/Mt 17: 14-20
 7:00AM †Martie Kustner/Family & Friends(N)
                                                                    8:00AM †Conrad Wolski/Voss & Wolski Families(K)
 Tuesday, August 3, 2021
                                                                    The Lord's Day
 Nm 12: 1-13/Ps 51/Mt 14: 22-36
                                                                    1 Kgs 19: 4-8/Eph 4: 30—5:2/Jn 6: 41-51
 7:00AM †John & Elizabeth Wolski/Wolski Family(N)
                                                                    4:30PM †Pat Humphriss/greta & Family(N)
 Wednesday, August 4, 2021/St. John Vianney, Priest                 Sunday, August 8, 2021/19th Sunday in Ordinary Time
 Nm 13: 1-2, 25—14: 1, 26-29a, 34-35/Ps 106/Mt 15: 21-28            7:30AM     People of the Parish(K)
 7:00AM †Edwin R. Knapkiewicz/Cudmore Family(N)                     9:00AM †Robert Loeser/SJV St. Vincent de Paul(N)
                                                                    11:00AM Intention of Salvator Massa/Pellowski Family(K)

                                            Fr. Edwin Kornath (K) Fr. Alexander Nwosu (N)

                          In your charity and prayers, please remember the souls of
                          those who have died recently and their families.
                          J. Ralph Bennett, brother-in-law of Denise Bennett;
                          uncle of Diane Bennett

CLERGY                                                             FORMATION AND HUMAN CONCERNS 262-796-3944
Very Rev. Edwin M. Kornath | Pastor | 262-796-3951 |               John Thompson | Department Director of Formation & Human                                                 Concerns | ext. 1120 |
Rev. Alexander Nwosu| Associate Pastor | 262-796-3952 |            Dave Baudry | Director of Adult, Child & Youth Ministry | ext                                                  1117 |
ADMINISTRATION 262-796-3940                                        Janlyn Carvalho | Associate Director of Child & Youth Ministry |
Robb Lied, Director of Administrative Services | ext 1111 |        ext 1127 |                                                  Maria Schloemer | Formation & Human Concerns Admin. Asst. |
Sharon Roberts | Accounting Assistant | ext 1109 |                 ext 1116 |                                                SCHOOL 262-796-3942
Valerie Pace | Parish Secretary | ext 1105 |                       Brian Shimon | Principal | 262-796-3943 |                                               TBD | Asst. Principal | ext. 1227 |
Paula Folda | Bulletin Editor/Calendar | ext 1103 |                Janelle Peterson | Office Coordinator | ext 1201                                       
Katie Vitalbo | Special Projects | ext 1146 |   Nicole Bourne | School Development Asst. | ext 1200|
STEWARDSHIP & COMMUNICATIONS 262-796-3947                
Angela Bravata | Director of Stewardship & Communications |
                                                                   MAINTENANCE 262-796-3940, ext 1240
ext. 1108 |
                                                                   Dan DeLaurier, Facility Maintenance Coordinator
Brittany McCollum | Communications Coordinator | 262-796-
                                                                   Joan Donahue | Diane Herzog | Assisting Maintenance Team
3940, ext 1110 |
Diana Armstrong | Parish Secretary/Communications | 262-           PARISH LEADERSHIP
796-3940, ext 1102 |                            Robert Scott | Trustee/Secretary | 262-347-1376
PRAYER & WORSHIP 262-796-3946                                      Randy Freeman | Trustee/Treasurer | 262-789-0449
Beth Screnock | Director of Liturgy & Music | ext 1113 |           Gregory Van Winkle | Pastoral Council Chair | 262-957-4817                                                  Brian Schloemer | Finance Council Chair | 262-717-9626
Veronica Fregoso | Assoc. Director of Liturgy & Music | ext        ST. VINCENT DE PAUL HELPLINE 262-796-3940, ext. 1308
1115 |
Lisa Rehlinger | Coordinator of Liturgy | ext 1114 |               SJV CHILDREN CENTER                                                  After School Day Care | 262-796-3942, ext 1206
AUGUST 1 2021 - Parishes Online

