ATHS Convention & Truck Show - Exhibitor Packet GRAND SIERRA RESORT - American Truck Historical

Page created by Sam Rogers
ATHS Convention & Truck Show - Exhibitor Packet GRAND SIERRA RESORT - American Truck Historical
G R A N D   S I E R R A   R E S O R T

ATHS Convention & Truck Show
        Exhibitor Packet
ATHS Convention & Truck Show - Exhibitor Packet GRAND SIERRA RESORT - American Truck Historical
We are excited to bring the Worlds Largest Antique truck show
                                                                     Why exhibit at the
to Reno, NV May 31-June 2, 2019. More than 9,000 people        2019 ATHS Convention &
and 1,000 trucks will descend on the Grand Sierra Resort in a Truck Show?
celebration of historical trucks and the trucking industry and • Reach approximately 9,000 truck
we want YOU to join us. Don’t miss this unique opportunity       enthusiasts including truck fleet
to get your business in front of this highly focused and         owners and trucking company
specialized audience.                                            owners.
                                                                     •   Exposure to more than 1,000 ATHS
                                                                         members who are restoring or will
Who exhibits at ATHS?                                                    restore an antique truck or trucks
•   Original Equipment            •   Truck/transportation/antique   •   ATHS members are passionate
    Manufacturers                     vehicle associations               about the preservation of trucks and
•   Truck Dealerships             •   Tool companies                     trucking history
•   Aftermarket parts suppliers   •   Refinishing companies           •   Access to a unique and targeted
•   Chrome shops                  •   Paint shops                        market of trucking enthusiasts
•   Polish and finish suppliers    •   Tire companies                 •   National & international exposure for
•   Truck model companies                                                your brand and company
                                                                     •   Attendees from across the US,
                                                                         Canada, Europe and Australia
ATHS Convention & Truck Show - Exhibitor Packet GRAND SIERRA RESORT - American Truck Historical
Past Exhibitors
10-4 Magazine                      Inland Truck Parts and Service   Real Time Pain Relief
Allied Oil & Tire Company          Iowa 80 Group, Inc.              Renewal by Anderson
Alumi-Tank                         Iowa Motor Truck Association     Rockwood Products/Chrome
American Trucking Association      Jeff's Collectibles               Elegance
AMSOIL                             Jemsal, Inc.                     Ruan Transportation
Area Diesel Service                Jim Carter Truck Parts           Rush Truck Centers
Arrow Truck Sales                  Jim Fisher/The Truck Striper     Saborosch Sculpture
Bathfitter                          JR's Freight Services, Inc       Salem Tools & Equipment
Benchmark Prints                   Jupiter LED Lighting             Schott Parts
Big Rig Polishing Supplies         KBS Coatings Sales NE            Schultz Lab/White Diamond Detail
Big Rig Tees                       Ken & June's Hazelnuts             Products
Big Strappers Apparel, LLC         Large Car Magazine               Showstopper Wax
Brake Brothers Jerky               Left Coast Truck Parts           Sigona Toys
Brattain International Trucks      Loggers World/Log Trucker        Sioux City Camera Club
Buffalo Imports                     Manistee Trading Company         Smith Miller Inc./Smitty Toys
California Custom Products         Mary Kay                         Stay Loaded Apparel
Centramatic                        May Trucking                     Sunrise Bedding
Chem-pak Solutions                 McCoy Freightliner               Tech-Bond Solutions
Cherokee Truck Tires               Mercer Transportation            Terry Parker
Chrome Shop Mafia/4 State Trucks    MHC Kenworth                     Texas Trucking Show
Circuit Master CB                  Midwest Peterbilt Group          The Fruehauf Trailer Historical
Cloverdale Toy Trucks              Mini Chrome Shop                 Society
Corbitt Preservation Association   Minnesota Pneumatic Products     Thirty-One Bags & Gifts
Courtland Truck Works              Montana Toys                     Tillamook County Smoker
Cruise Planners                    Old Motor Truck                  Timco Vintage Toys
Cummins Inc.                       Olson Gaskets                    Toy Truck City
Diecast Direct                     O'Neill Products                 Toy Trucks and More
Diesel Injection Service           OOIDA                            Trouble Free Lighting
Schott Parts & Accessories         Oregon Trucking Association      Truck Miniatures
EROAD                              Outlaw Garage Kustoms            Tuning Element
Ertel Publishing/Vintage Truck     Overman Cushion Tire             Tupperware
Magazine                           Papa John's Food Service         Usborne Books and More
Exit 164                           PAPE Kenworth                    Usher Transport
F.D. Thomas                        Permco                           Valley Pressure Washing
Galloway Enterprises               Photo Card Specialists           Vander Haag's Inc
Gene Pasini, Truck Artist          Popcorn Fetti                    Vero Chiropractic
Grouchy's Neon                     Quality Craft Tools              Wilcox & Flegel
Hagerty Insurance                  R&L Works                        Women in Trucking
Hammerlane Apparel                 Radiator Supply House
Harrison Truck Centers             Raney's Chrome
Heavy Truck Parts                  Rayne Transportation/Landstar
ATHS Convention & Truck Show - Exhibitor Packet GRAND SIERRA RESORT - American Truck Historical
Floor Plans