                                            SCHEDULE OF EVENTS (August 2 – 8)
Monday    2                                 Tuesday   3                           Wednesday      4
Festival Set-Up(Parking Lot)                Festival Set-Up(Parking Lot)          Festival Set-Up(Parking Lot)
8:00AM Firm Believers(Church Hall)          8:00AM Firm Believers(Church Hall)    8:00AM Firm Believers(Church Hall)
9:30AM Mondays with Molly(P210)             1:00PM Centering Prayer(P201)         6:30PM Twinning Cte(P209)
6:00PM Boy Scout Troop 71(P210)             7:00PM Baptism Conference(Zoom)       7:00PM Novel Idea(P201)

The Prayer Line is confidential. It is
made up of members of the SJV
community who have offered to
pray for your special needs. If you
have a special intention for which             DISCOVER THE SHRINE OF CHRIST’S PASSION
you would like prayers, please call            Join fellow parishioners on a pilgrimage trip to the Shrine of Christ
the prayer line (Mary, 262-786-8672).          Passion in St. John, Indiana, on September 28. The Coach bus will
Please note: Parishioners’ names are           leave from St John Vianney parking lot at 7:45 AM for the day trip and
not placed in the bulletin “pray for”          return at 7 PM. $70 includes transportation and lunch. More details and
list without that individual’s                 the registration form can be found on our website at
permission.                                    parish/announcements/sjv-pilgrimage-the-shrine-of-Christ or the parish
                                               office. Registration and payments are due September 1.
·   Blessed Sacrament Chapel (BSC)
    open Mondays through Fridays from                                         As set-up for the festival occurs this
    6:30AM until 8PM                                                          week, be alert for changes in the
·   Rosary for Life in Church following                                       parking lot. The entrance off Norhardt
    7AM Mass on Mondays                        Road will be closed. By Tuesday evening, sections of the parking lot will
·   Centering Prayer, Tuesdays, 1PM, P201      be roped off for the erection of the tents. Please enter from Calhoun
·   Rosary in BSC at 6:30AM on Wednesdays      Road; parking will be available in the grass. Take-down will be
·   Friday Eucharistic Adoration in BSC        completed by the end of Monday, and operations will be back to
    from 7:30AM-4PM.                           normal. Thank you for your cooperation.

                      Congratulations to Brittany on her promotion to Communications Coordinator! Brittany
                      began her service at St. John Vianney in July 2019 when she was hired as the Parish Office/
                      Formation Assistant. She was promoted to Communications/Development Assistant in 2020
                      and continued take on increasing responsibilities in the areas of electronic bulletin, website
                      management, and social media. Brittany has done an exemplary job connecting with our
                      new parishioners, learning livestream technology, creating, and editing communications
                      content, always with a cheerful heart for service. In her new role of Communications
Coordinator, she will be responsible for managing SJV’s social media resources & digital strategy, executing the
communications plan and implementing timely delivery of parish updates and important information to
parishioners and the external community. The goal of this position is to enhance engagement of parishioners in
parish life and continue to build a positive reputation with the local community. Our thanks go out to Brittany for
her outstanding service to St. John Vianney Parish!

Note that there will be no Narthex coffee and refreshments by the SJV Men's Ministry after the 4:30 PM Saturday
Mass on Saturday, August 7 (first Saturday). Instead, please volunteer for, patronize and enjoy our wonderful SJV
Parish Festival. Mark your calendar for the next post-4:30 PM Mass "Refreshments in the Narthex" on the first
Saturday of September, the 4th, which is Labor Day weekend.
AUGUST 1 2021 - Parishes Online

Thursday   5                    Friday   6                      Saturday    7                      Sunday    8
Festival Set-Up(Parking Lot)     Festival(3 PM-11 PM)           Festival(12 PM-11 PM)              19th Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:00AM Firm Believers            7:30AM Eucharistic Adoration   Festival Raffle Tickets(Narthex)   Festival(12 PM-6 PM)
          (Church Hall)                   (Chapel)                                                 Festival Raffle Tickets(Narthex)
6:30PM St. Vincent de Paul Mtg 8:00AM Firm Believers                                               12:15PM Baptisms(Church)
                          (P200)          (Church Hall)

                                                                                           . . .St. John Vianney Parish for
                                                                                           the kind and festive
                                                                                           welcome! I thank God for the
                                                                                           honor to serve SJV and for
                                                                                           the wonderful people that I
                                                                                           have met so far. Thanks to Fr.
                                                                                           Ed and to the hiring
                                           PATRONAL             committee for entrusting me with this job and thanks to
                                          FEAST OF ST.          all those that worked on the many facets of the
                                                                reception. (The food and coffee tasted great!)
                                         JOHN VIANNEY
                                                                May our united prayers of Thanksgiving be a Joyful
                                                                Sound unto the Lord!
                                                                                                             Beth Screnock

                                                                Baptisms take place after the 11:00 AM Sunday Mass.
                                                                You must register in advance at the parish office for
  “Show me the way to Ars,                                      Baptism preparation and must be a parish member. The
 and I will show you the way                                    session must be attended before the Baptism. You are
         to Heaven.”                                            encouraged to do this prior to the birth of the child. The
                                                                next class will be held Tuesday, August 3, 7 PM, via
AUGUST 1 2021 - Parishes Online

                                                 Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to people of
                                                 good will.
                                                 We praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you, we
                                                 give you thanks for your great glory, Lord God, heavenly King, O
                                                 God, almighty Father.
                                                 Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of God,
                                                 Son of the Father, you take away the sins of the world, have
                                                 mercy on us; you take away the sins of the world, receive our
                                                 prayer; you are seated at the right hand of the Father, have
                                                 mercy on us.
                                               For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, you
        alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father. Amen.

  PART 1 OF 3
  The Gloria begins by echoing the good news sung by the angel choirs at the birth of Christ. “Glory to God in
  the highest and on earth peace to those on whom His favor rests” (Luke 2:14). The current liturgical text
  expands on this with the conclusion “and on earth peace to people of good will” to indicate a fullness of
  peace to those who live in accordance with God’s will.
  After this opening statement, the triune God is praised in a type of litany beginning with God the Father: “We
  praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you, we give you thanks for your great glory.” Note that
  five verbs are used in this sentence: “praise,” “bless,” “adore,” “glorify” and “give” (you thanks). The liturgical
  prayer is enhanced by poetic repetition of these five verbs; they combine to express the extent to which it is
  our Christian duty to give “glory to God.”
  In conclusion, the Father is given three titles (Lord, King and Father) which denote power, care and concern
  much as a father cares for his family and, in theory, as a ruler cares for his people.
  They also affirm our belief in the power God has in this world and beyond.

SJV Athletics is searching for a new Cross Country coach for our 6th–8th graders. Practices and meets are
September through early October. Meets are attended based on athlete availability. Coaches must be 18 years
or older. Contact Michelle Prudlow, if you are interested.

Scott Schmaelzle     Kendall Roehling       Sue O’Brien
Jane Molter          Shirley Sciacca        Scott Lynch
Celwynne Conell      Tom Dutton             Elizabeth
Chloe Roehling       Kathy Bell               Kretschmer
Patricia (Pat)       Bev Schnier            Dan Kretschmer
  Gutschenritter     Lucy Bartnicki         Edie Tomsyck
Robert Hromadka      Sara-Rae Remmel        Tom Kwak
Jim Humphriss        LeRoy Schmidt          Jackie Harty
Donald Pekel         Jean Siegfried         Shirley Dorsey
Mary Jane Doney      Marie Sandler
AUGUST 1 2021 - Parishes Online