              Summit Pavilion
ATHS Convention & Truck Show - Exhibitor Packet GRAND SIERRA RESORT - American Truck Historical
Nevada Conference Center
ATHS Convention & Truck Show - Exhibitor Packet GRAND SIERRA RESORT - American Truck Historical
Exhibit Booths
The exhibit halls at the Grand Sierra Resort are carpeted. Each      Indoor
booth will come with:                                                10x10 booth $500
•       10’ pipe and drape backdrop and 3’ pipe and drape dividers   10x20 booth $900
•       1 8’ table                                                   10x30 booth $1400
•       2 chairs
•       11x17 ID sign
•       2 exhibitor passes
                                                                     Swap Meet Area $125
Additional furniture, carpet, drape & shipping will be available
                                                                     Tractor Trailer $1000
through GES, our exhibit services company. A separate exhibitor
kit will be available after purchase of your booth(s).
Key Dates                              Exhibit Hall Hours
Friday, April 19                       Wednesday 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. – Exhibitor Move-in
Exhibitor Registration Deadline        Thursday 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. – Exhibitor Move-in
Wednesday, May 29 & Thursday, May 30   Friday 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Exhibitor Move-in                      Saturday 8 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Friday, May 31 – Sunday, June 2        Sunday 8 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Exhibits open                          Sunday 12 p.m. – 8 p.m. – Exhibitor Move-out
Sunday, June 2
Exhibitor Move-out
Sponsorship Opportunities
Class 5 $2500                                                        Class 8 $15,000
•   Copy of Showtime                                                 •   Copy of Showtime
•   2 tickets to the ATHS Awards Banquet & 2 additional discounted   •   8 tickets to the ATHS Awards Banquet & 8 additional discounted
    tickets available for purchase                                       tickets available for purchase
•   5% discount on advertising in Wheels of Time and on     •   Recognition at the ATHS Awards Banquet as a Platinum Sponsor
•   Advertisement on the ATHS Facebook page                          •   12% discount on advertising in Wheels of Time and on
•   Small corporate logo on Convention material                      •   Company logo & URL featured in Wheels of Time
•   ¼ page ad in Truck Show Program, Showtime and two issues of      •   Advertisement on the ATHS Facebook page
    Wheels of Time                                                   •   Medium corporate logo on Convention material & on
•   Insert of choice in truckers goodie bag                          •   Company name listed in Wheels of Time as a contributor to ATHS
•   Small logo on Sponsor Banner at show                             •   1/2 page ad in Truck Show Program, Showtime and two issues of
•   25% discount on exhibitor booth                                      Wheels of Time
•   2 Convention Registrations                                       •   Insert of choice in truckers goodie bag
                                                                     •   Medium logo on Sponsor Banner at show
Class 6 $5000                                                        •   10x10 exhibitor booth
•   Copy of Showtime                                                 •   6 additional Convention registrations
•   4 tickets to the ATHS Awards Banquet & 4 additional discounted
    tickets available for purchase                                   Class 9 $20,000
•   7% discount on advertising in Wheels of Time & on       •   Copy of Showtime
•   Advertisement on the ATHS Facebook page                          •   10 tickets to the ATHS Awards Banquet & 10 additional discount-
•   Small corporate logo on Convention material & on            ed tickets available for purchase
•   Company name listed in Wheels of Time as a contributor to ATHS   •   Recognition at the ATHS Awards Banquet as a Diamond Sponsor
•   ¼ page ad in Truck Show Program, Showtime and two issues of      •   15% discount on advertising in Wheels of Time and on
    Wheels of Time                                                   •   Company logo & URL featured in Wheels of Time
•   Insert of choice in truckers goodie bag                          •   Advertisement on the ATHS Facebook page
•   Small logo on Sponsor Banner at show                             •   Presenting corporate logo on ATHS Convention material
•   30% discount on exhibitor booth                                  •   Rotating banner ad on
•   2 Convention Registrations                                       •   Company name listed in Wheels of Time as a contributor to ATHS
                                                                     •   Full page ad in Truck Show Program, Showtime and two issues of
Class 7 $10,000                                                          Wheels of Time
•   Copy of Showtime                                                 •   Insert of choice in truckers goodie bag
•   6 tickets to the ATHS Awards Banquet & 6 additional discounted   •   Presenting logo on Sponsor Banner at show
    tickets available for purchase                                   •   10x10 exhibitor booth
•   Recognition at the ATHS Awards Banquet as a Gold Sponsor         •   8 additional Convention registrations
•   10% discount on advertising in Wheels of Time and on
•   Company logo & URL featured in Wheels of Time
•   Advertisement on the ATHS Facebook page
•   Medium corporate logo on Convention material & on
•   Company name listed in Wheels of Time as a contributor to ATHS
•   1/2 page ad in Truck Show Program, Showtime and two issues of
    Wheels of Time
•   Insert of choice in truckers goodie bag
•   Medium logo on Sponsor Banner at show
•   10x10 exhibitor booth
•   4 additional Convention registrations
Lanyard Sponsor $1,000
Your logo on the Convention lanyards.