            STEWARDSHIP OFFERTORY                                   HUNGRY FOR THE WORD OF GOD
                                                                                                     In the Gospel from
                Revenue Summary                                                                      John, Jesus advises
            Actual for 7/1/2021-7/24/2021                                                            us, “I am the bread
                                                                                                     of life; whoever
                       $102,037                                                                      comes to me will
                                                                                                     never hunger, and
                                                                                                     whoever believes in
                                                                                                     me will never thirst.”
                                                                                                     By calling Himself
                                                            the Bread of Life, Jesus is telling us by what He says, how
                                                            He acts, and in fact Who He is that He is the Word of
                                                            God made flesh.
                                                            God reveals to us the Word alive in the most complete
                                                            way possible, through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
                                                            We are to hear the Word and know Who Jesus is; we are
                                                            to accept that Word into our minds and hearts—into our
                                                            spirit—and we are to let that Word begin to change us.
                                                            That change is represented by knowing what God
PRINCE OF PEACE PARISH ADULT ENGLISH                        wants us to do. Today’s Holy Scriptures make that clear.
                                                            We must pray that we respond and do be good
SECOND LANGUAGE PROGRAM IS IN URGENT                        stewards of our time, talent, and treasure so that we
NEED OF YOUR HELP!                                          can do the work God wants us to do. In the Second
Prince of Peace is a community church located in            Reading, Paul reminds us that we need to undergo a
Milwaukee, Wisconsin that has a English teaching            conversion—in effect put on a new self. Our entire lives
program that helps Spanish speaking adults in low           need to be devoted to change, so that we renew
income communities learn the basics of the English          ourselves from the inside and live a stewardship way of
language.                                                   life according to God’s ways.
We are in need of 2 teaching volunteers. We need 2          Charles Spurgeon, an English minister in the 1800s once
semi-speaking Spanish volunteers for our Intermediate       wrote, “Conversion is a turning onto the right road. The
classes; one volunteer for Tuesday evening classes          next thing to do is to walk on it.” That is our trial. Once
starting August 24 at 6:00 PM-7:30 PM and the other         we experience conversion, we must follow through by
volunteer for our Saturday classes which start August 28    doing what the Lord wishes us to do.
at 11:30 AM-1:00 PM . If you can help out, we would         Many of the same people who were “fed” at the
gladly appreciate it. Please contact Alejandra Barajas      miracle of feeding the multitude sought Jesus out. They or call 414-331-3010.         were still hungry, but not for food as we know it, but for
                                                            the Word of God—and Jesus knows that. The Lord says,
                                                            “Amen, amen, I say to you, you are looking for me not
                                                            because you saw signs, but because you ate the loaves
                                                            and were filled. Do not work for food that perishes but
                                                            for the food that endures for eternal life.” In other words,
                                                            for the “Bread of Life.”
                                                            When Jesus calls Himself the “Bread of Life,” He is
                                                            indicating that He wants us to lift our minds, thoughts
                                                            and hearts from earthly existence and to spiritual
                                                            realities. Each of us needs to put our confidence in the
Through your financial support of our parish, you pass
                                                            Lord—not in material things. If we accept the Lord and
on the faith to our children, share in the joy of
                                                            believe and trust in Him, we, too, can satisfy our spiritual
weddings and baptisms, comfort the sick, console the
grieving, and support others in need. Financial giving is
one way for each of us to grow in holiness. With online
or mobile app giving, you won’t need to write checks
and prepare envelopes. Recurring gifts provide more
consistency in revenues, which helps St. John Vianney
                                                            Angela Bravata,
financials remain stable and predictable. Start online
                                                            Director of Stewardship & Communications
giving today at

                     Hi everyone! My name is Samantha Gibson, and I am so excited to join the SJV music team
                     as the K-8 General Music Teacher! I received my undergraduate degree in Choral and
                     General Music Education from Lawrence University in January 2021. During my time at
                     Lawrence, I was immersed in many musical opportunities such as instrumental ensembles,
                     choir, musicals and opera performances. After Lawrence, I student taught general music in
                     the Appleton area and choral music at Oshkosh North High School. After student teaching, I
                     became a long-term substitute in the Franklin High School choir department. My musical
                     opportunities provided me with a strong foundation and a deep passion for teaching music
                     to all students.
                      I am originally from Muskego, WI where I grew up with my Mom, Dad, sister and two brothers.
We recently added a furry member to our family this March: his name is Simon, and he is a Bernedoodle puppy!
Some of my hobbies include being outdoors (swimming and hiking), traveling, cooking and baking, cheering on
our Wisconsin sports teams, attending music events, and spending time with family and friends.
As a practicing Catholic, I am extremely excited to join the community at St. John Vianney! I believe there is no
better way to share the love of God than through music. I cannot wait to meet the community at SJV, and I look
forward to beginning my teaching adventure with amazing students and staff!

My name is Olivia Pszeniczny, and I will be the new Middle School Science teacher at
St John Vianney School. I graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison,
majoring in Biology, Zoology, and Biological Aspects of Conservation. I am licensed
to teach students aged 10-21 in Biology, Chemistry, and Broadfield Science; I will be
entering my fourth year of full-time teaching this fall.
My teaching experience includes time in both Catholic and public schools, and I
attended a wonderful Catholic school for grades 1-8. I am so excited to return to
Catholic education; it is such a special atmosphere for students and teachers alike.
There is nothing like the community of parents, parishioners, students and teachers
who support one another in this environment; being able to express my faith in my
workplace is another great aspect of teaching in a Catholic school.
My goal as a teacher is to unite the Catholic faith with the world of Science;
coexistence is possible when you consider God’s role in creating the wonders of our
In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my family, being outdoors, and traveling;
the fantasy genre is my favorite, and I consider myself a big ‘nerd.’ Music always plays an important part in my
Brookfield will be my home. I am very much looking forward to being a teacher at St John Vianney and am
appreciative to have the opportunity to do so. I am excited to meet all of you!

                                                                                MY SJV FAMILY
                                                                                The Prudlow Family…Kevin, Michelle,
                                                                                Hannah (20), Andrew (17), Elizabeth
                                                                                (13), Michael (10) & Teddy, our 6
                                                                                year old poodle (not pictured). Fr. Ed
                                                                                is always welcome as part of our
                                                                                family, as is Fr. Alex☺ This picture was
                                                                                taken at Andrew’s Confirmation on
                                                                                May 16.
                                                                              We love being a part of SJV
                                                                              because here, we feel like we are a
                                                                              part of something that challenges us
                                                                              to be better people. We are
                                                                              continually renewed in our faith in all
                                                                              we see and do. SJV fosters our faith,
                                                                              love, hope, and prayer life. There is
                                                                              something here for each of us…
                                                                              Hannah is a cantor when she is
                                                                              available and home from college,
 Andrew is a Media Minister and server, Elizabeth is a server, and she and Michael volunteered at VBS. Kevin and
 Michelle are Confirmation Catechists and serve on the Faith Formation Committee. Michelle also serves as Chair
 of the Athletic Committee.
 Our family joined the SJV community over 20 years ago. We joined because we wanted to offer our children a
 Catholic education in a well rooted faith community. We stay because we have become more and more
 deeply rooted in our faith as a result of all the wonderful things SJV has to offer, especially the Eucharist. We have
 become friends with those who are now like family. This community has helped us to raise our children and foster
 our marriage with God at our center.
 Some of our favorite faithful podcasts/videos are from the Formed website. We also love Fr. Mike Schmitz videos
 on Ascension Press. We, along with Tim & Liz Prudlow, lead small group sessions during Lent with various podcasts/
 videos followed by discussion on the topic presented in the podcast/video. It was a great way to grow our faith
 with other parishioners, while developing new friendships! Watch for upcoming session in the fall!
 Favorite Bible verses that we share as a family are Philippians (4:13) “I can do all things through Christ who
 strengthens me”, and Joshua (24:14) “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”
 Our goal is to make a positive difference everyday. Thanks SJV for supporting so many wonderful missions!