Key Card Sponsor $1,000
Your logo on the hotel room key cards at the Grand
Sierra Resort

Escalator Clings $1,000
Your choice of two color logo and print on clings placed
on the escalators leading from the upper floor exhibit
space to the lower floor exhibit space at the Grand
Sierra Resort

Speakers Sponsor $500
Be the presenting sponsor for our speaker program.
Name listed as sponsor on all printed material
referencing the speakers and acknowledgement at the
beginning of each speaker session.

Opening Reception Sponsor $2500
Sponsor the Opening Reception of the show. Logo on
material in reference to the reception as well as logo
placement around the room of the reception.

Awards Dinner $5000 (exclusive)
Be the exclusive sponsor of the ATHS Awards
Dinner. Prominent logo at the dinner and during
the presentations as well as on all printed material
referencing the dinner.

Auction $1000
Sponsor the ATHS auction featuring antique trucks and
trucking memorabilia. Prominent logo at the auction,
recognition from auctioneer and name and/or logo on
all printed material referencing the auction.

Refueling Station Sponsor $2500
Sponsor our refueling station for our spectators.
Prominent logo sign on tents used on show grounds for
shade, shelter and water refreshment.
Rules & Regulations
By applying for exhibit space, your company agrees to comply with all rules and regulations outlined below, and further
agrees to abide by the decision of ATHS’ exhibit management with respect to interpretation of these rules.
All representatives attending the convention/truck show are aware of and adhere to these rules.
Full payment of exhibit fees or sponsorship is required with this contract. Please make checks payable to: American Truck
Historical Society, and send to PO BOX 901611, Kansas City, Missouri, 64190-1611.
See registration form for exhibitor badges and exhibit registration information. Each additional exhibitor badge is $25.
Booths will be assigned by exhibit management, who reserves the right to transfer assignments when such action is
deemed to be in the best interest of the total exhibit effort. Every effort will be made to respect the exhibitors’ space choices
whenever possible, but the exhibit management’s decision shall be final.
Exhibit management reserves the right to determine the eligibility of any company or product for inclusion in the
If exhibit space is canceled before Friday, April 12, 2019 50% of the exhibit fee will be held as a cancellation fee. If the
exhibit space is canceled after Friday, April 12, 2019, the exhibitor will be charged the entire exhibit fee inclusive of add-
ons. All company logos must be received no later than Friday, April 12, 2019, to be included in the on-site program flier.
Security will be provided on a 24-hour basis by exhibit management during the show, beginning on the day of setup until
tear down. However, each exhibitor should make provisions to safeguard his/her goods from the time they are placed in
the booth until the time they are removed. ATHS will not be responsible for loss or damage due to any cause. All exhibitors
must wear the official exhibitor’s name badge for admission to, and while in, the exhibit hall.
No exhibitor shall have the right, prior to closing of the exhibition, to pack or remove articles in exhibit without written
permission from exhibit management.
Exhibitors agree not to assign or sublet any space allotted to them without written consent of exhibit management, nor to
display or advertise goods other than those manufactured or carried by them in the regular course of business. Items not
intended for family viewing are not allowed.
All pertinent fire codes, laws, ordinances and regulations pertaining to health, fire prevention and public safety shall be
strictly obeyed. All merchandise, chairs and other equipment must remain within the marked boundaries of the booth.
AGREEMENT: By signing this registration form, the exhibitor agrees to fully and finally, release and hold harmless both
ATHS, its agents, and employees, and the Landlord of the venue, and its agents and employees, from any and all liability
for all claims of every nature and kinds whatsoever, including death, personal injury, loss, theft or damages to personal
property, whether or not caused by ATHS or Landlord’s own negligence of their agents and employees.
Sponsor/Exhibitor Registration Form
Contact Information