You are invited to join a centering
prayer group. Centering prayer is a
simple method of meditative prayer
influenced by Thomas Merton. The
prayer develops the awareness of the
presence of God within you and
within your daily activities. The group
meets Tuesdays from 1:00 to 2:30 PM
in the Parish Center, Room P201. For
more information, contact Marianne
Kazmier 262-782-5586 or e-mail
• Estate                                                                                                                        Drs. Donald and
                                  Planning                                                                                  BROOKFIELD                         Cathleen Czaplicki
                                • Probate                                                                          Sunday - Thursday 6:00am - 10:00pm            Dentists • Parish Members
                                • Real Estate
                                                                                                                   Friday & Saturday 6:00am - 11:00pm
            Stephen Schmidt                                                                        18025 W. Capitol Dr. (262)783-4501 • Fax (262)783-6371           COMPLETE FAMILY DENTISTRY             Dr. Brian Resop, Parish Member
           Parish Member                                                                                     OCONOMOWOC DEPOT                               TMJ TREATMENT • ORTHODONTICS • COSMETICS        17600 West Capitol Drive
                                                                                                         Monday - Sunday 6:00am - 11:00pm
   Offices located in Brookfield                                                                                                                              6191 S. 108 St., Hales Corners
                                                                                                   115 E. Collins St. (262)569-0072 • Fax (262)569-0036                                                         262-786-4119
          Phone: (262) 814-0080                                                                    RESTAURANT & BAKERY • COCKTAIL LOUNGE • BANQUET ROOMS    414-427-9090

Affeldt Law Offices, S.C.                                DONOVAN &                                 We help real estate investors
    Nathan W. Eckley                                   JORGENSON, INC.                                                                                                                                               Joseph Czukas
                                                                                                   invest in passive assets and                                                                                    Independent Financial Planner
Estate Planning, Probate, Trusts, Real Estate           HEATING & COOLING
                                                                                                   defer tax. If you are planning
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Parish Member
8741 W. National Ave., West Allis, WI 53227                Efficient Furnaces - Boilers                                                                                                                           Securities and Advisory Services Offered
      Tel. 414-321-4560                                          Air Conditioning                                                                                                                                   Through Harbour Investments, Inc.
Email                     16935 W. Greenfield    262-784-6440         on selling your investment                                                                               

                                 ROMAN ELECTRIC                                                    property, let’s talk.                                                                                St. Vincent de Paul Society
                                     Plumbing, Heating & Cooling                                                                                                                                       Calling men and women to grow
                                                                                                                                                             BRANDON BRUCKMAN                          in holiness by person-to-person
                                           Residential Work                                                                                                                                               contact with those in need.
                                    Barry Dickinson, Parish Member                                                                                                  (414) 322-3237                        For help or to join call 262-796-3940
                               640 S. 70th St.                          414-471-8565                                                                                       For donation pick-up call 262-569-0763

                                                                                                                                                                         Lic No #249363
                                                                                                                                                                                             Complete Plumbing Solutions

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                                                                                                                                                                     Contact Jeff Tkachuk to place an
                                                                                                                                                                      ad today!
                                                       Proud Service provider to SJV                                                                                     or (800) 950-9952 x2513
The Finest Quality Masonry in Southeastern Wisconsin
      Proud Service Provider to SJV                         262-521-2211
262-224-2554 •            

    THE ORTHOPEDIC INSTITUTE OF WISCONSIN                                                                                                                                                                            HARDER
    Practice Limited to Orthopedic Surgery, Sports Medicine, Joint Replacement, and Trauma
                                                                                                                                                                                                            FUNERAL SERVICE
                            *Christopher J. Evanich, M.D.   Steven R. Trinkl, M.D.                                                                                                                                    Eric C. Harder
                              *Brian A. McCarty, M.D.     William T. Pennington, M.D.                                                                                                                    Providing the exceptional service and
                                Bindu S. Bamrah, M.D.       Jamie O. Edwards, M.D.                                                                                                                      facilities families have come to expect.
                               Jeffrey J. Butler, M.D.    Thomas J. Perlewitz, M.D.
                                James W. Stone, M.D.           Eric B. Pifel, M.D.                                                                                                                        18700 W. Capitol Dr.               781-8350
                             Daniel W. Guehlstorf, M.D.   Joshua M. Neubauer, M.D.
                                 David R. Ross, M.D.       Gonzalo Barinaga, M.D.
                                Thomas J. Parisi, M.D.        Amin H. Afsari, D.O.
                                Jonathan Stone, M.D.
 Christopher J. Evanich M.D.             Office Location:
                                3077 N Mayfair Road, Suite 100                                                                                                                                            WELDING PARTS, CONTRACT MACHINING
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             AND RESPONSIVENESS
   FOR ALL APPOINTMENTS CALL: (414) 384-6700 • Fax: (414) 727-1058                                                                                                                                     Parish Members • 414-421-8890

                                                                                                             Ground Crew Service                                                                        One Client. One Trainer. One Goal.™
                                                                                                             Full Service Landscape Management

                                                                                                           262.821.9680                                                                                    Brookfield | 18000 W Bluemound Rd.

                                                                                                                                                             More than a roofer, a roofing resource.
                                                                                                                                                              COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL
                                                                                                                                                              Proud Service Provider to SJV
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Plumbing - Heating - Air Conditioning - Sewer Construction
                                                                                                                 262-786-8440                               W226 N825 Eastmound Drive                              262-251-2630
                                                                                                   Darryl D. Stich, D.D.S.     Dr. Emily Schuster DDS        Waukesha • 262 521-1112                   W143 N9358 Henry Stark Rd., Menomonee Falls
                                                                                                   13965 W. BURLEIGH RD. SUITE 200 • BROOKFIELD, WI                          MP 246187

			                                                               For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 •		                                                  St. John Vianney, Brookfield, WI                                    C 4C 01-0957
Schmidt & Bartelt                     When It Comes to Water One Call Does It All!                                               Metropolitan Urology Group
                                           Funeral & Cremation Service           S&K PUMP & PLUMBING, INC.                                                                    Innovative, State of the Art Urologic
                                                                                                                                                                                Treatment for the Entire Family
                                            “Providing Affordable Services
                                                                                 24 HOUR SERVICE • PHONE: (262) 782-7190
                                               at Your Churchor or Any
                                                One of Our Locations.”           20880 W. Enterprise Ave., Brookfield, WI 53045
                                                                                                                                              • Better Food                 Christopher J. Walsh, M.D.

                                         10121 W. North Ave. (414) 774-5010 •                           • Better Service                    Parish Member

                                                                                                                                              • Better Value                W. Patrick Flanangan, M.D.
                                                                                                                                                                                Arman Cicic, D.O.
                                                                                                                                        Open Daily 7:00am - 9:00pm
                                                                                                                                       18985 W. Capitol Drive, Brookfield                 MAYFAIR
                                                                                                                                              (262) 781-8200                     2600 N. Mayfair Rd., Suite 545
                                          COMMERCIAL / INDUSTRIAL / HVAC
                                                                                 Live Healthier, Happier and Stay Socially Connected                                                    Wauwatosa, WI
                                         21625 Doral Road Waukesha, WI 53186                                                   
                                           p. 262-650-0770 f. 262-650-0880                                                                                                          414-476-0430
                                                414.355.9300                                            Proud Parish Supporter       

                                                                         Becker Ritter
                                                                   Funeral Home & Cremation Services
                                                                        Tower Chapel & Dining Facility

                                                                                                                                                        Church and Chapel
                                                                                                                                                          Ritter - Larsen Bros.
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                                                                                                                                                   Family Owned & Operated by the Larsen Family
                                                                                   You’ll See Insurance Differently with        .