______________________________________________________                    ____________________________________________________
Company Name                                                              Primary Contact Name

______________________________________________________                    ____________________________________________________
Mailing Adress                                                            Business Telephone

______________________________________________________                    ____________________________________________________
City/State/Zip Code                                                       Onsite Contact Number (prefer cellphone)

______________________________________________________                    ____________________________________________________
Website                                                                   Email

Exhibitor/Sponsor Information
Exhibit Type (Check all that apply)               □   Industry Associaitons/Organizations           □   Posters/Prints/Photos
□ Apparel                                         □   Jewelry                                       □   Tools
□ Books/Magazines/Publicaitons                    □   Manufacturer                                  □   Truck Accessories
□ Business Services                               □   Model Trucks                                  □   Other: _________________________
□ Craft Items                                     □    Packaged Goods                                   (Specify)
□ Detailing Products                              □    Packaged Food

Booth Size
□ 10x10 Standard Booth $500                       □ Other Size in multiples of 10x10                □ Outdoor Tractor Trailer/RV Spot $1000
□ 10x20 Standard Booth $900                         $4 per sq. ft.                                  □ Outdoor Swap & Shop $125
□ 10x30 Standard Booth $1400                        Size requested: ______________

Booth Location
Please indicate the room and booth numbers in order of preference:

1st choice _______________________ 2nd Choice ____________________________ 3rd Choice ______________________________

Booths will be assigned on a first come, first placed basis. If none of your three choices are not available a staff member will contact you with options.
□ Class 5 $2500                                   □   Laynards $1,000                               □ Awards Dinner $5000
□ Class 6 $5000                                   □   Key Cards $ 1000                              □ Auction $1000
□ Class 7 $10,000                                 □   Escalator Clings $1000                        □ Refueling Stations $2500
□ Class 8 $15,000                                 □   Speakers $500
□ Class 9 $20,000                                 □   Opening Reception $2500

Raffle/Auction Donation
□ My Company wishes to donate a product or service to this year's raffle/auction.

Item(s) donating: ______________________________________________________________________________
An ATHS staff member will contact you for more information.
Exhibitor Name Badges
All booths come with two exhibitor badges. Additional exhibit staff badges are $25 per person.

_____ Additional Exhibitor Badges

Names for ALL Exhibitor Badges (Please Print)

______________________________________                                  ______________________________________

______________________________________                                  ______________________________________

______________________________________                                  ______________________________________
We hereby apply for sponsorship and/or vendor space and the 2019 ATHS Convention & Truck Show. We understand that this registration is
subject to the terms and conditions set forth by ATHS for the 2019 ATHS Convention & Truck Show. By signing this form, the signing orga-
nization authorizes ATHS to use any photographs and/or video recordings of its company from the 2019 Convention & Truck Show. Registra-
tion will not be accepted without signature and payment.

____________________________________________                             _________________________________
Signature                                                                       Date

Total to be paid                                             Payment Information
$ _________ Booth Cost                                       □ Check # ___________              □ Credit Card
$ _________ Sponsorship                                      Card Number _________________________________________
$ _________ Additional Badges                                Exp. Date ______________ CVV _________
$ _________ Total                                            Name on Card ________________________________________
                                                             Billing Address: □ Same as Contact Information

Submit Form & Payment to:                                    ____________________________________________________
ATHS                                                         Billing Address
Attn: Cheryl Kober
10380 N. Ambassador Dr.
Kansas City, MO 64153                                        City/ST/Zip
Fax: 816-891-9903
               Additional furniture, carpet, drape & shipping will be available through GES, our exhibit services company. A
                                   separate exhibitor kit will be available after purchase of your booth(s).

                        All Registrations are due Friday, April 19, 2019
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