                                                                                     Riley Enright              Frank Maurer

                                                                                     Mike Obertin               Brian Bean

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                                                                                                                                       10701 W. Lincoln Ave.                       (414) 545-9090
                                                                                                                                       West Allis, WI         


                  Andrea Knopp
                  Text or Call: 414.587.1775
                        Full-Service Flat Fee Real Estate Services
Save about 50% or more on Commission • List for $2,500 plus 2.4% of Sale Price

MOVING? Overwhelmed? Call Segues.                                                                                                             Contact Jeff Tkachuk to place an
The Easier Way to Downsize, Move & Settle In.                                                                                                  ad today!
SEGUES (sĕg-wāys) Helps Seniors & Boomers Relocate &
                                                                                                                                                  or (800) 950-9952 x2513
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                                                                                                                                                                                                   • Onsite Goldsmiths
                                                                                                            JAMES P. RUSSELL, M.D. - Parishioner                             14545 W. Capitol Dr., Brookfield
Segues        Senior Move Specialists                                                     262-754-4488 •                                        262-373-0614

			                                                 For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 •		                                         St. John Vianney, Brookfield, WI                      B 4C 01-0957
CHIP MARTIN                                                                                                                                        DAVID S. BOMHACK, Agent
                                 Your REALTOR®                                                                                                                     
                         Parish Member Since 1976                                                                                                                                    21150 W. Capitol Dr.
                                                                                                                                                                                     Brookfield, WI              Parish Members Dr. Laura Russell DDS,
                                                                                                                  Providing commercial cleaning services to schools,
                            FIRST WEBER Inc.                                                                     churches, office buildings, & clinics for over 50 years.            Phone 781-2700
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Dr. Karla Schmidt DDS, Dr. Ann Marie Hoyme DDS
                  17345 W. Bluemound Road, Brookfield, WI 53045
                                                                                                                 New Berlin, WI • 262-785-1126
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     8726 W. North Ave, Wauwatosa
                                               262-957-6352                                                                                            Parishioner

                                                        Elm Grove’s 8th Annual Car and Motorcycle Show
                                                    Cruisin’           the       Grove
                                                     Presented by the Golden “K” Kiwanis Club

                   Gregory C. Riener
                      Agent/Parishioner               Sunday, August 1st 10:00 - 2:00PM
                   12465 Burleigh Road
                                                                  Chris Novak                                                                                                                                    Furnaces • Boilers • A/Cs
                   Brookfield, WI 53005                                   Realtor                                                                                                                                Service & Replacements
                                                                    262-894-5412 Cell                                                                                                                         Residential & Light Commercial
                                                                   262-780-5500 Office                                                                                                                      Preventative Maintenance Programs
       Direct (262) 432-0665                         
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Todd & Kim Prudlow, Owners
        Cell (414) 708-3523                    
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Parish Members
                                                   20350 Watertower Blvd., Brookfield, WI 53045
                                                   Humbly serving families real estate needs for over 18 years                                                                                                           262-309-6498
AUTO | HOME | LIFE | HEALTH | BUSINESS                        Operated by a subsidiary of NRT, LLC                                                                                                

                                                                                                                                                                                                             “Elevate Your Quality of Life”
                   Molly C. Lavin
                   Attorney at Law / Parishioner
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Builder of distinctive
                   N14 W23755 Stone Ridge Drive
                   Suite 100, Waukesha, WI 53188                                                                                                                                                                custom homes and
 262.523.4700 • Fax 262.523.4545 • 800.559.5599                                                                                                                                                                remodeling projects
E-mail: •

                                                                                                                                                                                                               (262) 370-7121
                      STYLING YOU THROUGH...
   17345 W. Capitol Dr. #17 • Brookfield, WI
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Steve Gosenheimer
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Owner, Parish Member
262-782-5566 |                                   262-782-1377
          Toddler to Older Adults                  16715 W. Dakota St. • New Berlin, WI 53151                                                                                                         

                                                              Contact Jeff Tkachuk to place an ad today!
                                                    or (800) 950-9952 x2513

      It Starts With A Little
  To Volunteer or Donate call:                     KEYSTONE PHYSICAL THERAPY
          (414) 258-4778                                        262-790-5775                           17045 W Capitol Dr • Brookfield, WI                           15280 W. Bluemound Rd • Elm Grove

			                                                                For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 •		                                                             St. John Vianney, Brookfield, WI                    A 4C 01-0957
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